What are the benefits of an apple, what does it contain, and can apples be harmful to health? How apples are used in home cosmetology. Apple in cosmetology

Apple is one of the most popular dietary products. Thanks to a set of useful substances, it helps to enhance metabolic processes in the body, without which normal weight loss is impossible.

So, apples are not just food product, filled with fiber, is a valuable vitamin and mineral complex, which also has a lot dietary fiber, and due to their high water content and low calorie content, apples seem the best product For dietary nutrition.

Apples are a valuable natural source of vitamin C. Sour apples are richer in this vitamin. In addition to its effect on the immune system, vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces their permeability to toxins (in other words, does not allow poison to enter the body), and promotes rapid restoration of strength after a long illness. Apples contain natural antibiotics - phytoncides, which themselves have a detrimental effect on the causative agents of the influenza virus, Staphylococcus aureus, help with acne on the face, and destroy the causative agents of dysentery.

For the flu beneficial effect apples is based not only on its antiviral effect, but also on the fact that vitamin C (ascorbic acid) actively strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces the permeability of capillary walls to toxins, i.e. helps reduce the harmful effects of the virus on the human body. It is also important that apples contain P-vitamin-active tannins, which helps vitamin C to further strengthen and protect the walls of blood vessels.

Firstly, apples contain such important natural acids as malic, tartaric and citric, and in combination with the same tannins, these acids stop the processes of rotting and fermentation in the intestines, make it possible not to feel flatulence, bloating, promote natural cleansing and intestinal restoration. And a healthy intestine is the key to longevity and health. To prevent constipation, it is best to eat one or two sour apples in the morning on an empty stomach. Moreover, it has been proven that apples contain substances that stop the growth of cancer cells in the intestines and liver. So, if you have problems with the intestines, in addition to 1-2 apples on an empty stomach, it will be useful to eat 1-2 apples during the day. It will be no less useful to arrange an apple fasting day (mini-apple mono-diet) once every 2-3 weeks.

The same tannins (due to the fact that apples are rich in potassium) help prevent gout and urolithiasis. How? They do not allow uric acid salts to precipitate, therefore, with uric acid diathesis, they are not only a treatment, but also a prevention of larger troubles - urolithiasis. How to install it? If your urine test shows a lot of uric acid salts, if you want to get rid of kidney stones, chew apples!

Apples help prevent gallbladder diseases: having a mild choleretic effect, they help prevent cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. If you already have problems with gallbladder, then do not forget to use freshly squeezed apple juice - half a glass or a glass 15-30 minutes before meals.

But for low acidity and constipation, it is recommended to drink a glass or two of freshly squeezed water daily. apple juice, and only from sour apples.

For duodenal ulcers and gastritis with high acidity, it is recommended to eat sweet apples about 20-30 minutes before meals.

Apples contain a lot of iron, they are rightly considered a good helper for anemia in children, adults and especially pregnant women. Of course, there is much less iron in apples than in liver, blood or just a piece of meat, but iron from apples has high biological absorption, i.e. almost everything is used by the body. In addition, there is folk remedy increase the content of beneficial iron in apples: just stick two or three clean nails into the apple for a couple of days. During this time, under the influence of the acids that are in apples, they will oxidize.

Notice also this important feature: The potassium in apples is about 11 times the sodium! This means that apples have a mild diuretic effect and reduce swelling in the body. If we add to this their property of strengthening the vascular wall, it turns out that apples become an invaluable assistant to the doctor for hypertension, atherosclerosis, and heart failure. So doctors rightly claim that apples help strengthen of cardio-vascular system. Moreover, after a heart attack, apples are extremely necessary for a person: they not only strengthen blood vessels, cleanse them and restore health, but also put the intestines in order, prevent constipation, and this is important in preventing complications after a heart attack (many sovereigns, including we, in Russia, died of apoplexy on the chamber pot, forgive me for such intimate details). Apples also contain a “loading dose” of antioxidants - substances necessary to restore the cardiovascular system. So, instead of taking multivitamins and antioxidant tablets, it is enough to eat 1-3 apples a day. By the way, it will also cost much less. Just remember that antioxidants are contained in apple peels, so you should never eat apples peeled, much less grated.

Heart patients should also remember that pectin, which is contained in apple fiber, helps normalize cholesterol levels. A high level cholesterol increases the risk of serious vascular complications. One medium-sized apple with peel contains 3 to 5 g of fiber, i.e. about 10% daily norm fibers needed by the body. An apple without peel contains up to 2-2.5 g of fiber. Pectins, which are contained in apples, can not only bind cholesterol and remove it from the bloodstream, but also have a beneficial effect on the liver, reduce cholesterol reserves in it, and increase the activity of anti-cholesterol enzymes. If you eat up to 10 g of apple fiber per day (that's about 0.5 raw product with peel), then your cholesterol can decrease by 15-18%, and to enhance the anti-cholesterol effect of apples, do not forget to eat an onion every day and drink 3-4 cups of green tea. This will reduce the risk of acute vascular complications (heart attack or stroke) by a third.

And how endocrinologists love to advise you to eat apples! They have long noticed that apples are superior to many fruits in iodine content, second only to seafood products(bananas, grapefruits and oranges contain 7-10 times less iodine than apples). Therefore, apples help prevent thyroid diseases. Just remember: iodine is contained in apple seeds, so the apple must be eaten along with the seeds. And the ability of apples to strengthen the walls of blood vessels plus their low content in sour apples fructose will allow this fruit to be actively used to feed diabetics.

The restorative effect of apples on the human body is also widely known. It is these properties of apples that have a positive effect on the immune system that make them good remedy prevention of tuberculosis. Apples are also irreplaceable when a person has suffered from infectious diseases, suffered a long illness and needs to regain his strength.

Properly prepared dried fruits from apples, as well as apple jams, compotes, etc. contain many nutrients, especially if prepared correctly. Apples are not only part of the apple diet, they become the basis of many diets and dietary systems that would not be as effective without apples. Firstly, apples are rich in iodine, therefore, they affect the thyroid gland and activate metabolic processes. They have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility (increased intestinal activity): food moves through the intestines faster, which means less nutrients manages to enter the body. The mild diuretic effect and choleretic properties of apples actively promote weight loss. High content Vitamins and antioxidants also help normalize metabolic processes in the body. The acids found in apples contain folic acid, which dulls the feeling of hunger. These mechanisms make apples indispensable for weight loss.

What vitamins are contained in apples? Content of trace elements in apples

The nutritional value
calorie content 44.0 kcal
water 86.3 g
squirrels 0.4 g
fats 0.4 g
carbohydrates 9.8 g
A 0.03 mg
IN 1 0.03 mg
AT 2 0.02 mg
AT 3 0.07 mg
AT 6 0.07 mg
AT 9 2.0 mcg
WITH 10.0 mg
E 0.55 mg
N 0.3 mcg
PP 0.3 mg
iron 2.2 mg
potassium 278.0 mg
calcium 15.0 mg
magnesium 9.0 mg
sodium 26.0 mg
sulfur 5.0 mg
phosphorus 11.0 mg
chlorine 2.0 mg
aluminum 116.0 mcg
boron 245.0 mcg
vanadium 4.0 mcg
iodine 2.0 mcg
cobalt 1.0 mcg
manganese 47.0 mcg
copper 110.0 mcg
molybdenum 6.0 mcg
nickel 17.0 mcg
rubidium 63.0 mcg
fluorine 8.0 mcg
chromium 4.0 mcg
zinc 150.0 mcg
unsaturated fatty acids 0.1 g
mono- and disaccharides 9.0 g
starch 0.8 g
alimentary fiber 1.8 g
organic acids/td>0.8 g
ash 0.5 g

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This fruit, familiar to our latitudes, loved by many, is very much revered by followers of a healthy lifestyle. Many people absolutely believed in the healing properties of apples, without thinking about how true certain statements about this fruit were. Of course we don't doubt beneficial features apples, especially when included in the daily diet, given the availability of this fruit in our country. However, it's time to dispel some of the most common myths about apples so that these misconceptions don't turn into disappointment.

Myth 1. Apples contain a lot of iron.

This myth is based on the fact that the cut of an apple begins to darken after a few minutes. Many people believe that the brown tint is in this case is explained by the oxidation of iron contained in the apple, and the more intense this “rust” is, the more iron is contained in the fruit. And this, in turn, makes the apple extremely useful for hematopoiesis and increasing hemoglobin in the blood.

This misconception is only partly erroneous. The fact is that the darkening of the apple cut is indeed associated with the oxidation process, but it is not the iron that is oxidized, but the organic substances polyphenols, clearly demonstrating the fermentation process. As for iron, there is very little of it in apples. Among plant products much more of this microelement is found in dry sunflower seeds, peaches and apricots. However, it is important to understand that iron contained in plant foods is absorbed much worse than iron from animal products. Considering all the above facts, it can be argued that the benefits of apples as a hemoglobin nutrition are just a common misconception.

Myth 2. Green apples are healthier than red ones

The organic composition of apples does not change very much depending on the variety. From this point of view, the benefits of a green, yellow or red apple for the human body will be approximately the same. Although there is still a difference and both red and green apples have their advantages.

Typically, green apples are less sweet and therefore nominally healthier in terms of dietary nutrition. Moreover, yellow or red fruits contain carotene, which affects the yellow-orange color of the fruit. This pigment is a precursor to vitamin A, is a powerful antioxidant and plays an immunostimulating role in the human body. However, this yellow-orange substance, as you might guess, is concentrated in the apple peel and therefore is contained in the apple in relatively small quantity. There is much more of it in orange vegetables and fruits: peaches, apricots, persimmons.

Myth 3. Apples help you lose weight

This statement is based on countless apple diets, as well as the misconception that apples can be used as a snack or as a substitute for main meals at any time. As we have already found out, apples are quite sweet fruit, which means that with them a sufficient amount of carbohydrates can enter the human body to cast doubt on the effectiveness of any diet.

Currently, nutritionists recommend limiting the consumption of all fruits, including apples, and usually discourage long-term mono-diets. For the effectiveness of dietary nutrition, experts advise eating an apple as a second breakfast or using this fruit for a snack before five o’clock in the afternoon. At the same time, it is better to include medium-sized unsweetened apples in your diet.

Myth 4. Apples have a laxative effect.

This is partly true, and the myth about the effectiveness of apples for weight loss is based on this statement. Like any other plant food with high content fiber, apples stimulate intestinal motility, accelerate metabolic processes,. Thus, eating one or two apples a day is indeed possible, but the same is true for almost any other plant food. The advantages of apples include the fact that the substances contained in this fruit have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, which generally improves digestion processes.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Apple is the fruit of an apple tree, the most common in central Russia fruit tree. Its unpretentiousness and high productivity have made the apple tree an indispensable element in the gardens and garden plots of all, without exception, those who like to live or spend the summer outside the city. It is the apple that is mentioned in the legend of the tempting snake, which contributed to the expulsion of the first people from paradise.

Apple calorie content

The calorie content of an apple is 47 kcal per 100 grams of product.

In an apple, the presence of and is mainly valued, but the fruit contains:, vitamins, and, as well as necessary for the body person minerals: , And . Apples also contain large quantities of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on activity. gastrointestinal tract(calorizer). Doctors recommend eating at least one apple a day to prevent the development of many diseases - atherosclerosis, heart failure, constipation and cancer.

Harmful properties of apples

Abuse sour varieties Eating apples can provoke an exacerbation of chronic gastritis and stomach ulcers, and also affects dental health - the enamel is damaged. Apples are contraindicated for people suffering from gastritis and ulcers.

Apples can also be harmful to health if they are brought from afar and heavily treated with chemicals for storage. Not garden apples It is necessary to wash them thoroughly before eating and, when choosing them in a store, pay attention to the treatment of the peel.

Apple shape

Apples are round, elongated or oval shape, have a hard skin of green, red, white, yellow or mixed color, juicy hard pulp, a stalk and small seeds inside the fruit.

The property of apples to darken when cut

The apple has the property of darkening when cut. This does not mean that the apple is spoiled or cannot be cut with a knife. This occurs due to the oxidation of the nutrient found in the apple. The oxidation process can be avoided by sprinkling the apple a little.

By variety, apples are divided into summer, autumn and winter.

Summer varieties, the most early ripening and perishable, they need to be consumed immediately after being removed from the tree, the most famous are: White filling and melba. The most famous varieties autumn apples, which usually ripen in August and early September, can ripen after being removed from the branches - this, of course, Antonovka and Aport. Autumn apples Usually larger in size than summer ones, they can be stored for up to 2 months if the fruits are without shocks or deformations. Autumn varieties also represent cinnamon, Oryol striped and autumn striped.

Winter varieties of apples are considered to be those that ripen in late September - early October; their pulp is heavy and not as juicy as that of other varieties. Winter apples tend to last a long time appearance And taste qualities, subject to proper storage - in a cool, dry place or in sawdust. Famous winter varieties - gold, lobo, pepin saffron, northern sinap, red delicious.

Apple in cooking

It is best to eat apples in fresh, debates about benefits and harms apple peel and the seeds are not finished, so you should focus on the sensations after you have eaten the apple - if your teeth and stomach calmly accept an apple in its peel, maybe there is no point in peeling it? Apples can be boiled, baked, dried, used for filling sweet pies and pancakes, they go well with and act as an ingredient fruit salad and cold snacks. To avoid darkening of apples, you should spray them.

You can make drinks from apples such as juice, compote, jelly, vinegar, kvass, etc.

apple knife

It is very convenient to cut apples with a special knife, which allows you to simultaneously cut the apple into pieces and remove the core of the apple. Apple knives have different shapes, the material of manufacture, but the essence is always the same. Knife blades are usually stainless steel.

Apple in cosmetology

Apple masks are good for skin care, especially aging skin. They improve metabolic processes in the skin, brighten the skin, help with skin inflammation and cleanse pores.

Apples are very useful product for those who decide to lose weight. And not only because of its low calorie content and enrichment with vitamins and minerals. As we said above, they contain soluble fiber (pectin) and insoluble fiber(especially in the peel). This is very useful components losing weight, which allows you to get rid of constipation, helps the body remove excess water and toxins.

Apple is an antioxidant.

Fasting days on apples, or short mono-diets, are very useful. Just be sure to consult a doctor, since apples may be contraindicated for you and cause harm to the body.

Baked apples are especially useful for weight loss, since the amount of pectin in them increases and they will not cause harm, even with a peptic ulcer.

Remember that an apple is a carbohydrate and is not recommended to be eaten after 4 pm if your goal is weight loss.

How to choose the right apple

When buying apples, pay attention to the following:

  1. The country in which the apples were grown. It is better to purchase apples from your region or your country. Such apples are treated less with chemicals to increase shelf life.
  2. The apple should not be damaged or have any dents from falling.
  3. The peel should not be wrinkled, the apple should be firm and clean.
  4. If the apple is bright in color, check to see if it is stained. To do this, just look under the label if it is an imported apple.
  5. Avoid heavily waxed apples; it will be difficult to wash, and such an apple will be of little use.

You can learn more about the benefits of apples from the video clip of the TV show “About the Most Important Thing.”

Especially for
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Apple represents a popular low calorie product(100 g - 48 kcal), which is part of many diets, promoting natural weight loss. This fruit gives the body not only a large number of fiber, but also healthy elements. Minerals and vitamins in apples are preserved when proper storage throughout the year, what does this fruit do? an indispensable source microelements, both in summer and winter.

For your health human body and replenishing the reserves of necessary microelements and vitamins, it is enough to eat 3-4 apples every day, since this amount of fruit contains the necessary daily amount elements.

What are the benefits of apples?

What vitamins and minerals are contained in apples and what benefits do they bring to humans? It is with the help of this fruit that you can protect yourself from vitamin deficiency, especially during diets and in the autumn-spring period.

The benefits of apples are their healing properties, which help the body cope with many ailments and prevent the occurrence and development of many diseases. The vitamins and minerals contained in this fruit, when consumed systematically, contribute to:

  • Reducing cholesterol levels;
  • Normalization of digestive function;
  • Elimination of vitamin deficiency;
  • Slowing down the development of cancer cells;
  • General strengthening of the body;
  • Activations brain functions;
  • Cleansing the body of toxins and waste.

And how much benefit do citric, tartaric and malic acids, which are contained in apples of any variety, bring to humans? Thanks to these acids, you can get rid of urolithiasis, defeat osteochondrosis and kidney disease. Tartanic acid prevents the formation of fat cells from carbohydrates, which prevents obesity. It is not for nothing that most nutritionists advise that at the first feeling of hunger, eat this fruit, which contains folic acid, which satisfies hunger.

The composition of the apple is balanced, as it contains all the necessary minerals and vitamins that help lift immune system human and increase the body's defenses. Thanks to daily use By eating these fruits you can protect yourself from the occurrence of various pathologies and diseases.

Video from the Internet

Which apples contain more nutrients?

For proper or dietary nutrition, apples are the most necessary and safe product. That is why it is important to know what minerals and vitamins this fruit contains. The composition of an apple is very simple: water and fiber, saturated with a whole complex of useful substances: folic acid, inositol, vitamins B, A, C, K, H, E, P and PP, as well as microelements such as phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper, calcium, zinc and potassium. The apple also contains a large amount of fiber, organic acids, sugar (in sweet varieties), carotene and pectin.

List of vitamins contained in apples

  • A – promotes metabolic processes in the body, preventing the early appearance of wrinkles, and also acts as a natural antibiotics, resisting infections;
  • B1, B5, B6 and B9 – activate mental activity and protect cells nervous system;
  • B2 and PP – cleanse the body and improve blood circulation;
  • C – increases tone, improves well-being and the state of the immune system;
  • K – promotes digestion and healing of wounds on the skin;
  • E - strengthens capillaries and ensures the functioning of muscles.

The chemical composition of this fruit is variable, depending on storage and growing conditions, degree of ripeness and type of fruit. You should remember which apples are more useful, which will allow you to saturate your body big amount useful substances:

  • Wild - a large amount of tannins (anti-inflammatory) substances, fiber, pectin substances and starch;
  • Fragrant – have increased phytoncidal (antimicrobial) properties;
  • Acidic - contain large amounts of vitamin C.

A green apple contains much more useful elements than in red, especially iron. Red fruits contain much more sugar than green ones, and, consequently, glucose, which helps eliminate fatigue, giving a person energy.

And most importantly, you can eat apples as much as you want and not be afraid of harming your body, provided there are no diseases such as gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum. With a tendency to allergic reactions It is better to eat green apples.

Vitamins and minerals in 100 grams of apple


Vitamin A 0,005 mg
Vitamin B1 0,03 mg
Vitamin B2 0,02 mg
Vitamin B5 0,07 mg
Vitamin B6 0,08 mg
Vitamin B9 0,002 mg
Vitamin C 10 mg
Vitamin E 0,0002 mg
Vitamin K 0,002 mg
Vitamin PP 0,3 mg

Properly prepared jams, dried fruits, juices and compotes from apples retain a greater amount of useful nutrients, but the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals can only be obtained from recently picked fruits, the composition of which does not undergo any changes.

Rules for eating apples

  1. Despite all the benefits of the vitamins contained in these fruits, you should not eat them immediately after the main meal, as this can lead to oxidation and fermentation in the stomach. Apples should be eaten 2-4 hours after eating, which will allow the beneficial substances to be better absorbed.
  2. In order to absorb the vitamins contained in apples in the quantities they contain, you need to eat them on an empty stomach, about 30 minutes before your main meal. This method is indispensable for those who want to lose weight or make their body slim.
  3. It’s hard to imagine how much effort people need to put in to lose weight: physical exercise, strict diets, various medications. Using apple juice fasting day you can not only lose weight without harm to your health, but also in a short period of time overweight, but also improve your health, since the fruits contain only useful elements. The principle of the diet is to eat only apples (1.5 kg) for one day a week.

Everyone knows that eating apples is healthy from the cradle. Do you know all the beneficial properties of this fruit? This article will tell you about the benefits and harms of apples, as well as what you can cook from them quickly and very tasty.

The benefits of apples

Taking care of your own health and physical fitness requires quite a serious financial investment. Often inexpensive products, which can be found everywhere, cope with this task much more successfully than expensive, well-known means. Solve the problem of poor health and excess weight easy with proper nutrition.

The menu of any sane person should certainly include apples. Scarlet and greenish, with tender pulp and crispy, tasty and sour - such a variety of varieties allows anyone to choose this fruit to suit their taste. If you don't like the taste fresh apple, it can be baked, dried or added to a salad. You can find an approach to everyone.

The value of apples is hidden in their composition. Almost 80% of an apple is water. Other shares are in fiber, acids, and carbohydrates.

The most valuable in terms of benefits are freshly picked apples. Directly in them the concentration of the necessary elements reaches a maximum. Useful material contained in fresh apples:

  • pectin – gently helps the intestines work better, cleanses of toxins;
  • vitamins: A, C, E, group B;
  • minerals: iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc and others - the maximum share is allocated to iron, which improves blood, and calcium, which is needed by the musculoskeletal system and the heart;
  • antioxidants that interfere with the aging process;
  • tannins, which fight inflammatory processes in the urinary system;
  • good as cosmetics for skin care - refreshes, nourishes the skin, copes with inflammation;
  • tanning elements prevent salts from settling and depositing in the body, which is considered optimal prevention;
  • in fact, it is difficult to find an organ or system of the body that will not benefit from eating apples, because apples are a real natural pharmacy.

We especially note the fact of eating apples on an empty stomach. Morning consumption of fruit is beneficial in preventing constipation and can help the body prepare for work. But consuming these fruits on an empty stomach is unacceptable if you have diseases such as:

  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • ulcer;
  • gallstone disease.

The benefits of apples on an empty stomach for weight loss are considered controversial. From one point of view, the fruit contains many nutritional elements that can replace food. On the other hand, apples provoke hunger in many people because they stimulate the stomach walls with acids.

Speaking about the benefits of this product, one cannot help but touch upon the issue of its calorie content. Of course, this fact is influenced by many features, for example, the variety of apple or its growing conditions. However, there is a total calorie content for apples. Red fruits contain 47 kcal, while their green ones contain only 35. By the way, it is recommended to use a green apple in all diets.

Harm of apples

The apple diet does not lose its popularity because with its support you can achieve significant results in the process of losing weight. It is worth noting that the apple mono-diet has a negative effect on the body, since it does not receive a significant number of necessary and necessary elements, while others acquire more than necessary.

For example, an apple contains a small amount of hard fiber, but in the case of an apple mono-diet, a person acquires a very large amount of it. As a result, colitis, ulcers and inflammation of the gastric mucosa intensify. A lot of fruit acids received every day cause inflammation in the gallbladder.

Also apples are harmful and different sugars, and red varieties have significantly more sugar than may be beneficial. This has a detrimental effect on tooth enamel - it thins it, causes susceptibility to irritants and increases the risk of dental disease.

Sweet varieties of red and yellow apples It is forbidden to use diabetics, because they have very high glycemic index. The same applies to apple nectar, whether freshly squeezed or from a bag. In addition, constant consumption of apple juice contributes to the rapid destruction of tooth enamel, which is why teeth become fragile and begin to break, and their hypersensitivity is formed.

You've probably heard a lot about the benefits apple seeds. However, they can also be harmful. In addition to a large number of useful elements, the seeds also contain cyenelic acid. It takes a lot of energy for the body to neutralize it. Therefore, you should not abuse them. 5 seeds per day are enough to saturate the body with the necessary elements and not overload it with by-products.

Contraindications for apples

Despite all their usefulness, apples have a number of contraindications for consumption. Namely:

  • product abuse, mono-diet;
  • peptic ulcer of the digestive system;
  • diabetes;
  • recovery from food poisoning;
  • pancreatitis - you can’t eat fresh or sour apples;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • individual intolerance.

If you want to use this fruit in medicinal purposes— Check this possibility with your doctor. After all, in this matter the main thing is not to do harm.

By the way, apple is the only fruit that nursing mothers can eat from the first days of lactation. But the product must be green and peeled. It is better if the apple is grown in your garden or at least local and in season.

Delicious varieties of apples

Antonovka has remained the leader in the list of varieties that conquer the hearts of consumers for many years. Because this variety has the most optimal combination of sweetness and sourness. Plus, the apple tree itself is quite unpretentious to grow.

List of the most popular and delicious varieties apples:

  • Idared, a very juicy winter variety, is perfectly stored in the cellar;
  • pear - delicious sweet apples with thin skin;
  • golden, good variety winter apples, sweet and juicy, an alternative to pear;
  • white filling, fruits of childhood, which still remain the main “pets” of the country’s gardeners;
  • Simirenko, also from childhood, usually sell out faster than others;
  • legend, sweet honey taste, apples from the picture.

What can you make from apples?

This is perhaps the most versatile fruit. After all, it can be used almost everywhere. Compotes, desserts, pastries, meat with apples, salads - choosing a dish to suit your taste is not at all difficult.

List of simple but tasty and healthy recipes with apples:

  1. Baked apples with dried fruits. Wash the fruits, carefully cut off the “lid” with a knife, and remove the core. This way you get something like apple bags. Stuff them with dried fruits and nuts cut into small pieces. Drizzle with honey and sprinkle with cinnamon. Place in a preheated oven for 20-30 minutes. It is not only very tasty, but also healthy. An excellent remedy for strengthening the immune system for children.
  2. Almost any salad can be given a twist by simply adding an apple to it. Crab, Olivier, even mimosa are good with this fruit.
  3. Liver with apples. Half a kilo of liver better than chicken or turkey, 4 pieces of apples and onions, butter, red wine 100 ml., salt, spices. Wash the liver, cut into small pieces. Place in a frying pan and fry until the blood stops oozing. Now add chopped onion and continue frying. Meanwhile, fry in another pan apple slices before golden color. Pour wine over the liver, after 7-10 minutes add fruit. Cover with a lid and simmer everything together for another 10-15 minutes.
