Why is fast food so harmful? All the truth. And how to deal with this? The harm of fast food: real evil

We decided to figure out what fast food actually threatens us with.

What kind of food falls into the category of “fast food”? When talking about the dangers of fast food, we usually first of all mean establishments like McDonald’s and the like. Not far from them are all sorts of “Kroshki-potatoes”, shawarma sold on the streets, hot dogs, pancakes with fillings, etc. similar food. This also includes chips, all kinds of crackers, any carbonated drinks and other “little things” that we usually snack on while running. That's the minimum. In reality the list is much longer. In this article we will mainly talk about food a la McDonald's.

Is it true that food in fast food establishments is cooked with some particularly harmful fat?

In most cases this is true. The fact is that for the preparation of many dishes here they usually use solid types of margarine with high level trans isomers of fatty acids. However, this type of spatial organization of fatty acid molecules is also typical for all kinds of creams in store-bought cakes and cakes. So, it doesn’t make much difference whether you ate at McDonald’s or drank tea and a store-bought cake. They are also available in some other finished products With high content animal fats. These same trans isomers pose a danger because, for example, doubling them in our diet increases the risk of developing heart disease by at least twice. Of course, explaining to a teenager obsessed with hamburgers and fries what he is risking is almost hopeless. But at the age of 30-35, it’s already worth thinking about the possibility of heart problems because of these very potatoes! By the way, the current young generation, who grew up on fast food, at the age of 30 has a chance not only to think about heart problems, but also to begin to “reap the benefits” of their passion for such food.

Is it true that the reason Americans are obese is due to their love of “fast food”?

How true it is! And not only Americans! The fashion for fast food has long led to a rapid increase in the number of fat French, English and even Japanese. There are two reasons for this situation. Firstly, an average lunch at any McDonald's at least covers, or even exceeds, the daily calorie requirement (for an adult this is 1500-2500 kcal). But, as a rule, we eat something else during the day. Secondly, such a diet disrupts the balance of hormones that are responsible for our feeling of fullness. Therefore, we can order, for example, a huge hamburger, a portion of potatoes, milkshake, pie, ice cream, cola and... at the same time we will continue to feel hungry.

Do fast food foods really contain some kind of narcotic substance that makes us come back again and again?

Well, regarding some special narcotic substances - this is unlikely! However, do not rush to rejoice! According to scientists studying the effect of this food on the human body, excessive consumption of the fats and sugars it contains leads to a real chemical dependence, similar to a drug addiction. That is, constantly visiting such eateries causes the same painful addiction as smoking or drug use. Addiction to hamburgers, cola and fried potatoes quickly leads to change chemical processes in the human brain, which most often occurs with cocaine or heroin addiction. This theory is also supported by the fact that it is very difficult, and sometimes simply unrealistic, for fast food lovers to return to normal food and go on a strict diet. They experience real “withdrawals”, similar to those suffered by drug addicts who want to recover.

Why is this food often blamed for causing gastritis, ulcers and other stomach diseases?

The first reason for the very possible occurrence of gastritis from fast food food is peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, pancreatitis, constipation and other similar diseases, including cancer - this is the rush in which it is usually eaten. In general, that’s why she “ fast food“to absorb it on the run, without really chewing or pausing. But in the end, pieces that are not crushed and not moistened with saliva end up in the stomach. The result is the same problems with work gastrointestinal tract. There is a second reason for the appearance of gastritis and ulcers among regular visitors to fast foods. And it's about... noise and loud music. As scientists have found, people who snack in crowded eateries amid the noise and din of visitors increase the risk of such stomach diseases several times. Those who muffle the noise with their player while eating, turning it on at maximum volume, also very quickly develop ulcers or gastritis. This “musical noise accompaniment” is especially dangerous for children and adolescents, whose bodies are especially susceptible to it.

Everyone knows that “fast food” can lead to obesity, but sometimes you read that it also negatively affects the condition of the skin, hair, and in general the way a person looks. Isn't this just another horror story?

Unfortunately no. The fact is that constantly eating hamburgers, hot dogs, potatoes and pies causes a fairly rapid metabolic disorder. In addition, this food is very high in cholesterol, contains vitamins and dietary fiber reduced to a minimum, and the balance between proteins, fats and carbohydrates has nothing to do with normal nutrition. The result of all of the above is sad not only for the figure, but also for the appearance: such a fast food “diet” has a very negative effect on the condition of the hair, depriving it of shine and elasticity, as well as the skin.

Is it true that a hamburger + cola is much more harmful than them, but separately?

The whole point is that while drinking greasy hamburger, hot dog and fries with ice-cold cola or any other cold carbonated drink, we are making a huge mistake. Gastric juice, diluted with effervescent liquid, ceases to cope with the digestion of already heavy food. And due to the low temperature of the drink consumed with the hamburger, the fat contained in its filling (cutlet or sausage) instantly solidifies and becomes a dead weight, ultimately increasing the size of our waist even more.

Can you die from fast food?
If we are talking about spoiled or contaminated food, then you can die from anything. If we talk about, so to speak, normal fast food, then of course you won’t die, but your health will be undermined. As an illustration, it is worth giving an example with a 33-year-old American journalist named Morgan Spurlock, who decided to check how much all these fast food “horror films” correspond to reality. Before the experiment, he underwent a full medical examination, which confirmed that he did not have any health problems. Then he ate at McDonald's every day, three times a day, for a month. The result of the experiment was sad: 12 kg excess weight, an increase in cholesterol levels several times, a doubling of the risk of a heart attack and an almost “planted” liver, reminiscent of the liver of an inveterate alcoholic. And this is with complete abstinence from alcohol for the entire duration of the experiment! One more side effect There was, by the way, a sharp decline in the sexual desires and abilities of the desperate journalist.

Is it true that fast food is especially dangerous for children?
Yes it is. Although it is children and teenagers who are the main fans of the “hot dog + Coca-Cola” food. However, doctors are convinced that such food is almost fatal for the younger generation, since the body is still developing, and what it will be like depends very much on the contents of the plate. An unbalanced fast food menu leads to obesity, endocrine and immune system, and this in turn affects physical and mental development in the future.

How many times a week (or month) do you need to eat fast food for everything described above to become a reality?

Nutritionists agree that eating food from a classic fast food establishment once a month can be considered relatively painless for your health. However, some believe that this is too common. Draw your conclusions!

The word itself: > came to us from America. (Translated into English as fast food - fast food). And in fact, now the term > refers to food prepared quickly, so that a person who is always in a hurry can have a quick and satisfying snack.

Fast food includes:

First of all, establishments > food. Usually they sell >, cola, various >, etc. This also includes chips, all kinds of crackers, any carbonated drinks and other snacks.

This > is very inexpensive and very tasty, so it is very popular.

Then, therefore, there is nothing better than this light snack! But no matter how it is! Many consider > harmful and hazardous to health. The number of deaths from malnutrition in the world has increased to 60%. In addition, America, the leader in fast food, is the most obese nation on the planet, 61% of the US population suffers from obesity.

But what is the reason for these numbers? Why is food dangerous? What does fast food consist of?

This is exactly what I have to learn in my scientific work.

History of fast food.

How did this food come about? What is her homeland?

Most likely, most will think that this is America. But that's not true.

It turns out that fast food dates back to Ancient Rome. It was called by the Latin word >. Even the ancient Romans introduced such a type of service as inexpensive fast food. In every Roman city there were a lot of snack markets where they sold all kinds of foods. And oddly enough, it was very similar to our modern restaurants.

Numerous local food courts, so to speak, offered their visitors inexpensive food, which might also appeal to modern fans of fast food (hot bread, meat, peas and even pastries). And there was even a kind of hamburger. It was a flatbread made from beef mixed with nut kernels and eaten with bread. Flatbreads made from yeast dough, greased olive oil, they were very convenient to use as edible plates. And I can’t even believe that such flatbreads covered with cheese and sausage will soon be called > A particularly interesting and visual ancient Roman fast food can be found in Pompeii. The guides there show ruins that were once fast foods and had shop windows or something similar to them on the street. Large vats were built into the counters of the premises, in which food was prepared. Instead of shop windows, there were wooden sliding partitions that were tightly closed at night, but they were used only at night, and during the day there were no doors at all.

Photo of a diner in Ancient Rome.

But that's not all. It turns out that the Romans introduced another type of service such as home delivery of food. This conclusion was made during numerous archaeological excavations, which proved that in many Roman houses no kitchens were found at all. Apparently, since most of the houses were wooden, an attempt to cook food on open fire and even in the hearth it could turn into a fire.

RESULT: How old is fast food?

Most likely, more than 2 thousand, because the heyday of the Roman Empire occurred in 40-50 BC. e.

But what does America have to do with it then? Why is it considered the country of fast food, and not Rome?

After all, many countries began to use > food. An example of this is China. There they sold hot noodles in the markets instant cooking(which was very similar to our modern one). In India, Europe and Russia, various flatbreads, pasties and even pies (in Russia) were popular.

But America won.

Fast food as an industry originated in the 1920s in America. The pioneer in this area was the White Castle company, which opened in 1921 in Kansas. Specialty dish"White Castle" was a kind of hamburger, which at that time was a curiosity for Americans. Potential buyers were also pleased with the stable price of food: hamburgers cost only 5 cents. But soon customers began to have second thoughts about the food. It’s no coincidence that such food is very cheap? Rumors began to circulate that such food was dangerous for the body. Hamburgers and other foods came to be considered the food of beggars or the poor. Then the owner of the establishment, Billy Ingram, came up with a cunning move. He hired several young men who, for a small fee, came to the White Castle every day in white coats and ordered large portion. Visitors mistook them for doctors and, seeing how the doctors were gobbling up food with might and main, they calmed down. Since such people eat hamburgers, it means they are truly safe for health. At the end of the 1940s, numerous competitors began to appear at the White Castle. But the most serious of them were the two brothers Dick and McDonald's, who traded in small restaurant B-B-Q. Soon they decided to quit their jobs to create a small McDonald's restaurant and produce hamburgers. In 1948 they succeeded, and income increased sharply. In 1954, traveling salesman Ray Kroc met them, who proposed opening establishments under the same brand throughout the country. The brothers agreed, and things went ahead.

In 1956, there were 14 McDonald's restaurants in the United States; in 1960 - 228 in 1968 - 1000 in 1975 - 3076 in 1980 - 6263 in 1984 - 8300 in 1990 - 11800.

Now the McDonald's corporation has more than 30,000 restaurants in 119 countries, while White Castle has only about 380 restaurants in the United States.

RESULT: So, McDonald's restaurants and others like them began in America. That's why it became the birthplace of fast food.

Why is food dangerous?

Why is this food dangerous? There can be many reasons. I'll go over some of them.

1 Reason.


Preservatives or food additives (several hundred of them are known) are a simple and cheap way to give a product an attractive appearance and color, enhance the taste, and also extend its shelf life.

But most preservatives tend to be dangerous.

Examples of such preservatives:

E-121, U-123, U-240;

E-103, E-105, E-121, E-123, E-125, E-126, E-130, E-131, E-142, E-152, E-210, E-211, E- 213-217, E-240, E-330, E-447;

The letter E means Europe. The numbers are the code for each preservative

Many of them cause allergies. But there are also more dangerous additives:

E-171-173, E-320-322. - such preservatives cause liver and kidney diseases.

(More information about preservatives in the folder: Preservatives. dok. Antioxidants dok. Preservatives. General, etc.)

2 Reason.

Instant foods are usually available in two versions - dehydrated and freeze-dried. The first type is the cheapest and most popular, the second is expensive and little known to the general consumer. IN Soviet times soups in bags were made from freeze-dried products - military personnel, astronauts, and tourists ate exactly this kind of food, which was even then dubbed sublimate.

Dehydrogenated, that is, dried, products were invented at the end of the 19th century. by Nestle. Modern technology manufacturing > products is almost entirely based on drying

The product is heated to 100-120°C, and the moisture evaporates from it. In this case, the cellular structure is destroyed, the consistency of the product, its taste and aroma changes, and no more than 25% of vitamins remain. And then various flavors, PRESERVATIVES, and fillers are necessarily added.

Freeze-dried foods are a Soviet invention, invented in 1929 by the scientist Lappa-Sterzhenetsky. The process of sublimation is the transition of a substance from a solid to a gaseous state, bypassing the liquid stage.

These products almost completely preserve all nutrients, vitamins, microelements, initial smell, taste and color. It is enough to add water before use - the product is restored and will be almost indistinguishable from the natural one. Another important advantage- when stored in the temperature range from - 50°C to +50°C, they practically do not change for several years.

However, their price is very high: for example, 1 kg of freeze-dried meat, which replaces 4 kg of natural meat, costs 2 thousand rubles.

3 Reason.

Almost any “fast food” is generously stuffed with trans fats - a type of harmful lipids. These molecules not only contribute to the development of atherosclerosis (which, in turn, leads to heart attacks and strokes), but also to oncological diseases. The main problem with fast food is low-quality oil, which is subjected to endless boiling.

4 Reason.

A standard lunch at a fast food restaurant will provide you with more than half daily value calories. Shawarma consisting of fatty meat and a sausage generously sprinkled with mayonnaise, dressed in a rather hefty bun, pizza, which includes smoked sausage and bacon filled with cheese and mayonnaise - all these goodies are very nutritious.

In addition, when washing down your lunch with a cola or milkshake, it is worth remembering that these drinks contain a lot of sugar. One glass of cocktail is approximately 6 pieces of refined sugar.

5 Reason.

>, as a rule, is absorbed on the run, in huge pieces. And, as you know, the feeling of satiety comes only after some time. Therefore, if you eat in a hurry, you risk overeating.

In addition, by not chewing your food thoroughly, you give extra load stomach, which can > cause exacerbation of gastritis, indigestion.

6 Reason.

A small amount of salt is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Salt is mainly composed of two elements - sodium and chlorine and small quantity impurities. Sodium is necessary for the body to maintain water balance, as well as for the transmission of nerve impulses and normal operation muscles. But to avoid health problems, you only need about one milligram of sodium per day, or a quarter teaspoon of salt.

And anything you get in excess of this norm can significantly harm your body. The kidneys may not be able to cope with excess salt, which gradually accumulates, retaining water in the vessels, which causes swelling and increased blood pressure. That is why doctors advise especially closely monitoring salt intake for people with coronary heart disease, hypertension, those who have problems with the kidneys, as well as women later pregnancy.

7 Reason.

If you think that a street hot dog or shawarma seller washes his hands every time before handling a sausage or cutting meat, you are deeply mistaken.

Why do they eat it?

Why, with this large quantities harmful substances do people still eat fast food?

1 Reason.

Perhaps people are simply not aware of this danger.

Or they don’t want to give up such tempting food.

2 Reason.

This. tasty.

Flavor enhancers do their job. It comes out of a regular bread bun delicious hamburger. But it’s a pity that we should owe its preparation not to the skill of the cook, but to the chemists who created this preservative.

3 Reason.

This. fast.

“Fast” food does not cause inconvenience for many and allows you to have a snack on the go.

4 Reason.

This. cheap.

Low price is another source of customer delight.

Our survey:

During his scientific work My teacher and I conducted a survey.

1. Do you visit fast food establishments?

2. How many times a year?

3. What do you buy there?

Children aged approximately 12-14 years took part in the survey.

From the answers to question 1 we found out that:

90% of people surveyed visit fast food establishments

10% of people surveyed do not visit

Answers to question 2 >:

Then it became clear that children visit fast food establishments mainly 10-20 times a year (that’s about once a month).

A very good result. But you need to take into account that the children surveyed live in a small town where there are no restaurants > food.

If we surveyed residents of larger cities, the results would be something like this:

It became clear that in a large city they eat fast food large quantity once. It is also clear that there are practically no people AT ALL visiting fast food establishments.

But we cannot say anything because the information on diagram 2 is approximate.

Now let's make a more detailed diagram for children 12 and younger, 13, 14 and older separately.


Here we see that children 12 years old and younger visit fast food establishments approximately 10-20 times a year. It's not much, but it's something to consider Small town, in which the people participating in the survey live.

Among children aged 13, the 10-20 mark also leads, but not so much. Many people visit only 1-2 times.

Children 14 years and older visit mainly 1-2 times.

This may indicate that snack > preferences vary with age.

Answers to question 3.

We used McDonald's as an example of a fast food establishment.

The most common answer to question 3 was:

Chicken McNuggets (6 pcs)

Standard French fries

Coca Cola

Chocolate cocktail

Let's look at Appendix No. 2 kcal:

TOTAL: 1655 kcal

Let's look at application No. 1 daily norm. It is equal to 2500-2700 kcal (for a child 12-13 years old).

Therefore, 1655 kcal is a lot. After all, during the day we also eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. The norm is exceeded, and the person becomes very fat.

Let's see the best largest list food, among all the answers:

Chicken McNuggets (9 pcs)

Large portion of French fries

Strawberry cocktail


Ice cream with strawberry filling.

Orange juice

TOTAL: 2210 kcal

Let's look at the smallest list of food among all the answers:

Orange juice

Country style potatoes

Chicken McNuggets (6 pcs)

TOTAL: 790 kcal.

Only 3 dishes, but a lot of calories. But this permissible quantity for lunch at any McDonald's.

Facts and figures.

1) American Morgan Spurlock decided to experiment on himself and ate exclusively at McDonald's for a month.

As a result, the experimenter gained 12 kg of excess weight, damaged his liver and exceeded permissible level cholesterol in the blood.

2) On the first day of McDonald's operation in Moscow, about 30 thousand people tried hamburgers.

3)Today, McDonald's restaurants are present in 119 countries around the world

4) About 65% of Russians over 18 years of age visit fast food establishments from time to time.

5)4% regularly dine at such establishments.

6) 70% of respondents believe that eating regularly while running is harmful to health.

7) Fast food outlets are chosen primarily because of: a) speed of service - 53% b) lack of alternative options- 15% c) addiction to fast food - 14%

8) In a big city now on average:

4643 enterprises Catering(including 330 restaurants, 549 bars, 2252 cafes, 1060 snack bars, 181 canteens, 236 buffets and 35 cookeries)

Over the past 5 years, the average annual growth has been from 4 to 6% or from 200 to 300 enterprises

9) On average, 1 fast food restaurant has 110 people per hour!

10) In the world, 60% die from malnutrition.

Safe amount.

So how much fast food can you eat on average in a year and not ruin your health?

Nutritionists cannot say the exact answer, but they offer some tips:

1. Do not eat fast food more than once every 2 weeks

2. Don't eat a lot of calories at once

3. After eating, you should definitely have some light food.


In Russia, men only live to 63 years of age. Women up to 72. In Europe, life expectancy is much longer because people there are much more attentive to their health and especially to food.

Our country ranks one of the first in the world in terms of the number cardiovascular diseases, one of the reasons for which is poor nutrition. That's why healthly food- it is very important. This will increase life expectancy in our country, reduce the number of cardiovascular and other diseases, and raise a healthy generation.

Bomb 4. Addiction. Humanity gets used to fast food and becomes dependent on it. Such dependence can be compared to drug addiction. Studies conducted on laboratory rodents have shown that animals that have access to fast food can no longer stop eating. They run to the feeder every ten minutes, forget about normal activities and entertainment, and completely neglect regular food. And when fast food is removed, the animals don’t eat at all for several days.

This food fits perfectly into the rhythm of modern life. Therefore, when faced with a choice between health and speed, many people choose the latter. How to protect yourself and your family members from such food as much as possible? In this article you will receive the maximum amount of advice on this topic. First, let's talk about children. The harm of such food for children's health is undeniable. The manic craving of children for such food is also undeniable. This is due to the presence in this food of special flavor enhancers and seasonings that act on children's body like a drug. It is useless to forbid a child to eat chips or crackers. He will still find an opportunity to enjoy this food when you are not around.

Excessive consumption food products modern people - the result of too much abundance in the diet high-calorie foods. Nowadays, the most consumed products are animal meat and various products from it, as well as culinary products with increased content table salt and sucrose.

Poor animals, as always, suffer for people. This time it was innocent chimpanzees who suffered. They ate fast food for six years. A similar experiment was organized at one of the universities in the United States of America. As a result, it was proven that fast food containing a lot of hydrogenated fats provokes rapid weight gain in animals. At the same time, animals from the control group received exactly the same fat content in their diet, but at the expense of healthy vegetable and animal oils. They didn't gain weight as quickly.

In the process of hydrogenation of fats, they produce transgenic fats, which are very harmful to human health. Scientists are interested in how fast food, saturated with these fats, affects the condition of the heart and blood vessels. Each monkey participating in the experiment consumed one cheeseburger and one serving per day. fried potatoes. The rest of the diet was standard. The control group of animals ate a standard diet, but the amount of natural fats and carbohydrates was added to the diet, corresponding to their content in a cheeseburger and potatoes.

Six years later, the monkeys underwent a comprehensive examination, but scientists were more interested in the animals’ blood vessels. The fact that cholesterol levels were elevated in the blood of the monkeys in the experimental group need not even be mentioned. In addition, the animals gained five percent more fat than the control group. And these monkeys had as much as a third more abdominal fat than the animals in the control group. Quite convincing data.

In what special harm fast food?
The main problem with such food is its completely unbalanced composition. Healthy food involves a certain proportion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. In fast food, this proportion is violated. There are almost no proteins, a lot of fats and quite a lot of carbohydrates. In addition, most people fill this indigestible lump of food with another bottle sweet soda, which, of course, is only served cold. Now the body must first warm up the resulting lump of food to a normal, digestible temperature, and then try to digest it. Double empty work for the digestive system.

Fast food is fried mainly with margarines - it’s monstrous harmful product, which is used more than once. It is filtered and poured into fryers over and over again. How many carcinogens are formed in this margarine? Separately, it must be said that margarine is, in principle, very harmful. Indeed, in the process of its production, fat molecules are processed in such a way that a bomb for blood vessels and the heart is obtained.

And here is the rating of products that under no circumstances should appear on the table of a person who values ​​their health: in first place, naturally, are sweet sodas. They contain a lot of sugar, various chemical additives and all sorts of harmful things. In second place are potato chips. There is nothing natural here, but there is more than enough chemicals and fat. The third place is occupied chocolate bars. Presence of sugar and many food additives" E"gets us hooked on them like a drug. The fourth place is occupied by boiled sausages and sausages. Everything is clear here, what it consists of - only the manufacturers know.

The founder of Chinese fast food, inventing his trade brand, thought first of all about what could be done profitable business, using national food habits. Why force the Chinese to eat hamburgers? This is stupid and may not be profitable at all. But if you submit National dishes V attractive form and convenient form, such an undertaking can be successful.

It must be said that in China itself, national fast food is much more widespread than traditional Western food. Thus, only one Chinese fast food chain has twice as many restaurants as McDonald's.

The fundamental difference between Chinese fast food and European fast food is that food here is not fried at all. All dishes are prepared only by steaming. It is very healthy, no fats and carcinogens. The basis of Chinese fast food is rice and vegetables. Very useful and healthy food. It is impossible to buy sweet carbonated drinks here, but instead they serve soy milk or tea. Those who really cannot live without such food should pay attention to Chinese restaurants fast food Perhaps this is a good way out and an opportunity to maintain health. The main slogan of Chinese fast food is saving everyone useful qualities products and care for the health of visitors.

Of course, there are also skewers of locusts or sea snakes fried in oil. But even when buying seafood kebab directly at a street market, it is possible to purchase useful product, for example, boiled crayfish, strung on skewers.

Everyone already knows that fast food has a bad effect on digestion, blood vessels and leads to obesity. But the fact that it also affects work nervous system and the brain, we learned quite recently. It turns out that people who abuse fast food are prone to hasty actions and have absolutely no self-control and patience.

Scientists from a Canadian university have found that the habit of quickly eating on the run, without spending any time, makes people intolerant of any kind of waiting. People no longer care how much they pay, the most important thing is to do everything quickly and run further.

In fast food cafes, people very quickly satiate their hunger and at the same time get pleasure from food in a matter of minutes. Clients get so used to saving time that they start doing it regardless of whether they really need to save time.
Even looking at brands makes people do everything faster. For example, participants in one of the experiments looked at the names of fast food restaurants over a certain period of time. After that, they were given the text to read at a certain speed. All participants read the text at a speed significantly higher than necessary.

In another experiment, participants looked at icons of famous restaurants and then went shopping. It turned out that all the purchases that were made were aimed at saving time. At the same time, they cost significantly more than similar products that would have been used more long time. Thus, fast food destroys not only our bodies, but also our psyche.

Almost everyone knows that fast food is harmful. But, nevertheless, few people completely abandoned such food. And for some, fast food is the only opportunity to have a snack during the working day. Therefore, you should consider not the issue of completely abandoning fast food, but junk food less harmful.

First, you should stop eating on the go. The digestion process suffers greatly if you literally eat on your feet. Gastric juice is poorly produced and the pancreas is working hard. In addition, while walking, food is almost not chewed, but is sent to the stomach big pieces. In order to reduce the impact of these harmful factors, you should, at a minimum, sit down on the curb and chew each piece thoroughly.

When choosing pizza, you should give preference to varieties without sausage or ham, which contain very little hot sauce. In addition, it is advisable to opt for a thin crust.

There are also tips for fans of French fries: you should not eat them with mayonnaise or fatty sauces. There are also dietary seasonings for potatoes, for example, soft country cheese.
When ordering food at fast food eateries, it is better to opt for the children's menu. In addition, preference should be given to sodas labeled “diet”. It is preferable to order the salad without sauce or with vegetable oil.
When buying a hot dog, it is better to avoid sauces altogether.
A piece of advice for baking fans: don’t buy baked goods fried in oil. It is better to give preference to baked options.

Having appeared in Russia some 15 years ago, the fast food empire managed to win the hearts of not only the younger generation, but also many adults who love not to make a cult out of food. There are plenty of horror stories about this “fast food”. We decided to figure out what fast food actually threatens us with.

What foods fall into the fast food category?
When talking about the dangers of fast food, they usually first of all mean establishments like McDonald's and the like. Not far from them are all sorts of “Kroshki-potatoes”, shawarma, hot dogs, pancakes with fillings and similar food sold on the streets. This also includes chips, all kinds of crackers, any carbonated drinks and other “little things” that we usually snack on while running. That's the minimum. In reality the list is much longer. In this article we will mainly talk about food a la McDonald's.

Is it true that food in fast food establishments is cooked with some particularly harmful fat?
In most cases this is true. The fact is that for the preparation of many dishes here they usually use solid types of margarine with a high level of trans-isomers of fatty acids. However, this type of spatial organization of fatty acid molecules is also typical for all kinds of creams in store-bought cakes and cakes. So, it doesn’t make much difference whether you ate at McDonald’s or drank tea and a store-bought cake. They are also found in some other prepared foods high in animal fats. These same trans isomers pose a danger because, for example, doubling them in our diet increases the risk of developing heart disease by at least twice. Of course, explaining to a teenager obsessed with hamburgers and fries what he is risking is almost hopeless. But at the age of 30-35, it’s already worth thinking about the possibility of heart problems because of these very potatoes! By the way, the current young generation, who grew up on fast food, at the age of 30 has a chance not only to think about heart problems, but also to begin to “reap the benefits” of their passion for such food.

Is it true that the reason Americans are obese is due to their love of “fast food”?
How true it is! And not only Americans! The fashion for fast food has long led to a rapid increase in the number of fat French, English and even Japanese. There are two reasons for this situation. Firstly, an average lunch at any McDonald's at least covers, or even exceeds, the daily calorie requirement (for an adult this is 1500-2500 kcal). But, as a rule, we eat something else during the day. Secondly, such a diet disrupts the balance of hormones that are responsible for our feeling of fullness. Therefore, we can order, for example, a huge hamburger, a portion of potatoes, a milkshake, a pie, ice cream, cola and... at the same time we will continue to feel hungry.

Do fast food foods really contain some kind of narcotic substance that makes us come back again and again?
Well, regarding some special narcotic substances - this is unlikely! However, do not rush to rejoice! According to scientists studying the effect of this food on the human body, excessive consumption of the fats and sugars it contains leads to a real chemical dependence, similar to a drug addiction. That is, constantly visiting such eateries causes the same painful addiction as smoking or drug use. Addiction to hamburgers, cola and fried potatoes quite quickly leads to changes in chemical processes in the human brain, which most often occurs with cocaine or heroin addiction. This theory is also supported by the fact that it is very difficult, and sometimes simply unrealistic, for fast food lovers to return to normal food and go on a strict diet. They experience real “withdrawals”, similar to those suffered by drug addicts who want to recover.

Why is this food often blamed for causing gastritis, ulcers and other stomach diseases?
The first reason for the very possible occurrence of gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis, constipation and other similar diseases, including cancer, from fast food food is the rush in which it is usually eaten. In general, that’s why it’s a “fast food”, so you can absorb it on the run, without really chewing or pausing. But in the end, pieces that are not crushed and not moistened with saliva end up in the stomach. The result is the same problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. There is a second reason for the appearance of gastritis and ulcers among regular visitors to fast foods. And it's about... noise and loud music. As scientists have found, people who snack in crowded eateries amid the noise and din of visitors increase the risk of such stomach diseases several times. Those who muffle the noise with their player while eating, turning it on at maximum volume, also very quickly develop ulcers or gastritis. This “musical noise accompaniment” is especially dangerous for children and adolescents, whose bodies are especially susceptible to it.

Everyone knows that “fast food” can lead to obesity, but sometimes you read that it also negatively affects the condition of the skin, hair, and in general the way a person looks. Isn't this just another horror story?
Unfortunately no. The fact is that constantly eating hamburgers, hot dogs, potatoes and pies causes a fairly rapid metabolic disorder. In addition, this food contains a lot of cholesterol, the content of vitamins and dietary fiber is reduced to a minimum, and the balance between proteins, fats and carbohydrates has nothing to do with normal nutrition. The result of all of the above is sad not only for the figure, but also for the appearance: such a fast food “diet” has a very negative effect on the condition of the hair, depriving it of shine and elasticity, as well as the skin.

Is it true that a hamburger + cola is much more harmful than them, but separately?
The thing is that when we wash down a greasy hamburger, hot dog and French fries with an ice-cold cola or any other cold carbonated drink, we are making a huge mistake. Gastric juice, diluted with effervescent liquid, ceases to cope with the digestion of already heavy food. And due to the low temperature of the drink consumed with the hamburger, the fat contained in its filling (cutlet or sausage) instantly solidifies and becomes a dead weight, ultimately increasing the size of our waist even more.

Can you die from fast food?
If we are talking about spoiled or contaminated food, then you can die from anything. If we talk about, so to speak, normal fast food, then of course you won’t die, but your health will be undermined. As an illustration, it is worth citing the example of a 33-year-old American journalist named Morgan Spurlock, who decided to check how true all these fast food “horror stories” are. Before the experiment, he underwent a full medical examination, which confirmed that he did not have any health problems. Then he ate at McDonald's every day, three times a day, for a month. The result of the experiment was sad: 12 kg of excess weight, an increase in cholesterol levels several times, a doubling of the risk of a heart attack and an almost “planted” liver, reminiscent of the liver of an inveterate alcoholic. And this is with complete abstinence from alcohol for the entire duration of the experiment! Another side effect, by the way, was a sharp decrease in the sexual desires and abilities of the desperate journalist.

Is it true that fast food is especially dangerous for children?
Yes it is. Although it is children and teenagers who are the main fans of the “hot dog + Coca-Cola” food. However, doctors are convinced that such food is almost fatal for the younger generation, since the body is still developing, and what it will be like depends very much on the contents of the plate. An unbalanced fast food menu leads to obesity, disorders in the endocrine and immune systems, and this in turn affects physical and mental development in the future.

How many times a week (or month) do you need to eat fast food for everything described above to become a reality?
Nutritionists agree that eating food from a classic fast food establishment once a month can be considered relatively painless for your health. However, some believe that this is too common. Draw your conclusions!

Every person knows fast food nowadays. Moreover, he suffers from addiction is on a quick fix. Why are fast food dishes made from semi-finished products so popular, because despite the beauty of fresh healthy food, do we still prefer such food?

The popularity of fast food can be explained by the transience of our lives. We have become so caught up in its fast pace that we simply have no time to wait until the restaurant serves us high-quality and Tasty food, and even more so - cook it at home yourself. Fast food delivery has become very popular. Thus, everyone can eat McDonald's products without leaving home. U modern man Now every minute counts, and he simply has no need to waste his precious and worth the money time to the kitchen. Moreover, there is a large selection of establishments where you can be fed deliciously and, most importantly, quickly.

So, a few facts about what fast food is and how it appeared. The fast food industry was opened by McDonald's in 1948. And in 1951, the word “fast food”, which means “fast food”, first appeared in the American dictionary. It is estimated that nine out of ten American children visit McDonald's every month. If you frequently eat fast food, your insulin levels may rise significantly, which may cause diabetes mellitus. Excessive use Fast food can cause asthma, high blood pressure, heart failure, allergies, cellulite and, of course, obesity. And this has truly become a problem for nations.

What is fast food for a child? Research has shown that children who consume fast food are more likely to allergic reactions, asthma and eczema. Fast food can also cause elevated temperature in children. Huge number additives and make the hot dog so juicy that saliva almost drips from your mouth. And this aroma of fresh fried meat simply drives you crazy. But if you look at the ingredients and main components of such seemingly innocent delicacies, your head will spin. This set will surprise you so much that you will hardly ever want to take a bite again.

If all the arguments about the dangers of such food on your body have not affected you, and you are looking forward to your next snack with the same impatience, try to at least reduce the number of visits to local establishments that offer you a quick and cheap meal. Remember what fast food is and what harm it can cause to your health. Also try to reduce the calorie content of food consumed in general, replace Coca-Cola with juice, and dry milk with fruit.

You can buy fast food products at any supermarket and make a hamburger at home. Even better if the ingredients are fresh vegetables and quality meat. These dietary changes will help you not only lose weight, but also stay toned. You will become more energetic and cheerful. Moreover, healthy eating will improve your skin and make your cheeks rosy. You will no longer suffer from heartburn and will step on the scale with confidence.
