Healthy New Year's table: recommendations and recipes. Delicious diet salads for the new year

The New Year can be a big test for your figure and health. Traditional dishes most often far from the principles proper nutrition. Friends arrange plentiful feasts and are offended if you refuse to try Olivier according to the "firm" recipe. We invite you to see what New Year's dishes prepared by nutritionists and pp-bloggers on festive dinner. They are bright, low-calorie and delicious. Will be remembered for a long time and will not leave extra centimeters on your waist.


Lavash with salmon


  • lavash leaf - 1 pc.
  • slightly salted salmon - 200 g
  • curd cheese - 150 g
  • dill greens - half a bunch
  • lettuce leaves - half the package (you can whole)

How to cook?

  1. Spread pita bread on the table and grease the entire surface with curd cheese.
  2. Finely chop the dill and sprinkle over the entire surface of the pita bread.
  3. Put the filling on the near edge. The first layer is salmon cut into thin slices. Put lettuce leaves on the salmon. Then another layer of salmon.
  4. Roll the stuffed pita bread into a large roll. Try to roll as tightly as possible so that after cutting the filling does not fall out.
  5. Cut the roll into portioned pieces- rolls.

Salmon rillette


  • fresh salmon - 300 g
  • smoked or slightly salted salmon - 100 g
  • juice of ½ orange
  • zest of ½ orange
  • Dijon mustard - 1 tsp
  • Butter at room temperature - 20 g (you can replace 2 tablespoons of olive oil)
  • sour cream or mascarpone (can be substituted) soft cottage cheese) - 2 tbsp. l.
  • chopped chives - 1 tbsp. l.
  • chopped tarragon - 1 tbsp. l.
  • thyme - 3 sprigs
  • white wine vinegar - 1 tsp.
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

How to cook?

  1. Steam fresh salmon (10 minutes), remove skin, mash with a fork. Add oil. Let the salmon and butter mixture cool to room temperature.
  2. Cut the smoked salmon very finely. Add along with the rest of the ingredients to the cooled salmon. Stir with a spoon and refrigerate for 2-3 hours. Serve with whole grain bread.


Quinoa and broccoli salad


  • broccoli - 5-6 inflorescences
  • quinoa - ¾ cup
  • pomegranate - 1 handful
  • red onion - 1 handful
  • olive oil- 1 tbsp. l.
  • lemon juice- 1 tsp
  • salt, spices - to taste

How to cook?

  1. Cover the quinoa with 2:1 water, bring to a boil and cook for 10-12 minutes until the water is almost completely absorbed. Turn off the fire.
  2. Cut the broccoli into small pieces. Add to quinoa, cover and let stand for at least 5 minutes.
  3. Cool slightly, add onion, pomegranate, lemon juice, olive oil and season with salt and spices.

Salad with arugula


  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • mozzarella - 2 balls
  • arugula - 1 bunch
  • salt - to taste
  • olive oil - to taste
  • balsamic (creamy) - optional
  • capers - optional

How to cook?

  1. Slice tomatoes and cheese. Arrange cheese and tomatoes alternately on a platter.
  2. Lay the arugula on top. Season with spices and salt, drizzle with olive oil and balsamic. Garnish with capers.

Hot dishes

diet lasagna


  • lasagna sheets - 110 g
  • chicken fillet -300 g
  • champignons - 170 g
  • carrots - 70 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • kefir - 300 ml
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • cheese - 30 g
  • ground black pepper - 3 g
  • salt - 4 g

How to cook?

  1. Stew chopped fillets and sprinkled with salt and pepper.
  2. Saute carrots, mushrooms, onions and tomatoes. Salt and stir.
  3. Add chicken to vegetables and let cool.
  4. Prepare the sauce: mix kefir, sour cream, garlic pressed through a press, salt.
  5. Assemble the lasagna. Put 2 sheets in the dish, then fillet and vegetables with mushrooms. Top with sauce at the end.
  6. Repeat layers 2-3 times.
  7. Sprinkle with grated cheese and put in the oven for 30 minutes.

Chicken with oranges


  • chicken (thighs or breast) - 550 g
  • small oranges - 2 pcs.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • olive oil - 1 tsp
  • a few sprigs of thyme
  • sakhzam
  • salt pepper

How to cook?

  1. Mix in a cup the juice of one orange, lemon juice, oil, sahzam, salt and pepper.
  2. Cut the onions large enough, slice the orange and put them together with the chicken in a bowl. Pour the resulting dressing on top, throw in a few sprigs of thyme and leave to marinate for several hours.
  3. Put everything on a baking sheet, wrap it with foil and send to bake for about 30 minutes at 180 degrees. Then remove the foil from the top and bake for another 10-15 minutes.




  • almonds, ground in a coffee grinder - 100 g (any whole grain flour can be used)
  • oat flakes, ground into flour - 80 g
  • banana - 40 g
  • Honey -1/2 tsp
  • additional sweetener (honey, syrup) - to taste
  • cocoa powder - 10 g
  • baking powder or soda -1/2 tsp
  • nut paste - 1 tbsp. l.
  • spices ( ground cinnamon, ground ginger, ground cloves and nutmeg) - taste

How to cook?

  1. Mix all the ingredients, roll the dough into a ball and set aside for 10 minutes.
  2. Roll out the dough with a thickness of 7 mm, cut the gingerbread into a cookie cutter.
  3. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 12 minutes.
  4. Top with frosting.

Tangerine pp-pancakes


  • medium apple - 1 pc.
  • water -50 ml
  • cinnamon, cardamom, ginger - to taste
  • juice of 1 tangerine
  • honey - to taste
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • zest of 1 tangerine
  • milk - 100 ml
  • warm water - 50 ml
  • cornmeal - 50 g
  • psyllium - 1 tsp (you can remove, but then replace cornmeal 60 g oatmeal or whole wheat flour)
  • coconut oil - 1 tsp
  • salt - on the tip of a knife

How to cook?

  1. In the grated zest, add eggs, milk, flour, psyllium, warm water, oil and salt. Wait 10 minutes and bake in a non-stick frying pan without oil over medium heat.
  2. Cut the apple into cubes. Pour water into a saucepan, add tangerine juice, spices and an apple. Put on the stove and boil, stirring, until the liquid has evaporated.
  3. Put a little in each pancake spiced apple add honey on top. You can also add if you wish natural yogurt and roll the pancakes into bags.
  4. Tie the bags with tangerine zest.

In itself, overeating at the New Year's table is not so scary for the figure, experts unanimously assured us. “You won’t gain extra pounds from once,” says Elena Tikhomirova, dietitian at SM-Clinic. - If you usually eat moderately, the body has no practice at all to store fat. In the case of a single food spree, according to the theory of protective thermogenesis, it will turn extra calories not in the folds at the waist, but in warmth, it will increase the temperature of the muscles and skin. Sometimes a person clearly feels this effect, feels that his face, abdomen, inner thighs are on fire ...

Overeating at the festive table, rather, is dangerous because it can be perceived as the end of the diet that you followed before, and the start of a long gluttony. You won’t gain extra pounds in one day, for winter holiday- just a couple of times. If you understand that you can “slide” into this scenario, agree with yourself in advance when exactly you will allow yourself too much. Let's say in new year's eve, around Christmas and on the day when you go to visit your mother (mother-in-law, brother). For the rest, eat normally and walk more.”

With the fact that you won’t get better from one late dinner, they agree and Marina Studenikina, nutritionist, deputy chief physician of the Weight Factor clinic, and Ekaterina Belova, nutritionist, chief physician of the Center for Personal Dietetics "Palitra Nutrition". But digestive problems can be earned easily.

“Fatty high-calorie food, especially out of habit, after a break, a diet, will provoke at least heaviness in the stomach and nausea,” says Marina Studenikina. - The digestive system produces few enzymes at night, evening overeating is stressful for it in any case. Make on New Year's table healthy New Year's meals are needed for this reason alone."

* Do not break the diet on the 31st. Like any other day, you should have breakfast and lunch, snacks and dinner - a gala dinner at 7-8 pm. Celebrate with food and drinks not the New Year itself, but the farewell of the old. And after midnight, eat only a few fruits or vegetables, greens.

* Cook, first of all, for yourself. It's selfish but right. If it is important for you that there is a non-calorie on the New Year's table, healthy food, and cook it first. And then salads with mayonnaise, if the guests want them.

* Modify dishes. With some traditional recipes(for example, tiramisu) it will be difficult. Salads are easier. To, say, make a healthier and lighter version of Olivier, put beans instead of potatoes, and chicken pieces instead of sausage. Refuel not purchased mayonnaise(it has a lot of not only fat, but also additives), but bean sauce. They are very close in taste, I can say from experience that they are almost indistinguishable, even in Mimosa, even in a herring under a fur coat. Less calories and fat. The recipe below contains 200 ml of olive oil, but the output will be large. Only a couple of spoons of such sauce will go into the dish, and even less will get on your plate.

* Cook more salads co fresh vegetables. They are lighter than others and saturate well due to a large number fiber.

* Choose red fish, not caviar. There is more salt in caviar. In addition, it is most often eaten on white bread with butter.

Bean sauce a la mayonnaise

Run a jar of canned white beans in a blender own juice. Add 1/2 teaspoon sugar and salt, 1 teaspoon mustard from a tube, 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 200 ml olive oil. Scroll again in a blender until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Salad with grapefruit and seafood

Mix in an arbitrary proportion lettuce leaves, cherry tomatoes cut into halves, Seafood Cocktail(canned in its own juice or boiled). Divide half of the grapefruit into slices, and then - directly over the salad bowl so that the juice flows into it - into the fillet. Salt. Top with olive oil.

* Do not cook too much. Set the table not with “basins”, but with small plates and bowls. Ideally, each of them should fit enough food so that each guest has enough for a small portion. Large quantity will provoke overeating, both in the New Year and after it: it will be a pity to throw away food.

* Remember that the New Year's table is dinner. Choose your meals accordingly. On ordinary days in the evening, it is supposed to eat not carbohydrates, but protein and vegetables. Forget about potatoes, pasta, pie and pies. Ideally, and about desserts, with the exception of fruit. If you really want to pamper yourself with them, leave them on the morning of January 1st. And on New Year's Eve, serve vegetables and poultry. Whole baked chicken or turkey looks beautiful, and eaten without the skin will not give extra calories. More the best option- fish. It is very tasty, both baked in the oven and steamed.

* Take your attention away from the food itself. Try to beautifully arrange the table itself, put spectacular dishes (better than cold shades - warm ones excite the appetite), wind the figurines from napkins, aesthetically decorate the dishes themselves in the form of a Christmas tree, Santa Claus figurines, clock faces. Or, conversely, prepare the most simple and delicious food.

* From alcoholic beverages choose dry wines. Not sweet and certainly not cocktails. The latter are usually a combination of alcohol and sugar. Having received a fair amount of calories from alcohol, the body will definitely store those that come with sugar.

Fish baked in foil with vegetables

Rinse salmon steaks (portioned cod fillet, other fish), dry, salt, pepper. Place onion rings and tomato slices on top. Wrap in foil and bake until done.

Spicy vegetable skewers

Boil in salted water until crispy cauliflower and broccoli (for a large company - about 20 medium inflorescences). Drain and pat dry. Mix 1 tbsp. l. unsalted / lightly salted soy sauce, rice vinegar, sesame oil, chopped ginger root and garlic passed through a crush, 1 tsp. curry, salt to taste. Add cabbage and twist in the resulting sauce. Let stand before serving room temperature 2 hours. When serving, thread onto wooden skewers.

* Celebrate the New Year in a restaurant. The correct New Year's table is a restaurant one. In this case, you do not have to cook, and therefore taste the dishes in the process of cooking - this is how we get a significant amount of calories. And you won’t sit too long at the table - you’ll go dancing. Before going out to a restaurant, eat a meal with protein and fiber, such as an omelet with vegetables. If you go to a restaurant more or less full, then the purpose of the trip will be a little different: not so much food as communication.

* Avoid sparkling alcohol. It increases the pressure inside the pancreatic ducts. And it may happen that your pancreatic enzymes are activated right in it and do not go into the duodenum. And you get acute pancreatitis.

* Correctly fill the plate. It does not matter if you are celebrating at home, in a restaurant or at a party. Cover the bottom with lettuce leaves, put fresh vegetables on top of a slightly smaller diameter and only at the very top - pieces of the main course, meat, fish, salad.

* Choose simple meals With a small amount components. Jellied fish, jelly (do not forget, when it hardens, remove fat from the surface). Simple salads, meat, fish, poultry, baked in pieces, not with sauce.

* Eat more fatty pieces with fresh vegetables, herbs. They contain a lot of fiber, which activates the intestines, pushing food, and partially absorbs fat.

* From desserts, choose fruit (from dried fruits). Eat them better not on New Year's Eve, but on the morning of January 1.

Fish baked whole with vegetables

Clean the carcass of a trout or pink salmon, gut, remove the gills and skeleton, rinse and dry. Drizzle with lemon juice, salt and pepper inside and out and leave to stand for 1 hour. Peel half an onion, half a carrot and 3 medium champignons, finely chop and simmer in olive oil. Place on paper towel to absorb excess oil. Stuff the fish with the resulting mixture and sew with kitchen string or chip with wooden toothpicks. Bake in the oven until tender (about half an hour, depending on the size of the fish).

Prunes with yogurt sauce

Cut the prunes on one side, remove the seeds and put them in each one instead. almond. Put on a dish, pour low-fat yogurt and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

Follow the advice of nutritionists, cook dishes according to their recipes - and your New Year's meal will be easy.

New Year is one of the most awaited holidays all over the world. A beautiful Christmas tree, cozy gatherings with relatives and friends, Santa Claus and, of course, long-awaited gifts. Traditionally, people arrange family feasts with a bunch of delicious, but incredibly high-calorie meals. Is it possible to avoid extra pounds and not refuse treats? Today we will tell you what salads to cook for the New Year, so that it is both tasty and healthy. Record and save so as not to lose!

Salad "Beauty" without mayonnaise

All the ingredients in the salad are perfectly combined and create a harmony of taste.

List of ingredients:
● Smoked chicken meat - 300 g
● Chinese cabbage - 300 g
● Pear - 1 pc.
● Walnuts - 50 g
● Vegetable oil - 4-5 tbsp. l.
● French mustard - 2 tsp.
● Black ground pepper- 1 tsp
● Salt - optional

Cooking method:
● We cut chinese cabbage, pear and smoked chicken.
● Prepare dressing: mix mustard, vegetable oil and pepper.
● Mix all salad ingredients with dressing.

Quinoa with baked vegetables and cheese

When hot, this dish will become wonderful side dish, and in cold delicious salad. Try two options and decide which one you like best.

List of ingredients:
● 7 tbsp. quinoa
● 1.5 tbsp. water
● 2 bell peppers
● 2 zucchini (zucchini)
● Salt, Provencal herbs
● Olive oil
● Bryndza cheese

Cooking method:
Rinse the quinoa thoroughly and add to boiling salted water. Cover with a lid, reduce the heat to a minimum and leave to cook until the water is completely absorbed. Zucchini and bell pepper cut into large pieces, salt, add olive oil and Provence herbs, mix and put on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Bake in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 30 minutes. Mix quinoa and vegetables, add cheese. If the dish is used as a salad, then you can season it balsamic vinegar m olive oil.

Salad with arugula and shrimps

Very light, fresh, tasty and low calorie. Storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

List of ingredients:
● Arugula - 30 gr.
● Tomatoes 2 pcs.
● Red basil - 30 gr.
● Shrimps - 100 gr.
● Cucumbers - 150 gr.
● Olive oil - 1 tablespoon
● Lemons - 1 slice
● Garlic - 1-2 cloves
● Pepper, salt - to taste

Cooking method:
First, crush a clove of garlic and fry in a heated pan with oil. As soon as the garlic is browned - take it out. Next in garlic oil put frozen (already peeled) shrimp. We are waiting for the excess liquid to evaporate. It will take about 5 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste. As extra seasoning I took rosemary. Ready shrimp post it on a separate dish. Now we take the greens (arugula and basil) and put them in a deep salad bowl. Next, cut the tomatoes into small slices and put in a salad bowl. I decided to cut the cucumbers into strips. If desired, you can peel them. Lay out the fried shrimp. Add olive oil, lemon juice, salt. And mix thoroughly.

PP Olivier

Unbelievable, but yes, olivier can be healthy and quite tasty, so don't deny yourself some of it!

List of ingredients:
Chicken breast 250 gr
● Potatoes 150 gr
● Yoghurt 100 gr
● Carrot 50 gr
● Eggs 3 pcs
● Pickled cucumbers 2 pcs
● Fresh cucumbers 1 piece
● Peas 50 gr
● Bulb onion 50 gr
● Mustard 5 gr
● Salt, herbs to taste

Cooking method:
Let's cook the chicken. And when cooked, cool - in this form it will be much easier to cut it. We will cook potatoes and carrots not in water, but for a couple - in a double boiler or in a slow cooker. So the vegetables will have much more taste and useful substances. And you can speed up the process if you first clean the vegetables and cut them into cubes raw. We cook hard-boiled eggs. You can in the usual way - in the water. And you can, like vegetables - steamed. Now it's time for the cucumbers. You can take only fresh ones. And you can fresh and salty - in a ratio of 50/50. Or 2/3 salted and the rest fresh. Let's not forget about onion! We grind it in the same way. We cut all the ingredients into small cubes: potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, chicken, eggs. All that's left to do is refuel. You need to take the usual unsweetened yogurt and mix it with mustard. Now we combine all the products, add dressing, add some salt. Gently mix everything and put the salad bowl in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

Herring under a fur coat

One of the most popular "New Year's" salads is herring under a fur coat. Great recipe with sauce based on sour cream and mustard instead classic mayonnaise. The rest of the products in this version are the same, boiled vegetables. Serve the salad on a large plate.

List of ingredients:
● Salted herring - 1-2 pcs. (depending on the size of the plate and fish)
● Turnip - 1 pc.
● Potato - 2-3
● Medium carrot - 1 pc.
● Chicken eggs - 2-3 pcs.
● Red beets - 1-2 pcs.
for the sauce:
● Sour cream 10% fat - 200 g
mustard powder- 1 tsp
● Pepper, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:
Boil vegetables (except onions) and eggs in advance, cool and peel. Three on a coarse grater on separate plates.
Chop the onion finely enough, scald with boiling water, if you want to slightly reduce its sharpness. Gutted herring, separate the fillet from the bones. Cut or cut into small pieces. In a blender, beat all the ingredients for the sauce. The ingredients are ready - we begin to collect the salad. To the bottom of a big and deep enough salad dish or herring spread pieces of herring. The next layer is chopped onion. Then, smearing each layer creamy mustard sauce, put vegetables and eggs in the following order: potatoes, carrots, eggs, beets. Top the beets with sauce, decorate. Our herring under a fur coat is ready, the photo shows that outwardly it cannot be distinguished from the usual mayonnaise salad.

Enjoy these recipes on a wonderful holiday and stay in shape. Enjoy your meal!

Many girls have been asking for a long time to compose and lay out an approximate holiday menu. I myself always wanted to make a kind of cheat sheet that would always be at hand. And since not far off numerous new year holidays I decided to collect the best diet meals for the New Year 2019, moreover, only those pp-recipes that will not affect your figure in any way!

However, all this is suitable not only for the meeting of 2019 and seeing off 2018, but also for any other celebration - birthday, meetings with girlfriends, family holidays!

Getting ready for the holidays right

Our traditions are so closely connected with hospitable feasts that for most pp-shniks, especially beginners, the holiday turns into real torture. On the eve of celebrations, many people experience real stress, tormenting themselves with questions - “to eat or not to eat?”, “to drink or not?”, “how not to break loose”, “what if I get fat again from a sandwich?”. Some even refuse friendly and family communication, as they are afraid not to restrain themselves and succumb to temptations!

Perhaps the New Year is one of the most difficult such holidays.

But what if you cook only healthy meals?

After all, there are so many delicious things in pp - holiday salads(light, tasty and without mayonnaise!), meat and fish, seafood and even sweets - cakes, desserts, sweets!

It turns out that we do not refuse a feast, we will talk with relatives, we will eat tasty treats and we will not forget about losing weight and a healthy lifestyle!

It's just a dream!

PP menu for the holiday: basic rules

We will compose the New Year's menu of the pp-shnik so that no one is left hungry. Basically, all recipes have already been described by the authors of the site. PP Delicious! - you just need to follow the links.

Cooking all this is easy, since most of the recipes are “lazy”, that is, you don’t need to kill yourself near the stove.

AT list of dishes for a festive pp-feast I recommend including:

  • something meaty;
  • something fishy;
  • sandwiches;
  • 2-3 types of cold snacks;
  • several salads;
  • dishes for the sweet tooth.

In addition, buy a lot of fresh variety of fruits and vegetables. Be sure to think over drinks - homemade juices without sugar, compotes. , for example, is the perfect solution!

Can do non-alcoholic mojito:

  1. in 3 l. water brew 3 tbsp. green tea;
  2. cool, squeeze the juice of 1 lemon, cut another half into rings and throw it in;
  3. tear fresh mint there (a small bunch).
  4. If you like, add honey or any other sweetener.

The question of alcohol on the festive table decide for yourself. Ideally, drinks should be only non-alcoholic, but I think a glass of champagne under the chiming clock or wine is quite possible.

Best Holiday Recipes

Now let's move on to the list of what exactly will be on the dietary New Year's table.

something meaty

The easiest way is to bake whole chicken, rubbing it with salt and spices.

Marinate raw for an hour, bake for 2 hours at a temperature of 200 degrees.

If the wings-legs burn, cover them with foil.

Chicken is good cold too.

The coming year is the year of the Pig, so astrologers recommend not applying for festive table nothing from pork that fits perfectly into the principles of proper nutrition!

something fishy

Those who fast will love these recipes!

Sandwiches and pp-snacks

Low-calorie snacks are not a myth either.! Make and cook stuffed eggs- not a snack, but a real dream for those who love fitness, as protein in such a dish is simply a record amount - 11 g per 100 g with a calorie content of 65 kcal!

I also recommend baking grilled marinated champignons. Making them is easy:

  1. fill a 3-liter jar with mushrooms (before that, wash them, dry them);
  2. pour in the juice of half a lemon, 3 tbsp. soy sauce, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil and 0.5 tsp. ground chili pepper;
  3. shake every 15 minutes for an hour;
  4. then put the mushrooms on a baking sheet and bake for 40 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Equally good with piping hot and cold!

Low calorie holiday salads

I don’t know why, but many people have a problem with pp-salads for the holiday. There are just a lot of recipes, you can see for yourself, perhaps you will like some more than those offered.

I offer 3 different options:

  • of course, what a New Year without;


Olivier light. I'll start traditionally - with Olivier salad. But you can cook it much more noble, refined and low-calorie. I liked the blogger's version of Svitla-4ok - with baked turkey (you can take chicken) and avocado. Only instead of mayonnaise, of course, Greek yogurt or cook at home mayonnaise sauce(I will write about it below). Recipe - .

Salad with salmon, red caviar and quail eggs. Festive and beautiful? Highly! Delicious? Absolutely! What else do you need for a holiday?! I found the recipe on the Ziuk-cook-book blog.

Salad with arugula, avocado and feta- simple, quick, easy, but very tasty. Recipe - .

Main course

The best idea would be to cook in the oven for the main course chicken with vegetables. We pick up for ourselves diet breast, and guests and other household members will be happy with baked chicken legs. Recipe from Delicious Blog.

Well at odds on a holiday. Usually, as a filling, there is a mixture of some salted herring with mayonnaise ... - light and delicious option with avocado and yolk.

Homemade mayonnaise light

For those who cannot survive the New Year without mayonnaise salads, I suggest preparing your own home version sauce! I assure you, it is very tasty, and has nothing to do with the terrible fatty substance from a store can.

A few recipes from the Tastydiet blogger can be found at the link. Wow! low calorie mayonnaise contains only 194 kcal per 100 g.


You can’t do on New Year’s Eve without desserts!) Although even if it doesn’t come to it, it will be with great pleasure that you can drink coffee with a piece of coffee for breakfast citrus cheesecake. Of course, on January 1, breakfast will be in the evening when you wake up. Usually cheesecake is a fairly fatty dessert, but not in this case. Recipe

Useful menu for the New Year - it's easy!

It's so tasty, but it can be easy new year menu. When choosing recipes for your festive evening, exclude everything that contains mayonnaise, it is better to refuse potatoes, fatty meats, salads with crackers and chips, white bread and other wheat products. Then this feast will not leave a significant mark on your figure. Happy Holidays everyone!

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