Oven-baked pumpkin: the best recipes. How to deliciously bake a pumpkin in the oven with honey, sugar, nuts, apples, cheese, cream, onions, meat, in a pot, foil, whole, pieces, slices: recipes. Preparing for baking. Pumpkin baked in the oven

Greetings, friends! 😀

Autumn is in full swing 🍁🍂, which means now is the time to cook pumpkin dishes! Pumpkin is an incredibly beautiful, tasty, and, most importantly, healthy vegetable that will decorate your table even in the most inclement season.

The only question is: how to bake pumpkin correctly? 🎃

When you bake pumpkin, the most the main thing is to lubricate it with vegetable or olive oil .

This needs to be done for two reasons:

  1. to ensure that the pumpkin remains juicy and does not dry out in the oven;
  2. in order to activate the beta-carotene present in pumpkin. This important element for health dissolves only in fat and without it it will simply leave your body without being absorbed. It is very important to remember this when you make pumpkin low-fat dishes or, for example, . Sometimes not a large number of fat is very good for us! 🙂

1) Ingredients for the salty version:

  • 1 medium sized pumpkin
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive or vegetable oil + spices (see below)
  • salt and black pepper to taste

Spice ideas:

  • ground cumin and black pepper;
  • chili pepper and garlic;
  • Provençal herbs (basil, oregano, rosemary) and garlic.

To cook salted flavored oil, take a small saucer or bowl. Add 2 tbsp there. l. olive or vegetable oil and spices. Mix well. Using a pastry brush, brush the flavored oil onto all sides of the sliced ​​squash.

2) Ingredients for the sweet version:

  • 1 medium sized pumpkin
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive or vegetable oil
  • ground nutmeg, ground cinnamon and a pinch of ground cloves;
  • 2 tbsp. l. maple syrup or honey (you can use any sweet syrup)

To cook sweet aroma oil, take a small saucer or bowl. Add 2 tbsp there. l. olive or vegetable oil, spices and syrup/honey. Mix well. Using a pastry brush, apply oil to all sides of the sliced ​​squash.

How to cook?

  1. First of all, okay wash the pumpkin.
  2. Preheat oven to 200°C degrees.
  3. Using a sharp knife, cut off the stem of the pumpkin. Then cut the pumpkin into two parts top down.
  4. Remove pumpkin seeds. It is better not to throw away the seeds. They can be dried, fried in a frying pan and added to pureed soups, snacks, muesli, or eaten just like that. They are very tasty and extremely healthy!
  5. Cut each half of the pumpkin further into 4 parts. Place the pumpkin wedges, skin side down, on a baking tray lined with baking paper.
  6. Spread each slice aromatic oil (see ideas above).
  7. Bake in the oven about 30 minutes or until the squash is tender when pierced with a fork.
  8. Remove the pumpkin from the oven and let cool. Peel the pumpkin wedges.
  9. Serve as is or use the pulp as desired.

Compatriots today consider pumpkin practically national dish. In fact, this amazing vegetable came to Russia from Mexico. Pumpkin has been known for about 5,000 years. It is used to prepare the most different dishes, the benefits of which cannot be disputed. Baked pumpkin is especially popular. It is usually prepared in the oven. At least this cooking method is considered one of the best.

In order to properly organize the use of such a dish, it is necessary to analyze in detail its benefits and possible harm. The qualities present in the product are largely determined by the specifics of cooking. But, if the food initially does not contain useful components, it will not have any effect on health. This means that we need to consider the composition of the pumpkin. Among the most important components present in the product are the following:

  • a varied set of vitamins: A, B, E, T;
  • microelements important for the body: potassium, phosphorus, calcium and others;
  • dietary fiber and pectin, which are especially good at eliminating toxins from the body.

But, naturally, you should not eat pumpkin raw. The preparation option determines how healthy the product will be. Baking in the oven - excellent way pumpkin processing. The point is that it allows you to save useful components, present in the composition. At the same time, after baking, pumpkin is much better absorbed.

If you take into account these qualities of baked pumpkin, you can name many reasons why it must be present in the diet.

Benefits of pumpkin

As previously stated, useful qualities pumpkins are determined, among other things, by the cooking option. When baked, the pumpkin retains its positive characteristics and even acquires some new ones. Baked pumpkin is good for health for the following reasons.

  1. Strengthens blood vessels and heart. This is achieved due to the presence of potassium in its composition. 250 grams of pumpkin per day is enough to minimize the negative effects of hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.
  2. Kidney cleansing and Bladder. Even in folk medicine indicates that pumpkin can be not only preventive, but also medicine from kidney stones, cystitis, pyelonephritis.
  3. Relieves negative feelings associated with diabetes. At the same time, it strengthens blood vessels.
  4. Has a positive effect on nervous system. As a result, falling asleep is normalized, the functioning of the central nervous system becomes more stable.
  5. Gentle processing when baking in the oven gives this product the function of a hepatoprotector. Therefore, the dish becomes an excellent way to restore liver health.
  6. Another useful property is associated with external use. If you mash the cooked pumpkin, the resulting pulp can be applied to your feet. This action allows you to relieve fatigue and get rid of pain after a long walk.

The beneficial qualities present in this dish are very diverse. But can it cause harm? This also needs to be sorted out.

Pumpkin damage

People who do not suffer from serious illnesses and consume baked pumpkin in reasonable quantities do not need to worry. Such a dish cannot negatively affect the condition of the body. But in special cases There is still a risk of unpleasant consequences. Potential Harm similar delicacy boils down to the following.

  1. Increased blood sugar levels. If you overuse pumpkin or eat it daily in large quantities, you can inadvertently increase your sugar level. For healthy people It's not too scary. But, if we are talking about a person who is sick diabetes mellitus, the consequences may not be any better.
  2. Roasting pumpkin can put a serious strain on your digestive system. It even has a not very pronounced, but still noticeable laxative effect. Therefore, people suffering from intestinal disorders should be especially careful when consuming the dish.
  3. Like any other product with a rich composition, pumpkin can cause allergic reaction. It should be introduced more carefully into the diet of people with a tendency to allergies.

If you eat pumpkin correctly, you will be able to improve your health and protect yourself from potential harm, which the product has. This means that the dish can be called a real natural doctor.

Recipes with pumpkin in the oven.

Autumn is the time when you need to drink tea, pick onions and “orange watermelons” in the field. Many people are accustomed to calling pumpkins “orange watermelons.” The useful product can become the basis of desserts, soups, hearty second dishes. Today you will learn how to bake pumpkin by adding a variety of ingredients to it.

How to deliciously bake pumpkin with honey in the oven: recipe

The general principle of preparation is quite simple: cut the pumpkin into pieces, add additional ingredients, and bake. But while baking pumpkin may seem simple to you, the cooking process still requires studying the following points, which professional chefs shared with us:

  • Do you want to bake the pumpkin without adding additional ingredients? Then add water to the baking sheet so that the pumpkin does not become dry.
  • Try to choose only sweet squash, such as butternut squash.
  • Use a ceramic baking dish to bake the pumpkin and place it in a cool place before cooking.
  • Cook thin slices at 180°C. If the slices are thicker, then the temperature should be 190 °C.

Before the holidays, be it New Year or Christmas, many housewives begin to think about what to prepare for ceremonial table. Trying to find something unusual and tasty, they take an ordinary pumpkin, since it makes the most best dishes. Prepare the recipe we offer you too.

You will have to take the right amount:

  • Pumpkin pulp – 600 g
  • Cinnamon – 2 tsp.
  • Vanilla sugar – 2 tsp.
  • Flower honey – 2 tbsp.


  • Salt the pumpkin pieces and place them on a baking sheet. Bake for 20 minutes
  • Prepare spicy composition. Mix vanilla, honey, cinnamon. Rub the mixture over all the pieces
  • Bake the pumpkin again for 20 minutes

How to deliciously bake pumpkin with sugar in the oven: recipe

Pumpkin with the addition of granulated sugar is a tasty and healthy dish for the body. You can replace breakfast or a full afternoon snack with this dish. And the dish is prepared using different methods. The interesting thing is that you will have to take the most common components that are found in every home.

  • Pumpkin – 600 g
  • Granulated sugar – 100 g
  • Lemon – 1 pc.


  • Clean the pumpkin first. Cut into pieces. Sprinkle granulated sugar. Cut the lemon into small slices. Add to pumpkin.
  • Mix the ingredients. Place on a baking sheet, cover with a lid, and place in the oven for 30 minutes.
  • Then remove the lid and mix the ingredients again. Bake for another 15 minutes. Do not cover with a lid.
  • Pumpkin baked using this method will remind you of marmalade.

How to deliciously bake butternut squash in the oven?

As a rule, all children have a sweet tooth. But there are also adults who do not refuse sweets. And if these sweets are still healthy, then they will become desired and loved on every table. Next dish refers to such sweets. Prepare too this dish, taking the required amount:

  • Pumpkins – 500 g
  • Walnuts – 100 g
  • Honey – 2 tbsp.
  • Granulated sugar
  • Vanillas


  • Wash the pumpkin, peel it, cut it into small pieces. Place in prepared pan, sprinkle with sugar and vanilla.
  • Pour some water into a baking tray. Place in the oven for 40 minutes. Bake until the pumpkin is soft.
  • Roast the nuts. Grind.
  • Take the pumpkin out, place it on a large plate, pour honey over it, and finally sprinkle with chopped nuts.

Serve warm or cool. It will still be very tasty.

How to deliciously bake pumpkin with apples in the oven?

Are you planning to bake pumpkin for the first time? Do you want to get in shape, but don’t know which pumpkin recipe to choose? Give preference to the next dish. Moreover, not only you, but also your children will like it. Take:

  • Pumpkin pulp – 500 g
  • Apples – 4 pcs.
  • Filtered water – 1/2 tbsp
  • Lemon – 1/2
  • Sugar


  • Peel apples and pumpkin. Cut ingredients into small pieces
  • Squeeze the juice from a lemon and sprinkle it over the apples. You can sprinkle the pumpkin to make it softer
  • Place the pumpkin on a baking sheet and spread it evenly over the surface. Place apples on the pumpkin
  • Boil the syrup. Mix sugar and water in a bowl. Boil, boil the syrup a little. Sugar must dissolve
  • Pour the syrup into the pan. Bake the dish for approximately 30 minutes

How to deliciously bake pumpkin with cheese in the oven?

The original recipe is always popular and loved by housewives. Especially when the dish is easy to prepare. Try baking pumpkin by adding cheese. Take the required amount:

  • Pumpkins – 800 g
  • Hard cheese – 120 g
  • Pine nuts – 60 g
  • Seasonings


  • Cut the pumpkin into pieces, remove seeds and fibers
  • Grate the cheese. It must be firm
  • Sprinkle seasonings over pumpkin. Place it on a baking sheet
  • Bake for 25 minutes
  • Take out the pumpkin. Sprinkle cheese and nuts on top
  • Bake for another 20 minutes

How to deliciously bake pumpkin with cream in the oven?

Previously, we all baked pumpkin only with sugar or honey. But today cooking has become so diverse that it allows you to choose a dish for any holiday, even pumpkin. You can prepare the following dish for breakfast or treat your family for dinner. For baking take:

  • Pumpkin – 500 g
  • Butter – 25 g
  • Cream – 1 tbsp
  • Granulated sugar – 1 tsp
  • Vanilla sugar


  • Clean the pumpkin. Remove peel, seeds
  • Cut the pumpkin into slices, sprinkle with granulated sugar and vanilla
  • Set aside for a while to allow the product to soak in
  • Place the pumpkin more tightly in oiled pots
  • Fill the pots with cream; it should cover the pumpkin.
  • Place the dish with its contents in the oven. Bake 60 minutes
  • When the pumpkin is baked, remove the pots to cool.

How to deliciously bake pumpkin with onions in the oven?

Baked pumpkin - delicious and healthy food. It’s not for nothing that our grandmothers made the most delicious pumpkin variety of dishes: they put pumpkin in pies, in pies, cooked it with vegetables... But the most delicious pumpkin it turns out if you cook it as an independent dish.

Pumpkin baked with onions – excellent dish. You can prepare it for lunch, when guests arrive, or just to treat yourself to something tasty on a boring Saturday evening.

To prepare, take:

  • Pumpkin pulp – 600 g
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Mustard – 2 tbsp
  • Seasonings


  • Cut the pumpkin into slices and boil for 7 minutes. in salted water over low heat.
  • Drain the pumpkin.
  • Cut the onion into rings and fry a little.
  • Grease a baking sheet with oil, place the pumpkin, then the fried onion, spread mustard on top.
  • Bake for 25 minutes.

How to deliciously bake pumpkin with meat in the oven?

To prepare, take the ripest pumpkin weighing 2 kg, no more. Choose a pumpkin that is stable so it doesn't wobble in the mold. Rinse the vegetable, cut off the top “lid”. Remove the pulp and seeds. After that, stuff it.

Place the meat raw, but it is advisable to fry it or marinate it in advance. Cereals, mushrooms, cheese or other vegetables are perfect for meat. Season the minced meat with spices and add sauce at your discretion. Fill the pumpkin, cover with a lid, and bake.

Now let's look at one of the options for baking pumpkin with minced meat. The dish turns out very aromatic and juicy. If your meat is fatty, then use it as a sauce low-fat will do sour cream. If the meat is lean, it is better to use 20% sour cream.

For baking take:

  • pumpkin
  • Meat – 750 g
  • Onion – 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream – 250 ml
  • Seasonings


  • Wash the meat, cut into pieces, put in a frying pan and simmer
  • Chop the onion, add it to the meat, fry for 2 minutes
  • Add sour cream and season. Add some greens
  • Wash the pumpkin, prepare it and fill it with meat filling
  • Cover with a lid and bake for about 90 minutes.

How to deliciously bake pumpkin in a pot in the oven?

Ceramic dishes are ideal for this dish. Plus take ripe pumpkin and cream. If you want, add nuts or dried fruits. So, you need to take the following amount of products:

  • Pumpkin pulp – 500 g
  • Cream – 500 ml
  • Raisins – 120 g
  • Butter – 50 g
  • Granulated sugar – 25 g
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 sachet


  • Prepare the ingredients
  • Remove the skin from the pumpkin and clean the inside. Cut the pulp into small slices
  • Add sugar and vanilla to pumpkin
  • Add raisins. Mix everything and set aside for a while
  • Grease the pots
  • Place pumpkin mixture in them
  • Pour in the cream. They should not completely cover the pumpkin cubes.
  • Cover the pots and bake for 60 minutes.

How to deliciously bake a pumpkin in foil in the oven?

The essence of this preparation thing is desired temperature is supported exactly where the filling itself is located. In addition, during cooking the pumpkin will release a lot of juice, and the foil will hold it so that it does not spread. This way your pumpkin will be juicy and you won’t need to wash the mold.

To prepare, take:

  • Pumpkin weighing 2 kg – 1 piece
  • Pear – 5 pcs.
  • Raisins – 60 g
  • Honey – 3 tbsp.


  • Prepare the pumpkin. Cut off the top and remove the insides. Coat the inner walls with honey
  • Peel the pears and cut into slices. Rinse the raisins. Place the ingredients into the pumpkin
  • Wrap in foil and shape into a bowl. Cover the pumpkin
  • Bake the pumpkin for 140 minutes
  • Top with sweet sauce

How to deliciously bake a whole pumpkin in the oven?

We have already described to you recipes for baking whole pumpkin. We offer you one more good recipe. Prepare it on Saturday evening, invite your family and friends, spend your weekend evening with your loved ones. And for cooking you should take the required number of these products:

  • A small pumpkin
  • Cream – 500 ml
  • Cheese – 400 g
  • Nutmeg
  • butter
  • Seasonings


  • Wash the pumpkin and dry it. Remove the top and insides. Cut the pumpkin pulp into slices
  • Grate the cheese. Add cream
  • Add seasonings and nutmeg
  • Add oil. Cover the pumpkin with a lid
  • Bake for about 90 minutes until the flesh is soft

How to deliciously bake pumpkin with pieces and slices in the oven?

One of the most delicious combinationsspicy garlic And tender pumpkin. Serve this baked dish on its own or as a side dish for meat. You just have to take:

  • Pumpkin – 1 medium size
  • Olive oil
  • Garlic – 2 cloves


  • Preheat the oven
  • Now prepare the pumpkin: wash it, cut it in half. Remove the core, cut the vegetable into slices or pieces
  • Place the pumpkin in the mold. Place peeled garlic cloves on top
  • Bake for approximately 20 minutes. Then turn the pumpkin over. Bake for another 20 minutes

Bon appetit!

Video: Pumpkin baked with honey and nuts

Now is the perfect season to cook pumpkin. You can cook any dish with pumpkin. You can’t even imagine how many delicious things you can cook from pumpkin. There are no limits to your imagination here. You can prepare a second course, dessert and even soup. Very delicious jam, porridge and of course juice. How much useful properties has this vegetable. Pumpkin is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements.

The pumpkin “came out” from Southern Mexico. It first appeared in Russia in the 16th century, even earlier than potatoes. In Europe a little later, in the 19th century. It contains B vitamins, vitamin C, ascorbic acid, and a large amount of antioxidants. Pumpkin is low in calories, the pectin content is higher than in apples. A very large amount of potassium, and for expectant mothers and nursing mothers it is simply irreplaceable. So you need to eat pumpkin, especially since now is the time. Let's look at a few recipes for cooking pumpkin in the oven.

When I came to visit my grandmother during the autumn holidays, she always treated me to steamed pumpkin. It would seem that there is nothing tastier than a sweet, fragrant, yellow pumpkin like autumn leaves. And now I will be happy to cook pumpkin. Only it won’t be exactly like my grandmother’s, but very similar. After all, she had a Russian stove, and for me it will be replaced by an ordinary oven.


  • Pumpkin
  • Sugar
  • Vegetable oil

All this minimum set what products we will need. But I assure you this is more than enough for the final dish to be stunning. Now you can see this for yourself.

As you can see, I cleaned the pumpkin and removed the seeds. It is easy to remove the peel with a knife, and the seeds with a regular spoon.

Cut into pieces of approximately 3-4 cm side. Don’t be afraid if the pieces are not even, it won’t affect the taste in any way.

Grease the baking container with vegetable oil.

Lay out the pumpkin pieces and sprinkle sugar on top.

Sprinkle the sugar evenly so that each piece is saturated with a delicious sweet taste.

Before putting the pumpkin to bake, you need to preheat the oven to 180 degrees. The approximate baking time is 40 minutes, you should feel it yourself. When done, it will be a beautiful caramel color.

I can't wait to try our pumpkin. 40 minutes lasted as if 2 hours had passed. And this is what we got.

Fragrant, tasty and sweet pumpkin ready. Let's check again for readiness. Take a fork or knife and pierce a piece, it should be soft.

Notice we got delicious dish one of the most simple products, but imagine what else can be prepared from this ingredient.

Bon appetit.

Pumpkin with meat in the oven

And pumpkin with meat is just a fairy tale. I had never eaten such a dish before, but somehow this recipe caught my eye. I decided to experiment. It's simple a real delicacy, pumpkin gives meat original taste. And the delicate texture of the pumpkin is very pleasant to the taste. Try it, you will like it. And with this recipe you will pleasantly surprise your loved ones. What you will need for the recipe:

  • Pumpkin - medium
  • Meat - 350 gr.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Bell pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Bay leaf
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

This is not a very simple recipe for cooking pumpkin in the oven, and you don’t need 2 or 3 ingredients. But you will not only be satisfied with the result, but you will also want to repeat it.

For the recipe, you need to take a pumpkin that is not quite large, so that it fits in the oven. Try to choose a flat, round shape.

Now you need to free it from the insides. Do this in any way convenient for you. Personally, I do this. I retreat 2 cm from the edge of the wall and cut around the circumference with a knife. Next I scrape everything out with a knife. You should be able to do it just like me.

We've made the baking pot, let's start preparing the vegetables.

All vegetables need to be cut into slices. Focus on a size of approximately 1-1.5 cm on the side, and 2-2.5 cm on the meat side. There shouldn't be any problems with this. Which meat to choose, decide for yourself, take your favorite. I cook with pork neck.

Now heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and first fry the meat until half cooked. Then add the rest of the vegetables.

In order not to waste time while the meat is frying, I will fry the vegetables in a separate frying pan. I send onions and carrots first. Fry until golden color and add bell pepper, tomato and garlic.

Garlic can be squeezed through a garlic press, or chopped finely or not very finely. I add whole cloves. Here, as you like more, you can even increase the amount of garlic.

When all the products are semi-prepared, you can combine them into one frying pan. And now you can add salt and pepper to taste and add bay leaf.

Stir and wait another 2 minutes.

Now the most interesting and beautiful part of this recipe is that we will stuff the pumpkin with meat and vegetable filling.

To prevent the pumpkin from burning on the outside when baking in the oven, grease the walls with vegetable oil.

If you are using lean meat, you can pour a little water inside the pumpkin, so there will be more juice and the taste will become brighter.

That's it, cover with a cap and put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 1 hour 20 minutes.

You can monitor the readiness of the dish by looking at the outer wall of the pumpkin. When it becomes soft, the dish is ready.

Look how beautiful it is, how many colors it is, and what a aroma it costs. I am sure this recipe will become your favorite and you will cook it more than once.

Pumpkin with honey in the oven

This pumpkin recipe is perfect for dessert. It is very difficult to surprise our children. Nowadays, stores sell so many “not very healthy” delicacies that it’s simply dizzying. This recipe is not only healthy, but also very tasty. The most important thing here is to find suitable variety. You need a pumpkin that tastes sweet. This recipe will appeal not only to you, but also to your children.


  • Pumpkin – 500 grams
  • Honey - 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Cinnamon

This recipe involves baking the pumpkin in the oven, so while we are preparing the food, turn on the oven and let it heat up to 180 degrees.

In the meantime, we'll take care of the pumpkin. Let's cut it into portions.

Grease the pan where we will bake the pumpkin. a small amount vegetable oil.

Place our pumpkin pieces into it and mix with 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.

The oven is preheated to 180 degrees, set to bake for 20 minutes.

During this time, grate the orange zest on a fine grater. We only need the orange part!!! If for some reason you don’t like orange, then feel free to replace it with lemon.

And squeeze the juice from one orange.

After 20 minutes, remove the pumpkin from the oven, sprinkle it with zest, cinnamon, honey and pour over orange juice. Mix well so that each piece is soaked.

If your honey is not liquid, then hold the container with honey in hot water, it will melt and it will be convenient for you to pour it over the pumpkin pieces.

Place back in the oven for 20 minutes.

Delicious sweet dessert ready!

Arrange according to beautiful shapes and treat your friends. And if you leave the pieces for a day, then the very next day you will have delicious slices of marmalade.

Whole pumpkin baked in the oven

After harvesting and preparing for the winter, I was left with small pumpkin fruits. They can be used as a pot. Only this pot can be eaten. Today I will invite friends to visit. I hope to pleasantly surprise them.

For the filling, you can take whatever your heart desires. You can practically use everything you have in the refrigerator, meat, cereals, fruits, you can’t even list everything. So for every taste, even the most sophisticated, you can come up with an amazing lunch, dinner or dessert for tea. Today I will use apple and nuts.


  • Pumpkin
  • Apple - 2 pcs.
  • Nuts
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Barberry
  • Cinnamon - 1 tsp.
  • Cloves 2-3 pcs.
  • Cream - 250 ml.

Choose a pumpkin that is round in shape and, since we will be baking it whole, small in size. Carefully cut off the cap and remove the insides with a regular tablespoon.

Cut the apples into small pieces and put them in deep container, where we will mix all the ingredients. For the recipe, choose sour varieties of apples.

To the apples add cinnamon, sugar, barberry, cloves and a lot walnuts. Walnuts can be replaced with your favorite ones. Mix well.

Fill the pumpkin with filling. Insert a sprig of cinnamon into the middle.

Close with a cap and place in a preheated oven (200 degrees) for 40 minutes. But the time may increase if, for example, you have a large pumpkin. So be guided by the surface of the pumpkin; as soon as it becomes soft, the pumpkin is ready.

Done, pumpkin stuffed with apples and you can already eat the spices.

But we won't stop there. Place all the contents, including part of the pumpkin wall, into a blender. Add cream and beat until smooth.

It is very important not to damage the pumpkin pot when you remove the contents!!!

We pour all our pumpkin cocktail back into the pumpkin. And now you can definitely eat it with a spoon, a fork, apple slices, etc.

Agree this is amazing!!! What kind of eyes will your guests have when you serve it this way? Introduced? I do. So try it, there is nothing complicated here, you will definitely succeed.

How to deliciously cook pumpkin in the oven with chicken

I would like to offer you one more very interesting recipe. If you haven’t tried it yet, be sure to cook chicken with pumpkin baked in the oven. We're in the midst of pumpkin season and chicken isn't that hard to find, so this recipe won't take much time or effort to prepare. Pumpkin pulp, soaked fragrant chicken and aromatic spices will not leave you indifferent. If you try this dish at least once according to this recipe, it will take the first lines in your cookbook.


  • Chicken - 1 kg.
  • Pumpkin - 1 kg.
  • Garlic – 5 cloves
  • Mustard - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Butter - 50 gr.
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt, black ground pepper
  • Greenery

First, let's marinate the chicken, or rather chicken thighs and shins. But you can use any part of the chicken.

To do this, just salt, pepper and coat them with mustard. Leave it at room temperature for 30 minutes.

Cut the pumpkin into medium-sized cubes, place in a baking dish, add salt and pepper and sprinkle with vegetable oil.

Place in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 20 minutes.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the chicken on both sides until golden crust.

After 20 minutes, transfer the chicken to the pumpkin. Sprinkle chopped garlic on top and pour a little water on the bottom. Place back in the oven for another 20 minutes. This time will be enough for complete cooking.

That's it, you can take it out and eat it.

Pumpkin with rice and dried fruits in the oven

Even if you haven't eaten pumpkin before, try this amazing dish, you will not remain indifferent to it. This dish can confidently be called dietary dish for all household members. This dish is prepared very often in Armenia. It's perfect for breakfast. For those who are watching their figure or fasting this recipe will fit just right.


  • Pumpkin
  • Rice - 200 gr.
  • Prunes - 100 gr.
  • Dried apricots - 100 gr.
  • Raisins - 100 gr.
  • Walnuts
  • Honey - 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Butter
  • Cinnamon

We start by washing the pumpkin well and removing all the insides.

Pour boiling water over the dried fruits and let them soak. Five minutes will be enough. Next, you will need to chop them with a knife.

Wash the rice and boil in salted water until half cooked. You can use any round or long grain rice.

In a separate container, mix chopped dried fruits, nuts, cinnamon and honey. Let's mix.

We also grease the inner walls of the pumpkin with honey.

Now we stuff the pumpkin in layers: dried fruit filling, a piece of butter, rice, and so on to the top. You can have 4 or 5 layers, depending on the volume of the pumpkin.

It remains to bake in the oven (180 degrees) for about 1 hour.

We cut the pumpkin into portions, like a cake, and eat it with the filling. Believe me, it's very tasty!

Oven-dried pumpkin with sugar

If you want to prepare a tasty and healthy dish for the winter, then this recipe is for you. Of all in various ways preparations, this allows you to reduce all the vitamins and microelements of this delicious and healthy vegetable. In winter, dried pumpkin pieces can be eaten as a sweet dessert, and can also be used for cooking various dishes. IN winter period it is very important to take vitamins, dried pumpkin to help you.


  • Pumpkin
  • Sugar

Let me tell you right away that you will need deep dishes. You need to place medium pieces of pumpkin in it. Add 1 glass of sugar and mix. Leave at room temperature overnight, we need the pumpkin to give juice.

We continue cooking the next day.

Pour 350 ml into the pan. water and add 1 cup of sugar. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. All the sugar needs to dissolve.

Place the pumpkin pieces along with the juice into a baking container.

Preheat the oven to 85 degrees.

The syrup has boiled, the sugar has dissolved, pour it over the pumpkin. Place in the oven for 10 minutes. Next, take out and drain the syrup through a colander, and place the pumpkin on a separate baking sheet. We put it back in the oven, but for 60 minutes.

About 3 hours passed and my pumpkin withered. You can eat it now, but I’ll keep it for a couple more days at room temperature.

Be sure to try this delicious delicacy.

Recipe for pumpkin casserole with cottage cheese

In order to diversify your diet, you don't need a lot of imagination. I want to pamper my loved ones with very tasty and very healthy dish. A banal casserole will turn into cooking masterpiece, if you add pumpkin to it. Such healthy ingredients like cottage cheese and pumpkin in one casserole - it’s just a miracle. The casserole turns out tender and airy. You can eat it for breakfast or dinner. Even after it cools down, its taste will not be lost.


  • Pumpkin - 350 gr.
  • Cottage cheese – 500 gr
  • Milk - 100 ml.
  • Semolina - 3 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Egg - 3 pcs.
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp.
  • Cinnamon - 1 tsp.

The first thing you need to do is rub it on fine grater pumpkin

Mix with a blender until smooth.

Add a teaspoon of cinnamon to the grated pumpkin. Next, add 1/2 volume of the curd mixture and mix thoroughly.

Take a baking dish and grease it with butter. To pumpkin casserole It was not just tasty, but also beautiful, we will alternate layers. Try to make the top of the casserole even!!!

Now the longest time remains))). Place in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 50 minutes. Well, be patient, it's worth the wait.

A delicious dessert is ready. The result was a cake, but not the usual one that we are used to eating, but a pumpkin one.

Pumpkin or "Orange Watermelon" is a vegetable that causes mixed reactions. They either love and eat pumpkin with pleasure in all its forms, or they can’t stand it at all. There is also a third category of citizens who understand that pumpkin is terribly healthy (which, in general, is true!), and eat it solely because of its usefulness. For pumpkin haters and those who are honestly trying to love it, we have selected several different recipes for baked pumpkin, ranging from salads to... delicious desserts. Baked pumpkin is the best way to cook pumpkin.

Greek style baked pumpkin salad

300 g pumpkin pulp,
80 g olives,
80 g feta cheese,
3 tbsp. chopped oregano leaves,
olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Cut the pumpkin into cubes, place in a single layer on a baking sheet, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with black pepper. Bake in an oven preheated to 180ºC for 30 minutes. Cut the olives into slices, the cheese into cubes, combine all the ingredients and season balsamic vinegar and salt.

Baked pumpkin with egg

600-700 g pumpkin,
4 eggs,
50 g butter,

Fry the diced pumpkin in butter, sprinkle with salt. Scramble the eggs with a fork, pour over the pumpkin and place in hot oven. Bake until the eggs are ready. As a healthier option for preparing this dish, we recommend not frying the pumpkin, but poaching it in milk. When serving, sprinkle with sour cream.

Cut the pumpkin into slices, place on a baking sheet, fry with vegetable oil and sprinkle with spices to taste. Place in a hot oven and bake until brown. Serve with sour cream or fresh sauce.

Baked pumpkin, spicy

800 g pumpkin,
50-70 g raisins,
1 lemon,
1 tsp allspice corns,
1 tsp pink peppercorns,
2 tbsp. liquid honey,
salt, cinnamon.

Slice the pumpkin in large pieces and bake in the oven preheated to 200ºC for 30-35 minutes. Meanwhile, soak the raisins in warm water. Grind allspice and pink pepper along with cinnamon and salt. Cut the finished pumpkin into cubes and mix with spices. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, mix with honey, pour the resulting mixture over the pumpkin and place in the oven for another 30 minutes.

1 small pumpkin
500 g hard cheese,
1 l 35% cream,
50 g butter,
salt, ground nutmeg, ground black pepper - to taste.

Cut the cap off the pumpkin and remove the seeds with a spoon. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and pour into the pumpkin. Fill with cream so that about 3-5 cm remains to the top, otherwise the contents of the pumpkin will spill onto the baking sheet when baking. Season with salt and pepper, add a piece of butter and cover with the cut-off lid. Place the pumpkin in the oven, preheated to 180ºC, for an hour or a little more. Serve by scooping out the pumpkin pulp along with cream sauce, in deep plates.

Pumpkin baked with millet porridge. Take a small pumpkin weighing no more than 2 kg. Cut off the cap and scrape out the pulp. Weld millet porridge. Put it in a pumpkin butter, sugar, then millet, put butter and sugar on top and cover with a lid. Using a knitting needle, pierce the pumpkin just below the lid in a circle in 4-6 places and place in the microwave or hot oven and bake until done (20 minutes in the microwave is enough). Using a spoon, mix the porridge with pumpkin pulp and serve.

500 g pumpkin,
2-3 cloves of garlic,
2 tbsp. olive oil,
1 lemon,
1 bunch of parsley,
1 tsp coriander seeds,
½ tsp. ground black pepper,

Cut the peeled pumpkin into large pieces and chop the greens. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon, mix with olive oil, add salt, pepper, coriander, chopped parsley and pressed garlic. Rub the resulting marinade over the pumpkin pieces. Line a deep frying pan with foil and place the pumpkin on it. Cover the pumpkin with foil, forming a pocket, wrap the foil well and place in the oven preheated to 200ºC for 30 minutes. Then open the foil pocket and let it sit in the oven for another 15-20 minutes until browned.

Mexican baked pumpkin with pork

1 medium pumpkin
1 kg pork,
200 g canned corn,
400 g white beans in their own juice,
500 ml dark beer,
1 onion,
½ leek stalk,
4 pickled cucumbers,
2 small red chili peppers,
100 g tomato paste,
1-2 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Grind onion, cut the leeks into half rings. Cut the cucumbers into slices, chop the chili pepper, removing the seeds. Cut the meat into thin strips. In a heated frying pan with oil, fry the onion, leek and chilli for 5 minutes, then add the meat and cook, stirring, for about 5-6 minutes. Add the beans and corn along with the liquid, simmer for 3 minutes, then add the cucumbers and 1-2 tbsp. cucumber pickle, stir and leave to simmer under the lid over low heat. Mix in a separate saucepan tomato paste and beer, bring to a boil and pour into the pan with the meat. Stir and simmer over low heat, covered, for 15 minutes. Add some salt. Cut the lid off the pumpkin, remove the seeds and place the meat, vegetables and sauce into it. Place the pumpkin on a baking sheet, cover with a lid and place in the oven preheated to 180ºC for 45-50 minutes.

1 medium pumpkin
500 g potatoes,
500 g tomatoes,
250 g red lentils,
200 g dried apricots,
2 sweet red peppers,
2 ears of young corn,
2 onions,
5 cloves of garlic,
3 tbsp. vegetable oil,
3 tbsp. butter,
1 bunch of cilantro,
1.5 tbsp. cumin seeds,
1 tbsp. coriander seeds,

Cut the cap off the pumpkin and remove the seeds and fibers. Grease the entire inside of the pumpkin and the cut area with butter, place the pumpkins on a baking sheet and bake in the oven preheated to 180ºC for about 1 hour. Cut the onion into rings, potatoes into large pieces, chop the garlic with a knife, cut the pepper into half rings. Scald the tomatoes, remove the skin and cut into cubes. Cut the corn cobs into 5-7 pieces. Separate the green cilantro into leaves. In a dry, hot frying pan, fry the cumin and coriander seeds for 30 seconds and pour into a plate, cool and grind into powder in a mortar. In the same frying pan, heat the vegetable oil, fry the onion, garlic and pepper for 5 minutes. Add potatoes, tomatoes, lentils and dried apricots, pour in 1.5 liters of water and bring to a boil. Add spices, stir, reduce heat and cook for 25 minutes. Add salt and pepper, add corn, simmer for 5 minutes and remove from heat. Place the cilantro, pour the stew into the pumpkin, cover with a lid and place in a hot oven for another 5-10 minutes. Serve with pumpkin pulp.

1 medium pumpkin
1 kg chicken,
200 g dried apricots,
100 g butter,
1 leek (white part)
½ cup rice,
vegetable oil for frying.

Cut the top off the pumpkin and remove the seeds. Boil the rice until half cooked, drain the water and place in a bowl. Cut the leek into half rings and fry on vegetable oil within 1 minute. Cut the dried apricots into large strips. Mix rice, dried apricots and leeks. Cut the chicken into portioned pieces and fry in half the butter until golden brown. Grease the inner surface of the pumpkin with the remaining butter, lay out the rice, place pieces of chicken on top, pour the oil from the frying pan in which the chicken was fried over everything. Cover with a lid and place in an oven preheated to 180ºC for 2 hours.

1 medium pumpkin
1 kg pork,
1 can of canned pineapple,
500 g sweet pepper,
100 g rice,
2 large carrots,
2 tbsp. butter.

Cut the cap off the pumpkin and remove the seeds. Soak the rice in water for 30 minutes. Cut the meat into strips and fry in oil. Grate the carrots to Korean carrots and sauté in oil in a separate frying pan. Combine meat and carrots, add Bell pepper, cut into strips, and pieces of pineapple, salt and pepper, add a little water and simmer until half cooked. Toss with rice. Transfer the filling into the pumpkin and place it in cold oven and turn on the heat to 200ºС. After 2 hours, check the readiness using a knitting needle - it should pierce the pumpkin flesh freely.

1 kg pumpkin,
500 g veal,
2-3 apples,
150 g cheese,
250 g sour cream,
2 onions,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Cut the meat into pieces, fry until golden brown crust in butter and place in a baking dish. Cut the onion into cubes and sauté until golden brown, then place it on the meat. Peel the apples, cut into cubes and place on top of the onion. Cut the peeled pumpkin into cubes, bread in flour and salt and fry in butter until golden brown. Place the pumpkin in a mold, brush with sour cream and sprinkle with grated cheese. Place in an oven preheated to 200ºC for 15-20 minutes.

Pumpkin baked with cottage cheese

450 g pumpkin,
250 g cottage cheese,
150 g milk,
3 eggs,
120 g sour cream,
50 g butter,

Cut the peeled pumpkin into pieces and simmer in milk until tender. Mash with a fork, add cottage cheese, add eggs, salt and mix. Place in a greased frying pan, level, brush with egg and bake in a hot oven until done.

Like these ones different recipes. And what kind of pumpkin desserts are made in the oven!

500 g pumpkin,
500 g sour cream,
3-4 tbsp. Sahara,
1-2 apples,
½ cup raisins,
3-4 egg whites
1 stack Sahara,
cinnamon, chopped nuts - to taste.

Cut the peeled pumpkin into cubes, place in a mold and fill with sour cream. Place on the fire and heat until all the moisture has evaporated. Then place thin slices of apples on top of the pumpkin, sprinkle with cinnamon, sprinkle raisins on top and cover with whipped egg whites and sugar, sprinkle with nuts and place in the oven.

Pumpkin "candies". Cut the pumpkin with the peel into pieces measuring 3x3 cm. Wet a baking sheet with water, place the pumpkin skin side down and sprinkle sugar on each. Place the baking sheet in the hot oven and watch - as soon as the sugar melts, add more. Repeat this several times until the pumpkin pieces become transparent. Cool.


500 g pumpkin,
2 apples,
2 bananas
cinnamon, breadcrumbs, sugar, sour cream, butter.

Grease a rimmed baking sheet or baking dish with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Peel and seed the apples, cut into slices, also cut the peeled pumpkin into slices, bananas into slices. Place on a baking sheet (mould), sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar and place in the oven preheated to 130ºC for 20-25 minutes. When serving, sprinkle with sour cream.

500 g pumpkin,
1 kg apples,
¾ stack. semolina,
2 stacks cream,
100 g butter.

Fry the pumpkin, peeled and cut into cubes, in butter. Place the pumpkin and apples, cut into slices, in layers in pots, sprinkling with sugar to taste, pour in hot cream and place in a hot oven. At the end of cooking, add semolina in a thin stream, stir and leave for another 5 minutes.

800 g pumpkin,
75 g prunes,
1 lemon,
2 tbsp. honey,
1 tsp allspice ground,
cinnamon, salt.

Peel and cut the pumpkin into pieces, place on a baking sheet and bake until tender, about 35 minutes. Soak the prunes for 20 minutes and cut into pieces. Allspice and mix a little cinnamon with lemon juice, honey and salt. Pour the resulting dressing over the pumpkin, sprinkle with prunes and serve.

1 large pumpkin,
3 stacks rice,
100 g butter,
200 g raisins,
200 g prunes,
200 g dried apricots,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
2 apples,
2 tbsp vegetable oil.

Cut off the cap of the pumpkin, remove the seeds and make frequent cuts into the pulp inside. Pour boiling water over the pumpkin and leave until the water cools completely. Meanwhile, cut the peeled apples into slices, soak the dried fruits in water, rinse and dry. Mix apples and dried fruits, add sugar and stir. Divide the rice into three parts. Place one piece of rice on the bottom of the pumpkin, then put half the fruit, another piece of rice, more fruit and top with the remaining rice. Melt the butter and pour the rice and fruit mixture into the pumpkin. Add hot water so that it covers the top layer of rice. Place in an oven preheated to 180ºC for 1 hour 30 minutes.

Be sure to check out our vegetable recipes. And check out the tips on what to cook with pumpkin. Bon appetit!

Larisa Shuftaykina
