What herbs to collect for delicious tea. Herbal tea. How, where and what leaves to collect

Simple dietary changes better side will quickly affect your health, appearance and cheerfulness. The easiest way to start change is with drinks. Replace sweet sodas with homemade lemonade, and tea and coffee (leaving only a morning cup for those in need of a caffeinated awakening) with herbs. Flowers, leaves and stems of plants are the healthiest alternative to teas. Plus, it's much more varied.


Linden is considered pharmaceutical medicine. And there are reasons for this - brewed tea will help to cope with a cold, because it acts as an antipyretic and diaphoretic. It has bactericidal properties, fights inflammation of the mouth, stomach, and has a mild calming effect. In the summer, hot tea can make you sweat a little (useful, but not always appropriate in the heat), but chilled tea can quite replace cold drinks and even lemonade, a light natural sweetness from flower pollen, does not require sugar at all.


A popular "cure" for many diseases in folk medicine. Chamomile tea has long been used to treat diseases of the stomach and intestines, mucous membranes, relieve spasms. Acting as an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent, chamomile also has a cleansing effect on the body. From a hot drink, sweating increases, and unnecessary toxins come out with it, intestinal function normalizes, which subsequently has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair. But do not abuse this tea - its sedative properties can adversely affect concentration and performance.


Calms, normalizes pressure and relieves pain, eliminates nausea and heaviness in the stomach. Peppermint tea can deal with any discomfort associated with the digestive organs. In addition, the menthol in the plant is a nice cooling bonus, especially in summer time. It's interesting that Mint tea able to simultaneously do two seemingly mutually exclusive actions - to calm and stimulate brain activity.

Better known as thyme. This herb is often found in herbal health supplements or detox teas. It envelops, disinfects and gently heals and cleanses the mucous membranes. As a medicine, it is used for bronchitis and other diseases. respiratory tract.


Tea from rose leaves, as well as flowers of the whole family from different parts of the world - hibiscus, hibiscus - is most valued for its red pigment. It contains vitamin P, which is indispensable as a nourishment for of cardio-vascular system. Such tea increases stamina, strengthens blood vessels, reduces allergic reactions and cleanses. Iced tea can be used as a mild facial tonic.

Unpopular tea, which, however, can be bought at almost any pharmacy. It excites appetite, stimulates digestion (while having a slight laxative effect), has a choleretic and anthelmintic property. This tea is an excellent detox for the liver and kidneys.


Greens, dried stems or even fennel seeds have a powerful cleansing effect on the body. Such tea binds and removes from the body toxic metabolic products, various antigens, immune complexes, radionuclides, salts of heavy metals, toxins. Regulates peristalsis and normalizes intestinal motility, acting as a carminative. Good on its own or in combination with other herbs.

And its Indian variety is tulsi tea. Dried and brewed into a tea, the leaves of this basil variety taste like smoky black tea. Without theine in the composition, it is able to invigorate. Izdvern he was considered a powerful adaptogen and immunomodulator.


You can also add spices to tea - separately or in a mixture. One of the most delicious examples is Indian masala chai. It contains cardamom, cinnamon, dry ginger, cloves, fennel, black pepper; less often - nutmeg or allspice, rose, saffron, anise and licorice. Spices will be useful for poor digestion, general lethargy or drowsiness, lack of energy. Spices remove toxins and stagnant mucus from the body. Any of the combinations can be added to black tea or coffee (by the way, cardamom reduces the negative effect of caffeine to almost zero). And in combination with milk, such a drink can replace a meal - it will warm, nourish and reduce the feeling of hunger.

Of all the drinks known to mankind, tea is considered the most noble. It does not cause intoxication, refreshes, and exquisite tastes its various varieties are admired by the most sophisticated connoisseurs. In a broad sense, tea can be called any drink prepared by infusing leaves, herbs, pieces of fruit or berries in boiling water. This drink was originally used as medicine. Depending on the plant material, the properties of tea and its purpose changed. This article will discuss the methods of collecting and preparing tea raw materials, methods of brewing tea, its blends, indications and contraindications for drinking this drink.

From which leaves of plants

Almost all cultivated garden plants are suitable for collecting leaves and their subsequent brewing. This raw material does not contain theine and caffeine, but it releases tannins, sugars and vitamins into boiling water, strengthening the immune system and stimulating digestion.

First of all, pay attention to the foliage of fruit and fruit trees. These include quince, apple, chokeberry, cherry, red cherry, pear, plum, sea buckthorn.

Tea from such foliage turns out fragrant and with a large amount of tannins. It invigorates, tones, has an immunomodulatory effect. This drink softens the mucous membranes, thins the blood.
The second group includes raw materials from deciduous trees. These are maple, linden, walnut. This tea will not be to everyone's taste, but its benefits are undeniable. The drink strengthens the walls of blood vessels, cleanses the liver, and prevents the occurrence of age-related heart problems. It is recommended to drink it to people exhausted by a long illness, to those who suffer from overwork.
The third group is foliage from berry and nut bushes. This group includes red and black currants, raspberries, blackberries, hazel, dogwood, wild rose, gooseberries, blackthorn. Real vitamin bomb, a drink from the leaves of shrubs is useful for hypovitaminosis. He heals oral cavity, increases vascular tone, has a slight astringent effect and produces a cleansing effect.
The last group, the leaves of herbs and berries, includes the well-known mint, lemon balm, strawberries, wild strawberries, chamomile, dandelion. Such teas help with disorders of the nervous system. They have a calming effect, eliminate sleep problems, and quickly quench thirst.

Did you know? Tea- an oriental drink, and its homeland is China. The exact origin of tea remains unknown. There is a version according to which the Chinese emperor Shen was resting at lunchtime under a camellia tree, when his servant brought him a cup of boiling water. A few camellia leaves accidentally got into the cup. The emperor, out of curiosity, decided to try this gift of nature, and he liked the taste of the drink so much that the emperor ordered from then on to serve it exclusively to them. This happened presumably in the 2700s BC. Camellia leaf tea is still being prepared today.- This is the well-known black and green tea..

When to Collect

Plant leaves reach their peak of benefit at the time of flowering, so focus on it. Collection time for different climatic zones in this case will vary. On average, the collection begins in April and ends in the twentieth of July. Schedule a pickup for the first half of the day. Spend it in clear weather immediately after the dew has dried.
In April-May, collect raw materials from all trees - fruit, fruit and berry and simple deciduous. How younger leaves, the more they will contain tannins, causing a pleasant pronounced taste. The harvest time for shrubs and leaves of berries begins in early June and lasts until early July.

Important! In rainy weather, collect raw materials for homemade tea it does not follow. The foliage accumulates a lot of moisture and becomes too brittle after drying or deteriorates during fermentation.

Be sure to leave some of the leaves on the bush so that the plant can recover after harvest and bear fruit. Harvest herbs throughout July as they begin to bloom. Even if you plan to prepare a tea mixture, collect the raw materials in separate bags or bags. Each plant needs a separate treatment.

How to dry

Drying in the open air will take from a week to two, depending on the raw materials. Before drying, you need to cut the cuttings from the leaves, as they degrade the quality of the raw materials, and sort out the green mass, removing all damaged leaves. The drying room should be dry, warm and well ventilated.
Lay out sheets of clean paper on a flat surface. Newsprint is not suitable, as printing ink releases toxic substances. Spread the prepared leaves over it in an even thin layer.

Every day, mix the leaves, swap the sheets so that the raw material dries evenly. Do not leave the leaves unattended for a long time so that they are not affected by mold. To check if the product is ready, you need to bend several large leaves across the midrib line. If a distinct crunch is heard, the tea leaves can be stored.

Video: how to dry currant leaves for tea at home Another drying method involves the use of an oven. This method is suitable for those who do not have enough time or space to dry the leaves. traditional way. Preheat the oven to +100°C.

Important! Avoid direct contact with the raw material you are drying. sun rays. Under their influence evaporate essential oils, the final product becomes tasteless and loses its rich color.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread the leaves in a single layer. Leave the oven door a quarter open. Dry the leaves at this temperature for an hour and a half, and then reduce the temperature by half and dry them until tender (30-40 minutes). Please note that part useful substances lost during this processing.


This welding preparation method improves taste qualities tea. For him, the most juicy and clean leaves are selected. Before fermentation, they should be cleaned of dust and small debris, but not rinsed with water so as not to disturb the natural microflora.
Leaves harvested in the early maturity phase are more fermentable and give the final product a more rich taste. Fermentation begins as soon as the green mass is rolled and leafy juice comes to the surface.

Did you know? Green and black tea are made from the same leaves. The difference in taste and appearance of these teas is due to different ways processing of raw materials. For the production of black tea, the raw material is twisted and fermented, while green tea is simply withered and dried. Based on this, it can be argued that green tea - the drink is more natural and healthy, although many people like a more pronounced "black" taste.

The raw materials are preliminarily dried, twisted through a meat grinder or twisted by hand and tightly placed in a container. It can be an enameled pot or a food-grade plastic bucket. Tamp down the green mass with clean hands until you get a layer 7-10 cm high.
Put a clean ceramic plate on top and press it with a yoke (a brick or a kilogram pack of cereals will do). Cover the container with a kitchen towel and leave the mass to ferment for 6-8 hours at a temperature of +23-25 ​​°C. If the temperature is lower, fermentation will not start, if it is higher, the hardwood mass will deteriorate.

The finished mass must be crushed with kitchen scissors, if you did not pass it through a meat grinder before fermentation. Pre-shredded sheets will themselves fall apart into small lumps. Spread the fermented tea leaves in an even layer on a baking sheet covered with parchment and dry in the oven for one and a half hours at a temperature of +60 ° C.

Video: Currant leaf fermentation


Before you send the leaves for fermentation, you need to destroy their structure and release juices to the surface. For this, twisting in a meat grinder and twisting by hand is suitable. The second method will require more time, but the tea will eventually turn out to be exquisite leaf, not granular.

Important! If you don't have time to watch the wilting, spread the leaves in a thin layer on a towel and roll it up. Put the towel in enamel pan and put it in a warm place. Raw materials folded in this way will wither in five to six hours instead of the usual twelve.

If you use a meat grinder, then install a large mesh on it, otherwise the granules will fall apart into small particles when dried. If you plan to roll the leaves by hand, then take 7-10 leaves, folded in an even pile, and roll them between your palms with force. You will get an even tight roll. Treat the remaining leaves in the same way.


it preparatory stage, which allows you to remove excess moisture from the green mass. At this stage, chlorophyll begins to break down, the concentration of essential oils and tannins increases, which will give the tea a rich taste. Spread a cotton kitchen towel on the work surface, overlap the leaves on it and leave them to dry for 10-12 hours.

Did you know? To Europe tea leaf, as well as the tradition of brewing tea, penetrated along with other oriental goods through Portugal. It was this country on the edge of Europe that once laid a sea trade route to China and began to import outlandish varieties of this drink. Remarkably, the most "tea" country in Europe, England, had no idea how to handle the tea leaf. When the camellia leaves first came to the cooks of the royal family, they added them to meat salad and without a shadow of a doubt served at the royal table.

If the humidity outside is high, it can take up to a day to wither. Determining the readiness of raw materials is simple: fold one of the large leaves in half. If it crunches, then leave the mass to dry for a while. If the body of the sheet is pliable, then you can proceed to the next stage of preparation.

Preparing leaf tea

You can only brew one kind of leaves, or you can make a tea blend. Boil water in a kettle until bubbles appear, pour it into a teapot, add tea leaves at the rate of 1 tsp. leaves in 250 ml of water. Cover the teapot with a lid and leave to infuse for 5-7 minutes. There is no need to dilute such an infusion with water, but if the tea is too strong, dilute it in a cup warm water in a ratio of 1:1.


There are many herbal and loose leaf teas, but some of them are especially popular recipes.

It is made from fireweed raw materials, also known as Koporye tea. Its unique taste properties due to the long fermentation process (up to 48 hours) and the high juiciness of the raw materials.


  • Ivan tea leaves - 2 tsp;
  • hot water - 0.5 l.


Pour tea leaves into the teapot, fill it with boiling water and close the teapot tightly with a lid. Leave the tea leaves to infuse for ten minutes. Strain through a sieve. Such an infusion can be drunk with dried fruits, homemade cakes and honey.

To make it easier to experiment, start preparing mixtures of two or three flavors. When you understand which leaves give the best taste in the mixture, move on to four- and five-component blends.

Important! Before twisting, the dried mass can be put in the refrigerator for an hour and a half, and then allowed to thaw. The mass processed in this way will give a lot of juice, and the fermentation process will be more intense.


  • mint leaves - 2 tsp;
  • strawberry leaves - 0.5 tsp;
  • raspberry leaves - 1 tsp;
  • apple tree leaves - 1 tsp;
  • hot water - 1 l.


Pour boiling water into a pot. Add mint, leave covered for one minute. Add raspberry leaves, apple trees and keep covered for two minutes. Add strawberry leaves, brew for another two minutes. Strain the resulting infusion, dilute hot water in a 1:1 ratio before use.

From rosehip leaves

When chilled, this tea has best taste. In addition, it is better to insist it not on boiling water, but on hot water to save your vitamin C and get the most benefit.


  • rosehip leaves - 5 tsp;
  • hot water - 1 l.


Pour the tea leaves into the teapot. Fill with hot water and insist under the lid for half an hour. Strain through a strainer, cool and serve with dried fruit.

Contraindications and harm

For all its usefulness loose leaf teas have a number of contraindications. Infusions with thyme, nettle and maple should be used with caution by lactating and pregnant women. People with a penchant for allergic reactions you should beware of dogwood and wild rose.

Did you know? up to d about the beginning of the 20th century, all tea was sold in tin cans. A lucky break changed the situation. One of the American tea suppliers named Sullivan began to pack tea leaves in small silk bags to save on tin packaging. One of Sullivan's clients inadvertently dropped such a bag into a kettle of boiling water and saw that the tea was infused even through silk fabric. So, in 1903, a patent appeared for the use of tea bags.

Those who suffer from a weak stomach are not recommended to use teas based on walnut, hazel and chokeberry too often. If you plan to drink tea from the leaves of a small child, consult a pediatrician so as not to harm the baby.


First of all, make sure that the storage container is minimally permeable to air. In a relatively sealed package, tea leaves will retain their properties longer. Porcelain and ceramic dishes with tight-fitting sealed lids, polypropylene bags with a string closure along the top edge are suitable for this purpose.

If you plan to store small portions of different tea leaves, then put them in separate paper bags and close them in a large airtight bag. The room in which you will store the teas should be dry, warm (+18-20 °C) and dark. Once every three months, take out your supplies and air them out, pouring them into new bags.
leaf tea garden plants- This is a guaranteed quality product that you can prepare yourself. Choose the plants you will harvest from, harvest the leaves at an early stage of maturity, sort them carefully and dry or ferment them for the best taste.

Store your brew in the right conditions for it to retain its maximum flavor and health benefits. Drink a cup of healthy homemade tea every day and then you will stay healthy even in winter period hypovitaminosis.

Nutritional ecology: Tea herbs are those herbs that taste good when brewed. The plant can use leaves, twigs, buds, flowers, and in some species - roots

As a child, I was always embarrassed why grandfather does not drink shop tea “like all people”, but always brews tea on herbs or branches. Years passed and now we ourselves “sat down” on these herbal teas, and now their smell every time reminds me of my childhood in the countryside.

Let's look at what herbs and plants are suitable for making tea and what are their benefits.

Tea herbs are those herbs that taste good when brewed. The plant can use leaves, twigs, buds, flowers, and in some species, roots.

Some plants only release their taste when the leaves are fermented, and when dried or raw, they have a pale and grassy taste, such as strawberry and strawberry leaves. Or their taste is weak without fermentation, like maple leaves.

Plants such as willow tea can be fermented, or dried top leaves and flowers can be brewed. During fermentation, the taste changes to a more saturated one, with notes of coffee and chicory. Fermented willow tea is one of the richest tea drinks in terms of taste. The brewing of oak bark or alder cones can be compared with it in terms of color density and bright taste, but this medicinal raw material is drunk not as tea, but as a remedy.

Highly bright taste and meadowsweet has an aroma. However, it is so fragrant that not everyone can drink tea only from its flowers, because its taste is bright to the point of cloying even. But it is very good as an addition to other herbs, giving a honey flavor to the tea setting.

Cherry leaves are good as a separate tea and with additives. They have a sweet, slightly tart taste. But if they are used without the addition of other herbs, there is a slight tinge herbal flavor which not everyone likes. Therefore, cherry leaves (and sweet cherries) can be combined with oak, maple leaves.

Currant, mint, lemon balm, sage, raspberry, chamomile are the queens (and kings) of herbal teas in terms of taste, vitamins, benefits, aroma. These herbs can be drunk in fresh, dried and fermented.

Of the forest plants, the main tea plants are blueberries, heather, lingonberries. Blueberries and heather make magnificent, tender, sweet, scented teas. Cowberry gives tea infusion sourness. And pharmacy lingonberries are generally sour-bitter, perhaps because they are harvested together with bearberry, which is of the same family and similar property but adds bitterness to the tea.

If you want to make the most delicious herbal healthy tea, then you need to collect it yourself. Or buy (accept as a gift) from good people who treat herbs with care, with love, as with our smaller brothers / sisters.

List of tea herbs (leaves, flowers)

1. Ivan tea (fireweed).

2. Meadowsweet (meadowsweet).

3. Currant.

4. Raspberry.

5. Blueberries.

6. Lingonberry.

7. Mint.

8. Melissa.

9. Kotovnik.

10. Lamb.

11. Linden.

12. Cherry (cherry).

13. Strawberries (strawberries).

14. Oak.

15. Maple.

16. Blackberry.

17. Rosehip.

18. Sage.

19. St. John's wort.

20. Nettle.

21. Thyme.

22. Chamomile.

Herbal tea was once the main tea drink. Only since then, when black and other varieties of tea were brought to Russia, did it give way. Now that the fashion for a healthy lifestyle has reappeared, herbal tea is once again becoming very popular. The benefits of herbal tea are undeniable and are confirmed today by many. scientific research. Indeed, what could be better than drinking a cup of healthy herbal tea on cold winter days? So what are the benefits of herbal tea and is there any harm?

Herbal tea is tea obtained by brewing herbs, flowers, and plant roots. You can make this tea with any herb. We need to calm down after a hard day at work, relieve the first signs of a cold, relieve nausea or bloating - we resort to herbal teas.

In winter, this tea will warm, raise our immunity. In summer - an excellent cooling and healthy drink. After all, all herbs have healing properties. And in addition to simply quenching thirst, herbal tea can solve a number of health problems.

Benefits of herbal tea

Herbal tea has many health benefits. It can be drunk hot or cold. At all times and all over the world, such tea is valued as a drink that gives the key to health and longevity and is the most ancient drink. How can I benefit from drinking herbal tea?

The main benefit of this tea is that when brewing any part of the plant, we get healing drink with all the useful properties given plant in an easily digestible form. In addition, herbal tea is:

excellent source of vitamins and minerals;




ether compounds.

herbal teas simple, inexpensive and effective. It's one way to drink delicious drink caffeine-free and non-drug prevention and treatment of certain diseases.

Flavonoids and antioxidants found in tea drink, help to remove toxins and heavy metal compounds from the body, have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and digestive systems, capillaries and connective tissues, and promote faster healing. Flavonoids, as scientists believe, can have an antitumor effect, slow down the aging process.

Tannins also help the body fight many diseases, have astringent properties, and relieve inflammation.

Depending on the herb or several types of herbs being brewed, herbal tea may have the following properties:



Immuno-strengthening and immunostimulating;


Relaxing and soothing;

As a rule, herbal tea is drunk without sugar. But you can add sweetener if you like. Better if it will natural honey or stevia.

Harm of herbal tea

It is hard to imagine that herbal tea can do any harm. However, certain requirements must be met.

First of all, this applies to the herbs from which you will prepare tea. Their collection should be carried out in an ecologically clean area so that they do not contain harmful substances industrial enterprises or highways and roads.

Never buy herbs from the market until you know exactly where they were collected. It is better to buy at a pharmacy or a store.

Some herbs are only for healing. Drinking them in the form of tea is not recommended. These are herbs such as comfrey, ephedra, willow bark, celandine, dubrovnik, lobelia and the like, which contain poisonous and toxic substances. They are taken strictly in a certain dose and strictly regulated time.

There may be individual intolerance to some herbs, which can manifest itself in the form of a rash, irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, coughing, sneezing, and so on.

The main purpose of herbal tea is prevention. Therefore, do not brew too strong tea.

Be sure to consult your doctor or specialist, especially if you are currently undergoing treatment and taking medication, pregnant or breastfeeding.

How to brew herbal tea

Herbal tea is essentially a decoction or infusion made from the herb, leaves, bark, seeds, or flowers. It does not contain caffeine and they drink it, as a rule, for the sake of prevention and own pleasure due to useful properties herbs or herbal collection.

As noted by many scientists, herbal tea is much better than vitamins in tablets. So to save everything healing properties, herbal tea must be properly brewed.

One of the main requirements is brewing tea in a sealed container. To do this, you can use a teapot, in a mug or a glass with a lid. When brewed, the herb releases essential oils.

When brewing some herbs, they must be kept in a water bath after brewing with hot water. It is allowed to brew in a thermos.

Some herbs are better to pour warm first boiled water and then bring to a boil over a fire and boil for a few minutes. As a rule, bark or fruits are brewed in this way.

How to choose herbal tea

When it comes to choosing herbal tea, the first thing you need to know is for what purpose you will be drinking it. Now you can buy ready-made herbal preparations intended for specific purposes. These are vitamin, to strengthen the immune system, for children, especially for women or men and compiled by specialists in a clear proportion.

Herbal tea should contain nothing but the herb itself, no artificial flavors or colors.

When harvesting herbs on your own, you need to dry them in the shade or under a canopy, spreading them out in one layer or tying them in small bunches. Drying herbs in the oven is allowed, while the temperature should not exceed 35 degrees. Can be dried in the electric dryer for fruits and vegetables.

Herbs are stored in tightly closed paper bags, cardboard boxes or cotton bags. The shelf life depends on the particular herb. Usually it's one or two years.

The most useful herbal teas for every day

For many centuries, people have passed on information about the healing powers of herbs from generation to generation. With so many choices herbal teas today it can be difficult to understand which tea is better to choose. Here are just some of the healthy herbal teas you can drink every day. In fact, there are many more.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is the most famous tea. It has calming properties, helps lower blood sugar levels, and improves digestion. They also drink tea for colds, coughs, bronchitis, and use it to gargle the throat and mouth. As studies have shown, chamomile tea can reduce the death rate by almost 29 percent.

Elderflower tea

Elderberry flowers are traditionally used in the treatment of colds. This tea is an effective decongestant, helps to clear the nasal passages of mucus.

It also has diaphoretic properties, cleanses the lymph nodes, strengthens the immune system. Elderflower tea is drunk for allergies, asthma, in the treatment of fungal infections, urinary tract infections, and toothache.

Melissa tea

Melissa is a member of the mint family. These herbs have soothing, anti-inflammatory properties that reduce pain. The plant is rich in antioxidants and contains the powerful compound eugenol.

Lemon balm tea can be drunk with digestive problems, with sleep, with stress and anxiety.

Fennel Tea

This is the most famous tea, which is drunk with bloating and increased gas formation. It has anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties, relieves spasms, removes bad smell from mouth.

Mint tea

Traditional tea for nausea and vomiting. Tea stimulates the production of bile, improves digestion, soothes and promotes sound sleep.

Tea with lemongrass

Lemongrass has a positive effect on digestion, calms the nerves and lowers blood pressure. It will also help with insomnia, acne, colds.

Tea with lavender

Lavender is known for its relaxing properties. Lavender tea is most often drunk to relieve stress and calm the nerves. It will also help with stomach problems, relieve pain associated with arthritis or other bone diseases, headache.

Echinacea tea

Echinacea has excellent tonic properties. They also drink this tea to boost immunity, for colds, to relieve pain in the joints and muscles.

nettle tea

Nettle is rich minerals. She is good source iron, calcium, silicon. Nettle tea is a good anti-inflammatory agent, improves skin condition, fights allergies, improves blood composition.

thyme tea

Thyme tea can be drunk during a cold. Thyme contains essential oils that protect the body from viruses and infections. It also helps with coughing as an expectorant. It will help with pain in the stomach, throat, with menstrual pain.

Tea with red clover flowers

This tea is especially well known for its ability to reduce symptoms and ailments during menopause. If you suffer from frequent hot flashes, disturbed sleep - brew a cup of tea with red clover.

rosemary tea

The aroma of rosemary, according to scientists, helps improve cognitive performance, help prevent brain aging.

Tea with ginger

Ginger tea is a good remedy in the early stages of infections. They drink it for rheumatic pains, it expands blood vessels and stimulates blood circulation, promotes weight loss.

Hibiscus tea

Red hibiscus tea is a very versatile tea. It can be drunk hot or cold. It perfectly quenches thirst, improves appetite, fights colds. This tea is also good as a laxative and diuretic.

it special kind green tea is very rich in antioxidants. It contains 17 times more antioxidants than blueberries and 7 times more than dark chocolate.

Oolong tea promotes weight loss. Thanks to a large number antioxidants, it can reduce bad cholesterol levels, good prevention cardiovascular diseases improves skin condition.

Pu-erh tea is the only tea that can mature and improve with age. Studies have shown that it can reduce fat deposits, lower cholesterol levels, and prevent the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Rooibos tea

Rooibos tea can help with headaches, insomnia, eczema, high blood pressure, allergies.

The use of this tea can improve the condition of the skin, clear it of acne, promotes the strengthening and growth of hair.

This tea can also be attributed to herbal teas. It is rich in antioxidants, contains vitamins and valuable minerals that have a beneficial effect on the heart, liver, DNA cells.

This is not a complete list of the best herbal teas. In the summer, collect the leaves of strawberries, currants, raspberries, stock up on rose hips and other berries. all this is perfect for brewing delicious and healthy herbal tea.

Undoubtedly, tea made from fragrant herbs grown in one's own garden is fundamentally different from tea brewed from store bags or twisted loose leaves of unknown origin.

The herbs that we have collected in this review are ideal for creating unique recipes homemade herbal tea, fragrant and healthy, rich and invigorating, or vice versa, soothing and helping to restore strength. All of these herbs you can grow on your site.

  1. Hyssop

A perennial shrub, remarkably similar in appearance to lavender, has many healing properties. For cooking healthy tea it is best to use the shoots of the plant at the very beginning of their flowering. This tea is great for "calming the mind", especially recommended for reducing tension and relieving headaches. In addition, hyssop is an excellent antispasmodic. Of its unusual properties, it is worth noting that in folk medicine it is used as a remedy for excessive sweating.

Hyssop is unpretentious, grows best in sunny areas and well-drained soil.

  1. Verbena Lemon

The Druids called this plant a cure for all diseases, and in later times it was even attributed the magical properties of getting rid of the evil eye and damage. For the preparation of tea, tender leaves of verbena are used. Its consumption improves digestion, relieves joint pain and helps with asthma. On the nervous system acts as a tonic. And the plant, due to its attractive aroma, is often used in the perfume industry.

Verbena loves the sun and does not survive the cold winters of Central Russia, so in our climate it is grown as an annual. As a perennial, it can be grown in containers or pots.

  1. Mint

Among herbal tea lovers, mint is one of the most popular herbs. In addition, it is one of the easiest plants to grow. Grows in almost any soil, in full sun or light shade. It grows easily, so it must be limited. Peppermint tea fights digestive disorders, pain and spasms in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, mint tea is good for small children, it stimulates appetite, reduces flatulence and has a very refreshing taste.

  1. Melissa

Melissa is a relative of the aforementioned mint, but it has a pronounced citrus flavor.

Melissa grows well not only in sunny areas, but also in dry soil and in partial shade. For the winter, the aerial part of the lemon balm dies off, but grows again in the spring. Like mint, it spreads vigorously, so it is best to plant such plants in a plot limited on all sides or, for example, in a leaky bucket that can be dug into the ground. The properties of lemon balm on the body are similar to those of mint.

  1. Thyme

Thyme is an effective component of herbal tea that fights gastrointestinal problems, with diseases of the upper respiratory tract. We, for example, often use this tea as an aid when we have a sore throat.

The leaves and flowers of the plant are used to make tea.

Thyme grows well in the sun and in light shade, is not picky about the soil, grows even on poor soil.

  1. pharmaceutical camomile

Chamomile is the queen medicinal herbs. But not every kind will do. Chamomile is considered to be the most useful. Tea with it is traditionally used as a sedative, sleep aid (for those who have trouble sleeping). In addition, chamomile is an excellent antiseptic (you can also gargle with it). It is best to use chamomile flowers to make tea. And the remnants of such herbal tea can be rinsed with hair after washing, this will give them extra shine.

Chamomile loves sandy soils and lots of sun, and requires occasional watering.

  1. Jasmine

Jasmine flowers are also suitable for making tea. It can be prepared directly from jasmine or added to green tea, which pairs well with it.

Jasmine, like others, loves the sun.

  1. Marjoram

This culinary plant has a juicy, sour taste with a hint of mint. Marjoram tea will help with gastrointestinal diseases, liver diseases, cholelithiasis, intestinal gases and abdominal cramps.

It grows well in full sun but can tolerate light shade and needs loose and well-drained soil.

  1. cilantro

Commonly used in cooking, cilantro is also suitable for making tea. To soften the acidity, honey is added to the tea. It removes toxins from the body and prevents indigestion.

Cilantro grows in both full sun and partial shade and is the perfect plant for planters. Cilantro grows in any climate as an annual herbaceous plant.

  1. Rosemary

Rosemary tea improves digestion, boosts cognitive function, and acts as an antioxidant to protect the body from cancer and heart disease.

The plant prefers partial shade, light and well-drained soils.

  1. Fennel

Fennel tea is very good for digestion, it suppresses irritable bowel syndrome, bloating and flatulence. You can use this tea from the first days of life, which is very helpful for parents of babies who are unwell due to infantile colic. Fennel loves fertile soil, open sunny places or very light shade. Grows without much care. Easily propagated by self-seeding. Can also be grown in pots/containers on balconies and windowsills.

  1. Sage

Sage has many medicinal properties, starting with bactericidal, ending with the fight against depression and Alzheimer's disease. He likes moist soil, so care for him involves periodic watering.

  1. Basil

Brew basil, add honey and ginger to this tea, and you will get an incredibly healthy and tasty drink, especially for the cold season. This tea will help with asthma and coughs, flu and colds. In addition, the consumption of basil tea lowers blood sugar levels and helps in heart disease. Basil is also used against bad smell from mouth.

The plant loves heat and sun. In our climate, it is grown exclusively as an annual.

  1. Valerian
