How to fry frozen dumplings in a frying pan. Delicious and simple recipe for fried dumplings

Despite compliance proper nutrition, many in freezer There are various semi-finished products. After all, there are times when you have neither the time nor the energy to cook something exquisite and elaborate. The most favorite semi-finished product comes to the rescue - dumplings. We are all used to boiling them. But few people know that this product is baked in the oven and fried in a frying pan. How to fry dumplings so that they turn out no worse than boiled ones?

How to fry dumplings in a frying pan?

What kind of dumplings should you fry: fresh or frozen? To prevent the dough from breaking and the filling from leaking out, it is better to fry the product frozen. But, it is important to know the frying period. After all, dumplings may not be cooked well. And the dough will be ready, fried, but the meat filling will remain raw. There are several options for frying semi-finished products.

The most common and simplest option is sunflower or frying. The number of dumplings is determined by the size of the pan. It is necessary that the bottom of the dish is completely covered with the semi-finished product in one row. At the same time, dumplings should feel free. Otherwise, they will stick together during cooking.

So, for frying you will need following ingredients:

  • Frozen dumplings - 22 pieces;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Pepper - to taste.

Frying process

The whole frying process does not take much time. In addition, there is no need to wait for the dumplings to defrost. They are prepared straight from the freezer. If the diameter of the pan is 24 cm, you will need 22 dumplings. But the dimensions of the product itself are also taken into account. At the first stage, the frying pan is sent to the fire to heat up, where oil is poured.

Dumplings are placed on a hot dish so that they do not touch each other. After laying out, the product must be mixed so that it is covered with oil on all sides. At this time, you need to boil some water. The dumplings are fried until a fried, golden crust forms on their surface. To prevent the semi-finished product from sticking to the bottom of the pan, it is constantly stirred.

Now 1 liter (approximately) of boiling water is poured into the bowl. The amount of liquid should be enough to cover the dumplings by 1/2. Since the frying pan is hot and there is oil in it, when water is poured in, the process of hissing and splashing will begin. Cover the product with a lid and reduce the heat to low. The dish is cooked until all the water has disappeared. The product is ready to use.

Deep fry dumplings

The crispy dish can be obtained by deep frying it. Such dumplings will resemble small whites or crunches. It's better to use a deep fryer. If there is none, use a deep frying pan with thick walls. But, in this case, the vegetable oil will give off a large amount of fumes.

For 20 pieces of frozen dumplings you will need up to 1 liter sunflower oil. Fill the deep fryer with oil to the maximum mark. If using a frying pan, there should be enough oil to completely cover the product. The oil should get hot. Now the dumplings are placed in a grid or frying pan with hot oil.

The fryer closes, but the frying pan cannot be covered with a lid. Many people do not adhere to this rule, trying to save the kitchen from splashes of oil in the frying pan. The condensation that collects under the lid will cause even more fumes and splashes. When using a deep fryer, there is no need to stir the dumplings. The machine itself will notify you when the product is ready. Frying in a pan requires several stirrings.

But this must be done with extreme caution so as not to get burned from the splashing oil. The degree of readiness is noticeable by the color of the dumplings. Ready dish must have a rich, golden color. In general, the color will be similar to fried white pie. Place the dumplings in a colander for a few minutes to drain off excess oil. The dish is ready to eat. Any sauce is suitable for fried dumplings - mayonnaise, cheese or mushroom sauce, sour cream.

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Cooking dumplings in a slow cooker

You can fry a semi-finished product in such a modern kitchen device as a multicooker. This device perfectly replaces a simple frying pan. In this case, a frozen product is also used. You won't get a golden crust, but the dish will be rich and juicy. In this case, it is used minimal amount oils, fat.

For 500 grams of product you will need:

  • 1/2 glass of water;
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil;
  • 3 tablespoons sour cream;
  • Spices, salt to taste.

So, the multicooker bowl is greased with oil, and the “Baking” mode is set on the device. Let the bowl warm up for a few minutes, after which the frozen semi-finished product is poured into it and the lid is closed. After 10 minutes have passed, the dumplings are mixed and water is added to them. The dish is prepared for another half hour. In this case, the semi-finished product will turn out juicy, but without a crust. After fully cooked The dish is filled with sour cream and seasonings.

Delicious recipes

Just frying dumplings is banal. Despite the fact that dumplings are not considered the most useful product, culinary experts have developed a large number of variations in their preparation. Are used different sauces, seasonings, spices.

Dumplings in egg with soy sauce

The following components will be needed:

  • Vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons;
  • Homemade mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pieces;
  • Dumplings - 400 grams;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Green peas - 100 grams;
  • Greens - to taste;
  • Hard cheese - 120 grams;
  • Soy sauce - 1.5 tablespoons.

At the first stage, the dumplings are fried in a frying pan, as described earlier. Next, the baking dish is greased with oil. Fried semi-finished product is placed in it. In another bowl, mix the following ingredients: eggs, salt, peas, mayonnaise, herbs. This mixture is poured into the dish and placed in a preheated oven for 15 minutes. 3-5 minutes before the dish is ready, sprinkle with grated cheese and finish cooking. Removed from the oven, the dumplings are poured with soy sauce and served.

Dumplings with sour cream

The ingredients of the dish are as follows:

  • Dumplings - 300 grams;
  • Sour cream - 200 grams;
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

Mix salt, pepper, mayonnaise and sour cream. Next, the dumplings are fried in vegetable oil. 4-5 minutes after the start of frying, the prepared mixture is added to the dish. The pan goes into the oven to bake until full readiness. When serving, the dish is sprinkled with herbs.

Fried dumplings in sauce (spicy)

Due to the special vegetable sauce, the dish turns out very tasty, with a rich aroma. also in in this case Boiled dumplings are used for frying. So, the dish contains the following ingredients:

  • Vegetable oil;
  • Onions (2 heads);
  • Tomatoes (400 grams);
  • Sweet pepper (300 grams);
  • Hot pepper (1 piece);
  • Dumplings (500 grams);
  • Salt, spices (to taste);
  • Dry red wine (2 tablespoons).

At the first stage, the dumplings are boiled in salted water. After cooking, pour the product into a colander to remove excess moisture. At this time it is getting ready vegetable sauce. So, the onion is cut into small cubes and fried in vegetable oil. When the onion begins to acquire a golden color, chopped peppers (sweet and hot) and tomatoes are added to it.

Set the heat on the stove to medium and simmer the sauce for 10 minutes. After this time, wine is added to the sauce. The dressing is simmered for another 4-5 minutes. In parallel with stewing, dumplings are fried in another frying pan. After they are ready, the dish is poured with the prepared sauce and served.

It is rare to meet a person who is absolutely indifferent to dumplings. To their thin tender dough, to the juicy meat filling, to the fragrant hot steam over the plate... But even so favorite dish Can get boring if eaten too often. Although this is not a reason to give up dumplings altogether - you can simply diversify their preparation. For example, stew or fry dumplings in a frying pan. In this form there is no shame in even offering them to guests. And your husband is unlikely to be offended if you decide to fry for dinner frozen dumplings, bought in a store, and not prepared with your own hands. So, if you haven’t tried or cooked them before, it’s time to master a new technology for yourself and learn how to cook delicious fried dumplings.

Is it possible to fry dumplings? How to choose dumplings for frying
Dumplings can not only be boiled, but also stewed and even fried. And in general, it’s high time to abandon culinary stereotypes and not be afraid to experiment. Moreover, dumplings and their “brothers” are international and very versatile food. In the Caucasus, a similar dish is called manti or khinkali, in Italy - ravioli, in Asia - dim sum. And their cooking methods are also different. For example, the Chinese cook in special steamed baskets, and Belarusians bake in pots. So fried dumplings are not as nonsense as it might seem at first glance. And they taste in no way inferior to traditional boiled dumplings and even benefit from their originality.

You can fry both frozen and fresh dumplings. Moreover special requirements, different from the usual selection of products, is not presented to them. If you make dumplings yourself at home, you probably don’t need anyone’s advice. And if you buy ready-made dumplings, then pay attention to the category indicated on the package. The most delicious dumplings marked with the letter “A”, they must contain at least 80% filling and only 20% dough. Categories “B” and “C” are also acceptable (60% and 50% filling, respectively). But the markings “G” and “D” mean that the product contains more flour, soy and other fillers than meat, which means it’s delicious to fry It’s unlikely that dumplings like this will work.

How to fry dumplings in a frying pan
The easiest way is to fry dumplings that have already been cooked. Moreover, bachelors will probably recognize in this recipe their standard breakfast, prepared from dumplings left over from dinner and cooled overnight. And for everyone else, we reveal this simple secret. Remove the dumplings from the packaging and place them in a saucepan with water or broth boiling over medium heat. Wait for the dumplings to float, wait about 5 more minutes, and then drain the water through a colander. Meanwhile, on a nearby burner you need to heat a frying pan greased with refined vegetable or butter. Place the dumplings from which the water has drained (this is important to avoid hot splashes when water comes into contact with hot oil!) into a frying pan and fry without a lid on all sides for 5-10 minutes. The more oil you use, the more ruddy and crispy the surface of the fried dumplings will be.

How to fry frozen dumplings in a frying pan
It happens that there is time for preliminary preparation(cooking, defrosting) there are simply no dumplings. Yes, it is not necessary - frozen dumplings can also be fried. And not even one, but a little two different ways. The first can be considered more dietary, while the second requires more oil for frying, and then the dish, already quite high in calories, turns out even more satisfying:

  1. Place a frying pan with a thick bottom and high sides on the fire. Instead, you can use a saucepan or similar metal utensils of sufficient volume suitable for frying. Pour regular clean water to about half the depth. After the water boils, feel free to pour the frozen dumplings into it, cover with a lid and wait for the water to boil again. Then remove the lid and after 5 minutes drain the remaining water. Reduce the heat and cook the dumplings until done, turning them over and frying them on the bottom of the pan. This will take about 5 more minutes.
  2. Similar to the previous option, light a fire under a deep, thick-walled frying pan. Generously pour vegetable oil into it for frying or add and melt 150 grams of good butter. When it's hot enough, throw the frozen dumplings into the pan and cover very quickly. Delay is fraught with burns: the melting water from the dumplings, when it comes into contact with hot oil, will begin to “shoot” and splash. The lid can be lifted after all the water has boiled away and the noise stops. This means it’s time to turn the dumplings over and, stirring regularly, cook until done for 10-15 minutes. A sure sign of readiness will be a golden crust on their surface.
Recipes for fried and unusually prepared dumplings
Now that it’s easy for you to fry dumplings, we suggest complicating the task and diversifying the menu. This is very easy to do, because we have already checked and chosen for you best recipes preparing dumplings:
  1. Fried dumplings in sour cream sauce. Per 1 kg raw dumplings you will need 1 glass of milk and about 100 ml of sour cream. Additionally, prepare a pinch of flour, a little refined vegetable oil and any spices and herbs to your taste. Grease a deep frying pan with oil and add dumplings. They can be fried with any of the following simple ways which we discussed above. While the dumplings are fried, mix the milk with sour cream, spices and flour. Using a mixer or hand whisk, mix until smooth. When the dumplings are ready, pour them sour cream sauce and, without covering the pan with a lid, simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes (until the sauce thickens and browns). Before serving, you can sprinkle the dish with chopped dill or other fresh herbs.
  2. Frying pan of dumplings with vegetables. For 0.5 kg of raw dumplings, take one small zucchini, eggplant and carrot. You will also need a small head of cauliflower and 150 grams fresh champignons. For 1 kg of dumplings, double the quantity of products accordingly. It is better to take refined vegetable oil, and spices and salt to taste. Wash the mushrooms and vegetables, peel and cut into small cubes. Divide the cauliflower into small florets and boil in salted water. Lubricate generously large frying pan oil and heat. Fry mushrooms, zucchini and eggplant for 3 minutes. Then add the dumplings and boiled cauliflower, pour in half a glass of water and add salt. Cover and cook for 15 minutes over low heat, stirring several times during this time. You can serve dumplings with vegetables hot and slightly cooled, with fresh herbs.
  3. Fried dumplings in egg. For 0.5 kg of dumplings, 5 chicken eggs and one ripe tomato. Additionally, take three tablespoons of sour cream or cream, vegetable oil for frying, a pinch of salt and a bunch of any fresh herbs. Heat the oil in a deep frying pan and add the dumplings. While they are frying using either method, prepare egg mixture. Beat eggs with salt and sour cream. Cut the tomato into slices along with the skin. When the dumplings are fried and browned, add the tomato to the pan and simmer with the dumplings for about 3 minutes. Then pour the beaten eggs on top and cover with a lid. Reduce heat to low and stir the contents of the pan from time to time until the eggs are cooked. Chop the greens before serving. Serve dumplings with omelette, herbs, adjika or mustard to taste.
  4. Dumpling kebab. For 0.5 kg of dumplings you will need 200 grams of ham or ham sausage, the same amount of hard cheese, several cherry tomatoes and wooden skewers for kebabs. Additionally, you can take pitted olives and, of course, vegetable oil for frying. Immediately pour it into a shallow, thick frying pan and heat it up. Fry the dumplings until fully cooked, but do not wait for the crust to appear. While the dumplings are cooking, cut the cheese and ham into cubes the size of the dumplings. Thread fried dumplings, ham, tomatoes and olives onto skewers. Alternate ingredients at your discretion. Place the kebabs in a frying pan with the remaining oil from the dumplings and quickly fry on all sides until golden brown crust. Serve on lettuce leaves with soy sauce.
  5. Fried dumplings covered with cheese crust. For 0.5 kg of dumplings, take 150 grams of hard cheese, about 50 grams of butter, vegetable oil for frying, as well as salt and any spices to your taste. As a rule, this dish is well received dried basil and cereal bell pepper. Heat a frying pan greased with vegetable oil. Fry frozen or pre-boiled dumplings until fully cooked. While they are frying, grate the cheese, melt the butter and mix with salt and seasonings. Place the finished dumplings in a refractory dish (if you want to serve directly in it) or leave them in the pan, but spread them evenly over the bottom. Pour in butter with spices and cover with grated cheese. Further actions depend on your desire and technical capabilities. You can put the dumplings covered with cheese in a preheated oven or bake them under the grill in microwave oven until the cheese melts and turns into delicious crust. If you leave the pan on the stove and cover with a lid, the cheese will melt and turn out soft and chewy, like on pizza.
Just don’t forget that fried dumplings, like any other fried foods, - food is high in calories and not very healthy. And the dumplings themselves are far from light food. Therefore, despite all the advantages and appetizing, you should not fry dumplings in a frying pan too often. Let this be your backup way to quickly and tasty feed your household if you don’t have enough free time. Bon appetit!

Dumplings are a popular dish: they cook quickly and taste excellent. But precisely because it takes a little time to prepare, it becomes a frequent guest on the table (especially for people who are busy or do not have a family) and, as a result, becomes boring. But the semi-finished product is not only boiled! If you know how to fry dumplings in a frying pan, then you can diversify your menu and treat guests who arrive without warning.

Boiled dumplings have become a familiar dish in our region, but fried dumplings are prepared much less frequently, although the process does not involve any difficulties. The finished dumplings have a crispy crust, are delicious with sour cream and vegetables, and are perfect as an appetizer with beer. And the most important thing is that if they cool down, then warming them up will not be difficult, they will not lose their taste qualities. Moreover, you can fry boiled dumplings, freshly prepared, or frozen in oil. There are many cooking recipes - choose according to your taste. So how can you fry dumplings in a frying pan in a tasty and appetizing way?

How to fry dumplings in a frying pan: recipesfor different occasions

To fry dumplings you will need:

  • deep frying pan with thick walls;
  • vegetable or butter;
  • salt, spices

Frying boiled dumplings

It happens that dumplings cooked for dinner become breakfast. You can microwave them, but even when hot they will still be watery and slimy. In order to get tasty and hearty dish at the beginning of the day, let the dumplings stand in a colander until the liquid drains. Water splashes unpleasantly and “shoots” in the pan when it comes into contact with fat. At this time, put a deep frying pan on the fire, heat the oil - vegetable or butter. With the latter, the dumplings turn out more tender and soft, and with the vegetable one, they become crispier. Place in hot oil flour products and fry uncovered for 5 minutes on each side.

Frying fresh dumplings

Fresh means homemade, just cooked and not yet in the freezer. They are placed in a frying pan with heated oil and fried until golden crust. Unlike boiled dumplings, V fresh semi-finished product there is raw meat, so more time must be spent on cooking. The dumplings are fried for 10-15 minutes over medium heat under the lid, and then the lid can be removed to get a crispy crust.

Frying frozen dumplings

How to properly fry dumplings in a frying pan if they are frozen? The trick is that first you need to let the moisture that froze during storage evaporate. This should be done slowly. Let the dumplings simmer covered in a deep frying pan. After they thaw, you need to add oil to the pan and fry them on all sides.

The amount of oil (in all cases) may vary significantly. Some people like “dumpling fries,” fried in boiling oil that completely covers the dough. Some people have enough small quantity fat, just necessary to prevent the product from burning and sticking to the pan.

What else should I add?

You can add other products to the dumplings (for example, cheese, sour cream, vegetables) and get a completely different dish.

Fried dumplings recipewith cheese


  • 0.5 kg dumplings;
  • 0.1 -0.15 l of vegetable oil;
  • 0.1-0.15 kg of hard cheese;
  • spices.


Fry dumplings using the method described above. At this time, 100-150 g of hard cheese must be grated on a coarse grater, and the same piece of butter must be melted and spices added to it (dumpling mix, dried vegetables, basil, parsley). The dumplings, almost ready, are distributed in an even layer over the bottom of the frying pan, poured with melted butter and sprinkled with cheese. If you put the pan in the oven for 7-10 minutes, the dumplings will become crispy. If you leave it on the stove and cover it with a lid, the cheese will become soft and chewy.

Dumpling omelette


  • 0.5 kg dumplings;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 0.1 l milk;
  • green onions;
  • seasoning;
  • 1 tbsp. l. flour.


The basis of the dish is the same, fried semi-finished product. While it is being processed in a frying pan, beat the milk with eggs, add flour and spices, mix well. The dumplings are laid out in an even layer and filled with the prepared mixture. Sprinkle everything on top with finely chopped green onions and set it to cook. How long to fry dumplings in a frying pan with egg omelet, depends on personal taste. The dish can be a tender mass, reminiscent of a soufflé, or fried until crunchy.

Frying dumplings in a frying pan is easy, and the dish turns out aromatic and appetizing. But you shouldn’t abuse it: fried food is not considered healthy, it contains a lot of cholesterol, and it’s hard on the stomach. However, sometimes you indulge yourself with such harmful delicious dumplings it is possible, and even necessary.

IN restaurant menu This dish is unlikely to be found. Doctors and nutritionists will decisively eliminate it from the diet of any person.

And yet, how delicious it is - fried dumplings in a frying pan! Small “chebureks” with juicy meat filling and a ruddy, pleasantly crunchy shell made of unleavened dough Even those who are in principle indifferent to dumplings and dumplings like them.

Frying technique allows you to quickly cook hearty second dish for lunch, it is easy to diversify and supplement the usual food with new ingredients. Plus, the dumplings will never fall apart, and the dough will not turn into a watery mess.

An original dish from the diet of students living on scholarships who don’t bother with cooking, and bachelors who prefer hearty home-cooked food instant cooking. The recipe is suitable for both already cooked and frozen dumplings.

Dish ingredients:

  • dumplings – 400 g;
  • lean oil - for frying;
  • sauce (to taste) for serving.

Cooking time – 20 minutes. Calorie content 100 g – 239 kcal.

How to cook fried dumplings in a frying pan:

The dish goes well with any sauce for meat. But it’s better not to fill them with dressing, like boiled ones, but to eat them by dipping them separately into a gravy boat.

Fried dumplings with onions in a frying pan

A slightly more complicated version of the previous recipe. Sautéed onions add simple dish a new range of tastes. It cooks quickly, turns out satisfying and beautiful.


  • frozen dumplings – 500 g;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • head onions;
  • salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking time – 25 minutes. Calorie content 100 g – 238 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the onion and cut it into half rings or cubes.
  2. Heat the oil over high heat. Reduce the flame under the frying pan to medium. Pour in and brown the onion (5 minutes), stirring.
  3. Add dumplings to the onion and distribute evenly over the bottom.
  4. Cover the pan with a lid. Fry the food on low heat 12 minutes, turning the dumplings once to the other side.
  5. When the juice released from the minced meat has evaporated, remove the lid and pour a little vegetable oil and continue frying for another 5 minutes.

The finished dish is good served with chopped herbs, tomato sauces, and sour cream. An excellent solution is to complement your meal with vegetable salads.

Recipe for fried dumplings with cheese

Although this dish is simple to prepare, thanks to the cheese it looks much more attractive than ordinary boiled or fried dumplings. Prepare it as if it were for the humble family dinners, and for receiving unexpected guests.


  • package of frozen dumplings – 400 g;
  • water – 250 ml;
  • cheese (any hard) – 100 g;
  • spices and salt - optional;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking time – 30 minutes. Calorie content 100 g – 28 kcal.

How to fry dumplings with cheese:

  1. Let the dumplings sit a little warm, literally about 20 minutes.
  2. Pour water and oil into a frying pan. We are waiting for it to boil.
  3. Reduce the heat to medium, add the defrosted semi-finished product. Salt, add pepper and spices if desired.
  4. Reduce heat to medium and cover the pan with a lid. Simmer for 15 minutes.
  5. As soon as the liquid has evaporated, open the frying pan, stir the dumplings and add just a little oil.
  6. Coarsely grate the cheese. Turn over the “chebureks” that have browned on one side. Sprinkle with cheese shavings.
  7. Cover the pan with a lid again. Continue frying for another 3 minutes.

Carefully transfer the finished dish onto a plate with a wide spatula. Sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and dill. Let's bring it to the table.

Chinese pan-fried dumplings

It is more common for us to prepare dumplings using the boiling method. For the Chinese, fried dumplings - jiaozi - a traditional dish. The only difference is that the filling, except minced meat, add cabbage and serve with hot sauces asian cuisine. The dough for jiaozi is prepared as tight as for regular dumplings, but without adding salt.


  • water – 125 ml;
  • flour – 250 g;
  • ready minced pork– 150 g;
  • white cabbage and Chinese cabbage (in equal shares) – 150 g;
  • feathers green onions- 1 PC.;
  • cilantro - 3 stems;
  • clove of garlic;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • soy sauce– 1 tsp;
  • ginger root – 7 g;
  • hot pepper - optional.

Cooking time – 4 hours. Calorie content 100 g – 218 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Knead water and flour into a tight dough. Wrap in cling film, set aside while the filling is prepared.
  2. Shred the cabbage very thinly. Add salt, mix, put in a bowl. Set aside for 10 minutes.
  3. Drain off the juice released from the cabbage. Squeeze out the cabbage.
  4. Finely chop the green onion, ginger and cilantro stems. Pass the garlic through a press.
  5. Combine all filling components, including minced meat, soy sauce and ground pepper in one container. Mix thoroughly.
  6. Let's start sculpting the jiaozi. Roll out the dough thinly and cut out circles. Place a little filling in the center of each and connect the edges of the dough, making 5-6 wide pinches. There is no need to press or twist the dough too much. On the contrary, it is advisable to leave small holes between the tucks so that the minced pork cooks better. This technique will not affect the quality of the dish - the filling will be very juicy, and the dumplings themselves will not fall apart during frying.
  7. Place the finished jiaozi in one row, ridges up, in a frying pan with well-heated vegetable oil. Fry over medium heat until the dough on one side turns golden.
  8. Pour water into the pan so that it slightly but completely covers the bottom.
  9. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the dish for 5 minutes.
  10. We bring the dish to condition without a lid, frying until the broth has evaporated.

When serving, Chinese-style dumplings are turned upside down. Separately, 1–3 types of hot sauces are served in several bowls.

Recipe in Tajik

The difference between the national food of Tajiks and the dish we are familiar with is unusual shape and the method of serving dumplings. Otherwise everything is the same. The dish is simple to prepare; the meal turns out to be nourishing, aromatic, and appetizing in appearance.


  • regular dumpling dough – 400 g;
  • standard minced pork and beef – 500 g;
  • onion head – 1 piece;
  • ready beef broth– 175 ml;
  • wine vinegar – 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt and seasonings for meat - to taste.

Cooking time – 40 minutes. Calorie content 100 g – 227 kcal.

How to cook fried dumplings in a frying pan in Tajik style:

  1. We clean the onion, wash it and finely chop it.
  2. Salt the minced meat and season with spices. Add onion, mix well.
  3. Roll out the dough on a floured table into a layer 1 mm wide. Cut into 5x5 cm squares.
  4. Place the filling in the center of each square. We pinch, forming a neat flat triangle.
  5. Pour the oil into a frying pan and heat it well.
  6. Lay out the dumplings. Fry both barrels over medium heat for 7 minutes.
  7. Fill the browned dumplings with hot meat broth. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.

Place the finished fried dumplings in Tajik style on a plate in a heap. Spray lightly wine vinegar. For beauty, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Sauces for the dish

With the submission rules so simple high-calorie dish There are no difficulties. Any tomato sauce, ketchup, sour cream, mayonnaise will make a wonderful “company” for fried dumplings. For lovers spicy seasonings love the combination of vinegar and black ground pepper m garlic, soy sauce with wasabi, sour cream with mustard.

You can diversify the dish with more complex multi-ingredient sauces. For example, a mixture of mayonnaise (2 tbsp), garlic (1 clove) and parsley (to taste).

You can prepare a very tender, spicy cheese sauce. They do it like this:

  1. Low-fat (15%) sour cream and mayonnaise are mixed in equal quantities.
  2. Add finely chopped pickled cucumber.
  3. Coarsely chop the greens (whatever you like) and add them to the sauce.
  4. Rub on fine grater any hard cheese, add to the rest of the ingredients.
  5. The sauce is mixed well and poured into a bowl.

An excellent addition to fried dumplings would be mayonnaise sauce with horseradish and apples. To prepare it you need to mix mayonnaise (250 g), puree from fresh apple(50 g), a piece of finely grated horseradish root (1 tbsp.) and lemon juice(1 tbsp). The dressing for the dish is delicious!

Recipes for pan-fried dumplings are no different in complexity. But to make the process even easier, it's useful to know some tricks.

So that the dumplings fry faster and brown evenly, it is advisable to buy small frozen semi-finished products.

Before cooking, let it thaw a little and press lightly on the sides with your fingers. The dumplings will become flat, fry faster, and become equally golden on all sides.

Place dumplings in a frying pan only when the oil is well heated. This way the dough will not stick to the bottom, and the cooking process will go faster.

For a variety of flavors, you can baste the dumplings before finishing frying. tomato sauce, add a little bay leaf, basilica, hot pepper, carnations. Or sprinkle with sesame seeds.

To reduce the calorie content of the dish, the finished fried dumplings should be placed on a paper towel, thus removing excess fat.

This is how a completely simple dish can be diversified and made original. The given recipes and recommendations for choosing a sauce confirm this. Well, what if the flight culinary fantasy do not hold back, for sure, from regular dumplings you can create more than one delicious dish.

You can learn more about the intricacies of frying dumplings from the following video.

When you really want to eat, but there is no time to cook, semi-finished products come to the rescue. Juicy, crispy, with crispy crust And meaty taste. What were you thinking? About chebureks? No, today we will talk about how to fry dumplings.

Yes, yes, you heard right, it is the process of frying, not boiling, that we will describe. After all, this recipe has deep roots in our Soviet culture, which is deeply rooted in our consciousness. Then there was no such choice of products as there is today, and therefore you had to diversify your diet by coming up with new recipes for already familiar products. And pan-fried dumplings are one of them.

This is very harmful and fatty dish love by many men. And each of them, probably, secretly dreams of receiving a whole frying pan from their beloved on their birthday or February 23 fried dumplings. Do you want to please your loved one? This is your chance!

Cook frozen dumplings on large frying pan Not every man can do this. And not all women master this art. After all, you need to achieve not just frying, but also the readiness of the product from the inside. And this can be difficult to do. Especially if you choose the wrong method of cooking dumplings in a frying pan.

But we have prepared enough for you detailed instructions, which will not only make the cooking process easier for you, but will also allow you to serve very tasty dish. The main thing here is to follow our advice and do everything exactly as written.

You don’t have to immediately run to the refrigerator for a pack of dumplings to start frying them in a frying pan. First, read the instructions for preparing them to the end and only then proceed to practice. After all, frying dumplings is a real science and art, which only a diligent and attentive person can comprehend. Are you one of those? If yes, then let's start with... choosing dumplings.

How to choose dumplings?

So that the result is not only tasty, but also healthy dish, you need to choose the right frozen dumplings. Their main components are minced meat and dough. And if everything is clear with the latter, then manufacturers may not approach the preparation of minced meat so responsibly, trying to reduce the cost of the product as much as possible.

Typically, the following meat is used for this minced meat:

  • pork;
  • beef;
  • lamb;
  • rabbit meat;
  • chicken.

The filling can be single-component, although most often minced meat is prepared by mixing several types of meat and adding a small percentage of soy to them.

According to standards, meat in dumplings should be at least 49%, and soy - no more than 10%.

Also, a variety of spices and spices are used to prepare this semi-finished product. Each manufacturer selects them according to own recipes, and this ultimately affects the taste of the dumplings.

If such a product is made for children, then vitamins, iodine and calcium can be added to the usual composition. The use of flavorings and flavor enhancers is undesirable.

What should you pay attention to when choosing dumplings?


At the store, you should pick up a pack and read the ingredients of the dumplings. The first is usually the type of meat that has the most percentage. Correct composition should be the following:

  • meat;
  • flour;
  • eggs;
  • seasonings

If other ingredients are included in the list (for example, soybeans), then this indicates the manufacturer’s desire to reduce the cost of producing their product. U good producers who are trying to support high level your reputation, all components will be listed in detail.

Availability of data

In addition to the name of the manufacturer, its address and other contacts, the packaging must include the production date and shelf life of the product.


Please note under what conditions this semi-finished product was stored in the store. This should be a minimum temperature of –10°C (dumplings can be stored in this mode for a month) or –5°C (in this mode – no more than 48 hours).

Before purchasing, take the packaging in your hands. If the product is soft, then pay attention to the thermometer. If the storage conditions are violated, it is better to refuse to purchase such a product.

Integrity and form

Good dumplings usually have the same shape and intact edges, that is, the filling from the inside does not show through. It's better when they lie separately. When sealed, they should roll freely. If the product has turned into a single mass, then it was most likely previously defrosted.

Cooking according to the rules

So, first you will need to take a pack of dumplings. It's best if they are small. To prepare one serving, it will be enough to take 30-40 pieces.

You don't have to have them separately, since this dish can be prepared with a mass, which can easily be dubbed "one big dumpling", that is, when they stick together into a single whole. This is exactly what this semi-finished product looked like at one time, when we were all one big country called the USSR. Back then you could only buy one type of dumplings. Moreover, after unpacking the cardboard box, the housewife or owner discovered a single sticky mass, which they laid out on the frying pan. This made it possible to give this semi-finished product at least some presentable appearance and a pleasant taste.

Since then, frozen dumplings have appeared on our shelves in large quantities and diversity. But the habit of not boiling them, but frying them, remains.

So here it is. We will need a couple of dozen dumplings, seasonings as you like (salt, pepper, etc.), a certain amount of vegetable oil, 200 ml of boiling water, a frying pan with the obligatory addition of a lid. The last point is very important, and further you will understand why.

First, you need to put the frying pan on medium heat and pour oil into it so that it covers the bottom, but no more. Next, you need to wait until the oil heats up to the desired level. This can be determined by the appearance of a small smoke above the pan.

As soon as you notice how “smoky” it is, feel free to pour out the dumplings and distribute them over the pan. This needs to be done so that they are arranged in one layer, so the dishes need to be selected according to the amount of product. In addition to distribution, the mixing process will be mandatory.

It is important that the dumplings are coated in oil on all sides and fried in this form.

Then this whole friendly family needs to be covered with a lid and wait until a crispy crust forms.

Be sure to watch how the product browns and turn it over to the other side in time. After the “revolution”, do not forget to salt the dumplings and add other seasonings to taste.

As soon as you notice that the dumplings are evenly fried in the pan on all sides, you can proceed to the next, rather difficult stage. You need to remove the lid, take a glass of boiling water and carefully and quickly pour it into the pan.

Be careful! At this moment, all the contents on the fire will begin to actively hiss, boil and splash in all directions. Therefore, try to complete the procedure as quickly as possible and cover everything with the lid again. Next, you should wait for the moment when all the stormy processes end.

When the lull comes, you will need to increase the heat, remove the lid again and begin to gently stir the almost finished dumplings. In a couple of minutes the product will become tender and very pleasant to the taste. Wait until the water has almost completely boiled away and you can turn off the heat. The dish is ready to eat.

There are other cooking recipes, but they may result in the product being overcooked or undercooked (cooked on the outside and raw on the inside). Therefore, we recommend using our recipe, which allows you to get a delicious dish.

Secrets of success

To give the dish more unusual taste You can add a little along with boiling water tomato paste. For frying, give preference olive oil. It is advisable to turn the dumplings as often as possible to ensure even frying.

A more “dumpling” taste is obtained if you use ravioli with chicken meat.

Before throwing into the frying pan, while it is heating up, first remove the dumplings and place required amount onto a cutting board. This will give them time to defrost.

It is better to add spices when you turn it over to the other side.

We hope that our tips will help you cook wonderful dish and please your beloved man with them. Go for it!
