Feijoa is a healthy fruit on our table. Culinary and cosmetic recipes. Collection and storage of fruits

Feijoa is an unusual name for our ears. The inconspicuous-looking feijoa fruit, although it constantly appears on shelves, has not yet become popular to the extent it deserves.

What is feijoa, what are the benefits of the fruit, where did this plant come from?

What is feijoa?

Feijoa comes from the tropics, a native of South America, but even before the war it was brought to Transcaucasia, where it took root well. And now most often feijoa fruits on the shelves are from there.

The time of its active fruiting occurs in November-December, so already in November these still unusual fruits appear on market shelves. Often, in order to attract buyers, sellers place signs next to feijoas, where they try to tell what it is. exotic fruit like this and “what is it eaten with.”

However, people are not very actively buying up subtropical exotics, apparently not trusting homemade advertising too much. In various books and articles it is written that “feijoa fruits are very tasty and aromatic, and their smell resembles a mixture of strawberries, pineapple and something else very pleasant.” Have you tried it yet? Don't be disappointed - for this flavor to fully develop, the fruit must be ripe, and ripe fruit cannot be transported.

There is nothing wrong with this; feijoa ripens well during storage. If you bought hard fruits, wait patiently until they become soft to the touch. Then the feijoa pulp will become like jelly and acquire real taste and aroma. And, according to experts, the beneficial properties are not lost during “artificial” ripening.

Beneficial properties of feijoa

Beneficial features feijoa is difficult to overestimate! First of all, feijoa is the only plant that can be compared to seafood in terms of iodine content. Unique property feijoa fruits grown in natural conditions, is the presence of water-soluble iodine compounds in them (up to 40 m per 100 g of pulp). They owe this to sea breezes carrying volatile iodine. So only fruits grown under a real sun near a real sea are of true value.

Both in scientific and folk medicine Feijoa fruits are used for thyroid disease. They are also recommended for use in cases of hypo- and avitaminosis C, inflammatory diseases gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, pyelonephritis.

"Ripe feijoa fruits are very tasty and aromatic, and their smell is reminiscent of a mixture of strawberries, pineapple and something else very pleasant. Have you tried it yet?"

In addition to thyroid diseases associated with a lack of iodine in the body, fresh, boiled or mashed with sugar feijoa fruits are very useful for people suffering from atherosclerosis.

When eating feijoa fruits, a certain contradiction arises between taste and benefits. The fact is that the peel of the fruit is, in principle, edible and, moreover, very useful, since it contains phenolic compounds such as catechins and leukoanthocyanins, biologically active substances, which are strong antioxidants that help prevent cancer. But, having a tart, astringent taste, the peel spoils the taste of the product.

You can do it simply: peel the fruits, dry the peels and brew them with tea so that not a single antioxidant is lost. And from peeled fruits you can prepare a lot delicious dishes: these are salads, meat sauces, various pastries. Feijoa jam or preserves are especially tasty. The easiest way is to pass the feijoa through a meat grinder and cover it with sugar (in the ratio: per 1 kg of feijoa 0.7-1 kg of sugar, and if stored at room temperature, then up to 2 kg of sugar). This “raw” jam is very useful for boosting immunity.

So, when you see feijoa, buy it and try it - you won’t regret it!

Every year in the fall, a nondescript-looking product with the strange and unpronounceable name feijoa appears on sale. What is this - the thought flashed through my mind, but it always passed by. This year I decided to pay attention to it, since people buy it and the reviews are positive. If you also don’t know anything about this exotic, then let’s get to know feijoa - what it is, a fruit or berry, where it grows and how to eat it.

A little history about the exotic feijoa plant

It is unknown how long this plant has existed; attention was paid to it relatively recently. The discoverer of feijoa is considered to be the naturalist Carl Otto Berg; it was he who, while studying the flora of South America, saw green fruits growing on evergreen trees. He gave the name to the plant. He named it in honor of a man who devoted his whole life to studying the flora and fauna of Brazil and Portugal. The name of this man is Joao da Silva Feijo - he was at the origins of the creation, and later was the director of the natural museum in Lisbon.

This exotic plant also has its own romantic legend.

It says that in the same village there lived a young man and a girl who loved each other. They had to part and he waited for his beloved on the seashore for many years.

But the ship his girlfriend was on sank. She ended up in the kingdom of the Sea Lord and he, taking pity, allowed her to see her beloved, turning her into a sea breeze.

Suddenly the young man also disappeared, and in his place a beautiful evergreen tree grew. It leaned towards the sea, and the sea breeze gently played with its leaves. People decided that the Gods took pity on the young man and turned him into a tree growing on the sea coast.

Soon it appeared beautiful flowers, and then the fruits.
They not only had refined taste, they turned out to be rich in iodine. People decided that it was the sea breeze that bestowed the fruits unusual taste and medicinal properties.

They called this tree Feijoa, because that was the name of the young man who was faithful to his beloved girl for many years.

Feijoa - what is it, a fruit or a berry, photo

Look at the photo of the plant itself, the feijoa fruit. After such a romantic fairy tale, it no longer seems inconspicuous, but arouses interest. And if you add to this the taste, which they say combines kiwi, pineapple and strawberries, then you’ll want to try it.

The size of the fruits varies, from 15 to 120 grams, depending on the type. But despite its rather large size, feijoa is considered a berry. The shape of the fruit is oval, color from yellow-green to dark green. The skin of the berry can be smooth or pimply. Feijoa pulp is light translucent with small seeds.

Where does feijoa grow?

If you suddenly hear the name “akka”, know that this is also feijoa, as some peoples living in South America call this plant. You can meet him in Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia, and northern Argentina.

In other countries, acca has not gone unnoticed. Now it grows in Southeast Asia, New Zealand, Australia, Italy, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan. We grow feijoa in the Crimea and Krasnodar region.

Although the height of the plant can reach 4 meters, feijoa is considered not a tree, but a shrub; it belongs to the myrtle family. This evergreen shrub loves warm climates, but can withstand frost down to -12 degrees.

Feijoa is a moisture-loving plant; its branched root system lies in surface layer soil. Grown from seeds begins to bear fruit after 6 years, grafted earlier. Lovers exotic plants they even grow it at home.

Feijoa - as is, with or without peel

The rough, green peel gives the impression that it is not edible and the berry needs to be peeled. And I was sure that this was so. But in fact, the peel of feijoa is edible, but they say that not everyone likes it. I’ll tell you my opinion - I liked its tart taste. The pulp has a different taste, it is tender and pleasant.

How to eat feijoa correctly:

  • Like all berries, feijoa is best eaten in fresh. If someone does not like to eat it with the peel, then the pulp can be eaten with a spoon, cutting the fruit in half.
  • the peel contains a lot of valuable and useful substances, so it is recommended to add the berry with the peel to salads, and these can be not only fruit ones. Feijoa goes well with dietary meat chicken, turkey, and therefore in meat salads it can be added.
  • The feijoa season is very short and connoisseurs of this healthy berry prepare it for the winter. Eat different ways, but the best is to grind it together with the peel through a meat grinder and mix with sugar, store fresh jam in a refrigerator.
  • they say that the peel can be dried and then added to tea.

Fresh fruits are stored for 1 to 3 weeks, depending on ripeness and storage method.

How to choose feijoa

The peculiarity of the berry is that when ripe it is very tender and does not tolerate transportation well. Therefore, it is harvested in an unripe form, but the advantage is that feijoa is able to ripen without losing its beneficial qualities.

It is problematic to determine the ripeness of fruits by appearance; the crust does not change its color when ripe. When choosing, pay attention to appearance- the crust should have a uniform color, without brownish spots.

When buying at the market, you can ask the seller to cut the berry lengthwise:

  • if the pulp is brown with a musty smell, then the berry is overripe and it is better not to take it.
  • if the flesh is transparent, pale cream in color, with pleasant aroma, then this is what you need.
  • if the flesh is white, dense, odorless, the fruit is not ripe, but we remember that feijoa can ripen at your home.

Beneficial properties of feijoa berries

In its homeland, acca is considered the berry of youth and joy. In terms of its iodine content, it is compared to seafood. It also contains a lot useful vitamin, macro- and microelements. The calorie content of feijoa is 49 kcal per 100 g of product.

You will also find more detailed information in the video and blog article, in which you will learn not only about the benefits and harms different recipes and not just for food.

Educational program about feijoa

In conclusion, a short lesson in Russian. The word "feijoa" is feminine with an emphasis on "O". The word is not inclined, so in any variant it will only be feijoa and nothing else. There is no adjective with this word either. Therefore, unlike raspberry jam, we will make feijoa jam.

This concludes my acquaintance with a citizen from South America; I am sure that I was able to answer the question: feijoa - what is it? The berry is worth paying attention to and enjoying this exotic fruit while you still have the opportunity to buy it. I don’t know where, in Volgograd the price for feijoa is 170 rubles per kilogram. Hurry up, as I already said, her season is short.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

Evgeny Shmarov

Reading time: 7 minutes


Berries with the aroma of a sea breeze - this is how romantically minded people call feijoa. The plant is native to South America. It is cultivated almost everywhere these days, from Argentina to the southern coast of Crimea. Feijoa fruits ripen weighing from 5 to 120 g; larger ones are valued. In our latitudes they appear in the fall, green fruits literally “conquer” the markets. To some, the berry resembles a strawberry, to others - seaweed. The fruits are used for food along with the peel, and are used for therapeutic diets, healthy eating, and as an ingredient for cosmetics.

Varieties and types of cultivated feijoa

The efforts of breeders are aimed at developing more winter-hardy varieties.

The following varieties are popular:

And the types of feijoa differ in the time of fruit ripening; varieties of early, medium and late ripeness are distinguished.

Composition and energy value of feijoa

100 g of fruit contains:

  • 49 kcal.
  • 10.6 g carbohydrates.
  • 1.9 g protein.
  • 0.8 g fat.

Indicators may vary depending on the variety.

Vitamins contained in feijoa:

  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.008 mg.
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.032 mg.
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 0.228 mg.
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.05 mg.
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid) 38 mcg.
  • Vitamin C 20.3 mg.
  • Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) 0.289 mg.

Microelements and minerals in feijoa:

The benefits and harms of feijoa

Beneficial properties of feijoa

  1. Feijoas are beneficial for the human immune system. They contain iron and vitamin C; this pair is the most promising for supporting the body's resistance to various infections.
  2. The high iodine content allows feijoa to be considered one of the superfoods. Iodine helps maintain thyroid health. But there is extremely little of it in the normal diet of residents of continental regions. Useful fruits can provide us with iodine and deliver it in a bioavailable form. The product is useful for patients with hypothyroidism and anyone who does not consume about 4 servings of fish and seafood per week, and does not eat seaweed as a salad vegetable every day.
  3. Feijoa peel is rich in tannins and essential oils. It is able to suppress harmful microflora. Feijoa is an astringent fruit, it is recommended for consumption when food poisoning and diarrhea.
  4. Feijoa peel is a source of cahetins, just like green tea. Therefore, you cannot throw it away. Eat feijoas with the peel on to get all the antioxidant benefits. They not only help us stay young longer, but also have a beneficial effect on the health and tone of blood vessels, and are a means of preventing cardiovascular diseases.
  5. Feijoa contains fiber, which promotes proper digestion, and a lot of water. Eating fruits can be a natural analogue to drinking isotonic drinks on a hot day.

Harm of feijoa

  • Feijoas are not recommended for hyperthyroidism and all diseases where iodine is excluded.
  • They can cause an allergic reaction and are simply poorly tolerated by the human digestive tract. It is believed that feijoa is not indicated for exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases, and should not be consumed together with dairy products. The latter, however, has not been proven.

Feijoa in the diet of pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, diabetics: recommendations from nutritionists

Feijoa can be pregnant , except when expectant mother- allergic. The fruits are rich in folates and help correct formation circulatory system fetus Additional iodine infusions from plant sources also help maintain the health of the hormonal system. And the diheme iron in the composition helps protect against iron deficiency anemia occurring during pregnancy.

The fruit should be consumed with caution by those who havegestational diabetes . In this case, doctors recommend doing a blood sugar test after eating foods, and selecting a diet individually.

Question with breastfeeding mothers not unambiguous. There are recommendations to exclude everything from the diet except green apples for a while breastfeeding. This is a hypoallergenic diet, but it should not be followed by everyone. The answer to the question depends on whether the child has an allergy or not.

Feijoa and diets for weight loss

There is a place for this fruit in a balanced diet for weight loss. Can be found recommendation to consume only 2 fruits per day to cover iodine deficiency. But you can, of course, eat more. The American Dietetic Association recommends servings of fruits and berries of 100-120 g, and eating 2-3 such servings depending on weight and physical activity. Because of high content Iodine berries help maintain metabolic rate, therefore helping to lose weight faster.

There is no mono-diet for feijoa, since the fruits are quite poorly distributed. But this is for the better - it is always useful to eat a balanced diet and get all the necessary substances from food.

Feijoa is native to South America- Brazil (where it was first discovered), Uruguay. And its spread throughout the world began only in the twentieth century. Attempts to study the properties of Akka Sellov were made back in the USSR. However, due to the specific growing conditions, neither the plant itself nor its fruits have become widespread in these latitudes. Therefore, the contraindications of feijoa, along with its beneficial properties, have so far been derived only theoretically, based on what medicine already knows about its composition.

What's in the fruit, peel and leaves?

The feijoa fruit has a hard, sour-bitter rind containing very sweet, jelly-like pulp with seeds. From the point of view of biological classification, it is not even a fruit, but a berry, which is why it is so juicy. In the homeland of feijoa, it is not customary to eat its peel - only the contents, with an ordinary spoon. To some, the taste of feijoa resembles strawberries, to others - kiwi and pineapple. Since widespread in national cuisine I never received feijoa; when choosing its berries, you need to remember the following.

  • Peel. The feijoa should be green (the whole range of shades - from the color of young grass to olive), elastic and shiny, without spots. But there should be a soft “filling” inside.
  • Consistency. Hard pulp is a sign that the berry is still green.
  • White pulp. This is a 100% sign that it is an unripe fruit (at most 2/3 ripe). Such in modern world happens often - due to the peculiarities of modern logistics and sales tactics. Because of them, we almost always eat fruits, especially exotic ones, semi-green or ripened in storage.
  • Translucent pulp. This is exactly what a ripe feijoa should look like.
  • Brownish pulp. The appearance of a strong yellow or brown tint in the feijoa pulp indicates that it is already overripe and ready to ferment.

In any case, feijoa berries are a tasty, but also truly sweet dessert, dangerous for those suffering from diabetes, since the glucose content in them is very high - comparable to mango fruits. Feijoa berries grown on the sea coast are saturated with iodine, although their “land” “relatives” may contain three times less than their “seaside” ones.

So, from a medical point of view, this tall shrub (or low-growing tree - whichever is more convenient) is most valuable for its ability to accumulate iodine from the soil and help against its deficiency. At the same time, the benefits of feijoa in preventing diseases of the thyroid gland (thyroid gland) directly depend on the place of its growth, which must be checked with the seller each time when purchasing berries. Otherwise chemical composition Feijoa is similar to most berries - in particular, due to the following they contain:

  • food acids- folic (vitamin B9), ascorbic (vitamin C), nicotinic (vitamin B3), apple, lemon;
  • vitamins - four more representatives of group B (B1, B2, B5 and B6), contained in the pulp itself, as well as vitamins E, A and some others in the leaves and peel;
  • macro- and microelements- iodine, sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc. Feijoa berries also contain copper, manganese, phosphorus and iron, which makes them a good (because easily digestible) alternative to the now fashionable multivitamin complexes from the pharmacy;
  • vegetable fats- in the form of essential oils, giving feijoa pulp a strawberry-pineapple aroma.

The peel of Akka Feijoa berries also contains anthocyanins - natural coloring compounds. They give the parts of the plant they contain shades of color ranging from scarlet to purple. Anthocyanins are powerful natural antioxidants and are used in this capacity by scientific medicine and cosmetology. There are a lot of them in the leaves of the plant. By the way, its leaves, along with the peel, are also rich in tannins, which give them a bitter-tart taste and serve as natural antibiotics, since they are moderately poisonous.

Useful properties and contraindications of feijoa

The presence of these components in various parts of feijoa determines its ability to alleviate the course of diseases.

  • Reduce temperature. And fight other signs of a cold, since the organic acids in the berries have antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. This also applies to vitamin C.
  • Relieve joint pain. Since their antiseptic effect affects not only the sore throat, but also the course of osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis (with the exception of gout).
  • Sanitize the digestive tract. For dysbacteriosis, indigestion of unknown etiology, low stomach acidity, since the same acids and tannins disinfect the cavity of the digestive organs when digesting feijoa pulp.
  • Improve digestion. Due to the stimulating effect of tannins and anthocyanins on the intestines and liver along with the gall bladder.
  • Reduce arterial pressure . Because all food acids have mild anticoagulant properties. Plus, their presence in the blood allows you to reduce the intensity of inflammation in different parts of the vascular network (with atherosclerosis they are always present) and slightly expand the lumen of the vessel.

In addition, the fruits can:

  • replace seafood- if the purchased feijoa berries grew no further than 20 km from the sea coast, you can hope that their kilogram contains almost the entire daily dose iodine;
  • replace multivitamins- or rather, preparations of minerals and trace elements, since the number of vitamins directly in feijoa berries is far from complete;
  • prevent anemia- due to the presence of iron in a relatively well-absorbed form (unlike apples).

What ailments does it help with?

The healing properties of feijoa are appropriate for kidney diseases, excluding those caused by oxalate or urate stones/sand in them. Both types of stones are formed due to metabolic disorders in the body of oxalic (oxalates) or uric (urates - a sign of gout) acids. In such cases, the metabolism of other acids also suffers, although not as much. This means that taking foods rich in any substances from this series is fraught with worsening kidney problems instead of solving them.

Feijoa is one of the few fruits allowed for consumption during pancreatitis (not during an exacerbation), because the B vitamins it contains can improve the condition and behavior of the pancreas.

Judging by reviews, the use of feijoa leaves for coughs is as effective as the use of berries. Feijoa leaves and peel are rich in tannins and antioxidants. But the experience of using them in folk medicine is not very great, and the reason for this is not only the relatively low prevalence of feijoa in our climate zone.

On the other hand, many other plants, including those from our latitudes, have similar properties. Moreover, their action is better studied and much more clearly expressed. Let's say that the same anthocyanins are most abundant not in the peel of feijoa, but in black currants, black grapes, red peppers, blueberries, mulberries, and tomatoes. It is also not its leaves that are especially rich in tannins, but oak bark- where their name came from. Therefore, most often, not preparations from the leaves are used as their saturated extract, but essential oil Feijoa is a concentrate of tannins, antioxidants and minerals that is good for acne and other minor skin problems.

There is an indication for the use of feijoa as a dietary supplement during pregnancy, since feijoa is rich in iodine (the mother’s thyroid hormones regulate the rate of fetal growth), and iron, without which hematopoiesis is impossible, and calcium, potassium, magnesium, which are responsible for the development of the heart. - the baby’s vascular system.

When it can do harm

At the same time, food acids, like mild antibiotics and antiseptics, whose ability to reduce and even eliminate inflammation in many body tissues has been scientifically proven, create both the main benefit and harm of feijoa. The problem is that they all provoke acute immune reactions - hence the prevalence of allergies to fruits and berries rich in them, including citrus fruits, strawberries, and currants. The main side effect of eating feijoa is also an allergy. In any case, when it comes to its berries, saturated with organic acids. In addition to allergies, other conditions are contraindications to the use of feijoa.

  • Diabetes . Due to the excess glucose content in them, albeit along with fructose.
  • Excess weight . Because of high calorie content feijoa berries. Eating fruit instead of chocolate bars, of course, has a beneficial effect on any figure, but only under the condition of other serious restrictions on carbohydrates. But losing weight simply by introducing feijoa into your diet is impossible.
  • Complications of atherosclerosis. Starting with hypertensive crises, and further, to ischemia, heart attack and stroke. Eating feijoa berries normalizes blood pressure thanks to natural antiseptics, antioxidants and some trace elements (magnesium, potassium). But all of them can have a pronounced therapeutic effect only up to a certain point - while the heart and blood vessels are relatively healthy and there are only minor age-related deteriorations in their functioning. And then by treating them with feijoa at home, you can only waste precious time, risking not just your health, but your life.
  • Hyperacid gastritis. Especially if high acidity of gastric juice is combined with an ulcer. Feijoa is a sweet and sour fruit. So adding a fair portion of acids from it to what is already contained in the stomach in excess will only lead to increased aching pain from below under the ribs (in the lower parts of the esophagus burned by acid), heartburn, and deepening erosions, if any.
  • Gout and oxalaturia. The second disease is intolerance to oxalic acid.

Methods of storage, preparation and consumption

On the question of how to use feijoa for therapeutic purposes, we can say that the easiest way is to eat its pulp fresh, with honey, adding a teaspoon of natural flower or buckwheat honey to the pulp of two fruits.

Feijoa has a short shelf life - only about a week on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. But as for how to prepare feijoa for the winter, then, firstly, this is not always necessary, since the first batches of its berries arrive on the counter in November-December. Secondly, the abundance food acids(strong natural preservatives) allows you to simply mix its pulp with sugar in equal proportions, place it in sterile jars and close with plastic lids. That is, in exactly the same way as black currants are closed.

Making jam from feijoa is more difficult: you need to know how to knead sugar syrup, because in case of a mistake, the jam will become compote (there is too much liquid in the pulp of ripe feijoa). In addition, this recipe is less preferable, since heat treatment will destroy the lion's share of acids and other vitamins in its composition. You can also freeze feijoa, but you will have to sacrifice the wateriest part of the pulp.

There is even a liqueur based on peeled and diced feijoa berries, infused with 40% alcohol or cognac. Moreover, many believe in her medicinal properties, although in reality alcohol destroys the basis of the therapeutic effect of feijoa - the food acids in its composition. In other words, only some mineral compounds remain in such a liqueur, and it treats colds only to the extent that the heating of all body tissues caused by alcohol can help.

Even brewing tea from feijoa leaves for the purpose of treating something seems like a more reasonable solution, although they contain almost no food acids. In general, connoisseurs of the product often brew its peel, but adding dried leaves feijoas make the drink more aromatic and stronger, as they smell more like myrtle than strawberries.

tea drink

You will need:

  • a teaspoon of dry feijoa leaves;
  • a teaspoon of dried feijoa berry peel;
  • natural honey;
  • a glass of boiling water.


  1. Grind the leaves and skins, place them in a brewing cup and stir.
  2. Pour boiling water over the raw material, stir again and cover with a lid.
  3. Leave for fifteen minutes, then add honey to taste and stir until completely dissolved.

If you take a tablespoon of both ingredients for the same volume of water and brew them in a thermos, leaving for half an hour, you will get good remedy from nephritis of various etiologies, except nephrolithiasis (kidney stones and sand). This tea should be drunk twice a day, morning and evening, after meals, for two weeks. Then you can take a week break and repeat the course.

Paste for thyroiditis

You will need:

  • two to four feijoa berries with skin;
  • a tablespoon of sugar/honey;
  • meat grinder, blender or food processor.


  1. Wash the feijoa berries, cut off the stems from the ends and pass through a meat grinder (or grind in a blender).
  2. Add sugar or honey, beat thoroughly until completely dissolved.

You need to use the product according to the scheme: week on week off, for a month, a tablespoon, before meals, three times a day. It’s not worth preparing this pasta too much in advance, since it will last even in the refrigerator for no more than a week.


You will need:

  • half a liter of vodka, moonshine or cognac 40%;
  • three ripe or overripe feijoa berries;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 100 ml filtered water;
  • glass container with a volume of at least a liter with a tight lid.


  1. Wash the feijoa berries and cut off the skin. Cut the pulp into large cubes.
  2. Dissolve sugar in water, place over medium heat and bring to a boil. Reduce the flame to low and simmer for five minutes, skimming off the foam with a slotted spoon.
  3. Place the chopped berries in a clean bowl, carefully pour in a solution of sugar in water so that the glass does not break.
  4. After the mixture has cooled, add moonshine/vodka/cognac, shake the entire contents and close the lid.
  5. Infuse the drink for two weeks in a warm and dark place, removing and stirring it once a day.
  6. After the infusion period has expired, remove herbal ingredients and filter the residue through cheesecloth folded in three several times until completely transparent.

The medicinal properties of feijoa in the resulting liqueur will be greatly reduced compared to the fresh “original”. In addition, it has a weak bouquet, but overall it is not bad - especially as a homemade alcoholic drink. It can be sweetened or “fortified” with alcohol of the same quality, adding the components necessary for the ideal taste after the base has been infused. The liqueur should be stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for no more than a year.

Feijoa is a slightly unusual fruit for us with a specific taste, although it is becoming increasingly popular among exotic lovers. But where does feijoa grow? interesting plant Myrtaceae family? Despite the fact that it is quite frost-resistant and tolerates drought well, preference is still given to soft Brazil, where feijoa grows - the country where the hundred-year history of cultivation began exotic fruit. And the name was given in honor of the famous breeder Joanie de Silva Feijo.

Where does feijoa grow?

Let's look at this issue in detail. Where does feijoa grow today, besides its original homeland? First of all, this is Paraguay, Uruguay, Northern Argentina, warm countries Mediterranean, where it was introduced at the beginning of the 20th century. A little later, they learned about the plant in Central Asia and the Caucasus, whose climate allowed for the cultivation of this very useful fruit. By the way, initially, because of its unique beauty during flowering, the tree was planted for decorative purposes, decorating their houses and plots. Lilac-red flowers with an original tuft look amazing and impressive. It was only later that the strange-tasting fruits began to be eaten and used in medicine and cosmetology.

Where feijoa grows, the photo of which gives a clear idea of ​​it, it is traditional to eat the fruit raw. But many people have learned to make all kinds of jams from it, fruit salads and nutritional drinks, and amazing fruit gives them delicate aroma and special taste.

Benefits of feijoa

For those who have not heard anything about feijoa, where it grows, how to eat it, what properties it has, first of all, we will tell you about the benefits of the fruits of this tropical tree. The main thing is an incredible, rich composition, which includes great amount coarse fiber, vitamin C, malic acid, sucrose, pectin. Interestingly, their content increases progressively as the fruit ripens.

In those countries where feijoa grows, they have long learned that it contains unique biologically active antioxidants - cahetins and leukoanthocyanins, which help the human body fight oncological diseases and anti-aging. This is especially true for the fruit peel, although its significant drawback is its too astringent taste, which is why most people peel feijoa before eating. And there are unimaginably many benefits from green berries!

For those places where feijoa grows, it has become a true find, since it is recognized as magnificent healing fruit. In particular, official medicine strongly recommends consuming ripe fruits in the treatment of iodine deficiency, atherosclerosis, gastritis and other diseases of the stomach and intestines. If you need prevention from common seasonal colds and acute viral diseases, then feijoas will help quickly strengthen the body’s immunity. Another very important property- absence allergic reactions per plant. That is why almost everyone can safely enjoy the healthy fruit. We'll talk about minor exceptions a little later.

Feijoa in cosmetology

Residents throughout Russian Federation The miracle fruit is also available. For those who are interested in where feijoa grows in Russia, we will tell you that the dense, strong, bright green fruits are considered, among other things, unique means to maintain beauty. After all, their core and vitamin skin turgor tone and relieve skin inflammation. Feijoa significantly corrects cosmetic imperfections such as rosacea.

It is useful to use the delicious fragrant fruit to prepare cleansing and nourishing masks, which are indicated at any age and for any skin type. This makes the plant a universal natural product of its kind.

We offer wonderful recipe especially for those who want to rejuvenate their facial skin with an anti-aging mask: mix 2 tablespoons of feijoa pulp with a teaspoon of almond oil and 1 tablespoon soaked in chamomile broth oatmeal. Apply to skin and rinse after 20 minutes. If you use this product twice a week, you will notice an amazing effect within a month!

Harm of feijoa

It is not surprising that feijoa is not as harmless as it seems. It is an obvious fact that the feijoa fruit (where it grows is already known) has some contraindications - individual intolerance to the components, diabetes and obesity. The last two points are due to the high content of quickly digestible sugars in the berries.

So moderation is needed in everything. Fans of these exotic fruits should remember that if you have increased thyroid function, you should not consume too much a large number of feijoa, rich in iodine. Otherwise, you can delight yourself with cocktails and salads made from these vitamin-rich fruits, add them to original sauces, is in in kind, as they say, to your health!

Feijoa calories

Concerning energy value, then per 100 grams of green product there are only about 50 kilocalories, and this is 3% daily norm, and 26% carbohydrates. Lungs vegetable fats and proteins are found in equal shares, but water - 60%. That is why feijoa, unique in its kind, is considered a real dietary fruit.

Sauces made from it in combination with meat or fish will be healthy, aromatic and tasty. By the way, you can also eat the fleshy sweet petals of the plant, which serve as an excellent piquant addition to fruit and vegetable salads.

Where does feijoa grow in Russia?

Those who are just getting acquainted with the exotic guest feijoa will find it interesting where this wonderful fruit grows in Russia and in what form it can be eaten. It has also taken root well in our climate: in the Krasnodar Territory, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. But these are not all places. There are other republics where feijoa grows - in Abkhazia, Georgia and Azerbaijan.

Having adapted to somewhat unusual conditions, the plant bears fruit well on our lands. It is very convenient that the fruits ripen in November, December and January, because it is at this time that we are used to replenishing the body with vitamins to strengthen the immune system and prevent colds.

You can prepare a very fragrant and nutritious jam from fresh berries feijoa, rubbing them through a grater along with the peel and adding sugar to taste. Citrus lovers can enrich this fruit dish orange, lemon or lime. Jam is stored in a cold place for a long time, and in Abkhazia, on hot days, a tonic cool drink is prepared from it, just diluted with water.

Feijoa in Ukraine

Where does feijoa grow in Ukraine? In Crimea (though it is now Russia), this fruit is in great demand, and not only because it is dietary product, and, above all, due to iodine deficiency in water. The peninsula, according to statistics, surpasses other regions in terms of thyroid diseases, so official medicine recommends “tasting” the subtropical gift in the form of feijoa fruits and including it in your usual diet.

How to grow feijoa at home

A miniature feijoa tree can be grown at home in a large flower pot, and after four to five years it will definitely begin to bear fruit. Although the fruit on it will most likely be small, when asked by friends about feijoa: “Where does this rare species grow?”, you will proudly answer: “At my home!”

The pot can be wooden, plastic or ceramic. Room temperature the plant has enough, but you only need to take it outside in the summer to make it happy fresh air and warm sun rays. If the pot is on a windowsill, in winter you need to make sure that the leaves do not touch the glass, otherwise cold burns will occur. A light-loving tree should not be placed in a dark place. In general, it is very unpretentious.

How to plant feijoa

Is it possible to plant feijoas yourself? Where does this wonderful fruit grow in Russia? Here are some tips for beginning gardeners. It should be planted by cuttings by first pouring a layer of expanded clay into the pot, then sand (no thicker than three centimeters), and then special soil. The transplanted tree is slightly moistened. First-year plants, as a rule, are not branchy, but their leaves are very fragile. For the growth of side shoots, the top below the three leaves is pinched. Multiply fruit tree You can use seeds, roots or cuttings.

Feijoa seeds are selected from ripe fruit, and before sowing they are dried for 5 days. It is optimal to do this at the beginning of winter. The best option is to sow in a light mixture of peat, leaves and sand in a 2/2/1 ratio, although regular planting soil will do. The seeds are deepened half a centimeter into the mixture, buried and covered with film or glass on top. The main thing is regular watering. When shoots appear, the film is removed.

Subtropical feijoa loves good regular watering and periodic spraying, with the exception of winter, when it does not require frequent moistening. During the growing season, fertilizing is needed, for example, with fermented manure, alternating it with diluted mineral fertilizers. Then a strong and well-bearing tree will grow in your house to benefit your health. In winter you can do without additional food.

Thus, anyone who wants to have something grown at home with my own hands a tropical tree with tasty vitamin-rich fruits can easily do this. A little patience, and in four to five years you will be proud to treat your loved ones to healthy fruit juices and desserts with feijoa, enjoying the extraordinary exotic taste and bright flowers on the bush.
