Useful properties of hazelnut oil. Beneficial properties of hazelnuts: recommendations for use and contraindications for eating hazelnuts

Hazelnuts, or hazelnuts, are one of the most favorite delicacies, which captivates with the combination of a delicious aroma and a not very hard texture of the kernels. However, medicinal properties he has quite a few - they were glorified by scientists of the Hellenic era, and the plant itself was considered mystical and sacred. From the cores hazelnut They also extract one of the most valued oils in cosmetology, which has earned the title of the best for oily and problem skin.

Hazelnuts are the kernels of hazel fruits, or hazelnuts, a fairly compact and very attractive shrub with intricately curved branches, which bears fruit with brown nuts. Hazel grows almost throughout the northern hemisphere, with the exception of the most northern countries and most often forms undergrowth in nature. Hazel produces the largest and highest quality nuts where the winters are mild. This plant has been known since ancient Greek times by another name - avellana, after the Latin name of the city of Avellino, which was the center of the hazelnut trade in the ancient world. The hazelnut was sung by scientists Ancient Greece and Rome, although hazel kernels were consumed as food back in the Bronze Age.

In the Hellenic era, hazel was a sacred culture; it symbolized immortality. Hazelnuts were associated with legends about mythological heroes; it was believed that its branches could put out a fire and protect a house from flooding; there were even legends that the branches of a growing hazelnut pointed to buried treasures. Hazels entwined their homes with thin and intricately twisted shoots, protecting them from evil forces. The healing properties of hazelnuts were sung by Avicenna, arguing that hazelnuts are much more valuable than walnuts and in the form of crushed fruits or oil are ideal for restoring the strength of patients, and in the East, walnut oil was used as a means of maintaining the softness and velvety of the skin. The completely unique cosmetic properties of hazelnuts were only explored with the development of aromatherapy.


Delicious hazelnut oil is extracted by pressing the kernels without heating. Light and fluid, very aromatic, it is characterized by a high content of oleic, palmitic, linoleic, stearic acids, high energy value, and sufficient saturation with vitamins E, PP, B and C. Hazelnut oil contains a lot of tocopherols and carotenoids, phosphorus, copper, iron and calcium , as well as sterols.

Externally, the oil is colored in a beautiful glowing pale amber tone, absolutely transparent. It can be stored for only a little more than six months, tightly sealed and darkened, preferably in the refrigerator. Use as in pure form, and as an additive to other bases, although in mixtures it is better to limit the share of hazelnut oil to 10-15%. The aroma of hazel oil is very light, almost imperceptible, clean, nutty.

Hazelnut oil feels great on the skin, spreading amazingly easily and evenly. At the same time, it is practically weightless, instantly absorbed, providing a refreshing, mattifying, pore-tightening effect. This effect is most pronounced in fatty and problem skin. After applying hazelnut on the skin in a matter of seconds, there is no trace of a greasy coating left. As a rule, it also does not cause an oily feeling. It is famous for its rapid tonic effect in combination with deep penetration into the deep layers and cellular effects.

Medicinal properties

Despite the fact that exactly cosmetic properties hazelnut oils are receiving increased attention; they have a lot of healing qualities. This is a wonderful oil with a preventive effect, which prevents high cholesterol levels, prevents vascular diseases, has a general strengthening effect on a weakened or developing body, helps eliminate neuroses and is effective for joint problems.

Hazelnut oil has a very high protein content, which can be equated to meat products. This is perfect nutritious product with an impeccable ratio of minerals and amino acids that promote their complete absorption. You can take this oil even with the most strict diets due to its almost zero carbohydrate content. As a prophylactic agent, it prevents muscle and heart diseases, cancer of the digestive organs, promotes the removal of toxins, and stimulates cleansing of the body. Use internally helps get rid of kidney stones.

Use in cosmetology

Although the beneficial effects of hazelnut oil are most noticeable on oily skin, it can be used to care for any skin type. Hazelnut demonstrates excellent tonic, nourishing and moisturizing properties on aging, problematic, combination and oily skin. This oil has pronounced decongestant properties, an astringent effect, it perfectly tightens pores and restores normal fat balance. A lifting effect is noticeable on aging skin.

It is believed that hazelnut is one of the best oils for the treatment of rosacea. The protective functions that prevent UV rays are not as strong as the soothing and restorative properties when applied after sunbathing. For all types of inflammation, hazelnut oil has a smoothing and restorative effect. Perfect for caring for lips and sensitive skin around the eyes.

The shrub on which hazelnuts grow is called hazelnut.

It has a number of useful and healing properties, therefore since ancient times it has been used by folk healers for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Currently, three varieties of hazelnuts are widely used, depending on where they grow - Crimean, Badem and Kerasund.

The nut has a hard shell and is located during the growth process in a special leaf pad that wraps and protects the fruit from negative impacts environment.

IN healing recipes Not only nut kernels are used, but also shells, pluses, leaves, young shoots and even pollen from flowers.

All healing properties nut are provided due to its composition.

First of all, like many other nuts, hazelnuts have a very high calorie content due to the many polyunsaturated fatty acids in the composition, about 700 kilocalories per hundred grams of product.

In addition, the kernels contain high concentrations of a complex of vitamins, minerals, as well as chemical micro- and macroelements.

Among the vitamin complex, hazelnuts contain a lot of biotin; one hundred grams contains about 150% of daily norm, as well as tocopherol and B vitamins.

In addition, they concentrate approximately 20% of the daily permissible norm folic acid, nicotinic acid, 10% phylloquinone and choline. Together, they affect the body, regulating its vital metabolic processes.

The mineral complex is represented mainly by manganese, which contains more than 400% per hundred grams, as well as chromium and silicon, 350% and 150%, respectively. Hazelnuts are also rich in copper, phosphorus and , their content in the nut is approximately half of the permissible daily requirement.

Among complex chemical compounds, nuts are rich in proteins, the basis of which is essential amino acids, not capable of being synthesized independently in the human body.

Essential amino acids such as lysine and arginine are present in high concentrations in the nuclei. They are involved in the synthesis of proteins, the main building material for cells, organs and tissues.

Oleic acid is able to dissolve bad cholesterol, preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels.

In addition, common hazel is very rich in phytosterol compounds that are beneficial for female body, their content in nuts is about 200% of the daily permissible concentration.

Healing properties of hazelnuts

Due to their rich composition, hazelnuts are healthy for everyone. Doctors and scientists have proven its effective effect on vitality the body, on its ability to resist many serious diseases on a par with pharmacological drugs.

  1. Potassium helps strengthen blood vessels and heart muscle, and the calcium in the nut promotes faster transmission of nerve impulses to the heart, improving its functioning.

In addition, the macroelements contained in hazelnuts participate in the processes of blood formation, enriching it with red blood cells. Also, eating hazelnuts increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Thus, hazelnut has a preventive effect against varicose blood vessels, against thrombosis of various etiologies and against iron deficiency anemia.

  1. When amino acids interact with vitamin E, large quantities concentrated in hazelnuts, muscle function and growth improve, which is especially important for people involved in sports.
  2. Regular consumption of hazelnuts increases immunity to colds and infectious diseases, and also restores strength after surgery.
  3. Nuts have a calming effect on the excited central nervous system as a result of stress, anxiety, insomnia and rapid fatigue.
  4. They have a preventive effect against malignant neoplasms due to the paclitaxel contained in the composition, a natural blocker of cancer cell division.
  5. Hazelnuts in small proportions can lower blood sugar levels, therefore they are recommended for people suffering from type II diabetes.
  6. Due to the presence of fiber and complex carbohydrates, it helps normalize work gastrointestinal tract and cleansing the body of toxins and toxic substances.
  7. During pregnancy and breastfeeding regular use hazelnuts promote enhanced lactation and satiation breast milk nutrients and fatty acids. It is also recommended that new mothers regularly consume nut milk, which is rich in nutrients.
  8. This fruit is irreplaceable for the fair sex, as it improves the condition of the skin, restores damaged hair and strengthens the nail plates.
  9. Walnut oil nourishes the scalp, making hair manageable and soft;

Beneficial properties of hazelnut oil

Hazelnut kernels receive great attention from many doctors. However, nut butter is no less popular.

It is easily digestible human body and is also rich in fats, vitamins and minerals. This complex gives the oil antioxidant properties, which is used by cosmetologists to preserve youthful skin.

After squeezing out the nut kernels, the hazelnut oil remains long time fresh, healthy and does not go rancid.

When mixed in protein chicken egg, the oil has an analgesic and disinfectant effect on burns and ulcerative lesions of the skin.

Among other things, hazelnut oil has been used since ancient times as an anthelmintic, as well as against roundworms and giardia.

In cosmetology, a variety of creams and masks, balms and shampoos are made from oil. It has an excellent cleansing effect, so it is recommended for teenagers with a predisposition to acne and acne.

Lovers beautiful figure prefer to rub hazelnut oil into the skin as a massage product; it reduces stretch marks and helps reduce cellulite crust.

Harmful properties of hazelnuts and possible contraindications

The basic rule when eating hazelnuts is to follow the measure; it is enough to eat 30-40 grams of nuts per day, then they will benefit human health.

If you abuse this product, you may experience dizziness and headache. This is due to the fact that the substances contained in the nut can provoke a spasm of the blood capillaries in the brain.

For liver diseases, with severe manifestations allergic reaction You should limit your consumption of tree nuts. It is also strictly contraindicated for overweight people due to its high calorie content.

From the gastrointestinal tract, overeating hazelnuts can manifest itself in a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, nausea and possible constipation. Also, do not forget that eating spoiled or expired foods is dangerous to your health.

The benefits of hazel bush for human health

Among all the diversity medicinal plants, folk healers give preference to the bush on which hazelnuts grow – hazel.

IN folk medicine use the beneficial properties of hazel leaves, which include a strong diuretic effect.

This helps fight urolithiasis And inflammatory diseases kidneys and urinary ducts.

Also, infusions on young leaves of the bush are prescribed as depressant for nervous disorders. In addition, they are used as a strengthening agent in cases of reduced immunity in order to quickly restore vitality.

Decoctions of pluska, the leaf wrapper of young hazelnuts, help restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, enhance intestinal motility and remove toxins and waste from the body.

Healers even use hazel root, which in the form of a decoction copes with malaria.

Tree bark is used for a variety of skin diseases. To do this, it is dried, crushed and infused with alcohol. The resulting infusion is regularly wiped over damaged skin areas.

Medicinal recipes

The best known properties of hazelnuts are that they have an antipyretic effect and strengthen the immune system. Nut kernels are used in fresh, insist on water and alcohol, make decoctions.

  • For bronchitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract, for nervous disorders and to increase lactation, experts recommend that nursing mothers consume nut milk daily.

To prepare it, you need to take two glasses of peeled hazelnut kernels, pour warm water and leave to infuse overnight. After this, the nuts that have absorbed the water must be ground into powder and left for a few more hours.

After steeping for a long time, it is recommended to pour half a glass of water into the mixture and bring to a boil. After cooling, add half a glass of cream and a couple of tablespoons of honey to the solution. After mixing the resulting mixture well, it must be consumed one at a time. dessert spoon before every meal.

  • For diseases of the cardiovascular system, a decoction of the leaves and wood of the hazelnut bush is used.

To make it, you need to take 2 tablespoons of crushed dried raw materials and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Allow time to cool completely and set. After straining, it is recommended to take the resulting infusion several times a day half an hour before meals.

  • Young leaves and shoots of hazel are used to treat hepatitis B (jaundice).

It is necessary to chop the washed leaves and place them in glass jar, filling it with white wine and putting it in a cool, dark place to infuse. After a week, it is recommended to strain the resulting mass and take 40 ml 2 times a day before meals.

  • Benefits for men who have an enlarged prostate gland should take a decoction of hazel bark daily.

To do this, pour the crushed raw materials with warm water and boil in a water bath for half an hour. Then strain the cooled broth and consume before meals three times a day.

  • At reduced blood pressure and dizziness; for general weakness, a decoction of hazelnut shells is used.

They are poured with boiling water and left to steep for several hours.

Choosing a nut and its storage options

The main rule when buying a hazelnut is the integrity of its shell, since peeled nut kernels may contain toxic substances, putrefactive fungi and mold. They appear as a result of improper long-term storage.

Also, when choosing hazelnuts, you should pay attention not to get any sunlight, since under their influence the nuts quickly deteriorate. Therefore, when choosing peeled kernels in a package, you should pay attention to their expiration date, the tightness of the package and its protection from sunlight.

Storing hazelnuts in shells is not complex process, just put it in a cloth bag and put it in a cool, dark place. Nuts can be stored in this state for no more than six months, after which they lose all their healing properties and dry out.

Thus, hazelnuts are considered nutritious and healthy foods. With its regular use, immunity increases, the general condition is strengthened, which helps fight a number of serious diseases. However, when excessive consumption hazelnuts can be harmful to human health.

Hazelnut oil. Nutritional value of 100 g of product

Hazelnut oil. Calorie content. Energy value of 100 g of product

Hazelnut oil. Chemical composition of 100 g of product

Hazelnut oil. Vitamin content per 100 g of product

Hazelnut oil. Amino acids per 100 g of product

Hazelnut oil. Fatty acids per 100 g of product

Hazelnut oil or Hazelnut oil has a pleasant, rich nutty taste and intense aroma.

Hazelnut oil contains a high content of vitamins B1, B2, B6 and C, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, sodium, phosphorus, and a full complex of amino acids. Hazelnut oil is easily absorbed by the body.

In addition, this oil has a high content of vitamin E in quite high concentration, which is very beneficial for stimulating the thymus gland. This gland is responsible for the level of the body's defenses. Hazelnut oil contains the same amount of monounsaturated fatty acids as olive oil, not counting the various beneficial substances that are also included in this oil alone.
Hazelnut oil is indicated for exhaustion, loss of strength, physical activity, for general purposes.

Hazelnut oil has anti-inflammatory and regenerating, and therefore wound-healing properties, which makes it possible to use it in treatment various diseases and cosmetology.

Thanks to high content polyunsaturated fatty acids, hazelnut oil is successfully used in the treatment and prevention of many cardiovascular diseases and prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis. Sodium, potassium and calcium, which are part of hazelnut oil, help strengthen bone tissue.

Hazelnut oil is also useful for maintaining visual acuity and reduces seizure activity in the brain in epilepsy; Athletes, teenagers and older people need it to replenish many substances quickly consumed by the body: amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

Hazelnut oil is used in cosmetology as part of various balms and creams. It has a nourishing, regenerating and tonic effect.

The fruits of the hazelnut hazelnut were part of the food set of people back in the Bronze Age. And during the times of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome they were already considered sacred gift almighty gods, so the Hellenes treated hazelnut bushes with mystical awe. And in later times, any nuts as an excellent substitute for animal protein have always been very popular, but nut squeezes have become widely in demand relatively recently, around the middle of the last century.

Consumers especially loved hazelnut oil, it is aromatic, with pleasant taste and spicy tartness.


HAZELNUT Health Benefits


No wonder the benefits of hazelnut oil are so great!

Healing properties of hazel oil

This oil is amazing useful product! Judge for yourself:

  1. As an inexhaustible source of powerful energy, it is equally necessary both during the period of growth of the body and during the period of its aging. If your activity is accompanied by increased physical activity, then hazelnut oil should definitely be included in your daily diet.
  2. Osteochondrosis and osteoporosis are a real scourge of our “computer” times - these are serious diseases of the skeletal system. Do you want to slow down their advance? Eat the oil extract of the Lombard nut (this is also the name of the hazelnut), and one tablespoon daily will be enough.
  3. It is hazelnut oil that will provide you with reliable protection against the development of dangerous diseases: oncological, cardiovascular (including hypertension), gallstones and urolithiasis, diabetes mellitus and etc.
  4. The presence of high concentrations of vitamin E (vitamin of life) in this nut guarantees you super immunity, provided that hazelnut oil is an indispensable ingredient in your daily menu.

Ways to use hazelnut oil

  1. If we are talking about the use of hazelnuts in nutrition, then we should immediately note that this is precisely the rather rare case when there are no contraindications to its use. Harm from its use is simply impossible, the composition of hazelnuts is so balanced, all its components are so useful. Even pregnant and lactating women can consume hazelnut oil, which will only enhance lactation and improve the quality of breast milk.
    Therefore, porridges, main courses, salads and even desserts can be sprinkled with a spoon or two of hazelnut oil every day, and both children and adults will be healthy. But you shouldn’t fry on it, because high temperature all the benefits of this product disappears instantly.
  2. Hazelnut oil is perfect for massages. For example, the treatment of cellulite involves a massage course with hazel oil extract; this method demonstrates impressive results.
  3. Manufacturing cosmetics for skin care, to protect the skin from UV radiation, from exposure to frost or strong wind, also involves the use of hazel oil as a base or as an additive (10-15%).

Application in cosmetology

Cosmetology, of course, could not ignore such a valuable product as this oil. As an important cosmetic component various creams Hazelnut oil is notable for its excellent properties, such as:

  • rapid penetration into the deep layers of the dermis;
  • excellent hydration and moisture saturation of the skin;
  • cleansing and tightening of skin pores, thereby removing acne;
  • pronounced ability to stimulate the regeneration of skin cells, which also helps eliminate purulent abscesses and rapid healing of damaged areas of the skin.

Entire cosmetic lines of skin care products are based on hazelnut oil.

A variety of tonics, gels, balms, lotions, shampoos enriched with this oil are in high demand not only among the female population, but also among men. Hazelnut oil is especially often used in series intended for use by mature women, since such emulsions help slow down skin aging, give it elasticity, smooth out wrinkles, and retain elusive youth. This is exactly what we need, we women simply urgently need it.

How good it is that nature cares so much about female beauty!

Good afternoon everyone! Do you want to get rich? While surfing the Internet, I accidentally came across interesting fact. It turns out that in ancient times the hazelnut bush indicated treasure troves.

That's where he grew up, that's where he had to look for treasures. I don’t know what would have happened if people started dripping under it. But hazelnut oil is truly a treasure. And I want to tell you why.

I'll start the story with the characteristics of this amazing product. Of course, this is a basic tool. It turns out a miracle oil from the fruits of hazel or hazelnut. Have you heard of this one? Yes, the oil derivative is used in many recipes. And what I found most interesting was that when applied to the skin, this product is immediately absorbed! And quickly carries useful material inside. And believe me, there are a lot of them here!

For example, there is more iron here than in meat. Lots of vitamin A, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins E, C, D, PP. This is what caused unique properties product:

  • Strengthening. And both inside and outside. Cardiovascular diseases- this is the scourge of our time. But regular intake of miracle hazel oil strengthens the walls of blood vessels, preventing heart disease. Yes, it also prevents the appearance of cancer cells.
  • Protective and astringent effect.
  • Smoothing quality: the same lifting effect we love is ensured! The product is truly famous for caring for aging and fading skin.
  • Excellent tonic.
  • Cleanses, removing all bad things from our body. Either take it internally or smear it on it, it will be absorbed and take away all the bad stuff!
  • Relieves stressful conditions.

This is such a great product. I wonder how to use it?

Terms of use

Of course, the benefits of the product are undeniable. But there must be some application features. Perhaps even contraindications! I looked at more than one source on this issue. You know, it happens that even the instructions provide incomplete information. So we will reason logically, of course, based on the experience of others and useful facts from the Internet. Moreover, we women can do it perfectly! Do you agree with me?

  1. Can be used both inside and outside. Excellent digestibility! How to take orally? Depending on what you want to achieve. If for prevention, a teaspoon a day is enough.
  2. Hypotonics should be careful. Reduces blood pressure.
  3. In addition to hypotensive patients, the risk zone includes those who have stones in gallbladder and kidneys, chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Simply, when consumed, the acidity may increase.
  4. Due to its low boiling point, you should not fry with it. It's better to just dress salads.
  5. Are you allergic to this product? Do not know? Well, apply a little on the crook of your elbow and wait a couple of hours. Also, when using orally, it is better to start with small doses. If there are any signs of an allergic reaction, put the bottle aside. Don't take risks.

I am sometimes surprised when reading reviews. This means that the girl writes that the product is clearly counterfeit, but continues to use it anyway. At least put it on your hair! Don't do this. After all, you will bring nothing but harm.

  1. Remember that every time you open a bottle of this oil product, you speed up the process of rancidity. Store in a dark glass container in the refrigerator. Better yet, pour directly from a large bottle into a smaller bottle (also made of dark glass). And use it from there. When it runs out, add more.

Here, perhaps, are all the features and rules. And now I want to tell you some recipes used in cosmetology, and tested by more than a dozen women.

Let's get our face in order

For the face, miracle oil even has very useful qualities. What suits you is fine. But it is especially useful for oily, combination and aging people. After all, the product is absorbed remarkably well, leaving no trace. At the same time, it tightens pores, providing a lifting effect.

Although, some who have used it for normal skin types say that the pores become clogged. Perhaps it was applied incorrectly? It is only necessary for well cleansed skin, for any type. And, of course, follow the exact recipe.

Are you tormented by acne? Try adding 3 drops and 2 to the main product (a tablespoon). Apply to problem areas once a day, and you will be happy! Most reviews are positive.

You can also add a teaspoon of this amazing oil to any mask that suits you. Do you want to enrich the cream? Just a few drops are enough for a single dose.

By the way, it is also acceptable to use it in its pure form. Apply to the entire face and skin around the eyes. With regular use, expression lines will disappear. Your face will look no worse than in a salon!

Helps cleanse oily and combination dermis simple procedure. Soak a cotton pad in warm water and squeeze lightly. And add a little (a couple of drops) of oil. Cleanse along the massage lines.

And if you have a problem with rosacea, make applications. Take a teaspoon of the main miracle remedy and add cypress and 3 drops each. Apply a cloth soaked in oil regularly to problem areas.

Well, now some tips to benefit your hair.

Hair care

Want to strengthen your curls? Hazelnut oil will cope with this task. It will also prevent hair loss and accelerate growth!

To get rid of hair loss, simply rub pure oil into the scalp, actively massaging. And after 2 hours, wash it off. Well, of course, you don’t need to stand and massage for 2 hours! 5 minutes is enough. Spend the rest of the time under a hood on your head. Thanks to good absorption, not a trace should remain from using such a super product. The shampoo will wash your hair without any problems.

To strengthen your hair, mix our super-oil in half with egg yolk. Rub into the dermis, spreading along the length. Apply this mask 15 minutes before washing.

The product has acquired no less cosmetic purpose for body care.

Taking care of your body

In reviews, hazel fruit oil is actively used in the fight against cellulite. It turns out that it breaks down fats remarkably. Here are some tips.

Mix in equal proportions vegetable oils walnut and hazelnut. Add 6 drops of cinnamon or cinnamon here. And massage, preferably with a wooden massager. It is very good if physical education is added to the course of such procedures. Or just active walking. No, of course, this cannot be done at the same time. Here you have a massage, and after a while, walk a couple of stops. Or maybe your work involves physical activity?

After being in the sun, it’s good to simply apply a fragrant super-remedy open spaces. This way you can mitigate the consequences after sunbathing.

And many people mix the oil with their favorite hand cream. This manipulation will provide additional softness and protection. By the way, if you want, you can rub your hands and nail plate at the same time with pure oil products. For nails, this is a great opportunity to become stronger and acquire a healthy matte appearance. And the aroma of hazelnut will lift your spirits! Remember when I wrote that it is also an antidepressant?

Where can you buy this natural gift?

Where to buy and how much does it cost?

You can buy a nut miracle in a pharmacy, online stores and sometimes in regular grocery stores. If the place where you prefer to make such purchases is reliable and proven, feel free to buy!

The price of this for 200 g is about a dollar. Not cheap, of course. But, you must admit, store-bought cosmetic creams are also more expensive.

Tell us, have you already encountered this natural miracle remedy? How did you like it? What was it used for? Perhaps friends used it? Tell us in your comments. And I invite you to subscribe to my blog updates to keep abreast of everything interesting. Bye!
