Where does cinnamon come from? Coffee with cinnamon - beneficial properties. The plant's ability to balance hormonal levels

This plant is widely used not only in cooking, but also in therapy. various diseases. The beneficial properties and contraindications of cinnamon determine the advisability of its use in each specific case. Therefore, before starting home therapy, you should definitely understand in more detail the composition of the plant and its effect on the body.

Types of cinnamon spice and its composition

Cinnamon contains a large number of different beneficial substances.

  • It is very high in calories (247 Kcal per 100 g of product) due to high content carbohydrates.
  • The plant also contains proteins and a small percentage of fats.
  • The most significant place in the composition is occupied by alimentary fiber(cellulose). This is due to the plant origin of the spice.
  • It also contains water, small amounts of ash and saturated fatty acids.

The benefits of cinnamon are due to active substances in its composition.

These include:

  • calcium and potassium, phosphorus and magnesium, manganese and iron, sodium, zinc, copper and selenium;
  • choline;
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • tocopherol (vitamin E) and niacin (vitamin PP);
  • a full range of B vitamins, including folic acid (vitamin B9), which is most valuable for women;
  • beta-carotene;
  • phylloquinone (vitamin K) and retinol.

Other active substances include tannins, resins, coumarin, starch, polyphenol, aldehyde and cinnamic alcohol. They also influence the properties of the product and have healing potential.

The chemical composition of cinnamon varies depending on the type.

  • Sri Lanka grows the most useful plants. The concentration of active substances and their ratio in them are optimal.
  • In the Chinese form of Cassia, a large amount of coumarin and tanning resins were found. Therefore, the harm from such cinnamon may outweigh the benefits.
  • The Malabar species and Cinnamon are of average quality and do not have a high medicinal effect.

Cinnamon: beneficial and medicinal properties in detail

Thanks to its rich composition, cinnamon has many beneficial properties.

These include:

  • toning due to pyridoxine;
  • disinfection under the influence of cinnamon alcohol;
  • calming due to coumarin;
  • normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract due to fiber;
  • reducing the concentration of dangerous cholesterol in the blood;
  • prevention of colorectal cancer due to the presence of vitamin K;
  • regulation of carbohydrate metabolism by polyphenol;
  • improved memory and concentration due to vitamin B1;
  • regulation of the menstrual cycle due to folic acid.

Each active substance is responsible for certain medicinal properties cinnamon. This allowed her to have wide range indications for use and wide range of applications.

Areas of application of cinnamon

Many people know this plant only as a spice. However, the scope of its use is much wider. Due to its rich composition, cinnamon is widely used in the treatment of diseases with herbs, in cosmetology and dietetics.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of diseases

Herbalists and healers have been respected since ancient times, but even now some of their recipes are relevant. Cinnamon is also used to treat many diseases.

These include:

  • the initial stage of atherosclerosis (removes dangerous cholesterol from the body);
  • diabetes mellitus (regulation of blood sugar due to polyphenol, which accelerates the action of insulin);
  • diarrhea (due to tannins in the composition);
  • inflammatory processes in the kidneys (increases urination, washing the inflamed areas naturally);
  • blockage of the biliary tract or liver pathology (is a choleretic agent);
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, coronary heart disease;
  • systemic diseases, rheumatoid arthritis;
  • disorders in the human nervous system (improved sleep, increased mood, antidepressant effect);
  • antipyretic for colds;
  • due to the pungent odor, it helps to cope with nasal congestion;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect in the presence of oral diseases.

Wide range of applications in folk medicine speaks of cinnamon as an indispensable medicine.

How cinnamon is used in cosmetology

The main product of cinnamon, widely used in cosmetology, is its oil.

It performs body massage, as well as various hair masks. But using this plant just inside also improves the appearance. Vitamins K, E, A and group B help maintain the water balance of the skin, trigger its renewal, and help synthesize collagen.

These substances also stimulate and awaken hair follicles. This increases the thickness of the hairstyle.

Cinnamon tinctures are used to treat the skin, which help get rid of inflammation.

Cinnamon for weight loss

Main reason for recruitment excess weight- improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and impaired carbohydrate metabolism. Cinnamon works great to eliminate these problems. Due to large quantities cellulose, it improves the evacuation of food from the intestines. This helps speed up metabolism, which is the main goal of a person trying to lose weight.

Normalizing carbohydrate metabolism also promotes weight loss. This helps you burn more energy and accumulate less subcutaneous fat.

What is important, the complex of vitamins allows you to maintain healthy skin and hair even in conditions malnutrition dieting.

Use in cooking

Cinnamon, as a spice, is known to everyone. It is added to desserts and sprinkled on cakes and pastries. Most dishes are also prepared with this spice. oriental cuisine. Coffee is served with cinnamon in restaurants, which adds a soft, spicy taste, and also allows you to draw intricate patterns on its surface.

This lifts the mood of guests, but in addition, the combination of cinnamon and coffee has a powerful invigorating effect.

The most famous drink Mulled wine is considered cinnamon. It is simply impossible to prepare it correctly without spicy spices. And the dessert that is known throughout the world has rightfully become Apple pie cinnamon. This combination is considered a culinary classic.

Cinnamon is often served with alcoholic drinks. It muffles the taste of alcohol and gives a refined aroma. Sometimes a cinnamon stick is specially placed on the table during dinner - its smell increases appetite and improves digestion.

How to properly use cinnamon for health?

Powerful vitamin cocktail It is considered a mixture of ginger, cinnamon and honey.

  1. To prepare it, take a liter jar.
  2. It is half filled with honey, and then 100 g of ginger and 25 g of cinnamon are added.
  3. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and consumed with warm tea 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

You can also add orange or lemon to the composition. Citrus fruits will dilute the sweetness of honey, increase the amount of vitamin C in the medicine, and also add new notes of taste.

Cinnamon tea is considered a healthy drink. It is prepared with milk.

  1. Prepared in a teapot traditional drink, where a tablespoon of cinnamon is then poured.
  2. After thorough stirring, milk is added to the resulting solution.

Received tea drink stimulates the nervous system, gives strength and improves the functioning of the digestive organs. The result is lightness and good mood.

Coffee with cinnamon - beneficial properties

Coffee is a great work stimulant nervous system. It has an invigorating effect and also helps to start the gastrointestinal tract. Cinnamon enhances its properties. A pinch of spice added to the drink softens its taste and adds a boost of vigor. In a cafe, waiters make drawings with cinnamon on coffee foam to improve the guest's mood.

This drink remains delicious without adding sugar. This reduces the amount of carbohydrates consumed, which promotes weight loss and improvement. appearance. And along with the lightness that appears, the person’s energy increases, which he will spend on useful actions. This significantly improves the quality of life and helps you move forward with renewed vigor.

Honey and cinnamon - what are the benefits of the combination?

Cinnamon and honey are used as natural sedatives.

They soothe and eliminate sleep disturbances. For colds, this combination acts as a powerful antipyretic. A drink with cinnamon and honey allows you to quickly remove toxins through the skin, increasing sweat production. This speeds up recovery and alleviates the patient's condition.

Useful properties and uses of cinnamon essential oil

Cinnamon oil has found extensive use in cosmetology. It helps relieve inflammation and also disinfects the skin.

Performing a massage with this oil helps:

  • improve the overall condition of the skin;
  • even out complexion;
  • replenish nutritional deficiencies, remove peeling;
  • get rid of rashes;
  • accelerate the resorption of hematomas;
  • improve metabolic processes in the skin.

If a stronger effect is required, use essential oil. It is added to masks or applied to spots.

It helps get rid of:

  • pediculosis;
  • papillomas and warts;
  • fungal diseases;
  • dermatitis and dermatoses.

Before using cinnamon oil, you should visit a dermatologist who will advise you on how to use it.

Contraindications for use

Uncontrolled consumption of cinnamon in unlimited quantities may reduce the taste sensitivity of the tongue. In addition, headaches and a feeling of weakness occur.

To avoid side effects Cinnamon is not used for several conditions.

These include:

  • acute pathologies of the digestive system;
  • presence of problems with blood clotting;
  • presence of allergy to food products, including spices;
  • tendency to high blood pressure.

Cinnamon is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women. When carrying a child, it can increase the contractile activity of the uterus, which leads to premature birth. On breastfeeding Cinnamon is not consumed due to the change in the taste of milk under its influence. In this case, the child may refuse to eat at all.

Cinnamon is widely used to treat and prevent various conditions, as well as to prolong youth and beauty. This plant is rich in active substances, but you should not take it yourself. Any therapy should be supervised by a specialist. This will help achieve best results without harm to health.

Which is widely used in cooking. It has been valued since ancient times for its healing properties. Many people associate the aroma of cinnamon with comfort and warmth, delicious homemade cakes. Therefore, most housewives constantly buy this spice. But do they only buy cinnamon? Most likely, almost no one knows that there are two identical spices - cassia and cinnamon. You need to figure out how to distinguish them. After all, the most widely sold spice is cassia - a low-quality and often harmful substitute for this spice.

Benefits of cinnamon

It is no coincidence that this spice has been known and popular since ancient times. It was used not only in cooking, but also in medicine. It was believed that cinnamon calms and gives peace, warms and cures colds. In addition, this spice invigorates, gives a good mood and improves memory. It contains a lot of manganese, calcium, iron and fiber. And the special substance eugenol helps accelerate tissue regeneration and wound healing.

Modern medicine has proven the medicinal value of cinnamon. This spice has the following properties:

How to use cinnamon correctly

This spice is most often used in cooking. Everyone is familiar with the smell of baking with cinnamon, which is associated with comfort and tranquility. But this seasoning is also successfully added to desserts, drinks, salads, and main courses. Especially popular are cinnamon coffee, apple pie or baked chicken.

There are several recipes for using cinnamon to treat various diseases:

  • Brew half a teaspoon of powder and a pinch of black pepper with a glass of boiling water, cool slightly, add a spoonful of honey and drink for flu or cold;
  • if you mix a spoonful of honey with half a spoonful of cinnamon, this mixture helps with nasal congestion and cough;
  • an infusion of cinnamon with honey, consumed on an empty stomach, helps reduce weight;
  • A glass of kefir with a teaspoon of cinnamon in the morning helps improve digestion and normalize blood pressure.

Cinnamon can also be used in cosmetology. When mixed with honey, the powder brightens the skin and makes it softer. When added to hair masks, it accelerates hair growth.

Types of cinnamon

This spice is highly valued and widely distributed. But the process of obtaining real cinnamon is very labor-intensive, and the trees whose bark is taken to produce it grow only in a few places. Therefore, both cassia and cinnamon are most often found on sale. Few people know how to distinguish them from each other. Usually people do not realize that there are 4 types of cinnamon, of which only one is truly valuable:

  • Ceylon cinnamon, or quinamon, is a real expensive spice;
  • Indonesian or Chinese cassia;
  • Malabar brown, or tree cinnamon, also called “cassia vera”;
  • cinnamon, or spicy cinnamon.

In addition, cinnamon substitutes are often used commercially and in food production: Burmese or bay cinnamon, as well as cinnamon extract.

Ceylon cinnamon

Both cassia and true cinnamon have spicy aroma and make baked goods more delicious. But only spice from a tree growing in Ceylon, on the island of Sri Lanka and in South India brings benefits. This is the most valuable type of cinnamon - Ceylon. It has a rich, delicate aroma and a light brown hue. These cinnamon sticks are thin and fragile and crumble easily.

For its production, young trees 1-2 years old are used. A thin layer of inner bark is removed from them. It is dried in the sun and hand-wrapped into tubes. Then it is cut into sticks about 12 cm long or ground into powder.

Characteristics of Cassia

Despite the fact that this particular spice is presented on the shelves of our stores in 90% of cases, few people know this name. What cassia is is known mainly by culinary specialists and those who are seriously concerned about their health. This seasoning is made from trees related to cinnamon, but with slight differences. They grow in Vietnam, Indonesia and China. To produce cassia they take whole pieces bark from trees at least 7 years old. That is why the sticks of this seasoning turn out to be so hard and rough, and its smell is sharp and bitter.

Why is cassia dangerous?

There would be no need to try to find out whether you bought real cinnamon, because the aroma of the fake is still pleasant. But in fact, constant consumption of cassia is dangerous to health. It contains a very large amount of tannins, and most importantly, coumarin. Its content exceeds the permissible limit by 1200 times. In cassia it is present in quantities of more than 2 g/kg.

Coumarin is also known as rat poison and is quite poisonous to humans. At frequent use it accumulates and damages the liver and kidneys. A person begins to experience headaches, indigestion, and dizziness. It became known that dangerous dose Coumarin for a preschool child is contained in 4 cinnamon cookies. For an adult, 6-7 mg of cassia, that is, a fifth of a teaspoon, is toxic.

The main differences between cinnamon and cassia

At first glance, these spices are not different, which is why there is such confusion. Most people don't realize that both cassia and cinnamon are commercially available. What is the difference between them can be understood by studying their characteristics in detail. Since people most often buy powder, you need to know how they differ. Real cinnamon lighter in color, has a thin pleasant aroma, a little sweet. Cassia, on the other hand, is dark, even with a reddish tint, smells more sharply, and leaves a bitter aftertaste.

Cinnamon and cassia sticks

It is in this form that this spice is more useful. Flour or starch is often added to the powder to make it more crumbly. In addition, during storage, ground spice loses its aromatic and taste qualities. And the sticks make it easier to compare cassia and cinnamon.

How to choose real cinnamon

In most cases, people purchase this spice in sealed bags, so they cannot determine the color, much less smell it. In this case, you need to first look at the name and country of manufacture. Real Ceylon cinnamon is produced in Sri Lanka. China, Vietnam, Indonesia, and even more so other countries are producing cassia. A conscientious manufacturer will also correctly indicate the name of the product: Cinnamomum zeylonicum is real cinnamon, and Cinnamomum aromaticum is fake.

In addition, it would not hurt to pay attention to the price: real cinnamon cannot be cheap, it is usually 5-10 times more expensive than cassia. The expiration date is also important. After all, after a year of storage, cinnamon loses its properties and aroma.

How to Test the Quality of Cinnamon at Home

What should those who just found out that cinnamon and cassia exist? How to distinguish a fake product at home from an already purchased product? You can look at the color so that it is not very dark, and smell it. But the most informative way is to take a little powder and drop a drop of iodine into it. Real cinnamon will hardly change color, but cassia will turn dark blue. You can also determine it by taste. Cinnamon is sweetish-spicy, has soft taste and delicate aroma. Cassia smells more strongly, bitter and pungent. And if you pour boiling water over a little powder, the cinnamon residue will become jelly-like and red-brown.

Now you know that cassia and cinnamon are very similar. How to distinguish them? If there are sticks in front of you, then you need to try to break them. Ceylon cinnamon fragile, easily broken, and cassia is dense and rough. The fake will be a strip of thick bark, slightly curled, often only on one side.

Now you know that both cassia and cinnamon are available for sale. It’s quite easy to remember how to distinguish them. Therefore, you can take advantage of all the beneficial properties of real noble cinnamon.

Cinnamon is a spice that has gained immense popularity in cooking. But today this spice acts as an excellent medicine. Useful properties and contraindications of cinnamon should be considered in detail and thoroughly, and most importantly, before starting use, it is better to consult with your doctor ( in case of intention to treat a specific disease).

After all, it is important for human health not to cause harm, but the lack of an accurate diagnosis in the issue presented fraught with unpleasant consequences and complications. Do you think all this is unnecessary? Not at all.

Cinnamon - what kind of spice? Features of growth

The presented seasoning originally represents the evergreen Cinnamon tree, the bark of which is used to prepare a spice that is later used in cooking and folk medicine.

The tree was discovered and studied by Portuguese biologists back in 1536. Then scientists suggested that the lagging bark from the trunk and branches of a tree could be used in some industries useful to humans, since the raw materials were easily subjected to heat treatment and subsequent grinding into powder.

This is how the purpose of using cinnamon in cooking began. Within a few decades, midwives and healers began to use the presented component in medicinal purposes and even in witchcraft.

Today, the spice is extracted in a slightly different way; growing rules play an important role. For example, how cinnamon grows directly affects its future taste.

If you collect bark from already grown trees, this will lead to the oxidation of the metals contained by tannins, which will lead to the loss of the beneficial properties of the spice.

In connection with the above fact, the “harvest” is collected at the stage when the bushes reach their maximum height - a height of no more than 2 m. The harvest itself occurs after a long rainy period.

Saturation of the bark with moisture leads to a positive change taste qualities spices - it becomes more fragrant and has a bright taste.

The fact where the cinnamon grows to assemble the bark is also important. Thus, tree plantations are observed on the island of Ceylon, on the coasts of India, Indonesia and China.

When choosing a place for a plantation, the abundance of rain is important, since trees and bark constantly need the required amount of moisture. Otherwise, the spice will be too tart and unsuitable for use in cooking or medicinal purposes.

Cinnamon: benefits and harm

The benefits of cinnamon for the body are invaluable, which is confirmed by the opinion of specialists and doctors, and also proven by scientists. Regular consumption of the spice helps prevent exacerbation of chronic diseases, and also promotes rapid recovery from existing illness.

Positive properties of cinnamon

In order to answer the question accurately and fully, the main positive properties spices on the body:

  1. The spice presented is excellent natural antiseptic. Cinnamon contains the natural element eugenol - an enzyme that, penetrating into the body, begins an active fight against existing harmful microorganisms.
  2. Regular consumption of spices allows significantly improve immunity, which will prevent a person from developing colds in the winter.
  3. The spice is recommended for use for the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.
  4. Cinnamon has the beneficial properties of reduce stomach acidity, which helps in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. The type of spice presented should be used for prevention and treatment cardiovascular diseases , which predisposes to a rapid and effective reduction of cholesterol in the blood.
  6. Spice helps activate brain function, which occurs due to the dilation of blood vessels.

Medicinal methods have special features and some rules for using cinnamon, since there may be quite serious and concentrated compounds intended for oral consumption.

It is in connection with this aspect that experts warn people against using cinnamon independently for medicinal purposes.

If you decide to undergo treatment, it is better to consult your doctor, since the spice has some contraindications.

Contraindications for use

Among the contraindications to the use of spices, there are many factors based on individual intolerance to the constituent components.

Yes, it contains this useful substance, like coumarin. Its benefits are based precisely on the activation of work blood vessels, as well as cerebral vessels.

Speaking of precautions, it should be noted that in various types For each spice presented, the amount of this enzyme may vary significantly. Often such ignorance of the situation leads to headaches and increased blood pressure.

Additional aspects of contraindications to the use of cinnamon include:

  • Cinnamon should not be consumed by people with medical conditions., which by increasing blood flow can lead to internal bleeding.
  • Spices should not be added to food if the food is to be consumed by a pregnant woman., and at any stage of pregnancy. There is a threat of miscarriage here, since this spice has a significant effect on increasing the tone of the uterus.
  • You should not consume cinnamon if you are hyperexcitable. because it has a tonic property.

It turns out that the spice, despite its positive properties, has many warning factors for consumption.

You should take a closer look at them, because due to your carelessness you can significantly harm your body, as a result of which the use will not lead to positive results, but, on the contrary, will only aggravate the situation and provoke a relapse.

Beneficial properties and harm of cinnamon, video:

Cinnamon oil: properties and uses

Cinnamon is not always used by people for treatment in the form of regular powder. Other forms of this spice are much more widely used: oil and sticks in pure form for cooking various compositions. Is it convenient to use spices like this?

Cinnamon oil: healing properties

Medicinal properties of cinnamon so versatile that they allow a person to get rid of most problems both with the use of the composition internally and as a external use. The essential product has the following medicinal properties:

  • Cinnamon product is quite a powerful antiseptic, which is actively used in the treatment of various colds or in folk medicine for the preparation of compositions for the treatment of wounds and abrasions.
  • Cinnamon oil is actively used for stimulation of the respiratory system.
  • The product has a positive effect on digestive tract person, so you should use oil in cooking.
  • Oil promotes normalization of the cardiovascular system and all the work of the heart.
  • The product can be used internally or externally for the treatment of various diseases of the genital area in men and women.
  • The oil product is used externally for treatment of fungal skin diseases.
  • Spice oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, although its use instead medicines Not recommended.
  • Oil relieves swelling and inflammation of the skin which occur as a result of insect bites.

This is only a small fraction of the beneficial properties of the presented product. Cinnamon essential oil due to its beneficial properties used in various fields of human activity both for treating and correcting problems, and as an integral component used in the production of various cosmetic and medicinal products.

Cinnamon oil: application

Now you should pay attention directly to the areas of application of cinnamon oil. Here they highlight:

  1. use in medicine - elimination of nervous tension, relief from viral and microbial diseases, preventive actions towards chronic manifestations;
  2. aromatherapy– aroma baths, inhalations, compresses, massages and many other procedures require a small amount of cinnamon oil;
  3. in cooking – used for preparing dishes, fresh vegetable salads;
  4. in production - the oil is widely used in the production of perfumes and other cosmetic and household products;
  5. in cosmetology - self-prepared cosmetic compositions are often used by the fair sex for skin, hair, and nail care procedures.

Ready-made essential oil can be easily purchased at a pharmacy. Important feature In purchasing, a careful study of the composition is considered, which indicates the raw materials used for the preparation of the product.

Thus, the product obtained from tree bark has a yellow-golden hue and is not recommended for use in everyday life, for example, for external use, because it can easily irritate the skin.

If shoots act as raw materials, then the product acquires Brown color and is used in medicine.

The use of spices in medicine

Cinnamon in its various forms is often used in the treatment of diseases, which sometimes allows it to replace traditional medications.

Before using spices for medicinal purposes, it is better to consult your doctor, as there are numerous contraindications.

Cinnamon in the treatment of colds

Colds can be easily prevented or cured with cinnamon decoctions or tea with the addition of the spices presented, ginger, cardamom and cloves. For a decoction it is enough to use a tablespoon of spice and a liter of boiling water, simmer over low heat for a few minutes.

As for tea, all the above components are mixed in equal quantities per cup regular tea a pinch of collection is added. Drink carefully, in small quantities and in low concentrations.

Treatment of joints

It is better to treat joints with spice from the inside. To do this, you should drink a glass of the mixture daily in the form of a glass of water, a teaspoon of spice and 2 teaspoons of honey.

Liver treatment

Treating the liver with cinnamon is a pleasure. So, to prepare the composition you should take half a liter of honey and two tablespoons of cinnamon powder. Mix everything thoroughly and take according 2 tablespoons daily up to 5 times a day. It is better to do this 2 hours after eating.

Nervous conditions and depression

To get rid of psychological disorders, cope with insomnia or depression, you should drink tea or coffee daily with cinnamon and honey. Detailed information on the preparation of these drinks will be given below.

Cinnamon for diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a fairly common disease today. It is known that the beneficial properties of the spice have a positive effect on reducing blood sugar levels, which is recommended for use in type 1 diabetes.

But often patients with diabetes may become allergic to cinnamon, which requires caution from the very beginning. Consult your doctor, or better yet, take a pinch of spice under his supervision.

How to take cinnamon for diabetes mellitus ? Everything is simple here - add spice powder to dishes, cottage cheese or fresh vegetable salad. The initial dose should be no more than 1 g per day, gradually increase it to 3 g.

Patients also enjoy adding cinnamon to kefir or tea, some people prefer to add spice in freshly squeezed juices or milkshakes.

Cinnamon and blood pressure

The spice presented raises many questions regarding blood pressure and its effect on blood flow. So, most people wonder if cinnamon raises blood pressure, because its active effect on the functioning of blood vessels can significantly reduce or increase the indicator.

But, according to experts, restoring the functioning of blood vessels under the influence of spices only helps to normalize blood pressure.

Here you should use a simple folk recipe in the form of a mixture of a glass of kefir and half a teaspoon of spice. Drink similar medicinal composition should be done twice a day.

Benefits of cinnamon for women

Representatives of the fair sex actively use spice for a variety of purposes.

How is cinnamon useful for women and in what cases can it be used?


Of course, the spice given for consideration is used in cosmetology to a greater extent for its beneficial properties. Here are some effective recipes:

1. Cinnamon for hair. Available universal remedy to give hair a healthy shine, as well as promoting its growth and strengthening.

The product is quite simple - cinnamon oil is added to regular shampoo in the proportions of 3-4 drops for one application to the hair. A similar product is used every time during water hygiene procedures.

2. Hair lightening. Also popular is a hair mask with cinnamon and honey, which uses a natural lightening composition.

To prepare it, mix in a glass of honey 4 tablespoons of spices and 3 tablespoons of olive oil. All components are thoroughly mixed and a little water is added so that the mixture is easily applied to the strands.

Leave the composition for 4 hours, after which it is washed off with regular running water.

3. Use to fight acne. If you have acne on your face, a honey and cinnamon face mask will be effective.

To prepare the composition, mix a tablespoon of sour cream with spices and honey, taken a teaspoon at a time. Everything is thoroughly mixed and applied to the face for only a quarter of an hour, after which you should wash with running water. Such procedures are carried out no more than twice a week.

Such procedures are carried out regularly to achieve a positive result in a short time, but carefully so as not to provoke allergic reactions.

Cinnamon during pregnancy and breastfeeding

As mentioned above, it is contraindicated because it can provoke uterine contractions and lead to miscarriage.

But what about breastfeeding? Experts claim the benefits of cinnamon during lactation. The fact is that this spice improves digestion for mother and child.

Weight loss with cinnamon

Cinnamon reduces appetite, which has a positive effect on weight loss. Recommended for use here a cocktail of low-fat kefir, half a teaspoon of the described spice and ginger, as well as a pinch of red pepper.

This cocktail helps not only control your appetite, but also speed up your metabolism and trigger the breakdown of fats.

Benefits of cinnamon for men

Men also need treatment folk remedies, where cinnamon plays an important role. Thus, treatment and strengthening of potency is possible with the help of healthy mixture based on cinnamon and honey.

To prepare the infusion use teaspoon spice powder and 2 teaspoons honey. Place all components in a glass and fill with boiling water to the brim. The entire infusion is kept for half an hour, and then half is drunk daily.

For effective treatment a similar method is used for two months.

Weight loss with cinnamon, video:

Drinks with cinnamon

There are several dozen recipes for drinks with spices, where constituent components tea, coffee, fermented milk product and even alcohol-containing compounds.

There is more useful information here.

Surprisingly, all of them are used to treat a wide variety of diseases, where there are chronic manifestations and serious exacerbations. About the most popular and simple recipes should be described in more detail:

The recipes given are only the basic and easiest to prepare. Here you can show your imagination and experiment with your taste preferences in order to choose a more acceptable option for yourself.

The use of cinnamon does not end there. Use your imagination and take advantage of the beneficial properties of the spice to achieve therapeutic and cosmetological effects. Enjoy the taste and aroma of fresh spices.

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The eastern queen of spices is the ancient name of one of the spices that most modern housewives add only to baked goods, tea or coffee. We're talking about cinnamon. Ground or in stick form, you probably have it in your kitchen cabinet. Do you know how cinnamon grows, that such an addition to dishes can be both beneficial and harmful to health? We suggest broadening your horizons a little by reading unique properties miracle spices, take note of a few healthy recipes.

How does cinnamon grow?

This spice is familiar to everyone, but do you know how cinnamon grows? Cinnamon or Cinnamon is an evergreen tree of the Laurel family, reaching a height of 15 meters. The leaves are light green and shiny above, and have a bluish tint below. The flowers are small white-yellow with a sharp, unpleasant amber. The fruit of the plant is berries.

Cultivation area is tropical zone.

Four types of cinnamon are widespread: Ceylon, cassia-canel, cinnamon, and Malabar.

The first - Cinnamomum verum - grows in Sri Lanka. In Ceylon, it is cultivated in the form of shrubs, from which the bark must be torn off twice a year. To get a fragrant “harvest” with rich taste, collection is carried out during the rainy season. The bark is then rolled into tubes up to a millimeter thick. Their smell is delicately sweet.

Chinese cinnamon, also called cassia canel, is found in China, Cambodia and Indonesia. The bark is removed from it every 8 years. And the tubes are up to 2 mm thick. Accordingly, they have less fragility. By the way, the smell is also different from the Ceylon variety - sharper and sweeter.

Cinnamon is native to Indonesia. After drying, the bark is sold in small, thin layers. The taste is hot-spicy, you can feel it mild spicy note.

Brown tree, Cassia vera is a Malabar variety. Distribution area - India and Burma. In comparison with previous varieties, it has thick and rough bark and a weak, barely perceptible fragrance. But its taste is memorable - sharp, viscous, pungent.

Cinnamon: beneficial properties and contraindications

Let's look at the beneficial properties of cinnamon; it contains:

  • esters;
  • resins;
  • slime;
  • tannins;
  • starch.

A nice addition is a full range of vitamins of all groups, macro- and microelements (K, Na, Zn, P, Fe, Mn, Mg).

This composition maintains normal immunity, tones, activates the functioning and health of internal organs.

In medicine it is used as an antiseptic and diuretic for problems with the cardiovascular system and stomach. If you take 2-3 pinches a day, your memory, attentiveness, and ability to concentrate will improve.

The spice in question is useful for women who suffer from algodismenorrhea and irritability during the premenstrual period. It is also useful for men to enhance sexual desire and potency. At regular use reduces the risk of heart attack, expands blood clots, removes cholesterol. Antiseptic properties will help cope with colds (coughs and sore throats).

Cinnamon for weight loss

Hundreds positive feedback received the use of cinnamon for weight loss.

Fat burning cocktail: kefir and cinnamon

The recipe is surprisingly simple:

Mix 7 g of ground spice with 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir. Drink the resulting cocktail a glass per day (instead of dinner). The result is minus 3-5 kg ​​within a week.

Little advice : add cottage cheese to the mixture - this will relieve the feeling of hunger and, accordingly, speed up weight loss. Yes, and the numbers change: minus 1.5 kg per day!

If you are losing weight on kefir, then you will be interested in reading:

Cinnamon and ginger

More effective remedy- a drink made from cinnamon and ginger.

To prepare, mix 7 g of spice, the same amount of ground root and 100 ml of boiling water. When the composition has cooled, add a slice of lemon and 5 g natural honey. Daily dose– 1 cup. The result is minus 5-7 kg, but subject to daily exercise and limiting sweets.

  • increases tone;
  • strengthens immune system;
  • removes cholesterol and toxins from the body;
  • helps with diarrhea;
  • useful for hair loss and skin diseases.

Contraindications and harm

Consumption is prohibited:

  • hypertensive patients;
  • pregnant women due to the risk of miscarriage;
  • during lactation (deteriorates the taste of milk);
  • ulcers;
  • at a temperature;
  • with bleeding;
  • with individual intolerance.

Use of cinnamon in cooking

Both cinnamon sticks and already ground version. But please note that the powder quickly loses its aroma, so you need to purchase it in Not large quantities. Used for preparing first and second courses, desserts, marinades, sauces, salads, more often for confectionery and bakery products.

We offer several easy-to-implement recipes.

Exquisite dessert - chocolate parfait


1 egg + extra yolk
60 g sugar,
2-3 g cinnamon,
50 ml rum,
150 g dark chocolate,
cup heavy cream.


1. Beat the egg, yolk and sugar with a mixer until fluffy.
2. Add rum and spices. Stir the mixture until smooth.
3. Add melted chocolate to the mixture obtained earlier.
4. Fill everything with whipped cream.
5. Pour into molds. Place them in the freezer for at least 7 hours. Before serving, place the molds with the frozen dessert in a very hot water so that the contents can easily fall into elegant glasses or bowls.

Classic cinnamon coffee recipe


ground Arabica 7 g,
water 125 ml,
sugar 3 gr.,
cinnamon 4-5 gr.


Pour all the dry ingredients into the Turk, mix, and place on a low flame. When the mixture is noticeably warm, add water. Stirring occasionally, bring to a light boil, remove from heat. Pour some of the prepared coffee into a cup, some back into the cup and repeat the steps.

Cinnamon in cosmetology

In cosmetology, masks with cinnamon for the skin of the face and body, and for hair are common. They produce an antiseptic effect, but can also be an aphrodisiac. You can use both powder and...

Cinnamon with honey. Mask for the face. (tons, removes wrinkles)

Mix cinnamon and honey in a 1:2 ratio, apply for 10 minutes, rinse.
Owners are recommended to add a few drops of any oil to the composition, fatty - protein chicken egg.

Hair mask (accelerates growth)

Ingredients: kefir and olive oil 20 g each, egg – 1 pc., cinnamon and honey – 5 g each.
Preparation: mix the ingredients, apply to hair, lightly rubbing into the skin, for 15 minutes, rinse thoroughly.

Cassia and cinnamon, how to distinguish?

Did you know that in stores, instead of cinnamon, they usually give us a cheap spice, not best quality with excess coumarin content.

Very educational video:

The Chinese and Malabar varieties, called cassia (Cinnamomum aromaticum), are considered related to the quality Ceylon spice. Only this is a low-grade product. When buying cinnamon tubes, pay attention: Ceylon is lighter, aromatic and brittle, while cassia is darker and has a reddish tint, a bitter aftertaste, is thicker and more difficult to grind.

When buying packaged ground cinnamon, look at the packaging - the type (labeling) or country of origin should be indicated. China, Indonesia and Vietnam - cassia, Sri Lanka - the necessary spice. In addition, the cost of Ceylon is higher.

Cinnamon already known to mankind great amount time, since biblical times. The main suppliers of spices are India and Sri Lanka. Two types of cinnamon are very popular: Cassia (Chinese) and Ceylon. The first option is fake cinnamon, which is the bark of a related tree. The second option is high-quality sweet-tasting cinnamon.

Cinnamon is obtained in this way: first, the bark is removed from the tree only during the rainy season. Next, it is crushed and cinnamon sticks are obtained.

How to select and store?

If you choose cinnamon sticks, then give preference to options no more than 7 mm thick and about 10 cm long. Their surface should be rough. High-quality cinnamon has excellent processing, that is, it should not have stains, cracks or other damage (see photo). The edges of the cinnamon sticks should be evenly trimmed and curled. Ceylon cinnamon is a paler brown color and has a powerful aroma. TO distinctive features This variety is due to its fragility, since it is extracted from the inner layer of the bark. Cinnamon Cassia has more dark color

with a red tint. Its smell has a pronounced bitterish note. This spice has thicker sticks that are very difficult to grind.

If you buy packaged cinnamon, be sure to look at the name of the plant or the country of origin. Remember that Ceylon comes to us only from India and Sri Lanka. Also pay attention to the price; high-quality cinnamon is much more expensive than its analogue. Keep in mind that cinnamon, like other spices, loses its taste and aroma characteristics over time. Place the sticks in an airtight container, which you place in a cool place away from direct contact. sun rays. In this case, the cinnamon will remain fresh for 5 years.

Ground spice

will remain fresh for 3 years. Beneficial features cardiovascular system, which helps reduce the risk of developing heart problems.

Doctors recommend consuming cinnamon for women, as it reduces pain during menstruation. It has been proven that dishes that contain spices are digested in the stomach much faster and easier. It is recommended to include cinnamon in your diet for people with flatulence, as it gets rid of excess gas.

The spice is excellent prevention to relieve headaches and migraines. It improves blood circulation, which increases the supply of oxygen to cells. It is recommended to use cinnamon for cooking for people who are prone to problems with the urinary system.

It has been experimentally proven that the spice has the ability to stimulate brain activity. Cinnamon helps normalize blood cholesterol levels, which in turn reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke and atherosclerosis. The spice also cleanses the liver and gall bladder.

Use in cosmetology

Not many people know that the beneficial properties of cinnamon can be used in for cosmetic purposes. Remember that spices must be used in cosmetics strictly according to the prescription, since exaggerating the norm can lead to serious problems. Cinnamon has the ability to improve complexion, as well as blood circulation and cellular metabolism. These properties of the spice determine its use as a rejuvenating agent. Cinnamon is a component of masks that help cope with sagging and dull skin. The spice has a restorative effect, so it can be used to remove scars and spots that remain after acne and blackheads. With the spice, you can prepare a cleansing tonic, a tightening mask, etc. Monitor your sensations; if you feel a burning sensation or other discomfort, immediately wash off the cosmetics and do not use them again.

Cinnamon is used in cosmetics for hair care. Due to the fact that the spice increases blood circulation in the scalp, hair becomes stronger and grows better. It is also worth noting that cinnamon is an effective remedy in the fight against cellulite. The spice is used for wraps and massages.

Benefits of cinnamon and treatment

Cinnamon is used in various recipes that will help you cope with various problems. The spice helps get rid of cold symptoms, or more precisely, cough. The spice has antibacterial and antiviral effects. Cinnamon can be used to treat not only internal but also external infections.

The spice has the ability to get rid of bad breath as it has antibacterial properties. To maintain fresh breath throughout the day, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with a solution of honey and cinnamon every morning.

The spice helps relieve coughs as it acts as an expectorant. Cinnamon acts as a pain reliever; with its help you can cope with antispasmodic, dental and other pain. Cinnamon extract has the ability to kill or reduce the growth of a large number of bacteria.

Use in cooking

Cinnamon is a popular spice used in recipes. variety of dishes. It goes well with apples, pears and chocolate. Many people like to add spice to their coffee. Cinnamon is an excellent flavoring agent for various drinks, marinades, sauces, baked goods and desserts. Spice is used to improve taste fruit salads, cottage cheese products, etc. Many people like to add cinnamon to milk soups, pancakes and pancakes. The spice can also diversify the taste of meat, fish and vegetable dishes.

Harm of cinnamon and contraindications

Cinnamon can be harmful if you have an individual intolerance to the product. It is not recommended to overuse the spice, as it will irritate the gastric mucosa. People with ulcers or increased intestinal sensitivity should avoid cinnamon or reduce its consumption to a minimum. It is worth controlling the amount of cinnamon consumed if you have heart problems and high blood pressure.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should exclude the spice from their diet, as it provokes uterine contractions, which can lead to miscarriage. Cinnamon contains toxic coumarin, which in large quantities has a bad effect on the liver and kidneys. It is not recommended to use the spice when treating with medications.
