Is apricot a gift from Allah or why do residents of eastern countries call it a panacea for all diseases? Apricots and dried apricots: the difference. Dried apricots, pitted and pitted

Dried apricots and apricots are dried fruits produced from apricot fruits. The only difference is that apricot is an apricot with a pit, and dried apricots are dried halves delicious fruit. Dried apricots and apricots are a treasure trove useful vitamins And minerals. These fruits, even after drying, retain most of the valuable elements.

The benefits of dried fruits

Dried apricots and apricots do not contain as many vitamins and minerals as fresh apricots. But dried fruits are also rich in vitamins B, PP, A and C. They contain a lot of potassium, phosphorus, iron and calcium. Dried fruits are rich in fiber, which improves product absorption.

Doctors recommend eating five pieces of dried apricots or apricots every day to prevent vitamin deficiency, heart and vascular diseases, as well as anemia. Dried fruits will be even healthier if you eat them with honey. Dried apricots have a positive impact on hormonal background humans and reduce cholesterol levels. It is useful to eat dried apricots for diseases of the kidneys, thyroid gland and diabetes.

It has been established that dried apricots actively fight cancer cells. To do this, it is best to eat it together with walnuts and prunes. Dried fruits are crushed very finely, honey is added to them and eaten before breakfast, one spoon at a time. Dried apricots are removed from the body harmful substances and cleanses the blood. Dried apricots are quite often consumed during diets. It gives a feeling of satiety and speeds up metabolism.

But you should not eat dried apricots. large quantities– this can lead to indigestion. Some people cannot eat apricots because they are allergic to them. If after eating an apricot you feel discomfort, it is better to refuse the fruit. Sometimes children experience skin irritation and poisoning after eating dried apricots. Dried fruit reduces arterial pressure and it should not be eaten if you have asthma.

What is the difference between apricots and dried apricots?

In order to dry dried apricots, the pit is removed and the fruit is divided into two parts. So that it can be stored long time, fruit is often dried using a variety of chemical substances. Although initially the apricots were dried in the open sun for 10 days.

Apricots, unlike dried apricots, are dried in natural conditions. The apricot is not removed from the tree until it has completely lost moisture. Thus, it retains most of the useful substances and vitamins that apricot is rich in.

Since dried apricots are often not dried naturally, in it less vitamins and minerals. In addition, during the cooking process the fruit is cut, which violates its integrity. As a result, many beneficial substances are not preserved.

The most useful are considered more natural products. Apricot will be healthier than dried apricots and apricots. But in turn, apricot is less susceptible to processing and retains almost all the beneficial properties that apricot is endowed with. When choosing between these dried fruits, you should give preference to apricots.

There are two types of dried apricots - dried apricots and apricots. These dried fruits are very often confused, and sometimes not even recognized as apricots. Let's try to figure out what is their difference and what is more useful.

Features of orange dried fruit

Everyone knows that dried apricots are the same as apricots, only dried. Accordingly, dried apricots are dried fruits. Dried apricots have a sweet and sour taste, and their homeland is China. In her homeland, dried apricots are generally valued much less than apricots - after all, the seed, which in Central Asia is considered the heart of the fruit, is removed. And dried “heartless” apricots are most often sent for import.

Since ancient times, dried apricots have been prepared this way: ripe apricots were picked, washed, pitted and placed in the sun or in the shade - and laid so that the fruit was also blown by the wind. The sun and air were the main “cooks” in the case of dried apricots.

Of course, now dried apricots are prepared completely differently - ovens are used, as well as various chemical additives, for example, as sulfur dioxide, sulfur dioxide, which gives the product a rich, bright orange hue to attract buyers. That is why you should not buy acid-orange colored dried apricots - moreover, natural ones have a nearly gray tint, gray-orange, slightly dull, but not bright either.

After purchasing, dried apricots should be soaked in cold water for ten minutes and then rinsed. If it has been dyed, during this time some of the dyes will be washed off, and you will remember that you take dried apricots from of this manufacturer no longer worth it.

One hundred grams of dried apricots contain just over 200 kilocalories, 5 g of protein, very little fat - 0.3–0.5 g, - 25 g of carbohydrates, 70 g of water and 4 g dietary fiber. Moreover, dried apricots are included in many diets, since, like any product with a rich natural composition, is capable of supporting the immune system, giving it required quantity nutrients. It also satisfies hunger very well.

During drying, it loses a certain amount of vitamins and microelements, however, it still remains very useful product. Thus, it is considered a record holder for potassium content - one hundred grams contains about 450 mg. In addition to potassium, dried apricots contain trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iron, and manganese. Dried apricots are one of the main components of various homeopathic remedies and are widely used in folk medicine.

Thanks to more content various dietary fibers of dried apricots have a beneficial effect on the stomach, gastrointestinal tract, it restores and normalizes kidney function, cleanses them. Dried apricots can lower cholesterol levels, and also prevent diseases such as heart attack and stroke, normalize blood pressure and the growth of blood cells. It is no less useful for people with thyroid diseases and those who suffer from diabetes.

Dried apricots are rich in amino acids and vitamins such as C, vitamins B, PP, E, as well as vitamin A, better known as retinol. Vitamin C in combination with vitamin E has a beneficial effect on human skin, hair and nails, nourishes memory and accelerates brain and metabolic processes. Vitamin E, also known as tocopherol, rejuvenates the body and keeps it in balance. Beta-carotene maintains normal vision and helps them get back in order faster after eye surgery.

Another option for dried apricot

By the way, apricot is also an apricot. Only it is dried together with the stone and has a rich brown tint as opposed to the orange dried apricots. Perhaps, for the inexperienced buyer, apricot is a more exotic dried fruit, and its description should be discussed in a little more detail.

Externally, apricots resemble dried apricots more than dried apricots. Due to the fact that it is dried together with the stone, its shape before and after processing is virtually no different.

Uryuk is highly valued in Central Asian countries, for example, in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan - they use it in compotes, infusions, and even add it to pilaf. It is even glorified in a number of folklore tales, songs and poems of Asian countries.

As for the benefits of apricot, it contains the same vitamins, microelements and amino acids as dried apricots - after all, they both adopt them from their apricot ancestor. However, due to significant differences in production, it is generally accepted that apricots are healthier - they are simply not subjected to chemical treatment and retain their properties more fully.

Apricot helps with circulatory disorders and anemia, strengthens body tissues, including bones. He is an excellent remedy in the prevention of cancer, relieves swelling and is considered a good diuretic.

Apricots come in sweet and sour varieties. Sour ones are suitable for the prevention of colds and migraines, and sweet ones have a beneficial effect on the psyche.

To the touch, apricots are hard and dry, and these are one of the main criteria for selection quality product. It shouldn't have various kinds stains, plaque, it should not be wet and stick to its “neighbors”. Wet apricots are stored much shorter, this also hints at inconsistency with storage conditions. Apricots are often stored in cloth bags and sold in portions.


Both apricots and dried apricots are made from the fruits of the apricot tree - from juicy apricots. They ripen in June-August, are a round or ovoid monodrupe fruit (there is one seed inside), can be from yellow to almost red, pink. Apricots are velvety to the touch and “tanned” in appearance. The pulp of apricot is very soft, sweet and sour, and dried apricots and apricots take on its taste.

And dried apricots and apricots - low calorie foods, are part of many diets and are used during fasting days. They are used to make compotes, add them to porridges, pilafs, cottage cheese and use them in baking. Perhaps this is where their common features end.

As for the differences, dried apricots and apricots are completely different in appearance. Dried apricots are orange, they can also be gray-orange (if made in a natural way), and maybe bright orange (if made artificially using dyes and additives). The pit is removed from apricots, if we are talking about dried apricots; in those that are sent for the production of apricots, the pit remains. Based on this, one more difference can be found - dried apricots are flat and more elongated, and apricots are shaped like a nut.

Apricots are more popular than dried apricots in their homeland - in Central Asia, while dried apricots are better known in Europe. Very important point is that apricots are prepared only naturally. This is especially important for fans healthy nutrition and allergy sufferers, and in general people who do not want to consume chemical additives in their food. Dried apricots often undergo a number of treatments for better presentation.

However, both dried apricots and apricots can be prepared at home. To do this, you need to take apricots purchased or collected from your garden. They can be of any size, the main thing is that they maintain integrity and good appearance. Apricots are washed several times and rinsed. Then, if desired, the bones are either pulled out or left, depending on the final product.

In order for dried apricots or apricots to retain their beautiful natural color, they should be kept for about 5–10 minutes in a colander over boiling water. Next, the apricots are dried on clean surface and placed in the oven for 10 hours at a temperature of about 70 degrees. After this, the apricots change their location again - they must spend three weeks in a tight box that can be closed on all sides.

It should be wooden, but in no case spruce or pine.

To summarize, we can say that apricots are a little healthier than dried apricots. It is made in a natural way, it retains more healing substances and is not exposed to harmful chemicals.

To find out which is healthier: dried apricots or apricots, see the following video.

Seeing display cases with colorful dried fruits, it’s easy to get really confused. Indeed, in addition to the usual dried apricots, prunes, and raisins, sellers today also offer more exotic apricots, unabi, and dried melon. And if almost everyone has tried dried apricots, for example, then apricots are a much less familiar delicacy for us. And completely in vain. What is the difference between these two types of dried apricots? Let's try to figure it out.

Dried apricots– type of dried fruit; dried apricot from which the pit has been removed.


Apricots, unlike dried apricots, are extremely popular in Central Asia, where in ancient times they were considered a generous gift from Allah and were sung in poems and legends. Why exactly is apricot given such an honor? This is because this dried apricot fruit is considered one of the healthiest delicacies given by nature itself. This dried fruit is made from both large garden varieties of apricot and small ones. wild fruits mountain apricots, sweet as honey. The main difference between apricots and dried apricots is that they are dried directly with the seed inside, that is, at no stage of drying is the integrity of the fruit compromised. In Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, the seed is considered the heart of the fruit, and removing it means taking away a very valuable part of the dried fruit.

It happens that apricots are dried directly on tree branches. A very convenient way, isn't it? Then all you have to do is remove the fruits, which have withered in the wind and the hot sun, from the tree and pack them for storage in large wooden boxes, adding mint and basil leaves to prevent bugs and moth larvae from infesting them. The method of drying in the sun, when the apricot becomes hard as a stone, is called “oftobi”. Another way to prepare apricots for the winter is when large, fleshy apricots, removed from the branches, for a long time dried in the shade - called “soyagi”. Such truly exclusive apricots are often made only for family consumption, and not for sale, because large volumes, then put up for sale, are tried to be stored for future use as quickly as possible. However, the quality often suffers.

Dried apricots in Central Asia are valued much less and are practically not consumed as food: the vast majority of them are exported to places where they love pitted apricots and do not understand the true value of apricots. To produce dried apricots, the apricot (very often unripe) is cut lengthwise and the pit is removed from the fruit. Then the product is dried, but not with the help of nature - in the sun or in the shade, but using gasoline burners or (in best case scenario) special ovens to speed up the process, which, of course, is not in the best possible way affects the quality of the final product. Since dried fruits dried naturally are very popular with various pests, when dried, future dried apricots are fumigated with sulfur dioxide, a compound that can cause allergies. It is because of this that dried apricots, which are mainly presented on store shelves and markets, have a bright orange “thermonuclear” color. Real high-quality dried apricots should be dark brown with a brown, grayish tint. But finding such dried apricots on sale is very difficult, so you should pay attention to apricots, which are fumigated with sulfur much less often. It is best to look for hard, well-dried apricots, which will not contain excess moisture, which means you will not overpay for “water” and will receive a high-quality product that can be stored for a long time. Many unscrupulous traders often moisten dried apricots with water so that they become heavier and, accordingly, increase in weight, and therefore in price. True, such a product can very quickly turn sour and deteriorate after purchase.

It is believed that apricots contain more vitamins and minerals, they are sweeter and rich taste than dried apricots. Apricots are a component of real pilaf, giving it an incomparable taste and aroma. And the apricot compote turns out to be truly tasty and aromatic.

Conclusions website

  1. Uryuk is a dried apricot with a pit, dried apricot is an apricot from which the pit has been removed.
  2. Apricots are usually dried naturally - in the shade or in the sun, while dried apricots are made in special dryers, treated for better preservation and presentation with sulfur dioxide, a substance that gives it a bright orange color and can cause allergies.
  3. In Central Asia, apricots have long been valued higher than dried apricots. It is added to pilaf, compotes and infusions are made from it.
  4. Apricots are healthier than dried apricots as they contain more nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Many people know what is obtained from apricots during the drying process. But such dried fruits as apricots, kaisa, ashtak and shepala are almost unknown to our compatriots, and yet all the dried fruits listed are also obtained from apricots. Today we will try to clarify what apricot is, how it differs from other apricot products and how it can be used for health benefits.

What is this?

Uryuk is dried in a natural way an apricot fruit from which the pit has not been removed. The homeland of dried fruit is the countries of Central Asia: Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan - in these parts fresh apricot fruits, most suitable for drying in this way, are called “apricots”. At home, this fruit is highly revered and considered a gift from God.

How do you get apricots?

So, we figured out what a dried apricot with a pit is called. Apricots are obtained from apricots in the most natural, harmless way - in the process of natural drying on or special drying in the shade, and no special substances or drying devices are used. Sometimes the fruits remain until the last moment and dry right on the branches, in which case they just need to be collected in time.

Did you know?The apricot tree has long been shrouded in numerous myths and legends. So, according to the biblical version, the apricot tree was the only one that survived the Great Flood. According to another legend, apricot fruits are the children of the sun who descended from the sky. There is also a beautiful myth that the apricot is the plum that the Firebird ate.

You can also collect ripe, sweet, elastic fruits and dry them under the scorching sun or in the shade on special trays or racks. Usually, small varieties of apricots, in which the pit is difficult to separate from the pulp, are suitable for preparing this dried fruit. The main condition is a high level, which will make the final sweet. However, large sweet varieties can also be used.

Differences from dried apricots and kaisa

The difference between apricots and kaisa, ashtak, sheptaly and dried apricots lies in the features of the drying technology:

  1. Dried apricots are obtained through the process of drying, in which the fruits are cut into two halves and the pit is removed.
  2. When preparing kaisa, the pit is removed through a small hole in the apricot, leaving space inside.
  3. Sheptala is a dried apricot.
  4. Ashtak is getting ready in the following way: the pit is removed from the fresh fruit, it is dried, and at the end of the process the pit is returned. It is believed that this trick gives the dried fruit a unique piquant taste.
  5. To obtain apricots, fresh fruits and seeds are dried naturally.

The differences between dried fruits do not end there. The final products also differ in color - the “unpresentable” dark brown color of apricots is significantly inferior to the bright orange, appetizing shade of dried apricots. But few people know that to give such a juicy color, the fruits are treated with a dangerous gas - sulfur dioxide, and drying is carried out in special ovens or using burners. Ultimately, dried apricots become more “artificial,” poor in nutrition, and sometimes even dangerous, in contrast to completely natural apricots. Moreover, it is complex technological process causes a higher price for dried apricots. In Europe, this type of dried apricots has not received recognition and widespread distribution, unlike dried apricots. But apricots are valued very highly in their homeland - they are rarely exported and are widely used in national and folk medicine as a remedy for many.

Composition and calorie content

As mentioned earlier, due to the peculiarities of preparation, this dried fruit does not lose any useful substances at all, but on the contrary, it becomes rich in their concentration.
So, 100 g of apricots contain the following vitamins and nutrients:

  • vitamins A, E;
  • macro- and microelements: , ;
  • beta-carotene;
  • 17 g dietary fiber;
  • 18 g water;
  • as well as saturated fatty acids, organic acids, disaccharides and polysaccharides.
By eating 100 g of dried fruit, you can get more than 240 kcal, as well as 53 g of carbohydrates and 5 g of proteins, and apricots contain virtually no fat.

About the benefits of use

A rich range of useful substances is successfully used to maintain health and good condition in children, as well as in childhood.

For children

By adding this dried fruit to your children's diet, you can insure yourself against the following ailments:

  • problems with, which is especially important during intensive study;
  • th and infections;
  • and digestive problems.
Possessing a sweet taste, apricots in ingredients and baked goods can easily replace harmful white sugar. In addition, you can cook compotes from it instead of caffeine-containing black and green ones.

In cooking

The use of apricots in cooking is very diverse.
Thus, dried fruit can serve as a savory addition in the following dishes:

  • meat and vegetable soups, side dishes; in Uzbekistan, dried apricot with pit is mandatory ingredient for cooking;
  • As a filling, apricots are added to baked goods: pies and pies, samsa, pancakes;
  • jams and preserves are made from it;
  • Uzvars and infusions are made from apricots.

Did you know?In the countries of Central Asia, apricot pits are never thrown away, but are used to prepare a popular delicacy called« shurdanak» . To do this, the fruit seeds are baked in ash with the addition of. From high temperature they open up, which indicates they are ready to eat.

Of course, dried fruit can be consumed without adding to dishes, but as an independent treat with herbal teas, and baking.

In cosmetology

By regularly consuming apricots, you can put your condition in order. However, dried fruit is also used topically in care products:

  1. So, apricots can be added to masks for moisturizing and toning. Dried fruit goes well with, oatmeal, egg yolk or cottage cheese. Before use, you can steam it for a few minutes to soften it.
  2. Dried fruit can also be used for soap making at home. The finished product will have a beautiful golden-pink hue and a pleasant smell.
  3. To prepare the scrub, you can use apricot seeds, crushed in a coffee grinder. However, remember that the scrub turns out to be quite rough and is only suitable for caring for feet, but not for delicate ones.

By using apricots at home, you will be completely confident in its natural and healthy composition.

In medicine

One of the main macroelements in apricots is potassium (K) - a conductor of nerve impulses at the cellular level, due to which dried fruit is used for the following ailments:

  • high blood pressure;
  • arrhythmias;
  • increased formation of edema;
  • other disorders of functioning and blood vessels.
Thanks to its mild laxative effect, apricots fresh or taken as an infusion to normalize stool. By virtue of high content Beta-carotene dried fruit protects the body from free radicals, and therefore prevents the formation of cancer cells. Vitamin A is formed from beta-carotene, which promotes rapid cell renewal, healing of wounds and scars. Vitamin A is essential for many skin diseases. Eating apricots prevents the deposition of cholesterol plaques on blood vessels, therefore it is excellent prevention

and IHD.

In dietetics Despite high calorie content , this product is successfully used as a dietary supplement for people who want to normalize their weight. Dried fruit has the property of burning body fat . And since even a small handful of this dried fruit can satiate well, you won’t be able to overeat it and you can forget about the feeling for a long time. If you decide to refuse white sugar , dried apricot can be a great healthy alternative. However, if you buy store-bought mixtures

from dried fruits, check the composition - often manufacturers add sugar to them, which means you should not expect any benefits from this.

Selecting a product when purchasing As we understand, the benefits of apricots are enormous, but choosing the wrong dried fruit can cause damage and harm to your condition.

  1. When choosing a product, keep the following criteria in mind: Color.
  2. This is the main criterion for choosing a quality product. The color should be dark brown, brown, with a slight coating, as natural as possible. Avoid bright, attractive dried fruits - they have been chemically processed. Remember what apricots that are left hanging on the tree look like in the fall - this is the color a real apricot should have. Consistency
  3. . Naturally dried apricots are slightly tough and firm to the touch. It needs to be steamed before use. By the way, do not pour the water in which the dried fruit soaks into the sink - it can be used as an immunostimulating agent in the autumn-winter period.

it is possible at a temperature of about 20 ° C - in this case it will be usable for up to 2 months. If you lower the temperature to 10 ° C (for example, by placing the workpiece in and eliminating any contraindications before enjoying the dried fruit. family. By natural drying

for a week in the sun. Central Asia and Northern China are the birthplace of the apricot tree., Central Asia and Crimea.

There are several types of dried apricots:

  1. 1 dried apricots– dried small apricots with pits;
  2. 2 dried apricots– dried apricot halves without pits. Usually large fruits are used;
  3. 3 kaisa– dried whole apricots, from which the pit has been previously squeezed out.

Selection and storage of dried apricots

When purchasing dried apricots in a store or at the market, you should pay attention to several key indicators High Quality product:

  1. 1 color Dried apricots should be a natural dark orange or dark brown, with no bright shades of orange or red. The presence of such colors indicates chemical processing of the product;
  2. 2 peel should be free of dark spots, dirt, unnatural shine and have an elastic structure.

To check dried apricots for the presence of dyes, you need to dip them in cold water for 5-10 minutes. If the water changes color, it means the product has been chemically stained.

In cooking

Dried apricots are used both as an independent product and in combination with meat, rice, and fish. It is used for preparing desserts, sweet salads, pastries and compotes. Before eating, dried apricots must be rinsed with cool water or soaked in water for 1-2 hours.

Calorie content of dried apricots

The calorie content of dried apricots is 232 kcal per 100 g of product. Due to the high carbohydrate content, dried apricots can cause obesity if consumed in excess.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of dried apricots (apricots)

Composition and presence of nutrients

Dried apricots are significantly inferior in vitamin content to fresh apricots, but in terms of micro- and macroelements they are one step higher. It includes vitamins:, B1, B2,, PP;

minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron;

fiber, fatty and organic acids. Useful and healing properties Nutritionists advise consuming dried apricots (4-5 pieces) daily in the autumn-spring period to replenish nutrients in the body, prevent anemia, eye diseases, gastrointestinal tract,

of cardio-vascular system, thrombophlebitis and atherosclerosis. In this case, dried apricots (100 g) should be crushed in a meat grinder and honey (2 tbsp) should be added. You need to take 1 tbsp of this mixture. l. 2-3 times a day. The treatment course lasts for a month. Then you need to take a break for two weeks, and then repeat the intake for another month., removes bad cholesterol, preventing the occurrence of heart attack and stroke, improves the general condition of patients with diabetes, thyroid and kidney dysfunction.

Some substances in dried apricots can inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

For these purposes, dried apricots must be taken in combination with other dried fruits. To do this, you need to grind dried apricots (200 g), prunes (100 g) and peeled walnuts (100 g) through a meat grinder. Add honey (2 tbsp) to the ingredients and mix. Store the mixture in a tightly closed container in the general section of the refrigerator. It is best to take 1 tbsp in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before bed. l. Using dried apricots for preparing compotes and uzvar helps fight urolithiasis

and IHD.

. Along with the fluid, waste and toxins are removed from the body, and pectin substances Dried apricots are capable of removing heavy metals and radionuclides. Dried apricots thanks to their dietary properties is part of many effective diets . It is used in the general diet and as a main ingredient fasting day

In cosmetology

. To do this, grind dried apricots (300 g) into a puree and add peach or

apricot juiceapricot juice