Raspberry liqueur at home is a delicious alcoholic drink. Making raspberry liqueur at home

There are people who believe that raspberries are best eaten in fresh. Others are sure that it is only suitable for making jam or decorating various desserts. Both are right in their own way. But only someone who has never tried to cook can say this. raspberry liqueur at home.

In the old days, all alcoholic drinks were prepared at home. This was considered normal. After all, there were no big ones back then industrial enterprises, which could supply the population with their products. Many recipes have come down to us, and now every housewife can easily prepare, for example, raspberry liqueur at home. There is a method that can be called “Everyone for five hundred.” To work you only need three components: fresh raspberries, sugar and vodka in a ratio of 1:1:1.

The method is simple, like all ingenious things:

  1. Place fresh berries in two liter jar. If products are taken from own garden, then, naturally, you don’t have to wash them.
  2. Pour a bottle of vodka in there.
  3. Close the jar with a plastic lid and leave for a week and a half.
  4. Then strain the infusion. Pour the liquid fraction into a separate container.
  5. Sprinkle the remaining berries with sugar and grind with a blender.
  6. Rub the mixture through a fine sieve so that the seeds cannot pass through the cells.
  7. Combine both liquids together and let them brew for a week.

You will get a wonderful raspberry liqueur. Making such a drink at home is not difficult.

If you do not want to burden yourself with labor-intensive operations, then you can use more simple method. You can also use it to make wonderful raspberry liqueur at home. True, you will need a slightly different amount of products: sugar, raspberries, vodka and water in a ratio of 1:1:2:0.5.

This drink will also be prepared differently:

  1. Place all ingredients in a glass bottle and leave it for a whole month in a warm place. Once a week, the contents must be gently shaken.
  2. After time, the sugar should completely dissolve. After this, the contents of the bottle must be filtered through cheesecloth.
  3. Pour the resulting liquid into bottles and let them sit for a little longer. 6-7 days will be enough.

It is clear that the options described above are not recipes instant cooking. Each of them requires a lot of time. On normal home kitchen You can even make cognac by infusing and straining. But this is also impossible to do for in a matter of minutes. On top of that, you will need at least seven different components. But nothing is impossible in life, and recipes for quick preparation of liqueurs also exist. If you don’t bother yourself with the complexities of technology and close your eyes to quality, then you can try one of them. All you need is regular vodka and raspberry syrup.

The two liquid fractions simply need to be combined in glasses. The amount of each of them will depend on what strength of the drink you would ultimately like to get. Such a product can be called momentary. If you want a bottle of such alcohol to stand in home bar, it will still take time. It takes at least a month for both components to stand together and become saturated with each other.

There is a similar recipe for raspberry liqueur, where the original main component (raspberries) is also not present in the recipe. First, fresh fruits must be thoroughly ground and then squeezed out, using, for example, ordinary gauze. There's no need to rush here. It is necessary to allow the juice to drain completely so that the precious liquid does not go to waste. After this, you can safely proceed to the main steps, using the following set of ingredients as a basis: for 600 grams of juice, a kilogram of sugar and a liter of alcohol.

The work is carried out in three stages:

  1. Place the juice and sugar in a saucepan and bring the mixture to a boil. Repeat this action three times, constantly removing the foam that forms completely.
  2. After cooling, add alcohol to the resulting syrup, and then strain the mixture.
  3. Pour the finished drink into a packaging container.

Within a day, this liqueur can be used for its intended purpose. Everyone who gets to try such a miracle will be completely delighted. Moreover, no one will guess that they made it with their own hands.

Raspberry liqueur can be prepared using not only berries, but also leaves. This will slightly change its taste and give the color of the finished product additional richness. Composition of the main ingredients in in this case It will be as follows: for a bottle of vodka, 100 pieces of berries and raspberry leaves, a liter of water and half a kilogram of sugar.

The cooking technology is relatively simple:

  1. Place the berries and leaves in a saucepan, add water and boil for a third of an hour over low heat. After this, the contents should stand for another day.
  2. The next day, strain the mixture, add sugar to it and slowly heat until it is completely dissolved.
  3. After cooling, pour in vodka.
  4. Distribute the finished composition into bottles and place in the bar.

Now, for any holiday or when welcoming guests, you can put a decanter of your own liqueur on the table, and be sure that absolutely everyone will like it. Such autumn preparation, among other things, can also serve good remedy from a cold.

There are many different ways and everyone chooses for themselves how to make raspberry liqueur. After all, you always want to somehow stand out and cook something that others don’t even know about. For such a case, there is a not entirely standard recipe: for a glass of vodka the same amount of boiling water, 300 grams of berries and half a can of condensed milk.

The cooking method is also very interesting:

  1. Place the raspberries in a saucepan, add water, heat and boil for 8-10 minutes.
  2. Cool the mixture and then strain thoroughly until finished product no seeds or pieces of pulp were accidentally included.
  3. Add condensed milk and beat the mixture using a mixer with a special attachment or blender.
  4. Without stopping, slowly pour in the vodka.

This berry-cream drink no longer needs to be infused. You can immediately pour into glasses and drink in small sips, enjoying the delicate taste and pleasant aroma. Such a work of art doesn’t even need to be snacked on. The main thing is to know the norm and not to overdo it with the quantity.

Raspberries are good both on their own and as the main component for jam or compote. Sweet, aromatic, simply divinely tasty, it has earned the love of both children and adults. It’s a pity that the raspberry ripening period is so short!

But we can afford to prepare, for example, raspberry liqueur in the summer, so that we can then savor it on the long dark winter evenings. Shall we get started?

This small juicy berry contains many vitamins: C, group B, A, E, tannins, magnesium and calcium. In addition, it has anthocyanin- a substance known for its “ability” to strengthen the walls of capillaries.

In general, if you have a question about whether it is worth making it from raspberries or not, don’t even doubt it - prepare such a drink, because in winter it will save you from vitamin deficiency and help you cope with an approaching cold.

Cooking recipes

Most recipes contain either vodka or alcohol, so you need to stock up on the “alcohol component” in advance. sufficient quantity. The recipes are simple, but the winemaker will need patience.

Raspberries with vodka

You need to prepare:

  • raspberries (350 g);
  • lemon (or rather, its zest - peel half the lemon);
  • vodka (700 ml);
  • syrup made from water and sugar (200 g).

After mashing the berries and zest, pour the mixture with vodka. Leave the mixture in a dark place for 3 weeks. Then filter using cotton wool. Then boil the syrup and add to the filtered drink. Keep in a cool place for a month. The liquor is ready.

Double raspberry

The second name of this liqueur is Replica Chamber. The taste is very rich, the aroma is magnificent. Required:

  • raspberries (0.7 kg frozen or liter jar fresh);
  • honey (120 ml);
  • blackberries (liter jar);
  • vodka (500 ml);
  • cognac (350 ml);
  • zest of half an orange;
  • sugar syrup– 200 g.

A vanilla pod will also come in handy. First you need to mix the berries with honey and syrup and crush thoroughly. Then add vodka, cognac, zest and vanilla. The resulting mixture should be stored in a cool room for a week.

After the specified time has passed, strain the mixture through cotton wool and pour the liquid into bottles. In principle, you can already drink. Store liqueur in the refrigerator.

Ruddy Melba

This liqueur owes its name to the prima donna of the Paris Opera. Nellie Melbe who loved raspberries. True, she preferred raspberry ice cream rather than alcohol, but the liqueur also turns out wonderful.

You should stock up on:

  • fresh raspberries in the volume of half a liter jar;
  • three dried peaches (they need to be cut into 2 parts);
  • 0.5 – liter bottle of vodka;
  • 250 ml rum.

Boil an additional 200 g of sugar syrup. Mix the syrup with the berries, crush, add the remaining ingredients and put in a cool place for 7 days. Filter through cheesecloth. After a week you can drink.

Raspberry plus wine

You will need 500 ml of dry red wine, which must be combined with 350 g of raspberries and mash everything. The mixture should stand for two days in the dark. In a separate container, combine 120 ml of fruit brandy and a small amount of vanilla. Plus the zest of half a lemon.

Strain the raspberry mixture. Take a glass from it. Place the rest in a saucepan, add sugar (250 g), bring to a boil, cool.

Combine the brandy infused mixture with wine. Add here the glass of wine that was previously disconnected. Leave for 2 days, then filter. Put it in the refrigerator.

Raspberries with red currants

There will be a lot of ingredients here. This:

  • 3 cups raspberries;
  • 1 cup red currants;
  • a glass of gooseberries;
  • 5 calendula flowers;
  • a glass of cherries.

Other required ingredients:

  • liter of vodka;
  • 500 ml water;
  • 4 things. carnations.

After removing the pits from the cherries, squeeze out the juice. Add all other products (except sugar and vodka), add water, and boil. Strain and add sugar. Pour in the vodka and bottle the liqueur.

On cognac

A liter will be required. It needs:

  • raspberries (half a liter jar);
  • 500 g sugar;
  • half a liter of water.

Combine cognac and raspberries. Keep in a sunny place for 4 weeks. Then make syrup from water and sugar, add to the raspberries, strain, and pour into beautiful bottles.

On gin

This is a simple recipe. You need to combine 3 cups of raspberries with two cups of sugar and three cups of gin. Let the mixture sit for 3 months. Then it should be strained and can be stored in the refrigerator.

With cherry leaves

You will need cherry and currant leaves (50 pieces of each type), as well as raspberries (50 pieces), a tablespoon of citric acid, one and a half kilograms of sugar, 0.5 liters of alcohol. All this will require 1.5 liters of water.

After boiling the leaves for 10 minutes, add berries to them, keep on fire for another 10 minutes, strain and add citric acid and sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil, turn off. Cool, add alcohol, pour into bottles and store.

On alcohol

In order to make a raspberry drink according to this recipe, you will need alcohol - 1 liter. Taking raspberries (2-liter jar), squeeze the juice through 2 layers of gauze. Add a glass of water to the squeeze and squeeze again. Mix both liquids. Fill with alcohol. Close the lid and leave for 10 days.

Lemon plus syrup

In this recipe, instead of raspberries, we will use syrup from them (5 l). In addition, you need 10 g of citric acid, 4 liters of diluted alcohol (or vodka), 5 clove buds. You can also add some freshly squeezed lemon juice. For this amount of ingredients you will need 10 liters of water.

Mix everything and place in a dark place for 7-10 hours. Then we filter. We bottle it. Keep it in the refrigerator.

Currant-raspberry liqueur

You should take a half-liter jar of fresh raspberries and currants, cook a syrup from 150 g of sugar and 100 ml of water. More will be needed orange zest(from one orange) and the zest of one lemon. The last ingredient is vodka (0.5 l).

Mix everything except the syrup and let it sit for 6 weeks. Then add syrup and keep in a cool place for another 5 days. Filtering. We put it in the refrigerator.

Raspberries on moonshine

For a liter of moonshine, take 500 g of raspberries and 500 g of sugar. Mix everything and put it in a dark cabinet. Wait 10 days, strain. In the future, keep it in the refrigerator.

How should you drink raspberry liqueur?

This excellent raspberry drink is best consumed from small glasses of 25-50 ml. Experts recommend prolonging the pleasure by taking small sips. You can add a piece of ice.

It is not necessary to have a sweet liqueur, but if you really want to, you can use fruit as a snack. A great snack is lemon slices.

Tell us about yours signature recipe raspberry liqueur, if you know the secret of preparation divine drink. And if you don’t yet have such a secret, prepare liqueur according to any of the options suggested above. Bon appetit!

If you are not a big fan strong drinks, but sometimes, on a holiday, you want something tasty and aromatic, our recipe for you is raspberry liqueur with vodka. This liqueur can be easily prepared at home, the taste and aroma will be simply incomparable, and you can always adjust the strength. You definitely won’t buy this kind of liqueur in a store, so we suggest making our version of the drink, believe me, you will be satisfied with the result. For a more fragrant option, you can add a vanilla pod during the infusion process, and you can also combine vodka with cognac. In general, if you are not in a hurry (after all, the liqueur will take about a month, maybe more), then let's get started.
And further. The liqueur is good, of course, on its own, but you can make it based on it.


- raspberries – 350-370 g;
- vodka – 0.5 l;
- water – 160 ml;
- sugar – 5-7 tbsp.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Since raspberries “love” bugs, you must first sort them out, discard the spoiled berries, and put the selected ones in a bowl. Pour lightly salted water over the raspberries and leave for half an hour. Afterwards, rinse the raspberries under cool, clean water.

Prepare a clean jar - first wash it thoroughly with baking soda and rinse thoroughly. Place the raspberries in a jar and add about two tablespoons of granulated sugar. In addition to raspberries, by the way, you can use blackberries, and at this stage you can add a vanilla pod or a spoonful of vanilla sugar.

Pour in vodka. Of course, you need to understand that you shouldn’t skimp on vodka; the outcome of your creation depends on its quality. Therefore, take vodka only from a trusted manufacturer; the quality should be high. Leave the jar in a dark place for three weeks, be sure to close the jar with a lid. During this time, you will need to shake the contents 7-10 times - lightly, without unnecessary effort.

After a while, strain the infusion through a sieve or cheesecloth.

Place the raspberries in a saucepan and add filtered water.

Pour granulated sugar, which remained from the total. Boil for a couple of minutes. Strain.

Mix both types of liquid. Let the liqueur steep for another two weeks. Afterwards, be sure to cool it and only then pour it for testing.

Bon appetit!

Be sure to try the delicious

As you might have guessed, this liqueur is characterized by its raspberry color, amazing berry taste and summer aroma. Another feature of this drink is that it can be prepared at any time of the year. After all, a drink made from frozen berries is also quite tasty and the process of preparing such an alcoholic drink will not take you much time. But most the best option will use wild berries, because they are the most fragrant. To prepare raspberry liqueur at home, you will need very little time, a little patience, an investment in alcohol and that’s it.

As for alcohol, use quality vodka or well-refined moonshine. Diluted alcohol up to 45% will also work well. It is also very tasty to combine gin with raspberries; in the end you will get a unique tandem of juniper, berries and other gin herbarium.

Present to your attention simplest recipe medium strength raspberry liqueur. Raspberry liqueur tastes sweet and has pleasant aroma, it belongs to the classic dessert liqueurs.

To prepare you will need:

  • ½ kg raspberries;
  • 1.25 l vodka or 96% alcohol (½ l)
  • 0.7 kg sugar;
  • ½ liter of boiled water;
  • 5 g vanilla sugar

As a result, you will have about 2 liters of alcoholic drink. To prepare raspberry liqueur at home, you don’t need to wait for the berry season; in this case, frozen ones, which can be purchased in the supermarket at any time of the year, are perfect. Use glass or plastic bottle 2 liter volume. But as soon as you prepare the drink, you should pour it and store it only in a glass container, because a long-term reaction of alcohol with plastic is not desirable.


Pour over ripe raspberries and simmer until the berries lighten. This often takes 50-60 minutes. Then take out the berries, add sugar and mix well so that the sugar is completely dissolved in the water. Once the syrup has cooled, pour into a bottle using a strainer. Add citric acid, alcohol and vanilla sugar. Fill the space that remains in the bottle with boiled water, but not hot water. Then close the bottle well, shake and leave room temperature for 1-2 hours.

Shake every half hour alcoholic drink until all components are completely dissolved. After time, filter the liqueur through cotton wool or several layers of gauze. This will make the drink clear, so if the color of the drink is not important to you, you can skip the filtration step.

Pour the finished raspberry liqueur prepared at home into a suitable bottle for serving, and cap tightly. Store alcoholic beverages in glass bottles in a cool, dark place for more than a year. Don't worry, it tastes good long term storage will not have any effect.

Vanilla-raspberry liqueur recipe

Sort through the raspberries, rinse them, pour vodka and leave for 2 weeks, stirring occasionally. Then strain using several layers of gauze or through cotton wool, the drink should become clearer. Boil sugar syrup in a ratio of 1 to 1 and add along with vanilla extract into the tincture.

Keep the alcoholic drink for a week, but the longer the better. As for vanilla extract, if you don’t have this ingredient, you can take 2 tsp. vanilla sugar. This is necessary in order to completely mask the taste of vodka, but it will not affect the raspberry taste.

Recipe for raspberry gin liqueur

To prepare you will need:

  • Gin – 0.75
  • Raspberries – 450 g.
  • Sugar – 450 g.

It should be noted that raspberry gin takes a long time to prepare, but believe me, the drink is worth it. To begin, take any bottle or jar of the required volume, it is important that it has an airtight lid, add sugar, raspberries and gin to it. Place the alcoholic drink in a cool, dark place, but let it brew this drink you need for 2 months, do not forget to shake the drink occasionally.

Strain the finished liqueur using a coffee or cotton filter, and that’s it, the unique liqueur is ready at home.

Recipe for raspberry liqueur with red currants

  • Raspberries - 300 g
  • Red currant – 300 g
  • Vodka – 300 g
  • Sugar syrup 200-250 ml
  • 1 orange
  • 1 lemon
  • cinnamon stick
  • Vanilla sugar 2 tsp.

Wash the currants and raspberries, sort them and pour them into a container of the required volume. Add in the cinnamon, orange zest, lemon zest and cinnamon. Pour vodka over everything and leave to steep for 6 weeks, shaking occasionally. After required quantity After some time, filter the drink and add sugar syrup and vanilla sugar.

That's all the raspberry liqueur this recipe ready at home! It is perfect for both a special event and a quiet family dinner.

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Liquor is vintage drink comes from France, whose advantage is thin delicate aroma, bright color, and of course light rich taste. What could be tastier and more enjoyable for a romantic date than a good old drink made from fresh raspberries? By the way, this is true throughout the year, because in order to prepare a liter bottle of liqueur you need about 500 grams of fresh or frozen berries.

Note! It is necessary to use only high-quality raw materials, or rather, only fresh and clean berries; remove rotten or moldy ones, they will spoil the taste of the drink.

Simple recipes require the drink to be ready within half a day, but there are also those that take months to prepare; it’s like wine, long and very quality product. You can use various flavorings, just remember what to spoil with them good drink much easier than improving.

Why raspberries?

The best alcoholic drinks home production tinctures, wines, liqueurs are considered. The composition is based on berries. Liquor on the raspberry berries considered one of the most delicious.

Thanks to its sweetness, this berry, like no other, is suitable for liqueur, and if it is from the forest and not from the garden, then the aroma is guaranteed.

In addition, raspberries have medicinal properties. She is a source of vitamins. Even its leaves contain useful substances.

Homemade raspberry liqueur has many recipes. The cooking variations are surprising. Even jam is used as the basis for creating an alcoholic miracle. Cognac, vanilla, currants, and diluted alcohol are added to recipes. I make mixed tinctures using several types of berries. Even yellow raspberries make a decent liqueur.

Liqueur, in which raspberries are the main component, comes in two types. Fermentation of berries with sugar is the first type of preparation. With the addition of alcohol to the composition - the second. Let's experiment

Recipe for making raspberry liqueur with cognac

Ingredients: 500 g raspberries, 500 g sugar, 500 ml water, 1 liter of cognac.

Place ripe raspberries in a wide-necked bottle and fill with cognac.

We tie the bottle and keep it in a sunny place for 3-4 weeks. Make syrup from sugar and water, cool and pour into a bottle with raspberries. Then we filter the contents of the bottle and squeeze it through gauze folded in 4-5 layers, filter it and bottle it.

The longer homemade raspberry liqueur is stored, the better it is.

Raspberry liqueur with cherry branches

  • Cooking time: 30 min.
  • Preparation time: 10 min.
  • Number of servings: 15 pcs.
  • Type of cuisine: European
  • Type of dish: drinks
  • The recipe is suitable for: dessert, banquet.

Ingredients for the recipe “Raspberry liqueur with cherry branches”:

Making raspberry liqueur with cherry branches

I brew berry liqueur every year and then serve it at all feasts. I mainly make it from cherries, but this year it happened that I couldn’t cook it, so when the raspberries ripened, I decided not to miss the opportunity to make liqueur from it. I can say with confidence that raspberry liqueur is no worse than cherry liqueur, very aromatic, with a beautiful rich color. Preparing liqueur is not a complicated procedure, and you can enjoy the taste after just 1 week, although the longer the liqueur sits, the tastier it becomes.

How to prepare a dish step by step with photos at home

Step 1 To prepare the liqueur, we will need cherry branches (7-8 pieces, 50 cm long), water, vodka, sugar, raspberries (or other berries) and citric acid. I measure berries and sugar with a liter jar - 1 liter jar of sugar per 1 liter of raspberries.

Step 2 Pour a can of sugar into a deep and wide saucepan and sprinkle the washed raspberries on top.

Step 3 Pour water over the berries. Pick leaves from cherry branches and cut branches into 15-20 cm pieces, place them on top. Place the pan over medium heat, bring to a boil and from this point cook for 10 minutes.

Step 4 Then discard the branches and strain the broth through a sieve. Discard the berries or use them immediately to make compote.

Step 5 Cool the liquid, add citric acid and pour in vodka, stir.

Step 6 Pour the liqueur into clean, dry bottles and store in a dark place. These ingredients make 3.5 liters of finished berry liqueur. Bon appetit!

Homemade raspberry liqueur

Raspberry liqueur created not only to delight the taste of gentle ladies, but also as medicine. Although its taste is so wonderful that it makes you forget about it. And then the drink is added everywhere - to creams and ice cream, desserts and cocktails.

By the way, it is very rare to find raspberry liqueur in a store, but preparing it is not difficult. And now the viscous, aromatic liqueur the color of delicate fuchsia gives pleasure to you and your girlfriends.

Even among criminal elements, raspberries are good, so prepare raspberry liqueur for your health, and so that life seems like raspberries to you!

By the way, contrary to the prevailing opinion in some circles, raspberries can act as a laxative only when a bear is hiding in its bushes. In other cases, this berry is excellent remedy to prevent colds. And only allergy sufferers, pregnant women and people with alcohol addiction and intolerance to alcohol should avoid liqueur from it.


  • You can prepare liqueur from fresh raspberries both in summer (from summer varieties) and in autumn (from autumn varieties). And it’s quite appropriate to make liqueur from frozen berries during the winter months.
  • Any berries are suitable for this drink, wild ones are especially good. forest raspberry. But the main thing is that they should not be wormy.
  • You need to take boiled, clean water, preferably spring or bottled.
  • The alcoholic base of raspberry liqueur can be vodka, diluted alcohol (40-45%) or moonshine. double distillation and good purification (40-45%), as well as gin (and, if desired, almost any forty-proof alcohol).

Containers for preparing the drink must be glass or plastic, for storage - only glass. All of them, as well as the equipment used, must be sterilized or at least pasteurized.

If you want to increase or decrease the yield of the finished liqueur, you must simply increase or decrease the amount of the original ingredients, say, by half or three times.

For preparations you will need:

  • ½ kg raspberries;
  • 1.25 l vodka or 96% alcohol (½ l)
  • 0.7 kg sugar;
  • ½ liter of boiled water;
  • 5 g vanilla sugar

As a result, you will have about 2 liters of alcoholic drink. To prepare raspberry liqueur at home, you don’t need to wait for the berry season; in this case, frozen ones, which can be purchased in the supermarket at any time of the year, are perfect. Use a 2-liter glass or plastic bottle as a container. But as soon as you prepare the drink, you should pour it and store it only in a glass container, because a long-term reaction of alcohol with plastic is not desirable.


Pour over ripe raspberries and simmer until the berries lighten. This often takes 50-60 minutes. Then take out the berries, add sugar and mix well so that the sugar is completely dissolved in the water. Once the syrup has cooled, pour into a bottle using a strainer. Add citric acid, alcohol and vanilla sugar. Fill the space that remains in the bottle with boiled, but not hot, water. Then close the bottle well, shake and leave at room temperature for 1-2 hours.

  • Every half hour it is necessary to shake the alcoholic drink so that all components are completely dissolved.
  • After time, filter the liqueur through cotton wool or several layers of gauze.
  • This will make the drink clear, so if the color of the drink is not important to you, you can skip the filtration step.

Pour the finished raspberry liqueur prepared at home into a suitable bottle for serving, and cap tightly. Store alcoholic beverages in glass bottles in a cool, dark place for more than a year. Don’t worry, long shelf life will not affect the taste.

Raspberry liqueur recipe

  1. 1. Pour water over the berries, bring to a boil and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until the pulp turns white. This usually takes 50-60 minutes.
  2. 2. Remove and squeeze the raspberries dry (you can strain through a sieve). Add sugar to the broth, stir until the sugar is completely dissolved, then cover with a lid.
  3. 3. After cooling to room temperature, filter the compote through 2-3 layers of gauze to remove small particles.
  4. 4. Pour in vodka (alcohol, moonshine), add citric acid and vanilla sugar. Mix. Pour the mixture into a bottle or jar.
  5. 5. Close the container with liqueur and leave for 1-2 hours at room temperature. Shake every 30 minutes to better dissolve the ingredients.
  6. 6. Filter the drink through cotton wool to add transparency. If turbidity and natural sediment are not important, the filtration step can be skipped.
  7. 7. Homemade raspberry liqueur is ready, after cooling in the refrigerator you can start tasting. Shelf life in a dark room is 1 year. Strength – 18-20 degrees.alcofan.com

Vodka liqueur

This is one of the most simple and simple recipes.

List of ingredients

  1. Large raspberries (fresh or frozen) – 1 kg;
  2. Sugar – 1 kg;
  3. Vodka – 1 l.

Cooking method

Sort and wash fresh raspberries (frozen ones can be used even without defrosting). Put the berries in three liter jar, add sugar and pour vodka. Close the jar tightly nylon cover and place in a dark, dry place for 2-4 weeks (a matter of taste). At the same time, the jar must be shaken every day. After the expiration date, the liqueur is filtered, bottled and served.


  • raspberries – 1 kg (2 liters)
  • sugar – 1 kg
  • alcohol – 1 liter
  • water – 0.5 liters

This is how you should cook:

  1. Mash the raspberries and squeeze them through 2 layers of gauze.
  2. Pour the squeezes into a glass of water (200 ml) and pass through cheesecloth again.
  3. We combine both liquids with each other and with alcohol. Close the lid and leave for 10 days.
  4. From sugar and the remaining water (300 ml) we cook a strong syrup, which, after the specified period, is added to the infusion.
  5. We pass the liqueur through a filter, pour it into a glass container and wait another 3-5 days. Let's try. The drink is stored in a cool place.

Vanilla-raspberry liqueur recipe

  • Raspberries ½ kg
  • Vodka 700 ml
  • Sugar syrup 350 ml
  • Teaspoons vanilla extract - 2

Sort through the raspberries, rinse them, pour vodka and leave for 2 weeks, stirring occasionally. Then strain using several layers of gauze or through cotton wool, the drink should become clearer. Boil sugar syrup in a 1 to 1 ratio and add it to the tincture along with vanilla extract.

Keep the alcoholic drink for a week, but the longer the better. As for vanilla extract, if you don’t have this ingredient, you can take 2 tsp. vanilla sugar. This is necessary in order to completely mask the taste of vodka, but this will not affect the raspberry taste.c

Recipe without adding alcohol

A classic recipe for raspberry liqueur without alcohol. Its output strength ranges from 18–20%. It is achieved by fermentation.

Ingredients for a 3 liter container:

  • raspberries – 2.2 kg;
  • sugar – 0.8 kg;
  • water – 200 grams.
  1. It’s worth sorting out the raspberries in advance, removing the stalks and clearing the bugs. You can first wash it in saline solution(1 liter of water x 1 teaspoon of salt).
  2. We begin the cooking process. Pour the ingredients into the jar in layers, alternating raspberries and sugar. Add filtered water (do not boil). To let the berries release juice, crush them.
  3. Having tied the top of the jar with gauze, put it in a warm place. Monitor the mixture for 4 days.
  4. When you see the beginning of fermentation, replace the gauze with a water seal - a lid or rubber glove with small holes. Return to a warm place. Wait for fermentation to finish. This is approximately 10–20 days.
  5. Strain. Pour the liquid back into the container, place in a cool, dark place, sealing with a lid. Store under these conditions for 2 days.
  6. Due to rapid fermentation, raspberry liqueur is ready for use within a month.

Shelf life – up to 1 year. The sugar content of the drink is 30%. Strength – 20%. Outcome – 2 liters.

To obtain a larger volume, it is enough to increase the initial number of products in equal proportions.

More complex recipe

Although preparing this drink requires more effort, the result will exceed all your expectations.

List of ingredients

  1. Large juicy raspberries – 3 kg;
  2. Sugar – 500 g;
  3. Vodka – 1l.

Cooking method

Place the sorted, washed and dried berries into a capacious glass container and fill with vodka. Keep the covered container in the sun for four days.

Then drain the vodka, squeeze the raspberries separately through 5 layers of gauze, then mix both liquids.

Pour sugar into a large bowl, add 250 ml of tincture and bring to a boil. Next, gradually add the remaining liquid there. Remove the resulting result from the heat, strain and pour into a bottle. Keep the container tightly closed for 2 weeks in a warm, dark place, after which ready drink can be bottled.

Classic recipe

This recipe for raspberry liqueur is successful in that it can be used as a base, which can be supplemented as desired. New flavors can be created by changing the alcohol base or adding special ingredients, such as vanilla. For the base we need:

  • raspberries (fresh or frozen) - 600-700 grams;
  • vodka, alcohol, purified moonshine (40° strength) - 1 liter;
  • granulated sugar - 400 grams;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • zest of half a lemon.

Raspberries need to be pureed using a blender. Carefully remove the zest from half the lemon, without touching the bottom white skin. Its presence will add bitterness to our liqueur, which has no place here. Raspberries together with lemon zest fill in alcohol base and leave in a dark place for 1.5-2 months, stirring occasionally. Strain the finished tincture through cheesecloth to remove sediment, then through a filter. Filtration can be repeated as many times as necessary until you get a completely transparent drink without the slightest suspended matter.

Prepare sugar syrup from water and sugar and add it to the tincture. The prepared raspberry liqueur should be kept for at least a week. 2 vanilla pods added at the initial stage of preparation will turn our liqueur into vanilla-raspberry.m

Using cognac to make a drink

Of course, we are not talking about a noble French drink, but about ordinary grape brandy made using cognac technology.

List of ingredients

  1. Ripe raspberries – 500 g;
  2. Sugar – 500 g;
  3. Water – 500 ml;
  4. Cognac – 1 l.

Cooking method

Pour the prepared raspberries into a glass container with a wide neck and pour cognac. Tie the container and place it in a sunny place for about a month. Then, boil the sugar syrup, cool it and add to the tincture. Strain the resulting liquid and squeeze through 5 layers of gauze; then, filter it from the remaining pulp and bottle it.

The drink takes a long time to prepare and is very similar to liqueur, but it is so good that it was simply impossible not to write its recipe.

If you wish, you can replace the gin with vodka or diluted alcohol - the same excellent options are obtained, but if possible, try to prepare everything - the original recipe.


  • raspberries (berries) – 3 cups (250 ml each)
  • gin – 3 glasses (250 ml each)
  • sugar – 2 cups (250 ml each)

You need to prepare it like this:

  1. Pour berries and sugar into a 2-liter glass container, pour in alcohol, close and place in a dark, cool place for 3 months. During the 1st month, the container must be shaken regularly so that the sugar is completely dissolved.

In fact, the liqueur is ready at this stage, but additional aging will only make it better.

  1. When the specified period has passed, filter the liqueur through a cotton-gauze filter, cool and taste. Store the drink in a cool place.

By analogy, liqueur liqueurs are prepared from any berries. You can do the same manipulations with strawberries, wild strawberries, cherries, cherries, currants, gooseberries, chokeberry, blackberries, cranberries, lingonberries, as well as peach, apricot, nectarine, etc.

French (instant)

As a result of using this recipe, you will get about 2 liters of liquor in just 3-4 hours.


  • raspberries (fresh or frozen) – 0.6 kilos (1 liter)
  • alcohol 40-45% (vodka, alcohol, moonshine, gin) – 1.25 liters
  • granulated sugar – 0.7 kilos
  • citric acid – 6 grams
  • water (boiled) – 0.5 liters
  • vanilla sugar – 5 grams

You need to prepare it like this:

  1. Place the berries in water and simmer over low heat for about an hour.
  2. Remove the raspberries from the broth and, without cooling the liquid, dissolve the sugar in it and simmer on the fire for another five minutes.
  3. When the syrup has cooled, you need to strain it and pour it into a glass (plastic) container with a capacity of 2 liters. Pour alcohol, lemon and vanilla sugar into it.
  4. The container must be closed, its contents must be shaken, left for 1 hour and shaken again. Then repeat shaking 2 more times (every 30 minutes).
  5. After 3-4 hours, the drink is filtered and poured into a storage container, sealed. Store in a cool place for about 12 months.

To prepare this English variation on the theme of a drink familiar to us, it is recommended to use such simple brands of gin as Gordons, Tanqueray or, in extreme cases, Beefeater.

List of ingredients

  1. Raspberries – 450 g;
  2. Gin – 750 ml;
  3. Sugar – 450 g.

Cooking method

Place the prepared raspberries, sugar and gin in a jar of suitable size with an extremely tight lid. Keep the future drink in a cool, dry place for three months. At the same time, during the first month the jar must be shaken daily, and in the next two months it must be turned over from time to time. After the specified period, the liqueur is filtered through a cotton or coffee filter and bottled.

Raspberry liqueur with cherry leaves

Actually, when making this type of liqueur, you should not artificially limit yourself. Cherry leaves, if desired, can be replaced with the same raspberry ones.

List of ingredients

  1. Raspberries – 700 g;
  2. Cherry leaves – 200 pcs;
  3. Sugar – 1.5 kg;
  4. Citric acid – 15 g;
  5. Water – 1.5 l;
  6. Alcohol – 500 ml.

Cooking method

Throw berries and leaves into boiling water. Keep on fire for 20 minutes. Strain the cooled mixture and then add sugar and acid. Boil the resulting liquid again, then cool, mix thoroughly with alcohol and pour into bottles.

Preparing a drink with alcohol at home

Here's more usual option liqueur prepared with alcohol.

List of ingredients

  1. Raspberries – 1 kg;
  2. Alcohol – 1 l;
  3. Sugar – 1 kg;
  4. Water – 1 l.

Cooking method

Mash the sorted and washed berries thoroughly or pass through a blender. Place the resulting puree in glass jar, pour alcohol and leave the closed container for half a month in a dark place (do not forget about periodic shaking). After the specified period, mix the contents of the jar with cooled sugar syrup and keep the resulting liquid for another half a month. Then, strain the drink thoroughly and bottle it.

Vanilla-raspberry liqueur

In principle, nothing prevents you from adding other spices to your favorite drink: cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, etc.

List of ingredients

  1. Raspberries – 500 g;
  2. Vodka – 700 ml;
  3. Water – 175 ml;
  4. Sugar – 175 g;
  5. Vanilla sugar – 30 g.

Cooking method

Pour vodka over the sorted and washed berries for half a month. Strain the result through cheesecloth and filter until the liquid clears. Prepare sugar syrup and mix it with the tincture. Add vanilla sugar and keep the drink for another half a month.

With lemon and syrup

And here is another popular modification of the raspberry drink.

List of ingredients

  1. Raspberries – 700 g;
  2. Vodka – 700 ml;
  3. Water – 175 ml;
  4. Sugar 175 g;
  5. Lemon – 0.5 pcs.

Cooking method

Pour sorted, washed and mashed berries along with lemon zest (without white peel) with vodka in a glass container and leave for three weeks. Then, strain the resulting liquid through cheesecloth and filter through cotton wool. Add prepared sugar syrup to the drink, mix thoroughly and let stand until full readiness within a month.

DIY currant-raspberry liqueur

If you pose the question correctly, your liqueur will only benefit from adding another berry to it.

List of ingredients

  1. Raspberries – 300 g;
  2. Red currant – 300 g;
  3. Vodka – 500 ml;
  4. Water – 125 ml;
  5. Sugar – 125 g;
  6. Orange – 1 piece;
  7. Lime or lemon – 1 piece;
  8. Cinnamon – 1 stick;
  9. Vanilla sugar – 30 g.

Cooking method

Pour the prepared berries into suitable jar, add citrus zest (without white peel) and cinnamon. Pour vodka over it all and leave for six weeks (the main thing is not to forget to shake the tincture daily). Then strain the liquid, filter it, and then mix it with previously prepared sugar syrup and vanilla sugar. The thoroughly mixed drink can be bottled.

With red currants

  • Raspberries - 300 g
  • Red currant - 300 g
  • Vodka - 300 g
  • Sugar syrup 200-250 ml
  • 1 orange
  • cinnamon stick
  • Vanilla sugar 2 tsp.

Wash the currants and raspberries, sort them and pour them into a container of the required volume. Add in the cinnamon, orange zest, lemon zest and cinnamon. Pour vodka over everything and leave to steep for 6 weeks, shaking occasionally. After the required amount of time has passed, filter the drink and add sugar syrup and vanilla sugar.

That's all, the raspberry liqueur according to this recipe is ready at home! It is perfect for both a special event and a quiet family dinner.

Moonshine liqueur

Why not? Raspberry liqueur based on moonshine will go perfectly in the lap of nature. The main thing is that the moonshine is purified and the doses are moderate.

List of ingredients

  1. Raspberries – 500 g;
  2. Moonshine – 1l;
  3. Sugar – 500 g.

Cooking method

Prepared raspberries (preferably wild raspberries), sugar and moonshine are placed in a two-liter jar and closed with a nylon lid. Place the jar in a dry, dark place and keep it for ten days, shaking the contents daily. Then, the liquor is strained, filtered and consumed.

What do you drink raspberry liqueur with?

And finally, a few words about what to drink raspberry liqueur with.

In any of its manifestations, it is a dessert drink. Accordingly, it will serve as a pleasant addition to the sweet table. True, in our opinion, it is better to serve it not with baked goods, but with fruit, jelly or ice cream (white or fruit). In this case, it is desirable that the liqueur be chilled.

Some gourmets expand their culinary horizons by pairing certain varieties of this liqueur (for example, a raspberry-currant version) with cheeses. But this, as they say, is a matter of taste.

Easy recipe


  • Vodka – 1 liter.
  • Raspberries – 400 grams.
  • Granulated sugar – 0.5 kg.
  • Water – 230 ml.

Making the drink at home:

  1. As with any other recipe for making homemade berry alcoholic drinks, the first step is to sort out the berries. Clear them of branches, leaves and other garden debris.
  2. Place the raspberries in a glass jar of a suitable size, pour in vodka, add sugar and shake very thoroughly.
  3. Place the jar in a dark place where the temperature is not lower than 23 degrees for a month.
  4. Shake the container with the drink thoroughly several times a week.
  5. After the required time for aging, strain the liqueur and pour into a clean container prepared for the drink. Insist for another five days.

Raspberry aperitif: French recipe


  • Fresh berries – 500 g.
  • Granulated sugar – 700 g.
  • Vodka – 1 liter 250 ml.
  • Citric acid – 10 g.
  • Water – 500 ml.
  • Vanilla extract – 20 g.

How to make French raspberry liqueur?

  1. Selected ripe berry Place in a saucepan, add water, simmer over low heat for about an hour.
  2. Strain the broth, add granulated sugar to it, simmer again, now 10 minutes is enough, just during this time the sugar will completely dissolve in the raspberry infusion.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients included in this recipe to the resulting syrup and mix.
  4. Bottle the liquor. Leave for about a day before use.

Drink the drink after keeping it in the freezer.

Making double flavor

Thanks to the additional ingredients, a raspberry dessert drink prepared at home with vodka turns out to be especially interesting and rich.


  • Vodka – 600 ml.
  • Raspberries – 300 g.
  • Raspberry bush leaves - 15-20 pieces.
  • Sugar – 550 g.

How to make a drink with double flavor?

  1. Place the berries and leaves in a saucepan, add water, and boil for 20 minutes.
  2. Then remove the pan from the heat and let the broth brew for a day.
  3. After 24 hours, strain the mixture, pour granulated sugar into the raspberry liquid, bring to a boil, and cool.
  4. Add vodka, stir and bottle.

After three days, the drink will be ready for consumption.

All the recipes are very easy, but for any holiday you will have a bottle on your table homemade liqueur from homemade raspberries.

Detailed recipe

The liqueur is incredibly aromatic! And I’m generally silent about the taste: with all my calm attitude towards alcoholic drinks, I cannot resist it! And all my friends, at least once in the autumn and winter evening Those who have tried raspberry liqueur, when the raspberries start, vying with each other to call and remind: don’t forget to prepare it, please!

  • 2 cups raspberries;
  • 2 cups sugar;
  • 2 glasses of vodka.

Carefully sort through the raspberries, selecting only whole, undamaged berries.
Rinse the raspberries and pour into a jar.
Pour sugar into the jar.
Pour vodka, shake the jar.
Place the jar with the filled berries in a warm place, protected from direct sunlight.
Occasionally (about once a week) the jar should be shaken so that the sugar dissolves better.
After about a month, when the sugar has all dissolved, the liqueur is ready.
Strain the liqueur thoroughly, pour into a decanter (bottle) and seal. After about a week it is ready for use - during this time the taste of vodka disappears.

In the same way, you can prepare liqueurs from any berries - currants, blackberries, strawberries, gooseberries. As you can see, it's very simple. But, believe me, it’s very tasty. Check it out!


We use red currants as a supplement


  • raspberries (berries) – 300 gr. (0.5 liters)
  • red currants (berries) – 300 gr. (0.5 liters)
  • vodka (40% alcohol) – 0.5 l.
  • sugar syrup - at the rate of 150 g. sugar per 100 ml water
  • orange zest - from 1 pc.
  • lemon zest - from 1 pc.
  • cinnamon – 1 stick
  • vanilla sugar – 20 gr. (6 grams of vanillin or 2 tsp of vanilla extract)

This is how you should cook:

  1. Place the berries, along with the zest and cinnamon, in a 1.5-2 liter glass container, add alcohol and leave for 6 weeks. Be sure to shake.
  2. Pass the composition through a filter and pour the prepared and cooled syrup into it, add vanillin (vanilla sugar or extract). Stir, pour into bottles, leave in a cool place for another five days, and enjoy.

From raspberry berries and leaves


  • raspberries – 300 gr. (0.5 l.)
  • raspberry leaves - 15-20 pcs.
  • alcohol 40-45% (vodka, alcohol, moonshine) – 0.7 liters
  • sugar – 600 grams
  • water – 0.5 liters

This is how you should cook:

  1. Pour water over the berries and leaves, bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes.
  2. Leave the decoction for 24 hours without straining.
  3. After a day, filter, add sugar to the resulting liquid, put on fire and bring to a boil.
  4. When the liquid has cooled, pour alcohol into it, stir, pour into a glass container and keep the liqueur for another 3-5 days.



The classic recipes given in this article will be a good reason for you to show your abilities in creating elite drinks at home. Step by step description making the tincture will allow you not to bother searching for various videos with methods for preparing this miracle drink.

Feel free to stock up on berries. Improvise, play with components. Create a tincture according to your preferences.

Once you try it, you won't want to buy wine in a store. Taste home product several times higher. The aroma preserves the taste of summer. Saturated color- pleasing to the eye. The effort required is minimal. The main thing is to be patient and give the drink a chance to brew.

  • It is best served chilled.
  • It is suitable for any holiday and will become a table decoration.
  • Your friends will appreciate you and will ask you the secrets of creating a delicious liqueur.
  • To appear new topic for conversation.
  • Share your secret with them.
  • Enjoy your tasting.


Properties of raspberry drink

Liqueur made from raspberries retains everything beneficial features raspberries (provided that no heat treatment). As a cold remedy, it is no worse than jam. We hasten to reassure those who are afraid of the excessive sweetness of the berries. An increase in blood sugar does not occur thanks to a cunning sugar neutralizer mechanism inside the berry itself.

The only serious drawback is the high allergenicity of raspberries. The use of both fresh berries and liqueur made from them is contraindicated in case of intolerance.


  • There is a legend according to which in the 17th century, King Louis XIV visited Chambord, a beautiful French castle, one of the most famous buildings of the Renaissance.
  • At the castle, the king was treated to a drink made from wild raspberries and blackberries, which he had never tried before.
  • He really liked the liqueur, and since then it has become a mandatory attribute of the royal festive table.
  • The drink was subsequently named after the Chateau de Chambord, and it quickly gained popularity among French aristocrats.

Much later, at the end of the 20th century, when the American N.G. Sky Cooper decided to move to France and settle near that very castle, Chambord became available to a wide mass of people all over the world. NGSky found a recipe for raspberry liqueur and founded its production, keeping it exclusively natural ingredients, but at the same time reducing the cost of manufacturing technology. Very quickly they learned about Chambord not only in France, but also far beyond its borders.

Initially, not only the contents were “royal,” but also the bottle itself: a spherical shape, a voluminous gilded edging with stones, and a cap topped with a luxurious crown. This design lasted a little over a hundred years; today it looks simpler: the same “pot-bellied” bottle, a thinner golden frame, a laconic cap and a crown depicted on the label. Despite the simplified packaging, the liqueur looks stylish and can serve a good gift lovers of alcoholic drinks.

Since 2006, Chambord has been produced by the American corporation Brown Forman.


What do you drink liquor with?

Many liqueurs go surprisingly well with fruit and tiramisuai dessert.

  • What and how to drink liqueur with? For you, general nuances and ways to use the most popular types drink
  • Sweet and savory liqueur - a popular regular at nightclubs and bars - came to us from the 11th century. In the past, a healing potion, now it is an original alcoholic drink and the basis for delicious cocktails.
  • The viscous drink is based on fruits, herbal extracts, roots, nuts and spices - everything that gives liqueurs such an incredibly delicate aroma.
  • Before we look in detail at what liqueur is drunk with, let’s look at some general nuances of drinking this interesting alcohol.

Subtleties of use

Banana liqueur

Any of the famous liqueurs has a high strength and high content Sahara. Typically this aromatic drink has a rich, pronounced taste, therefore pure form suitable for gourmets. There are several subtleties of drinking such drinks in their natural form:

  • Bitter liqueurs are good as an aperitif; sweet varieties are usually served for dessert (digestif).
  • The drink should be slightly chilled when served. ideal temperature– from 12 to 20°C.
  • The drink is served in special 25 ml glasses with a long stem.
  • Sweet varieties go harmoniously with juicy fruits and can be served with hot chocolate, tea or coffee. Completely incompatible with tobacco.
  • Most liqueurs are usually drunk in one gulp, which is followed by a soft and warming aftertaste.

To balance or soften tart taste liqueur, the drink can be diluted with ice cream, milk, hot chocolate, juices, water or ice.

Some types of liqueur wonderfully enhance the taste natural coffee. This option gives wide scope for experimentation: by choosing proportions and components to suit your taste, you can get a very tasty and original result.

At the same time, it is important to remember that elite drinks It is permissible to dilute it exclusively with water, and cream liqueurs are strictly incompatible with sour juices.

Mix of liqueurs with other alcoholic drinks produces a flavorful, not too sweet alcohol.

Most often, liqueurs are mixed with stronger alcoholic drinks - for example, vodka, brandy or gin. It is recommended to add the alcohol on which it is based. So “Advocate” is ideal in combination with brandy, and Baileys and Sheridan with Irish whiskey.

Very often, liqueurs are included in a variety of cocktails, and are also used in cooking as aromatic additives and syrups.

Choosing a snack?

Let's take a closer look at the most popular varieties of the drink and figure out how to drink liqueur correctly in each of these options.

Milk liqueur

Sheridan– a spectacular two-color liqueur in a double bottle of an interesting design consisting of chocolate-coffee and creamy-vanilla parts. The liqueur goes well with champagne and stronger alcohols. The drink is served with sweet desserts, ice cream and fruit.

  • Amaretto liqueur– a thick, rich brown drink with a strong almond aroma. The liqueur is based on cognac, various herbs and vanilla. Amaretto is usually savored undiluted with the addition of pieces of ice, or in tandem with tea and coffee. The combination of liqueur with Coca-Cola is widely known.
  • Baileys- a sweet, bitter Irish liqueur based on cream and whiskey. Baileys is served undiluted in special glasses, with desserts or coffee.
  • Liqueur "Advocate"- this unusually thick, sunny-colored liqueur contains brandy and egg yolks. Most often, the drink is diluted with sprite in a ratio of 3 to 1; connoisseurs of liqueur in its pure form will have to resort to using a spoon.
  • Jägermeister liqueur– this original liqueur based on fragrant herbs It is recommended to drink it very chilled, in one gulp at the end of the meal. You can dilute the drink with sprite.

Jägermeister liqueur

  • Cream liqueur good at original form with the addition of pieces of ice, and also as a filler in tea or coffee. The drink is served with ice cream, pastries and fruit dessert.
  • Chocolate liqueur goes amazingly with baked goods – sweet cookies and muffins, chocolates with milk filling. Most often used as part of a cocktail.
  • TO cherry liqueur Candied or fresh berries cherries or sweet cherries.
  • Malibu– aromatic rum liqueur with coconut notes in the bouquet, served in special small glasses after meals. In its pure form it goes well with all kinds of desserts, fruit salads and ice cream. Very popular when accompanied by strong alcohols and juices.

Most liqueurs go well with nuts or nut desserts, a variety of dried fruits, cakes and pastries.

Now you know how the best way drink liqueur and what to serve it with. In its original form, as part of an exotic cocktail or as flavorful addition for a cup of coffee - everyone will find something for themselves perfect option this bright and multifaceted drink.

Four correct ways to drink liquor

To understand the taste of a particular alcoholic drink, you need to have a good understanding of the culture of its use. This statement is also true for liqueurs. In this article we will talk about how to drink liqueurs different ways. There are several universal rules that it is advisable to know about before opening a bottle. Any liqueur can be drunk:

1. In its pure form.

Great option for those who want to try original taste. When choosing this method, keep the following in mind:

  • sweet liqueurs are served for dessert as a digestif (alcoholic drink after the main meal), bitter liqueurs are served as an aperitif (before meals);
  • you need a glass with a volume of 25 ml, similar in appearance to a creamer (a container for sweet dishes) with a long stem;
  • the correct serving temperature is 12-20°C (the liqueur should be cool, but not cold);
  • sweet liqueurs can be served with tea or coffee; such drinks go well with fruit;
  • Most liqueurs are drunk in one gulp, thanks to which a soft, warm aftertaste appears after a sip;
  • liqueurs do not combine with tobacco and cigars.
Liquor glass

2. Diluted.

This method allows you to reduce the strength, reduce sweetness, bitterness or astringency, balancing the taste at your discretion. You can dilute the liqueur with water (carbonated or non-carbonated mineral water), ice, milk, cream, ice cream, hot chocolate or juices. Proportions are selected individually.

  • Water and ice do not spoil the taste, perfectly reducing the strength. Elite liqueurs are diluted only with water without gas. Adding dairy products is appropriate for drinks based on chocolate, coffee, cocoa or cream.

To get a refreshing and not cloying taste, it is customary to add orange juice to liqueurs. Other citrus fruits or unsweetened juices, for example, lemon or cherry.

Attention! Acidic juices should not be added to cream liqueurs such as Baileys and Sheridans, as the acid instantly curdles the cream, making the drink unfit for consumption.

3. In combination with other alcohol.

Liqueurs are mixed with whiskey, vodka, gin, rum, brandy or cognac. It turns out not so sweet, but at the same time strong and aromatic drink.

  • I advise you to add the alcohol from which it is made to the liqueur.
  • For example, Cointreau insists on pure alcohol, so it is better to dilute it with vodka.
  • Whiskey is added to Baileys, as a result of which this liqueur goes well with Irish whiskeys.
  • “Advocate” is diluted with aged brandy or cognac.
  • Sheridans is famous for its non-standard bottle, consisting of two tanks

4. In cocktails. Approximately 30% of all alcoholic cocktails contain at least one liqueur that can be used as a base, flavoring or syrup. True, it often turns out to be a completely different drink. The preparation of one of the most famous cocktails, Pina Colada, is shown in the video.
