The benefits and harms of green walnut jam. Green walnut jam: time, patience and what else a healing delicacy requires

The taste cannot be compared with any fruit or berry jam. To achieve the desired result, you will have to make an effort. Depending on the recipe, preparing the delicacy can take from several days to several weeks.

About the beneficial and harmful properties of nuts

The benefits of jam from walnuts was noted by the ancient healer Avicenna. He recommended it to people debilitated by serious illnesses for quick recovery. But the product also has a number of contraindications.

Benefits and chemical composition

The beneficial properties of green nuts allow us to consider them universal remedy to restore body systems and strengthen protective barriers. The secret lies in the rich composition.

  • Ascorbic acid. Walnut peel contains 50 times more vitamin than lemon. The substance is useful not only for the immune system. It also gives elasticity to blood vessels and normalizes the production of thyroid hormones.
  • Vitamin RR. Accelerates metabolism, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. The vitamin is necessary for normal operation nervous system, heart and vascular health, as well as skin beauty.
  • Vitamin E. A powerful antioxidant that removes free radicals and heavy metals from the body, preventing development oncological diseases. For women, the substance is important in terms of preventing breast tumors and normalizing hormonal levels. It is also called the “beauty vitamin” due to its beneficial effects on hair and skin.
  • Vitamin B2. Takes part in the process of converting fats and carbohydrates into the body's energy resources. Breaks down pyruvic acid, which negatively affects the functioning of the heart and nervous system.
  • Iodine. According to the content of the element, it is green, not ripe walnuts, are not inferior to seafood. Iodine increases physical and mental performance. Strengthens the nervous system, making a person more resistant to stress.
  • Phytoncides. Kill pathogenic microbes, which promotes quick treatment infections.
  • Fatty acid. Nourishes tissues, making them more elastic and resistant to negative impacts. Helps strengthen the immune system.
  • Tannins. Removes carcinogens, cleanses the intestines, and prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the digestive organs.
  • Glycosides. Stimulates cerebral circulation. As a result, memory and concentration improves.
  • Magnesium. Dilates blood vessels, which returns blood pressure to normal.

People living in industrial regions with poor ecology, engaged in intense mental or physical work, and exposed to stress simply need to take walnut jam. A teaspoon of treats a day will provide reliable protection for the body. The dessert will help replenish iodine deficiency in people who cannot eat seafood due to allergies.


Considering the saturated chemical composition nuts and jam made from them, do not get carried away with the delicacy. It has contraindications.

  • Diabetes. Jam contains a lot of sugar, which is dangerous if you are sick. Consult your doctor about using a sweetener in your preparation.
  • Excess weight. Dietary product you can't name it. The calorie content of jam is almost 250 Kcal.
  • Pregnancy. In the second and third trimesters, dessert can trigger the development of gestational diabetes.
  • Stomach or intestinal ulcer. By promoting the production of gastric juice, the product can provoke an exacerbation of diseases.
  • Individual intolerance. Both ripe and green nuts are difficult to digest and are allergens.

Preparatory stage

Green walnut jam will delight you with an unforgettable taste if you correctly collect and process the raw materials.

Procurement of raw materials: 4 rules

You can cook walnut jam until the shells have hardened. Follow four rules for choosing fruits.

  1. Color. Nuts should be light green. Fruits that have spots are not used.
  2. Form. Choose large nuts with a perfectly round shape. Deformed fruits should not be used.
  3. Degree of maturity. The shell should have a milky-waxy texture and the nascent kernels should be jelly-like. A little hardening is perfectly acceptable.
  4. Period. The second half of June is the time to prepare raw materials.

When going for nuts, grab a few toothpicks. If the tip easily pierces the fruit through, the raw material is ideal for dessert.

Processing: 7 stages

If you decide to make jam from green walnuts, the recipe will begin with preparing the fruits. It involves seven stages.

  1. Remove the skins from the nuts. To make the task easier, blanch the fruits. Send them first to boiling water and then to ice water.
  2. Place the raw materials in cold water. The fruits need to be soaked for two days. As the water darkens, it needs to be changed.
  3. Prepare a solution of slaked lime (calcium oxide). For five liters of water, take half a kilogram of the substance. Stir, leave for four hours and strain.
  4. Place nuts in the solution for two days to remove bitterness.
  5. Rinse the fruits under running water.
  6. Using a wooden skewer, make several punctures in each nut.
  7. Soak the raw materials again in clean water for two days. Don't forget to change the water.

When preparing raw materials for cooking, you can do without lime. Soak the nuts in the solution baking soda. To avoid waiting two days, try blanching the fruits in water with citric acid. Judging by the reviews of housewives, both methods work well against bitterness. If you do not want to use foreign impurities, soak the nuts in cold water it will take at least ten days.

Walnut jam recipe: 5 options

Preparing dessert requires patience and a certain skill. Guided by step by step recipe, you will quickly learn how to prepare a healthy treat.

Recipe No. 1: simple

You will need:

  • prepared nuts - 100 pcs.;
  • sugar - one kilogram;
  • water - one and a half to two glasses.


  1. Heat the water and sugar until the granules dissolve.
  2. Dip the nuts into the syrup and boil for five minutes.
  3. Remove the jam from the stove and let cool completely.
  4. Boil the jam again, boil for another five minutes, cool.
  5. Repeat this cycle until the syrup is sufficiently viscous.
  6. Place the fruits in sterile jars, fill with syrup and close with lids.

IN simple recipe It is permissible to use nuts with skins. It turns out dark and thick. The taste of the syrup is similar to buckwheat honey.

Recipe No. 2: Armenian

You will need:

  • prepared nuts - 100 pieces;
  • water - two glasses;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • cloves - ten pieces;
  • cinnamon - a teaspoon or one stick;
  • lemon - two pieces.


  1. Prepare syrup from water and sugar.
  2. When the granules are completely dissolved, drop the nuts into the boiling liquid.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the lemons and add to the pan.
  4. Place the cloves and cinnamon on gauze or cotton cloth and tie it in the form of a bag. Place in a saucepan.
  5. Boil the jam and leave to steep for a day. Repeat the cycle two more times.
  6. For the fourth time, the jam must be heated until the nuts become soft.
  7. Distribute the boiled fruits among the jars, fill with syrup and roll up the lids.

The Armenian recipe is good because the jam turns out aromatic and spicy. Due to lemon juice the concentration of ascorbic acid increases. To make the taste even more piquant, add lemon zest to the syrup.

Recipe No. 3: Bulgarian

You will need:

  • prepared nuts - 1 kg;
  • water - one glass;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • citric acid - 10 g.


  1. Place the nuts in boiling water for five minutes.
  2. Place the fruits in a bowl of ice water for ten minutes.
  3. Repeat the cycle seven to ten times.
  4. Pour sugar into a glass of water and prepare syrup.
  5. Place the raw material in a sweet liquid and cook until soft.
  6. When the nuts are ready, add citric acid, after ten minutes remove from heat.
  7. Distribute dessert among jars.

Recipe No. 4: from kernels

You will need:

  • unshelled green nuts - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - two glasses;
  • citric acid - 5 g.


  1. Place the nuts so that they receive direct sunlight.
  2. Leave the fruits in the sun for two to three days, turning them periodically.
  3. Wash the nuts and start peeling. You need to remove not only the peel, but also the pulp until a white shell appears.
  4. Immediately place the peeled fruits in water with citric acid to prevent them from darkening.
  5. When the nuts are peeled, remove them from the acidified water and boil the liquid itself.
  6. Place the fruits in boiling water, and after ten minutes, remove them with a slotted spoon.
  7. Add sugar to sour water and cook until the granules dissolve.
  8. Transfer the nuts to the syrup and leave for eight hours.
  9. At the final stage, the dessert needs to be boiled for another 40 minutes and rolled into jars.

Recipe No. 5: from ripe nuts

You will need:

  • sweet apples - 1 kg;
  • nut kernels - 100 g;
  • one lemon;
  • water - two glasses;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • peppercorns - five pieces.


  1. Cut the peeled apples into small cubes or strips.
  2. Place the fruit in a saucepan, add water, lemon juice, sugar, black pepper.
  3. Cook the ingredients for a quarter of an hour, constantly skimming off the foam.
  4. Remove the pepper from the syrup.
  5. Finely chop the nuts with a knife. You can use a coffee grinder. Add to apple stock.
  6. Boil the dessert for another quarter of an hour and distribute it among the jars.

Jam from ripe nuts especially useful for men. Regular use prevents the development of prostatitis, enhances potency, and also promotes the treatment of infertility.

For quality jam Not only the ingredients are important, but also compliance with the subtleties of preparation and storage technology. Six tips will help you cope with the task.

  1. What kind of container to cook jam in. Perfect option- a basin or pan made of stainless steel. It is not recommended to use copper containers, as ascorbic acid is destroyed upon contact with this metal. Aluminum is also undesirable; its ions can penetrate into the product.
  2. Prepare the container carefully. Both jars and lids need to be washed well with soda and sterilized.
  3. Protect your hands. Given the high iodine content in nuts, there is a risk that the skin of your hands will turn red. dark color. Therefore, work with fruits with gloves.
  4. Let the jam brew. To taste qualities desserts have fully opened, do not open the jar for at least 20 days after sealing.
  5. Storage. The ideal place to store jam is a cellar or dark pantry. The room temperature should not exceed 25 °C.
  6. Best before date. A sealed jar can sit in the pantry for no more than nine months. A open jam becomes unusable after two months.

Some sources contain information that jam from young walnuts was included in the diet of soldiers in the army of Alexander the Great. It gave them strength before battle and helped them recover after long campaigns and severe wounds. Considering the rhythm of life modern man, he also could use a means to give him vital energy. Walnut jam is exactly what you need.

So, we need walnuts. But remember that nuts must have skins, and certainly green ones. Such nuts sit tightly on the tail, and it will not be possible to pick them right away. Naturally, such nuts are not sold anywhere, at least I haven’t seen them. You need to collect them yourself while they are not yet large, milky ripe. Inside, the shell is still almost soft, and the nut itself is white.

Soak the washed nuts in cold water for 2 days. We change the water every 8 hours. After this, you need to take a fork or toothpick and prick each nut from different sides. This is necessary so that bitterness comes out through the holes. We soak the nuts for another 10-12 days, during which we change the water in the morning and evening.

After the time has passed, we take out the nuts and cut off their thin, dense peel. You can do this with a potato peeler. I recommend wearing rubber gloves when doing this. Place the peeled nuts in a bowl of water diluted with 1 teaspoon citric acid based on 2 liters. We soak them for a day or two.

After the allotted time, boil the nuts in a solution of citric acid. Drain the water. Fill them with a new hot solution in the same proportion and leave again for a day or two.

Then drain the solution and wash the nuts under running water. Making syrup. Per liter of water - a kilogram of sugar or a little more - at your discretion. Add spices. You can add cinnamon powder, or you can add a stick. Place the cloves with whole stamens. Add the soaked nuts and boil everything together for half an hour over low heat.

Leave the nuts in the syrup for one day. The next day, boil them again in syrup. See how much liquid is left. If there is not enough, add water and sugar in proportion to each other. Boil for about 40 minutes. Sterilize the jar and roll up the nuts with syrup and spices. By the way, if you put the jam in the refrigerator, it will be stored there unrolled. Young walnut jam is ready to eat!

As easy as pie. Its healing kernels are easily stored both in peeled form and with the shell. But such a preparation can be made many times tastier than just nuts. Green walnut jam has already become a must-have item in preparation for winter for many gardeners and summer residents. Extraordinary delicious dessert and a memory enhancer, flavor additive and a way to rejuvenate cells – it’s all about nut jam. Let’s take a closer look at how to stock up on such a miracle.

Preparing to twist the nut

It is not known exactly who first came up with the idea of ​​boiling nuts, but it was a great idea. The processed kernels become soft, are saturated with syrup, and give off amazing aroma and taste. It’s worth noting right away that the process of preparing such a treat requires time and effort, but the result will please any gourmet.

For nut jam, you will need young fruits with a non-coarsened shell. As a rule, this stage of ripening of the Vologda nut occurs in mid-late June. The degree of ripeness can be easily checked by simply piercing the fruit with a large needle or toothpick; if it goes through, you can start cooking. Nuts need to be collected and suitable ones selected.

Delicious green walnut jam is made from high-quality raw materials. Each fruit must be inspected for dark spots, cracks, and rotten parts. The top layer of green peel will be removed, but its condition is an indicator of the quality of the nut. Selected fruits must be washed and peeled from the top layer of skin. You need to cut it in very thin layers. At this stage, you must definitely use rubber gloves, since the composition of the peel will leave dark spots on your hands for a long time - many have learned this lesson since childhood.

After peeling the skin from each fruit, all the nuts need to be placed in a basin where they will soak. The choice of dishes is a separate “song” and a stumbling block for many housewives. Just two generations ago, the most common container for making jam was aluminum or copper basins. Many, using the recipe and advice of their great-grandmother, still do this. Today they are not recommended to be used, since both and can react with the acids of the jam, in the process the dish is filled with heavy metals. Stainless steel or enamel-lined containers are ideal.

The dishes were chosen and the nuts were prepared. Now comes an important stage in twisting - soaking the fruits. The nuts must stand for at least two days. This is necessary because the skin and kernels are very bitter when unripe. To get rid of this bitterness, they need to be soaked, changing the water three times a day. After 2 days, soaking continues, at this stage you can choose one of two options: lime soaking and lime-free soaking.

Methods of soaking

To prevent walnut jam from becoming bitter, it goes through several soaking phases before the main stage of preparation. After the fruits have stood in water for 2 days, the water must be drained. They are then soaked further with or without lime.

Lime-free method. It requires one knitting needle or fork. Each nut needs to be pierced and a clove placed in the resulting hole. The prepared fruits should be filled with water and left for ten days. It is imperative to change the water several times a day, since without this all the work will be nullified.

After one decade, the water is drained and the kernels are covered hot water for 13-15 minutes. After this, they need to be immersed in cold water again and left for another 24 hours. After the required time, the kernels need to be dried.

Lime method. After 2 days of soaking, the nuts are placed in a slaked lime solution. To do this you will need 500 g of lime and 5 liters of cold liquid. Lime soaking lasts 4 hours, after which the solution is drained and the fruits are thoroughly washed under the tap. You need to make holes in the washed nuts with a fork or knitting needle and fill them again plain water and wait another 2 days. Don't forget to change the water to clean water several times a day.

After all these efforts, the fruits of the nut tree will be ready for the main stage of preparation. You can make jam from green walnuts using several recipes.

Recipes for making jam

This dessert can be made only with nuts or diluted with spices, citrus zest, berries. In any case, the product will turn out tasty, and if you follow the soaking rules, it will also be extremely useful.

Classic recipe:

  • a hundred nuts;
  • 500 ml plain water;
  • kilogram

The soaked nuts need to be spread out to dry a little. Meanwhile, syrup is cooked from water and sugar. When the sand has completely melted, immerse the fruits there and boil for 10-15 minutes. After this, the jam is set aside for 6-8 hours, returned to the fire, and then stood again.

You need to boil the walnut jam 4-5 times with an interval of 6-8 hours. This way the kernels will be saturated with sweet syrup, will not lose their shape, and the syrup will acquire a nutty color, taste and smell. At the last stage you need to decompose finished product into dry sterilized jars and roll up.

Spicy jam:

  • nuts – 50 pcs.;
  • 400 ml water;
  • 1000 g sugar;
  • carnation;
  • vanilla sugar;
  • wand

Place the prepared kernels into boiling syrup. Place all the spices in cheesecloth and wrap them tightly in a bag, dip them in the jam and cook with it. The contents should be cooked over medium heat until the fruits acquire a glossy black color. After this, add vanilla sugar or a little vanilla, roll into jars.

Nut jam with citrus:

  • one kilogram of nuts;
  • one kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • zest of one;
  • one .

First, cook the syrup; while it boils, you need to dry the kernels and prepare the citrus fruits. squeeze into syrup, and cut the zest together with the orange into thin strips. When the sugar is completely dissolved in the water, add the fruits and citrus straws, cook for 15 minutes over low heat, and leave to steep for 6-8 hours. Such manipulations should be repeated three times. Warm jam is packaged in sterile jars.

In addition to such classic recipes with peeled kernels, a recipe with unshelled nuts is used. The edges of the fruit are cut off on both sides and immersed in cold water for 10 days. The liquid also needs to be constantly changed so that all the bitterness comes out. After this period, the fruits need to be boiled in clean water for 15 minutes, then change the liquid to cold and leave to infuse again for another day.

The next day, drain the water and leave the nuts to dry. Meanwhile, syrup is prepared using the ratio: one part water and one part granulated sugar. Cooled down sweet water you need to pour the kernels again and leave overnight. In the morning, drain the syrup and boil it for 20 minutes, return to the nuts. The same thing needs to be done three more times, the last time all the ingredients are boiled together for 10-15 minutes. Unshelled green walnut jam is ready.

Application in medicine

As you can see, preparing such a dessert requires time and effort, but it is worth it, considering that the benefits exceed all expectations. This dessert is useful for urological diseases, heart or liver problems. During the conservation process, part useful components, which are contained in fresh nuts, is lost. But even what is left is enough to cover the need for vitamins, etc.

The special “pride” of this dish is the impressive amount useful acids: And . The combination of trace elements and acids has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and central nervous system. IN folk medicine nut dishes, including jam, are used as an anti-sclerotic agent.

Possible harm and contraindications

Any nuts, including walnuts, are classified as strong allergens. For this reason nut jam It is not recommended to give to children under three years of age. It is also better for pregnant women to refrain from such delicacies so as not to cause allergies in the baby.

Nut jam is contraindicated for people with diabetes mellitus. Due to its high content, it is better to limit it to those who take care of their figure and obese people, since 100 g of the product contains 280 kcal.

If you have digestive problems, nut jam can only be consumed with the permission of a doctor. A large number of, tannins and fibers are only beneficial for a healthy gastrointestinal tract.

Otherwise, it's a treat that's worth your time. His beneficial features will be useful until next season. And those who replenish their winter supplies with such preparations can be proud of opening new horizons in cooking.

What are we used to seeing walnuts like? A durable shell, inside of which there are delicious kernels that we eat just like that or add to soups, baked goods, sauces, infusions, salads, main courses... It turns out that you can cook from whole walnuts delicious jam! And today we will learn how to do this. But keep in mind that you will have to stock up on time and patience.

The history of an unusual recipe

Don’t be intimidated by our courage and determination: you can really make jam from walnuts. But not from those that have already ripened, but from very young ones, the so-called milk maturity. These green fruits are not yet edible fresh: they are bitter and taste nothing like those nucleoli that in childhood we compared to brains for their appearance.

These same fruits are what you will need for tasty, aromatic and healthy jam. They need to be collected, depending on the region, from the end of May to the first ten days of July. For example, in the south of our country, already in mid-June, nuts most often already enter the ripening period and become unsuitable for jam: the shell begins to form and harden.

To determine the desired level of ripeness, pierce the fruit with a toothpick. If it easily passes through and is just as easy to get out, feel free to collect the nuts. You can check each of them in this way, because later you will still have to pin them.

This is what milky ripe walnuts look like and are suitable for jam.

Jam made from unripe walnuts has been known since ancient times in the Middle and Near East, in southern countries Europe and Southeast Asia. Now this dessert is very popular in Italy, Spain, Greece, Moldova, Ukraine, the North Caucasus, and Kuban.

In each region, the recipes for this dessert have their own characteristics, but they are all based on the same principle.

General principle for making nut jam

Although milky ripe walnuts are very soft compared to fully ripe ones, they still need additional processing before cooking. The juice of the nuts is very bitter due to high content iodine, so it should be removed by prolonged soaking.

Traditionally, nuts are soaked not in clean water, but in a lime solution at the rate of 100 g of the substance per 1 liter of water. Modern housewives They are often indignant: “And so there’s a lot of chemicals around, and you also have to soak the nuts in lime!” Let's remember the school course on this wonderful subject.

Firstly, all products known to us contain chemical elements. Secondly, lime is nothing more than calcium oxide, a harmless substance used everywhere in everyday life. There is no need to talk about the benefits of calcium for the body. If we remember that salt- this is sodium chloride (the result of the interaction of two toxic substances), so you can get completely scared. However, we add it to most dishes, and it’s okay, it’s very tasty.

Don't be afraid to use lime: it's just harmless calcium oxide, not an evil poison that will poison your jam

Let's finish the excursion into the basics of chemistry and return to our jam. Nuts for it are soaked in a lime solution from 5 days to 2-3 weeks, until soft. Those that have darkened greatly during this time are repeatedly pricked or cut in half, after which they are boiled for several hours in sugar syrup. The standard ratio of products is:

  • 1 kg soaked nuts;
  • 1.2 kg sugar;
  • 1 liter of water.

The amount of ingredients may vary slightly depending on the region or even the preferences of the housewife. In addition, many people like to add spices to dessert - cinnamon, figs, anise, cloves.

By the way, it is advisable that the utensils for soaking nuts be made of stainless steel: aluminum is contraindicated for so long contact with water and iodine contained in nuts, and enamel pan or you may not be able to wash the bowl clean of stubborn nut juice. For the same reason, you need to wear gloves when peeling nuts, so as not to walk around with black hands for a week.

Clean walnuts only with gloves: the walnut juice eats into the skin of your hands.

What are the benefits of such a dessert?

Compared to ripe nuts, unripe fruits contain much more vitamins (groups B, E, PP), phytoncides, tannins, vegetable fats. All of them are preserved in the fruits after making jam, albeit in smaller quantities.

Walnut jam has been used in folk medicine for a very long time; it effectively treats diseases such as:

  • rheumatism;
  • gout;
  • heart disease;
  • kidney and bladder diseases;
  • angina;
  • furunculosis;
  • stomatitis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases.
  • nervous overload;
  • intense mental work;
  • sleep problems;
  • pressure surges;
  • pregnancy (since the jam contains required amount iodine);
  • rapid growth of children.

Green walnut jam is a source of microelements beneficial for the body.

And for men, such jam is very useful: it has a beneficial effect on reproductive function.

But it is worth noting that walnut jam is contraindicated for people with stomach ulcers, diabetes and obesity.


We offer you several popular, not very complex, but interesting ways making jam.


You've probably tried prunes, and maybe you like to use them for... various dishes. So, walnut jam prepared according to classic recipe, very reminiscent of good ones dried plums both in taste and appearance.

Walnut jam looks like prunes

It will take you a lot of time. In addition to this, you will need:

  • 4 kg of green nuts;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 2.5 kg granulated sugar;
  • 10 buds of cloves;
  • 1 pinch of citric acid;
  • for soaking nuts - slaked lime at the rate of 100 g per 1 liter of water.

Be sure to weigh the nuts: depending on their weight, you will have to adjust the amount of other ingredients.

  1. Rinse the nuts and place in a deep bowl or basin. Fill with water completely, to the top. The water needs to be changed at least every 6 hours, and so on for 6–7 days. If you doubt that the nuts are a little closer to ripening, keep them in water for a week. But don’t forget that you also need to change the water 4 times a day! Do not worry that the liquid takes on a greenish color: it is the nut skins that release excess juice.

    Pour washed unripe nuts cold water and soak for a long time

  2. Now is the time to prepare the lime mortar. Add 0.5 kg of lime to 5 liters of water. Mix the solution thoroughly and let it sit for 20–30 minutes.

    Prepare a slaked lime solution

  3. Pour the settled clear solution without sediment into a bowl with the soaked nuts. Leave for 24 hours. The fact that the surface of the nuts darkens or becomes stained is a natural reaction, and not a reason to get scared and throw away the product!

    Soak the nuts in lime solution for 24 hours

  4. After 24 hours, rinse the nuts thoroughly in cold running water. If they are too large, cut them in half; Prick smaller nuts with a fork in several places, and deeper.

    Cut large nuts in half, prick small ones with a fork.

  5. Boil water in a saucepan. Throw the nuts into it and blanch for 20 minutes. Drain the boiling water and cool the nuts in cold running water.

    Blanch the nuts in boiling water

  6. After all these “procedures” the nuts will noticeably change color to olive or brown. Boil a pot of water again and blanch them, but for half an hour. Drain the water again and keep the nuts in running cold water until cool.

    Cook the nuts again and cool them

  7. Have you noticed that the nuts have darkened even more? Now it's time to start making jam.

    After the nuts have darkened significantly, you can start making jam.

  8. Prepare the syrup in a separate pan. Dissolve sugar in boiling water, boil, stirring constantly. Add cloves and a pinch of citric acid. Pour hot boiling syrup over the nuts, bring to a boil and hold for 5 minutes, then remove from heat and leave for 1 hour.

    Prepare sugar syrup and add spices to it

  9. The nuts will darken greatly after the first boiling, and you need to carry out 4 more such executions with them, each for 5 minutes, with an hour break. And finally - another 15 minutes in a boiling state, after which the jam can be poured into clean sterilized jars.

    Boil the nuts in syrup several times

Green walnut jam can be stored covered whole year in a cool room, or you can eat it right away.


Armenians are big fans of walnut desserts, including jam. The peculiarity of this recipe is the use of alum. In addition, be sure to peel the nuts in much the same way as potatoes. Do this only with gloves: nut juice is very difficult to wash off your hands.

You will need:

  • 100 pcs of young walnuts;
  • 3 kg sugar;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 10 buds of cloves;
  • 10 g cinnamon;
  • 5 cardamom fruits;
  • 0.5 kg slaked lime;
  • 75 g of alum.

You can start making jam.

  1. Peel the shell from each nut. Place the fruits in a deep bowl.

    Peel the skins off the nuts like you would peel a potato.

  2. Pour clean cool water over the nuts. Leave them for at least 6 days in a cool place. Change the water four times a day. The fruits will darken significantly during this time.

    Soak the nuts in water for 6 days

  3. Drain the water one last time and rinse the nuts thoroughly.

    After draining the water, rinse the nuts thoroughly.

  4. Pour 0.5 kg of lime into 5 liters of water, mix thoroughly. Let it sit and strain through cheesecloth.

    Prepare a lime mortar and let it sit

  5. Immerse the nuts in the strained solution and keep for 24 hours, stirring occasionally, so that the fruits are completely soaked and do not cake.

    Soak the nuts in lime mortar

  6. Rinse the nuts again in running water, but this time with special care. Prick each fruit with a fork in several places (the more holes, the better), then rinse again.

    Prick each nut with a fork

  7. Dilute 75 g of alum in 5 liters of water. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil.

    Dissolve alum in water and bring to a boil

  8. Place the nuts in boiling water with alum and cook for 10 minutes.

    Boil nuts in water with alum

  9. Place the nuts in a sieve and wait until all the water has drained.

    Drain the water from the nuts through a sieve.

  10. Place them in a deep bowl, cover with cold water and leave for an hour.

    Leave the nuts to cool in cold water

  11. While the fruits are cooling, let's start with the spices. Place cinnamon, cardamom and cloves in a gauze bag.

    Prepare a gauze bag with spices

  12. Dissolve in boiling water granulated sugar, stir and boil for 1 minute.

    Boil sugar syrup

  13. Add a bag of spices and nuts to the syrup and boil for another 5 minutes, then remove the pan from the heat and leave to steep for 24 hours. You need to completely repeat this procedure 3 more times. After the workpiece has settled for the last time, cook it again (this will take 3 hours) and remove the bag of spices.

    Boil nuts and spices in sugar syrup

That's all. Now ready-made jam You can put it in jars and roll it up. Or serve after cooling first.

Nut jam without lime

If the presence of lime still confuses you, we offer a method of preparation without using this product. It can easily be replaced by the usual and often used baking soda.

So, take these products:

  • 100 pcs walnuts;
  • 250 g soda;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 2 kg sugar;
  • 4 glasses of water.

Cut the skins off the nuts, be sure to wear gloves, and start cooking.

This jam goes well with creme brulee ice cream: in tandem you get the taste of Coca-Cola. And, by the way, this method is the fastest. Unlike the previous ones, this jam will only take you 5 days.

Italian recipe with chocolate

IN sunny Italy their traditions of preparing desserts. Italians are big fans of sweets, they often add additional ingredients V familiar dish to make it original. Milk-green walnut jam is very popular in this country, and we are sure that it will chocolate version you'll like it.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of nuts (already boiled);
  • 1 kg granulated sugar;
  • 300 g water;
  • 100 g cocoa powder.

For jam, use only those nuts that can be easily and effortlessly pierced right through with a toothpick. Immediately sort all spoiled fruits.

  1. Trim each nut from both ends. This is necessary so that the fruits give up the bitter juice they contain as quickly as possible while in the water.

    Cut the nuts on both sides and fill with water

  2. Place the nuts in a deep bowl and cover with cool water. Soak for 2 weeks, changing the water 2-3 times a day.

    Don't forget to change the water regularly

  3. Sort the soaked nuts by size, cutting the largest ones in half. If there are a lot of nuts, then you can make 2 servings of jam: one from cut large ones, and the second from whole smaller fruits.

    Sort nuts by size

  4. Rinse the selected fruits thoroughly and cook for 2 hours. After this, pierce a couple of nuts with a toothpick: if this was done without difficulty, the fruits are ready. If they are still a little tough, cook for another 30 minutes. Boiled nuts should maintain their integrity and not separate. If you cut them, you can see that the skin has not separated from the still unformed shell.

  5. Prepare syrup from water and sugar, cook nuts in it for at least 1.5 hours. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, take a little syrup into a cup and carefully pour cocoa into it in a thin stream, stirring constantly so that the powder does not form lumps.
  6. Also stirring gently, pour the cocoa syrup into the pan with the nuts. At this stage, you can optionally add your favorite spices to the jam, for example, anise, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom and even hot red pepper. But don't go overboard so that the taste isn't too spicy.

    Boil the nuts in sugar syrup, gradually adding cocoa and your favorite spices, such as cinnamon

Chocolate walnut jam can be more than just a separate dessert. Its syrup is excellent as a sauce for cakes, pastries and ice cream.

Video: preparing jam from young walnuts according to all the rules

If you want to surprise your guests with a healthy dessert, try making green walnut jam. Preparing the delicacy will take more time than making fruit jam, but the delicacy with marmalade berries is worth it. Color ready-made dish turns out from amber yellow to dark brown.

Except unusual taste and aroma, the dessert has beneficial properties. is a storehouse of microelements, vitamins and iodine. Unripe fruits are used to make jam and puree because they contain more vitamin C than fresh nuts.

Ready-made green walnut jam can be used as a filling for baked goods, and the syrup can be used for soaking sponge cakes and for a pleasant tea party.

It is recommended to collect nuts for jam from the end of June in southern regions, and until mid-July - in the central ones. For jam, choose unripe fruits with soft, green skin and a light core. Before shelling nuts, wear waterproof gloves to protect your hands from staining.

Green walnut jam with cloves and cinnamon

Use cinnamon as desired. Instead of cinnamon sticks, use 1-2 tsp. ground spices per 1 kg of nuts.

The preparation time for the dish, taking into account the soaking of the fruits, is 1 week.


  • green walnuts – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • cloves – 1 tbsp;
  • purified water – 0.7-1 l;
  • cinnamon – 1-2 sticks.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the walnuts and cut off a thin layer of skin.
  2. Fill the fruits with water, rinse and change the water for 4-5 days - this should be done 2 times a day.
  3. Pour purified water into the container for making jam, add sugar, bring to a boil, stirring.
  4. Place the nuts in the syrup, let it boil, add cloves and cinnamon. Boil in several approaches for 40-50 minutes.
  5. Place the jam in jars and seal the lids. Try the ready-made delicacy - cut the fruit into slices, pour over the syrup and serve with tea.

Jam from halves of green walnuts with lemon

It is better to cook this delicacy in a non-stick pan - made of aluminum or stainless steel.


  • green walnuts – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 2 kg;
  • lemon – 2 pcs;
  • cinnamon – 2-3 tsp;
  • cardamom – 2 tsp;
  • water – 1.5 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Put on disposable rubber gloves and wash the nuts warm water. Peel the top layer of peel and cut in half.
  2. Pour water over the fruits and leave for 12 hours. Replace the water. Carry out the procedure within 4 days.
  3. On the fifth day, prepare the syrup - heat the water and dissolve the sugar, bring to a boil and put the nuts in it. Cook over low heat for 30-40 minutes from the moment it boils and let cool for 10-12 hours. Repeat the process 2-3 times.
  4. When the nut slices become soft, bring the jam to a boil again, add spices and the juice of two lemons, simmer for 30 minutes.
  5. Sterilize canning jars and lids.
  6. Place the finished jam into jars so that the syrup covers the nuts and roll up. Turn the jars upside down, cover with a blanket, let stand at room temperature 12 hours and store in a cool room.

Unshelled green walnut jam

To prepare such a delicacy, select nuts that are milky ripe and have a white core when cut.

The recipe uses baking soda to soften the skin of the fruit.

The cooking time, including soaking, is 10 days.


  • green walnuts – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 1.7-2 kg;
  • baking soda – 120-150 g;
  • dried cloves – 2 tsp;
  • cinnamon – 2 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the walnuts with running water, make several cuts in the peel or pierce them in two places with an awl.
  2. Pour cold water over the prepared fruits and leave for 10 hours, change the water. Continue doing this for 6 days.
  3. On the seventh day, dilute soda in water and soak the nuts for another day.
  4. Place the prepared fruits in a cooking vessel, add water and cook over medium heat until soft, drain the liquid and cool the nuts. Check readiness with a skewer or fork; the fruits should be easily pierced.
  5. Prepare syrup from sugar and 2 liters of water, add nuts, cloves and cinnamon. Cook for 1 hour, let cool for 10-12 hours - do this 2 more times.
  6. Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars, seal tightly with lids and store in a cool place.