Brussels sprouts with hot peppers in bread sauce. An original and spicy dish on your table - Korean cabbage

Brussels sprouts fruits - a real find for vegetable lovers and connoisseurs of a healthy lifestyle. Each miniature head of cabbage, like a chest with a complex set of vitamins and minerals, gives people health, vigor, and longevity. Soups, salads, vegetable stew with a cute little cabbage, they are beautiful and extremely tasty.

How to cook Brussels sprouts

People have come up with many vegetable dishes made from cabbage heads the size of nuts. Every nation has recipes worthy of attention housewives. Of course, the vegetable grows everywhere, since it is resistant to low temperatures and is not afraid of spring frosts. It is not afraid of hot summer either: being a long-day crop, it is friendly with the sun and reacts well to heat - just water it! This vegetable has wonderful property– regardless of soil condition, the accumulation of nitrates in cabbage heads is minimal. This allows you to eat the vegetable boiled and raw, and feel free to freeze it for future use.

Cooking this tasty vegetable is not difficult. Its light green heads, a smaller version of its white cabbage relative, are delicate. They go well with other vegetables, wonderfully highlight the taste of meat, and perfectly complement egg dishes. It does not need to be subjected to prolonged heat treatment, stewed, fried or boiled this vegetable crop very fast. Being a moisture-loving plant, this vegetable accumulates liquid in its heads and remains juicy even when long-term storage.

In the oven

Vegetables in the finished dish can play the main melody or serve as a flavor background, shading and complementing meat, fish, and egg dishes. Brussels sprouts In the oven it does both roles well. Small heads generously filled with cheese or cream sauce, form vegetable casserole, which will please her low calorie content weight watchers. Included vegetable mixture baked with meat or minced meat, the vegetable is not only very tasty, but also beautiful.

Frying pan recipes

For busy housewives who do not like long and complex preparation food, this vegetable is wonderfully good. Brussels sprouts cook very quickly in a frying pan. It looks great in scrambled eggs, omelettes, and stewed vegetable mixtures. The heads can be fried in oil whole or cut into two or four parts, breaded in breadcrumbs or cooked in batter. Any cooking recipe you choose will be simple and ready dish- tasty and healthy.

In a slow cooker

Household kitchen appliances makes life a lot easier modern people. Cooking in a slow cooker will take a few minutes, but will preserve beneficial features product, preserving, as far as possible, its complex biochemical composition. A multicooker equipped with double boiler functions is especially good for this. With its help, you can boil cabbage heads, steam them, stew them, bake them – cook whatever your imagination dictates.


It’s nice to be able to store Brussels sprouts in the freezer – enjoy dietary dishes from vitamin vegetables Can all year round, regardless of the season. At home, you can prepare heads of cabbage separately or as part of a vegetable mixture. Don't worry about what to cook with frozen Brussels sprouts. It is suitable wherever you would like to use fresh.

Brussels sprouts dishes

Since this vegetable is actively grown in Mediterranean countries, you should look for tips on its preparation there. Many delicious recipes with vegetables were invented in Italy, Spain, and Greece. The French and residents of Germany actively use it as a side dish. Prepare vegetable dishes different nations for your children, explore with them national cuisines. Let vegetable dish will not be easy for them, but will be strange overseas food from a distant mysterious country.


  • Cooking time: 10-15 minutes.
  • Purpose: salad, for dinner.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

A simple salad with Brussels sprouts and apples is quite consistent with the traditions of Russian cuisine. The vegetable is cut into strips, green apples are cut into thin cubes. The amount of main vegetable and apples can be changed according to your wishes. Salad is a godsend for those who seek to normalize their weight. You can even eat it for dinner if you replace the sour cream with homemade yogurt. This dish is not only low-calorie, but has an ideal balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU).


  • main component – ​​300 g;
  • green apple – 1-2 pcs.;
  • parsley – 1 small bunch;
  • low-fat sour cream or yogurt – 1/2 cup;
  • salt, black pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Before cooking vegetables, rinse them. Peel the apples. Rinse the greens thoroughly under running water and dry.
  2. Cut the main component and apples into thin strips and mix. Add finely chopped herbs.
  3. Don't forget to salt the salad and season with pepper.
  4. Season with sour cream or unsweetened homemade yogurt.


  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Cream soup and puree soup have recently entered Russian cuisine, but in Europe they are popular and traditional. Light and tender, varied, tasty, beautiful, they conquer the hearts and stomachs of their compatriots. Creamy soup Brussels sprouts cook very quickly. It is served with an egg and white croutons, and garnished with a sprig of herbs. Offer this soup to a child who is reluctant to eat vegetables, and you will be pleasantly surprised by his appetite.


  • main component – ​​600 g;
  • onion (large) – 1 pc.;
  • potatoes (large) – 2 pcs.;
  • cream of any fat content – ​​100 ml;
  • butter – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, nutmeg, pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the onion into half rings and fry on butter in a thick-bottomed saucepan or multicooker bowl.
  2. Fill in fried onion liter of boiling water. Place cut vegetables into boiling water. Boil until the potatoes are ready. Add cream.
  3. Puree the mixture in a blender bowl and bring the puree to a boil. Salt and add spices. Serve the soup with croutons and half a boiled egg.

Preparation for the winter

  • Cooking time: 25-30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: for three to four persons.
  • Calorie content: 44 kcal (per 100 g).
  • Purpose: first course, children's and dietary food.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

If you grow miniature cabbage heads yourself, be sure to freeze them. This The best way fill the meager winter diet vitamins and minerals. But if the harvest is large and you want something new, try pickling cabbage heads. The simplest Brussels sprouts recipe for the winter will be described below. Main vegetable, a little petiole celery, bell pepper and a thoughtful marinade - these are the ingredients gourmet snack.


  • main component – ​​0.5 kg;
  • red bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • petiole celery – 2-3 stalks;
  • coarse salt – 1 tsp;
  • sugar – 2 tsp;
  • vinegar (9%) – 3 tsp;
  • black pepper, allspice, clove stars - 5-7 pcs.;
  • Bay leaf, garlic - optional.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the main vegetable in boiling water and keep it on low heat for 5 minutes. At the last minute, add the bell pepper, cut into strips. Drain the broth.
  2. Place hot heads of cabbage in sterile jars and pour boiling marinade over them.
  3. For the marinade, boil a liter of water, dissolving salt, sugar and adding spices. Boil the brine for three minutes. Add vinegar and remove from heat.
  4. Pour the boiling mixture over the vegetables and seal the jar tightly. Store the snack in the cellar or refrigerator.

Baked in the oven

  • Number of servings: for five to six people.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

If cabbage is just for you dietary product, rich in fiber, if you are convinced that vegetables cannot be cooked tasty, be sure to try this dish. Made in a heat-resistant form, baked Brussels sprouts with cheese, bacon and almonds will not leave even seasoned gourmets indifferent. It can be made from fresh or frozen cabbage heads. A properly prepared casserole has an amazingly beautiful crispy cheese and almond crust.


  • main component –0.7-0.8 kg;
  • bacon – 120-150 g;
  • hard cheese – 120 g;
  • egg – 3 pcs.;
  • sour cream – 200 g;
  • almonds (in petals) – 40 g;
  • salt, pepper, nutmeg.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the washed cabbage balls in salted water for five minutes.
  2. Grease a heat-resistant container with high sides with oil, lay out the cabbage in one layer (whole heads or halves).
  3. Cut the bacon into cubes. It’s good if the product contains no less meat than lard. You need to add it to the cabbage heads, distributing it evenly over the entire area of ​​the form.
  4. Start filling. Mix eggs, sour cream, two-thirds of grated cheese. Add a little salt and spices to taste.
  5. Carefully pour in the mixture. Sprinkle the remaining cheese (about 40 grams) on top and almond petals.
  6. All that remains is to bake the dish in a preheated oven until golden brown (this will take about 20 minutes).

With Chiken

  • Cooking time: 45-50 minutes.
  • Calorie content: 89 kcal (per 100 g).
  • Purpose: for lunch, second course.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

If you add to the previous recipe chicken fillet– you will get a balanced dish for lunch, moderately light so as not to cause drowsiness and heaviness in the stomach, but at the same time perfectly satiating, giving strength and vigor. Chicken with Brussels sprouts in the oven turns out tender, soft, melts in your mouth, and golden crust, which is formed during baking, makes the dish incredibly appetizing.


  • main component – ​​0.3 kg;
  • chicken fillet – 0.5 kg;
  • milk – 300 ml;
  • butter – 30 g;
  • flour – 30 g;
  • hard cheese – 50 g;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the fillet in boiling water and boil for 20-25 minutes. Remove and leave to cool.
  2. Pour boiling water over the prepared cabbage and cook for 10-15 minutes. Pat dry on a paper towel and cool slightly.
  3. We need to make the sauce. Pour in flour a small amount milk, stir until smooth, gradually pouring in all 300 ml. Add oil to the mixture and start cooking, stirring constantly. Don't forget to add salt and pepper. Cooking time is no more than three minutes.
  4. Prepare the heads of cabbage (divide large ones into two parts), cut the chicken into large cubes. Grate the cheese on the fine side of the grater.
  5. Place a mixture of cabbage balls and chicken meat, pour sauce, sprinkle with cheese. You need to bake the dish in the oven until a nice crust forms.

Korean recipe

  • Cooking time: 20-30 minutes (excluding marinating time).
  • Number of servings: 6-8.
  • Calorie content: 58 kcal (per 100 g).
  • Purpose: salad, vegetable cold appetizer.
  • Cuisine: oriental.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Vegetables cooked in Korean style are incredibly popular, especially when winter comes. Culinary sites are full of recipes with photos. bright salads With Korean seasonings. In supermarkets and markets, special retail spaces are allocated for such snacks. Korean-style Brussels sprouts made at home are good. It is so tasty and beautiful that it should have long ago displaced carrots and beets - the leaders in popularity among Korean salads. Having prepared it once, you will become an ardent fan of spicy miniature cabbage forever.


  • main component – ​​450 g;
  • carrots – 450 g;
  • vinegar (9%) – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • mixture of ground peppers – 0.5 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the heads of cabbage in boiling water, close the lid, and leave for 5-10 minutes without heat.
  2. Grind the peeled carrots on a special grater. Add garlic passed through a press to it.
  3. Combine salt, sugar, pepper, oil, vinegar in a jar. Add 50 ml of water. Stir the contents by vigorously shaking the jar.
  4. Mix the vegetables, pour the marinade over them, press down with a smaller lid and keep in the refrigerator for a day or longer.

Recipe in batter

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: for two to three persons.
  • Calorie content: 56 kcal (per 100 g).
  • Purpose: for breakfast, second course.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Wonderful step by step recipe cooking Brussels sprouts in a frying pan will appeal to lovers of stewed and fried vegetables. Fried in batter is especially good with rice or mashed potatoes How complex side dish To meat dish. It can be a dish in itself, especially for people who observe low calorie diet. The dish will turn out healthy if you use a non-stick frying pan.


  • main component – ​​400 g;
  • egg – 3 pcs.;
  • starch - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream – 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the cabbage heads. Fresh boil for up to 10 minutes, frozen - 15-20. Cool them and dry them on a paper towel.
  2. Beat the egg whites and sour cream with a mixer.
  3. Mix the yolks and starch separately, add salt and pepper. Combine the two parts of the mixture, stir them gently with a spoon.
  4. Dip each head in batter and fry in a frying pan on all sides until golden brown.

Instant marinated

  • Cooking time: 15 minutes.
  • Number of servings: for two half-liter jars.
  • Calorie content: 68 kcal (per 100 g).
  • Purpose: preparation for the winter.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Snack that can be prepared on a quick fix from fresh or frozen small heads of cabbage - pickled Brussels sprouts. It will take no more than 15 minutes to prepare. You can eat the dish two to three hours after it has cooled, but the vegetables reach their special charm after a day or two. Frozen cabbage balls do not need to be thawed.


  • main component – ​​0.5 kg;
  • carrots – 1-2 pcs.;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar (9%) – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the vegetable in water for 5 minutes (frozen - 10). Add the carrots cut into slices, bring to a boil and drain the vegetables in a colander.
  2. Bring all marinade components to a boil, control the dissolution of salt and sugar.
  3. Place hot vegetables in jars, pour boiling marinade over them, cool and place in the refrigerator. You can roll it up and hide it for the winter.

Recipe with mushrooms

  • Number of servings: for three persons.
  • Calorie content: 72 kcal (per 100 g).
  • Purpose: second course, for dinner.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Brussels sprouts with mushrooms are good for a light, tasty, healthy lunch. You can use frozen product, but it turns out especially tender fresh cabbage. When buying a vegetable, focus on the freshness of the top leaves, the commercial appearance of which is a guarantee of quality. For the dish you will need champignons or oyster mushrooms, onions and garlic.


  • main component – ​​500 g;
  • champignons – 300 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • vegetable oil– 4-5 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper, herbs, lemon juice.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the cabbage balls in salted water for 5-10 minutes, remove and cut each into 2-4 pieces.
  2. Fry the mushrooms and onions until the moisture evaporates. Add cabbage and crushed garlic. Salt and season with pepper. If necessary, add 50-100 ml of water and simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. Add herbs and lemon juice. After a minute, turn off the heat and serve warm.


  • Cooking time: 25 minutes.
  • Number of servings: for two persons.
  • Calorie content: 83 kcal (per 100 g).
  • Purpose: for breakfast, for dinner.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

If you really need quick breakfast– pay attention to this recipe. It is basic and includes a minimum of products. If desired, you can supplement and improve it by adding bell pepper, tomato, mushrooms, green beans– whatever you like. This omelette can be fried in a frying pan with a lid on or baked in the oven.


  • main component – ​​220-250 g;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • milk – 50 ml;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper, herbs.

Cooking method:

  1. Quickly fry the quarters in oil, pour in a lightly beaten mixture of milk and eggs.
  2. Cover the pan with a lid and keep on low heat for 5-7 minutes. When serving, sprinkle the dish with herbs.

How to Freeze Brussels Sprouts

If you grow this wonderful cabbage yourself, from the whole variety of varieties, choose those that ripen earlier. The plant grows for a long time, the harvest can be harvested in stages. Remove and freeze the lower heads that reach a diameter of 3-4 cm, and let the upper ones continue to grow. Before freezing, boil in salted water for 5-7 minutes. Remove excess moisture. Freeze the heads on trays at a temperature no higher than minus 20 degrees, and later put them in bags for storage.

Video: with bacon

After all, these little heads of Brussels sprouts are simply delicious and attractive! They taste so unusual, and in combination with carrots pickled with it, they represent delicious snack. Just a real mouth-watering find, and with so many vitamins! This appetizer can be served not only for a regular lunch, but also for a special celebration.

Recipe Information

Cooking method: cooking, marinating.

Total cooking time: 24 h

Number of servings: 4 .


  • Brussels sprouts – 400 g
  • large carrots – 1 piece (about 130 g)
  • garlic – 3-4 cloves
  • bay leaf - 2 pieces
  • bitter red pepper – ½ piece
  • black pepper – peas – 5-6 pieces
  • dill seeds - a little

for the marinade:

  • water – 500 ml
  • vegetable oil – 3 tablespoons
  • granulated sugar – 1 teaspoon
  • salt – 1.5 tablespoons
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tablespoons.


  1. Cut heads of Brussels sprouts from the stem, cut off the tips of the stalks, remove damaged and old leaves if necessary.
  2. Place the heads of cabbage in a cup and pour cold water, adding a little salt, and leave for about 30 minutes so that possible garden bugs hidden in the cabbage leaves come out. Then drain the water.
  3. Pour about 1 liter of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat. Throw Brussels sprouts into boiling water and cook for 2 minutes.
  4. After boiling the cabbage, drain it in a colander and rinse with cold water.
  5. Peel the carrots, wash and grate into long strips.
  6. Peel and wash the garlic.
  7. In a clean jar, place bay leaf, black peppercorns, dill seeds, red hot pepper, garlic cloves, carrots, grated into long strips, and boiled heads of Brussels sprouts. Carefully stir the contents of the jar.
  8. Pour into a small saucepan required amount water for the marinade and add the remaining ingredients: salt, sugar, vegetable oil and vinegar. Bring the marinade to a boil, stirring until the salt and sugar dissolve.
  9. Pour boiling marinade over vegetables placed in a jar. The marinade should completely cover the vegetables.
  10. Close the jar of pickled Brussels sprouts with a tight lid, wrap it with a towel and leave to cool.

    This is a recipe without sterilization. We eat this snack right away. Fresh heads of cabbage can be frozen and then thawed and pickled as needed.

  11. Once the jar of cabbage has cooled, place it in the refrigerator until the Brussels sprouts are completely marinated. After a day, the cabbage is ready to eat. Bon appetit!

Note to the owner:

  • If you don't have fresh Brussels sprouts, use fresh frozen ones by boiling them without defrosting.
  • When serving pickled Brussels sprouts, add onion, cut into half rings.

Brussels sprouts are one of the most unusual vegetables on our tables. It is very tasty both fresh and pickled. Pairs perfectly with canned salads with other vegetables and is delicious “Korean style”.

Brussels sprouts - ways to prepare for the winter

Preparing this vegetable is not very difficult. Ripe heads of cabbage are cut off at the base of the stem, and bad leaves with stalks are removed. Well, then everything depends on your desire.

Cabbage can be frozen like this, preserving its original taste and texture. But if you don’t want to bother with defrosting at the right time, then marinating will come to your aid, which will give our Brussels vegetables additional taste and aroma. It is convenient to eat it marinated due to its size. You get some kind of vitamin seeds.

How to freeze for winter storage

Before freezing, the heads of cabbage should be kept for five to six minutes in cool, lightly salted water. This will get rid of any insects that may be inside. Then rinse the cabbage under running water.

Next, pour the heads of cabbage into a pan with salted water and wait for it to boil. After boiling, remove the pan from the heat and let the cabbage sit for a couple of minutes. After time has passed, drain the cabbage in a colander, rinse with ice water, and then dry.

If you have ever made homemade dumplings, then the next step will be familiar to you. Place the heads of cabbage on a baking sheet, tray or dish in an even layer and place in the freezer.

As soon as it is completely frozen, transfer it from the baking sheet into bags and throw it back into the freezer.

Due to the fact that the vegetable was first boiled until half cooked, it will take you much less time to prepare dishes. We have this kind of semi-finished product for the winter.

How to cook frozen Brussels sprouts

Cooking frozen cabbage is quick and easy. But even in these cases, you can mess up. Please, under no circumstances should you torture the cabbage by fire. How many times have I seen “killed” frozen vegetables that were left on the stove under the pretext “to make sure they were cooked?”

Properly frozen Brussels sprouts have already been half-cooked before freezing. So it will take her ten, maximum 15 minutes to get the desired condition.

And so, put a pan of water on the stove, salt it a little, and wait until it boils. And now we throw the cabbage heads into boiling water. After 10 minutes, the cabbage will have time to melt and finish cooking.

WITH prepared cabbage drain hot water and fill it with colder water. This way the heads of cabbage will keep their shape better and will not turn into mush during further culinary manipulations.

Brussels sprouts prepared in this way can be used in salads and soups. Some even manage to combine it in canapés. How separate dish or a side dish it won’t be too bad.


Pickled Brussels sprouts are very delicious snack. It will be in great demand due to its appearance and size. I pricked a head of cabbage on a fork, put it in my mouth, and so on over and over again.


  • Brussels sprouts – 1 kg
  • Water - liter
  • Sugar – 60 grams
  • Salt – 50 grams
  • Ground black pepper – 1 gram
  • Vinegar 9% – 250 milliliters

Cut the peeled and washed cabbage in half and put it in a jar, making it tighter.

To make the marinade, dissolve sugar and salt in water, add vinegar and pepper, and bring the mixture to a boil.

Pour the boiling marinade over the heads of cabbage, cover with a lid, and pasteurize for about 20 minutes.

After pasteurization, roll up the lid and send it to cool, wrapped in a blanket.

Canned Brussels sprouts with vegetables

We have to:

  • Brussels sprouts – 1.5 kg
  • Bell pepper – 400 grams
  • Onions – 6 small onions
  • Hot chili pepper – 1 small peppercorn
  • Salt - tablespoon
  • Sugar – 2 tablespoons
  • Vinegar – Teaspoon
  • Bay leaf – 2 pieces
  • Allspice and black peppercorns – 5 pieces each

We process the heads of cabbage, clean and cut them in half, especially large heads of cabbage into quarters. Peel the carrots and cut them into slices one and a half to two centimeters thick. Cut the pepper into cubes or triangles, one and a half centimeters per side.

Place spices, onions, carrots and peppers in a sterilized jar. Place the heads of cabbage on top.

Now let's start the marinade. Pour water into a saucepan, dissolve sugar and salt in it. Put it on the fire and wait until it boils.

Pour the boiling marinade into the jars, screw them on with lids, and set them to cool under a blanket, first turning them upside down.

After 3-4 days, you can try our Brussels sprouts.

In Korean

Sometimes we want to add some things to our lives thrills. Some people jump with a parachute to do this, others swim with sharks. Well, for us mere mortals a sharp korean cuisine and its conservation options. It is not necessary to use for this. For Korean Brussels sprouts we will need:

  • Brussels sprouts – 1.5 kg
  • Carrots – 400 grams
  • Garlic – 10 large cloves
  • Bay leaf – 2-3 pieces
  • Chili pepper – 1 small pod
  • Water – 1 liter
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons, without top
  • Sugar – 1 tablespoon
  • Vinegar 9% - tablespoon
  • Vegetable oil – 20 milliliters

Wash the cabbage, remove any wilted leaves, and cut in half. Grate carrots for " Korean carrots" Squeeze the garlic through a squeezer. Cut the chili pepper into 4-5 pieces. We put everything in random order in jars.

Let's start preparing the marinade. Mix water, vinegar and sugar with salt in a saucepan. Put it on the fire and wait until it boils. Pour the boiling marinade into jars. We send the resulting product to pasteurize for about 20 minutes. Then we roll up the lids and cool, wrapping it in a blanket.

These are our unusual and multifaceted Brussels sprouts, with which you can do anything you want. I think you will find options for preserving and storing it for the winter useful. Enjoy your meal!

Brussels sprouts are 100% human-made, meaning they were bred artificially.
The name was given to it by the well-known botanist-classifier Carl Linnaeus in honor of those who did it - the Brussels gardeners.
Few people know that the content of vitamins and nutrients Brussels sprouts are far ahead of their relatives. French doctors in the 19th century prescribed Brussels sprouts broth to patients instead of chicken broth. Yes Yes. It is broth, not vegetable broth. If it is cooked correctly, then it is practically not inferior to chicken in terms of caloric content and saturation.

As well as cauliflower and broccoli, Brussels sprouts behave well when frozen. As a rule, it perfectly retains color and shape when cooked. Sometimes there is slightly bitter cabbage.
Therefore, before cooking it is better to try it, and if it is bitter, add a couple of spoons when cooking lemon juice- the bitterness will disappear.

Regarding red pepper: spiciness and quantity - optional. For this dish I use mildly hot peppers. Very mild. Such that you can take a bite and not only not die, but also swallow what you bit off. Then you can put more of it, and not two stunted rings.
Bread crumbs, which are used for sauce, can be easily and quickly obtained as follows: a piece white bread freeze and then grate on a fine grater.
Bread sauce works great with all cabbages, so this recipe can be prepared with cauliflower, broccoli, and regular cabbage.

And in general, I really like this recipe - it cooks quickly, looks impressive, and, most importantly, the children eat it with pleasure)

If desired, you can replace olive oil creamy - it will turn out even tastier and more satisfying.


Brussels sprouts, frozen - 400 g

White bread crumbs - 1 cup

Onions - 200 g (1 large onion or 2 small ones)

Red pepper - 1 pod (spiciness and quantity as desired)

Olive oil - 4 tbsp.

Salt - to taste

Place cabbage in boiling water. After boiling again, immediately reduce the heat to medium and cover the pan halfway with a lid. Cook for about 5-6 minutes.

Heat 3 tbsp in a frying pan. oils Add finely chopped onion and fry lightly over medium heat. Pour bread crumbs, and fry everything together until golden brown.

Remove from heat and transfer to a separate bowl.

Place the finished cabbage in a colander and save the broth.

Pour the remaining oil into the frying pan where the crumbs and onions were cooked, add the cabbage, add the chopped pepper, and heat over low heat for 4-5 minutes, stirring.

Grind the crumbs with onions in a blender, gradually adding cabbage broth so that you get a liquid, homogeneous sauce.

Add salt.

Pour the sauce over the cabbage and peppers, stir gently, and leave on the heat for another minute.
