How to make strawberry juice for the winter. Strawberry juice

Required: 1 kg strawberries, 300 g sugar.


To prepare juice, select ripe berries, sort them, remove stems and rinse cold water. Then let the water drain a little. Place a wooden grate in a high tank and pour 8-10 cm of water into the bottom.

Place an enamel or stainless steel pan on the grill to prepare the juice. Cover the tank with a two-layer cloth and tie it with rope. Then pour the berries and sugar onto the canvas, cover everything with foil or parchment paper. Close the tank tightly with the lid. Tie the ends of the fabric over the lid to prevent them from catching fire. Boil the water in the tank for almost an hour over moderate heat. At this time, juice is collected in the pan.

In the meantime, prepare containers for storing juice - boil wood corks and bottles. Immediately after an hour, pour the juice from the pan into the prepared bottles and plug them with stoppers. Then turn them upside down and cover with a cloth to cool slowly. As soon as the juice has cooled, cut off the corks at the level of the edge of the bottle neck and pour paraffin. Store strawberry juice bottles horizontally.

– the most important summer berry for Slavic culinary tradition. The product is rich in vitamins and minerals, which is so necessary to stock up on for the winter. Strawberry juice Most often drunk as an independent drink. IN complex recipes the ingredient is practically not used, and the culinary potential of the juice is limited to alcoholic drinks, mousses, ice cream and jellies.

What do you need to know about the product, how to prepare the drink at home and where, besides the kitchen, can you use strawberry juice?

What are the benefits of strawberry juice?

Liquid food is important for the human body. It is absorbed much faster and easier, saturating the body with vitamins/minerals. Moreover, juices are an excellent appetite regulator. We can drink 500 milliliters of juice, fill our stomach and forget about hunger for several hours. Concentrated herbal drinks strengthen the immune system, accumulate internal energy and affect microflora. The liquid improves the external condition - evens out the tone and literally makes the face glow, strengthens the nails, stimulates the hair follicles. Frequent use liquid food provides “rest” to the digestive system, aggravates sensitivity taste buds and sense of smell.

Important: despite the benefits of juices, you cannot base your diet on them alone. The daily menu should include both liquid and solid food to maintain balance, internal harmony and productivity of the body.

Strawberry juice helps fight chronic fatigue and absent-mindedness due to its anti-inflammatory activity. A lethargic state occurs due to internal inflammation and oxidative processes that occur at the cellular level. Scientists have confirmed that strawberries fight free radicals and improve cognitive function and memory.

The main advantage of strawberry juice is its high content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). This is a powerful antioxidant whose main function is the production of collagen. Collagen is a specific substance that makes our skin elastic, smooth and radiant. Moreover, ascorbic acid protects the cells of the hair follicles and those located nearby blood vessels. The more vitamin C in the diet, the higher the quality of the skin. The nutrient smoothes out wrinkles, reduces their appearance, promotes rapid regeneration of wounds/damages and additionally protects against aggressive sun rays.

Important: ascorbic acid is destroyed when exposed to high temperatures. This is why strawberry juice is best drunk in fresh or after minimal heat treatment.

Strawberry juice affects not only the skin, but also the teeth. This ingredient is most often used for home whitening. Berry juice is combined with baking soda, and the prepared liquid is rinsed with the teeth 2 times a week until the desired result is obtained. Baking soda creates a special alkaline environment that prevents the growth and spread of pathogenic microflora. Ascorbic and malic acids from strawberries are responsible for removing plaque and staining the surface of teeth.

Possible harm and contraindications

Strawberries are a strong allergen in which plant acids are concentrated. Among the contraindications to eating berries:

  • individual intolerance to the product or predisposition to allergic reactions;
  • gastritis;
  • caries and inflammatory processes in oral cavity;
  • pathology genitourinary system in the acute stage;
  • joint diseases;
  • use of medications that regulate arterial pressure(strawberries cannot be combined with these medications in order to avoid side effects and excessive stress on the kidneys);
  • ulcerative pathologies in the acute stage.

Another risk associated with eating berries is pesticides. Strawberries lead the list of the dirtiest foods that can be exposed to toxic chemicals. Pesticides are special chemical substances, which destroy pests/weeds and regulate plant growth. The substance gradually accumulates in human body and can cause a wide range of problems - from dull complexion to serious genetic diseases.

How to protect yourself? Buy berries only from certified sales points. The packaging must contain information about the region of collection, confirmation of the quality and safety of the product. If you have the opportunity, plant strawberries on your own windowsill or find a supplier who is engaged in organic production.

Chemical composition

Use of the component in cooking

Strawberry juice is rarely used in multi-ingredient recipes. Usually it is drunk as an independent drink, less often - it is prepared into jellies, biscuits, and added to sauces/marinades for meat or poultry. What is the reason for this? It is impossible to knead dough or prepare sauce based on sweet juice - finished product it will be too watery and will lose rich taste. Fresh or frozen strawberries are best for these purposes. Use berry juice to infuse spirits or create strawberry variations of your favorite cocktails (like Margaritas, Mojitos or Daiquiris).

Strawberry Margarita recipe

We will need:

  • white – 50 milliliters;
  • – 25 milliliters;
  • – 20 milliliters;
  • sugar syrup - 20 milliliters;
  • iced strawberry juice – 100 milliliters;
  • strawberry syrup – 10 milliliters;
  • ice crumbs.


Mix all ingredients in a shaker/blender one by one for 15 seconds. Sprinkle the rim of the glass with pulp and lower it into the glass until the glass is covered with salt crystals. Pour the finished cocktail into a glass, garnish with strawberries and crushed ice.

How to make juice at home

Rinse ripe juicy berries thoroughly under running water, remove sepals and rotten/damaged areas. Place clean berries in a juicer or blender, start the mechanism and pour the finished juice into a convenient container.

Instructions for preserving juice:

  • Wash the strawberries thoroughly and remove the sepals;
  • transfer the berries to a fabric bag and squeeze under a press;
  • Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan, heat the liquid, but do not boil;
  • pour the warm mass into sterilized jars and close tightly with metal lids;
  • The cake left over from the strawberries can be reused. Fill the pulp with water (1 liter of liquid per 5 kilograms of pulp) and leave for 4 hours. Place the pulp in a cloth bag and press again. Pour the finished juice into sterilized containers, drink it or prepare a syrup/sauce/cocktail/jelly-like dessert based on it.

Use of the component in cosmetology

Strawberry extract is used both in professional skin care lines and at home procedures. , which are concentrated in the berry, are especially useful for those with oily skin with enlarged pores and age spots. Additionally, strawberry juice stimulates collagen production by high content copper (Cu).

How to use the liquid? You can wipe your face with it every day before using toner and moisturizing day cream, or apply it as a mask (for example, with mashed potatoes) for 10-15 minutes. The result is neutralization of inflammation, whitening effect, pleasant pink blush, soft elastic skin.

Do not forget that strawberries are a strong allergen, so do not leave the concentrated liquid on your face for more than 15 minutes.

Home procedures can be carried out regardless of the season. In winter, use frozen strawberries - low temperatures help maintain the balance of nutrients in full, so the effectiveness of care will not be affected.

How to choose and buy strawberry juice

Container, price segment, aesthetic qualities of packaging and design are of secondary importance. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the composition. It should be as simple and understandable as possible. An ideal juice contains only fruit and water. This is the drink that will give you energy and saturate your body with beneficial nutrients.

Avoid flavor enhancers, E-preservatives, extra servings and complex chemical formulas that you can't figure out. There is practically no nutrients, and the only thing that the manufacturer can boast of is high calorie content and long term storage

Nutritionists say that maximum benefit found in freshly squeezed juice. Moreover, it must be drunk within 20 minutes after preparation. After 20 minutes, the drink will begin an oxidation process, which will destroy some of the vital nutrients.

Favorite berry

There are probably few people who don’t like strawberries and can easily pass by a dish with these fresh, aromatic, beautiful berries: the hand just reaches out to them - I want to take at least one. Strawberries are also actively used in confectionery industry, and in cosmetology, and in perfumery, but with all this, few people are familiar with strawberry juice! Meanwhile, the berry itself consists of seeds, nuts, fiber and juice (by the way, berry - the name here is not entirely correct, but it is familiar).

Strawberry juice

Strawberry juice is not only tasty, but also very healthy, as our ancestors knew very well. Strawberries, and therefore the juice from them, are especially rich in B vitamins, as well as: C, PP, A and E. Strawberry juice is indicated for strengthening blood vessels, stimulating appetite, normalizing blood pressure and the functioning of the digestive system, for removing waste and toxins, as well as increasing the immunity of the whole organism as a whole and in case of anemia. One of attractive properties strawberry juice is its rejuvenating effect. In case of a cold, the juice of these berries will act as a diaphoretic and antimicrobial agent.

In general, if you are not allergic to this miracle berry and have no other contraindications, then you can safely drink its juice. To prepare juice, it is best to pick the fruits on a cool day or in the morning if the weather is warm. It is best to do this together with the stalks. Strawberries should be stored unwashed: in the room for several hours, in the refrigerator under film for several days.

How to make strawberry juice for future use

To please yourself and your household with fresh strawberry juice cold winter, prepare it for future use in the summer or fall.

1) Recipe for making strawberry juice. Take ripe berries without damage and with stalks, sort and wash them (wash directly with stalks). Then wait until the water drains from the berries and squeeze the juice out of them - this can be done using a press, after placing the strawberries in a gauze bag. The resulting juice should be filtered into an enamel pan, heated to approximately 85 degrees, kept on the fire for about 5 minutes, without bringing to a boil, and poured into sterilized containers. Then the jars or bottles with juice need to be sterilized (covered with lids) for about 20 minutes and sealed.

2) Another recipe:
- 1 kg of fresh strawberries;
- 1 kg of granulated sugar;
- 1 g citric acid.
Strawberries need to be washed, dried, the stalks separated and the berries cut in half. Next, cover the berries with sugar and finely crushed citric acid. Leave to steep for 1 hour. Then the strawberries and sugar need to be poured into a sieve and left for 3 hours to express the juice. Pour the juice obtained in this way into a bottle, close the lid and tie with parchment paper.

Strawberry drink recipes

Strawberry juice puree:
- boiled and chilled water;
- fresh strawberries;
- granulated sugar.
Take all ingredients to taste. The more berries, the more “strawberry” the juice! Sort the berries, rinse, let the water drain from them and separate the stalks. Then use a blender or mixer to beat the strawberries until you obtain a homogeneous puree. Carefully pour in the water and sugar without turning off the blender and continue beating. To facilitate even distribution of sugar, it can be pre-dissolved in water. If desired, you can add ice to the pureed juice (beat the drink with ice).

Cocktail with strawberry juice:
- 2 tbsp. kefir or yogurt;
- 1 tbsp. strawberry juice;
- 2 tsp. granulated sugar;
- ice in cubes.
Cool the kefir and beat it thoroughly with a mixer along with strawberry juice and sugar. Pour the finished cocktail into glasses with ice.

Strawberry cocktail:
- 2 tbsp. natural yogurt;
- 400 g fresh strawberries;
- 1/2 tbsp. honey;
- 1/2 tsp. cardamom powder;
- ice in cubes.
Wash the strawberries, drain them and separate the stems from the berries. Next, mix the strawberries, honey and cardamom using a blender until you get homogeneous mass. Add yogurt and ice and stir again.
Bon appetit!

Strawberry juice for the winter can be prepared in different ways, without losing its beneficial qualities. Almost every person knows about the benefits of such a drink, and strawberry juice prepared at home will also be natural, without industrial chemical components in the form of preservatives.

IN winter period The human body especially needs vitamins and useful substances. Fresh fruits during this period of the year they are no longer available, so many people prepare them in the summer. The recipes for this drink are very diverse, everyone can choose the preparation formula to suit their taste and desires. Often mothers try to create from this healthy berries nectars with low sugar content for their children. By preparing the dish themselves, they have the opportunity to control the presence of one or another ingredient in the juice.

The value of these berries lies in their composition, enriched with vitamins and microelements. It is recommended to drink strawberry juice for people suffering from hypertension, if they have oncological diseases, with anemia and heart failure. It is worth saying that the drink has the same beneficial properties same as fresh fruit.

Juicing methods

Housewives are sometimes interested in how to prepare strawberry juice so that it is tasty and healthy at the same time. In addition, there are different ways its creation, and you can only choose if you know what the final product will taste like and be of quality. Of course, no one wants to take risks and spoil the fruit, so you should carefully familiarize yourself with the technological and culinary specialties prepare a strawberry drink for the winter and study all the recipes.

The most common method, which our grandmothers used, is grinding berries or cold pressing. From kitchen appliances a sieve was used in which the peeled fruits were placed, then they were ground with a spoon until completely crushed. Cold pressed is the following procedure: ripe berries were placed in a gauze bag and the juice was squeezed out of them using a press. Then it was collected and boiled, the pulp could be boiled into jam for filling pies.

The second method is more modern and involves the use of a juicer. With this kitchen appliance you can quickly prepare juice from any type of berries and fruits. Using a juicer, you will be able to special effort process enough a large number of ripe fruits. Often recipes involve initial collection berry drink using this device.

The third way to make juice at home is to use a juicer. For most housewives this option has become a real find, because it allows you to collect berry nectar that has already passed heat treatment. In a juice cooker, such dishes are prepared quickly enough and without any effort or hassle for the housewife. The unit itself is a structure of three compartments. In the lower container there is plain water, the juice flows into the middle one, and the berries are collected in the top one. Under the influence of steam, the fruits begin to release liquid, which flows into the middle container.

IN Lately Many people prefer frozen drinks and berries. Frozen strawberry juice, the benefit of which lies in its complete preservation useful qualities, can be used in winter to prepare a variety of dishes.

Each housewife chooses one or another way of creating preparations for the winter, the main thing is that no matter how this wonderful drink is prepared, it will bring benefit and pleasure to loved ones.

Recipes for making strawberry drink

If you need to cook it completely a small amount of nectar, then it is quite possible to do without electrical appliances.

You will need 3-5 kg ​​of berries and 2 tbsp. l. sugar per 1 liter of liquid. The fruits must be sorted, cleaned of greens, washed and dried. Next, they need to be folded into a fabric bag, tightly closed and placed in enamel dishes, after which a fairly heavy load is placed on top. The berries are kept under pressure until all the juice flows out. After which the collected liquid is brought to a boil and combined with sugar. It is enough for the drink to boil once, then you can pour it into sterilized jars and roll it up.

You can make strawberry juice, the recipe for which requires the use of a juicer. Any number of berries is processed using a device, then the resulting product is boiled. Depending on the wishes of the cook, sugar may not be added to the drink. It is permissible not to preserve the juice, but simply pour it into ice cube trays and leave it in freezer on long-term storage. The recipes are very diverse, and you should choose depending on the tasks and wishes of your household.

A pressure cooker recipe is often used to create juice for the winter. Take 10 kg of strawberries to obtain juice, after processing it is brought to a boil once and canned. It's no secret that strawberries, lingonberries and blackberries can be used in the same way.

These are not all the recipes that reveal the variety of how to make strawberry juice at home. But almost all formulas for creating this healthy and vitamin drink are based on them.

Nature created berries great amount. But not all of them look appetizing and alluring so much that you just want to pounce on them. similar delicacy. The real temptation is strawberries. Scarlet, large, aromatic, juicy - it’s simply impossible to pass by such a berry. Moreover, considering that it is also incredibly useful. In fairness, it is worth noting: the juice obtained from strawberries has no less healing power. And these are not empty words - they will be confirmed by the article in front of you.

Composition of the drink

Strawberry juice, like any other product in this category, was subjected to the most thorough analysis by scientists a long time ago. Their work was crowned with incredible success: it turned out that the natural berry drink absorbed a lot of the most useful natural elements that have the most beneficial effect on human health.

Researchers found sugars, amino acids, and some lipids in strawberry juice. It more than contains organic acids and vitamins. Of the latter, ascorbic acid especially stands out in the sweet drink. In terms of vitamin C content, strawberries are a real record holder, not surpassing, perhaps, only black and red currants. To satisfy daily requirement in ascorbic acid, it is enough to eat a small handful of scarlet berries a day or drink 1/3 glass of strawberry juice. But our hero is not only the leader in the amount of ascorbic acid - he also contains a lot of vitamin B9, otherwise known as folic acid: more than in a drink made from ripe grapes.

In addition to those mentioned above, biologically active substances Strawberry juice gives all lovers of this excellent delicacy a dose of beta-carotene, biotin, tocopherol and nicotinic acid. The group of B-vitamins of the drink should be supplemented with compounds such as B1, B2, B3, B6. Strawberry juice provides the person who drinks it with fiber, starch, mono- and disaccharides.

Let's not forget about mineral composition drink Microelements in strawberry juice include chlorine, manganese, cobalt, iodine, vanadium, boron, zinc, molybdenum, copper, iron, fluorine; macroelements - potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur and, of course, sodium. Rich bright delicacy antioxidants - in in this case they are called anthocyanins.

With all this, the calorie content of the juice is incredibly low: 100 g of the product contains only 31 kcal. For this reason delicious drink Experts include it in the diet.

Benefits of strawberry juice

Arsenal healing properties strawberry juice is truly huge. This can be stated with complete confidence, just by briefly familiarizing yourself with the chemical contents natural product, which is what we have done now.

Juice squeezed from strawberries has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system. Stomach thanks regular use drink, starts working like clockwork. The intestines are freed from harmful ballast masses daily and without problems. The mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract is deprived of erosions, ulcers and other damage, since strawberry juice has unique healing properties. The berry drink is also very useful for chronic ailments such as pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and colitis. To some extent, it helps with liver problems, significantly facilitating the work of this organ. The product we are interested in improves metabolism and appetite, removes waste and toxins from the internal environment of the body.

The second direction of action of strawberry juice on the human body is the skin and oral cavity. The body, under the influence of drinking a berry drink internally for dessert and afternoon snacks, loses some types of dermatoses, dermatitis and, in general, significantly improves its appearance. As for the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, strawberry juice can relieve gourmets from inflammatory infectious diseases such as gingivitis, stomatitis, and increased bleeding of the gums.

Since the drink made from sweet scarlet berries contains a lot of antioxidants, it can and should be used as a means of rejuvenating the body and protecting against cancer. Anthocyanins, selenium, manganese, copper, zinc, ascorbic acid, vitamins A and E - all these substances actively destroy free radicals, which provoke the development of cancer and premature aging. They also improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, burn fat, alleviate arthritis and arthrosis, rheumatism, and have a positive effect on mental activity.

I didn’t ignore the strawberry juice and nervous system. Including the drink in your daily diet will relieve you of insomnia, irritability, tearfulness, anxiety, and reduce depression. The consumption of the berry drink is also recommended for hypertensive patients; people suffering iron deficiency anemia; women whose periods are accompanied by extremely heavy discharge. Persons leaning on alcoholic drinks and those who are addicted to smoking should definitely pay attention to strawberry treat, because it will stop many negative processes occurring in their body.

The frequency of consumption and the required amount of product per day depends on the specific diseases and condition of a particular person. If you are faced with the task of simply recovering from a serious illness, serious bleeding, establishing a balance of minerals and vitamins in the internal environment of the body, improving blood composition, drink about 500 ml of juice per day. For children, this volume should be reduced by half. In case of severe diarrhea, it is recommended to enjoy a mixture of strawberry and raspberry juices daily, which should be taken in equal proportions. This drug must be taken after meals.

Representatives of the fair sex actively use strawberry juice and for cosmetic purposes. The fact is that this drink perfectly refreshes the complexion, makes the natural skin tone even and soft, gives the epidermis a velvety feel and, most surprisingly, eliminates age spots. Strawberry juice is added to homemade masks, lotions, used for lotions, compresses, and even frozen into ice cubes.

Let's prepare a healthy drink ourselves!

To start being treated with strawberry juice, it is best not to buy it in the store, but to get it through your own efforts.

First, stock up on berries. They must be bright, whole, without signs of spoilage or other defects, absolutely ripe and juicy. The size of the berries doesn't really matter.

Sort the fruits and wash them thoroughly. When excess water drips from the berries, place the latter in a clean cotton or linen bag and place in a container with a press on top. The resulting juice must be filtered, poured into a clean saucepan, put on fire, and brought to a temperature of +80+85?. In this state, you need to keep the juice on the stove for five minutes, after which the drink is poured into sterilized glass jars, pasteurize for 20 minutes and roll up with metal lids.

Strawberry juice has virtually no contraindications for consumption. However, pregnant women and children should treat this drink with extreme caution, because it can provoke an allergic reaction.

Ponomarenko Nadezhda

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