Barley coffee - health benefits and harms. Review: Barley coffee: benefits and harms

Our Ancestors revered oak because... it is the Sacred Tree of our Ancestor - God Perun. At all times and to this day, Kummir Perun is carved from oak. Oak is the tree of Warriors and Knights. In Rus', oak is considered the personification male power and power. It is the most energetically powerful tree. Oak is a mighty tree, a symbol of enormous vitality and wisdom. Oak charges you with energy for a long time, helping everyone who wants to become truly strong. Our Ancestors knew that oak helps with hopeless diseases and fatal wounds and used this knowledge in folk healing.

Walking through the oak grove has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and nervous system. Oak is one of the most powerful amulets against the evil eye and damage. For personal protection from negative vibrations, you can carry an oak solar symbol or cross, oak beads or rosary. You can hang acorns (in the form of a beautiful garland) on the windows as a talisman, which will prevent evil forces from entering your home.

The acorn is the fruit of an oak tree; since ancient times it has been revered as healing properties. Few people know that the acorn also has unique culinary properties. Acorn is an undeservedly forgotten and undervalued food product. Our Ancestors boiled acorns in boiling water, dried them and prepared flour from which they made acorn cakes, bread, coffee drink. The listed products are very beneficial for the stomach.

Nutritional value of acorns.

The benefits of coffee drink made from acorns.

Oak fruits are also used as means to normalize work of cardio-vascular system and resisting the development of arrhythmia. With regular consumption of the acorn drink, palpitations and a feeling of tightness in the chest disappear. Hypertensive patients can safely drink “coffee” made from oak fruits. Flavored drink does not provoke an increase in blood pressure, and tastes very similar to coffee made from coffee beans.

Acorns have antibacterial properties. They are able to destroy infection, thereby protecting the human body from disease. Acorns contain substances that have an astringent effect. Acorns are great for treating illnesses genitourinary system- increase potency, help eliminate enuresis, and are useful for treating some female diseases.

Acorns also have a beneficial effect on the digestive system, in particular in acute and chronic colitis and indigestion. Acorns are excellent for coughing with asthma or bronchitis. To treat such diseases, it is recommended to regularly drink “coffee” made from oak fruits.

Making “coffee” from acorns.

The time for collecting acorns is the end of September - October. You need to collect ripe acorns, green or Brown, hard to the touch. If they are pressed through with your finger, it means they are wormy. If you collect from branches, they should be easily separated from the caps.

Pour the collected acorns into a container with water. Remove those that float, and remove the sunken acorns from the water, place them on a baking sheet in one layer and place in a preheated oven for 5 - 10 minutes. During this time, most of the acorns will burst and turn a dark brown color, making them easier to shell.

Remove the warm and moist acorns from the oven and peel them through a meat grinder (dry ones are hard to grind). Dry the resulting “minced meat” on baking sheets or in a dryer until cooked. Store finished raw materials in glass jars or in multilayer paper bags.

In order to prepare a coffee drink, you need to grind the acorns in a coffee grinder and fry them in a dry frying pan, stirring constantly. Depending on the degree of roasting, a different taste is obtained.

You need to brew “coffee” from acorns in the same way as preparing coffee beans, at the rate of one teaspoon of powder per cup of water. Cane sugar, honey, add milk to taste. The result is a rather tasty drink, somewhat reminiscent of coffee, and sometimes cocoa with milk (depending on the degree of frying in the pan and the addition of spices). “Coffee” made from acorns is a very good tonic and easily eliminates headaches.

I can say that I treated very avid coffee lovers to this drink and they really liked it. True, they said that they were too lazy to prepare acorns. Main enemy our health is laziness, it’s easier to go to the store, buy some stuff and ruin your health. I can please you that in one evening my husband and I prepared so much “coffee” powder from acorns passed through a meat grinder that it will last for at least six months, so preparing acorns will not take you much time.

A coffee drink made from acorns and other plants.

You need to take 30 grams. fried acorns, 20 gr. barley, 10 gr. rye, oats and dandelion root, 15 gr. wheat and 20 gr. wild chicory, grind it all in a coffee grinder and pour into glassware- for example, a resealable jar. This mixture is brewed and drunk like tea: 1 teaspoon per 250 ml. boiling water, adding to taste Brown sugar, honey or milk.

Acorn flour.

You can even make porridge from acorns. Acorn flour is suitable for baking various delicacies. The recipe for its preparation is quite simple. Collect oak fruits, peel, cut into several parts and soak in water for 2 days. Stir the water from time to time and change it at least 4 times. Boil the acorns and drain the water. Pass the boiled fruits through a meat grinder, then air dry and then in the oven. The resulting mass is suitable both for making acorn grits and for making acorn flour (with a finer grind).

From such acorn grains they cook very nutritious porridge- in a saucepan. Pour water (100 g) and milk (200 ml), add salt and a little melted butter butter, heat the liquid to a boil, add the cereal and stir. When the cereal swells, cook the porridge, stirring, over low heat until it thickens. Then cover the saucepan with a lid and put it in the oven. When the porridge is finished cooking, it is served immediately - hot, adding more butter to taste.

Bread made from acorn flour.

This bread is very good for the stomach, since the substances contained in acorns help cleanse it. You need to take 400 gr. acorn flour, 100 gr. wheat flour and mix thoroughly. To bake bread from this mixture, you can use the recipe from the article "Recipe for making homemade bread."

Coffee drink made from chicory roots .

The chicory drink is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Firstly, chicory lowers blood sugar levels, so it is a must for diabetics. Secondly, chicory normalizes blood pressure by dilating blood vessels and regulating the functioning of the heart. Regular use Chicory can reduce the manifestations of tachycardia, arrhythmia, and heart failure.

In addition, chicory cleanses the liver and blood, removes waste and toxins from the body, and improves metabolism. For neuroses and depressive states with increased excitability, chicory can gently calm a person.

To make coffee from chicory roots, do the same operations as with acorns.

Coffee made from rye beans.

It is prepared from roasted and ground rye grains. Rye is rich in amino acids, fiber, iron and vitamins A, B, E and PP.

Rye coffee improves digestion, gently cleanses the body of toxins, and reduces the likelihood of developing oncological diseases. To make coffee from rye beans, do the same operations as with acorns.

Coffee made from barley beans.

Barley is rich in carbohydrates and fiber and is very nutritious. Barley also contains protein, as well as many vitamins, for example, vitamin A, B, D, C, E. Barley is a natural antioxidant, it rejuvenates the body and slows down the aging process. A drink made from barley is very useful for diseases of the heart and digestive organs. Barley “coffee” lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and takes care of the heart and blood vessels. To prepare “coffee” from barley grains, do the same operations as with acorns.

As raw materials for producing coffee drinks, you can use the roots of dandelion, burdock, elecampane, seeds of viburnum, wild apple fruits, mountain ash, blood red hawthorn, cinnamon rose hips, and common hazel nuts.

The listed roots and fruits are harvested in the fall. They must be washed thoroughly several times. Then they are cut into pieces and dried in an oven, dryer or oven (dried roots and fruits should have no more than 12-13% moisture and break with a crunch). After this, they are processed into powder or stored whole in a tightly packed container. closed banks or multilayer paper bags.

About the dangers of coffee made from coffee beans.

Let's start with what the Vedas say about this in a special section - Ayurveda. If translated into our modern language, the Vedas say about this drink like this: “ Belongs to the category of depressants. Is a narcotic and is addictive».
Coffee from coffee beans located in second place in terms of harm to the body after alcohol. The plant itself that grows on coffee beans, as well as everything that is produced from it, according to Ayurveda, belongs to products located in the Guna of ignorance. This means that everything you eat from this plant will cause degradation of your mind. As you can see, coffee interferes not only with healthy and proper nutrition, but also to the spiritual growth of a person.


From the book of Dr. Torsunov O.G. “Ayurveda”.

“Coffee is a plant in the Guna of ignorance. In a person, drinking coffee, the brain and heart suffer. Coffee disturbs sleep. When a person gets up late, he has low blood pressure, a feeling of heaviness in his head, weakness and nausea. If he drinks coffee, all the unpleasant sensations go away in 5-10 minutes. But coffee depletes the nervous system, and the previous state returns after an hour or two. The pressure gradually decreases, and this decrease becomes more persistent. At the same time, the nervous system becomes increasingly overexcited. At the same time, the vascular-motor centers are depressed.

When a person drinks too much coffee, his nervous system becomes overstimulated and he loses sleep. When a person drinks coffee, a swing begins to work in his body: first, the tone rises sharply, then drops sharply. The person feels unwell and wants to drink coffee again. People who are addicted to coffee drink it 4-5 times a day, in accordance with the movement of the swing: the activity of the nervous system increases sharply, and then fades away again. And so on until a person completely destroys himself. The nervous system is becoming more and more exhausted. This affects the conductivity of the heart.

Coffee affects the blood vessels of the brain. A person’s nervous system weakens, he feels more and more irritable because his brain does not rest, but when he drinks coffee, a kind of relief arises. However, this feeling is illusory because the coffee plant is in the Gunas of passion and ignorance. When the plant is in passion, it activates the brain, but then fatigue sets in. There are plants that give strength to the brain. They increase tone, but fatigue does not occur later. For example: cinnamon, licorice, eleutherococcus, lemongrass. All these plants are in the Guna of goodness.”

Friends, what an irony, there are many healthy coffee substitutes. But, for some reason, a drink that is addictive and addictive and then slowly kills is popular among our people. Are you not surprised by the fact that in our country, poisonous and slowly killing products (coffee, vodka, tobacco, tea, sugar) are in first place in popularity?

Think about these facts for yourself. After all, if you take coffee and alcohol, then both drinks primarily negatively affect the ability to create healthy offspring.

Nowadays coffee made from Jerusalem artichoke is popular in America; in Germany, many families brew a drink from acorns in the old fashioned way. So let's cook in Russia too traditional drinks, which will contribute to the improvement of ourselves and the creation healthy offspring. And let's pass it on to our children healthy traditions our Ancestors.

I wish everyone new, delicious experiments with health drinks. Aoum Tat Sat.

Because of high blood pressure or for a number of other reasons, some people are forced to give up traditional coffee. A worthy replacement It could be a coffee drink made from rye and barley, the benefits and harms of which have long been studied by nutritionists.

Despite all the benefits and obvious advantages, cereal coffee for a long time remained underestimated. Today, thanks to the fashion for a healthy lifestyle, the drink is confidently regaining lost ground. Properly prepared, coffee made from rye and barley will not only delight you with its taste, but will also help improve your health.

Useful properties of the drink

Studies have shown that drinks made from barley have a strong strengthening effect. They are indispensable for people whose lives involve constant stress, physical or emotional overload. Barley coffee It is even included in some health nutrition systems. And if barley is supplemented with rye, the benefits and nutritional value of the drink increase even more.

Barley-rye coffee promotes:

  1. Improving the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. The substances that make up cereals have a choleretic effect. They cleanse, tone and stimulate the epithelium that lines the intestines. As a result, its restoration occurs, a favorable nutrient medium, optimal for the active reproduction of bacteria. Coffee made from barley and rye is indicated for gastritis, ulcers, dysbiosis, dyskinesia and other common gastrointestinal diseases.
  2. Prevention of diabetes. Due to the high fiber content in the drink, the process of carbohydrate absorption slows down. Accordingly, the glucose indicator does not make sharp jumps and remains stable.
  3. Normalization of weight. Drinking barley coffee relieves stress on the pancreas. Thanks to this, glucose is processed completely and is not stored as adipose tissue.
  4. Restoring the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Cereals, especially barley, contain a lot of magnesium and potassium. They are beneficial for the heart muscle, especially when supported by the influence of vitamins D and E. Drinking coffee made from rye and barley helps normalize blood pressure, if it is elevated, and strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
  5. Treatment and prevention of inflammation. The bactericidal properties of rye and barley grains protect the body from infectious diseases. Inflammation respiratory tract, which accompanies colds, goes away faster when drinking the drink. Cereal coffee Cereal coffee even helps with some skin diseases.
  6. General strengthening of the body. The optimal ratio of proteins and carbohydrates quickly restores strength. For this reason, barley coffee with rye is prescribed to people who have suffered injuries, surgeries, or long-term illnesses.

To make coffee, it is better to use ready-made mixtures. By buying ingredients separately, it is easier to run into counterfeit products and, moreover, you can make a mistake in the proportions. Products such as " Old mill", are prepared from high-quality and properly processed raw materials.

Among others useful elements, coffee made from barley and rye contains silicon and lysine. They promote collagen synthesis, which, in turn, has a positive effect on the skin, rejuvenates it and improves tone.

Harm of barley coffee

Barley coffee can have a negative effect if it is prepared incorrectly or if the drink is abused. Experts recommend drinking no more than 4-5 cups of barley coffee per day. In this case, the drink will be extremely beneficial.

There are no contraindications to drinking barley coffee, but there are several nuances that should be kept in mind. Considering the carbohydrate content and calorie content of the drink, you should not drink it in large quantities if you are overweight. IN small quantities Barley coffee promotes weight loss, but in significant cases it can have the opposite effect. In addition, barley and rye contain protein, which should be taken into account by people with kidney pathologies.

How to properly prepare barley coffee with rye

There are several options for making barley coffee. If you plan to cook it with rye, you can use this recipe:

  • For 3 tablespoons of barley we take the same amount of rye. Wash the ingredients several times until clean water. Then fill it with water again and let it sit for at least a day.
  • After the specified time, drain the liquid and fill the grains with filtered or drinking water. Put this whole mass on the fire and bring to a boil. As soon as the grains begin to burst, you need to remove the container from the stove, drain the water and rinse the grains again.
  • Now all that remains is to dry the mixture and you can proceed directly to making coffee. To do this, fry the grains for several minutes in a dry frying pan. Make sure that the mass does not burn. We grind the dried products in a coffee grinder and use them like regular ground coffee.
  • As a rule, stores sell already blended, washed and roasted barley and rye coffee. In this case, all previous steps are skipped.
  • The optimal ratio is considered to be a heaping tablespoon of the mixture and 150 ml of water. Boil the mixture for 2 minutes and leave for the same amount of time under the lid.
  • When preparing coffee, you can add half a teaspoon of chicory to barley and rye. It will give the drink unique aroma, and the color will become more saturated.

True connoisseurs of barley coffee prepare it with milk. In this case, a third of the water is replaced with milk during the cooking process. If desired, the taste of coffee can be softened with honey.

Famous brands offering barley coffee

If you don’t want to go into all the intricacies of making coffee from barley and rye, you can purchase a ready-made mixture. The following brands are most in demand on the market for such goods:

  • Old mill. A ready-made mixture of barley and rye, which should be brewed according to the attached instructions.
  • Ear of barley from " Coffee company"Around the world". The products of this brand have barley as the main component, and it is complemented by rye, chicory, ground acorns and other equally healthy products.
  • Ear of barley from Stoletov. Another brand that has proven itself with positive side due to the availability and quality of products.

Barley coffee tastes like cappuccino, especially if milk was used to brew it. The presence of rye does not spoil anything, it even adds unusual but pleasant notes. To obtain the desired result, you need to choose your proportions of ingredients, decide on the cooking time and additional ingredients drink


Reading time: 3 minutes


The benefits of barley have been known for a long time; previously, jelly and drinks were made from it, which were used to treat certain diseases. For those people who for some reason cannot drink invigorating drink, barley coffee will become a great alternative to him. It has an original taste and pleasant unusual aroma, does not contain caffeine and brings great benefit for good health.

Composition of barley coffee

It is rich in fiber, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and many other macroelements, and contains a complex of vitamins A, E, B and D.

Barley grain is a natural source of beneficial elements and vitamins. It contains a lot of fiber and about fifteen percent protein, which perfectly cleanse the intestines of accumulated harmful substances. Therefore, the drink promotes weight loss and helps with various diseases.

Beneficial properties of barley coffee

Previously, barley dishes were prepared for Roman gladiators and Russian soldiers to improve their health. And now, many who take care of themselves eat pearl barley porridge.

Europeans were the first to learn how to brew drinks from barley grains, instead of regular coffee. This is due to the fact that previously coffee was very expensive and not everyone could afford it, so they began to brew coffee with barley.

Barley coffee has many beneficial properties:

  1. Quickly restores strength due to high content protein and carbohydrates.
  2. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calms and normalizes sleep.
  3. Effective in treating the liver and kidneys.
  4. Renders positive action on the heart and blood vessels.
  5. Barley grains have a choleretic effect and normalize intestinal microflora. You can drink coffee for gastritis and stomach ulcers.
  6. Barley coffee helps with weight loss, as the grains help cleanse the intestines.

Regular consumption of the drink helps strengthen the body and restore lost strength, which is why it is often prescribed to people after operations and long-term illnesses. Also useful for colds and skin rashes.

Drink harm

We learned about the benefits and harms of barley coffee, let’s also determine. The drink does not have side effects, so absolutely everyone can drink it. The main thing is not to exceed the dosage and brew it correctly.

For those who want to lose weight, it is worth knowing that one cup of coffee contains twenty kilocalories, five grams of carbohydrates and one gram of protein.

Barley coffee recipes

Ground roasted barley grains are available for sale. They should be brewed in a Turk, like natural coffe. If you haven’t found such a product, we recommend making the drink yourself. To do this, you need to purchase large barley grains, wash them and dry them in a frying pan. Do not overcook the barley as the coffee will taste bitter.

Simple recipe

To brew one cup of coffee drink, prepare:

  • Two teaspoons of barley;
  • Glass of water.

Pour grains into a container and pour hot water. Boil the mixture over low heat for ten minutes. Remove the drink from the stove and let it brew. To give it original taste, add chicory.

Barley coffee with rye

If there is no home ready mixture for preparing healthy and vitamin drink, do it yourself. So, you will need: three tablespoons of barley and rye, as well as water. Rinse the dry grains well, then fill them with water and leave for one day.

Then strain the liquid and fill it with clean water. Place the container on the stove over medium heat. When you notice that the grains begin to burst, drain the water and rinse the grains well. Now fry them evenly in a pan and grind them to a fine powder. The workpiece should be stored in tin can, covering with a lid.

Pour a tablespoon of dry powder into a Turk and pour one hundred and fifty milliliters of water. Place on fire and cook as regular coffee. Then remove from heat and let sit for a few minutes.

This drink can also be brewed with milk. To do this, replace one third of the water with milk. For improvement taste qualities add sugar or honey.

Drink with chicory and honey

For cooking aromatic coffee You will need:

  • Two tablespoons of ground pearl barley;
  • Three hundred milliliters of water.
  • A teaspoon of chicory powder;
  • Honey to taste;
  • A tablespoon of ground rye.

Pour ground cereals and chicory powder into a pot, add water and cook the mixture for several minutes over low heat. Add honey to the prepared strained broth.

A huge number of people absolutely cannot imagine their life without fragrant and invigorating coffee. However, in some cases, the consumption of such a drink is strictly contraindicated due to certain individual characteristics of a person. And a good find for such people can be various coffee drinks that are not only safe, but also very beneficial for the body. They are prepared on the basis of various natural ingredients and can be used for healing. The coffee drink falls into this group of products. ear of barley, let's talk on this page about what benefits and harms can come from its consumption.

About why the coffee drink is valued, what benefits does it provide to the human body?

Barley is amazing useful product by myself. It helps cure kidney diseases and digestive tract. Barley-based coffee is characterized by many unique qualities. This drink has a good diuretic effect. It contains quite a lot of fiber, which quickly and effectively cleanses the digestive tract of various types of waste and toxins.

Experts say that barley grains contain almost half of the periodic table. This is the only reason why barley coffee can already be considered beneficial for humans.

The Kolos coffee drink is able to calm the central nervous system and optimize its activity. Consumption of barley coffee neutralizes all factors that can aggressively affect the cardiovascular system. This drink can optimize the functioning of all organs of the digestive tract. In addition, there is evidence that barley drink effectively improves the activity of glands endocrine system, which in turn helps stabilize hormonal background.

Coffee made from barley has a positive effect on metabolic processes, activating them. This drink is a source of B vitamins, as well as vitamin E, A and D. It also contains a lot minerals, represented by magnesium, calcium, potassium, iodine, phosphorus, etc.

It is believed that barley coffee helps optimize water-salt balance and improve hematopoietic processes.

Specialists traditional medicine claim that barley-based coffee drink has expectorant, blood purifying, antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory properties. Its consumption helps cope with ailments of the throat and nasopharynx. Also, this drink effectively eliminates nausea and headaches. A coffee drink made from barley is believed to help treat constipation. In addition, it has the property of reducing the severity of pain associated with rheumatism or arthritis.

Barley coffee does not excite the nervous system, so it can be drunk in the afternoon. In the morning, this drink adds vigor, and in the evenings it ensures quality and sound sleep.

Even daily consumption barley drink cannot cause harm to health. This drink helps to cope with many ailments of the kidneys, spleen, and liver.

How to make a coffee drink “ear of barley”?

This drink is very simple to prepare: you just need to pour one or two teaspoons of the dry mixture into a cup. Fill in such raw materials hot water and stir until completely dissolved. IN ready drink You can add some sugar, milk or cream, depending on your taste preferences.

How to make your own coffee drink from barley?

To prepare such a healthy drink, you need to stock up on roasted and ground barley grains. They can be purchased in the store and prepared like regular natural coffee - in Turkish coffee.

A healthy barley drink can be created from scratch. For this purpose, it is necessary to buy large grains of barley, sort them, wash and dry them. Next, place these raw materials in a kitchen frying pan (dry) and fry thoroughly with constant stirring. The finished grains should not be overcooked, and they should not burn. Grind the barley grains in a coffee grinder, then boil them like regular coffee. For a cup of drink you will need a couple of teaspoons of grains and two hundred to three hundred milliliters of water.

About who can be dangerous from a coffee drink, what harm it does to the human body

It is believed that barley coffee is not capable of harming the body. However, despite all his useful qualities, there is no need to consume it in excessive quantities. Two or three cups per day will be enough.

Hercule Poirot's favorite drink

Barley decoction

barley drink brewed in a plunger

roasted and unroasted barley

The well-known detective Hercule Poirot is famous for his gray cells, which helped him brilliantly solve the most complicated crimes. Poirot treated his gray cells very carefully, constantly encouraging them with a nutritious decoction, which he drank with his usual accuracy strictly at certain hours. What kind of miracle drink is this?

This barley broth is very tasty and healthy drink. It is generally accepted that barley serves as a coffee substitute, but in fact It has nothing in common with coffee - neither in its properties nor in taste does barley infusion resemble coffee at all. Before coffee was expensive and was simply mixed with ground barley. In addition to saving, this also brought benefits, because... firstly, the coffee was not so strong, and the person received less caffeine, and secondly, barley brought its own beneficial features.

ground roasted barley

This is how ground roasted barley turns out

Of course, we don’t know exactly how barley broth was prepared for the famous Belgian detective, but we ourselves love this drink very much and prepare it all the time. First, dry the barley grains and fry them in a dry frying pan until they turn brownish - the grains swell and partially burst, cracking slightly. To avoid burning, you need to stir them constantly. We grind the roasted beans in a coffee grinder and brew them in a plunger, but you can, of course, just pour boiling water over them and cook for a few minutes. We drink barley with sugar or honey, sometimes with lemon - amazingly delicious!

More decoction is healthier from barley malt– sprouted, dried and ground barley grains. We think that Poirot drank malt broth. It is very nutritious and is used as a blood purifier for various metabolic disorders manifested in skin rashes. As a nutritional supplement, barley is very useful for young children, because... has anti-inflammatory, emollient and enveloping effects. That’s why barley porridges – pearl barley and barley – are so useful.

Recipes from the Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants:

1. 20 g of grains per 1 glass cold water, leave for 5 hours, boil for 10 minutes.

2. 2 tbsp. malt flour per 1 liter of boiling water - leave for 4 hours. Drink half a glass 4 times a day, adding sugar or honey to taste.

    Thanks a lot! I'll try it soon.
    It’s not for nothing that coffee is so popular (why, I really don’t know?) - we haven’t drunk it for a long time, now we sometimes brew it, and sometimes we get tired of just tea and herbs. Now let’s try barley, even if it doesn’t taste like coffee, for some reason I have the feeling that it will be very tasty. And useful. Because with coffee of course big question.
    Is a plunger the same as a Turk for coffee, or something else? :-)

    A plunger is a glass made of heat-resistant glass in a cup holder with a piston that allows water to pass through and does not allow solid particles (grass, grains..) to pass through. A very convenient thing for brewing. This piston contributes to greater extraction of various substances, coffee and barley drink turn out as if they were brewed in a Turk :) We really like it, it is sometimes used for tea, but we prefer infundirka for tea, because... The tea cannot be over-steeped, otherwise you can remove the infusion from the teapot and that’s it. And you can drain the tea from the plunger :)

    Wow, I didn’t even know about such a thing, but where are these sold?.. In ordinary dishware, or somewhere in special stores?..

    We tried to germinate barley and rye, the description here is about malt:

    We haven’t tried brewing it yet, we’ll try it one of these days, then I’ll write about it later. :-)

    Today we drank a drink made from malt - sprouted grain, roasted in the oven until brown, ground, brewed - very tasty, aromatic, just as we wanted.

    And we tried just grain, dry, roasted and brewed - I didn’t like it at all, there’s no such taste, so I won’t even do that anymore, I don’t really want to drink.

    But with malt according to the first option - it’s just great!! I will do it all the time now.

    I’m reading a book alone, and yesterday I accidentally came across this phrase:

    “I gave him a recipe for a barley drink for insomnia.
    - What if it doesn’t help?
    “It will definitely help,” I smiled.”

    Exactly, it’s true - we now drink every day, we noticed that everyone began to sleep better and much more soundly.
    So, whoever suffers from insomnia, drink barley drink, it will definitely help! :-)))

    What’s good is that you can give it to children too.

    We tried just roasting barley, without soaking and sprouting, for a drink, the drink also turned out, but it was quite different from the one with sprouting. On barley malt- it turns out much tastier, it’s just that roasted barley is not the same at all. So for delicious drink- malt must be made!

    When we were children, my mother cooked porridge, which we called chocolate :) From fried oatmeal: she fried the oatmeal in a dry frying pan, then added milk, and everything else :) Exact recipe Mom herself has already forgotten, but I’m describing from memory, because... I always watched the preparation of my favorite porridge :) And a drink made from roasted dry barley is very reminiscent of it in taste :) I want to try roasting and brewing ground barley. And malt was generally considered a delicacy no worse than sweets :) So just two different tastes:) You need to fry carefully and stir all the time, without stopping, because if it burns a little somewhere, it will be immediately noticeable and the taste will deteriorate :)
