How to marinate meat in kebab shops. Mustard-vinegar marinade for pork kebab. What kind of pork meat is ideal for barbecue?

How many people are there in the world who love aromatic, fried food? open fire meat, there are just as many ways to marinate kebab. Marinades make meat softer and give ready-made dish various shades of aromas. They are, as a rule, mixtures of various seasonings, oils and other products. Marinating meat for barbecue is a whole science. It is full of a lot of nuances and its own established features.

A little theory

Every person who considers himself an expert in the field of barbecue must somehow solve the issue of preparing juicy, tender and tasty meat. This is especially true if you have to work with frozen meat.

Marinating meat for barbecue is the so-called chemical method mitigation tough meat. During this process, the protein network of the product is destroyed. In addition, marinating reduces the cooking time of the product.

All kinds of marinades are traditionally divided into three main groups:

  • acid-based marinades;
  • based on enzymes;
  • dairy products.

All marinades affect the protein structure of meat with varying effectiveness.

  • vinegars;
  • guilt;
  • lemon (lime) juice;
  • tomatoes.

Fermenting marinades naturally “age” meat by softening muscle fibers and connective tissues, thereby reducing toughness. The effect of this pickling method depends on enzymes contained in a number of fruits: pineapples, papaya, kiwi, figs and others.

The useful work of these enzymes at normal temperatures is negligible. But at temperatures (60–70 degrees Celsius) in the initial stage of cooking barbecue, their effect is maximum.

Dairy products(katyk, kefir, natural yogurt) acidify the meat only slightly. They do not make its surface in contact with the marinade more rigid, as is the case with acidic marinades

Calcium, which is present in large quantities in dairy products, also plays an important role in softening and “aging” meat. It activates the enzymes present in meat, those that break down proteins.

It is necessary to clearly understand that not every meat is marinated. It is traditionally believed that shish kebab, for example, made from lamb, does not need marinade at all. Its aroma is so recognizable that the presence of other flavors will only ruin everything. Pork, like beef, lamb, even poultry, simply needs to be properly marinated. Otherwise, the kebab will turn out dry, tough and completely tasteless.

You also need to consider compatibility different spices both with each other and with the product used, other components of the selected marinade.

Another important point– whether it is necessary to salt the kebab at all, when to salt it and what salt to use. Most often they are already salted ready kebab, it is better to prepare coarse salt. Fine salt the dish is easy to oversalt.

And finally, the basic “kebab” wisdom, the answer to the question – “how long to marinate the kebab and at what temperature?” The main thing here is not to “overdo it” with time. Keeping meat in the marinade for a long time will lead to its tastelessness and decomposition into fibers.

The simplest ways to marinate meat for barbecue

Let's start with the simplest options for marinades. After proper preparation meat for future barbecue, cut into portions, it can be marinated as follows:

  • soak for 12 hours in kvass or kefir; older meat (from adults) needs to be soaked for a day or more;
  • mix with good wine vinegar or solution citric acid and keep in the refrigerator for about two hours;
  • prepare and use a mixture of lemon juice with parsley, ground black pepper, salt;
  • soak in cool mixture drinking water and kvass, taken in half, with the addition of large quantity honey and finely chopped onions;
  • just mix with onion pulp (grind in a blender), taking about a quarter of the onion from the meat mass;
  • for shish kebab in sour cream - pour the meat either with pure sour cream, or its mixture with natural yogurt with the addition of ground ginger and salt.

Dry marinades for meat

Classic vegetable marinade

You will need:

  • two carrots;
  • two onions;
  • five cloves of garlic;
  • 100 g peeled kernels walnut;
  • two tablespoons of tarragon and parsley;
  • 50 g butter.

You can effectively marinate meat for barbecue using classic marinade, popular even in pre-revolutionary Russia. For it you need to finely chop carrots, onions, grind garlic cloves and walnut kernels through a press. Also chop the parsley and tarragon as finely as possible. Mix all.

Then add softened butter. Mix everything thoroughly. The prepared marinade can be used for any meat and poultry.

Dry mixture in Uzbek style

You can deliciously marinate lamb shish kebab in the following mixture based on onions. Meat, chopped in portioned pieces, you need to add salt, season with ground black pepper, then mix with finely chopped onions and cilantro. Place everything in a saucepan, compact tightly and put it in the refrigerator for six hours.

The second version of this marinade is to mix pieces of lamb with chopped onions, ground black pepper, coriander, and cumin in a mortar. Further actions are the same. Many experts consider this marinade for lamb kebab to be the best.

Recipes for marinating shashlik based on vegetable oils

Option 1

You can quickly marinate beef or lamb kebab as follows. You should mix half a glass of vegetable oil with onion pulp, ground black pepper, and crushed garlic through a press. Mix everything, add salt. Then pour the marinade over the pieces of meat and let sit for about half an hour.

Option 2

You can also marinate shish kebab quickly and correctly by mixing vegetable oil with ground red pepper (to taste). Let the meat soak in this marinade for about an hour.

Option 3

A classic way to quickly marinate meat (beef, pork or lamb). Grind a couple of onions in a blender bowl, adding a small amount of water. Massage the pieces of future kebab with onion gruel in a separate bowl, adding a little mustard. Add a little vegetable oil. Mix.

Use black peppercorns for flavoring. They need to be quickly heated in a frying pan, then crushed with the flat side of a knife and added to the marinade. Instead of black pepper, you can use crushed star anise, cumin, tomato juice or puree. Marinating time is from half an hour to several hours.

Various marinades for delicious barbecue

Special (for lamb)

You will need:

  • a couple of small onions;
  • half a kilo of ripe tomatoes;
  • garlic clove;
  • dill, basil, cilantro;
  • cumin, coriander, black peppercorns;
  • salt.

To prepare the marinade, grind salt and spices in a mortar. Take two tablespoons of salt, one tablespoon of coriander, a pinch of cumin, a few grinds of black pepper. Scald the tomatoes with hot water and remove the skin. Then pass them in a meat grinder, together with onions, herbs, and garlic. Pour the resulting mixture over the lamb pieces and cover with something. Keep in the cold for at least an hour.

Azerbaijani marinade

You will need:

  • a bunch of dill, parsley;
  • salt;
  • black peppercorns;
  • a pair of onions;
  • a teaspoon of dried barberry;
  • 50 ml wine vinegar.

The meat, chopped as “for shish kebab,” should be placed in a glass bowl, salted, and seasoned with black pepper ground with a mortar. Add finely chopped greens, onions, sprinkle with barberries, pour in vinegar. Mix everything and close with a lid. Keep in the refrigerator for four hours.

Tatar marinade

You will need:

  • half a glass of whey;
  • a glass of white table wine;
  • half a glass of gooseberry juice;
  • half a glass of olive oil;
  • half a dozen cloves of garlic;
  • one onion;
  • celery stalk;
  • 50 g dried basil leaves.

An excellent, although complex, marinade. In a separate glassware You should mix white wine, whey, olive oil with gooseberry juice. Finely chop the vegetables, chop the basil, add to the marinade. Mix everything. Salt and season with ground black pepper. Marinate the meat in the prepared mixture for at least three hours in a cool place.

Marinade for quail kebab

For the marinade for dozens of quails you will need:

  • 4 liters of drinking water;
  • salt;
  • cumin;
  • coriander.

Grind two tablespoons of salt, one tablespoon of coriander, and a pinch of cumin with a knife or mortar. Pour four liters of water into a large container with spices. Mix salt and spices thoroughly.

Peel the quail, rinse, place in the marinating solution for half an hour.

BBQ marinade

A good option for grilling or grilling lamb, pork ribs, steaks, chops.

You will need:

  • thyme, oregano, coriander, dried celery, ground pepper chili - one teaspoon;
  • basil, dried onions, mustard powder, dried garlic– two teaspoons;
  • paprika powder - two tablespoons;
  • brown sugar, hot red pepper, cumin, ground black pepper - half a teaspoon each;
  • two chopped bay leaves.

Grind all the spices and herbs in a mortar. Rub ribs or steaks with the mixture. The remaining marinade can be placed in a jar and stored for at least two months.

Red wine marinade

Classic mixture for marinating beef and lamb. The combination of spices can be changed to suit various variations taste.

You will need:

  • half a glass of olive oil;
  • half a glass of table red wine;
  • juice from one lemon plus its zest;
  • a small bunch of arugula;
  • half a shallot onion;
  • half a dozen sprigs of parsley, oregano, basil, mint, sage;
  • a mixture of different types of peppers.

First you need to separate the leaves from the branches of all the herbs, then chop them. Finely chop the onion, as well as the arugula leaves.

Mix all the herbs, wine, oil, lemon juice and zest in one bowl. Season with pepper mixture to taste. Marinate pieces of lamb or beef with this mixture for at least six hours

The marinade can also be used to coat the kebab as it cooks.

In conclusion, how long can marinated kebab be stored? It all depends on the marinade used.

For example, the period of aging meat in marinades with vinegar does not exceed 12 hours

If fermented milk products were used during pickling, the period of aging in the refrigerator is no more than a day.

You can store kebab marinated with sparkling water for a maximum of 2 days. Kebabs kept in dry marinades are stored for more than two days.

Meat treated with simple marinades can be frozen in the refrigerator for several days. When using preservative additives, shelf life in the freezer can be weeks or months. True, it won’t be quite a kebab, but rather just marinated meat.

Probably, the dizzying smell of fried meat does not leave anyone indifferent.

Words "shashlik" And "picnic" as if they deliberately rhyme closer to spring, weekends and holidays, promising pleasant stay on the river bank or lakes campfire.

Of course, preparations begin long before the cherished day, and they begin with the purchase of meat for barbecue and marinating it, because all the other attributes of a feast in nature are just an accompanying ambiance.

How to properly marinate pork for barbecue - basic technological principles

Before we start talking about marinades, it's worth focusing on the choice of meat. This is not accidental. Each type of meat differs in density and biochemical composition, which accordingly affects the methods of its processing, compatibility with other ingredients, herbs and spices, and cooking time.

Pork for barbecue is increasingly becoming a traditional type of meat due to its availability. But even if we consider pork meat as the main ingredient, and not lamb or other types of meat, then we need to pay attention to the fact that pork can be different; even in the same carcass, it is not by chance that the meat is divided into different categories based on quality. Some parts of the carcass are fattier, while others contain little fat. The density and elasticity of muscle tissue in a pork carcass also varies. Although pork is considered a more tender meat than lamb or beef, these nuances must be taken into account.

Pork back has the leanest and toughest pulp, and neck– the most tender and juicy meat, with layers of fat. During the baking process, the protein of the meat coagulates, and if the pulp does not contain sufficient quantity fat that releases juice during frying, the kebab will turn out tough and dry. To prevent lean meat from curdling during frying, a marinade is needed. By the way, those who do not like fatty meat need to know that the acid contained in the marinade changes not only the structure of animal protein, making it soft, but also promotes better breakdown of fats during the digestion of food.

The protein softens in an acidic environment, which is provided by a marinade consisting of juices, vinegar and wine. Pineapple juice and papaya juice, which contain the enzymes bromelain and papain, work very well. In addition to these juices, wine, tomatoes, and fermented milk products work great.

Otherwise, for marinated pork, select extra vegetables and spices that are most compatible with this type of meat, taking into account its further roasting on the coals of a fire. Selecting spices for pork, consider the intensity of their flavor. For example, cloves have a brighter and more expressive smell than allspice or bay leaf. Therefore, the amount of spices must be regulated, paying attention to the properties of the spices.

If you need to marinate pork for barbecue in a short period of time, then it is better to grind the spices for the marinade so that their smell becomes more noticeable and is quickly absorbed into the meat. An important point: if you remember that salt absorbs moisture very quickly, then do not salt the pork when marinating. Prepare separately saline solution, and even add a mixture of spices and spices to it to sprinkle the meat over the coals when the kebab is almost ready.

When wondering how to properly marinate pork for barbecue, try to prepare the marinade, not so much worrying about its quantity as choosing the right meat and ingredients for the marinade itself. Not everything depends on the marinade.

Cut meat correctly: more small pieces They will be soaked in the marinade faster and subsequently fried. When frying, the meat decreases in volume, but a piece weighing 50 g will cook perfectly. Try cut the meat across the grain: This will also help to properly marinate the pork for barbecue. Another technique that will help make even back– beating. Having cut the meat into transverse layers, 4.5-5 cm thick, first beat it, and then continue slicing and marinating.

Even a large amount of pork can be marinated in one liter of marinade, if you approach the issue with ingenuity and ingenuity.

Of course, no one has canceled the usual method of cooking pork, marinated in enamel saucepans and plastic buckets, as the most proven and reliable. But at least take note of another, compact and economical option, and the first topic of conversation at the picnic will be a discussion of how to properly marinate pork for barbecue, saving space in the refrigerator.

Let's do some math. If the piece weighs 50 g using an ordinary medical injection syringe, pour in 5 ml of wine, or pomegranate juice, or pineapple, how much marinade will be needed and how much time will be spent on this procedure? Answer: 1 kg of meat - 20 pieces weighing 50 g each; accordingly, 5 kg is 100 pieces of pork and 500 ml of wine or juice. Compare how much marinade is required to marinate the same meat in the usual way, fill it with marinade so as to cover the surface by at least 2 cm? Of course, in order to pickle onions or other vegetables for barbecue, the injection method is not entirely suitable, but for this it is quite enough place the meat in a sealed ziplock bag along with these vegetables, and hold them together until the wood burns out in the fire and the heat necessary to finally start cooking kebabs is formed.

You can, to calm down, pour an additional glass of wine or juice into the bag so that the vegetables are also saturated delicious aroma and move on to the question of how to properly marinate pork for barbecue and what marinade to choose for marinated pork?

1. How to properly marinate pork for barbecue: marinade with mustard and lemon juice

Ingredients of the marinade:

Mustard, spicy (ready) 200 ml

Lemon juice 400 ml

Purified water 150 ml

Set of spices: bay leaf, a mixture of allspice and ground pepper

Onion, rings 2 kg


Combine water and fresh, peeled lemon juice. Grind the spices into powder using a blender or coffee grinder and add to the liquid, along with mustard. Place the prepared meat in a bag, tie it and shake it. Soak the pork in the marinade for at least 12 hours. Place the packet in the refrigerator on the top shelf. To prepare shish kebab, select small onions, preferably sweet varieties. Spicy onions, when marinated for a long time, will add bitterness to the meat. Large onions are inconvenient to string and fry. Small onions will not crumble and will sit tightly on skewers or skewers, bake together with the meat and serve as an excellent side dish.

2. Red, dry wine for marinated pork

Ingredients of the marinade:

Dry wine, red (grape) 700 ml

Sugar 100 g

Spices: cloves, cardamom, black pepper, nutmeg, Bay leaf

Onion, white (small or medium) 1.5 kg

Eggplant, blue ( small size) 1 kg

Garlic 150 g

Cream (or cherry) tomatoes 1.7-2.0 kg

Parsley (greens) 200 g


Grind the dry spices into powder, cut the vegetables into wheels, chop the garlic and parsley so that they release their juice into the marinade. Combine all the components, first separating 200-300 ml of wine and injecting it into each piece of meat using a syringe. Leave the meat and vegetables in the sealed bag for at least 2 hours to marinate the vegetables.

3. Tomato juice with Georgian adjika for marinated pork

Ingredients of the marinade:

Tomato juice, natural 500 ml

Pomegranate juice 200 ml

Sugar 150 g

Garlic 100 g

Cardamom, bay leaf, chili pepper, cloves

Tomatoes, fleshy 2.0 kg

Red and yellow pepper, salad 1 kg

Coriander and parsley, chopped 300 g

Onions, rings 1.5 kg

Adjika, Georgian 3 tbsp. spoons


Cut the prepared vegetables into rings to alternate them with meat, stringing them on skewers. First, grind the spices, and then, transferring them to a mortar or blender, add adjika, chopped herbs, and garlic. After grinding all the combined ingredients into a paste, add it to the tomato juice. Place meat and chopped vegetables there for 3-5 hours.

4. Apple juice and pineapple marinade for marinated pork

Ingredients of the marinade:

Onion, white 3 kg

Prunes 300 g

Pineapple, fresh 1 pc. (medium size)

Juice, apple 0.5 l

Bay leaf, anise, pepper, basil, oregano


Cut the prepared onion and pineapple into rings. Divide the prunes steamed in boiling water into halves. Grind the spices with herbs and combine all the components of the marinade, pouring them apple juice. Place the prepared meat in the bag and pour the marinade into it. After an hour, you can start grilling kebabs.

5. How to properly marinate pork for barbecue with kefir

For the marinade:

Cranberries 1 tbsp.

Leaf, bay

Basil, fresh 200 g

Provencal herbs

Bulb onions


Peel the onion and cut into rings, roughly tear the basil leaves and combine with other ingredients. In this marinade, keep the meat in the cold overnight.

6. How to properly marinate pork for barbecue with cognac

For the marinade:

Cherry juice 500 ml

Onion, 400 g

Cognac 500 ml

Black pepper, cardamom, bay leaf


Add crushed spices to cognac, dilute honey with heated cherry juice (25-30Ϲ) and pour into cognac. Place the pork in a bag and pour the prepared marinade over it. The meat will be ready for baking in an hour.

7. How to properly marinate pork for barbecue with beer

Ingredients of the marinade:

Borodinsky bread (stale) 1 loaf

Cumin, bay leaf, hops (dried cones), pepper mixture

Malt 100 ml

Beer, “live” 1 l

Eggs 6 pcs.


Beat eggs with malt and beer, add spices, onion, chopped into large rings and large cubes of bread. Transfer the prepared marinade into a bag with meat for 4 hours, and then start baking the kebabs.

How to properly marinate pork for barbecue - useful tips and tricks

    To prevent the juice from the meat from leaking onto the coals during the barbecue process, roll the marinated pork in flour before threading it onto a skewer. Breading will retain the juices in the meat

    After removing the kebab from the fire, place it on a plate and cover with foil for a few minutes so that the meat “rests” and becomes juicy.

    If the weather ruined your plans and the picnic had to be postponed, then transfer the meat and marinade to foil and don’t be upset. In any marinade, pork in foil will become festive dish. If you want the meat to smell smoky, add it to the foil before baking. smoked ribs or lard. Bring the meat to readiness, and then open the foil and keep it in hot oven, open over high heat until browned.

    When choosing a specific marinade recipe for barbecue, think in advance about the sauce recipe: it must match the previously prepared marinade, so include similar ingredients in its composition.

    Our ancestors always served cranberry or lingonberry sauce. They were right, because “sourness” helps the stomach digest food. There is also an ancient hidden in sauces made from honey. culinary secret our ancestors: the biochemical composition of honey is very similar to blood plasma, and this product also helps the body cope with a hearty lunch.

Try steamed, baked meat soon large piece in dough, marinated in any of the prepared marinades.

Pork kebab is the most common type of spring, “May” kebab in our country. It is fried in all dachas, plantings and many courtyards on the First and Ninth of May.

Before cooking meat over an open fire, it is usually marinated to add additional interesting flavors. Let's consider classic methods, how to marinate pork kebab. Below we will present a variety of basic options marinades for this type of meat.

Choosing meat for barbecue

So, you need to start, of course, with selecting a good piece of meat. To prepare a delicious pork kebab, any fresh meat with a minimum of bones and a small amount fat

Freshness can be easily determined by pressing on a piece of pork. Ideally, it should be elastic and quickly return to its original shape before pressure. If the dent cannot be restored, it is better to discard this piece.

Another useful guideline when choosing is the color of the meat. From it one can quite definitely judge the age of the animal. More dark color suggests that this is no longer a young pig, but a full-fledged adult pig. The best choice– pork is pink in color when cut, with uniform coloring.

You also need to take a close look at the presence of mucus and blood on the piece - in our case this is a big minus.

As for the fat that is inevitably present in pork, fresh meat it is in no way yellow light, not sticky and transparent

These parts are best suited for barbecue experiments pork carcass, like neck, loin, loin and brisket. Perfect option for juicy and tasty kebab - this is the neck. It has a good balance of meat and fat.

Loin, brisket or tenderloin are initially leaner. To give these parts of the carcass the necessary juiciness, they need to be properly marinated. Shoulder, ribs and ham are not suitable for barbecue, although marinating them for a long time can achieve a passable result.

Frozen meat in the absence of fresh meat is not the best option. Although this is where the effect of culinary imagination can work when preparing raw materials and choosing original way pickles. The main thing in this situation is the natural defrosting of pork on the refrigerator shelf, and not in microwave oven. In this case, nutritional and taste characteristics product will be saved. Many pros in the kebab industry use the technique of salting frozen meat and then keeping it in the cold for two to three hours.

The worst option is repeatedly frozen meat. The kebab from it is guaranteed to turn out not juicy.

To summarize, we can conclude that choosing meat is the most important step in preparing kebabs. You should start culinary “witchcraft” with marinades only after purchasing a suitable piece of pork.

It is better to choose meat, of course, at the market. Only there will you be able to fully examine it, touch it, smell it and experience all the other delights of trade.

Cut it like “shish kebab”

So, the meat has been purchased. Before you marinate the pork kebab in an original way, you need to cut it correctly. This passing moment for many barbecue lovers should be taken more seriously.

To ensure that the kebab pieces do not end up raw or overcooked, they need to be cut according to a certain system

The cutting principles here are:

  • you need to use sharp knives for slicing, the cuts of the pieces should be smooth, otherwise the protruding edges will hang down during the frying process, burn and spoil both the taste of the dish and the mood of everyone around you;
  • cutting dimensions - 4*4 cm in thickness and length, another option - rectangular, elongated pieces for fixing on a skewer along their length;
  • before slicing, it is better to immediately remove excess fat, all kinds of films and veins, while a little fat will be useful for greater juiciness;
  • cut the pork across the grain - this is necessary in order to avoid “shrinking” of the pieces.

How to marinate correctly

Sooner or later, it will definitely come to the most creative part of cooking kebabs - marinating the meat. Here, of course, you also cannot do without knowledge of standard techniques, tricks and nuances that have been developed in barbecue practice for decades. The main thing is to understand why meat is marinated at all.

If the above rules for choosing meat for barbecue are followed, then marinating is carried out for a dual purpose. Firstly, the meat is thus given the most various tastes and flavors plus extra juiciness if needed. Secondly, meat pre-treated with marinade cooks faster.

If the kebab is fried, contrary to all the rules, from the first piece of pork that catches your eye, then marinating will be needed for the third purpose. Usage suitable ingredients(acids, enzymes, dairy products) will help destroy the structure of meat, making it more tender, digestible and easier to digest.

In order to properly and tasty marinate pork kebab, you need to adhere to the following simple rules.

Composition of marinades

Marinades need to be made from three main parts: active ingredients (enzymes, dairy products, acids), all kinds of seasonings to taste, and vegetable oils. The active part of the marinade will properly influence the meat structure. Seasonings will make up the aromatic and flavorful “bouquet” of the kebab. Oils are needed to seal the surface of the pieces, which will avoid loss of juice during frying. In addition, vegetable oil is an ideal conductor and amplifier for spices and seasonings.

The most popular ingredients for kebab marinades:

  • onion;
  • salt;
  • ground black and red pepper;
  • dried sweet or;
  • dried basil, coriander, thyme;
  • chilli;
  • dry mixtures - turmeric, suneli hops, curry, garam masala;
  • adjika;
  • cumin;
  • Bay leaf;
  • lemon juice;
  • kefir;
  • mayonnaise;
  • table wine

Of course, the list of common ingredients for marinade is not limited to these products and spices. Every experienced “kebab cooker” has in his repertoire many original discoveries and interesting “tricks” that make this dish unique.

At the same time, you need to remember that you should salt the meat either before the immediate start of frying, or already in finished form. The best salt- coarse grinding.

It is also advisable to forget forever about the existence of such a gastronomic misunderstanding as regular vinegar. As a last resort, you can use its wine variety.

Classic mustard is great for additional tenderization of frozen pork.
Beer and sparkling water have recently become very popular among barbecue makers. These drinks are used to soak meat. The presence of gas bubbles helps in the destruction of meat fibers and additional softening of the raw materials.

How long does it take to marinate pork kebab?

The meat should be marinated for at least 4–6 hours. Frozen raw materials – at least 12 hours. The most extreme minimum when using express marinades is 2 hours.

In what container should I marinate?

In order to marinate pork for barbecue, you should use only glass, ceramic or enamel dishes. Aluminum and plastic are strictly not recommended. When products come into contact with such surfaces, they may react and absorb anything harmful from the cookware.

It is better to cover the kebab soaked in marinade with a lid for better absorption of seasonings.

Standard and popular recipes

Let's get to the recipes. Let's start with the most obvious ones. Meat, onions and black pepper - what could be simpler?! This simple composition was the most popular in our country about 40 years ago during the Brezhnev stagnation, when food abundance not only did not exist, but was not even foreseen.

  • half a kilo of onions;
  • one tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • black peppercorns.

All that is required for this marinade is to chop the onions in any manner and then grind them in a blender bowl. The goal is onion pulp. At the same time, you need to heat a few black peppercorns in a dry frying pan, and then crush them with the flat side of a knife.

Sprinkle pre-prepared meat pieces with vegetable oil, salt and season with crushed black pepper. Next, spread the onion pulp onto the pieces of pork and thoroughly “massage” each piece.

Time to marinate meat in onion gruel - 2 hours

With lemon juice

The above recipe can be enhanced. Take the same ingredients in the same quantity. A nuance would be the use of lemon juice. To do this, take an additional two lemons per 2 kg of pork.

Lemons should be cut in half and squeeze their juice onto the pieces of pork prepared in advance, at the same time mixing well and “massaging” the meat. Then you need to repeat all the same operations. As a result, the marinated kebab will acquire a pleasant citrus taste.

With tomato juice

The third option is using onion pulp. Instead of lemons, you can take a couple of tomatoes. Grind them in a blender bowl along with two or three cloves of garlic and a small amount of parsley. Pour out tomato puree into the sliced ​​pork pieces, then “massage” them.


Fermented milk products, such as yogurt or kefir, act on meat much more slowly than aggressive acids. They do not harden the outer surface of the meat. The principle of operation here is different. Calcium found in dairy products triggers enzymes that break down protein. A kind of “aging” of the meat occurs.

You will need (for 2 kg of pork):

  • two glasses of full-fat kefir;
  • half a kilo of onions;
  • salt,
  • black peppercorns.

The cooking technique completely repeats the first recipe. Next, kefir is poured into the mixture of pieces of pork and onion gruel. Added granulated sugar. Everything needs to be mixed thoroughly. Let it brew for an hour normal conditions, then place the entire volume of marinated meat in the refrigerator. Kefir will begin to soak the future kebab for a long time and persistently.

It is advisable to keep the meat in the marinade for at least half a day, ideally a day

Kefir. Version 2.0

You can soak pork kebab in kefir with the addition of herbs, garlic and hot pepper Chile. The result will be a very aromatic and spicy dish.

You will need (for 2 kg of pork neck):

  • two large onions;
  • two glasses of kefir;
  • a bunch of fresh herbs: dill, garlic arrows; green onions, basil;
  • one tablespoon of granulated sugar;
  • hot chili pepper;

There will be no onion porridge in this recipe. The onions should be cut into large rings. Chop the greens as needed. Garlic arrows You can easily replace it with regular garlic. Cut the chili pepper in half, remove seeds and finely chop.

Place all ingredients in a saucepan with prepared pork and stir. Salt, sugar, season with ground black pepper. Then pour kefir over the future kebab. To cover with a lid. You can marinate in kefir from half a day to several days.

Based on mayonnaise

Another the simplest way marinating. Suitable in case of temporary time pressure.

You will need (for 1 kg of neck):

  • 250–300 g mayonnaise;
  • two or three large onions;
  • salt, any spices to taste.

Pour mayonnaise over pre-prepared pork. Chop the onions into half rings and add them along with your favorite spices to the bowl with the kebab. Mix thoroughly. Leave for an hour or two and send to the grill.

Quick marinade option - mayonnaise-based sauce

Based on mineral water

This method is also perfect for express pickling. Water rich in carbon dioxide further softens the meat in a short time.

You will need (for 2 kg of neck):

  • one liter of mineral water;
  • a pair of large onions;
  • two or three bay leaves;
  • one teaspoon of dried rosemary;
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste.

Add salt, ground black pepper, and dried rosemary. Cut the onions into half rings, mash by hand, and add to the meat. Crumble the bay leaf with your hands and sprinkle it over the future kebab.

Pour the dishes with all the ingredients mineral water. It is better to take highly carbonated types. Cover the container with a piece of cling film and marinate for an hour to four hours as needed.

This basic recipe It can be enhanced with any suitable spices.

On table wine

An excellent option for a delicious barbecue marinade. Any dry red wine is suitable for it. White wine lovers can also not despair and use their favorite varieties.

You will need (for 1 kg of pork neck):

  • five to six small onions;
  • a glass of dry red wine;
  • a couple of sprigs of fresh rosemary;
  • two bay leaves;
  • half a teaspoon of ground red pepper;
  • salt.

Season the pre-cut meat as required with spices. Chop the onions into rings and mash a little for better release of juice. Add to the bowl with the future shish kebab. Add a sprig of rosemary there.

After about twenty minutes, pour dry red wine over the pork, add bay leaves

Marinate at room temperature or put it in the refrigerator if the picnic is planned for the next day.

With pomegranate juice

Great marinade recipe. Pieces of pork, soaked in sour pomegranate juice, acquire a wonderful taste and aroma. In addition, the finished kebab will receive an appetizing, reddish color.

Pomegranate juice can be obtained by squeezing fresh fruit or purchased ready-made in the store.

You will need (for 2 kg of neck):

  • half a liter of pomegranate juice;
  • five to six small onions;
  • salt, ground black pepper, suneli hops, coriander to taste.

Divide the bulbs in half. Grate half of it or grind it using a blender. The other one is to cut into rings.

Place the meat prepared in the standard way into suitable container. Add seasonings, salt. Fill pomegranate juice, carefully “massage” the pieces of pork.

Place both types of onions in the marinade. Mix everything thoroughly. Cover the container with a lid or cling film. Keep in the refrigerator. The ideal holding time is two days. During this time, the future kebab can be stirred several times for uniform marinating.

The above recipes are simple basis. Based on them, you can create your own recipes by adding your favorite ingredients, spices and seasonings.

Prepare delicious kebab- real art.

A big part of the success of this business is getting the marinade right.

However, it is not at all necessary to use any expensive and intricate products or carry out complex manipulations for this.

The simplest barbecue marinade can also give excellent results.

You just need to choose the right base product that will make the meat tender, juicy, saturate it with flavors and allow you to cook the right kebab.

Most often, pork is chosen for this dish.

Therefore, let’s look at the cooking rules and recipes for the simplest pork marinade.

Basic principles for preparing the simplest barbecue marinade

Pork for simple shish kebab you need to choose the right one – young and fresh enough. The best part of the carcass is the neck, where the meat is interspersed with fat. If the neck is very fatty, then some of the fat can be trimmed off. Those who like leaner kebab can choose tenderloin. The upper parts of the legs and the kidney part can also be used for charcoal grilling.

The main components of a quick pork marinade are:

- tomato paste or sauce

- dairy products

- pomegranate and lemon juice.

The technology is simple - the meat is cut into small pieces, mixed with salt, spices and any products for marinating. Sometimes the marinade along with salt and spices is prepared separately, then the meat is poured with this mixture.

Marinating time is a minimum of an hour or two, possibly more. Often the kebab is left to marinate overnight.

Fry the prepared meat over hot coals, that is, without fire, placing it on a grill or threading it on skewers.

Served with herbs, vegetables, seasonings and sauces.

The simplest marinade for shish kebab with vinegar

Vinegar is a traditional Russian base for shish kebab marinade. It softens the meat well, and is great for fatty pork, as it adds a certain sourness. The main thing is to take vinegar in moderation.


    Kilogram of pork neck

    Tablespoon vinegar essence

    Half a glass of water

    Half a tablespoon of salt

    Black pepper, onions - optional.

Cooking method

    Cut the meat into oblong pieces.

    Salt and pepper.

    If onions are used, they must be cut in any way and added to the meat.

    Dilute vinegar with water and pour over meat.

    Leave to marinate for two hours. The meat must be stirred at least once during this time.

    Before frying, string pieces of meat quite tightly onto skewers and fry over hot coals, not allowing the fire to appear - extinguish it with water.

    Turn to cook evenly on all sides. When the kebab is browned, remove from heat.

    Great side dish This meat will be paired with fresh onions, cucumbers, and tomatoes.

Onion juice is the basis of the simplest barbecue marinade

An onion-based marinade softens and flavors the meat, without drying it out or destroying the fiber structure. You can use this marinade for poultry, young beef and, of course, pork. You need to take white onions, their juice is more bitter and rich.


    Pork – tenderloin, neck, kidney part – about a kilogram

    3 large onions

    2-3 bay leaves

    Half a tablespoon of salt

    Freshly ground black pepper - a pinch.

Cooking method

    Cut the meat into the pieces needed for the barbecue.

    Grind the onion into a pulp using a blender, knife or meat grinder.

    Salt the resulting mass, add a pinch of pepper for flavor, pour in the oil and add bay leaves.

    If marinating takes a little time, the mixture can be slightly heated in a microwave oven until warm, then the flavors will penetrate into the meat faster. Cover the container when heating.

    Immerse pieces of meat in the marinade, mix, and put in a cool place.

    After two hours the meat can be fried. It needs to be slightly shaken off from the marinade if skewers are used. If it is fried on a grill, you can place slightly squeezed onions from the marinade between the pieces of meat; it will fry deliciously.

The simplest and fastest marinade for pork based on tomato products

Tomato paste, tomato juice, various sauces, including ketchup are excellent basis for barbecue marinade. The acid softens the fibers of the meat, after such a marinade it is perfectly browned, and the inside remains juicy and tender. If tomato paste or juice is used, it is advisable to add bright spices and seasonings to the marinade. And ready-made tomato sauce and ketchup already have a set of spices. You just need to choose the right one depending on your tastes - hotter, spicy or sweet. This marinade is good for pork ribs.


    Rack of pork ribs or the cervical part - a little over a kilogram

    Cup tomato juice or half a glass tomato paste, any sauce

    Salt to taste depending on its availability tomato products

    Spices and seasonings are also to taste - you can use ground black and red pepper, coriander, basil, cloves, nutmeg, rosemary.

Cooking method

    Cut the meat large pieces, chop the ribs.

    Pour the tomato mixture into a bowl. Depending on its taste, add salt and spices.

    Immerse the pieces of meat in the sauce, mix thoroughly, coating each piece with the mixture.

    Leave to marinate for an hour. Taste the sauce to see if you need to add salt. If the sauce is not at all sour - this happens with some types of tomato paste - add a few drops of vinegar or lemon juice to it.

    At the end of the marinating period, fry the meat in any suitable way.

The easiest way to prepare pork marinade using canned tomatoes

Salted or pickled tomatoes contain a large amount of acid. It is either released during the fermentation process if the tomatoes are salted in the usual way, or it is there thanks to vinegar, this applies to pickled fruits. For pork, you can simply take a few tomatoes from a jar and a little brine, adjust the taste with spices and quickly marinate the meat - with virtually no extra cost.


    Pork - about a kilogram of any suitable part of the carcass

    3-4 salted or pickled tomatoes - they should be very ripe and soft

    Half a glass of brine or tomato marinade

    Tablespoon of vegetable oil

    A mixture of peppers or other seasoning to taste.

    Salt - about a teaspoon, possibly more.

Cooking method

    Place the chopped pork in a bowl or pan.

    Remove the tomatoes from the jar, remove the skins, and mash well. You can use a fork or knife; if the fruits hold their shape well, chop them with a blender.

    Post tomato puree to the meat, pour the brine there.

    Pepper, salt, mix.

    After an hour, you should try the marinade. If there is not enough acid, add grains of citric acid. If there is not enough salt, add some salt. If it turns out too salty, add a pinch of sugar. Also add vegetable oil, mix well again and refrigerate.

    You can serve shashlik prepared with this marinade with onion rings, pickled or salted vegetables - the same tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers.

A festive option - champagne as the simplest marinade for pork

If after the holiday there is an open bottle of champagne left, you can quickly prepare kebab marinade for pork. Moreover, the feast can be continued at the grill, in nature, because the champagne-based marinade is not only simple, but also very fast-acting. The bubbles of the drink help the marinade components quickly penetrate the meat fibers.


    Lean pork - approximately 800 grams, if more, increase the amount of ingredients

    Half a tablespoon of salt

    Spices as desired - great option ground black pepper, allspice, basil, dill, dry or fresh

    Large glass of champagne - approximately 200 grams

    Onion optional.

Cooking method

    Cut the meat into small pieces

    Salt and add all the spices.

    If using onion, cut it into rings and add to the meat.

    Place the pieces in a wide pan or cup, it will also work Plastic container, And glass jar– if you plan to go outdoors, you can not transfer the marinated meat, but immediately take it in this container.

    Pour champagne over the meat, press down slightly,

    After an hour you can already fry - during this time the meat will soften and be saturated with flavors.

Lemon plus onion is one of the simplest marinades for barbecue.

The pungency and taste of onions, the acidity and aroma of lemon - it turns out excellent kebab, including pork. It is very simple to prepare: everything needs to be cut and folded, adding seasonings. The only negative is that it needs to marinate a little more, at least 3-4 hours. But the result is worth it: the meat is tender, soft, aromatic.


    About a kilogram of tender young pork

    3 large onions

    2 lemons, preferably with thin skin

    Level tablespoon of salt

    Spices as desired - ground black and red pepper are fine.

Cooking method

    Mix the chopped meat with salt and spices and let stand for a couple of minutes.

    Meanwhile, peel the onion and cut it into thin rings or half rings.

    Also thinly slice the lemons, but you don’t have to remove the skin – essential oils will add an extra pleasant note.

    Place a few lemon slices on the bottom of a wide bowl. Top with a layer of meat and onion rings on top.

    Place a row of lemon slices, meat, and onions again. Lay to the top. It is advisable to finish as you started with lemons.

    Press down the resulting mass, you can even put a plate and apply pressure.

    After 3, or better yet 5-6 hours, the kebab can be fried. If done on a wire rack, you can remove entire layers of meat and onions from the pan, removing the lemon.

    Serve with fresh or grilled vegetables.

Pour in and you're done - the simplest kefir marinade for pork

Fermented milk products are a recognized basis for marinade for shish kebab made from chicken, rabbit, beef, and pork also works well with it. However, it is advisable to take pieces where there are no large layers of fat, otherwise the lard in kefir will get soggy and lose its shape. Kidney, tenderloin and other moderately lean pieces of carcass are good choices here as meat.


    About a kilogram of pork without fat

    Two glasses of kefir or yogurt, natural yogurt

    Tablespoon of salt without a slide

    Two large onions

    Bay leaf, allspice, ground pepper.

Cooking method

    Chop the meat quite coarsely

    Chop the onions into cubes or quarter rings.

    Add onion, salt, spices to the meat and mix.

    Pour in kefir, mix well again and leave to marinate in a cool place for two hours.

    Fry over coals, serve with fresh or canned vegetables, parsley, basil.

Tricks and secrets of preparing the simplest marinades for pork kebabs

    Pork is a fatty meat, so it is advisable to make the marinade sour. The exception is onion juice, which is quite spicy in itself, but you need to take a lot of onions and ensure that a large amount of juice is released.

    Too much sour marinade You can adjust with a few grains of sugar or half a teaspoon of honey.

    If you are afraid that the acid will corrode the soft, tender meat, add a spoonful of oil.

    Before frying pork kebab with vinegar and tomato, pour one well into the meat egg and mix thoroughly, then the protective film of protein will not allow the kebab to dry out.

    You need to prepare marinade and marinate meat in enamel or glass containers; treat plastic with caution. enamel cookware avoid.

It's spring on the calendar, which means it's time to open the barbecue season. Many have already gone to their dachas for seasonal work. What kind of work is not worthy of reward? Meat fried over charcoal is suitable for these purposes without a doubt.

I bring to your attention almost classic recipes. Shish kebab is most often prepared from pork. It's a question of taste and price. Pork is available, and the meat itself is juicy and tender. This is a dish for both the feast and the world.

If it’s too early to go outdoors somewhere, then take a look here, you’ll find out how to cook. I highly recommend reading it, I hope you like it and take our recipes and tips to note.

Recipes for delicious, juicy, tender, classic pork kebab with photos

Classic pork shashlik recipe

Just the mention of kebab, also made from pork, makes you salivate. Delicious, roasted, aromatic with the most tender meat. Only such a kebab deserves enthusiastic compliments.


  • Pork neck – 1.5 kg
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Vinegar - 3 teaspoons
  • Spices - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - 0.5 tbsp. spoons


1. Pork neck pre-washed, dried, cut into portions.

2. Chop the onion into half rings.

3. Place the pork in a deeper bowl. Add onion, spices, dilute 70% vinegar in a glass of water, pour into a bowl. Everything needs to be mixed very thoroughly. Cover the bowl and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, maybe longer.

4. Place the marinated meat on skewers or skewers. By the way, such a kebab will turn out just as good on the grill.

5. Place the skewers on the coals. You need to fry it for 15-20 minutes, turning it over periodically. You can easily check the readiness of the meat by piercing it with a knife; the juice should become clear.

Chop the tomatoes and cucumbers, prepare the herbs and sauce. Enjoy juicy kebab at fresh air, bon appetit!

Pork shish kebab - marinade of mayonnaise and mineral water

The juicy flesh of the meat literally melts in your mouth. Don't worry about too much fat, it's high temperatures melts while preventing the pieces from drying out. And you can burn calories after such a meal by playing active games in nature with friends.


  • Pork – 2 kg
  • Onions - 7 pcs
  • Mayonnaise - 300 g
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Sweet paprika - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Black pepper - 2 teaspoons
  • Mineral water with sparkling water – 1 l


1. Rinse the pork and pat dry with paper towels. Cut into medium sized pieces.

2. Remove the husks from the onions, cut into half rings, add to the bowl with the meat and mix.

To prevent the onion from stinging your eyes, soak it in ice water for a couple of minutes.

3. Pour spices into the bowl: black pepper, sweet paprika, salt. Add mayonnaise, mix thoroughly.

4. Pour in mineral water and mix again. Cover the dish with cling film or a lid and place in a cool place to marinate for at least 6 hours.

5. Thread the marinated pork onto skewers and place on hot coals.

Serve the finished kebab with fresh herbs and vegetables. Juicy meat And Bon appetit to you!

Mustard-vinegar marinade for pork kebab

A very aromatic and spicy charcoal dish. For such a kebab, choose pork neck for marinating. The marinade includes fresh vegetables, a little mustard and vinegar. The taste will be amazing.


  • Pork neck – 1.5 kg
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic – 5 cloves
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Red Bell pepper- 2 pcs
  • Vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Mustard - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Vegetable oil – 50 ml
  • Salt - to taste
  • Seasoning - to taste


1. Prepare the meat, rinse and dry. Cut into portions, removing excess fat and veins. Transfer to a deep bowl.

Do not cut off all the fat, it will only add juiciness.

2. Peel the onion and garlic. Cut the onion into half rings, chop the garlic finely, and place in a bowl.

3. Cut the tomatoes into quarters, remove the core and seeds from the sweet pepper, and cut into rings. Add to the pork, mix everything together with your hands.

4. Then add spices, I use natural barbecue mixture, grill seasoning. Mix well.

5. Pour in vegetable oil and vinegar. Add the mustard, then mix thoroughly until each piece is coated with the marinade.

6. Cover the bowl with meat and put it in the refrigerator to marinate for 4-6 hours, or better yet, leave it overnight.

Before frying, thread the pieces onto skewers and fry over coals until cooked. Have a delicious picnic, bon appetit!

Marinate pork in tomatoes

Cooking barbecue is an exciting activity, like a whole ritual. The most important thing is to choose and marinate the meat correctly, then the results will delight you and all your loved ones. Don't be afraid to try something new, maybe this way you will find your perfect recipe.


  • Pork – 1.8 kg
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Ground black pepper - 2 teaspoons
  • Tomatoes – 200 g
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. spoon


1. The very first and most important point is preparing the meat. It needs to be washed, dried, cut into medium-sized pieces. At the same time, do not forget to remove veins, films and fat, if there is a lot of it.

2. Peel the tomato and chop it as finely as possible.

To easily remove the skin from a tomato, make a cross-shaped cut on top and place in boiling water for one minute.

3. Peel the onion, cut into half rings, mix with salt using crushing movements, we want the onion juice to form. Place the onions and tomatoes in a bowl with the meat.

4. Add black pepper and mix with your hands so that each piece is coated with marinade. Cover the dish and put it in the refrigerator to marinate for 6-8 hours.

5. Thread the finished meat onto skewers.

6. It is better to fry shish kebab on smoldering coals that have retained the heat inside.

Do not turn the kebab often for better cooking.

Everything is ready, you can serve it to the table. Flavorful kebab, have a wonderful weekend and bon appetit to you!

Marinade with nutmeg and lemon juice

Extraordinarily gentle spicy kebab You will succeed if you first marinate the meat in nutmeg with lemon juice. An excellent snack in nature will bring a lot of pleasant impressions.


  • Pork – 1 kg
  • Red onion – 8 pcs.
  • Nutmeg - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Juice of one lemon
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Seasoning for pork - 1 tbsp. spoon


1. Remove the skins from the onion, cut into rings, and place some in a deep bowl. Place the sliced ​​pork on top. Add spices: salt, pepper, nutmeg, seasoning. Mix everything.

2. Then, in a separate bowl, mix the second part of the red onion with the juice of one lemon, while crushing the onion until juice forms. Transfer the marinade to a bowl and mix thoroughly. Cover the dish and marinate in a cool place for 6 hours or more.

3. Fry the meat on skewers on the grill until a beautiful crust forms. Have a good mood Bon appetit to you!

Pork shish kebab in dark beer

A simple recipe for marinating meat for barbecue. The aromas during frying will be divine, just like the kebab itself.


  • Pork – 1.5 kg
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Dark beer – 350 ml
  • Salt - to taste
  • Basil - to taste
  • Seasoning for meat - 1 teaspoon
  • Grill seasoning - 1 teaspoon


1. Rinse and dry the meat. Cut into medium pieces.

2. Add onion, cut into half rings, and finely chopped garlic to the bowl with meat.

3. Add salt, grill and pork seasonings and mix thoroughly using a pressing motion.

4. Pour in dark beer, sprinkle dried basil, stir. Cover the bowl and put it in the refrigerator to marinate for 5-6 hours.

You can use fresh basil, just chop it finely.

5. Grill the kebab on hot coals, turning the skewers periodically.

Cover the dish with lavash and place the finished shish kebab on top. Serve with fresh vegetables, greenery and tomato sauce. Have a nice weekend and bon appetit!

Herb marinade with mustard

All marinating products are only natural. And it won’t be difficult for you to prepare this recipe. And the result will delight you with far-spreading aromas around.


  • Pork – 1 kg
  • Salt - to taste
  • Mixed peppers - to taste
  • Grill seasoning - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Grainy mustard - 30 g
  • Mustard - 30 g
  • Thyme – 5 g
  • Rosemary – 5 g
  • Vegetable oil – 30 ml
  • Onion – 100 g
  • Greens - a bunch


1. Remove excess fat from the meat, cut off the films and veins. Cut into medium-sized pieces and place in a deep bowl.

2. Add spices, add thyme and rosemary.

3. Next add regular and grainy mustard.

4. Pour vegetable oil into the bowl, add chopped onion and herbs. Mix everything, cover, put in a cool place to marinate for at least 3 hours, preferably more.

5. Thread the marinated meat onto skewers, fry over hot coals on the grill until a crispy crust forms and the inside is cooked.

Serve the kebab hot. Good luck and bon appetit to you!

Video recipe for juicy kebab in white wine

Amazing recipe for delicious meat meal surrounded by family and friends. You can prepare this dish quite simply and inexpensively. See for yourself by watching the video instructions.

Bon appetite!

The big May weekend is ahead of us, I wish you to spend it not only usefully, but also very tasty with a meat snack.
