Grog at home. Grog is a rum drink that gives warmth and joy every day.

Grog– a hot alcoholic drink consisting of heated rum diluted with sugar syrup. Grog, like rum, has always been considered the drink of sailors and pirates. Since sailors went on long voyages, they always had to have a supply of drinks on board the ship, including alcoholic ones. Of course, the sailors also took water with them, but no ship set out to sea without a few barrels of rum, wine or beer. At first, the sailors drank beer, as it turned sour very quickly. Then - water, but it spoiled during the voyage. To make this water drinkable, sailors diluted it with alcohol. Often, sailors stocked up on rum before a voyage. This strong alcoholic drink did not spoil for a long time and also had a pleasant taste.

Soon the sailors switched to grog. The drink got its name from British Vice Admiral Edward Vernon. Due to the constant consumption of rum, drunkenness increased among his sailors, and Vernon was forced to take action. He ordered the strong rum to be diluted with water and lemon juice. Initially, rum was diluted both hot and cold water. The sailors were strongly opposed to such innovations, calling the drink “rum on three waters”, as well as “grog” in honor of Edward Vernon, who wore a grogram cloak coat in bad weather. The rum was initially diluted 1:3 with water. Sailors were given this “cocktail” twice a day.

Soon, grog was legalized on sea vessels, although there was no uniform standard for its preparation. So, on some ships it was diluted 1:4 and even 1:5. Sailors called each type of grog by different names. Thus, undiluted rum was called “Nord”, while water was called “West”. Grog Nord-West consisted of 1 part rum and 1 part water. Even after rum began to be diluted with water, discipline on ships left much to be desired. In 1823, a decree was issued to reduce the supply of rum to ships. Now the sailors began to drink cocoa and tea. In 1970, the supply of rum to ships was completely banned.

The history of rum and grog did not end with their prohibition in the maritime sphere. The production of rum was improved, and the drink itself became more and more tasty and aromatic. The Americans successfully bought his recipe, and it was decided to accrue interest from its sales to the Royal Navy fund.

Today, grog means a hot alcoholic drink with various additives. For example, it includes spices such as cinnamon and ginger. In addition to rum, I often add vodka, cognac, whiskey, and absinthe to the drink.

Grog, along with mulled wine, is traditionally prepared at every ski resort. In England, the drink is prepared according to the classic recipe, while in Switzerland and France they prefer grog with various additives.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of grog are determined by its composition. Thus, he helped sailors prevent many diseases, including scurvy. He also protected them from colds during the cold season.

Grog has a calming effect Helps with nervous tension and depression. It is also recommended to be used when there is a loss of strength.

Grog perfectly heals small wounds, as well as ulcers on the mucous membranes. Has a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

The beneficial properties of grog are very similar to those of other hot drinks. alcoholic drink- mulled wine.

Use in cooking

In cooking, grog is often used as a kind of hot cocktail. It is recommended to prepare it in the cold season and serve it at the end of the meal along with dessert dishes.

There are many recipes for making grog. To do this, it is recommended to use rum or another alcoholic product High Quality. If slices of lemon or other fruit are added to the drink, they must be exceptionally fresh and juicy.

Is extremely popular lactic grog. To prepare it we need liqueur " Old Arbat"and milk. Mix 35 ml of cognac, 10 ml of liqueur, 15 ml of rum, and half a glass of milk in a glass. The grog is heated and served in a glass with thick walls.

How to drink?

It is customary to drink grog in small sips from an Irish coffee glass or from a glass with a glass holder. When serving grog, you should remember that the thinner the walls of the glass, the slower it will cool. The drink must be heated to 70 degrees Celsius. Pancakes, pastries, and desserts go well with grog.

How to cook at home?

There are rules for making homemade grog. The basis of this drink is rum or other strong alcohol. To taste, you can add spices to the drink or medicinal herbs: this way it will only become more aromatic and tastier. Sometimes tea is used instead of water to prepare grog; in this case, it is better to give preference to strong black tea. Also used green tea, mate and rooibos. Citrus fruits are often added or a little orange liqueur. The taste of grog only benefits from such additives.

You can use any rum in grog, although bartenders still recommend using dark rum. The alcoholic part of the drink should be about 40%, while the non-alcoholic part should be 40%-50%.

Women will like a drink with added caramel, sugar syrup, coffee or fragrant honey. Additional aroma of grog will be provided by the addition of spices and herbs. Dried fruits, milk, cream are also added. Experienced bartenders even put it in grog a raw egg, but you need to be careful with this ingredient, as it can curdle in a hot drink.

Most simple Grog is made from water, sugar and rum. Place several pieces of refined sugar into a container for rum and fill it halfway with boiling water. After the sugar has dissolved, pour 50 ml of rum into the water. This is the very first (classic) recipe for grog, which sailors drank. Then they began to add various spices to the grog, creating a very aromatic warming drink.

Here is one recipe for making such a drink at home. Has a particularly pleasant taste honey grog, which is prepared with the addition of honey. Pour 50 ml of rum, lemon juice and 10 g of honey into boiling water. During cooking, all ingredients are thoroughly mixed.

Grog also goes well with coffee. To prepare the drink " coffee grog“We will need cognac, rum, coffee. Mix 30 ml of cognac, 60 ml of Jamaican rum, and 120 ml of hot coffee in a glass, add a little sugar.

There is a delicious recipe especially for the weaker sex. raspberry grog. A pinch of cinnamon, one clove and a little vanilla are added to one glass of raspberry syrup and half a glass of port. Alcohol with spices is brought to a boil, then infused. Next, add a glass of liqueur and a glass of cognac to the strained drink, after which the grog is heated again.

Benefits of grog and treatment

The benefits of this drink have long been known folk medicine. Grog contains various spices, such as cinnamon, cardamom, ginger root, which have antiviral properties. In combination with alcohol, spices effectively strengthen the body's defenses and also have a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

In the Alps, it is even customary to attach barrels of rum to the necks of Saint Bernards who are sent in search of missing people, so that people can warm themselves with a sip of rum and avoid frostbite.

Sailors used grog as a disinfectant, as well as against cholera and in the treatment of intestinal diseases.

Harm of grog and contraindications

The drink can cause harm to the body due to individual intolerance, as well as excessive consumption. It is recommended to drink no more than 200 ml of grog at a time. The use of this drink is contraindicated for pregnant women, children, and people with certain chronic diseases.

The Basic History of Grog

The large quota of rum issued daily to the sailors of the British Navy led to widespread violations of discipline due to alcoholism. The commander of the fleet, Vice Admiral Vernon, decided to restore order in the fleet by changing the regime for issuing rum to sailors and reducing it alcohol influence. According to his instructions, from 1740, the distribution of rum diluted twice with water began to be carried out in two doses, in the morning for toning and in the evening to relieve stress. The Vice Admiral also took care of improving the taste of the newly introduced drink, for which he ordered to add a pinch of sugar and a slice or juice of lemon to the diluted rum.

Grog is- diluted rum with water, plus the addition of other alcoholic beverages, fruits and spices.

The sailors, accustomed to daily drunkenness, accepted the innovation without enthusiasm and called the diluted drink part of the nickname of the thrifty vice admiral - grog. After 26 years, grog was given official status by including E. Vernon’s innovation in the charter of the British fleet (Code of Rules).

The sailors, accustomed to daily drunkenness, accepted the innovation without enthusiasm and called the diluted drink part of the nickname of the thrifty vice admiral - grog. After 26 years, grog was given official status by including E. Vernon’s innovation in the charter of the British fleet (Code of Rules).

Modern recipes for grog were anticipated by the sailors of the British Navy, who began to add strong tea, honey, spices and heat it to improve the taste of the drink they despised.

Another story of the creation of grog

An even more implausible version is associated with Admiral Nelson, who died in the Trafalgar naval battle. According to this version, the body of the deceased admiral was embalmed in a barrel of rum for transportation to England. The sailors remembered their beloved admiral by drinking this barrel of rum. It is unknown how the grog appeared according to this version and was called “Nelson’s Blood”. According to one version, even on the way, the sailors themselves drank this brandy from the barrel with straws (one of the unconfirmed legends).

Grog, mulled wine, punch - what's the difference?

and grog

Part alcoholic punch, as a rule, included 5 ingredients: 2 alcoholic drinks (rum and wine), sugar, liquid for dilution (water or tea) and spice (cloves or cinnamon). Probably, the punch got its name precisely because of the presence of five ingredients, because... in Indian this number sounds like “punch”.

Sugar was dissolved in heated, but not boiling, water, then alcoholic beverages and spices were added and heated to approximately 70ºC. Pleasant taste warming drink turned it into a generally recognized alcoholic drink of winter festive tables. Later, punch began to be used chilled, expanding the range of its use for the holidays of the warm seasons of the year.

and grog- Varieties of hot toddy. What these drinks have in common is diluted, heated alcoholic drinks with added sugar and flavoring additives. Mulled wine is usually made from red wine, and grog may contain rum and cognac. Initially, the preparation of grog was based on the rule of diluting 1 part alcohol in 4 parts soft drink. Modern grog recipes are more democratic, both in the list of alcoholic drinks included in their composition (except for rum and cognac, vodka, whiskey, liqueur, white and red wines), and in the proportion of their dilution.

English sailors, visiting other countries of the world, laid the foundation for the spread of grog in other countries.

Grog was brought to Russia only in the 19th century. In the second part of Elena Molokhovets’ book “For Young Housewives”, published in 1895 in St. Petersburg, there is a section “Different punches”, which contains 3 recipes for punch (mogol-mogol, with ordinary and ladies’ rum) and a recipe for mulled wine. All 4 drinks should actually be classified as grog, because... they are made from heated diluted rum without the addition of wine, which must be present in punch and mulled wine recipes.

English sailors symbolized the degree of dilution of rum with the countries of the world:

In Russia, this tradition is preserved to this day in the name “Nord-West” for warmed drinks and establishments selling them.

The countries to which it spread introduced specific features into the preparation of grog. For example, a Finnish grog recipe includes a bottle of red wine, 1/14 cup of vodka, 3 tbsp. spoons of Madeira, ½ cup of sugar, 1/13 cup of raisins, orange zest, cinnamon and 1/14 cup of almonds. The reason for such inconvenient proportions for cooking is known only to the Finns.

The Swedes, more than the Finns, dilute alcoholic drinks and have changed the grog making procedure: they heat up water with spices in the evening, and in the morning they heat it up again and add alcoholic drinks.

The composition of the founder of the grog family was quite simple: rum, water, sugar and lemon. Later, the individual tastes of consumers and the characteristics of the countries in which grog was distributed began to be taken into account.

Except rum

Except rum, grog began to be made on the basis of cognac, whiskey, vodka, liqueur, incl. fruit (cherry, citrus), with the addition of wine, absinthe and making up various compositions of alcoholic drinks.

Except hot water , black, green, yellow, red African (rooibos) tea, coffee, and juices are used to dilute and heat alcoholic beverages. Soft drinks take up about half of the grog's volume.

Besides the lemon

Besides the lemon To improve the taste of grog and decorate the glass, you can use other citrus fruits: orange, lime, grapefruit juice. We have already discussed this in detail for mulled wine.

Sugar often replaced with honey, crushed caramel, powdered sugar. When using honey, it is added to the finished heated grog, because Prolonged heating is fraught with the destruction of the beneficial properties of honey components.


There is a good one online

Basic rules.

Sea grogs:

Spices are added taking into account individual taste in small dosages. The most commonly used spices are cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, anise, and pepper.

There is a good one online video tutorial on how to make grog for a bar.

Basic rules. Hot base It is advisable to heat the grog in a water bath, without bringing it to a boil, and then pour in alcoholic drinks and add honey. Alcoholic drinks can also be slightly heated in a water bath.

Before use, the grog is filtered and infused for 5 minutes to ¼ hour, but without lowering the temperature to less than 70ºC, so that the grog retains its taste and warming properties.

The dose of grog should not exceed 1 glass; it should be drunk without haste in small sips.

Grog is poured into thick-walled glasses, clay or porcelain mugs, thermal mugs, highball glasses placed on saucers or stands.

Grog can be consumed without a snack or with a snack sweet pastries, sweets, pancakes. The water for cooking is boiled and then cooled to 70ºC. Strong black tea is consumed.

Spices should reveal the aroma of alcoholic drinks, and not obscure it. It is allowed to add dairy products, eggs, and dried fruits to the grog. The eggs are added to the prepared, slightly cooled grog and stirred thoroughly, preventing them from boiling.

It is convenient to prepare the required number of servings of grog at once in enamel or porcelain dishes.

Sea grogs:

Admiral's Grog- Boil 1 pea of ​​cloves and a pinch of pepper over low heat for 5 minutes, strain, pour in 3 glasses of rum, stir and serve in glasses.

Pirate grog

Pirate grog- place 2 pieces of refined sugar in a porcelain mug, pour in half a glass of boiling water and stir to dissolve the sugar, add a glass of dark rum, garnish the drink with whipped cream.

Fisherman's Grog- add 125 ml of cognac and a glass of rum, zest and juice squeezed from 2 lemons, honey to taste to 2 glasses of strong infused hot water and stir thoroughly until the honey dissolves, pour into heated cups for serving.

Bosun's grog

Bosun's grog- place a glass of hot water, a bud of clove and a pinch of black pepper and cinnamon in an enamel bowl, boil for 2 minutes, leave for ¼ hour, strain, pour in a glass of rowan liqueur, stir, heat without boiling, pour in 2 glasses of rum, stir and Pour into six glasses.

Grog sea- boil 150 ml of water, add cinnamon to taste, lemon peel and cloves, add a tablespoon of sugar syrup, strain, add 65 ml of rum and serve immediately, pouring into 2 warm glasses.

Grog "sailor's drink"

Grog "sailor's drink", which would be more accurately called a chilled punch. In a bowl with crushed ice pour in 45 ml of light Carte Blanche and regular Black Label Captain Morgan rum, green and regular lemon juice, pomegranate syrup and 30 ml of orange juice, shake and pour through a sieve into a large glass with a handful of ice at the bottom. Serve a glass of drink with a straw pierced through 2 cherries.

Grog "On boarding"— boil half a glass of water, remove from heat, pour in 50 ml of dark rum, add 10 g of honey, juice of ½ lemon and mix thoroughly. Serve in a clay mug garnished with a cinnamon stick.

Grog "Sea Wolf" — pour 40 ml of dry red wine and cognac into a glass, hot black tea, add 1 g of cardamom and 5 g of cinnamon, stir, garnish with apple slices and lemon zest.

Grog "Sea Wolf" - pour 40 ml of dry red wine and cognac into a glass, hot black tea, add 1 g of cardamom and 5 g of cinnamon, stir, garnish with apple slices and lemon zest.

The classic grog recipe is based on heating and diluting rum. boiled water or strong tea. The best views rum for grog consider “Bacardi” and “Jamaican”.

Modern grog recipes

Water or tea at a temperature of 70ºC is slowly poured into the rum, lemon juice is added, sweetened with sugar or honey, which is added at the end of the preparation procedure, stirring thoroughly and storing it beneficial features. Classic ratio tea (water) and rum 4:1.

Modern grog recipes most often differ greatly from the classic one, both in ingredients and in the ratio of alcoholic and soft drinks. Among them are grogs based on alcoholic beverages other than rum, honey, fruit, milk, aromatic, ladies', gourmet, seasonal, national, non-alcoholic and other types of grog. The many variations of grog recipes indicate that this drink remains very popular today.

Exists a large number of grog recipes based on alcoholic beverages alternative to rum, of which the following are popular:

Grog spicy- a teaspoon of mint leaves, a clove bud and a cinnamon stick are steamed in a glass of water brought to a boil, left for ¼ hour, filtered, a glass of berry syrup is added, heated again to a temperature below 100ºC, the fire is extinguished, a glass of cognac and a glass of port are poured in. Serve in warmed cups.

Coffee grog

Coffee grog— brew coffee in a glass of boiling water and leave for ¼ hour, add 2 glasses of port wine, a glass of vodka, a tablespoon of condensed milk (1 tablespoon), half a glass of sugar, stir and heat to a temperature below 100ºC.

Tea grog- add 0.75 ml of red wine, a glass of sugar and vodka each, the juice of one lemon, a pinch of cinnamon to a glass of hot tea and heat slowly.

Grog with cognac

Grog with cognac- Dissolve 300 g of sugar in a liter of boiling water, remove from heat, add ½ liter of cognac, pour into mugs for 12 people.

Grog with cognac and lemon— in a heated glass, dissolve powdered sugar (1 tbsp) in 75 g of cognac, dilute with boiled water to taste, garnish with a slice of lemon.

Brandy grog

Brandy grog— in a heated glass, dilute a glass of cognac with hot tea (1/2 cup), dissolve a piece of sugar and garnish with a slice of lemon. In general, it’s better to be treated and warmed up then natural teas collected on Russian soil, it is not for nothing that “Russian tea” used to be more valuable than the goods of the East India Company.

Grog prefabricated- add a glass of white wine, 2 tsp to a glass of water. anise seeds, a pinch of red pepper, 1 tsp. dill seeds, lemon and orange zest and cardamom, boil, leave for ¼ hour, strain, add half a glass of cognac and rum, a glass of vodka and orange syrup, 0.5 liters of port wine, stir, heat without bringing to a boil.

Steel grog

Steel grog- V enamel pan A glass of cherries is poured with 2 glasses of red wine and a glass of sugar syrup and boiled for 3 minutes. The seeds are removed from the cherries and the juice is squeezed out. The crushed bones in a mortar are boiled for 10 minutes. in a glass of water, filter and add to the wine broth, stir, add a glass of vodka and cognac each. The pan is heated on hot steel plates.

Hunting grog- mix and heat, without bringing to a boil, 0.7 liters of red wine, a glass of vodka and strong tea, the juice of 1 lemon, a pinch of cinnamon and ¼ kg of sugar.

Examples of fruit grogs include the following recipes:

Strong fruity grog brandy- mix the juice of a small lemon with 40 ml of cognac and sugar (2 tsp), heat, stirring, until the sugar dissolves, add half a glass of heated water, stir and bring to a temperature below boiling.

Classic sour-fruit grog "Silter"- Pour a glass of dark rum, a teaspoon of honey and the juice of a small lemon into half a glass of heated water, mix thoroughly until the honey dissolves.

Seasonal (winter) fruit and berry grog- boil in ½ liter of water dried rose hips(40 g), leave for 1/4 hour, strain, mix with sugar syrup (a glass of sugar dissolved in ½ glass of water), heat almost to a boil, pour a glass of fruit liqueur and a glass of vodka into the mixture.

Fruit and berry grog "Captain's Tea"— add 15 g of honey and 50 g of dried fruits with dry berries to a glass with 50 ml of cognac. Pour black tea, strongly brewed and infused for 5 minutes, into this mixture, mix thoroughly, place a slice of lemon on the edge of the glass.

Apple grog

Apple grog - warm up a liter bottle apple juice, add a cinnamon stick, 2 ground nutmegs and chopped butter (40 g), cook for 5 minutes, stirring, then strain, pour in a glass of rum and a quarter glass of honey, stir until the honey dissolves. You can use citrus zest as spices, and cognac instead of rum.

Dairy products in grog recipes enhance their health properties. Therefore, the first of the recipes below is called “For Health.”

Grog “For Health”— heat half a glass of milk almost to a boil, remove from heat, pour into a porcelain cup, add 1/3 glass of dark rum, ¾ glass of cognac, 2 g of cinnamon. You can add 10 ml of liqueur to this composition (preferably “Old Arbat”).

Recipe examples:

These groups include:

English grog

Grog of Heligoland

Dutch grog

Homemade grog Keitumsky

Canadian flavored grog

Russian grog "Petrovsky"

Exquisite grog "Fantasy"

The beneficial properties of all components of honey are used for the healing effects of grog when adding honey to their recipes. In addition, honey improves the taste of grog, reducing its negative impact, rather than increasing, which occurs when sugar is added. Recipe examples:

These groups include:

English grog- boil half a liter of water with pinches of spices (black pepper, cinnamon, and cloves) over low heat, mint syrup and sugar - 20 g each. After filtering, a 750-gram bottle of rum is poured into the aromatic broth.

Grog of Heligoland aromatic - water and rum in equal quantities of 40 ml are mixed with red wine (60 ml) and burnt sugar to taste, heated almost to a boil, half a mug of lemon is put on a glass.

Dutch grog(Helgoland is an island in Germany) is made on the basis of arak - an alcoholic drink, which in each country has its own content: in India - a drink from palm juice and kumiss, in Syria - from dates, in the Middle Eastern countries - anisette vodka with the addition of coriander, in Greece - from grain alcohol, in Indonesia - rum from Java, in Turkey - rakia. Therefore, grog according to this recipe may have different taste, depending on which arak the manufacturer chooses. A 0.7 liter bottle of arrack with the juice of 6 lemons and 0.25 kg of sugar is heated and stirred to dissolve the sugar. The mixture is diluted in 0.75 liters of water and heated almost to a boil.

Homemade grog Keitumsky(Keithum - a place in Germany) - mix sugar syrup (4 pieces of sugar dissolve in 40 ml of water), add a pinch almonds, a glass of rum and half a glass of red wine, heated almost to a boil. A circle of lemon is strung onto the edge of the glass.

Canadian flavored grog- a mixture of a glass of whiskey, the juice of ½ lemon and 3 coffee spoons of maple sap syrup is dissolved in half a glass of hot water, and ½ a mug of lemon is placed on the edge of the glass.

Russian grog "Petrovsky"- in a glass mix half a glass of hot water, 35 ml of Petrovskaya tincture (40-degree tincture rye crackers in cognac with added sugar), 15 ml of cherry liqueur, lemon is strung on the edge of the glass.

Exquisite grog "Fantasy"- the grog glass is warmed up, 1.2 hvrb of cognac, half a glass of liqueur are mixed in it, powdered sugar 2 tsp and a circle of lemon. The free volume of the glass is filled with boiling water. A piece of sugar doused in cognac is placed in a spoon, set on fire and dropped into a glass of grog.

TO useful qualities grog is rightfully attributed to its warming effect in stormy and frosty conditions, which is expressed in the prevention of colds and frostbite.

Small doses of grog tone the body, relieve fatigue (physical and mental), elevate mood, counteracting irritability, stress and blues.

The antiseptic properties of many grog recipes help stimulate the immune system in extreme conditions and avoid infectious diseases (flu, scurvy, fever).

There is evidence of grog healing wounds, some pathologies of the central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract and circulatory system, preventing the development of colds.

Harm and negative properties of grog:

It is best to limit your grog consumption holidays and certain periods of human exposure to extreme conditions. Grog is strictly prohibited for risk groups, which include people with heart, circulatory, endocrine and nervous systems, kidneys, liver, prone to alcoholism, with impaired metabolism. The consumption of grog by risk groups leads to a sharp exacerbation of their health problems.

If a small dose of grog can relieve fatigue and mental stress, then exceeding the dose, on the contrary, increases fatigue, irritability, and causes headaches.

Known cases of deaths in case of abuse of grog consumption in large dosages and people at risk. It is especially unacceptable to allow children to drink grog, even in small doses.

Grog appeared in 1740 thanks to Edward Vernon, who was then admiral of the British fleet and only after 1970 ceased to be part of the daily diet of British sailors. The admiral could not prohibit the sailors from drinking alcohol, but he also could not tolerate drunkenness.

He began diluting their 80 percent rum with water, to which sugar, spices and lemon juice were eventually added (to prevent scurvy and colds). It was the medicinal properties of the invented drink that prevented the sailors from tearing Vernon to pieces for weak alcohol.

The grog received its name in honor of the admiral’s waterproof cape - his constant companion, which in English was called “grogram cloak”.

The strength of grog ranges from 15 to 27%, and it is almost always drunk hot.

Effect on the body:

Alcohol, turned into a medicine two and a half centuries ago, is still popular today. After all, over the years grog has not lost its medicinal properties. It warms and protects the body from infections, gives strength and calms the nerves. Being an excellent alternative mulled wine and punch, grog lifts your spirits and protects against colds. Especially gloomy autumn and cold winter.

You can't drink grog:

  • in large quantities (no more than 200 ml at a time)
  • with a tendency to alcoholism and binge drinking, metabolic disorders and endocrine diseases ( diabetes, obesity, gout, rickets, etc.)
  • for liver and kidney diseases

Types of grog:

Not every drink can boast such variability as grog. The thing is that a number of factors contribute to this.

Firstly, the alcoholic base of grog can be not only rum, but also cognac, brandy, and whiskey. It is recommended to use dark rum, but gold and even white are quite suitable. There are recipes for the drink even based on vodka and even absinthe. In addition, there is grog and no alcohol at all.

Secondly, classic recipe consists of only three components: rum, water and sugar. But additives such as honey (instead of sugar), tea or coffee (instead of water), spices, citrus juice or liqueur are a matter of taste. They allow you to create a recipe for everyone.

As for spices, you can use various compositions of cloves, pepper, star anise, cinnamon, nutmeg and so on.

It is worth not forgetting that every tea and coffee is already new option grog. This way you can create, for example, coffee grog. And this does not take into account the fact that some people add milk, cream, chicken eggs and dried fruits.

Just pay attention to the fact that when preparing grog at home, the optimal proportion of alcohol (rum, cognac, etc.) and the water part (water, tea, coffee) will be 1:3. This means you can reduce or increase the amount of alcohol in recipes to create the optimal balance.

Having made sure that the composition of the grog depends on the flight of fancy and the aspirations of the soul, you can move on to the main part.

How and with what to drink grog?

Drink this drink hot (but slightly infused), in small sips or through a straw, savoring and enjoying. It requires thick-walled dishes made of glass, porcelain or clay (to retain heat longer).

Most often, the drink is served with baked goods, dried fruits, chocolate candies, pancakes or pancakes. But he is good on his own. And many people love him just like that, in pure form, without any snacks.
There are various ways to prepare grog:

  1. Boiling. All components, including alcohol and spices, are boiled in water for 2-3 minutes, infused and poured into a cup.
  2. Brewing. Initially, tea or coffee with spices or herbs is brewed in a large teapot, where after 5 minutes lemon juice, sugar or honey and alcohol are added.

Using these methods you can prepare exclusive grog, just yours. And our recipes will serve as the basis for choosing components.

Grog "Classic"


  • rum (dark or amber) – 200 ml
  • water (boiled) – 400 ml
  • lemons – 2 units.
  • sugar – 4 teaspoons

You need to prepare it like this:

  1. Squeeze the juice out of the lemons.
  2. Boil water and, reducing the heat, pour alcohol, juice and sugar into it.
  3. In 2-3 minutes of continuous stirring, the sugar will dissolve and the drink can be poured into cups.
  4. Boil the homemade grog for 2-3 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved, stirring it with a kitchen spatula.

Try to prepare the same recipe, but replace the rum with cognac (or use white rum), sugar with honey (in the amount of 1-2 tablespoons), and water with tea and add 2 buds of cloves and 1 stick of cinnamon (or other spices as desired). They need to be immersed in water after it boils along with other components. At the end, this drink needs to be strained. Spices can be added without boiling - but only before bottling. But then there is no need to filter the drink. By the way, it is quite appropriate to put a slice of orange and lemon into a cup of grog.

Coffee grog


  • rum (Jamaican) – 40 ml
  • cognac – 30 ml
  • coffee (freshly brewed) – 240 ml
  • water (boiled) – 50 ml
  • sugar – 1 tablespoon
  • lemon – 1 unit (for decoration)

You need to prepare it like this:

  1. Sugar must be completely dissolved in water
  2. IN hot coffee pour in rum and cognac, sugar syrup and pour into cups. Garnish with a slice of lemon.

Try making coffee grog using this recipe, replacing the rum and cognac with red port (70 ml), and granulated sugar- for condensed milk. Either add cinnamon (or allspice, cloves, nutmeg, anise, lemon and orange peels in dried or fresh and so on.). The amount of spices for grog is calculated from the amount of ¼ teaspoon per 3 glasses of coffee.

Grog "Winter"


  • rum, cognac or vodka - 300 ml
  • water – 200 ml
  • sugar - 200 grams
  • cherry juice - 30 ml
  • black tea (bagged) - 5 grams (1 bag)
  • raspberries (or raspberry jam) - 50 grams

You need to prepare it like this:

  1. Bring the cherry juice to a boil, add granulated sugar, add the alcoholic part and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.
  2. Separately, boil water and brew tea.
  3. Mix both parts and let sit for about 5 minutes.

Grog "Honey"


  • white rum - 80 ml
  • black tea (brewed) – 400 ml
  • honey – 1-2 tablespoons
  • lemon juice - from 1 piece (small)
  • cinnamon – ½ stick
  • carnations – 2 buds

You need to prepare it like this:

The tea is brewed with spices for about 10 minutes, filtered, juice, alcohol and honey are added.

Grog "Sea"


  • cognac – 40 ml
  • red wine (can be homemade) – 40 ml
  • black tea (brewed) – 240 ml
  • cardamom – 2 boxes
  • cinnamon – 1 pinch
  • lemon and apple - for decoration
  • honey - optional

You need to prepare it like this:

You need to mix the drinks, add spices, leave for 5-10 minutes, filter. Decorate before serving.

Non-alcoholic grog

This perfect option for people who cannot tolerate alcohol and children. It will help fight colds and overcome insomnia. They usually drink it after frost or before bed. At the same time, you can drink it, unlike alcoholic options, 2 cups at a time.

This grog has a number of variations in composition. While they are prepared either by infusion or boiling, which are described just above. Therefore, we will omit the details of their preparation technologies and write for you only the components included in this or that grog.

Option 1:

  • black tea (hot) – 1 glass
  • cherry juice – 150 ml
  • sugar – 50 grams
  • cinnamon -1 stick

This grog is prepared by heating the ingredients for 10 minutes.

Option 2:

  • hibiscus tea (hot) – 1 glass
  • cinnamon – 1 stick
  • cloves – 2 buds
  • ginger – 2 pieces
  • honey - to taste

This grog is prepared by heating the ingredients (without honey) and infusing them for 20 minutes. After this, honey is added, heated again and drunk.

Option 3:

  • black or hibiscus tea (hot) – 2 cups
  • cinnamon – 2 teaspoons
  • cloves – 3-4 buds
  • pepper – 3-4 peas
  • lemon/orange juice – from ½ fruit
  • honey – 70 grams

Heat the spices with tea for 3 minutes, squeeze citrus juice, leave for 30 minutes, heat again and add honey.

Sometimes star anise (2 stars), cardamom (8 boxes), or ginger (2 pieces) are added to this grog.

But if it suddenly happens that you don’t like more than one of our recipes, prepare the grog yourself. So that your grog is non-alcoholic, choose your favorite tea, dried berries and spices. Brew them for a few minutes, add lemon, lime or orange juice (you can use slices of these fruits), honey or sugar to taste and enjoy. By adding 70-80 ml of one of your favorite alcoholic drinks, you will get alcoholic grog. It's simple.

Autumn has passed its halfway point, and the time has come for mulled wine, punch and grog. Nothing invigorates you on a gray, foggy morning, warms you up on a frosty day, or drives away an incipient cold like a cup of hot and fragrant drink. Take a sip and the alcohol flows through your veins like a warm wave, giving you a feeling of comfort.

In fact, grog and punch are late successors to mulled wine. Even the ancient Romans, who conquered the province of Britannica, learned to heat wine and add various spices to it. This drink was very fond of the Germanic tribes and received the German name “mulled wine”. Well, later they began to replace wine with stronger alcohol. In this article we will tell you how to prepare grog at home. Making this drink is very simple, the process does not take much time. But grog (if consumed within reasonable limits) is very useful. It strengthens the immune system, invigorates, improves mood, and improves overall tone.

A little history

Grog is a drink consisting of strong alcohol and water. IN classic version The base was rum. Why would anyone want to dilute this pirate drink water? The fact is that until July 1970, rum was included in the daily ration of a British sailor. Drinking this type of alcohol was believed to prevent scurvy. But in the eighteenth century, the rum ration was serious: two hundred and forty milliliters of eighty-proof alcohol. It is not surprising that after him the sailors were drawn to various feats: starting a mutiny on a ship or boarding a ship. Admiral Edward Vernon decided to put an end to rampant drunkenness. The sailors behind his back called him “Old Grog” (translated as “old cloak”). It cannot be said that the sea wolves were delighted with the resulting drink. Moreover, the admiral diluted the rum significantly: he added four times more water than alcohol. But the British appreciated this drink. I just needed to heat the water.

Later the drink acquired many variations. It is prepared using hot tea or even wine. Rum is sometimes replaced with vodka, cognac, whiskey and even absinthe. As a flavoring and flavoring additives use lemon, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, pepper, ginger. Since the British drink tea with milk, it soon emerged with cream. But let's focus on the classics first. Initially, grog is 15-20 degrees strength. To prepare it at home, put a small saucepan on the fire and pour four hundred milliliters of water into it. When it boils, remove the dishes from the stove. Squeeze two lemons into the water, pour a glass of dark rum in a thin stream (Bacardi and Jamaican varieties are best suited for grog). Sweeten the drink to taste with cane sugar.

Tea grog: homemade recipe

It would be optimal to use “English Breakfest” or some other black varieties. Some are fashionable modern recipes They also use green tea, as well as rooibos, mate, and sencha. The main thing is not to skimp on the brew. We put the kettle on the stove. Bring the water to a boil. In a large porcelain teapot, pour four spoons of dry tea, 2 tbsp. l. brown sugar, four cinnamon sticks, fifteen carnations. Let's fill it with four hundred milliliters of boiling water. Let's let it brew. Grog is a warming drink. Therefore, it should be served in ceramic mugs or thick-walled glass glasses. This will prevent the drink from cooling down too quickly. First, pour fifty milliliters of rum into a mug. Let's dilute it by half big amount tea. Place a slice of lemon in a mug and serve.

Ladies grog

In this recipe, we will replace the rum with a more gentle alcohol. This can be one hundred milliliters of liqueur or 50 ml each of cognac and cherry (currant) syrup. A spoon of black tea with grated orange zest Brew half a glass of boiling water. In a saucepan we put two cloves, a cinnamon stick, a star anise, a pinch of vanillin and ground nutmeg. Pour cognac with syrup (or liqueur). Strain into a saucepan and tea leaves. We put the dishes on very small fire and warm it up - but don’t boil it. Then let it brew for another five minutes under the lid. Place lemon slices or mugs into cups. We pour the drink.

Heligoland grog

In this recipe we will add very little water (forty milliliters), and dark rum combine with red wine. As a result, we will have very strong grog. The home recipe calls for heating the alcohol first. For sixty milliliters of wine you need to take 40 ml of rum. Let's dilute the alcohol with water. Let's put it on low heat, but how good coffee, keep it from boiling. You can heat the alcohol mixture in a water bath. Pour hot grog into a thick-bottomed glass. Decorate the edge of the glass with a circle of lemon or orange. Serve with straws. This drink can be varied with liquid honey, maple syrup, a mixture of spices that are usually added to mulled wine.

"Hot Buttered Room"

You can also prepare an original viscous and thick grog. Recipe with rum that can be substituted quality cognac. First, let's get it out of freezer butter and quickly grate a small amount into coarse shavings. Put two pieces of sugar in a glass and add fifty milliliters of dark rum. Fill the glass three-quarters full with boiling water. Place the cereal on top butter. Lightly mix all the contents with a thin spoon.

"Hot Heinrich"

Heat one hundred twenty-five milliliters of water in a saucepan. Dissolve the same amount of honey in it. Grind the spices (six cloves and peas of black pepper, and half of grated nutmeg) in a mortar and add to the liquid. Boil for about a quarter of an hour. Remove and let cool a little. Pour in two hundred and fifty milliliters of vodka. Place the cut lemon peel into the pan and cover. Let the grog brew for five minutes. Then strain the drink into glasses through a strainer.

Before brewing Grog at home, you should prepare all the necessary ingredients and utensils. Since Grog is a hot drink, you will need a large teapot or bowl, glasses, white rum, black tea and your favorite spices. If desired, rum can be replaced with cognac or whiskey, and instead of tea - black coffee. The most important thing is to adhere to the correct sequence.

Classic Grog recipe

Pour 2 teaspoons of good English black tea into a regular teapot.

It is advisable to take loose leaf tea. Heat to 90% 300 ml clean water and make tea.

Leave the brew for about 5 minutes, then add juice to it. fresh lemon. You can replace it with lime - for this amount you will need to take half the fruit.

Mix well and add to the kettle Brown sugar, clove buds and cinnamon stick. Cover with a lid and let stand for 3-5 minutes so that the drink is saturated with aroma.

Pour 40 ml into glasses with handles white rum- you can take any one you like. Pour strained tea on top.

The classic Grog recipe is designed for two servings; if desired, you can increase the amount of sugar. Drink the drink hot in small sips.

How to cook Grog for women

Since even in diluted form this drink is quite strong, for women we suggest preparing it according to special recipe. Before preparing Grog you need to take:

  • Dried mint - a pinch
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • Cloves - 1 bud
  • Raspberry syrup - 1 glass
  • Cognac - 1 glass
  • Raspberry liqueur - 1 glass
  • Red sweet wine - 1 glass

The women's drink is prepared in two stages - first you need to prepare and mix all the ingredients, then heat the resulting “Grog”.

In a small saucepan - it is advisable to take an enamel one or use a ceramic pot, mix raspberry syrup and red wine. Add mint, cloves and vanilla sugar, stir and bring to a boil. If you cook in a ceramic dish, you need to heat it in the oven or microwave.

The resulting mixture must be filtered through a piece of gauze or a fine strainer, then add liqueur and cognac. Let the drink brew for 10 minutes.

The preparation of “Grog” for the fair half is ready. To keep the drink always hot, you can leave it in a preheated oven and pour it into small cups.

How to make Grog with vodka

The Grog recipe at home can be changed to suit your taste. If for some reason you don't have rum or cognac, you can prepare this amazing delicious drink from ordinary vodka. To do this you will need:

  • Vodka - 1 liter
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Sugar - 1 glass
  • Black tea - 50 gr

If you want to surprise your guests, then the most the best option- prepare grog at home. This one is quite simple to make and will take you no more than 20 minutes to prepare.

Pour one glass of water and vodka into a small saucepan, add a glass of sugar, stir and cook the syrup over low heat.

Bring the remaining water to a boil and brew a small pack of black tea.

Leave the tea for 5-7 minutes - the tea should be strong enough. Gently strain through a strainer or several layers of gauze.

In a separate bowl - you can take a ceramic jug or a large teapot, mix the resulting tea leaves and syrup, pour in the remaining vodka and stir.

Making Grog at home is simple, but very exciting process, so you can invite your friends to participate in this ceremony.

For flavor, you can add a variety of spices and spices - it all depends on your taste preferences.

At the same time, do not forget to follow the main rule - the drink should only be served in hot water. If it has cooled down, reheat it.

There are a great many recipes for the Grog drink - you can prepare this drink in a wide variety of combinations. Instead of sugar syrup you can use natural honey, and instead of strong tea leaves, an infusion of fresh and dried fruits.

Now you know how to make “Grog” and you can always prepare this wonderful drink to keep you warm in cold weather. winter evening or have a nice time with your friends.

Before preparing Grog to treat a cold, try to avoid taking strong drugs and other medications. Remember that all drinks are good only in moderation.
