Plum jam is not very sweet. Note to the owner. Step-by-step photo recipe for plum jam for the winter “Candied”

To make jam from pitted plums you will need:

  • Plum - 2 kg
  • Sugar - 2 kg
  • Water - 250 ml

Plums are the most unpretentious and productive among stone fruits. Moreover, it begins to delight with its fruits from July until the end of September. But even such a long “plum” period will still end someday, so it’s worth taking care of the preparations in advance. The fruits can be dried, pickled, jam or pitted plum preserves can be made for the winter. Plum jam tasty from any variety, but especially appetizing and rich is obtained from blue plums (varieties “Tula Blue”, “Prunes” or “Hungarian”).

Moreover, in order to really get delicious dessert, just use a completely simple recipe for seedless plum jam.

How to make seedless plum jam?

First of all, cook the syrup for future jam. To do this, dissolve the sugar in a glass of water, place the mixture over low heat and bring to a boil.

While it's cooking sugar syrup, sort the plums, remove spoiled and overripe fruits. Rinse them thoroughly under running water cold water. Remove the seeds.

Dip the prepared plums into hot sugar syrup, shake the pan vigorously so that the fruits are completely mixed with the liquid, and cook the plum jam over low heat for an hour. Do not forget to skim off any foam that appears and stir the mixture from time to time.

When the plum slices have become soft and the syrup is thick and rich, it’s time to pour the seedless plum jam into clean, dry jars and roll up.

This jam is universal dessert. From plum syrup can be cooked delicious jelly and compotes, pour them over ice cream or sorbet. Fruit slices are suitable for cakes and pies.

You can make jam from pitted plums in other ways - by adding various fruits, nuts, cocoa, chocolate, citrus fruits, and spices to the jam, you can easily get sweet desserts with a variety of tastes.

Jam “Plum with nuts”

Walnuts not only perfectly complement plum jam with a pleasant light bitterness, but also make it nutritious and healthy. Wash the plums, remove the seeds, place in a metal bowl with a wide bottom, add a little water and bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat for 15 minutes until soft. Add nuts and sugar, cook the jam for another 25-30 minutes. 3 minutes before the end of cooking, add a spoonful of cognac to the mixture and mix thoroughly.

Jam “Plum in chocolate”

Plum in chocolate feels very comfortable. Jam from blue plums pitted with the addition of dark dark chocolate and orange zest- a real sweet treat!

Divide large plums into halves and remove the pits. Cover them with sugar and leave for a while to form a syrup (usually 4-5 hours is enough). Over medium heat, bring the jam to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Then remove the pan with plums from the stove and leave until completely cool. Add dark chocolate pieces and orange zest to the jam and cook the jam for another 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. At the end, pour in 5 - 10 ml of cognac or rum.

Plum with cocoa jam is prepared using the same principle, only cocoa is used instead of dark chocolate, and orange zest is replaced with vanilla or cinnamon.

Plum jam with oranges

Peeled and chopped orange, orange zest and juice are added to plum jam, but the most beneficial flavor of the plum is set off by the orange with the peel.

Mix water with sugar and boil. Dip an orange, cut into thin slices, into the hot syrup. Keep on fire for 10 minutes and set aside until completely cool. Prepare the plums by washing them and removing the pits. Place the plums in the sugar syrup with the orange. Cook over medium heat for 40 - 50 minutes until thick (a drop of syrup should hold its shape). Roll the jam into sterile jars.

Apple and plum jam

An unusual fruit mix is ​​obtained by cooking plum jam with the addition of apples. For jam from apples and plums, late autumn fruits with elastic pulp are suitable. Chop apples (unpeeled) large pieces, add sugar and add a little water. Boil the apples over low heat for 15-20 minutes until translucent. Then place the pitted plums into the pan with the jam. Continue cooking the mixture for another 20 minutes, stirring slightly occasionally. Leave the jam for 7 - 8 hours so that the fruit is well saturated with syrup. Then place the pan of jam on the stove, turn on medium heat and cook the dessert for 10 minutes.

Five-minute plum jam

Five-minute jam got its name due to the method of preparation. It is cooked in several approaches for only five minutes, and in between it is infused.

Mix clean, pitted plums with sugar and leave until syrup forms. Cook the plum mass over medium heat in four batches of five minutes each (after boiling), with an interval of 7 - 8 hours. At the same time, do not stir the fruit, but immerse it in the syrup with gentle movements.

Real oriental notes add spices to the jam, such as ginger (ground or fresh), cinnamon, cloves, anise, black allspice. It is very important not to overdo it with spices. Just a few grams of aromatic seasonings are enough per kilogram of fruit.

Plum jam with cinnamon

Make jam according to the basic recipe. At the end of cooking (5-10 minutes), add cinnamon powder or stick to the plum mixture.

Seedless, the recipe of which is passed down from generation to generation in many families, is prepared quite quickly, and most importantly - without extra effort. Exists universal method cooking, which is suitable for both the stove and multicookers, which few kitchens can do without these days.

Plums are useful because they have a good effect on intestinal peristalsis, stimulating it. It is noteworthy that after cooking the fruit retains this property. The vitamin composition of plums undergoes some changes, but they remain healthy and tasty even in the form of jam.

Plums in their own juice

This jam is more like thick syrup with pieces of berries. It tastes in no way inferior to any other. Preparing plum jam according to this recipe will not cause any difficulties even for those who have never rolled up jars for the winter before.

You will need:

Ripe dark plums (1-1.5 kg);

Sugar (300-450 g).

There is no water in the recipe at all, no need to add it. The pits are removed from the plums and the fruit halves are placed in a deep pan. Everything is covered with sugar on top. Seedless plum jam, the recipe for which involves infusion, turns out to be especially tasty and aromatic. The fruits are left sprinkled with sugar for a while so that they produce juice. The period depends on how ripe the plums were taken. Once the juice has appeared, the pan can be placed on the stove to bring the contents to a boil. Next, you need to cook for another 3-5 minutes, stirring with a spoon so as not to damage the integrity of the plums. You need to repeat the procedure 2-3 times: boiling, cooking, boiling, cooking. The finished jam is sealed in heated sterilized jars.

The simplest recipe for sweet jam

The cooking principle is no different from the previous one, there is only one difference: sugar is taken at the rate of 1 kilogram per 1 kilogram of fruit. Plum jam for the winter made in this way is rich, sweet and does not become sugary. for a long time, if the jars have been well sterilized. It must be stored in a cool place. The maximum shelf life is 2 years. After this time, there is a risk that the jam will become simply sweet, losing all its beneficial properties.

Jam from sour plum varieties

The recipe described above is also suitable for fruits with pronounced sourness, but there is a slight difference. Firstly, you need more sugar: 1 kilogram of plums requires 1.5 kilograms. Secondly, in order for the fruit to give juice, you need to add half a glass of boiled warm water. Thirdly, you will have to insist for about 10-12 hours. At the same time, seedless plum jam, the recipe for which is universal for any variety, turns out to be moderately sweet and moderately sour. You don’t have to throw away the seeds, leaving them for other purposes. For example, homemade tinctures.

For multicooker

The quantity of ingredients is selected individually, taking into account the volume of the bowl of the device. For 1 kilogram of plums, 1 kilogram of sugar is required. There is no need to soak the fruit. They are thoroughly washed, pitted, and peeled. This is not difficult to do: scald the plums with boiling water, then remove the skin. The plum halves are placed in an even layer in the bowl, sprinkled with sugar, and fruit is again placed on it until the multicooker is full. Plum jam, prepared at home not on the stove, has a special aroma and softness. The consistency is more like a very delicate jam. The program is set to “Quenching”. How much? 1 hour is enough at a power of 750-800 W. After cooking, the jam is sealed in jars or eaten immediately. Any varieties of plums are suitable, but cook sour ones longer - 1.5 hours. Sugar is added to taste.

A way for those who like to tinker

Not everyone likes five-minute jam, so you can make it according to traditional method, which was previously used in every third home. You will need:

Elastic plums (1 kilogram);

Sugar (1.4 kilograms);

Boiled water (1.5 cups of 200 ml).

Plum jam for the winter used to be prepared this way. Many people have known its taste since childhood, although it takes a little tinkering. The fruits are pitted and placed in a separate bowl. Sugar is mixed with water and the syrup is cooked over low heat. The calculation of the ratio is simple: for 1400 grams of sugar you need 300 ml of water. The syrup is not cooled, but immediately poured into the plums. They need to be left in this form for 6-8 hours. Then the syrup is drained again, boiled over low heat, and poured over the plums again for several hours. After such preparation, the jam is placed on the stove. You need to cook it over low heat, stirring and skimming off the foam, for an hour. The recipe for delicious plum jam is not so simple, but the result exceeds all expectations. They are sealed in jars in the same way as any other homemade product.

If the plums were unripe or sour, then they need to be infused longer - 4-5 hours. How long should you cook plum jam in this case? The same amount - 1 hour. To check how well it has reduced, you can drop a drop of syrup onto a plate. If the drop does not flow or spread over the surface, then the jam is completely ready for swirling. It is not necessary to cool it.

Combined recipe

Jam with plums and oranges turns out to have a very interesting taste. It will require:

Plums (1 kilogram of ripe, but not too soft);

Sugar (1.5 kilograms for the entire cooking);

Zest of 5 oranges.

The plums are sprinkled with sugar (the pits are first removed) and left for several hours until the juice is released. At this time, candied fruits are made from orange peel. That is, they caramelize the skin over low heat with sugar. The plum with juice is placed on the stove. After the first boil, reduce the heat to low. Candied orange peel passed through a meat grinder, added to fruits with syrup. You need to cook until tender, on average 1-1.5 hours over low heat. The finished jam is sealed in jars. The combination of oranges and plums gives the preparation an indescribable aroma and taste.

How to seal jam for the winter

To prevent the workpieces from deteriorating, they must be properly closed for storage. It's not as difficult as it seems. To begin with, the jars are thoroughly washed, rinsed boiled water from the inside, dry. The latter is very important: seedless plum jam (any recipe) requires well-sterilized containers, otherwise it will be difficult to avoid the appearance of mold or mildew. The jars are kept over steam until all the droplets have dried. The lids are sterilized in boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Place the jam in the jars with a wooden spoon so that the cutlery does not touch the walls, otherwise they will burst. Everything is closed with lids of your choice: plastic or metal. The latter are twisted with a special machine.

The benefits of plum jam are undeniable. It is hard to imagine cold winter without a jar of fragrant and healthy jam from plums Plums are saturated minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates and dietary fiber. Plum jam for the winter - delicious fruit preparation, has a beneficial effect on the human body - not store-bought, which contains emulsifiers and preservatives, but homemade, prepared with your own hands.

A simple recipe for plum jam

Making plum jam is quite simple, so even a beginner can handle it. The jam turns out rich, very beautiful color and incredibly fragrant.

You will need:

  • Cold water – 1 glass
  • Fresh plums – 1 kg
  • Granulated sugar – 1.5 kg


Initially, you need to prepare the syrup: dilute sugar in water and bring to a boil. Wash the plums well under running water, cut in half and separate from the pits. Fruits should be chosen fresh and ripe.

Carefully place the peeled plums into the resulting syrup until the syrup completely covers it. It is better to choose a wide bowl for making jam so that it is convenient to stir the plums in it. Bring the jam to a boil and cook for 15 minutes, stirring. Then reduce the heat and cook covered for another half hour. After this, remove the jam from the heat, let it cool well and pour into sterilized jars.

Yellow plum jam

You will need:

  • Sugar – 1.5 kg
  • Yellow plums – 2 kg


Wash the plums and separate them from the pits. For this jam you can use not too much ripe fruits. Place the plums in a wide bowl and sprinkle with sugar; leave this mixture to steep overnight. In the morning there will be a lot of juice in the plums, if not enough, you can add a little water. Pour the plums into a wide saucepan and place on low heat. After the mixture has boiled, simmer over low heat for half an hour. Remove the jam from the heat, cool slightly and pour into hot jars. Delicious jam The plums are ready for the winter.

Plum jam with chocolate

You will need:

  • 1 kg of ripe plums;
  • 2 cups sugar;
  • 1 bar of dark (not milk, not porous!) chocolate without additives;
  • 2 teaspoons vanillin with sugar.


Remove the pits from the washed plums. Place the peeled fruits in a saucepan, add sugar and leave for an hour. During this time, the plum will have time to produce a lot of juice. Mix and place over medium heat, bring the plums to a boil.

Stir, reduce the flame to the lowest setting and cook for fifty minutes. Stir occasionally to prevent the jam from burning. If you get a lot of syrup (this is possible if the fruits were very juicy), you can drain it.

When the plums are boiled, they need to be mixed. If you want the jam to be homogeneous, then beat it with a blender. Add vanillin and chocolate, divided into pieces, to the jam. Continue cooking, stirring all the time until all the chocolate has dissolved.

Place the hot plum jam into sterile jars, pour one and a half tablespoons of sugar on top so that a “plug” appears that will not allow bacteria to penetrate the workpiece. Roll up the cans. Leave the jam in the room until it cools, and move it to a dark place for storage.

Plum and chokeberry jam

You will need:

  • 1 kilogram of chokeberry;
  • 0.5 kg plums;
  • 1.5 kg sugar;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of citric acid.


Remove the pits from the plums and divide each fruit into three or four parts. Separate the rowan from the branches, rinse and place in a saucepan, pour a liter of boiling water. Leave the berries for five minutes. After this, you need to drain the water into a separate pan. And the berries should be washed in cold water.

Put a kilogram of sugar into the rowan water and boil the syrup. Rowan berries and plums should be immersed in boiling syrup. Bring to a boil, then remove from heat, cover the jam with a lid and leave for twenty minutes.

Pour in the remaining sugar, mix and place over high heat to boil. Next, you need to remove from the heat and leave for six hours. 5. Place on the fire again, add citric acid, cook for forty minutes. Place the jam into jars and roll up. When the jam has cooled, it should be moved to a dark place.

Plum jam for the winter in a slow cooker

You will need:

  • 1 kg 200 g plums;
  • 1 cup of sugar.


Remove the pits from the plums, twist the remaining pulp, or you can grind it in a blender. The resulting puree should be placed in the multicooker bowl, pour sugar. Then select the “Stew” program and cook for one hour.

Place plum jam in sterile jars and roll up. Turn it upside down and leave it like that for a day. Store the jam in a dark place.

  • You should choose only whole and fresh plums.
  • For flavor you can add to ready-made jam a pinch of spices and citrus zest.
  • In order for plum jam to be stored for a long time, it should be placed in a cool place.

Homemade plum jam is perfect for tea drinking, as a filling for pies and pies. And in the cold winter season - an excellent remedy for colds, no worse!

Plum - very delicious fruit, which is liked by both children and adults, but plum jam is even more loved, as its aroma reminds of summer, and its light sourness emphasizes unique taste. Many housewives cook liters of the delicacy from year to year, but sometimes it turns out unsuccessful, so questions arise about what was done wrong, how best to prepare plum jam, what are their benefits and whether they can be eaten in saucers, or even jars .

Subtleties of making plum jam

Plum jam can be made from different varieties, and in each case the resulting delicacy is unique in taste. Not every housewife, even using a simple plum jam recipe, will be able to make it perfectly, because there are a lot of subtleties that only experienced craftsmen know about. But that doesn't mean you can't learn to cook. perfect dessert, which will hardly survive until winter, and not because the cooking process is disrupted, but because taste characteristics plum jam will be unsurpassed.

What varieties of plums should I choose for jam?

Harvesting plums for the winter, the recipes for which are presented above, can be done from both ripe and unripe fruits. The only important thing is that all the fruits are of the same degree of ripeness. The most common varieties used to make jam include:

  • Cherry plum;
  • Mirabel;
  • Hungarian;
  • Greengage.

How to prepare plums for jam?

Plums are one of those berries that must be blanched before making jam. This way they will be better saturated with syrup, while retaining their shape. But this applies only to those cases when the recipe calls for jam from whole fruits with bones.

So, before preparing the jam, you need to select the fruits, wash them well, and remove any bruised or rotten plums. Be sure to remove the stems. If the recipe involves removing the seeds, then the plums can be cut in half or quarters and start making jam.

Before cooking, whole fruits are dipped in hot water with a temperature of about 80 degrees. For small fruits, a treatment lasting 3-4 minutes is enough, for larger ones, with thick skin or unripe - 5-6 minutes. This will make the skin soft and remove the waxy coating that prevents the syrup from penetrating. For greater effect, it is recommended to pierce or cut the plums along the furrow before cooking.

How much sugar is needed to make plum jam?

Exist different recipes plum jam, for each of which the amount of sugar is different. For example, for plum jam in own juice Only 300-400 grams of sugar per kilogram of fruit is enough. But for such a recipe you need sweet and ripe varieties so that a strong sourness does not predominate.

The classic ratio of plums and sugar is 1:1. This jam turns out to be moderately thick and fully reveals the aroma and taste of the fruit.

There are cooking options that require up to 1.5 kg of sugar per kilogram of plums. Such recipes are good for unripe fruits to get rid of acid and extend the life of the jam for the winter.

How do you know when plum jam is ready?

Each recipe describes the required time for heat treatment of plum jam, but for greater confidence you should adhere to two rules. Firstly, if you drop a drop of jam onto a flat surface and it does not spread, but curls up into an even hemisphere, then the delicacy is ready to be stored for the winter.

Secondly, after heat treatment at the ready stage, plums lose their color, becoming translucent. True, this can only be noticed when using recipes with sliced ​​​​slices. The skin of the fruit remains dense and rich in color.

Why does plum jam turn out liquid?

Many beginners and experienced housewives wondering how to cook thick jam from plums This interest is due to the fact that often the delicacy turns out to be too liquid, so we have to look for ways to eliminate this shortcoming. There are several reasons why plum jam is runny.

  1. Much water. If during the cooking process an excessive amount of water was added, you can pour the syrup, boil it separately until the required thickness, and then add to the remaining jam and roll it up for the winter. In this case, you should adhere to the rule: when cooking, the syrup only slightly covers the fruit.
  2. They forgot to remove the first foam. In this case, you should boil the jam for 10 minutes, remove from heat, cool until room temperature, and only after that proceed to further cooking cycles.
  3. Overripe fruits. Too ripe fruits are watery, so they add excess liquid to the syrup. To eliminate this defect, you will have to add nuts, apples or dried fruits, ground in a meat grinder, to the jam.
  4. Wrong variety of plums. Often, to the question: why doesn’t plum jam thicken, the answer is very simple. How watery the jam will be depends on the type of plum. As a rule, yellow plums are juicier, and blue fruits make a thick jam.

Why is plum jam bitter?

Often, when preparing plum jam, a bitter taste appears. finished product. There may be two reasons for this. First of all, some varieties, such as blackthorn plum, give slight bitterness, which only adds piquancy to the jam. Some people find this taste the most pleasant.

Another reason could be that the jam is made with seeds. This is especially true when the product is stored beyond the permissible shelf life, as a result of which the seeds emit hydrocyanic acid, which cannot be eaten.

Why is plum jam astringent?

Sloe plum is the only plum variety that is very astringent when processed into jam. For some it is not big problem, since the valuable properties of such a dessert are very high. For others, this is a real problem, so they are looking for a way to correct the mistake. As an option, you can mix the jam with yellow plums, as they are sweeter, or add other fruits, but be sure to be ripe and with a pronounced taste.

Jam from unripe fruits can also bind if little sugar was used during the preparation process. Such jam can be saved either by adding other fruits and berries, or by adding a large amount of syrup.

Why is plum jam sour?

Plum jam, especially from blue fruits, always gives a specific sourness, but sometimes the dessert turns out to be so sour that it is impossible to eat. This happens if the recipe specifies an insufficient amount of sugar or unripe fruits were selected as a base. For unripe plums, it is recommended to increase the sugar concentration in a ratio of 1:1.5.

What goes with plum jam?

Homemade plum jam (photos can be found in the recipes) is prepared with various additives. The most popular fruits for plums are apples or pears. They will add thickness to jam made from juicy fruits, for example, cherry plum. Also yellow plum combine with orange or lemon slices. Citrus fruits will make the delicacy thicker and add a specific sourness.

Plum kernels cannot be eaten, but to diversify the jam prepared in slices, you can add walnuts. Also popular when preparing for the winter are cinnamon or cocoa. Each housewife will choose the most suitable for herself. delicious recipe, which household members will appreciate.

What is healthy and harmful about plum jam?

Plum jam is often found on the table of most families, but not everyone knows about the qualities of this delicacy. Along with the benefits, there are also restrictions for receiving the workpiece, which everyone should be aware of. In addition, by studying the properties of jam, you can fight diseases even at the stage of their initial appearance, which will make recovery come faster.

Useful properties of plum jam

Plum jam contains a large number of useful substances, including:

  • alimentary fiber;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • sulfur;
  • potassium;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamin E

Plum jam has a beneficial effect on the body. It is good because it speeds up metabolism, so it is allowed even for obesity. In addition, the treat removes cholesterol and toxins, which is also important for cleansing the body.

One more valuable property plum jam is its laxative and diuretic effect. In this regard, dessert should be consumed if you have problems with the intestines and kidneys. True, if you have kidney failure, dessert will only worsen the situation.

Hypertensive patients should also take note of plum jam, as the elements it contains cleanse the blood, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent the formation of blood clots. And in addition, plum jam is an excellent dope for the nervous system.

Harmful properties of plum jam

Plum jam - very useful product, therefore the only limitation for its use is diabetes. This is due to the fact that the fruits themselves contain large amounts of fructose and glucose, and they are boiled in syrup, where the level of sucrose for diabetics is off the charts. People struggling with overweight, should also limit themselves to the portion of jam they eat, but a couple of spoons will only bring benefits.

How many calories are in plum jam?

Many people watch their figure and constantly count calories. Sugar-containing products contain a lot of carbohydrates, which is why they are energy-rich, but sometimes it is impossible to refuse plum jam, so pampering yourself with a teaspoon will not be detrimental. So, the calorie content of plum jam per 100 grams is 288 kcal, and a teaspoon is 20.2 kcal.

Is it possible to have plum jam if you have allergies?

Plum jam rarely causes allergic reaction, but, nevertheless, there are cases when fruits of the Rosaceae family cause acute rejection. If the body does not accept peaches, apricots, cherries or nectarines, then the likelihood of an allergy to plums is very high. In addition, allergies to plum jam often occur in people who react to birch pollen.

Is it possible to make plum jam for a cold?

Not everyone knows that plum jam is recommended for colds. The delicacy works well as an antipyretic, so fruit drinks based on it or tea with a few spoons of jam will help in the fight against viruses. In addition, an abundance of vitamins will contribute to a speedy recovery and strengthen the immune system.

Is it possible to make plum jam for pancreatitis?

How to make plum jam with pancreatitis and whether it can be eaten with pancreas problems is not an easy question. Doctors are definitely inclined to believe that jam should definitely be included in the diet, but there are a number of restrictions. Firstly, during an exacerbation of pancreatitis, you should refrain from drinking plum jam and strictly follow the prescribed diet. Secondly, you need to eat a product made only from ripe, juicy and sweet fruits, mostly yellow. It is better if the plum is cut into slices, which will make the skin softer. Thirdly, you should not eat jam in large portions. A couple of tablespoons per day are acceptable.

Storing and processing plum jam

They want to keep plum jam, a recipe for the winter that is very popular, for a longer time, so that in winter they not only enjoy dessert, but also saturate the body. useful substances. True, not every jar survives until the cold weather, but housewives should know under what conditions they will have to throw away the jam, and when it is still possible to save their work and a priceless delicacy.

How to store plum jam?

Plum jam should be stored in a cool, dry place so that it does not get on the jars. Sun rays. The optimal temperature for storage should be in the range of 10-15 degrees, without sudden fluctuations. High humidity will have a negative impact on metal lids, which will leak air due to rust.

How long does plum jam last?

Seedless plum jam can be stored for up to three years. There are cases of successful storage of delicacies for up to five and even seven years, but such preparations no longer contain any valuable qualities, so do not delay the storage period.

Plum jam with seeds has a shorter shelf life, since after a year and a half it accumulates in the kernels of the berry. hydrocyanic acid, which is a toxic substance. It is better to eat such jam within one and a half years from the date of production, but some argue that if the seeds are removed, the jam is edible and does not cause any harm even after the specified period.

How can you tell if your plum jam is gone?

Plum jam (see recipe with photo for winter above) is considered spoiled in three cases:

  • when it ferments;
  • if mold appears;
  • with a pronounced bitter taste not related to the plum variety.

The fermentation process begins when the plum jam is undercooked or the recipe contains insufficient sugar. The main reason is that the syrup is too thin, so the fruit starts to ferment. As a result, you can see bubbles and even foam on top of the jar.

The cause of mold is improper storage of canned food. Perhaps the jar was dropped or hit, which broke the seal of the plum jam. The ingress of oxygen provokes the growth of fungi, which turn the delicacy into an unusable product.

At long-term storage plum pits may disintegrate or burst, causing hydrocyanic acid to get into the dessert and give it not only a bitter taste, but also dangerous properties that can lead to food poisoning.

What to do if plum jam becomes moldy?

There is no need to throw away moldy plum jam. If the product has been stored in this form for too long, you should think about the advisability of storing it. Otherwise, it is enough to remove the top layer of mold and boil the jam again, removing any foam that appears. To prevent the dessert from thickening too much, you can add syrup to it. If you are still afraid to eat a product affected by mold, you can use the jam in baked goods.

What to do if plum jam has fermented?

If plum jam has fermented, it is best to use it for cooking homemade tincture. She does it very well soft taste, distillation recipes can be found online. Another option is secondary heat treatment jam with added sugar. But in this case, the taste of the delicacy will differ from the original ones.

When changes come in life, you have to change your own habits. They often relate to human nutrition. Many people love plum jam, but most do not even ask questions about whether it is possible to have jam during pregnancy or how many spoons will not cause harm small child. And only with the onset of change such questions begin to worry, so you need to know the answers to them.

Is it possible to make plum jam during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a unique period in nature, and it proceeds differently for every woman. There is a whole range of problems that can accompany an interesting situation, and plum jam in different situations will manifest itself in a special way.

Using a simple recipe for plum jam, you can stock up not only on a delicacy for the winter, but also an excellent remedy to combat toxicosis. The first trimester is often associated with a lack of appetite, as well as nausea and vomiting. These processes are explained by the release of toxins from female body. Plum jam will cope with this task in a more gentle and even pleasant way, so it is recommended to eat it both when you want to conceive a child, in order to cleanse the body, and in the first months of pregnancy.

Another common problem during pregnancy is constipation and even hemorrhoids. Plum jam, thanks high concentration fruits, has a laxative effect. At the same time, the dessert you eat will not cause unwanted diarrhea, which is also not recommended when carrying a child.

Plum jam is a diuretic. It removes toxins and salts, as well as excess fluid from the body. Due to this property, it is recommended to include the product in the diet if you are prone to edema, especially internal edema. In hot weather and in the last stages, fluid retention in the extremities is a common occurrence, so plum jam should become a faithful companion. In addition, during pregnancy, cholesterol levels often increase, which plum dessert can also cope with with a bang.

Is it possible to make plum jam while breastfeeding?

Many mothers are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to make plum jam with breastfeeding. In moderation, you can, but you need to take into account a couple of nuances. Firstly, plum jam contains a lot of sugar, which sweetens breast milk. Your baby may have a reaction in the form of hives, pimples, or red spots when excessive consumption treats. In this case, you will have to refrain from making plum jam.

Secondly, most women after childbirth experience problems with stool, and recently born babies have colic and even constipation. Plum jam can help in both situations, as it weakens. For this reason, when asked whether plum jam can be given to a nursing mother in the first month, most doctors tend to answer positively. The main thing is to enter New Product gradually and consume it at intervals of 2-3 days.

Can plum jam be made for children?

Plum jam is one of those delicacies that can be introduced into a child’s diet from the age of one, although many parents try to protect their children from sweets until they are three years old. Of course, you cannot base your child’s diet only on foods containing sugar, but it is not recommended to completely exclude it. Plum jam, along with apple jam, can be introduced earlier than others. It has a very mild effect, is easily absorbed by the stomach and normalizes acid balance. In this regard, dessert is useful for children, but not in its pure form at first.

For testing, it is recommended to add a teaspoon, for example, to porridge or tea. If the child does not have a reaction, although if there was an allergy, it would have appeared at the moment when the mother first tried plums during lactation, then you can subsequently use the treat as a supplement daily or once every couple of days. But you shouldn’t be allowed to eat a lot of plum jam at a time, as it weakens the child, which can cause diarrhea.

Plum is tasty, aromatic and healthy fruit. To winter evenings If there was something to eat, you could make jam from these fruits.

Pitted plum jam for the winter - a simple recipe

This recipe is the easiest and fastest to prepare. It is also called five minutes. During the cooking process, almost all vitamins are preserved and the delicacy remains healthy and nutritious.


  • sugar – 2.5 kg;
  • plum – 5 kg;
  • vanilla sugar – 25 g.


  1. If you want jam rather than jam, choose unripe fruits. Rinse fruits in water. Remove leaves and possible debris.
  2. Cut each plum in half.
  3. Remove the pit with a knife.
  4. Place in a large container.
  5. Sprinkle sugar on top. You can't mix it.
  6. Leave for half a day. This is necessary so that the fruit releases juice and becomes firmer.
  7. Turn on the stove to maximum mode. Place a saucepan with fruit and boil.
  8. Switch to minimum cooking mode and cook for five minutes.
  9. Remove from the stove.
  10. Cool completely.
  11. Put on fire. Boil and remove from the stove.
  12. When hot, place into jars.
  13. Roll up.

Cooking with yellow plums

The yellow fruits have an original, unique taste. The pleasant, beautiful color of plum will give a chic look to the delicacy. The jam will be fragrant and similar to honey. The fruits will remain pieces and vitamins will be preserved. Due to the lack of peel, the delicacy melts in the mouth.


  • yellow plum – 3 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 2.4 kg.


  1. To make the delicacy tasty, rinse the fruit, remove the seeds and skin. It is removed quickly and easily from these fruits.
  2. Transfer the prepared mass into a saucepan.
  3. To sprinkle required quantity Sahara.
  4. Mix.
  5. Turn the burner to low. Stirring, cook until dissolved granulated sugar. Wait until it boils.
  6. Boil for five minutes.
  7. Transfer to jars.
  8. Screw on the lids.
  9. Cover with a blanket until completely cool.

Original recipe with spices

If you cook plum jam with added spices, you will get aromatic delicacy, which will surprise all guests with amazing taste.


  • cloves – 12 pcs.;
  • plum – 2.5 kg;
  • cinnamon – 2.5 sticks;
  • sugar – 2.5 kg.


  1. To better wash the dirt from the fruits, you need to pour water into a basin and put all the plums there. Leave. Remove and rinse twice.
  2. Use a sharp knife to remove the seeds. Remove the skin. If the fruits are yellow, then the peel can be left. In this variety it is soft and cannot be felt in the jam.
  3. Cut the fruit into four slices.
  4. Add sugar.
  5. The juice will appear in an hour.
  6. Let it cook for an hour. Turn on the fire to minimum.
  7. Leave for 12 hours.
  8. Add cinnamon, cloves.
  9. Cook for half an hour. Do not cover with a lid. Skim off any foam that has formed.
  10. Remove the spices, otherwise the jam will become too saturated and the flavor will become rich.
  11. Pour into jars. Twist.

Pitted plum jam for the winter

Jam differs from jam in that this delicacy takes longer to cook. The color turns out darker than jam. The jam has a slightly sour taste, homogeneous thick mass without pieces of fruit.


  • plum – 2.4 kg;
  • citric acid – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • granulated sugar – 1.8 kg.


  1. To make real jam, choose ripe fruits. Check for worms. It is necessary to cook with the peel.
  2. Rinse the fruits.
  3. Place in a container that can be placed on fire.
  4. Pour in water until the fruit is completely submerged in the liquid.
  5. Boil, but do not cook. This is necessary so that the skin peels off from the fruit.
  6. Cool.
  7. Take out the bones.
  8. Drain the juice that is released into a separate container and use it at your discretion.
  9. Take a blender. Beat.
  10. Sprinkle with sugar.
  11. Turn on the hob to low mode. Boil the fruit for three hours.
  12. Stir constantly and remove foam when it appears.
  13. Add lemon. Stir.
  14. Boil for five minutes.
  15. Rinse small jars with soda and rinse off any remaining residue. Put in hot oven or microwave at low power.
  16. Boil the lids for 5 minutes.
  17. Transfer the jam into containers.
  18. Close the lid.
  19. Wrap up.

Recipe for jam with cocoa

Ordinary jam won’t surprise anyone, but chocolate treat Few people have tried it. According to this recipe, plum jam prepared for the winter turns out original taste, aromatic and healthy. And it will definitely please lovers of chocolate dishes.


  • powder – cocoa – 15 tbsp. spoon;
  • granulated sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • plum – 4.5 kg.


  1. Rinse the fruit.
  2. Remove the seeds.
  3. Cook in a wide saucepan. Pour water until the bottom is covered.
  4. Transfer the fruits.
  5. Close the lid.
  6. Turn the burner to the middle position. Heat until the water boils.
  7. Switch to minimum. Boil for half an hour. The fruits will become soft and release juice.
  8. Turn off the gas. Cool the mass.
  9. Beat with a blender. You can take a colander with wide holes and grind the fruits. This method is more suitable for jam, since the skin will separate from the pulp, making the delicacy tender and homogeneous. Therefore, it is better to use ripe plums; they can be easily and quickly ground.
  10. Transfer back to the pan.
  11. Add 600 grams of sugar.
  12. Mix.
  13. Put on fire.
  14. Boil. Boil for half an hour over low heat.
  15. Stir frequently to prevent the mixture from burning.
  16. Add the remaining amount of sugar and cocoa. Mix.
  17. If the jam tastes sour, you can increase the sugar content.
  18. Boil for 20 minutes.
  19. Place in jars. Close.

If you like thick jam, use late varieties. If using an early variety, add to the recipe large quantity sugar and cocoa. So that the mass resembles chocolate candies, add more cocoa.

Cooking with nuts

This jam is worth trying for everyone. It has bright taste and original aroma. You will be pleased to surprise your guests with an interesting and tasty delicacy.


  • sugar – 1.7 kg;
  • walnut – 250 g;
  • plum – 2.5 kg.


  1. Remove leaves, branches and other debris from fruit.
  2. Rinse.
  3. Remove the seeds.
  4. Cut the pulp into small pieces.
  5. Sort out the nuts. Remove, if any, pieces of shell and partitions. Take a deep plate and pour in the nuts. To fill with water. It should be at room temperature. Leave for half an hour.
  6. Prepare a large container that can be placed on the fire. Transfer prepared fruits.
  7. Boil for 20 minutes. If the fruits do not release juice, you need to add water. Stir and skim off foam during cooking.
  8. Add sugar to plums. Boil for 40 minutes. Cook over low heat.
  9. Strain the water from the nuts. Transfer to plum mixture. Mix.
  10. Boil. Boil for 20 minutes.
  11. Remove from heat. Roll up while hot.

With the addition of oranges

If you combine plum with orange, you get an amazing dessert that the whole family will enjoy on cold evenings. The delicacy comes out sweet, has a slight sourness of plum and unique aroma orange To prevent the color of the jam from changing, stir only with a wooden spoon.

Helps you avoid sugaring your dessert lemon acid. Add a teaspoon of lemon per kilogram of sugar and the jam will remain in its original form.


  • granulated sugar – 3 kg;
  • oranges – 3 pcs.;
  • plums – 3 kg.


  1. Remove branches and leaves from the fruit. Spoiled, rotten, crumpled fruits are not suitable for jam. Rinse. Allow time for excess water to drain.
  2. Remove the peel and cut out the seeds. If you leave the peel, then during cooking it will separate from the pulp and the jam will not have a very beautiful appearance.
  3. Remove the zest from the oranges. To do this, use a small grater.
  4. To avoid bitterness, remove all white partitions from the orange.
  5. Transfer the plums to a heatproof container.
  6. Add zest and sorted oranges.
  7. Pour in sugar. Leave it for a while. The fruits should release juice and the granulated sugar should melt.
  8. Turn the burner on to medium mode. When the mixture boils, switch to low. Boil for 15 minutes. Stir constantly and remove foam.
  9. Turn off the fire. Leave the mixture to cool.
  10. Boil again and cook for a quarter of an hour. Be sure to remove the foam.
  11. Boil the lids.
  12. Sterilize jars.
  13. Place the jam in containers. Roll up.

In jam, pieces of fruit retain their shape. Everything in the jam is boiled to a thick consistency. This mass is easy to spread on pancakes and buns, and convenient to add to tea. When making jam, you can use fruits that are overripe.


  • sugar – 4 kg;
  • plum – 2 kg;
  • apple – 2 kg.


  1. Cut the plums in half and remove the pits. Place in a saucepan with two kilograms of sugar.
  2. Leave the juice to release for an hour.
  3. Place on the stove. Boil for half an hour. If during this time little juice has been released from the fruit, add a little water.
  4. Leave to cool for two hours.
  5. Peel washed apples and remove seeds. Cut into slices.
  6. Place into the plum mixture, covering with the remaining sugar.
  7. Mix.
  8. Boil the fruit for half an hour. To avoid burning, stir with a wooden spoon. Remove foam regularly.
  9. Take a blender. Beat the fruits. Boil.
  10. Preserve.

How to prepare a delicious dessert in a slow cooker?

The easiest cooking option is to use a slow cooker. Taste qualities will remain unchanged, and the cooking time will take much less. In this method of preparation, the syrup will definitely not burn. For a beautiful jam color, it is best to use yellow varieties drain


  • yellow plum – 4 kg;
  • sugar – 4 kg.


  1. Sort the fruits, remove branches and leaves. Rinse.
  2. Leave only strong, whole fruits without damage.
  3. Remove the seeds by cutting the fruit in half.
  4. Transfer the fruits to the multicooker bowl.
  5. Add sugar.
  6. Select the “Extinguishing” mode. Set the time to an hour.
  7. Close the lid.
  8. Do not interfere during cooking.
  9. After an hour, the delicacy is ready. Transfer to jars. Preserve.