Waffle recipes for the Soviet waffle iron from the instructions. Recipes for dessert waffles for a Soviet waffle iron

Even as adults, few people can calmly pass by the well-known tubes with the most various fillings. Most people remember Soviet ones from childhood. electric waffle irons, which mothers and grandmothers took out closer to the holidays or on other occasions to please their children.

Now this delicious dish can be prepared not only on “classic” units, but also on more advanced electric and gas ones.

We bake waffle rolls in a modern electric waffle iron

We measure bulk products in an ordinary glass with a capacity of a quarter liter.

We start the process with eggs, sugar and vanillin: mix them and beat. For this purpose, you can use either a whisk or a blender or mixer. We control readiness by increasing the volume: as soon as it exceeds the initial volume twice or three times, the mass is ready for further preparation.

You need to add margarine to the mixture of eggs, sugar and vanillin, which must be placed in a warm place in advance so that it softens.

Use the mixer again: beat the mass until it is relatively homogeneous.

After this, take a sieve and add flour in small portions. To mix, use either a whisk or a mixer at low speed. The consistency should be approximately like sour cream.

Now you can begin the final stage of the process - baking. Prepare the waffle iron and oil it a little. It is enough to do this once, before frying the first waffle, since modern appliances are made with special non-stick coatings.

Once the waffle is baked, remove it from the waffle iron and roll it into a cone or tube.

Everyone clearly remembers Soviet waffle irons. Perhaps some people still have them in their kitchen and are able to bake delicious waffles. To prepare this sweetness using a Soviet waffle baking device, you will need:

  • Eggs – 3 pcs;
  • Butter – 100 g;
  • Sugar – 150 g;
  • Flour – 100 g;
  • Vanillin – 1 g.

Take a small bowl where we put the eggs and softened butter mass. Mash the ingredients well with a fork until you get a relatively homogeneous mixture. After this, you can pour sugar into them and continue to mix thoroughly.

Lastly, add flour and vanilla. You should look closely at the dough so that there are no lumps in it. If the fork is not very effective, you can use a mixer or blender on low power.

When the base is prepared, set it aside and begin preparing the waffle iron. Its baking surface should be greased with oil and left to heat for about a quarter of an hour.

After this time, you can start frying. You can use a spoon or a shallow ladle to spread the dough. Each portion is baked for at least 2-3 minutes, after which it is checked for doneness. Using a knife, remove each one from the waffle iron and try to quickly roll it into a tube. This must be done very carefully, since they are only flaming and very hot.

Recipe for crispy waffle rolls for a gas waffle iron

Regardless of what baking technique you use, the waffle recipe doesn't change much. If you are going to make waffles in a waffle iron that runs on gas, you will need:

  • Butter – 100-125 g;
  • Sugar – 150 g;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs;
  • Starch – 50 g;
  • Water – 150 ml.

Preparing the delicacy begins with heating butter in a water bath. While it is gradually softening, you need to waste no time and start grinding the eggs with sugar. To speed up the process, use a mixer or blender.

When a thick foam appears, you can add melted butter to it. At the same time, we do not stop working with the mixer. Next add starch and flour. We do this in small portions.

The last ingredient that is added to the dough is warm water. It also needs to be added very little at a time. We put the resulting mixture in a warm place, and we ourselves begin to prepare the workplace for baking.

Place the device on the stove, lubricate it with oil and wait until it heats up. After this, you can start baking. There are 2 spoons of dough per waffle.

What to fill the tubes with?

Waffles are incredibly tasty even without any filling. But with the filling, this delicacy will simply be in great demand. There are many options for filling tubes. The most popular are:

  • Custard, which is prepared from yolk (1 pc.), butter (100 g), sugar (1 glass) and milk (1 glass);
  • Curd cream: cottage cheese (preferably low-fat, about 100 g), butter (100 g), sugar or powdered sugar(50 g), condensed milk (just a little - 15 g), cognac (a couple of drops);
  • Chocolate-cream filling, which contains the least amount of ingredients - dark chocolate (about 200 g) and cream (it is better to take about 30% fat, 150 ml);
  • Protein filling: take a couple egg whites and sugar (120 g).

In addition to the options presented, you can use a variety of products: nuts, raisins, fresh and dried fruits. That is, everything that your imagination allows you.

In addition, you can experiment not only with sweet filling, but also salty: for example, pates, grated cheese with garlic, meat and fish fillings, herring oil and much more. You can also add some fresh vegetables.

Prepare according to our recipes, it is very simple and tasty.

Interesting cheese scones kefir with filling will diversify your breakfast, but it can also be a good snack. how to do.

How to cook open pie with cottage cheese from shortcrust pastry so that the filling does not leak out and the dough does not turn out raw. Follow ours and everything will work out!

This is enough a simple dish There are practically no pitfalls, but there are several secrets that will help you create a real masterpiece:

  1. If you want to get crunchier, rather than tender, tubes, use a substitute: in the recipe, instead of a third of the flour, add starch;
  2. The plasticity property of waffles decreases with every second after you open the waffle iron, so there is no need to waste time: they need to be rolled immediately, no matter how hot they are;
  3. To keep the straws crispy and crumbly for a long time, try to store them in a well-closed container or bread box;
  4. If you want to fill the tubes with non-sweet creams, then it is recommended to exclude sugar and vanillin from the recipe and add a little salt;
  5. It must be remembered that too much cream can spoil the crispy effect of the waffles. To preserve this property, it is best to choose from sweet options either protein or cream based on butter and condensed milk;
  6. To decorate the tubes a little, dip them first in melted chocolate and then in ground nuts, coconut flakes or multi-colored powder.

Wafer rolls- incredible tasty dish which will delight your loved ones and guests. Especially if you diversify them with not only sweet, but also salty fillings. In this case, they will be not only a dessert, but also a snack.

In your parents' old records you can always find proven recipes, for the implementation of which you do not need to purchase overseas and expensive products.

As is known, in Soviet times electrical appliances were made to last. Many people still have working kitchen appliances. For example, according to most housewives, the Soviet electric waffle iron is much better and more reliable than modern devices designed for quick and delicious baked goods dessert. Therefore, if you inherited such a unit, we recommend that you do not hesitate to prepare waffles in the form of tubes. Unlike store-bought ones, this delicacy turns out tastier and fresher.

Step-by-step dough recipe for an electric waffle iron (USSR)

Surely everyone remembers that before everyone kitchen appliance was sold along with a small brochure, which not only described the instructions for using this unit, but also presented a recipe that was easily implemented using the device.

The dough for the Soviet electric waffle iron was very often made based on this very brochure. Therefore, it always turned out especially tasty and tender.

So, for preparation we will need:

Making dough for an electric waffle iron

There are several ways to prepare such a base. We decided to look at the simplest ones.

Standard recipe homemade dessert involves the use of many high-calorie and fatty foods. To properly knead the dough for an electric waffle iron, you must strictly follow all the described recommendations.

Fresh high-quality margarine is placed in a deep bowl and then placed on water bath and gradually melt. At this time, begin processing other ingredients. Chicken eggs beat vigorously together with sugar using a mixer, a regular whisk or a blender.

After cooking oil Once melted, remove it from the stove and cool slightly. Next, add the sweet egg mixture to the warm margarine and mix well. Leaving the ingredients aside, begin processing the sour cream. Add table soda to it and quench it thoroughly. After this, both masses are combined and stirred until a homogeneous mixture is formed.

Finally, add to the resulting base. After mixing the products, you should get batter for an electric waffle iron (without a single lump).

Heat treatment

It’s not enough just to make the dough for an electric waffle iron for straws. It still needs to be baked properly. To do this, connect the kitchen appliance to the network, and then lubricate it a little sunflower oil. This procedure does not have to be carried out before baking each waffle. It is enough to grease the mold once.

As soon as the device heats up, scoop the dough into a tablespoon and quickly pour it onto the bottom of the electric waffle iron. Covering the base with a lid, press both halves well.

There is no need to spread the dough (for an electric waffle iron it should not be very thick) over the surface of the mold. The base should spread on its own when the lid is closed.

In this form, each waffle should be baked for two minutes.

Must be avoided large quantity bases on the frying surface. This is because after you close the lid, the excess batter will flow out.

Testamentary stage

Now you know how it's done traditional dough for electric waffle iron. You can see a photo of this Soviet electrical appliance in this article.

After the waffles are browned on both sides, they are rolled into tubes while still hot. Don't be upset if your dessert turns out unattractive the first time. Over time, you will learn to roll neat and even tubes.

After preparing the waffles, you can think about the filling. You can use boiled condensed milk with nuts or custard as it.

How to make dough for an electric waffle iron without eggs?

In case if traditional recipe This dessert does not suit you, we recommend using another cooking method. Many housewives bake this sweet and tasty dish without eggs. These waffles are thinner and crispier.

So, the dough recipe for an electric waffle iron without eggs involves the use of:

  • sifted light flour - about 200 g;
  • fine beet sugar - ¾ standard glass;
  • fresh butter - about 70 g piece;
  • table soda - on the tip of a dessert spoon;
  • fine sea salt - a small pinch;
  • fresh baked milk 4% - about 400 ml;
  • vegetable oil - use to lubricate the mold.

Knead the batter

To prepare this base, use a large enamel bowl. Soft, but not melted butter is placed in it, and then fine sugar is added. Grind both ingredients thoroughly with a tablespoon or fork. In this case, you should get a homogeneous whitened mass.

After processing, add table soda (without pre-quenching), a little salt and sifted flour one by one. All components mix well.

As a result of such actions, a loose mixture is obtained. To make it liquid, half of the baked milk is gradually poured into it. During this process, the dough is beaten with a mixer.

Having received thick mass, the remainder is also poured into it in a thin stream dairy product. At the same time, make sure that no lumps form in the dough.

The consistency of this waffle base should resemble thick and heavy cream.

How to use?

The finished waffle dough should be baked exactly as in the previous recipe. Due to the fact that it was prepared without eggs, this dessert turns out to be thinner and more delicate. Therefore, it should be wrapped in tubes very quickly. Otherwise, the layers will break.

Making unleavened waffles

The dough for an electric waffle iron using water and without sugar turns out fresh. However, this recipe also has its fans. As a rule, it is used by those who are on a strict diet or do not eat sweets.

So how to do it unleavened waffles? For this we need:

  • sifted wheat flour - 1 cup full;
  • large chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • drinking water room temperature- 1 glass full;
  • fine sea salt, table soda - on the tip of a dessert spoon.

Cooking method

This dough kneads quite quickly and easily. To begin, add baking soda to the egg yolk and sea ​​salt. They are thoroughly ground with a spoon, and then mixed with ½ glass of drinking water.

Having received a liquid mass, add sifted flour to it. As soon as the dough thickens, pour the remaining water into the bowl.

If you want to get more curvy lean waffles, then you should beat it separately egg white and also add it to the dough. In addition, to add sweetness to the dessert, you can add 2 large spoons of sugar to the base.

This delicacy is baked according to the same principle as described above. Ready-made waffles when hot, roll into a tube and serve.

Cooking soft waffles

Surely many people know that there are two types of waffle irons. One is for baking fine dessert, which is subsequently rolled into a tube, and the other for preparing Viennese, that is soft waffles. We talked above about how to make the first delicacy. As for the second, the recipe for its dough will be presented right now. For it we will need:

  • large chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • fine beet sugar - 250 g;
  • milk 2.5% fat - 250 ml;
  • butter good quality 72% fat content - 170 g;
  • light flour - about 350 g;
  • baking powder - 5-7 g.

Cooking process

To make the dough, you should use butter at room temperature. It is ground with granulated sugar, and then all the chicken eggs are added one by one.

After whipping the ingredients with a mixer, gradually pour milk into them. Baking powder and sifted flour are also added to the base.

After mixing the dough with a spoon, you need to make sure that there are no lumps left in it. This base should be smooth and uniform. The thickness of this dough is very similar to pancake dough.

How to bake?

An electric waffle iron for soft waffles is significantly different from a device designed for baking straws. Its forms are more pronounced and also have a certain depth.

Scooping out the dough big spoon, it is laid out in the center of the lower part of the unit. Covering it with a lid, bake the waffles until they are browned on both sides. To prevent the dessert from sticking, it is advisable to grease the mold before the first preparation. vegetable oil.

This delicacy turns out to be very tender, fluffy and soft. It should be served with maple syrup or chocolate glaze.

In Soviet times, the goods on the shelves were not very diverse, so housewives pampered their households with culinary delights of their own making.

Waffles were considered one of the favorite desserts; every self-respecting woman had her own special recipe.

Many people still have a forgotten waffle iron gathering dust in their pantries. It can be useful for creating a culinary masterpiece.

How to make the best dough

Secret correct test for such a dessert in composition and consistency. The thickness should resemble sour cream.

The waffle iron needs to be warmed up well; if the temperature is not sufficient, the waffles will not have time to bake.

Cooking time depends on the thickness of the dough and the ingredients used.

For example, waffles made with butter cook quickly - about 45-50 seconds. And when using milk or kefir, the time increases - 4-5 minutes per serving.

If the waffle iron is new and has never been used, then you need to add 1 spoon of potato starch to the dough. This will prevent the dough from sticking.

Classic dough recipe for homemade waffles

The simplest, most inexpensive and quick recipe waffles for Soviet waffle iron on the stove. If you don't have experience with a waffle iron, start there.

  • Butter – 100 g;
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • Salt - a quarter of a teaspoon;
  • Sugar – 1 glass;
  • Sifted flour – 400 g;
  • Fat sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 pinch;
  • Baking soda or baking powder - 1 teaspoon.

Let’s proceed to a detailed examination of the recipe with visual photos.

Beat the eggs mixed with sugar until a light foam forms, add vanillin. In another bowl, add soda to sour cream and stir.

Combine both mixtures, then add soft margarine. It is soft, not melted.

Add salt. Whisk the mixture and gradually add flour.

It is better not to add all the flour at once, so that it is more convenient to get rid of possible lumps. Knead the dough until it looks visually similar to sour cream.

Pour one tablespoon of the mixture onto the prepared heated waffle iron and carefully spread over the entire surface. Press the lid on and wait 1-2 minutes.

The first waffle will be dark brown, the rest will be pale golden.

Accordingly, the cooking time should be reduced.

Ready-made waffles must be quickly rolled into a tube while they are warm.

If you remove sugar and vanillin from the recipe, you can make not a dessert, but a snack using pate or cheese.

We invite you to watch the video recipe below. It's not classic, but it's the simplest one you can think of.

Many people remember how, in childhood, a cast-iron waffle iron was heated on gas until it was red-hot. This delicacy was always desired and brought the whole family to the table.

The waffle dough recipe for a cast iron waffle iron is slightly different from the classic one for an electric one. Let's try to restore this forgotten taste childhood.

  • Butter (margarine) – 250 g;
  • Sifted flour – 300 g;
  • Chicken eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • Granulated sugar – 200 g;
  • Salt – 1 pinch;
  • Soda - a quarter teaspoon.

For the filling you will need a can of condensed milk and 300-350 grams of butter.

Let's start with the filling: add the melted butter to the container with condensed milk and mix. If possible, use a mixer. Then the mass will turn out airy.

The method for preparing waffles will be as follows.

Grind the eggs with sugar and begin to beat with a whisk until a good thick foamy mass is formed, pour in the melted butter in a thin stream, without ceasing to work with the mixer.

Heat the waffle iron to a temperature of approximately 190 degrees and pour 2 tablespoons of dough onto the surface. We carefully distribute it around the entire perimeter, making sure that it does not overflow.

Close the lid and squeeze tightly. Each waffle takes 3-4 minutes.

Be careful! A lot of hot steam comes out during cooking.

After the waffle is baked, quickly shape it into a cone or tube and let cool.

When all the tubes or cones are ready, you need to fill them with condensed milk.

If you don't have pastry syringe, then simply pour condensed milk into a plastic bag and cut off one corner. This great alternative syringe.

Fill all the tubes with filler. Waffles with condensed milk are ready, you can make tea with them and enjoy the resulting dessert!

Now rest a little and watch a video on how to prepare these waffles, making sure at the same time that the steps taken are correct:

Recipe for crispy light waffles

Delicious crispy waffles can also be low in calories. This recipe will undoubtedly appeal to those with a sweet tooth who dream of losing a couple of kilos, but are unable to bring themselves to give up sweets.

  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • Sugar – 150 g;
  • Vanillin – 10 – 15 g;
  • Kefir – 1 glass;
  • Wheat flour – 1 cup.

Grind the egg-sugar mixture until homogeneous mass. Then add vanillin and kefir. Add the sifted flour in small portions, stirring constantly.

Heat the waffle iron, place the dough on the panel, close the lid and squeeze the surfaces tightly. Bake for 2-3 minutes.

To add lightness and crunch to the waffles, increase the cooking time to 3-4 minutes, they should turn out brown.

Soft dessert products with filling

As a basis for preparing soft airy dessert let's take classic recipe Belgian treat.

Ingredients for soft waffles:

  • Wheat flour – 1.5 cups;
  • Milk or cream – 1.5 cups;
  • Sugar – 1 faceted glass;
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • Butter – 130 g;
  • Salt - half a teaspoon;
  • Baking soda or baking powder - half a teaspoon.

Add baking powder to the sifted flour; you can replace it with soda. Cut the butter, melted at room temperature, into pieces and dissolve in milk, stir until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

Grind the eggs with sugar, transfer the resulting mass to milk, add salt. Mix everything well.

Add flour in several additions and mix until smooth. Place the resulting dough in a dark place for 15 minutes.

Heat the waffle iron and spread the butter on both sides with a brush. Use a ladle to pour the dough into the mold. Make sure there is enough of it.

The amount of batter depends on your waffle iron. It should fill the cells, but not overflow.

Once the molds are filled, close the lid.

To purchase golden color and proper baking will take about 4 minutes.

Waffles cooked in a Soviet waffle iron are ready. All that remains is to stuff them.

Fill waffle cones custard. Classic recipe custard- a taste familiar from childhood. Makes a great dessert!

Go here and you will find recipes for making an amazing cake " Rotten stump" The most interesting activity is shaping the cake. This is where you can get creative!

Do you know what hummus is? No? Then quickly open this article and read. The information will not only be educational, but also very useful, since the knowledge can be applied in practice!

Soft Belgian waffles usually served with fresh berries: raspberries or blueberries. But you can also use syrup, jam or preserves.

Whipped cream makes a great addition.

For a visual effect, decorate the cream cap with a mint leaf and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Thin Viennese waffles

With the phrase " Viennese waffles» culinary delights in bright packaging, which are full of store shelves. But this one delicious dessert You can cook it yourself, having only a Soviet waffle iron on hand.

Ingredients you will need:

  • Flour – 200 g;
  • Sugar – 100 g;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • Pasteurized milk – 250 ml;
  • Rum – 1 tablespoon;
  • Butter – 100 g;
  • Salt - a quarter of a teaspoon;
  • Dry yeast - half a tablespoon;
  • Vanillin – 10 g.

Using a simple technique, separate egg yolks and proteins. Mix the yolks with some granulated sugar(about 70 g), beat with a whisk.

Melted on steam bath Cool the butter and pour into the egg-sugar mixture. Heat the milk a little, but do not boil. Mix with yeast and add to our mixture.

Add salt, vanillin and a spoonful of rum, stir gently until the bulk ingredients are completely dissolved. Slowly pour the sifted flour into the mixture, stirring. Leave the dough for 30 minutes in a dark place.

During this time, grind the yolks with the remaining granulated sugar (30 g), add a pinch of vanillin and a pinch of salt. Beat until thick foam. Carefully pour the whites into the resulting dough.

Bake for 4 minutes on a hot waffle iron. Viennese waffles can be served with vanilla ice cream, berries or fruit syrup. In Europe, many establishments often combine this dessert with soft varieties cheese.

We invite you to watch the video below, which shows a recipe for making Viennese waffles without rum:

Small tricks

Waffles can serve great dessert Even for vegetarians, it is enough to exclude eggs and milk from the dough. They should be cooked in water, but otherwise the recipe remains classic.

Many housewives love to pamper their children chocolate waffles. Of course, the main addition to the dough will be cocoa.

You shouldn’t skimp on it; cheap Soviet cocoa will make the taste bitter, and the waffles themselves will be of uneven color after baking. Stock up on good imported vanilla cocoa. You only need a little bit for one bake, so it will last a long time.

To quickly separate the yolk from the white for Viennese waffles, pierce the egg on both sides with a needle. Blow gently into one of the holes above the cup. The yolk will remain in the shell, and the white will be “blown out” into the plate.

To achieve a beautiful golden color, add a teaspoon of turmeric to the dough.

For Viennese waffles, you can replace the rum with cognac. This will make them more aromatic and have a pleasant taste.

During the Soviet era, there was no diverse assortment on the shelves of confectionery stores. Women baked sweets in their kitchens. Homemade waffles were popular. Every housewife had own recipe waffles for a Soviet waffle iron.

Among kitchen utensils Many people have a heavy waffle iron sitting idle. A forgotten culinary accessory can come in handy for creating sweet masterpieces.

To make the waffles tasty, you need to knead the dough correctly. It needs to be given a special consistency. It should be the same as that of full-fat sour cream.

If the waffle iron has not been used before, then the dough should contain potato starch(1 tbsp.) Instead, you can use vegetable oil (2 tbsp.). This will prevent the desserts from burning.

Before placing the first portion of dough, the electric waffle iron should be warmed up thoroughly. If the recipe includes margarine or butter, the product will bake quickly. It will take longer to prepare waffles with kefir, milk or water. Average varies from 30 seconds to 4 minutes.

The most popular waffles are filled with protein cream or boiled condensed milk. There are recipes for waffle iron salty baked goods. They put meat or liver paste, unsweetened cottage cheese or cheese.

Preparation of waffles according to standard recipe

To prepare dessert at home, they often used simple and inexpensive recipe. The traditional recipe consists of the following components:

  • three eggs;
  • 450 gr. flour;
  • one glass of granulated sugar and 10 gr. vanilla sugar;
  • 150 gr. 82% margarine;
  • 1 hour l. soda;
  • 1 tbsp. l. high fat sour cream.

Dough by Soviet technology prepared as follows:

  1. Sugar and vanillin should be added to the eggs.
  2. Lightly beat the mixture.
  3. Add soda to sour cream.
  4. Mix the first and second compositions and put soft (but not liquid) margarine into them.
  5. While stirring, add flour (in portions).
  6. Pour 1 tbsp into a heated waffle iron. l. test.
  7. Distribute the composition evenly throughout the mold. Close the lid and leave for about two minutes. The first product should be fried until it acquires Brown color. All others are cooked until creamy.
  8. While the waffle is still hot, roll it into a tube or cone.

How are waffles with sweet fillings prepared?

Recipe No. 1

Those with a sweet tooth will love the recipe for waffles for a Soviet waffle iron filled with condensed milk. It will require ingredients such as:

  • eggs (5 pieces);
  • sugar and flour (250 g each), vanillin;
  • margarine (250 gr.);
  • boiled condensed milk (150 gr.);
  • butter (100 gr.).

Before preparing the waffle batter, the eggs should be cooled.

Next, add sugar and beat lightly (until the grains dissolve). Soft margarine is added to the mixture. Without stopping stirring, add flour and a pinch of vanillin. Knead the dough to a creamy consistency.

Before baking products in a waffle iron, it is heated in a special way. To do this, the electrical appliance is plugged into an outlet, and the usual form is heated on the stove. Place one portion on the pan, level it and close the lid of the waffle iron. The usual cooking time is 3 minutes. When the tube is baked, remove it and, without allowing it to cool, roll it up.

The cream filling is made from butter and condensed milk. Using a mixer, beat them into a strong, uniform mass. Using a pastry bag, fill the tubes with cream.

Recipe No. 2

The second recipe from Soviet cooking is more complex. The difficulty is associated with the special technology for preparing waffles. To bake these sweet desserts, you need to stock up on the following ingredients:

  • sugar (310 gr.) and vanillin;
  • 62% margarine (125 gr.);
  • flour (110 gr.);
  • cream (50 ml);
  • eggs (4 pieces).

Boiled condensed milk or jam is suitable for the filling. The waffle preparation technology consists of several stages:

  1. Kneading the dough: pour cream into melted margarine, stir, then add a mixture of eggs beaten with sugar. Lastly, add the flour.
  2. Pour 1 tbsp onto the lower half of the waffle iron. l. test. Close the lid. Bake for 2-3 minutes. Then open the appliance and spread the filling (1 tbsp) onto 1/3 of the cake. Give the product the required form you can without removing it from the waffle iron.

Important nuance Note: Do not cover the entire crust with filling. The filling should not contain oil, otherwise it will leak.

How to make dessert for a children's menu?

Recipe No. 3

The cone-shaped waffles will become delicious decoration children's holiday menu. For this delicacy, the dough is kneaded from:

  • 1 egg
  • 50 gr. oils,
  • glasses of slightly warmed water,
  • 75 gr. Sahara,
  • 175 gr. flour
  • pinches of vanillin.

Half the sugar should be combined with butter. The remaining half is poured into water and stirred. An egg is driven into the first mixture. Mix all ingredients. Carefully add flour and vanillin. Stir until the lumps disappear.

After the products are baked, they need to be rolled into horns. After cooling, they are filled with ice cream scoops and decorated with sprinkles on top. If you get creative, you can make patterns on the ice cream or fill the cones with caramel with nuts and chocolate. New ideas can be borrowed from photo recipes or cookbooks.

New ideas for making crispy waffles

The recipe for making sweet crispy waffles does not differ in special technologies:

  1. Place water in a wide saucepan and heat it to gas stove.
  2. Melt 125 g in a water bath. butter. It should cool down.
  3. Two eggs are beaten into deep container, add sugar (150 g), after which the mixture is whipped into a light foam.
  4. Without stopping whipping, pour in the heated oil.
  5. Starch (50 g.) is mixed with flour (150 g.), poured into egg mixture. The dough preparation process is completed by adding water (100 ml).
  6. The dough should be kept warm.
  7. A regular waffle iron is heated on gas. The electrical form is plugged into a socket. The mold is greased with oil.
  8. Two tablespoons of dough (tablespoons) are laid out on the baking surface. The waffles are rolled using the standard method.

Condensed milk, jam, cream are suitable for filling.

There are other recipes for making straws and waffles at home.

They give every housewife the opportunity to show her creativity and culinary skills.

Many people remember from childhood how their mother or grandmother prepared incredible food for breakfast. delicious waffles, crispy in an electric waffle iron, the recipe for which at first glance may seem extremely complicated and impossible for an inexperienced cook.

To this day, waffles remain one of the most delicious and favorite delicacies among both children and adults.

There are a great many recipes and varieties of this dessert. You can cook waffles in a waffle iron, you can make them with filling, you can find a traditional recipe for Belgian or Dutch waffles. The main thing in preparing any dessert is a proven recipe, preferably with a photo, quality products and good mood. The latter is an indispensable attribute when cooking, otherwise nothing will come of it. This especially applies to desserts and sweets made from dough.

The waffle recipe has undergone many changes over time. According to one of the many versions, the ancient Greeks began preparing the dessert. True, then they were little like traditional waffles and more like pancakes, and the Greeks used cheese and herbs as the main ingredients.

Later, already in the 14th-15th centuries. In Europe, such a dessert became more similar to the modern one and was prepared only for kings. Truly royal dessert It was made only on special occasions, took a long time to prepare and was served solemnly.

Today, you won’t surprise anyone with classic crispy waffles; even a novice cook can handle their preparation. This delicious, aromatic, crispy dessert can be prepared not only for a holiday; on an ordinary day you can also please your loved ones.

How to cook

What can't you do without if you're thinking about making waffles? Of course, without a waffle iron. Many people probably still have their grandmother’s old Soviet waffle irons. Whoever is not the happy owner of such a rarity can choose in any store household appliances modern electric waffle iron. Be sure to consult with a specialist in the store or read on the Internet yourself about the capabilities of the device, what functions, capabilities, and additional accessories it has.

Waffles come in several varieties: fluffy and thin.

Lush is a traditional Viennese, Dutch or Belgian dessert. Typically they have different shapes, depending on what kind of mold is in the waffle iron. For cooking lush dessert use dough different composition. They are served poured with toppings and fillers. When preparing any kind of fluffy waffles, the most important thing is to strictly follow the dough recipe; the rest is up to the electric waffle iron.

Thin waffles are prepared from classic test, so that when ready to roll them into delicious wafer rolls and fill them with cream, condensed milk, cream or any other sweet filling.

What you need to know before starting cooking

- the traditional recipe for crispy waffles calls for up to 12 various ingredients. Basic: eggs, flour, sugar. Depending on the type and recipe, you will additionally need: baking powder or soda, butter or margarine, mineral water, salt, milk, cream, flavorings such as vanilla;

- starch - main ingredient dough if you want a crispy dessert;

- traditionally in cooking, for preparing desserts, a little alcohol is added to the composition to enhance the taste, for example, cognac, rum or various liqueurs. Waffles are no exception in this case;

- all ingredients for the dough should be warm, it is better to remove eggs, milk, butter from the refrigerator in advance;

— sugar tends to burn, and it also behaves in diluted dough. Waffles may stick to the surface of the waffle iron. To prevent this from happening, it is better to use powdered sugar instead of sugar;

- before you start baking the dessert, the waffle iron should be heated and greased with oil;

thin waffles roll up into tubes as soon as they are taken out of the waffle iron. It will take less than a minute to prepare one thing for rolling a tube.

To make classic crispy waffles, use this step-by-step recipe.


  • flour - 1 cup,
  • baking soda or baking powder lemon acid– 0.5 tsp each,
  • eggs – 1 pc.,
  • 1 glass of milk at room temperature,
  • butter or margarine - 3 tbsp.


In a convenient cup, mix the dry ingredients: flour and soda. Add citric acid.

Beat the yolks with milk and mix the resulting mass with the flour mixture.

Pour melted butter into the resulting dough, stirring the mixture constantly. Then beat the resulting mixture thoroughly with a mixer.

Leave the finished dough to rest for about an hour.

Before baking, you need to beat the remaining whites and pour them into the dough.

Heat the electric waffle iron and grease both halves with oil. Carefully pour a ladle of batter onto the hot surface of the electric waffle iron to form a checkered pancake.

Fry for 2-3 minutes. Take it out when the steam from the waffle iron stops emitting.

Quickly roll the finished wafer into a tube or basket, as you like. The main thing is to do it while it is hot.

Such manipulations require special skill, so don’t worry if you don’t succeed the first time.

It is better to fill the finished waffles with the filling immediately before serving so that they do not get soggy. Or you can serve the filling separately.

Unformatted and completely unsuccessful waffle pancakes can be finely chopped and mixed with cream or sour cream, and then made into a delicious filling.

Viennese waffle iron recipe

Viennese waffles – excellent dish for breakfast on the weekend. It’s not difficult to prepare, it’s easy to combine with sweet additions like jam, berry jam, cream, honey, fruit, and with hearty toppings - sour cream, curd cream, cheese, bacon.

The recipe for Viennese waffles for an electric waffle iron is simple and quick. They can be prepared in just a quarter of an hour, and the ingredients needed for cooking, as a rule, are always in the refrigerator.

This recipe with photos will help you prepare real, wonderful Viennese waffles that are soft and fluffy on the inside and pleasantly crunchy on the outside.

To prepare you will need:

  • chicken eggs – 2-3 pcs.,
  • granulated sugar or powdered sugar – 70-100 g.,
  • 2 glasses of milk,
  • butter or margarine – 30-40 g.,
  • flour - 2 cups,
  • vanillin or vanilla sugar 0.5-1 tsp,
  • baking powder or slaked soda, salt – 0.5 tsp.

If this is your first time preparing Viennese waffles, then it is better to follow all the instructions step by step without deviating from the recipe.

Using a mixer, beat the egg yolks with sugar in a convenient cup, vanilla sugar or vanilla.

Add pre-melted margarine or butter to the resulting mass.

Then pour two glasses of milk at room temperature into the future dough. If you just took the milk out of the refrigerator, it is better to warm it slightly in microwave oven to room temperature.

In a separate bowl, mix the remaining dry ingredients - salt, baking soda or baking powder and flour.

Mix both masses with a mixer. Beat the remaining egg whites with a mixer until fluffy.

To make the waffles airy and tender, you need to manually mix the resulting dough and the airy protein mass.

Heat the electric waffle iron and grease it with oil. Bake each waffle in a preheated waffle iron for no more than three minutes.

Serve the finished dessert to your family for breakfast or just for tea with berry jam, syrup, condensed milk, sour cream, cream or any other additions.

Wafer rolls with filling

If you decide to make thin waffles, then the surest way is to roll them into tubes. You can make whatever filling you want for these waffles.

When choosing a filling to fill the waffle rolls, you should remember that it is best to do this immediately before serving, since the cream can soften the waffles and the dessert will be spoiled. For the filling, classic protein cream or cream made from condensed milk and butter is best. Cream or butter cream If desired, it is better to serve separately to dip the finished waffle rolls into.

As decorations and confectionery decor use chocolate glaze, sprinkles, coconut flakes, sesame seeds, mastic, marzipan, in general, everything you can imagine.

Batter for unsweetened waffles

To make waffles that could be stuffed hearty filling, the following components are required:

  • 1.5-2 cups flour,
  • 1 tsp baking powder or soda,
  • 0.5 tsp salt,
  • 2 cups yogurt or kefir,
  • a third of a glass of sunflower oil,
  • 2 chicken eggs.

Mix all ingredients with a mixer, pour onto the heated surface of a waffle iron greased with vegetable oil. Bake for 2-3 minutes. Roll the finished waffles into tubes or form them into baskets.

You can come up with whatever filling you want. Sour cream, herbs, cottage cheese or processed cheese, ham, cottage cheese, etc.

Baskets of such waffles can be used as tartlets for salads or caviar.

Waffles are one of my favorite childhood treats. Fragrant checkered tubes – wonderful dessert, both for a holiday and for no reason, just for a good mood.

Recipes for crispy or soft waffles are simple and easy to implement. Even the most inexperienced amateur cook can prepare waffles at home, fortunately the Internet will tell you best recipes With step by step instructions and photographs.

Cook with good mood! Bon appetit!

What else can you prepare for dessert? Try treating your loved ones.
