Low-fat pike perch pike cod caviar. The healthiest fish for weight loss. Simple recipes for low-fat fish

It takes pride of place among products in its nutritional value and benefit. Fish fillets contain many vitamins and minerals that are essential for human body and its proper functioning. While leading a healthy lifestyle, you should not neglect this product, since low-fat varieties of fish for the diet have valuable properties. She:

  • Contains a lot of protein, which is a building material for muscles, and satisfies the feeling of hunger for a long time.
  • Improves brain function due to the presence of a trace element such as fluoride. Therefore, it is useful for children, the elderly or people involved in mental activities - doctors, teachers, scientists, etc. Regular use of the product helps good mood and relieves depression and minimizes stress.
  • Rich in vitamin D, which is responsible for bone health. Regular consumption of this dish will strengthen the human skeletal system.
  • Positively affects the heart. At regular use is improving arterial pressure and the risk of heart attacks is reduced.
  • Contains iodine ( marine species), which is responsible for the thyroid gland. By including such dishes in the diet, the general condition of the body improves and endocrine system.
  • Brings invaluable benefits and for external beauty: this product improves the condition of hair, making it thick and shiny, strengthens nails, and improves the condition of facial skin.

Fish varieties by fat content

Exists great amount types of fish. Arriving at the store, on the shelves you can see a wide range of this product for every taste and budget. The most low calorie fish for weight loss should not contain a lot of fat. Nutritionists say that the lighter the meat, the fewer calories it contains. Red and dark color talk about saturation, which means that for dietary nutrition she won't fit. You should not exclude fatty breeds from your diet - they also have nutritional properties and useful in their own way.

Low-fat sea fish is considered the healthiest because it contains iodine. You shouldn’t give up river milk altogether - in terms of protein content, it is in no way inferior to the first. When choosing skinny (low-fat) fish for dietary nutrition, you need to pay attention to energy value product and its fat content:

There are three categories based on the amount of accumulated fat:

  • Low-fat, if the fat content is less than 4%, from 70 to 100 kcal per 100 grams.
  • Moderate fat content - no more than 8%, from 90 to 145 kcal per 100 grams.
  • Fatty breeds - more than 8%, 200-255 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Lean fish varieties

To maintain normal health, nutritionists recommend cooking fish at least 3 times a week, one of which is to give preference to fatty varieties, and the rest of the time to eat low-fat ones. The latter are a dietary product, the fat content in them does not exceed 5 g per 100 g. You can have such a dish for dinner or have a late evening snack - there will be no harm to your figure. Low-calorie fish for weight loss is one that contains no more than 1 percent fat.

Calorie content per 100 g (kcal)

Proteins per 100 g (g)

Fats per 100 g (g)

How to cook lean fish

Like many other products, low-fat varieties of fish for the diet can be prepared different ways. It can be boiled, baked, steamed or grilled. If you are following a dietary diet, it is not recommended to fry it, since the oil used in the cooking process increases the calorie content and, as a result, adds centimeters to the waist.

Many people believe that dietary fish fillets are obtained only by boiling, since no oil is used, and the fat remains in the broth during cooking, but this is not so. The dish can be steamed or baked in the oven. A variety of cooking methods will allow you not to lose interest in such a healthy product. Nutritionists advise adding lemon juice when preparing fish - this way vitamins and amino acids will be absorbed better, and the smell during cooking will not be so strong.


To do this, the fish is washed with ice water, cleaned of bones and entrails, cut into pieces, and thrown into salted boiling water. If you have a frozen carcass, first let it thaw in the refrigerator. Low-fat sea species are perfect for cooking: trout, pollock, cod, halibut. In this case, it needs to be cooked for about 15-25 minutes - this way the product will not lose beneficial properties. When boiling fish low-fat varieties It turns out a bit dry, so you can sprinkle it with vegetable oil or add herbs - parsley, dill. This dish is suitable as a snack or dinner.

For a couple

Not fatty fish for diet can be steamed. With this method, it retains all the nutrients and taste. It is better to marinate the carcass before cooking. lemon juice with addition olive oil and spices, let stand for a few minutes so that it is soaked. After this, place the fish in a slow cooker or double boiler for half an hour.

Water with spices or remaining parts of the fish - fins or head - can serve as a steam bath. Thanks to this liquid, the fish will be more aromatic and tender, and the broth can be used as a base for soup or made into jelly. The following species are perfect for this method of cooking: pike perch, tuna, trout, burbot, pink salmon.

Good afternoon, my dear readers! Today I will tell you about my favorite product - fish. Currently, scientists have proven its usefulness for weight loss. Low-fat fish for the diet, the list of which is given below, was divided by fat content and calorie content. Let's look at popular power systems that use this valuable product. And I included tips on how to best prepare fish so that it is tasty and healthy.

Fish is a source of high-quality protein and is quickly absorbed by the body. If it takes about three or four hours to digest the meat, then the fish will “dissolve” in two. Therefore, in dietary nutrition it is recommended even for evening reception food. Proteins keep you feeling full for a long time. The brain “gives a signal” not to store anything on the sides or butt.

I think many people have heard about the longevity of the people of Japan. They have virtually no problems with the thyroid gland. Excellent vision and smooth skin persist until old age. Just look at the photo - cheerful, youthful people. Scientists have found that the cause of health was the consumption of large amounts of sea ​​fish. The composition of your favorite product includes the following benefits:

  • fatty amino acids Omega-3, Omega-6;
  • vitamins, group B;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • calcium.

Regular consumption of seafood reduces the risk of heart disease. The pressure stabilizes. Work improves immune system and brain. If you don’t want to suffer from dementia in old age, eat fish.

Iodine - saturates the thyroid gland, which has a huge impact on calorie burning and metabolism. And Omega-3 fatty acid is very useful thing. Without it, the synthesis of other substances in the body is impossible. It maintains normal sensitivity of nerve fibers and participates in muscle contraction. The presence of beneficial Omega-3 acids will have positive influence on hair, skin, nails.

In non-carbohydrate nutrition systems when losing weight, it is often advised to replace meat with fish. However, not all varieties are equally useful. In terms of calorie content, fatty mackerel is far ahead of lean pork. In order not to be mistaken, we will divide the fish according to fat content.

To get an idea of ​​the fat content of seafood, pay attention to the color of the meat. If it is light, you have a lean variety of fish. The darker the fillet, the more calories. Think herring, salmon or mackerel.

Of course, scientists say that fatty fish is the healthiest. In it a large number of necessary substances. But when losing weight, you should forget about it. Or reduce your consumption to a small piece per week.

Let's mention low-fat fish varieties separately. They have no carbohydrates. That's why they are so popular among fans of low-carb diets. So switching to fish while dieting can help delay the need to lower your carbohydrate intake.

Product (per 100 grams)Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates Calorie content
Low Fat (2 to 5 grams)
Tuna24,4 4,6 0 139
Sea bass18,2 3,3 0 103
Far Eastern flounder15,7 3 0 90
Vobla18 2,8 0 95
Bream17,1 4,4 0 105
Carp18,2 2,7 0 97
White-winged halibut18,9 3 0 103
Hake16,6 2,2 0 86
Oceanic horse mackerel18,5 4,5 0 114
Very low fat content (less than 2 grams)
Pollock15,9 0,9 0 72
Blue whiting18,5 0,9 0 82
Haddock17,2 0,5 0 73
Cod16 0,6 0 69
River perch18,5 0,9 0 82
Pike18,4 1,1 0 84
Zander18,4 1,1 0 84
crucian carp17,7 1,8 0 87

Lean fish has less fat than the leanest meat. You can get the same amount of protein from everyone, but consume fewer calories. This will allow you to keep your carbohydrate intake to a relatively moderate level and you won't feel too depleted. Even in the evening you are allowed to eat fish while losing weight. There will definitely not be any extra leftovers 😉

If you are wondering how often you can eat fish, then I can please you - if there are no contraindications, then at least every day. A serving of 100 grams is considered standard. And even if you’re not a fan of this type of product, treat yourself at least sometimes to “ fish days" A plate of fish soup or a fragrant baked piece will add variety to any menu.

Which one is better and how to cook it

Even on the most democratic Dukan diet, you can eat this product at any stage. Dr. Dukan focuses on proteins and prohibits carbohydrates, fats and sweets. Fish is not the last place in the food system. During all stages of the diet, almost any diet is allowed - sea or river. You can even have a little piece of smoked salmon. I wrote in more detail in an article about allowed foods on the Dukan diet. Products can be boiled, steamed, fried or baked in foil. Nose minimum quantity vegetable oil.

Now let's move on to the most delicious moment. Fish recipes when it comes to diets, this is a separate science. They need to take into account the usefulness of a particular variety. And also how safe it will be to use if you have gastritis or diabetes.


I recommend including the following types of seafood in your diet: tuna, flounder, haddock, pollock, cod, as well as shrimp and crabs. See the table above for other types with low and very low fat content. But the amount of protein in such meat is high.

To reduce calorie content, you can boil the fish in water or steam it. The last method is the healthiest and tastiest. The meat turns out juicy and tender. For flavor, sprinkle the pieces with a little lemon juice and add a sprig of herbs (dill, parsley). Sprinkle aromatic seasoning for fish and wrap in foil. In 30 minutes it will be ready.

A plate of fish soup without potatoes - excellent dietary dish. You can eat as much as you want without any consequences on your waistline. Very delicious broth obtained from pike. Minimum calories with amazing aroma.

Try to use less sauces. They provoke appetite. If you don’t like the fishy smell, soak the seafood in milk for an hour. The unpleasant aroma will disappear.

Some of my people complain that the fish falls apart when cooked. Try cooking cod. Its fillet is not as tender as other species. Or you can use a little trick. Add a little vinegar to boiling water and boil the fish calmly. Flavorful fillet will not fall apart piece by piece.


Recipes for weight loss contain a minimum of oil. The baking process itself involves cooking the product simultaneously from all sides in the oven. At the same time, the fish turns out much tastier than with banal boiling.

Foil or a sleeve is suitable for baking. Nutritionists have noticed: oven-fried foods are much healthier than those fried in a frying pan. Pieces of fish can be “released from protection” a few minutes before they are ready. Then you will receive delicious crust no oil. Or try baking it in natural yoghurt. The taste is indistinguishable from sour cream. But fewer calories.

Can I eat fried, salted or smoked?

If you have gastritis or other stomach problems, you shouldn’t eat fried food.. But reconsider your cooking methods. In batter or breadcrumbs - definitely not. Especially with diabetes. If you really want to, you can treat yourself to a portion in a small amount of oil in a grill pan. But not more than once a week. Just don’t forget to place the finished pieces on a napkin. The oil should be absorbed. By the way, in my article “How to properly fry fish in a frying pan” you can find a lot of interesting things.

And here Doctors do not prohibit salty food. Just not herring or ram, of course. It’s better to make lightly salted, low-fat fish yourself. Eat only in the first half of the day. Otherwise, expect unpleasant swelling on your face and overweight on the scales. After eating something salty, you just want to drink and drink.

Smoked is strictly prohibited! Don't even think about it - definitely not. The dangers of smoked food have been talked about for so long that everyone has stopped paying attention to it. But in vain - dangerous carcinogens can cause cancer.

Smoked meats negatively affect the stomach and liver. Firstly, the amount of salt in such products is increased. Secondly, the calorie content increases due to the removal of water during the cooking process. In order not to be unfounded, I am attaching a table for comparison.

Fats in fresh fish, per 100 grams Fats in smoked fish, per 100 grams Calorie content smoked fish per 100 g
Hot smoked perch0,9 8 166
Cold smoked sturgeon Tesha10,9 25,7 302
Cold smoked sturgeon balyk10,9 12,5 194
Cold smoked roach2,8 6,3 181
Hot smoked cod0,6 1,2 115
Hot smoked bream4,4 4,5 172
Cold smoked bream4,4 4,6 160
Hot smoked cod0,6 1,2 115
Cold smoked mackerel13,2 15,5 221

And careless manufacturers can smoke low-quality raw materials. In addition to the main problems, you can also get poisoned.

Fish is a tasty and healthy product that will help cope with overweight. Choose low-fat varieties and cook. Fried, baked or boiled - you can calculate varied menu for the whole week. Daily use will make you not only slim, but also beautiful.

Another short video about the benefits of fish:

That's all, my dears! If you liked the article, do not hesitate to leave comments. Subscribe to updates - a lot more interesting things await you. See you!

Fish dishes are a source of vitamins and microelements for health and beauty. It includes healthy fats(omega-3), phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, vitamins A, D and E.We invite you not to limit yourself to one fish day a week and diversify your menu with simple recipes. Dietary fish in the oven in several variations - appetizing, tasty, healthy.

Mackerel with lemon and herbs


  • mackerel – 1 pc.
  • lemon – ½ pc.
  • onion – 1 pc.
  • tomato – 1 pc.
  • garlic - 2 teeth.
  • tomato paste homemade– 2 tsp.
  • mustard – 2 tsp.
  • oregano
  • sugar (we recommend sweetener)
  • dry basil
  • black pepper

How to cook?

  1. Wash the fish, cut lengthwise, remove the entrails and head.
  2. Peel the onion and garlic and finely chop. Also chop the tomato.
  3. Then mix all the ingredients in a bowl, adding tomato paste, mustard, oregano, sweetener, dry basil, salt, pepper and lemon juice.
  4. Stuff the fish with the resulting vegetable mixture and seasonings. Place lemon half rings on top and leave the dish for 15-20 minutes to soak in the marinade.
  5. Bake the fish in the oven at 180-190 degrees for about 45 minutes.
  6. Ready-made dietary a fish dish Serve, garnished with fresh herbs and lemon.

Baked Dorado



  • dorado – 1 pc.
  • lemon – 1 pc.
  • olive oil – 20 g
  • fresh basil – 1 bunch
  • pepper

How to cook?

  1. Wash the fish, remove the entrails, then wash and dry again.
  2. Grease half a wide sheet of foil a small amount olive oil. Place the fish on it, salt it, pepper it and rub it on both sides with oil.
  3. Cut the lemon into two parts. Grind one half, squeeze the juice out of the other and sprinkle it on the fish.
  4. Place chopped lemon and a bunch of basil in the belly, wrap the fish in foil and place in the oven for 20-25 minutes.

Dietary fish in the oven: cod with cheese



  • cod – 1 pc. (335 g)
  • natural drinking yoghurt – 80 g
  • cheese (any low-calorie) – 60 g
  • spices
  • garlic

How to cook?

  1. Wash the cod fillet, cut into pieces, salt and pepper each.
  2. Place the fish in a bowl, pour natural yoghurt(50 g) and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Line a baking dish with foil, place the cod marinated in yoghurt on it and place in the oven for 20 minutes. Bake at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.
  4. Mix 30 g of yogurt with grated cheese and finely chopped garlic. Mix all ingredients well and set aside cooked fish. Bake the dish for another 10 minutes until golden brown.

Salmon with vegetable garnish



  • salmon (steak) – 250 g
  • green beans – 200 g
  • lemon – 1 pc.
  • cherry – 200 g
  • radish – 200 g
  • soy sauce

How to cook?

  1. Wash the fish, brush with olive oil, soy sauce and rub with spices.
  2. Place it on baking foil folded into a rectangle, wrap the edges of the foil tightly, and place the dish in the oven for 20 minutes. Bake fish at 180 degrees.
  3. Meanwhile, boil the beans, chop the radishes and tomatoes.
  4. Before serving, sprinkle the salmon with lemon juice and your dietary fish in the oven with vegetable side dish ready!

Baked cod with cheese and herbs



  • cod – 700 g
  • cheese (any diet) – 3 tbsp. l.
  • garlic – 10 g
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.
  • parsley
  • spices

How to cook?

  1. Finely chop the garlic and fry it in a frying pan, adding a little salt.
  2. Mix garlic with grated cheese and finely chopped parsley.
  3. Place the fish fillet on a baking sheet, sprinkle it with lemon juice, and top with a mixture of cheese, garlic, herbs and press down a little.
  4. Bake the dish for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 180-190 degrees.

Baked hake fish with carrots and onions



  • hake fish – 600 g
  • carrots – 2 pcs.
  • onion – 2 pcs.

How to cook?

  1. Wash the fish and place on a baking sheet. Pour some water into the bottom of the vessel to make the dietary fish in the oven juicy.
  2. Place carrots and onions cut into rings on top of the fish, adding a little salt.
  3. Bake the fish for about 40 minutes until fully cooked.

Your dietary fish in the oven is ready to eat!

If you want the vegetables to be juicy and not dry out, cover the fish with foil before baking.

Salmon with bell pepper



  • salmon (steak) – 1 pc.
  • onion – 1 pc.
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • bell pepper- 1 PC.
  • spices
  • greenery
  • lemon juice (optional)

How to cook?

  1. Wash the fish and rub with spices and finely chopped herbs.
  2. Cut the onion into cubes, and the bell pepper and carrots into strips.
  3. Make a “boat” out of food foil. First place the vegetables there, and then the salmon steak, pour lemon juice over all the ingredients and cover the boat tightly with foil.
  4. Bake dietary fish with vegetables for about 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Red fish steaks: a universal recipe



  • any red (or other) fish – 2 steaks
  • onion – ½ pc.
  • lemon – ½ pc.
  • tomato – 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf
  • spices
  • lemon juice

How to cook?

  1. Wash the fish and cut into steaks.
  2. Cover a baking sheet with foil, place finely chopped onion and a few slices of lemon on it.
  3. Season the steaks with salt, pepper, lemon juice and place them on a baking sheet. Place a tomato ring and a bay leaf on each stack.
  4. Wrap the fish in foil and bake it for 30 minutes at 180-200 degrees.

Dietary fish in the oven may be different every day, but it must certainly be tasty and healthy. Don't be afraid to experiment, cook with love and you will succeed!

Prepared by Tatiana Krysyuk

The fattest fish is not always the healthiest. It contains 8% lipids, which is not the limit. For healthy eating Moderately fatty varieties are more suitable. They contain an optimal ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids, which is the key healthy heart, minimum cholesterol and maximum life expectancy.

Almost 15% of fish meat is high-quality protein. It contains all the amino acids important for the body. This protein is easily digestible digestive tract and gives required quantity energy. In addition, fish fillet is rich in a lot of vitamins and minerals necessary for the smooth functioning of our body systems.

Fish is a source of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids. All varieties can be divided into three groups: lean fish(up to 4% lipids), moderate-fat (4-8%) and fatty (more than 8%). But even the same type of fish has a different percentage of fat content depending on the time of year.

Even the most advanced scientists claim that fish is one of the most healthy products for good health. Regular consumption of Omega-3 reduces triglyceride levels by almost a third of the original amount. This substance reduces the risk of heart disease and coronary artery disease.

Are you wondering which fish has the highest fat percentage? Pacific Euchalon contains about 45%. A relative of the euchalon lives in Lake Baikal - the Baikal golomyanka. Almost 40% of its weight is represented by lipids. There is very little meat in it. For comparison, the next on the list is eel with a score of 30%.

Leaders in fat content

We indicated the first three representatives above, but the rating does not end there. The calorie content of this group is about 180-250 kcal per 100 g.

So, the fattest sea and River fish, which people are happy to include in their diet:

  • herring (14-19%);
  • mackerel (13-18%);
  • toothfish (16%);
  • Caspian sprat (13%).

This list also includes beluga, ivashi, saury, stellate sturgeon, silver carp, representatives of sturgeon, halibut and catfish. Just 300 g of fish of these varieties will provide a weekly requirement of Omega-3. They are not suitable for dietary nutrition. For these purposes, it is better to choose skinny and moderately fatty types.

Other types of fish

Low-fat fish have a low energy value - 70-100 kcal/100 g. The leaders in this category are cod, haddock, silver hake, and navaga. Pay attention also to pollock, roach, sea bass, river perch, pike perch, bream and pike. These varieties cook very quickly, do not overload the gastrointestinal tract and are almost completely digestible. Pregnant women and children are strongly recommended to include these types of fish in their diet.

The calorie content of moderately fatty meat is 90-140 kcal/100 g. This group includes pink salmon, catfish, tuna, sea bream, herring, crucian carp, salmon, carp and trout. Medium-fat fish is perfect for salting and smoking. But it’s still better to bake or steam it.

The American Nutrition Association recommends eating more salmon, trout, tuna, lean herring, mackerel and sardines. They will saturate the body optimal quantity Omega-3. However, the cooking method greatly influences potential benefits. Meat fried on vegetable oil, loses almost all valuable properties.

The best dietary product is cod. It is low-fat (only 0.3-0.4% lipids) and rich in protein. Almost a fifth of the weight comes from high-quality protein. But her liver is very fatty, but “in a good way.” The amount of lipids in it reaches 70%. Another advantage of fish is the absence small bones. Immediately behind this species are pollock, pollock and blue whiting.

Among sea and river products as food, fish ranks first. It is valued for its exceptional balance of all minerals and vitamins, suitable for human metabolism, as well as its high nutritional value. if you have excess weight or have problems with the digestive organs, low-calorie fish will be an excellent replacement for meat and fatty dishes.

Low calorie varieties

Depending on the fat content, there are several varieties of fish: low-fat (up to 4%), moderately fatty (from 4 to 8%) and fatty (more than 8%). The list of low-calorie fish includes crayfish and shellfish of any kind. Low-fat varieties of fish are especially recommended for children, obese and elderly people, pregnant women, and patients with stomach ulcers.

Here is a list of low-calorie fish:

  • river: perch, bream, pike perch, ruff, tench, pike;
  • marine: cod, silver hake, blue whiting, pollock, navaga, pollock, roach, sea bass, haddock.

Which fish is considered the lowest in calories? This question is often asked by women who want to make their figure slimmer. Cod contains the least amount of fat (about 0.3%), so it is very popular among dietary products and is considered the lowest calorie fish.

In second place after cod, you can safely put pollock and haddock, they contain from 0.5 to 0.9% fat.

How is it useful?

Nutritionists say that low-fat fish is very useful as a dietary food. A properly prepared dish from this product will never cause you to become overweight. Low-calorie varieties of white fish consist of at least 15% protein proteins, which saturate the body with all the necessary amino acids. Of course, fatty fish is also healthy, but not everyone can eat it in large quantities.

The benefits of white fish for humans are enormous. These types of meat contain micro- and macroelements (iodine, iron, fluorine, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, sodium), vitamins PP, C, A, E, D, K, and amino acids. It is difficult to say which of the lean breeds is the healthiest, because each of them has unique properties, which have a beneficial effect on body systems.

Here are some varieties and their properties:

  • cod – strengthens the musculoskeletal system and teeth, restores strength and immunity, nourishes
    the brain with oxygen, improves the condition of hair, skin and nails;
  • pike perch – normalizes metabolism, lowers cholesterol, removes toxins, normalizes digestion, improves brain function, increases visual acuity;
  • pike – destroys viruses and bacteria, is perfectly absorbed by the human body;
  • pollock, hake, navaga - normalize cholesterol and blood sugar, relieve swelling, strengthen nervous system, help fight thyroid diseases.

Red varieties

Red fish has a high fat content, unlike white fish, so it cannot be called low-calorie. For example, if 100 g of lean meat contains 70–100 kcal, then 100 g of salmon contains 240 kcal, and trout contains 227 kcal. Pink salmon can easily be called the lowest-calorie red fish - one hundred grams of it contain about 160 kcal. No matter what, such meat should be present in the diet, because it contains so much nutrients and benefits.

If you stick low calorie diet, remember 3 rules:

  • consume red varieties 1-2 times a week, not more often;
  • no oil should be added during the preparation of the product;
  • It is necessary to eat the dish in the first half of the day.

Red fish contains greatest number Omega-3 fatty acids.

With regular use of the product, the risk of stroke, heart attack and Alzheimer's disease is reduced several times.

For women, red varieties are especially useful: they help strengthen nails and hair, give youth and smoothness to the skin.


The fat content of a dish depends not only on its natural qualities, but also on how to prepare this low-calorie fish. During frying, the product will become higher in calories than it was in its raw form. It is better to boil the product in water or steam - this option will be the most useful. Be sure to complement the fish with other products. Pairs well with fish meat: potatoes, carrots and onions, boiled or stewed, fresh tomatoes, boiled rice, stewed or fried mushrooms, prunes, olives, sorrel, spinach.

Spices can also be added to the dish, but in moderation. Suitable garlic, black and hot peppers, bay leaf, dill, parsley, basil, lemon balm, fennel.

The sauce will be an excellent addition to the dish. One of the simplest is lemon. To prepare it, you need to beat it with a blender high speed 2 tablespoons of olive oil with dill. Then add squeezed juice from one lemon and stir.

This sauce can be seasoned with boiled low-calorie fish or salad.

Wine-apple and yoghurt-mustard sauces are also popular.

The first one is prepared like this: bake 2 apples, peeled and seeded, with dill seeds, cool, pour over a mixture of 2 tbsp. spoons of dry white wine and 1 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, beat with a blender. To prepare the second sauce you will need: 3 egg yolks, a small pinch of turmeric, cumin, ground ginger and 200 g of natural low-fat yogurt. All ingredients must be combined and thoroughly mixed with a blender.

Fish fillet soup

This dish is easy to prepare. It contains only 169 kcal, because only fish fillets are used, without bones and skin, which give fatty fat. But remember: the fish soup should be the freshest, not frozen.

List of ingredients: 3 medium fillets (use low-fat sea fish varieties), 2 liters of water, 2 onions, 15 g dill, 40 g chopped parsley root, 2 bay leaves, black ground pepper, salt.

Preparation: Wash the fillet and cut into pieces, place in a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil. After the water boils, remove the foam, add diced onion and spices (except dill). Cook for half an hour, then remove from heat and let stand for 10-20 minutes. Pour the soup into bowls and add chopped dill.

Cod with vegetables in the oven

This dish is prepared in foil, without adding oil, so it is ideal for people who follow
for your weight. The fish will not be dry, as it will be soaked in juice from the vegetables.

List of ingredients: 700 g cod fillet, 2 small tomatoes, 1 large bell pepper (preferably yellow), 2 medium onions, ground black pepper, a little salt.

Preparation. Fish fillets wash, dry, cut big pieces, grease with pepper and salt. Cut the onion into half rings and the pepper into thin strips.

Cut the tomatoes into circles. Prepare 2 times less pieces of foil than you have pieces of fish. Place a piece of fish in the middle of each piece of foil, a layer of onion on top, Bell pepper, then tomato. Vegetables can be salted as desired. On vegetable pillow place the second piece of fish, cover with foil. You should get about 4 servings. Place them on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 180 0 C.

Hake meatballs with shrimp

This is complete and hearty dish, for which you do not need to prepare anything additional.

List of ingredients: 0.5 kg hake fillet, peeled shrimp - 0.25 g, 2 sweet peppers and tomatoes, 2 tbsp. spoons of rice, fish broth– 150 ml, 1 egg, 1 onion, half a bunch of green onions, 50 ml olive oil, ground red and black pepper, a little parsley.

Preparation. First, you need to boil the rice halfway so that it is not too tough in the meatballs, and let it cool. Grind the fish in a meat grinder, mix with finely chopped shrimp, add an egg, seasonings (salt, pepper), half-boiled rice. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and form the mixture into balls.
