Birch sap, its benefits and harm. Natural elixir of health, or what birch sap can do

Birch is not just a symbol of the Russian people, but also a source of a very healing product. (the benefits and harms of the product have been proven), which is also commonly called berezovitsa, is a unique drink in composition that is priceless for humans.

Main components of the drink

The composition of this product is truly unique. Among other things, you can find different kinds sugars, such as fructose, glucose and sucrose, all kinds of organic acids, enzymes, as well as substances whose main action is aimed at fighting microbes (phytoncides). Besides Birch juice, the benefits and harms are beyond doubt, rich in mineral elements that are so necessary to the human body in the spring. That is why drinking this drink will become excellent prevention hypovitaminosis. Berezovitsa will replenish your body with the following elements:

  • potassium (essential for muscle strength and nervous system health);
  • calcium (keeps bones healthy);
  • sodium (supports kidney function);
  • magnesium (participates in the absorption of glucose and energy production);
  • copper (takes part in hematopoiesis);
  • iron (element deficiency can lead to anemia);
  • manganese (very necessary for the organic development of the human skeleton).

Another feature of birch sap is the fact that it is completely free of fats and proteins, and the amount of carbohydrates is usually about 3 g.

Useful properties of birch tree

The benefits of birch sap are really great, because it contains so many different substances that are extremely necessary for our body. This includes vitamin C, as well as various essential oils. You can safely drink it on hot days, as it can invigorate you and quench your thirst, and also easily replenish the supply of mineral salts, which are lost in large quantities during profuse sweating.

Along with all the listed components, birch sap contains special substances that make it stand out from its analogues. These substances are saponins. It is thanks to the presence of these components that birch tree has a beneficial effect on the body and cures many diseases.

Treatment with birch sap

  1. Useful for various kinds throat diseases, in particular with sore throat and cough. For treatment, you need to drink slightly warmed birch sap. The benefits and harms (you can find out how to store them further in the article) are not equal. Pre-mix it with some milk and starch. It is better to drink this medicine every day, it will be so more benefit until you are healthy.
  2. Indispensable for work disorders gastrointestinal tract, as it is able to stimulate the secretion required quantity gastric juice, as well as enzymes that are required for the digestion process to proceed normally. If you have problems with stool, birch sap will definitely help solve them.
  3. An excellent product for oral care. If you suffer from inflammation or tooth decay, simply use birch sap as a rinse. There is no need to spit it out; keep it in your mouth for a bit before swallowing the portion. It stands out favorably against the background of fruit juices, since it can only have a positive effect on tooth enamel.
  4. Birch sap will replace many medications intended to relieve head pain.
  5. For symptoms of colds, in particular, a runny nose, birch sap should be drunk in the amount of one glass daily. The anti-inflammatory compounds that are part of the drink will perfectly cope with any cold, and they will do it very quickly.
  6. The kidneys will also thank you for drinking birch sap. Swelling, stones and sand will be completely defeated by this drink. However, there are some rules for use: before direct use, a mandatory recommendation from the attending physician is required, since folk remedy has a diuretic. Maybe if you drink birch sap, there are benefits and harms. How to take it so as not to harm yourself? Firstly, no longer than two weeks, every day. Secondly, you need to drink about 3 glasses of the drink.
  7. Even damage to the skin can be healed by birch sap (the benefits and harm are incomplete). It is enough to treat any wounds, ulcers and abrasions with fresh liquid that does not need to be diluted. And if you take it internally, you can forget about eczema, lichen and boils forever.
  8. At elevated temperature The following composition will help: birch sap, sugar, wine and chopped lemon. Infuse this mixture in a dark place for three months, and then use it as an antipyretic.
  9. Spring depression will definitely subside if you take a glass of juice every day for two weeks.
  10. To cleanse the body, you need to include 200 ml of juice in your diet before breakfast. The course of treatment usually lasts about 4-6 weeks.
  11. And, this drink is simply miraculous dietary dish. It contains neither fats nor proteins, which is why it should be in your diet if you carefully monitor your figure.

It is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it later. And birch sap is simply a wonderful preventive remedy. For a month, drink one glass of drink a day - and you will not be afraid of any diseases.

Despite the high glucose content in the composition, people registered with an endocrinologist can also drink birch sap. Benefits and harms of diabetes mellitus are not the same. For consumption, diabetics need to boil oat straw, which was collected during flowering, in juice for 30 minutes (the proportion of straw to juice is 1:3). Take this decoction before meals in an amount of 100 ml.

Everyone can drink birch sap. The benefits and harms for children are not equal.

Pregnancy is the best period in a woman's life

Many people ask the question: “Can pregnant women drink birch sap?” The benefits and harms for pregnant women are obvious. The drink is recommended for consumption only if the woman does not suffer from various allergic reactions for this product. Otherwise it is better to refuse it.

Birch sap is very useful for pregnant women, as it can alleviate severe toxicosis. The amount of drink should be sometimes about 2 liters per day, the course of treatment lasts 3-4 weeks until the signs of toxicosis completely disappear. However, you should not abuse it due to the high glucose content.

High or low blood pressure during pregnancy can also be cured by taking half a glass of juice up to three times a day. Along with the normalization of blood pressure, you will feel that the swelling will go away.

After giving birth, with its help you can increase lactation, and your baby will never be hungry. However, juice should be consumed with extreme caution.

Application in cosmetology

Birch sap can be used for hair and skin care. If you periodically rinse your hair with it, you can prevent dandruff. And in combination with cognac and a decoction of burdock root, the juice will save you from hair loss. This composition should be applied to the hair, left on it for 15-20 minutes and rinsed with warm water.

The birch nectar is considered an excellent remedy for skin rejuvenation and nutrition.

If you are tormented by acne, use a special mask. Mix egg white, birch and honey. As a preventative measure, it is enough to lubricate your face with undiluted juice or ice cubes from it.

A mask made from birch sap (2 tbsp), sprouted wheat (50 g) and sea buckthorn, which needs to be wiped (200 g), will help get rid of small wrinkles. For those with dry skin, the following composition is suitable: juice and honey in equal quantities.

Contraindications for use

Despite all the beneficial properties, birch sap can also cause some harm. If you are a lover of tasty drinks that are also healthy at the same time, you can drink birch sap without restrictions. The benefits and harms of this drink are unequal.

The main contraindications are:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • allergy to tree pollen, in particular birch catkin pollen;
  • stones in the kidneys.

In addition, you should not consume juice that was collected in close proximity to highways, or that has expired.

Product collection rules

The optimal period when you can collect birch sap is the beginning of March. It is worth considering that one tree can produce about 3 liters of juice, in rare cases - about 7 liters.

First you need to determine whether a particular tree has sap. To do this, just use an awl to make a small hole in the bark. If after these steps you see a droplet released, you can safely begin collecting nectar.

You need to choose only mature trees whose crown is quite well developed. It is advisable to drill a hole on the south side at a distance of 50 cm from the ground. The drill should be pointing downwards. After this, you need to insert a groove into the hole. It is along it that the juice will flow into the left container. To maintain the life of the plant, it is recommended to collect no more than 1 liter of liquid per day.

How to store?

Freshly collected juice can be kept in the refrigerator for up to three days. It is also canned. Can be obtained by drinking canned birch sap, benefits and harms. Recipes will help eliminate contraindications. The liquid must be heated, then poured into sterilized jars and closed tightly, using a special preservation key for this purpose.

Another way to store juice is to freeze it. All nutrients will be preserved.

Birch sap is famous for its healing properties. You can either find it on store shelves in jars or strain it yourself from trees. Or purchase from enthusiasts who do this. But is birch sap as beneficial as is commonly believed? We will help you deal with this issue!


The beneficial properties of birch sap are numerous. This is an affordable drink that can help cope with various diseases and improve health. Among the effects it has on the human body:

  • Improvement of the gastrointestinal tract, normalization of stool.
  • Treatment of throat diseases and respiratory tract, used in traditional medicine recipes.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect, the juice is even suitable for rinsing the mouth.
  • Preventing dental caries.
  • Relieving migraines.
  • Diuretic effect, relieving swelling.
  • Removing toxins from the liver and kidneys.
  • Promotes the breakdown of stones in the urinary and gall bladders.
  • Antioxidant effect, calms the nervous system.
  • Prevention of tumor development, cancer prevention.
  • Increased potency for men.
  • Relief of unpleasant symptoms of menopause for older women.
  • Positive effect on hematopoiesis.

Birch sap can be drunk to improve the condition in the presence of many diseases: radiculitis, arthritis, diseases of the genitourinary system, circulatory pathologies vascular system, ailments of the gallbladder, liver and others. Renders positive influence product for almost all systems and organs. At the same time, you can drink it at any age; it will be equally useful for representatives of both sexes.


In most cases, drinking birch sap does not cause the slightest harm to human health. Negative consequences Only patients with stomach ulcers should be wary: drinking can aggravate the condition, especially during exacerbations of the pathology.

People with individual intolerance should also avoid juice (this is rare, but the drink is not completely hypoallergenic). It can manifest itself as unpleasant rashes on the skin. If they appear, you should stop using and consult your doctor. The allergy manifests itself mainly as a rash; complications will only be caused by abuse of the product if it is present.

Dietary properties

Due to its low calorie content and complete absence of fats in its composition, birch sap becomes diet drink. It can be included in a menu aimed at losing weight. Improving metabolism allows you to burn fat better, so it is recommended to drink birch sap at the moment dietary plateau. When the weight doesn't come off proper nutrition, the process can be stimulated in this way.

Calorie content

The calorie content of birch sap is very low: only 24 kcal per 100 ml. There are no fats at all, a small part is occupied by carbohydrates and proteins, which turns it into a natural dietary drink. The nutritional value is low, but the refreshing properties are high.


Contraindications for use are minimal:

  • Individual intolerance to juice.
  • Allergy to birch pollen.
  • Exacerbation peptic ulcer stomach.

In all other cases, you can use birch sap with almost no restrictions. You should not drink several liters at once - the body will respond with nausea and vomiting, just like with plain water. And if your health suddenly worsens after consuming it, it is better to consult a specialist. Perhaps there is an intolerance, but you were not aware of it.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating women

The medicinal properties of birch sap will be useful for both pregnant and lactating women. Drinking helps improve overall health and also has an important anti-edematous effect for pregnant women. Toxins are not retained in the body, cleansing occurs, and the body’s protective functions are increased. This is beneficial for both the mother and the fetus. The beneficial substances of the juice enter the breast milk, and with it - into the body of the newborn. Positive effect affects the health of both.

The nutritional value

Birch sap consists almost entirely of water. It includes minimal amount proteins and carbohydrates, completely free of fats. This is a dietary drink that can partially replace water, tea and other juices in your diet. The benefits for the human body are ensured by its unique chemical composition.

The chemical composition includes a variety of tannins, fruit sugars, vitamins and useful to the body microelements. Organic acids and essential oils are present (in small quantities). Due to constituent components the overall tone of the body increases, strengthens the immune system, metabolism improves. Birch liquid is also suitable for external use.

How to use

Many people drink birch sap pure form. The taste is refreshing, reminiscent of water, but with light hints of sweetness and woody undertones. It becomes especially relevant on hot days, because it easily quenches thirst and helps retain mineral salts in the body that come out with sweat. But if it seems too bland, you can prepare mixtures with other freshly squeezed fruit juices. Or add lemon and honey. You can prepare kvass based on birch liquid; some even make homemade wine.

The juice is made from:

  • Kvass. With the addition of raisins and a little sugar.
  • Syrup. Obtained by evaporation. Can be added to other drinks.
  • Multivitamin natural juices. Mixes well with citrus and other fruits.

External use

Birch sap is also used to treat wounds. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and promotes speedy healing. External damage is treated with undiluted drink. Lotions and compresses can be made based on it.

Cosmetic masks are prepared with birch sap, designed to delay the natural aging process of the skin. Used to wipe the skin, frozen in the freezer. Rinse hair to strengthen it and improve the water balance of the scalp. Such rinses help cope with dandruff. Additionally, masks and balms are prepared for hair to help cope with dryness and hair loss, improve its condition and give a healthy appearance.


The shelf life of birch sap is as short as possible. It can be stored for only two days in a glass container in the refrigerator. But to extend the period, you can freeze it and keep it in the freezer. Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to receive a liter of fresh birch sap daily, make small reserves. But this method of storage is relevant only if you take it as a course for health purposes or use it for cosmetic procedures. Liters of juice take up a lot of space, so don’t stock up if you’re not sure you’ll use it all in a short time.

The juice you can find in stores is canned. You can also preserve juice at home. Preservation significantly increases shelf life, retaining most of the beneficial properties. But in terms of efficiency, fresh still wins.


To preserve 7 liters of birch sap, you will need to take:

  • a little dried mint or half a medium-sized lemon;
  • half a teaspoon of citric acid;
  • 10 tablespoons of granulated sugar.

Boil the juice, add additional ingredients, do not forget to stir and skim off the foam. Keep the mixture on the fire for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, strain through cheesecloth, pour into prepared jars and roll up. The jars must be pre-sterilized, otherwise the products will deteriorate during storage.

You can keep rolled birch sap for two years. After opening the can, you need to drink the drink within five days, storing it in the refrigerator. Therefore, it makes sense to roll it in small, rather than three-liter jars.

How to choose

You can get the juice yourself. Liquid is formed in birches in the spring. And many “hunters” for juice go to collect it. The main rules for self-collection:

  • Choose old rather than young birch trees.
  • Drill a hole about 3 cm deep in the wood.
  • Insert a thin plastic hose into the hole, the other part of which is lowered into the prepared container.
  • Do not collect more than a liter from one tree.
  • After collecting, fill the hole with moss or wax.

Following these simple rules, you will collect a lot of sap and not particularly harm the trees. They will recover quickly. You should not treat them barbarously or choose young trees: they may not withstand such pumping and die. Respect nature and strain the juice carefully!

If you don’t want to go into the forest on your own and “milk” a birch tree, you can do something simpler: buy it from pickers. Or look on store shelves. If you buy it in a store, be sure to look at the expiration date. Determining freshness and quality is otherwise problematic because the juice looks like a clear liquid. Self-collection is the most reliable option for obtaining high-quality refreshing drink with high content useful elements.

What goes with it?

You can combine birch sap with lemon and honey. Refreshing drinks are prepared from these components. medicinal drinks, pleasant to the taste. You can mix with others too fruit juices, relying solely on your own taste. But it’s better to take freshly squeezed juices rather than diluted boxed ones. Infusions based on mint and rosehip are also often prepared with birch sap, popular in folk medicine.


Birch sap, collected from trees in the forests in the spring, is known for its beneficial properties. It quenches thirst, strengthens the immune system, contains absolutely no fat and is a dietary drink. And it has virtually no contraindications other than allergies and gastric exacerbations. The main disadvantage of drinking is its short shelf life, which forces it to be quickly frozen or canned.

In the spring, rural residents drink birch sap; its benefits and harms have long been known. The sap is considered forbidden by allergy sufferers who fearfully await the tree's blossoming. For everyone else, this is a delicious vitamin gift from nature. Birch sap signals the awakening of nature after hibernation. Powerful roots return useful substances from the pantry to the ground part. The larger the tree, the greater the amount of sap required to awaken it. Let's borrow some life-giving moisture from nature.

Characteristics of birch sap

In the spring birch grove in the lowlands there is snow, and those standing on open place the trees are already starting to cry. If in winter someone has made a careless cut on a tree or chopped off a thick branch, droplets of a clear, sweetish liquid are released from the wound when it begins to sap. Life-giving moisture brings an invaluable cocktail, nourishing the tree. This is the time when birch sap is collected.

Sap flow begins in many trees in the spring. Used and collected in industrial scale only birch sap. The maple also “cries”, and its sap is sweeter, but it does not contain the life-giving force that is collected in the white-trunked one.

People realized that the healing liquid could be drunk by deepening the wound and collecting the flowing moisture. Bereznitsa was mined to quench thirst and treat children after a monotonous winter meal. After two weeks of regularly drinking the juice, people felt a surge of strength. Later it turned out that the benefits of birch sap are multi-composition, and there is no harm from it to anyone.

However, the concept of environmental safety primarily concerns birch sap. Can soil along highways, on industrial sites or in the city be healing? The roots do not choose the soil; they feed on what is available. In a strip of 50 m from a busy highway, birch sap will not bring any benefit, and harm from the presence of lead is guaranteed. It turns out that the healing product can only be taken in a clean area.

The sap is collected in early spring, before the buds from mature trees, in a cross section larger than 20 cm.

By taking away the gifts of nature, we weaken the tree. A zealous collector will take a little sap from several trees, cover the hollow, drying the tears of the birch tree.

The undoubted benefits of birch sap in the composition, calculated per liter:

  • calorie content – ​​240 kcal;
  • carbohydrates – 58 g;
  • fats – 0.0;
  • proteins 1.0 g;
  • ash – about.5 mg.

Micro and macroelements are present in the liquid in a form ready for absorption. Dietary product waste-free, biochemical composition acts as a therapeutic and preventive device wide range. Absolutely not healthy people. What is useful about birch sap is its versatility. It can be drunk as a preventative, vitamin, and stimulant. The body itself will find use for the valuable composition.

It is most useful to use fresh canned juice when biochemical processes are active. Keep healing drink Can be refrigerated for 2 days.

How to treat with birch sap

In folk medicine, three times a day delicious drink within 2-3 weeks prescribed to cleanse the body:

  • for diseases of the heart and hematopoietic system;
  • Gastrointestinal tract, including peptic ulcers;
  • arthritis, gout, rheumatism;
  • for the treatment of external diseases.

To get rid of rashes and age spots on your face, just wash your face with a healing liquid in the morning.

Treatment with birch sap is seasonal, you need to seize the moment and find yourself in right time close to the source of strength and health. Save healing properties composition is possible if you freeze the liquid immediately after collection. All methods including heat treatment, biologically active substances taken out of circulation. IN canned product trace elements remain useful action Such a product will provide medicinal benefits, but will not.

The juice can be preserved by evaporation in a water bath at a temperature of 60 0 C, removing 75% of the water. The remaining syrup is rolled into sterilized jars.

The question is often asked whether birch sap can be consumed by a nursing mother and during pregnancy. The life-giving liquid does not contain allergens, and doctors recommend recharging the body with a biological activator. In addition to saturation useful substances, a diuretic drink, removes fluid from the body, reduces swelling. During pregnancy, the drink is necessary; during feeding, the mother’s body receives protection and nutrition.

Some simple recipes juice applications:

  • anemia - drink 100 g of juice 3 times a day;
  • to remove kidney stones, drink a glass of juice 3 times a day;
  • bronchitis can be cured by drinking juice with honey;
  • the drink removes toxins and poisons.

So, the beneficial properties of birch sap are obvious. But taking care of your own health can destroy the tree.

Kvass from birch sap is prepared in a glass bottle with a handful of raisins and 2 tsp. sugar per liter of drink. Close the bottle tightly and keep cool. You can use the drink after 2-3 months, or after a few days.

Correct techniques for collecting birch sap

The best-tasting sap will come from a birch tree standing on a hill. The bark of the tree should be white with black, one hundred means. mature tree. Such a tree will produce up to 6 liters of juice per day. If you take away the sap throughout the entire period, the tree will weaken without receiving nutrition. It is necessary to use several trees, sealing the cuts after use. Creating a groove 2 cm deep with moisture collection through a tube is the most gentle option.

The beneficial properties of birch sap are preserved until it ferments. Therefore, the collector needs to empty the containers daily.

The most gentle selection of healing liquid will be a method based on cutting a branch. At a level of 2 meters above the ground, a thick branch is cut off and a container is placed to collect the juice. The open wound oozes juice that needs to be collected, and the wound will heal within two weeks. The medicine for the wound will be provided by the juice.

For industrial harvesting, cutting areas set aside for felling are used. In this case, it is not scary to pre-dry the wood. Currently, there are few juice processing enterprises left; buying such a product is good luck.

Video about the benefits of birch sap

Birch sap is known for its beneficial properties. Many are not averse to collecting it in the spring. But before you start treating all diseases with it, it’s worth learning more about its miraculous properties.

With its natural purity, this product has earned the love of traditional medicine. It is collected in the spring, before the birch leaves bloom. However, when starting to collect, you still need to find out what is so special about this colorless liquid.

There is one interesting sign associated with birch sap - if you make a hole in the trunk of a birch tree, but the sap does not flow, then the summer will be dry and barren. There are several more spring folk signs for the harvest, which we told you about.

When and how to collect birch sap

Typically, the collection period begins at the end of March and ends at the end of May. This is due to biological rhythms in birch trunks and the characteristics of these trees. It is better to collect sap from mature and strong trees, since young ones will not give as much sap as needed, and old ones simply do not have it in them. large quantities. It is better to collect it from 12 to 18 hours.

As of March 20, you can safely go into the forest. You need to make a hole in the tree with an awl or other sharp object. Do this carefully so as not to damage large area trunk After harvesting, the holes made must be sealed with wax so that the tree does not die and does not lose liquid in vain.

The juice can be stored for no more than a few days, although it is possible to can it to increase shelf life.

The benefits and harms of birch sap

Traditional medicine claims that any pure natural products can work wonders with the human body, enriching it with useful substances and giving it a boost of energy. And these words apply fully to birch sap.

Birch sap is sweet, but its sugar structure is not the same as regular products non-natural origin. Previously, we told you that sweets improve your mood and increase your energy. Birch sap works in a similar way, but without any side effects.

Birch sap contains less than 30 kcal per 100 ml, so you don’t have to worry about your figure. He's also rich nutrients and vitamins B6 and B12.

Birch sap improves immunity, improves the body's energy, removes toxins, and improves metabolism. If you suspect kidney stones or bladder, natural birch sap will help get rid of them. For those who suffer from liver dysfunction, the juice can also help. Moreover, even people suffering from radiculitis or rheumatism can improve their health by drinking birch sap.

Is birch sap harmful? Not at all. The only one by-effect, which can occur in people when consuming of this product is an allergy to its components. Otherwise, there are no restrictions - you can consume the juice in any quantity. Even children can drink it.

Finally, it should be noted that drinking birch sap helps with weight loss, since it suppresses the feeling of hunger, and its calorie content is extremely low. To improve the effect, use the lunar diet from Vasilisa Volodina. Her method has helped many people achieve their desired figure. We wish you good luck, good health, and don't forget to press the buttons and

When the spring sun melts the cold snow, birch trees begin to awaken from winter hibernation. Birch sap, or, as it is also called, sap, flows through the trunks to the swelling buds and small branches. It contains a large number of minerals and acids that are necessary for birch to bloom. The tree produces so much of it that it can give the “excess” to a person. Next, we will take a closer look at whether birch sap is beneficial.

Calorie content and chemical composition of the product

Birch juice is a liquid that has a transparent color. It flows from trunks and branches that are broken or cut under pressure from the root system. The sap begins to be released in the spring, continuing until the buds begin to bloom. And you can collect pasok in April and right up to.

He's rich carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, potassium, copper, calcium and manganese. The pasok also contains a large amount , fruit sugars, tannins and saponins. Thanks to the rich chemical composition, It has advantage over others vitamin mixtures , while outwardly it is similar to ordinary water.

What else is the benefit of birch sap for the body? It can rightfully be considered low calorie drink, because it contains only 22 kcal per 100 g. In many foreign countries, nutritionists strongly recommend consuming birch sap in your diet.

What are the benefits of birch sap

The benefits of birch sap for the body unconditional, since it contains enzymes, which are necessary to strengthen the immune system. This is especially true in the spring, when the likelihood of catching colds is high. However, if you do get sick, then tannins, which are found in large quantities in birch sap, will help you cope with your cold as quickly as possible.

Magnesium, calcium And potassium occupy not the last place in the composition of the pasok, because they are important element in maintaining the heart. In case of poisoning of the body, birch sap can also be useful. It will help remove toxins a short time . Birch sap also strengthens vascular walls and heart muscle.

Did you know? People call birch sap living water, because it helps keep the body in good shape and treats many ailments.

Medicinal properties, how the product is used in folk medicine

IN folk product used for the treatment and prevention of a wide range of diseases:

  • To improve metabolism. Due to the fact that the liquid ferments well when entering the body, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach.
  • For the gastrointestinal tract. Sweet birch sap has a beneficial effect on diseases of the gallbladder and inflammation of the duodenum.
  • For diseases of the spine and joints, for example rheumatism, radiculitis. Regular consumption will help you get rid of ailments faster.

Did you know? Medical studies have proven that if you take 1-2 glasses of birch sap per day for 3 weeks, it will help cope with spring vitamin deficiency, weakness, fatigue and depression.

  • For chronic runny nose Birch sap should be drunk 1 glass every morning. If you have a cold or cough, it is recommended to warm the pasok a little and dilute it with milk, adding a small amount of starch or flour.

Cosmetic properties

Today, birch sap can increasingly be found in cosmetics. Regular use of paska has a beneficial effect on your skin and hair.

In the first case, birch sap is used as a foam and tonic; its benefits are manifested in the fact that it cleanses and refreshes the skin well. Since its shelf life is short, even in the refrigerator, it can be frozen in ice cube trays. Use a cube of frozen juice to wipe your face, neck, and décolleté area. This procedure tones and moisturizes the skin. For tired and dull facial skin, you can prepare a mask based on birch sap.

To do this you will need blue or White clay, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. It should be diluted with nectar to the consistency thick sour cream and apply to face and neck for 20 minutes. You need to wash off the mask with birch sap. This procedure should be carried out 2 times every 7 days. You can prepare a cream mask based on birch sap to saturate the skin with vitamins and smooth out fine wrinkles. To do this, you need to mix 50 g of wheat sprouts, 200 g of sea buckthorn and 2 tablespoons of birch sap.

What other benefits could there be from birch sap as a cosmetic product? It can give your hair shine and strength; to do this, after washing your hair, you need to rinse it with birch sap. If your hair is oily, prepare a lotion based on paska. To do this, mix 1 tablespoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of juice and a teaspoon table salt. Pour the prepared mixture into a dark glass jar, add a glass of vodka and mix very thoroughly.

The lotion should be placed in a dark place for 10 days. After the expiration date, rub it into the scalp before washing and wrap your hair with a towel. After 1.5 hours, wash your hair with shampoo. You need to repeat this procedure for 10 days, then take a break for the same period, and then repeat the course of treatment again. Nectar can be used to make nourishing mask. You need to mix bee sap and burdock oil in a 3:1 ratio and apply it to your hair, then wrap it in a towel and wait 20 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo.

Using birch sap to make drinks

Since the juice contains from 0.5 to 2% sugar, it can be used both independently and to prepare drinks for every taste, for example, kvass, syrup, multivitamin juice or.

Birch kvass

Birch kvass - This is a delicious tonic drink. The benefits of birch kvass for the body time-tested regular use has a beneficial effect on a person. It is not recommended to use plastic containers for preparing kvass; glass jars. In 1968, a technique for making kvass from birch sap was developed. Yeast was added to it lactic acid bacteria and sugar.

After fermentation has begun, the kvass should be cooled to 6 °C, sweetened, bottled and sealed. It should be stored in a cool, dark place. If you use birch sap with roasted barley to make kvass, you can get a rather original drink.

Important!If barley is fried until dark, the kvass will have a bitter taste.

Preparation of birch sap tincture

If you prepare a tincture from birch sap, it will have a unique smell and taste. Today, a large number of recipes for its preparation have appeared. Having prepared a tincture with propolis, you will appreciate it, because it is not for nothing that it is the most popular. It is very simple to prepare: you will need birch sap and vodka. Having crushed the propolis, pour it with vodka and leave for three days, shaking as often as possible. Next, dilute the tincture with birch sap.

Multivitamin juice based on birch

Multivitamin sap based on birch is great drink, and it doesn’t take much effort to prepare it. Since birch sap tastes sweet, it goes well with fresh fruits, such as orange or
