Cane sugar or regular sugar – which one to choose? Cane versus beet sugar: which sugar is better?

Cane sugar: history of the conquest of the world, composition, calorie content, varieties, beneficial properties, culinary advantages. How to distinguish quality product from fake.

Exquisitely uneven cubes of granulated sugar of a delicate caramel color... They have firmly established themselves on store shelves with healthy eating, gourmet kitchens and expensive coffee shops.

Some people consider cane sugar to be beneficial and low-calorie product, others accuse it of the same “sins” for which white refined sugar was nicknamed “sweet poison”, or consider it another marketing ploy. But what exactly are these tiny brown cubes?

All about cane sugar

A little history

Cane sugar is one of the oldest sweets. Back in the 3rd century BC. it was known in ancient India, where they learned to obtain sweet grains from a plant similar to bamboo. From the Ganges Valley, sugar cane was brought to China. Some time later, the peoples of the Middle East began to cultivate it. The Arabs introduced sugar cane to the Mediterranean countries, and the New World learned about it from the enterprising Spaniards and Portuguese. In Russia, this amazing overseas additive appeared at the beginning of the 18th century, during the time of Peter I. However, only those close to the royal family could treat themselves to “white gold” - this delicacy was so expensive in those days.

Properties of cane sugar

Reed raw sugar(for its characteristic color it is also called brown and coffee) consists of crystals covered with molasses - cane molasses. Has a natural golden brown hue, caramel flavor and pleasant aroma. It is made from syrup obtained from sugar cane by boiling using a special technology.

Main types of cane sugar

Cane sugar is divided into three main categories: white refined (fully refined), unrefined (undergoes gentle purification) and brown (unrefined).

Brown cane sugar, in turn, has several varieties. They are different from each other appearance and the amount of molasses, and accordingly, the taste.

Special varieties brown sugar:

1. Demerara sugar

It grows on the island of Mauritius and South America. It has large, hard and sticky golden-brown crystals. Great for topping pies, muffins, grilled fruit and meat dishes. Pairs perfectly with coffee.

2. Muscavado sugar, Barbados sugar

Produced on the island of Mauritius. The crystals are smaller than those of demerara, sticky and very aromatic. Has a warm honey color. Thanks to the high content of molasses, it adds zest to sweet and salty dishes: spicy sauces and marinades, spiced cakes, gingerbreads, toffees and fondants.

3. Turbinado sugar

Produced in Hawaii. The product is partially refined, the shades vary from light tones to brown. The crystals are large, dry and free-flowing. Much of the molasses is removed from its surface during "turbine treatment", hence the name.

4. Black Barbados sugar, Soft molasses sugar

A soft and moist molasses product. Has the most dark color and a bright, viscous aroma. Transforms regular desserts V gourmet delicacies. Suitable for gingerbread, fruit cakes, marinades and exotic dishes. Often used in Asian cuisine.

Composition and beneficial properties of cane sugar

Zinc regulates fat metabolism, potassium normalizes blood pressure and cleanses the intestines, copper is needed for normal functioning immune system, calcium - for teeth and bones.

Cane sugar also contains vitamins and plant fibers, which contribute to its better absorption. Another advantage of this product is that it has a lower glycemic index(55 units) than its white “relative” (70 units).

Consuming Brown sugar, a person feels a surge of strength, since it turns not into fat, but into energy useful for life.

Culinary benefits of cane sugar

Cooks value cane sugar because it caramelizes well and adds a crunchy texture to baked goods. Experienced housewives put it in gingerbread, pies, muffins, oat cookies and gingerbread, added to compotes, creams, puddings and glazes. Cane sugar makes shortbread cookies crumbly, and creamy desserts– a pleasant contrast of delicate chilled cream and crispy caramel crust.

Cane sugar is truly unique: it can transform, make the taste of soups brighter and richer, sweet and sour sauces, marinades, salads and vegetable stew. For example, in Sweden, cane sugar is added to pickled herring and liver paste. It is also used in winemaking and brewing.

Cane sugar improves the taste of cocoa, coffee, tea, chocolate, fruit and berry juices. Jams, marmalades, preserves, candied berries - all these canned food turn out very tasty thanks to its presence.

Cane sugar is especially valued by coffee and tea gourmets: when added to their favorite drinks, it does not change their taste, unlike beet sugar, nicknamed “white death”, but on the contrary, it gives coffee and tea a special, caramel aftertaste.

And cane sugar - indispensable component Hemingway’s favorite cocktail – a refreshing lime and mint mojito. It gives this drink a signature, subtle caramel flavor.

Calorie content and consumption rate of cane sugar

To eating any sweets, and cane sugar including, you need to approach it wisely, not forgetting about a sense of proportion. Without harming your health, you can consume up to 60 g of this delicacy per day.

The calorie content of cane sugar is about 380 kcal. But the beauty is that this sweetener can be added to your favorite drinks in smaller quantities: brown sugar has more rich taste than his white “brother”.

Sweets are rarely healthy. This is especially concerning for those who have children. Another thing, brown cane sugar is environmentally friendly, natural and useful product with excellent taste. Dishes prepared using it will not only delight loved ones, but will also take care of their health.

How to distinguish cane sugar from fake

1. First of all, you can check the authenticity of a product by its unique taste: a person who has once tasted real cane sugar will never confuse its taste with something else.
But regarding coloring, it must be said that Brown color cane sugar is not always an indicator of the naturalness of the product. With the help of dyes, you can transform ordinary, cheap sugar and pass it off as more expensive, cane sugar.

2. If, when added to warm water, sugar turns it brown, this is counterfeit. But there is a more reliable way to check the naturalness of the product. In the same glass with warm water, in which you dissolved a couple of spoons of brown grains, add a couple of drops of iodine. If sweet water turns into a bluish color, in front of you is real cane sugar.

3. When purchasing, always pay attention to the country of origin; this information should be indicated on the packaging. The USA, Cuba, Mauritius, Costa Rica, Brazil, Guatemala inspire confidence. And don’t let the price bother you: real brown sugar is an order of magnitude higher than regular refined sugar.

Today, cane sugar is becoming increasingly popular. Undeservedly forgotten, it is confidently winning its place among useful and delicious sweets. After all, for those who monitor their health, this is a most valuable find. Choose the best for yourself and your loved ones and be happy!

On the shelves of modern stores you can see not only cane sugar, but also beet sugar. This sweet ingredient found widespread use in cooking. It is used to prepare many dishes. After reading today's article, you will learn about the beneficial properties and features of the production of this product.

Brief historical background

The first attempts to attract attention to quite high concentration sugar in beets was pioneered by the French botanist Olivier de Serres. Unfortunately, then his actions were not crowned with success and did not arouse interest among a wide range of people. And only many years later, in 1747, the German chemist Markgraf managed to obtain solid beet sugar. He announced this discovery during one of his regular speeches, but his work remained without due attention.

Only in 1786 his work was continued by the Frenchman Charles Achard. The main task of his agricultural experiments, carried out on a small estate near Berlin, was to find the best optimal solution for Three decades later, the results of his research were presented to the Prussian king. And in 1802, the first factory for the production of this product opened.


It should be noted that beet sugar is nothing more than ordinary sucrose. When hitting human body it instantly breaks down into glucose and fructose. Subsequently, these substances are absorbed into the blood and delivered to each cell, providing them with energy.

Thanks to high speed breakdown into individual components, sugar is an easily digestible carbohydrate. Energy value One hundred grams of product is 390 kilocalories.

Beneficial features

Those who do not know what color unrefined beet sugar is will be interested in the fact that this product is practically not consumed as food. First, it goes through a purification stage, which results in what we see on the shelves of our stores. refers to carbohydrates, which are valuable nutritional components that saturate our body with vital energy. Sucrose, which rapidly breaks down into digestive tract into two components, enters the bloodstream and spreads to all organs and tissues.

Glucose provides the bulk of energy costs. In addition, it supports liver barrier functions. Therefore, it is often recommended to be administered intravenously for poisoning and some other health problems. In addition, beet sugar is successfully used in medicine. It is used for the production of syrups, which are the basis for the production of liquid medicines.

Harm to the product

Sugar contains a large number of empty calories, which could be obtained from other sources. Unlike this sweet sand, other products contain vitamins and microelements.

We should not forget that beet sugar, consumed unjustifiably large quantities, has a bad effect on the condition of the teeth. This is explained by the fact that in oral cavity There are many bacteria living in humans, under the influence of which this product turns into acids that destroy enamel and contribute to the occurrence of caries.

Production technology

Let us immediately note that unrefined beet sugar is made from the corresponding agricultural crop. The raw materials for its production are perishable products Therefore, processing plants are built in close proximity to plantations. The manufacturing technology consists of several stages. It includes extraction, purification, evaporation and crystallization.

Pre-washed beets are cut into small chips and sent to the diffuser. It extracts sugar from plant matter using hot water. The result of this process is a juice consisting of 15% sucrose. The remaining waste can be used to feed farm animals. Subsequently, the diffusion juice is fed into the saturator. There it combines with milk of lime. This is necessary to separate heavy impurities that settle to the bottom. Then the heated solution is treated with carbon dioxide and filtered. The result is so-called purified juice, which contains 50-65% sugar.

The resulting liquid is subjected to crystallization, which takes place in a huge vacuum tank. The result of this process is a massecuite. It is molasses mixed with sucrose crystals. To separate these components, the substance is subjected to centrifugation. Sugar obtained in this way does not require additional refining. It is completely suitable for subsequent use.

The remaining molasses is sent for evaporation, which produces less pure crystals, which are then dissolved and refined.

Nowadays you can find any kind of sugar in the store. And instant, and candy, and one that can only be eaten with tea. Both white and brown... By the way, you can’t cook porridge with brown. It's very expensive. But coffee or tea is a different matter. The aroma of brown sugar promises to complement the taste of any drink...

Which sugar is sweeter, healthier and how much can you eat?
Why is brown so expensive?
There are lovers who have tried half a dozen varieties of brown sugar. This one, from Sweden, highlights the taste of coffee well. And the one from England is absolutely perfect. Or vice versa. Personally, I tried three varieties. I didn't notice any difference. Maybe, a real gourmet must have very sensitive taste buds... or an overly tight wallet. Brown sugar is not produced in Russia. It is imported from Sweden and England. Sugar cane does not grow there either, but there are production facilities for processing raw sugar. This long transcontinental journey - from a cane plantation in Brazil to a Russian counter - explains only partly the high prices for brown sugar. main reason, according to manufacturers, is an expensive production. And small production volumes. Sugar cane is processed freshly cut, within 24 hours, which allows natural microelements and even vitamins to be preserved in the sugar. The manufacturer writes on the boxes: “Organic brown sugar.” And it hits every lover of a healthy lifestyle not in the eyebrow, but in the eye. Still, fashion is what actually dictates the high price. Fashionable goods are always sold and bought at a higher price.

Is unrefined healthier than refined?
In fact, people have been eating brown sugar since ancient times. The darker the sugar, the more organic impurities from the plant sap it contains. The whiter it is, the more thoroughly the sugar is purified. It's like with vegetable oil. About 20 years ago, everyone firmly believed in the benefits of refined oil. It's actually healthier to fry on it - it doesn't smoke in a frying pan, it doesn't poison carcinogens, there's no smell. But today unrefined oil is in fashion. Only in it are the most valuable biologically preserved active substances. Same with sugar. 150 years ago, the Dutch ambassador begged the Russian emperor to reduce duties on brown sugar imported from the Dutch colonies, since the Russians did not want to buy such sugar, and even at exorbitant prices. But they willingly took white granulated sugar, imported from Cuba. White sugar is the sweetest, purest! - was out of competition. Today, brown cane sugar from the Dutch colonies would sell with a bang. Brown means not cleared of the so-called black molasses. Yesterday black molasses was considered a waste sugar production and went to produce rum. Today we realized that black molasses is incredibly useful because it contains a lot of microelements: potassium, calcium, iron... Such a paradox. They have been killing for centuries to achieve the whiteness of sugar. But it turned out that it was not the horse’s food. A refined product is always less healthy than one that is closer to nature, more natural. What's the use of beet sugar?
Against the background of foreign brown, ours white sugar, derived from beets, seems to be the poor relation. However, it also has considerable advantages. Firstly, it also contains microelements, but it’s just not customary for us to state this on the label. There are not as many of them as in cane sugar, but they are still there. Secondly, beet sugar production also contains black molasses in its waste. It was traditionally used in the production of alcohol and for animal feed - as a valuable nutrient. Still would! After all, in beet juice in addition to sugar, it contains pectins, proteins, useful organic acids - oxalic, malic, citric, as well as potassium, sodium, magnesium, cesium, iron... However, beet sugar producers are somewhat behind the times. More precisely, from fashion. Remember yellow sugar sand was often sold in Soviet era? If the factories could not cope with the production of first-class white sand - at 84 kopecks per kilogram, second-class yellow sand - at 78 kopecks per kilogram went on sale. Today that yellow sugar would be much more expensive - as a rich source of organic substances.
How much sugar should you eat?
The body needs sugar for normal metabolism. It provides living cells with energy. A hundred years ago, the British were the champions in eating sugar - 40 kg per capita per year. A resident of Russia at that time ate only 5 kilograms, and an Italian even less - 2.7 kg. Since then, sugar consumption in the world has been steadily increasing. And today the World Health Organization considers the norm for sugar consumption - harmless to health - to be 38 kg per year per person. Russian nutritionists recommend 30-35 kg. True, the strictest advocates of organic nutrition are healthier than ever! - they insist on a minimum: 2 kg of pure refined sugar per year - and no more. Radicals believe that this is quite enough for normal brain function. It’s better not to argue with radicals, but decide for yourself how much of what to eat.
How to replace sugar?

Ever since humanity became interested in the fight against obesity and artificial sugar substitutes were included in food, the debate about whether they are harmful to health or not has not stopped. This also applies to aspartame, the most common artificial sweetener today. It is declared safe in most countries food additive, however, scientists are far from final clarity. Supporters and opponents, with varying degrees of success, produce arguments “for” (there is no caries from aspartame!) and “against” (through chemical synthesis healthy organic product impossible to obtain!). Meanwhile, it is becoming increasingly difficult to avoid aspartame: juices, sweet carbonated drinks, pastilles, yoghurts, chewing gum- Manufacturers add aspartame everywhere. In the food industry, xylitol is also used instead of sugar. The presence of artificial substitutes in the product can be recognized by the buyer by the attractive warning: “Made without sugar.”
...By the way, if we talk about how to replace sugar, don’t forget about honey. This natural sweetener is more diverse and valuable in composition - glucose, fructose, organic and mineral substances.

Natural cane sugar is included in the list of dietary sources of carbohydrates. It has been obtained from sugarcane since ancient times in India, from where it has spread throughout to the globe thanks to merchants and conquerors. In Russia, the benefits and harms of cane sugar for a long time have not been studied. Now it is gaining more and more popularity among adherents proper nutrition. It is believed that it has much more beneficial properties and brings much more less harm than its beet counterpart.

What is the difference between cane sugar and regular sugar?

Unlike beetroot, cane contains 20 times more potassium, 10 times more iron and as much as 85 times more calcium. Also contains necessary for the body magnesium, which is not present at all in beets, and the amount of copper is almost the same as in oysters!

Cane sugar contains B vitamins, which improve metabolism and ensure the normal functioning of the entire body.

The difference is noticeable even in culinary terms. Cane sugar has the taste and color of caramel, which true gourmets appreciate. Dishes acquire a refined and delicate caramel flavor and aroma. They especially highlight the taste of drinks and sauces.

The brown color is due to the presence of molasses (black molasses), which is the source useful microelements and even proteins. The darker the color, the more molasses it contains and the more beneficial the properties. In this regard, black cane sugar is especially popular.

Both varieties have almost the same energy value (about 400 kcal), however, the beet variety is inferior to the cane variety, which supplies unique substances that are beneficial. The latter, among other things, refers to slow carbohydrates and does not cause significant harm: gain weight or get an overdose of glucose in in this case impossible.

Which sugar is sweeter: cane or beet sugar?

It is believed that cane sugar is sweeter than beet sugar. However, according to GOST, any sweetener produced in factories consists almost entirely of sucrose, which determines the degree of sweetness.

Apart from the differences in the content of useful components, the composition of both options is the same. The only difference is the area of ​​their contact with taste buds. Cane sweetener crystals are larger in size, which makes it taste sweeter when you put it in your mouth. But if you dissolve it in tea or coffee, the degree of sweetness will be the same as regular one.

Types of cane sugar

In order to choose cane sugar, you need to know the manufacturing process and the differences between the varieties of this source of carbohydrates.

Based on the manufacturing principle, they are distinguished:

  1. Refined (white), that is, it has undergone a refining procedure: turning into syrup, filtration, evaporation and drying.
  2. Unrefined(brown), that is, practically not subjected to cleaning. This is the type that is most often eaten, because the benefits of unrefined cane sugar are explained by high content molasses.

Types of Brown Sugar:

  • Muscovado sugar: has a distinct caramel aroma, honey color and slightly moist, sticky medium-sized crystals, native to South America and Mauritius.
  • Demerara sugar: has hard and sticky crystals of golden shades, grows in South America and is called the Demerara River, as it began to come to the world market from this area.
  • H black reed(Soft molasses sugar): contains a large amount of molasses and is very different dark color, has the softest, stickiest crystals and the richest cane flavor and aroma.
  • Turbinado sugar: Turbinado sugar: turbine or centrifuge processed with water and steam to remove impurities and contaminants, has dry, large crystals ranging from honey to brown in color and comes primarily from Hawaii.
  • Gur: special kind, which came from India, is condensed sugar cane juice, which is squeezed out very slowly and retains its beneficial properties; in color and consistency it is similar to soft sherbet.

Composition and calorie content of cane sugar

This type of sugar is an excellent calorifier that will not cause special harm figure. It contains a significant proportion of microelements and vitamins valuable properties. In terms of the content of calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and zinc, it surpasses all similar products, so its benefits cannot be overestimated. For example, in Western countries, dark sugar is used by vegetarians as a source of iron and magnesium.

Energy value:

  • proteins ≈ 0.70 g;
  • fats – 0 g;
  • carbohydrates ≈ 96 g.

Cane sugar contains slightly fewer calories than regular sugar. The calorie content of one hundred grams is 377–398 kcal.

Benefits of Brown Cane Sugar

Dark cane sweetener supplies carbohydrates that are necessary for the synthesis of special hormones, without which most biological processes cannot proceed normally. In addition to carbohydrates, it supplies the body with B vitamins and a lot of important microelements that bring great benefit for good health. In total it contains about two hundred useful substances, thanks to the properties of which:

  • the brain and nervous system function better;
  • blood pressure is normalized;
  • bones and joints are strengthened;
  • metabolism improves and is regulated;
  • strength and energy appear;
  • toxins are removed from tissues;
  • digestion improves;
  • the work of the liver and spleen is stimulated;
  • the functioning of the cardiovascular system is stabilized.

Among other things, cane sugar can also be consumed in moderation when losing weight, as its constituents useful components are transformed into energy without turning into fatty compounds. Thus, it can be included in the menu of any diet and sports nutrition. Another plus: it does not cause allergic reactions, so cane sugar definitely won’t harm even children. But if the child has any diseases, you must first consult a doctor.

Is there any benefit to refined cane sugar?

Many people believe that refined sugar is produced using chemicals, but this is not true. The process uses only water and special raw materials.

In terms of calorie content and sucrose content, refined and unrefined cane sugar practically do not differ from each other (maximum by 10 kcal). The main difference is only in the content of useful elements, which are much less in the refined version due to processing. However, a small part of them remains.

Important! It is better not to consume cane products that come from Southeast Asia and have not undergone the refining process, since in these countries they control pests with the help of special poisons, which then remain in the product.

Features of sugar consumption

If you completely stop eating sweets, blood circulation will be impaired, and with it normal operation most body systems. This means that sugar must be in the diet. It is only important to choose the right type of cane sweetener and follow the dosage.

Daily consumption rate

An adequate dosage per day is approximately 45 grams. In this case, no diet will be disrupted. You can consume up to six tablespoons of this substance per day, so you don’t have to give up sweets.

Is it possible to have cane sugar for diabetes?

In mild stages of diabetes it is allowed to consume a small amount of sweets prescribed by a doctor. In general, this amounts to about 5% of your daily carbohydrate intake. It is necessary to be careful about the volume consumed and take into account the composition when dosing drugs that lower blood sugar levels. At the same time, you can include only high-quality varieties in your diet and be able to distinguish them from harmful counterfeits.

For type 1 and type 2 diabetes, it is better to avoid consuming this product, since the glycemic index of cane sugar is quite high and amounts to 55 units. This increases glucose levels and the proportion of carbohydrates in the body. In such cases, it is better to give preference to sweeteners.

Cane sugar for pancreatitis

If inflammatory processes occur in the digestive organs, you should be careful about consuming any sweets and monitor the dosage in moderation. For pancreatitis, doctors recommend adding just one teaspoon of cane sugar to drinks, but it is better to avoid the treat altogether during the illness.

Cane sugar during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy it is recommended to replace regular sugar cane, as it contains elements necessary for mother and child and is well absorbed. In addition, it can improve lactation and the taste of milk, help cope with insomnia and promote rapid recovery after childbirth and the production of the happiness hormone. However, the calorie content here is no lower than usual, which means you should reduce your consumption to three spoons a day, because pregnant and lactating women are prone to obesity.

Cane sugar scrub for beautiful skin

Brown sugar - the best option for preparing scrubs. It has a delicate effect on the skin surface, and the pleasant caramel aroma can relax.

Scrubs with the addition of this component have a lot of useful properties.

  1. Normalizes skin fat metabolism.
  2. Eliminates peeling.
  3. Moisturize.
  4. Cleanses pores.
  5. Fight cellulite.
  6. Rejuvenate and smooth.
  7. Removes toxins.
  8. Evens out complexion.
  9. Dead cells are removed.
  10. Used for massage.
  11. Gives shine.
  12. Suitable for use before shaving to prevent ingrown hairs.
  13. Makes the skin more soft.
  14. Absorb excess fat.
  15. Maintains the natural balance of the skin.

In addition to the described component, the scrub consists of a base (honey, oil, cream) and a couple of drops essential oil(optional), which give the product additional beneficial properties.

Cane Sugar Scrub Recipes

  1. Mix 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 tbsp. l. vanilla extract and vitamin E, 2 tsp. natural honey and 2 tbsp. l. cane sweetener.
  2. Mix 2 tbsp. l. white and brown sugar, 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt, 1/3 cup baby oil.
  3. Mix cane sugar and honey in a 1:1 ratio, add a little lemon juice.

Advice! Before applying the scrub, you should steam your skin. Then massage it with the resulting product for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water and apply cream.

How to distinguish real cane sugar from fake

Counterfeits are increasingly appearing in stores. Manufacturers add caramel to regular refined sugar to turn it brown and sell it at the price of natural cane sugar.

It is important to learn to recognize a fake. To do this, you need to take into account several nuances:

  • The packaging should be marked “unrefined.”
  • Manufacturers of this product can only be the USA, Mauritius and South American countries.
  • Because of different sizes crystals, this substance cannot be in the form of perfectly smooth sand or cubes.

Ways to recognize a quality product:

  • Drop a little iodine into sweetened water. If the liquid turns blue, then the product being tested is real.
  • Dissolve sugar in water. If it turns brownish, then it is a fake.

Harm of cane sugar and contraindications

In some cases, cane sugar can be not only beneficial, but also harmful to health. This is due to the fairly high calorie content. If you consume sweets in large quantities, the risk of diseases such as diabetes, cancer and atherosclerosis increases, as well as diseases of the pancreas, which cannot process as much. In addition, sweets cause tooth decay.

Advice! For those with a sweet tooth who can't resist it good taste, it is recommended to eat fruits and dried fruits, quality honey And natural juice reed


The benefits and harms of cane sugar are determined by its composition and beneficial properties. It is characterized by a high content of useful elements. It is no coincidence that all over the world cane sugar is considered an elite ecological pure product. But if used uncontrolled, like any other sweetener, it can cause serious harm to health, especially if it is counterfeit. It is important to learn to monitor the dosage or use natural substitutes.

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As an alternative to the usual white refined sugar from beets, other options are increasingly being offered: unrefined, caramel, cane product. Nutritionists continue to insist on the dangers of “sweet poison”, and food industry quickly switches to advertising various analogues aimed at replacing regular refined sugar.

Cane sugar and regular sugar - what's the difference?

Sucrose is a carbohydrate, an essential nutrient that serves as a source of energy, so necessary for brain activity. White color and a product obtained not only from beets, but also from cane plants. The brown color is due to the purification process without the recrystallization method (refining of raw materials) used in the processing of sugar beets. This is the first difference between cane sugar and regular beet sugar, but, in essence, they are the same.

What is brown sugar? During the technological purification of sucrose from cane plants, molasses is released - black molasses. The result is the same granulated sugar, but with a slightly lower calorie content and a different composition of microelements. The body does not feel any special differences from the consumed sugar product, whether it is white or brown. The suggestion that molasses contains more vitamins and minerals than molasses is still being studied.

Real cane sugar

To produce this type of food sucrose, the noble sugar cane plant (Saccharum officinarum or Saccharum spontaneum) is cultivated. Real cane sugar on our shelves should be exclusively imported: the region where cane grows is Australia, India, Brazil, Cuba. Product packaging must contain information about the place where the plant grows and packaging. The color of sugar varies from light to dark brown and depends on the region of cultivation and the concentration of molasses: the more molasses, the darker the shade.

Main types of brown sugar product:

  • muscovado;
  • turbinado;
  • Demerara.

Muscovado sugar

Muscovado sugar (it can also be called Barbados sugar) is obtained by first boiling the juice; it contains 10% molasses. Muscovado crystals are dark, sticky to the touch, and have a strong caramel scent. When they are added, baked goods acquire a special honey color, the aroma of molasses and do not go stale for a long time. Muscovado is also suitable for adding to coffee.

Sugar Turbinado

Turbinado sugar is partially refined, processed with water steam (turbine), which is why it got its name. This is a high-quality bioproduct: no chemical elements are used for its production. Turbinado sugar crystals are dry, crumbly, golden to brown in color depending on the processing time, used for sweetening tea and coffee drinks, cocktails, for preparing salads, sauces.

Demerara Cane Sugar

This type is more often found in stores, made by the Mistral company from raw materials from the tropical island of Mauritius. These are brown-golden solid large crystals. Demerara cane sugar is ideal for tea, coffee, and cocktails. It caramelizes perfectly, revealing a rich taste and pleasant aroma in the process. This type of cane sugar does not dissolve well in dough, but will look great as a sprinkle on baked goods.

Cane sugar - calories

“Sweet poison” consists of 88% sucrose. The calorie content of cane sugar and refined sugar is not fundamentally different: 377 kcal versus 387 kcal per 100 g. This calorie content is 18% of daily value consumption based on the use of 2000 kcal/day. The energy value in the proportions of BZHU: 0% proteins / 0% fats / 103% carbohydrates, that is, it contains a lot of carbohydrates and calories - it will not help you lose weight!

Cane sugar - benefits

You can get a lot from sucrose necessary for health elements. What is the difference between brown sugar and regular white sugar? First of all, the benefits of cane sugar are due to the presence of B vitamins necessary for metabolic processes. In the West, it is used by vegetarians to compensate for iron deficiency: it contains a lot of magnesium and iron, while refined sugar contains no magnesium at all, and several times less iron. Raw sugar product saves useful elements molasses: sodium, calcium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, and useful:

  • for those who are recommended to have a “sweet diet” for liver problems;
  • to regulate pressure;
  • to normalize fat metabolism;
  • to accelerate protein metabolism;
  • to remove toxins from the body;
  • For nervous system;
  • for diabetics: there is no particular difference in using it instead of refined sugar for diabetes; you need to monitor the dose and kilocalories.

How to check cane sugar for authenticity

The characteristic brown color, which can range from dark brown to golden, does not guarantee authenticity. The shade depends on the concentration of molasses and the location of the plant. But molasses itself is used as a dye for refined products, so it is important to be able to distinguish a fake so as not to buy refined beetroot colored with caramel. You can check the authenticity of cane sugar like this:

  • dilute the syrup and add a drop of iodine; the resulting blue tint indicates a reaction to the starch contained in natural product;
  • put a sugar stick in warm water; if the water changes color, you bought an imitation.

Cane sugar - benefits and harms
