Salad for instant weight loss “Brush. “Brush” salad is a great way to lose weight

Who among us has not encountered a situation where we need to reduce our waist size quickly and guaranteed! For example, after a holiday, when the day before, showing weakness, we allowed ourselves extra goodies. The evening dress, which was loose three months ago, now treacherously turned her figure into a caterpillar. And on the weekend at a party you need to be irresistible.

And then panic begins. What to do? Where to run? What diet will help? And the solution is very simple. As strange as it may sound, to lose weight you need to eat. A salad with the amazing name “Brush” will help out. It is she who will “sweep out” everything unnecessary from our gastrointestinal tract, reducing its size before our eyes.

“Brush” salad – what is it?

Faced with the need to follow a diet, many force themselves to eat something that is tasteless and unloved. And the “Brush” is not only a lifesaver for fast weight loss, it is still tasty and beautiful.

Agree, it’s not only the benefits of food, but also its taste and appearance are of no small importance:

  1. firstly, this is a salad made exclusively from fresh vegetables or fruits;
  2. secondly, it is easy to prepare;
  3. thirdly, it is tasty and attractively colorful;
  4. fourthly, you can eat it as much as you want, but its peculiarity is that the stomach fills quickly, but the truth is released even faster;
  5. fifthly, there are several recipes, thanks to which a salad can be both a main dish and a dessert.

Agree, it’s rare when dietary dish combines useful and pleasant qualities.

How does Brush salad work?

As you know, our gastrointestinal tract can store excess poorly digested food weighing up to 2 kg for quite a long time. That is why after heavy feasts it seems that the stomach is swollen. The way it is. To get rid of this ball as quickly as possible, you need to carry out a thorough cleaning.

The “Brush” will successfully cope with this task. Its coarse vegetable (or fruit) fiber penetrates into every nook and cranny of the intestine, removing retained food. As a result, the waist size is significantly reduced. That's why this method of losing weight is also called a flat stomach.

“Brush” salad is prepared from low-calorie vegetables, which have many useful substances:

Summing up, we can safely say that successfully selected salad ingredients have a beneficial effect on the body, stimulating metabolism and providing the necessary nutrients.

Colon cleansing with Brush salad

  • According to nutritionists, a certain amount of energy is spent on digesting foods. The “Brush” salad includes vegetables that are said to be “minus calories.” To process them, the gastrointestinal tract spends much more calories than are contained in the products themselves.
  • So it turns out, to extract from such food nutrients , our body needs to work hard. And this is wonderful, because as a result of such work, metabolism is activated and, as a result, weight is normalized.
  • Fans of salad recommend using it to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract briefly for 2-3 days. Due to the fact that the dish does not stay in the body for a long time, you have to visit the toilet often. This causes some inconvenience. Therefore, you can often hear advice to postpone colon cleansing for the weekend.
  • But if this problem doesn't bother you, you can apply a seven-day diet, which includes boiled chicken or veal, as well as low-fat kefir. The choice depends on how the body reacts to unusual food.

Classic salad recipe "Brush"


  • White cabbage – 200 g;
  • Carrots – 100 g;
  • Beetroot – 100 g
  • Olive oil – 1 tablespoon
  • Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon.

This recipe uses minimum ratios to show that there is 2x as much cabbage as carrots or beets. IN in this case The salad yields approximately 400 g, which is enough for 2 meals. If you need more “Brushes”, it is worth remembering that the 2:1:1 proportion should be maintained at any weight.

If you don’t have culinary scales at home, it’s better to buy vegetables for the salad separately; the receipt indicates not only the cost of the loose goods, but also its weight.

Cooking method:

  1. chop white cabbage into strips, the thinner the better;
  2. mash with salt, so the juice appears faster;
  3. grate carrots and beets;
  4. add olive oil and lemon juice.

Advice: Don't pour it vegetable fat“by eye”, you can easily overdo it with the number of calories.

Lovers of this salad were so carried away by this healthy idea that they invented “Fruit Brushes”, here is the recipe for one of them:

  • grapefruit without peel and membranes, weighing about 350 g - 1 pc.;
  • pomegranate seeds – 0.5 cups;
  • prunes – 0.5 cups;
  • dried apricots – 0.5 cups.

The grapefruit pulp is divided into small pieces, you can do it with your hands. The juice is squeezed out of the pomegranate, but if the seeds don’t bother you, they are edible and healthy; whole grains are added to the salad. Prunes and dried apricots are pre-soaked for half an hour, squeezed out and cut into pieces of the required size.

No additional refueling is needed. The “sauce” will be pomegranate and grapefruit juices.

Salad “Brush” according to the recipe of Elena Malysheva

Our beloved doctor advises to exclude any vegetable oil and salt from their recipe, and take all vegetables in equal proportions.

For example, cabbage - 500 g, carrots - 500 g, beets - 500 g. This makes 1.5 kg of salad, which must be divided into eight parts and eaten throughout the day at regular intervals. The intervals between meals are supplemented with water; you need to drink 2 liters of it. On those days when such a diet is planned, it is better to wake up early so that the first breakfast is no later than 8 am, and the last dinner is at 19:00.

Calorie content of salad

In total, it turned out to be almost 216 kcal, but if this amount of salad is divided into 2 meals, then one serving will contain 108 kcal.

  • Recipe by Elena Malysheva:
    • 500 g of cabbage – 135 kcal;
    • 500 g of carrots – 155 kcal;
    • 500 g of beets – 200 kcal. Total – 490 kcal.

Dividing into 8 servings, we determine the calorie content of one meal - approximately 61 kcal.

How much should you eat Brush salad?

The duration of salad consumption is exclusively individual approach. It’s worth starting with two days. If during this time the body does not feel any sharp discomfort, and the result is not long in coming, then the diet can be continued, but no more than seven days.

It’s good to alternate the “Brush” with a protein diet:

  1. During the first day you need to eat 1 kg of unsalted boiled chicken fillet. It can be replaced with the same amount lean fish or 0.5 - 0.7 kg of lean beef.
  2. On the second day there is only the “Brush” salad.

And so they alternate for 7 days. If the diet is tolerated normally, you can extend it for another week and then take a break.

Results of use

Those who liked the “Brush” salad note on the very first day that the intestines are cleansed quite quickly. If such pressure is not terrible, then after 2-3 days it will take from one and a half to two kilograms. There is an opinion that you can lose up to 10 kg in a week on this diet.

But don’t get carried away by those who have weak intestines and a tendency to diarrhea. This “hard” salad, like any mono-diet, can have negative consequences.

Considering that the calorie content of “Brush” does not satisfy daily requirement body, nutritionists advise using this dish as a replacement for only one meal.

No matter how rich the salad is in nutrients, it does not contain all the necessary elements. That is why it should not be eaten for too long, even if it gives amazing results.

Photos before and after

The effectiveness of the “Brush” salad can be seen in these photographs by comparing the girls BEFORE and AFTER.

Diet menu "Brush"

A good diet that lasts for a fairly short period of time. The diet is quite boring, but quite acceptable. At good health You can definitely try this method.

As already mentioned, the main item on the table is the brush salad. There is nothing difficult about its preparation. Ingredients include cabbage, beets and carrots. All this is taken raw and in equal quantities, grated or cut, and then mixed. There will be no need to use greens as a seasoning. You can also add flavor using olive oil and lemon juice. You can add a little salt, or you can use 2-3 tablespoons of non-carbonated water for this purpose. mineral water. However, before eating raw beets, check for yourself personally, since without heat treatment this product has quite broad contraindications.

Don't worry prematurely: in addition to this salad, there will be some other food in your diet. The advantage of this diet is that you can choose one of several variations that is most suitable for you.

Let's consider one of the options, which is the most satisfying and optimal. So, every day you should have five meals, each of which begins with a “brush”, and the last of them, except salad, contains nothing else.

On the first day of the diet, you can add bread and lean fish, in the second - light soup vegetables, a couple of eggs and citrus. The third day, as a rule, is much more difficult: in addition to the salad, it contains only apples, in an amount of no more than 0.5 kg. But the fourth day more than compensates for everything, “allowing” 500 g of boiled chicken with bread and any of the selected fruits. The fifth day repeats the first, and on the sixth you can add 0.3 kg of veal to the salad, having a snack of citrus. The last day of the diet is by no means the most difficult: you can add a portion to the “brush” oatmeal, boiled in water, and also eat 0.5 liters of yogurt and a slice of bread.

Diet effectiveness

The effectiveness of this method is easily explained: the number of calories received is very small, despite the absence of restrictions on the volume of salad consumed. There are practically no easily digestible carbohydrates in this diet, but the body will receive the necessary full functioning microelements. With the inclusion of the “brush” in your diet, you will feel the need to go to the toilet more often - the body will “sweep” all unnecessary things out of itself.

However, one should not rejoice over this fact, because in this way the intestines are also excreted. useful material. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to add active exercises in the gym to your diet in order to get away from the constant need for dietary salad.

Side effects and contraindications

The “Brush” salad diet is not suitable for those who suffer from intolerance to the effects of vegetables, which are the basic components of the salad, as well as an increased likelihood of diarrhea syndrome. In addition, staying on a diet is often accompanied by bloating. In this case, try a little trick by replacing some of the cabbage with bell pepper.

Many people complain of general weakness and decreased level of performance. If the same thing happens to you, you should look for a more gentle diet. But even if such a diet is excellent for you, there is no need to abuse it. It will be more useful to take a break for 2-3 weeks, and then spend a week on the “brush” again.

This diet can be described as quite radical, and resorting to its help will be productive if you need to quickly lose weight.

This salad is called “Brush” for a reason; this is its direct purpose - to cleanse the body, like with a brush. After all, cabbage and celery, which are the basis of the salad, contain a lot of coarse fiber, that is, fiber, the effect of which on the gastrointestinal tract is irreplaceable. Such salads not only enrich the diet with vitamins and minerals, but also remove unnecessary and harmful toxins and wastes. In addition, salad brush is very tasty and appetizing!

Salad recipe

Classic recipe


  • White cabbage200 grams
  • Beet - 150 grams
  • Carrot - 150 grams
  • Celery - 150 grams
  • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon
  • Vegetable oil2 tablespoons

Shred fresh cabbage. Raw carrots and the beets need to be grated - not only a special Korean-style carrot grater is suitable for this, but also a simple one (with large holes). Now everything needs to be mixed. Refueling our vegetable salad lemon juice and vegetable oil. Stir and you can eat immediately.

Green salad “Brush”


  • White cabbage – 100 g
  • Canned peas - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Fresh cucumber - 1/4 pcs.
  • Celery stalks - 2 pcs.
  • Apple - 1/2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 0.25 pinch
  • Oil olive extra Virgin - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1/4 tbsp. l.
  • Soy sauce - 1/2 tbsp. l.

Cut the celery into thin strips. Chop the cabbage thinly and grind, adding a little salt and sugar. Mix vegetables in a salad bowl. Peel the apple and cut into thin strips; do the same with the cucumber. Add everything to the salad bowl. Refuel soy sauce, vinegar and oil. Add green pea. Mix.

Review: Healthy, effective and tasty, I lost 1.5 kg in a day

taste, effect, cleanses the body, suitable for fasting days.


The salad is good taste qualities and according to the result. There is no headache, the ingredients are very useful, there is a lot of fiber, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Side effects in the form of rumbling, no diarrhea either. The body is cleansed quite effectively and unnoticed. The salad is delicious even on the 2nd day.

The salad is great for a fasting day, or as a dinner replacement. Light, filling. If you eat only this salad + kefir and water all day, then the result will follow. excellent day on the scales (-1 or 1.5 kg).

Review: Fasting diet “Brush” - Not complicated and effective, lost 2 kg


accessibility, efficiency


Fasting diet"Brush" is one of my favorites. First of all, I love apples. Secondly, there are beets. Eating beets is not very “interesting” on its own, without anything, but in combination with other vegetables it opens up much brighter. The third component is carrots. I love her for beneficial features and taste.

The effectiveness of the “Brush” fasting diet is beyond praise. The laxative effect is very strong. If you eat every evening instead of dinner, then two kilograms a week will disappear!

My personal feelings are like this. When eaten, eating salad is tasty and enjoyable. Usually, after eating vegetables during a fasting diet, you feel full for a long time. In winter, this salad helps me after heavy lunches. Especially if the occasion is to set the table. That's when I make myself a salad for dinner. It brings me benefit and pleasure. I highly recommend it as effective remedy to cleanse the body and lose weight.

Review: Fasting diet “Brush” - cleansing the intestines, lost a little more than 1 kg in a day

Cleanses the body well.

I really want to eat.

So, when my tummy starts to bulge, I feel like I’ve overeaten or just need to lose a kilogram or two of weight, I resort to a diet that I read about on the Internet. The diet is called "Brush". What's good about her? When using it, you can easily get rid of your tummy, cleanse your intestines of harmful toxins and wastes, and gain beautiful colour faces.
I found several recipes for making salads, but I chose the most convenient one for myself:
— Carrots and beets (do not cook), half a kilo each, grated on a coarse grater;
- cabbage, about half a small head of cabbage, finely chopped;
— I season it all with 50 grams of water, into which I drop lemon juice, everything to taste.
You can also add parsley, onion and dill. But I don't add it.
I mix all the ingredients, put them in the refrigerator for half an hour, take them out and pour in either olive oil or linseed oil, no more than a tablespoon. I stir again. That's all that came out - this is my food for the day. At this time I only drink water, especially since it is very clean, I bought a Zepter water purifier.
My work colleagues use the same diet, on my recommendation. Many people “sit” on it for two days, I can stand it for one. At the end of the day, you don’t want to look at this salad, you want a piece of meat and something tasty with a lot of cholesterol. I “lose” a little more than a kilogram per day; there are colleagues who “lose” up to two kilograms.
It’s best to start the next day with something light, like porridge. You feel lightness in your body; if your tummy is not big, it shrinks in. This happens due to the fact that lettuce, like a brush, cleanses the intestinal walls and removes everything unnecessary. In addition, I noticed that after this diet, a slight blush appears on my cheeks. You can make this salad on fasting days, once a week. I recommend!

This snack, beloved by many, is also called “Broom”. There are several contenders for its authorship. Some think that the dish was invented a century ago by American raw foodists and naturopaths, while others attribute the merits to alternative medicine activist Paul Bragg, who promoted a healthy lifestyle.

Herbert Shelton, who developed the system, also has something to do with the dish. separate power supply. It is also rumored that “Broom” was invented by the Swiss doctor Maximilian Bircher-Benner, who is a pioneer of research in the field dietary nutrition. The salad has become so popular that today it is included in various weight loss methods. Its benefits were also appreciated by “teledoctor” from Russia Elena Malysheva.

The benefits of "Metelka"

Salad is budget dish. It is characteristic of him low calorie content, which can be 30-100 kcal. The benefit is that the vegetables and fruits included are rich in fiber. What is the mechanism of action? It’s not for nothing that the dish got its name, since raw vegetables “sweep and clean out” accumulated waste and toxins. The process of fat deposition stops. The microflora is being updated. In addition, the body receives vitamins and microelements. Using “Brush” salad to cleanse the intestines, in the fight against overweight, you can observe the following results:

  • strengthens the immune system- the tendency to colds and seasonal ARVI decreases;
  • digestion returns to normal - the intestines begin to work correctly, constipation and bloating are eliminated;
  • metabolism is normalized - the risk of diabetes and tumors is reduced;
  • the condition of the skin improves - as well as nails, hair, tooth enamel, swelling is eliminated;
  • weight loss - while the body receives the necessary energy boost, which helps fight chronic fatigue.

Fasting days on "Metelka" are useful - the body does not experience hunger and stress.

“Brush” salad recipe for weight loss: 6 options

Dish options a large number of, the choice of a specific recipe is made taking into account taste preferences. The main thing is to use fresh vegetables or fruits. The salad should be without mayonnaise and other high-calorie dressings. Also a minimum of salt and no seasonings.

With cabbage

Description. The recipe for “Brush” salad with beets, cabbage and carrots does not involve the use of any artificial flavor enhancers or flavorings. The products in the dish are raw and not subjected to heat treatment. If one of them is contraindicated for use, then we replace it with another simple and accessible ingredient.


  • white cabbage - 200 g;
  • 150 g each of beets and carrots;
  • lemon juice - 15-20 ml;
  • two tablespoons of vegetable oil.


  1. Shred the cabbage with a knife or special device for cutting vegetables. We knead it with our hands so that it releases the juice.
  2. Three carrots and beets on a grater. We take a large one, you can use a Korean carrot grater.
  3. Mix the vegetables and add seasonings to the mixture.

With celery

Description. Instead of cucumbers, zucchini is added, instead of celery - spinach or other greens. You can make Brush Salad with celery when following a low-carb diet.


  • celery stalks - 500 g;
  • cucumbers - 500 g;
  • lemon juice - 150 ml;
  • olive oil - 20-30 ml.


  1. Coarsely grate the celery (discard excess fiber) and cucumbers.
  2. Mix with citrus juice and olive oil.

If you take celery recipe salad "Brush" with apple, it is better to use not the stem, but the root of the plant. You can add beets to the dish. Apples of any variety, but preferably sweet and sour. Fruits are not peeled. Some “adherents” of the methods healthy eating It is advised to grate even beets with their skins, after washing them first.

With prunes and dried apricots

Description. Having decided to make the “Brush” salad with prunes and dried apricots, we use not only dried plums and apricots. Fresh or dried cranberries, pomegranate seeds, and raisins are suitable here. The dish is recommended to be consumed at any time except dinner. If the appetizer is not included in the diet menu, then it is prepared with mayonnaise. By the way, this recipe for “Shetka” salad is also not complete without cabbage.


  • one beet;
  • one carrot;
  • cabbage - 300 g;
  • dried apricots - 50 g;
  • prunes - 50 g
  • one teaspoon of lemon juice.


  1. Soak for half an hour in warm water dried fruits. If they are large, then cut them into strips or slices.
  2. Shred the cabbage and mash it with your hands to release the juice.
  3. Large three remaining vegetables.

With citruses

Description. The dish is perfect for those with a sweet tooth. The fruit mix works on the same principle as vegetable option. You can use it as a dessert. Fruit mixture can be sprayed olive oil. Not recommended for those who are allergic to citrus fruits.


  • one orange;
  • one grapefruit;
  • three tangerines;
  • lemon juice for dressing.


  1. We clean citrus fruits from peels, films, seeds, and veins.
  2. Grind the pulp into cubes and small slices.
  3. Mix the products and season with lemon juice.

With bran

Description. Bran has adsorbing ability. But they remove not only “nasties” from the body, but also useful elements. Therefore in diet menu they are combined with fruits rich in vitamins and microelements. Also this step by step recipe“Pastelka” salad involves the use of linden, buckwheat, and flower honey.


  • one sweet and sour apple;
  • one orange;
  • two kiwis;
  • one tablespoon of bran;
  • low-fat yogurt (kefir) - 80-100 ml;
  • a little honey.


  1. Grind the apple on a coarse grater, chop the remaining components at your discretion.
  2. Pour in bran fermented milk product for a few minutes until they are softened.
  3. We combine products, refuel a small amount honey

With Chiken

Description. The dish will be appreciated by those who want to get rid of extra pounds, but cannot imagine their life without meat. It is also suitable for those who are drying out. But in this case, the appetizer is prepared without spices and oil.


  • one beet;
  • one carrot;
  • cabbage - 350 g;
  • chicken meat - 300 g;
  • two teaspoons of lemon juice;
  • one tablespoon of olive oil;
  • minimum spices.


  1. Cut the boiled meat into strips or slices.
  2. Coarsely chop the vegetables.
  3. Mix the ingredients, season with oil and lemon juice.

WITH chicken fillet Dried apricots, celery or spinach, and apple go well. As a refill for salad mixture will do refined oil and vinegar.

How to eat correctly

The presence of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet is welcomed by nutritionists. But there must be moderation. Otherwise, the “miracle salad” will not bring benefit, but harm to the digestive system.

Fasting day

On a fasting day, only “Brush” is eaten. The salad is divided into several servings - from two to eight. There should be no more than two such days per week. Experts do not recommend unloading the stomach for two days in a row. You can start and end your work week on “Metelka”, and the rest of the time stick to a balanced, low-calorie diet.

On fasting days you need to drink a lot - at least 2 liters of liquid. It can be herbal teas, dried fruit compote, but without sugar. Coffee, carbonated drinks, and alcohol are contraindicated.


There are diets, including the version of Elena Malysheva, “Kremlevskaya”, paleo. The diet is developed both for 7 days and for just a couple of days. It all depends on what result you want to get.

If there are no obvious problems with excess weight, but you just want to tidy yourself up a little, then we prepare a salad once a day. This is how we adjust our diet and normalize our work. gastrointestinal tract. The approach is effective if you eat the dish for dinner.

You can keep the diet on the “Metelka” for a maximum of ten days. In one of the options, the diet is supplemented low-fat yogurt or kefir, a small amount of boiled or steamed meat and fish. The carbohydrate-protein program is popular. What is its essence? Alternate carbohydrate and protein days. In the first, only “Brush” salad is used, in the second, protein-rich foods.

It's better not to get carried away with cabbage. It promotes increased gas formation.


When following a diet, you should be careful about your health. The dish should not become the main diet of those who receive a lot of physical activity and are actively involved in sports. If the liver and kidneys are being cleansed, then before unloading on the “Metelka” it is necessary to check these organs. Beets and fruits are contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes mellitus. "Broom" has other contraindications for use:

  • exacerbation of diseases of the digestive tract;
  • chronic intestinal disorders;
  • gallbladder disease;
  • renal failure;
  • taking medications.

Pregnant women should definitely consult a specialist. It is also undesirable to introduce salad into the diet when breastfeeding. The baby may develop problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and colic may worsen.

How to prepare the “Brush” salad for those who are not planning to lose weight, but simply love it plant foods? In this case, we increase nutritional value using walnuts, we add piquancy with black or green radish, chili pepper, and seaweed.

Reviews: “Not very tasty, but it helps for your figure and health”

I have heard more than once about this salad as one that quickly helps bring your weight back to normal and replenish the supply of vitamins in the body. I lost a lot of weight on this salad. To say that it’s tasty is not very good))) Just the main thing is that it’s healthy! I also added a little lemon juice and pepper, then the salad became tastier. It normalizes digestion very well. So it turns out two in one - both great for weight loss and helpful for health.


We have one every other day. In winter there is generally a queue: carrots, beets, cabbage, radishes and then all sorts of combinations came. I don't see anything special in this salad. For a brighter effect, I can recommend a mono version made from beets with the addition of ginger. This is a brush!))

MomNumNyamka, https://www. baby. ru/blogs/post/361059319-160000123/

One of best dishes for weight loss, many people call the salad “Brush” (“Broom”). The dish not only helps you lose weight, but also cleanses the intestines. Depending on the ingredients, salad recipes may vary.

Salad “Brush”: “sweeping” the intestines and losing weight

Invented famous salad Paul Bragg or Herbert Shelton: today the author of this dish is unknown for certain. The recipe appeared at the beginning of the 20th century and immediately gained incredible popularity among people with intestinal problems and those who wanted to lose weight. The secret of the miracle salad is simple: it is prepared only from raw fruits and vegetables. No heat treatment! As a result, fiber cleanses the intestines like a brush (or sweeps like a broom). Toxins, waste, and remnants of undigested food fly away from our body, as if by magic.


  • Relieves the face and body from swelling.
  • Renews intestinal microflora.
  • Fights constipation.
  • Helps cure some intestinal diseases.
  • Makes skin color more attractive.
  • Strengthens and heals hair.
  • It lifts your mood and adds energy.

The main thing for our intestines is healthy microflora. By eating boiled or fried food, we saturate our body with decay products, which begin to rot and decompose in the intestines. Hence a lot of diseases. The “Brush” salad removes all this “evil spirits” from the gastrointestinal tract and resumes the “registration” of our natural microflora in it.

For those who want to lose weight, this dish is a must. It has very few calories (there are about 100 in 300 grams of salad). But it is replete with coarse fiber. You can eat it no more than 5 days in a row, then you need to take a break for three weeks. But in just these 5 days you can get rid of the extra two kilograms. It is especially pleasant that these kilograms disappear from the abdominal area - the most problematic area for losing weight. If you combine a salad with training on a treadmill or exercise bike, for example, you can lose weight quickly and with health benefits.

Doctors on the benefits of salad

Nutritionists say that the Panicle salad, like any other vegetable diet, in the absence of contraindications, carries enormous benefits. It is prepared from ground products, so it is absorbed by the body quickly and completely. Moreover, it cleanses the intestines, the slagging of which is often the cause various diseases. The only thing doctors warn about is not to eat such a salad every day. Especially it concerns raw cabbage, which can cause bloating. Experts also advise drinking up to 1.5 liters of water on the day when you “sit on the Brush”. This method not only allows you to lose weight, but also improve the health of your entire body.

Before starting such a “brush” diet, doctors recommend undergoing an examination of the whole body and consulting a nutritionist.


  • peptic ulcers;
  • diabetes;
  • predisposition to bloating;
  • pathological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • use of antibiotics;
  • stones in any organs.

Recipes for making “Pastelka” salad for weight loss (with photos)

Recipe No. 1


  • grapefruit - 2 medium;
  • prunes - 0.5 cups;
  • freshly squeezed pomegranate juice - 100 ml;
  • dried apricots - 0.5 cups.

Cooking method:

Soak dried fruits for an hour, rinse, cut into thin strips. Tear the grapefruit into small slices with your hands and add to the chopped dried fruits. Pour pomegranate juice over the prepared fruits and stir. Eat immediately after preparation. It is not advisable to store the brush, because with every minute the useful elements “evaporate” from it.

Recipe No. 2


  • pumpkin;
  • carrot;
  • grapefruit;
  • pear;
  • cabbage;
  • beet;
  • lemon;
  • olive oil.

Vegetables and fruits are taken in approximately equal proportions. You need a little olive oil, just to drizzle the salad.

Cooking method:

Grate beets, pumpkin, carrots and cabbage onto a coarse grater. Finely chop the pear and tear the grapefruit into small slices with your hands. This fruit is not cut with a knife, but is torn by hand because when it comes into contact with metal, it loses its beneficial properties. Next, we sprinkle everything that we have grated and chopped with freshly squeezed lemon juice and olive oil. All that remains is to mix and eat.

Recipe No. 3


  • apples - 0.6 kg;
  • celery root - 200 g;
  • beets - 0.5 kg;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 1 l. Art.

Cooking method:

Grate celery, apples and beets onto a coarse grater. Sprinkle with olive oil, lemon juice, stir. Salad ready!

Recipes for this amazing dish about ten. But the most important and unchangeable rule for its preparation is to use exclusively raw vegetables and fruits. At your discretion and desire, you can add any greens, fruits, vegetables or berries to the salad. For example, if you add amaranth leaves, they will remove radionuclides from the body, and parsley leaves will make your skin velvety and clean. Great ingredient Oranges, tangerines or kiwis are also suitable for salad.

However, despite all the advantages of our miracle salad, we should not forget about the pitfalls.

Side effects

If you go on a diet that is based only on this salad, you risk slowing down your body's metabolism. The fact is that human body does not like a monotonous, monotonous menu. Besides coarse fiber, which “Melka” abounds in, acts quite aggressively on the intestinal walls. Such a limited diet is also harmful to the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract if it lasts more than 5 days and if there have been problems with these organs before. Nutritionists also recommend supplementing the fruit and vegetable diet with cereals, chicken broths, boiled chicken, drink a lot of different juices, compotes and just clean water.
