How to cook apples in a juicer. How to cook apple juice in a juicer for the winter? Very simple! Subtleties and tricks: with what and how to cook juice in a juicer from apples. Juicing process

Apple orchards are located almost throughout the entire territory of Russia. Apples are the most popular and inexpensive fruit.

Beneficial features


  • Apple juice is a sweet and sour drink made from fresh apples
  • The drink may be clarified or contain some pulp
  • Clarified juice is a translucent liquid of light yellow or golden yellow color.
  • Juice with pulp is cloudy yellow, not transparent

American scientists have found that daily intake of 200 ml of apple juice reduces the risk of developing mental and behavioral disorders by 27%, relieves anxiety and increased nervous excitability.


Vitamins, microelements, other substances Action provided
A Protects against vision impairment, improves skin and hair
IN 1 Regulates metabolic processes occurring in the body
AT 2 Treats skin diseases, accelerates tissue regeneration
AT 5 Increases life expectancy
AT 6 Participates in the synthesis of enzymes and amino acids, is responsible for the health of nerve cells
WITH Protects the heart and liver, strengthens immune system
Folic acid Participates in hematopoietic processes
Apple acid Has an expectorant and laxative effect
Glucose Is a source of energy for the body
Iron Prevents anemia
Potassium Maintains salt balance of body fluids
Phosphorus Plays an important role in brain function and is responsible for the condition of tooth enamel
Sulfur Helps synthesize collagen
Copper Protects hair and skin from premature aging
Magnesium Normalizes nervous activity, strengthens bone and muscle tissue
Pectin Protects the body from the effects of harmful substances
Biotin Prevents baldness, strengthens nails, improves skin condition


  • 100 ml of clarified juice contains 11.7 grams of carbohydrates and 47 kcal
  • Energy value of 100 ml of juice with pulp – 43 kcal
  • Carbohydrates 12 grams and protein 62 mg

How to make and drink juice correctly

Rules of use:

  • Apple juice, especially concentrated apple juice, should be diluted with cooled water before use. boiled water in a 1:1 ratio
  • Daily norm fresh juice for a healthy person is 200 ml
  • To prevent the development atherosclerosis you should drink 300 ml of the drink daily
  • In order to get rid of constipation, 3 times a day you should drink a glass of juice
  • For excretion from the kidneys and gall bladder stones and sand you need to take 500 ml of juice every 2 hours for three days. On the morning of the third day after taking the juice, you need to drink 120 ml of unrefined vegetable oil, and in the evening take a hot bath without using detergents

There are different recipes for making juice at home.


If you have a fasting day with apple juice once a week, you can get rid of 2-3 kg in a month.

Preparation using a juicer:

  • Fresh juice can be obtained using a juicer
  • You should choose healthy, undamaged fruits, wash them, cut them into slices
  • When released, you will get a tasty cloudy yellow product with the presence of pulp.

Meat grinder

Prepare juice using a meat grinder:

  • If you don’t have a juicer, you can use a meat grinder with a special attachment
  • The fruits are prepared in the same way as in the previous case.
  • The resulting juice will be thick, almost like a puree.
  • To obtain a more liquid product, strain the drink through cheesecloth.
  • You can also wait until the pulp settles to the bottom of the vessel and drain the top transparent layer of juice

Juice cooker

How to cook juice in a juicer:

  • It is better to take ripe, juicy fruits for making a drink.
  • Winter varieties intended for storage have a denser pulp structure and contain less liquid, so you should not expect a large yield of juice from them
  • The fruits need to be washed
  • Cut into slices
  • Place in juicer sieve
  • Sprinkle with sugar (if apples are sour)
  • The juice will start dripping after about 30 minutes
  • It should be collected in jars treated with hot steam and rolled up immediately


Preparation for the winter:

  • The juice can be preserved for the winter
  • To do this, you need to boil it (if the juice turns out sour, you can add sugar)
  • Pour into sterilized jars
  • Roll up the lids

Baby food

For kids:

  • To prepare the juice for the first baby food, you need to grate a little apple pulp on a fine grater
  • Squeeze the mixture through cheesecloth
  • Dilute the resulting liquid with cooled boiled water. For 1 tsp. juice – 1 or 1.5 tsp. water

A compress of apple juice applied to the face for 20 minutes has a tonic effect on the skin.

Benefits and harms


Apple juice is indicated for the treatment of:

  • Anemia
  • Liver diseases
  • Kidney diseases
  • Bladder pathologies
  • Zaporov
  • Disorders of the heart muscle
  • Stomach disorders
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Normalization of the acidic environment of the body


People suffering from the following diseases should not drink apple juice:

  • Stomach ulcer
  • Cholecystitis
  • Pancreatitis
  • Hepatitis
  • Diabetes
  • Gastritis
  • Inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Side effects

Freshly squeezed apple juice should not be abused when perfect health. Excessive drinking can lead to:

  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating
  • Sharp pain in the intestinal area

During pregnancy and childhood

Features of the drink for mothers:

  • Apple drink is beneficial for both pregnant women and nursing mothers
  • Golden juice contains many vitamins and elements necessary for the expectant mother
  • On early stages During pregnancy, it will help reduce nausea; in later pregnancy, it will improve intestinal function and replenish iron deficiency.
  • When breastfeeding, apple juice will help prevent the risk of anemia in the baby, but you should not drink it until the baby is 1 month old: the drink can cause bloating and colic in the baby

Using apple juice you can prepare very tasty and aromatic kvass, good refreshing summer heat. In 3 liters of boiled hot water you need to dissolve a few tablespoons of sugar, after the water has cooled, dilute 1 tsp in it. dry yeast and 1 l. apple juice. When the containers are kept in room temperature The kvass will be ready in two days.

For a baby:

  • Improves intestinal motility
  • Improves stool
  • Does not cause allergies


Drinking apple juice will help prevent the development of:

  • Urolithiasis
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Anemia
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Colds
  • Hypertension
  • Bronchitis
  • Enterocolitis and colitis
  • Cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Hypovitaminosis


Andrey - 41 years old

I drink apple juice with pleasure. I never buy it; I make it from apples grown at my own dacha. The drink is very healthy, it makes your intestines work like clockwork. It can be stored canned all winter and does not lose its taste.

Vitalia - 34 years old

I constantly make apple juice for my child, it seems he can drink liters of it! Freshly prepared juice contains vitamins, which cannot be said about a store-bought product, and it is also safe for children, even for those with allergies.

Antonina - 51 years old

I save myself from constant constipation by drinking the juice from my own apples: a very good remedy.

Ivan - 37 years old

I have been suffering from low hemoglobin for 10 years now. Taking medications constantly is expensive, plus the pills cause heaviness in the stomach and nausea. It turned out that there is an effective, natural, and even tasty remedy - apple juice! I drink a glass of natural juice every day and feel great!

Is freshly squeezed apple juice healthy? How to choose, how to store and everything about apple juice:

Apple juice– not only tasty, but also a very healthy drink. The benefits of apple juice for the body have long been beyond doubt and are confirmed by scientific data.

Let's figure out what the benefits of apple juice are and whether it can cause harm to our body.

Composition of apple juice, calorie content

Any natural fruit juice, including apple, has the same chemical composition, and is not much different in taste and aroma from the fruit from which it was produced, but it is obtained from ripe fruit by extrusion, without resorting to heat treatment.

Beneficial substances contained in apple juice:

  • Many minerals, trace elements, as well as many enzymes - potassium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, flavonoids, phytoncides, carotenoids, etc.
  • In addition, malic acid, starch and proteins, glucose and fructose.
  • And of course, a whole range of vitamins, the main ones of which are E, A and C - natural antioxidants, a group of vitamins B, as well as H and PP.
  • The total content of complex sugars: fructose, glucose and sucrose is about 6%.

With all the richness of its composition, apple juice has a very low calorie content . It does not exceed 47 Kcal per 100 g. natural freshly squeezed juice. That is why apple juice can and should be used in various diets and healthy eating systems.

What are the benefits of apple juice?

Scientists around the world have long been looking for effective measures to counteract the aging process. human body, ways to stop it, and from the very beginning, apples became the subject of their close study.

English specialists from the British city of Norwich, working at the Institute of Nutrition, claim that one of the most radical anti-aging remedies can be safely called apple juice.

They proved that the cardiovascular system of middle-aged people who drink 1-2 glasses of apple juice per day works like that of young people. And the thing is that it contains epicatechin, a still little-studied flavonoid, which has such a magical effect on the aging mechanism of the body, slowing it down. So what did the researchers find out?

Conducting their experiments on a group of people from 40 to 55 years old, scientists were amazed at the results. It turned out that epicatechin very effectively cleanses and strengthens the walls blood vessels . This helps improve blood circulation, facilitates the functioning of the heart, and eliminates the risk of coronary disease, myocardial infarction, and thrombosis.

Here's a “rejuvenating” apple for you! Scientists say that with regular consumption of these fruits and the juice from them, the entire body is able to “rejuvenate” by at least 17 years.

But doctors also insist that apple drink has a beneficial effect not only on the heart and blood vessels. It is advisable to use it for many other chronic diseases, after all Apple juice:

Thanks to the flavonoids contained in green apples, Helps reduce blood glycemic index in diabetes mellitus.

  • Prevents cancer, in particular, duodenal cancer.
  • Helps relieve inflammation of the kidneys and bladder.
  • Is a mild laxative.
  • Reduces the level blood pressure blood, especially juice from green varieties apples
  • Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and protects brain cells from destruction and sclerosis, prevents such a little-studied disease as Alzheimer's disease.

Beneficial properties of freshly squeezed natural juice

Nowadays there is a wide range of “natural” apple juices on sale, from the most different manufacturers. But if you pay attention to their composition, you can easily understand that many of them are far from natural.

You can buy and consume such juices, but you should take into account that they necessarily contain preservatives and added sugar, which does not help improve your figure, and its excess can cause damage. great harm general health.

Some types of so-called juices, made from concentrates diluted with water with the addition of flavorings and flavor enhancers, are not juices at all, and their benefits to the body are more than doubtful.

Therefore, of course, to receive maximum benefit for health, you need to drink only freshly squeezed juices, which are best made independently.

Useful properties of canned juice

Homemade juice canning is the best alternative to store-bought juices, although they will not be able to save all those beneficial features, what is contained in freshly squeezed drinks.

Such juices are squeezed from fresh apples using a juicer, and then brought to a boil, poured into jars and rolled up. You can add sugar if the juice is made from apples sour varieties.

A certain amount of vitamins will remain in it, and microelements and mineral salts will not be destroyed at all.

Beneficial properties of juice prepared in a juicer

Juice is prepared at home and in a juicer. To do this, apples are cut into small pieces and bet on water bath on high fire.

The apples are steamed until they become soft and give up all their juice, which is collected in a special container in the juicer. Then it is poured into jars and rolled up.

A drink prepared in this way is no less healthy than canned homemade juice.

Benefits of apple juice

For women

The treasure trove of beneficial properties contained in apple juice will undoubtedly benefit the female body:

  • The rich content of vitamins, especially vitamin C, in apple juice will strengthen the immune system of a woman’s body.
  • The high iron content will support her body during critical days, restoring hematopoietic functions and increasing hemoglobin levels.
  • Vitamin E and carotenoids contained in the juice will always be on guard female beauty. Just 200~300 ml of juice and your hair will be shiny, and your nails and teeth will be strong.
  • Also, a woman will not be afraid of depression and a depressed psychological state.

For men

First of all, I would like to note that male body more susceptible to cardiovascular diseases than women. Therefore, the “friendship” of men with apple juice will be the best preventative measure to combat them. The drink will also have a positive effect on potency, restoring male hormones.

An example of this is N. Worker, a long-liver from America. This man, according to him, had been a passionate fan of fruit and vegetable juices all his life, and apple juice was one of his favorites. This venerable man lived for 119 years, his last child was born when he was 96 years old.

For children

IN Soviet times Visiting nurses and pediatricians who monitored newborns advised adding apple juice to the diet of infants from the age of 2 months, since it was perfectly absorbed by the child’s body and did not cause an allergic reaction.

Now the trends have changed, children under six months are prescribed only breast milk however, the benefits of apple juice for child's body is not subject to any doubt. It is recommended during the transition period from breastfeeding baby to normal nutrition even today. And after one year of age, all doctors without exception recommend drinking fresh apple juice at least 1 glass a day.

Is apple juice harmful?

This question is always exciting for fans of fruit juices, but, fortunately, this does not apply to apple juice. It is perfectly absorbed by the body, without causing harm or causing allergic reactions. Doctors consider it the most universal and neutral. And still…

Contraindications for use

  • People suffering from this should not overuse apple juice. diabetes mellitus 1st degree, due to the increased content of fructose and glucose in sweet varieties of apples, it is advisable for patients with this disease to drink juice from unsweetened apple varieties.
  • People with high acidity and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should also consult a doctor, especially during periods of exacerbation.
  • Children under 1 year.
  • For people prone to allergic reactions, it is also a good idea to consult with a doctor in what quantities and how many times a day to drink apple juice.

Drink juices from our favorite and familiar “rejuvenating” apples, and your health will always be at its best!

Another juice rich in vitamins is beet juice. Read our article

about the benefits of beet juice

About beneficial properties carrot juice you will find out here.

Read about the properties of black tea here.

Most for making juices with long term Juice cookers are used for storage. However, there are often critical voices claiming that cooking juices in a juicer is harmful. Let's try to understand this issue and find out the juice from the juicer: where is the benefit and where is the harm.

First, let's look at the methods of making juices. There are essentially two of them:

  • using a juicer, when juice is squeezed out of vegetables or fruits and freshly squeezed immediately served to the table;
  • using a juicer, when fruits or vegetables, undergoing heat in a cooking device, release their juice treated with hot steam.

Opponents of using a juicer for making juices question whether juice from a juicer contains vitamins. It turns out that there are, and they are preserved after sealing juices cooked in a juice cooker. And this is really so, because its structure is such that the fruit, that is, the juice, is not boiled in it, literally this word, but under the influence high temperatures processed, disinfected and preserved in a natural way, preserving all beneficial properties. In this regard, there is no doubt whether juice from a juicer is healthy.

In addition, preparing juices in it has several advantages compared to a juicer.

What are the benefits of a juicer?

  1. It allows you to make juice from large quantity vegetables or fruits, while the juicer is designed to produce a limited amount of juice.
  2. Preparing juice in a juicer is much easier than in a juicer.
  3. Juices prepared using a juicer are suitable for long-term storage, in a juicer - no.

In fairness, it is worth noting that during heat treatment there is some loss of vitamins, but it is small, so the juice from the juicer retains its benefits and freshness for a long time.

The exception is those cases when the vegetables or fruits themselves, as well as the dishes in which the juices are supposed to be stored, are not clean enough.

Adults and children know about the health benefits of apple juice. This is the most popular, affordable and delicious drink rich in vitamins, minerals and other valuable compounds.

The most natural and rich in nutrients is freshly squeezed apple juice. You can prepare it yourself by squeezing it through cheesecloth, or use a juicer; you can make apple juice from a pressure cooker. To save longer medicinal properties drink, you should resort to canning it.

It must be remembered that freshly squeezed juice is considered to be obtained from fresh fruits. It must be drunk within 30 minutes after preparation, otherwise the product begins to oxidize and lose its beneficial properties.

Composition and calorie content

Calorie content fresh drink from apples does not exceed 47 kcal per 100 g of fruit liquid obtained. That is why it is widely used in weight loss programs and healthy eating systems.

Any juice obtained directly by squeezing a ripe fruit has the same chemical composition as the fruit and is similar in taste and aroma.

Natural apple drink contains:

  • organic acids;
  • flavonoids, carotenoids, phytoncides;
  • minerals - potassium, iron, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iodine, zinc, copper, boron and others;
  • starch;
  • complex sugars - glucose, fructose, sucrose (about 6%);
  • vitamins - C, group B, E, A, H and PP.

The drink contains fiber and alimentary fiber, however, their quantity is slightly lower than in ripe fresh fruit.

Beneficial features

The benefits of freshly squeezed apple juice are as follows:

  • it has a beneficial effect on well-being and improves the general condition of the body;
  • helps strengthen blood vessels and cleanse them;
  • facilitates the work of the heart;
  • has diuretic and choleretic properties;
  • cleanses the stomach;
  • improves metabolism;
  • is the prevention of viral diseases;
  • fights constipation;
  • removes from the body harmful substances, toxins;
  • prevents vitamin deficiency;
  • when consumed in moderation, promotes weight loss;
  • strengthens the immune system, helps to cope with colds faster.

In addition, the benefits of apple juice for the body include improving the condition of the skin, hair and nails, and slowing down the aging process. It is used in recipes traditional medicine as a cough suppressant. It prevents the development oncological diseases, helps get rid of kidney problems and bladder, lowers blood pressure.

The high acidity of the drink negatively affects tooth enamel, especially in people with high sensitivity. Therefore, it is recommended to drink a natural product through a straw or brush your teeth every time after drinking liquid. You can dilute the juice clean water.

The benefits of juice for women and men

A storehouse of valuable compounds will benefit the female body.

  • High iron content will support the body during critical days, increase hemoglobin levels and restore hematopoietic functions.
  • The product will strengthen the immune system thanks to vitamin C.
  • Carotenoids and vitamin E will give hair and nails strength and shine, and strengthen teeth.

Freshly squeezed apple juice will improve your psychological state and help overcome depression and depression.

The male body is known to be more susceptible to the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases than female. Regular use apple drink will the best remedy prevention of these problems.

The juice has a beneficial effect on male potency, restores hormones.

Rules and methods for preparing the product

To maximize the benefits of freshly squeezed apple juice, it must be prepared from fresh, hard, ripened and quality products. The fruits should not be old; it is advisable to use non-imported apples and purchase them in season.

The juice can be made by hand. To do this, the fruits need to be grated and the resulting mass squeezed through a sieve or cheesecloth. To saturate the body with more useful substances, it is better to drink the drink immediately or within half an hour.

Canned juice

All useful compounds preserve as part of apple juice from fresh fruits for a long time it is forbidden. Homemade canned juices help to retain most of the microelements and vitamins.

Preparing such a drink is simple: squeeze the juice from fresh fruits using a juicer, bring to a boil and immediately turn off the heat. Next, pour the liquid into jars and roll up. When using sour apple varieties, you can add sugar if desired.

The resulting juice can be stored at home for 2 years.

Juice from a juicer

Apple juice from a juicer retains its vitamin and mineral composition in the same way as a canned drink. For cooking natural product You need to cut the fruits into small pieces, place them in a water bath and turn on high heat.

During the cooking process, apple slices are steamed, become soft and give off valuable juice, which is collected in a specially designed container.

Apple juice in the diet of nursing mothers and children

Apple juice is beneficial for women during breastfeeding. He gives his all valuable qualities, vitamins and minerals for the mother’s body, saturates it with iron, which is necessary for development and coordinated work nervous system baby, improve digestion.

The drink rarely causes allergic reaction in a child and is introduced into the infant’s diet as one of the first products. During lactation, a nursing mother is recommended to drink apple juice from fresh green fruits without pulp: it contains more benefit for women's and children's bodies.

In the first months of a baby’s life, it is allowed to drink no more than 100 ml of fruit product per day. It is advisable to dilute it with clean water by half due to the risk of intestinal colic in the baby. Then the consumption rate can be gradually increased.

Fresh apple juice is introduced into the baby’s diet at the age of 6 months. The drink must be prepared only from green varieties of apples. It is better to first offer the baby a clarified product without pulp, diluted in equal proportions with clean boiled water. The amount of liquid should not exceed 1 tsp. Gradually concentrate the juice and daily norm can be increased.

In cosmetology

Tannins and acids help tidy up problematic skin, regulate sebum production, fight acne. A valuable ingredient in combination with other products is widely used in folk recipes face masks.

  • Nourishing mask

Suitable for dry and normal skin types. Mix freshly squeezed juice from ripe apples (3 tbsp.) with honey (1 tsp.) and 1 tbsp. l. sour cream. Apply the resulting mixture to a previously cleansed area of ​​the face, décolleté and neck for 20 minutes. Wash off the composition warm water.

  • Firming, cleansing mask

Place the egg white in a container, beat until foam forms, pour in 50-60 ml of apple juice in a thin stream, add 1 tsp. olive oil(can be replaced with oil from grape seed or apricot). Stir the product thoroughly and apply to the face gradually in thin layers 3-4 times. The interval between them is approximately 3 minutes, the duration of the mask on the face is no more than 5 minutes. Rinse off the composition with warm water and lubricate the skin of the face with moisturizer.

The mask gives the skin elasticity, makes it elastic and youthful, and helps get rid of gray complexion.

Harm and contraindications

The benefits and harms to the body are not comparable when drinking apple juice. There are no contraindications for taking the drink, but there are cases when it should be consumed with caution or in limited quantities. These include:

  • increased stomach acidity;
  • gastritis, ulcer, colitis during exacerbation of the disease;
  • problems with the pancreas, pancreatitis;
  • diabetes 1st degree;
  • allergic manifestations to the product;

Wash down medications Freshly squeezed apple juice is not allowed. Its use will neutralize the effect of the drug or lead to poisoning.

If you have diarrhea, including a drink in your diet can only aggravate the unpleasant symptom. You should not drink juice above the recommended dose. Excessive use can lead to abdominal discomfort, flatulence and other digestive problems.

Thus, apple juice, especially freshly squeezed, is very healthy drink. It can have a positive effect on internal organs, improve the body’s well-being, and help with some ailments. The main thing is not to exceed the recommended daily allowances.

If the harvest of apples from your plot has been so successful that you don’t know where to put them, then the best decision is to buy a juicer. This device will allow you to easily prepare a huge amount of juice for the winter. In addition, the remaining cake can be used in the preparation of some desserts.

Many housewives limit themselves to making juice using a juicer. Unfortunately, using the device is not always profitable. The juice cooker is several points ahead of it in terms of its advantages. This is especially true when you need to process a lot of apples.

Pros of a juicer:

  • Ease of making juice - when preparing fresh juices using a juicer, you need to spend a lot more effort. You can simply put raw materials into the juice cooker, put it on the fire, close the lid and go do other household chores.
  • The quality of the drink - the resulting period is immediately ready for consumption. Also, it does not need to be boiled to be rolled up for the winter.
  • Waste-free production - when making juice in a juicer, unnecessary pieces of fruit and berries are formed. They can then be pureed for filling pies and buns. Steamed apples are used for marmalade, marshmallows and marshmallows.
  • Juice cooker: how to cook apple juice?

    Juice from berries and fruits can be obtained by 2 methods - through physical action (squeezing) and steam. The juicer works according to the 2nd principle. The device resembles a large pan consisting of 3 parts. The lower wide bowl is not very tall. Thanks to it, in fact, steam is formed. Above it there is a container with a hole through which it passes to the raw material. The apples themselves are placed in the last part of the juicer.

    How to cook apples in a juicer? First of all, prepare required amount fruits The varieties can be any, but not too sour. You should not select fruits according to appearance. Bad places can always be cut off. The main thing is that there are no rotten apples.

    Pour water into the lower bowl of the juicer. About 2/3 of its volume. If necessary, liquid is added during the juice distillation process. Insert the middle part into the juicer. Place the device on the stove over medium heat.

    While the water is boiling, we return to the apples. Cut them into medium slices. Too large ones will not allow steam to pass through - therefore, there will be little juice. And the small ones will soften and clog all the holes in the upper container. As a result, the passage of juice will be disrupted. You can leave the top peel of the fruit, but remove the seeds. There is an opinion that they accumulate not so much vitamins as various harmful substances.

    When the water in the lower bowl of the juicer boils, pour the apples into the upper container and place it in the appliance. Close with an airtight lid and set aside for 1.5-2 hours. The heat must be reduced during this time. Sometimes you can check the presence of water in the lower container.

    Afterwards we cook 1 more pan. We place it next to the faucet of the juicer and open it to let the juice drain out. Pour the resulting liquid into sterilized jars and close with metal lids.

    Juice cooker: apple juice recipes

    Sweet juice


    • Apples - 3 kg
    • Sugar - 400 g


  • Pour water into the lower bowl of the juicer so that the level is above the middle. Place the device with the upper container previously removed on medium heat.
  • While the water is heating, take the apples. Typically, more juice comes out of succulent varieties (not winter varieties). Cut off all rotten areas. Cut the fruit into slices. Place them in a bowl with holes.
  • When the water boils, place this container in the juicer. Sprinkle sugar on top of apples.
  • Cover the device with a lid and leave the juice to cook for 50 minutes.
  • Drain the liquid through a special tap-hose into another container.
  • You can drink the juice immediately, allowing it to cool or pack it hot for the winter.
  • Spicy juice


    • Apples
    • Cinnamon, cloves, ginger, sugar - to taste


  • Pour water into the juicer and put it on fire.
  • Cut the apples into medium pieces. Place them in a container with holes. Put spices on top.
  • When the water in the juicer boils, place a bowl of fruit in it. Sprinkle them with sugar on top. The more sour the apples, the more it should be. For 1 kg of fruit it takes about 70 g of sugar.
  • Steam the apples for about an hour. Then pour the juice into a clean container.
  • A good housewife, of course, has a question: where to put the leftover apple pulp? Unlike the raw material that is produced in a juicer, it can be used to make a range of desserts.

    Apple marmalade - apples contain pectin. Therefore, the marmalade made from them is very tasty. First you need to get the pieces of fruit softened by steam. Then the peel is removed from them. Mash the pulp in a separate pan with a spatula. Then they add to it a small amount of Sahara. This mixture is placed on the stove and heated, stirring occasionally. Otherwise it will burn. When the mixture becomes liquid, add it required quantity(according to the instructions on the package) agar-agar. Of course, you can use gelatin, but it adds flavor to desserts. Agar-agar is more neutral. The resulting mixture is poured into silicone molds.

    Pastila - Russia has long been famous for Belyov pastila. Unlike modern options This sweet was made from pure apples. Therefore, the cake remaining after the juice can be used in the preparation of this natural dish. As with marmalade, the apples are peeled. Then they are placed in a pan and crushed with a spoon. Then a small amount of sugar is added to the mixture and boiled over low heat. Keep the apples on the stove until the mixture thickens. Finally, it is spread with a layer 1.5 cm thick over baking paper or cling film. You can eat the marshmallow only after it has dried.

    Filling for baking - every housewife knows how difficult it is to bake pies with jam so that the filling does not leak out. The apple mixture remaining after cooking the juice in a juicer will help correct the situation. Apples should be peeled and mashed with a spoon in a deep plate. Then a little sugar and cinnamon are added to them. You can also experiment with other ingredients - ginger, raisins, nuts. A similar filling is used in yeast buns, rolls and pies.

    Marshmallow - also always prepared on the basis applesauce. According to the recipe, the fruits are pre-baked in the oven. You can skip this step by taking apple pulp, treated with steam.

    Apple juice can be prepared in a juicer in just an hour. To begin, pour water into the lower container. It is thanks to its boiling that steam is formed, which will help expel the juice. Fruits should be placed in the top bowl with holes. After the time has passed, the juice is drained from the middle container of the device using the built-in hose. It should be prepared for the winter immediately.

    2015-12-03T04:40:03+00:00 admin beverages

    If the harvest of apples from your plot has been so successful that you don’t know where to put them, then the best decision is to buy a juicer. This device will allow you to easily prepare a huge amount of juice for the winter. In addition, the remaining cake can be used in the preparation of some desserts. Many housewives limit themselves...

    [email protected] Administrator Feast-online

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    • Dumplings, dumplings Oh, dumplings, and dumplings with cottage cheese, potatoes and mushrooms, cherries and blueberries. - for every taste! In your kitchen you are free to cook whatever your heart desires! Main correct dough for dumplings and make dumplings and We have this recipe! Prepare and delight your loved ones with the most delicious dumplings and dumplings!
  • Dessert Desserts - favorite category culinary recipes for the whole family. After all, here is what children and adults adore - sweet and delicate homemade ice cream, mousse, marmalade, casseroles and delicious sweets for tea. All recipes are simple and accessible. Step by step photos They will help even a novice cook prepare any dessert without any problems! Choose a recipe and cook for health!
  • Canning Homemade winter preparations are always tastier than store-bought ones! And most importantly, you know exactly what vegetables and fruits they are made from and will never add harmful or dangerous substances to winter canned food! In our family we always preserved food for the winter: As a child, I remember my mother always cooked tasty and fragrant jam from berries: strawberries, wild strawberries, blueberries. We prefer to make jellies and compotes from currants, but gooseberries and apples make excellent Home wine! The most tender apples come out homemade marmalade- unusually bright and tasty! Homemade juices - no preservatives - 100% natural and healthy. How can you refuse such yummy food? Be sure to make winter twists using our recipes - healthy and affordable for every family!
  • If the harvest of apples from your plot has been so successful that you don’t know where to put them, then the best decision is to buy a juicer. This device will allow you to easily prepare a huge amount of juice for the winter. In addition, the remaining cake can be used in the preparation of some desserts.

    Many housewives limit themselves to making juice using a juicer. Unfortunately, using the device is not always profitable. The juice cooker is several points ahead of it in terms of its advantages. This is especially true when you need to process a lot of apples.

    Pros of a juicer:

    1. Ease of making juice - when preparing fresh juices using a juicer, you need to spend a lot more effort. You can simply put raw materials into the juice cooker, put it on the fire, close the lid and go do other household chores.
    2. The quality of the drink - the resulting period is immediately ready for consumption. Also, it does not need to be boiled to be rolled up for the winter.
    3. Waste-free production - when making juice in a juicer, unnecessary pieces of fruit and berries are formed. They can then be pureed for filling pies and buns. Steamed apples are used for marmalade, marshmallows and marshmallows.

    Juice cooker: how to cook apple juice?

    Juice from berries and fruits can be obtained by 2 methods - through physical action (squeezing) and steam. The juicer works according to the 2nd principle. The device resembles a large pan consisting of 3 parts. The lower wide bowl is not very tall. Thanks to it, in fact, steam is formed. Above it there is a container with a hole through which it passes to the raw material. The apples themselves are placed in the last part of the juicer.

    How to cook apples in a juicer? First of all, prepare the required amount of fruits. The varieties can be any, but not too sour. You should not select fruits based on their appearance. Bad places can always be cut off. The main thing is that there are no rotten apples.

    Pour water into the lower bowl of the juicer. About 2/3 of its volume. If necessary, liquid is added during the juice distillation process. Insert the middle part into the juicer. Place the device on the stove over medium heat.

    While the water is boiling, we return to the apples. Cut them into medium slices. Too large ones will not allow steam to pass through - therefore, there will be little juice. And the small ones will soften and clog all the holes in the upper container. As a result, the passage of juice will be disrupted. You can leave the top peel of the fruit, but remove the seeds. There is an opinion that they accumulate not so much vitamins as various harmful substances.

    When the water in the lower bowl of the juicer boils, pour the apples into the upper container and place it in the appliance. Close with an airtight lid and set aside for 1.5-2 hours. The heat must be reduced during this time. Sometimes you can check the presence of water in the lower container.

    Afterwards we cook 1 more pan. We place it next to the faucet of the juicer and open it to let the juice drain out. Pour the resulting liquid into sterilized jars and close with metal lids.

    Juice cooker: apple juice recipes

    Sweet juice


    • Apples - 3 kg
    • Sugar - 400 g


    1. Pour water into the lower bowl of the juicer so that the level is above the middle. Place the device with the upper container previously removed on medium heat.
    2. While the water is heating, take the apples. Typically, more juice comes out of succulent varieties (not winter varieties). Cut off all rotten areas. Cut the fruit into slices. Place them in a bowl with holes.
    3. When the water boils, place this container in the juicer. Sprinkle sugar on top of apples.
    4. Cover the device with a lid and leave the juice to cook for 50 minutes.
    5. Drain the liquid through a special tap-hose into another container.
    6. You can drink the juice immediately, allowing it to cool or pack it hot for the winter.

    Spicy juice


    • Apples
    • Cinnamon, cloves, ginger, sugar - to taste


    1. Pour water into the juicer and put it on fire.
    2. Cut the apples into medium pieces. Place them in a container with holes. Put spices on top.
    3. When the water in the juicer boils, place a bowl of fruit in it. Sprinkle them with sugar on top. The more sour the apples, the more it should be. For 1 kg of fruit it takes about 70 g of sugar.
    4. Steam the apples for about an hour. Then pour the juice into a clean container.

    A good housewife, of course, has a question: where to put the leftover apple pulp? Unlike the raw material that is produced in a juicer, it can be used to make a range of desserts.

    Apple marmalade - apples contain pectin. Therefore, the marmalade made from them is very tasty. First you need to get the pieces of fruit softened by steam. Then the peel is removed from them. Mash the pulp in a separate pan with a spatula. Then a small amount of sugar is added to it. This mixture is placed on the stove and heated, stirring occasionally. Otherwise it will burn. When the mixture becomes liquid, add the required amount (according to the instructions on the bag) of agar-agar. Of course, you can use gelatin, but it adds flavor to desserts. Agar-agar is more neutral. The resulting mixture is poured into silicone molds.

    Pastila - Russia has long been famous for Belyov pastila. Unlike modern versions of this sweet, it was made from pure apples. Therefore, the cake remaining after the juice can be used in the preparation of this natural dish. As with marmalade, the apples are peeled. Then they are placed in a pan and crushed with a spoon. Then a small amount of sugar is added to the mixture and boiled over low heat. Keep the apples on the stove until the mixture thickens. Finally, it is spread in a 1.5 cm thick layer on baking paper or cling film. You can eat the marshmallow only after it has dried.

    Filling for baking - every housewife knows how difficult it is to bake pies with jam so that the filling does not leak out. The apple mixture remaining after cooking the juice in a juicer will help correct the situation. Apples should be peeled and mashed with a spoon in a deep plate. Then a little sugar and cinnamon are added to them. You can also experiment with other ingredients - ginger, raisins, nuts. A similar filling is used in yeast buns, rolls and pies.

    Marshmallows are also always prepared using applesauce. According to the recipe, the fruits are pre-baked in the oven. You can skip this step by using steamed apple pulp.

    Apple juice can be prepared in a juicer in just an hour. To begin, pour water into the lower container. It is thanks to its boiling that steam is formed, which will help expel the juice. Fruits should be placed in the top bowl with holes. After the time has passed, the juice is drained from the middle container of the device using the built-in hose. It should be prepared for the winter immediately.

    Summer and autumn are very busy periods for many housewives. After all, this is the time to harvest vegetables, berries and fruits. How I want to preserve all this in any form as much as possible long term! Nowadays, technology comes to the aid of people, allowing them to process all these riches with minimal time and effort. You just need to know how to use all these devices. For example, let's figure out how to cook juice in a juice cooker, which is indispensable during the vegetable and fruit season. Using it you can make a lot of preparations for the winter.

    The steaming time for any fruit is no more than one hour, so with the help of our device you can relatively quickly prepare delicious and the most useful decoction, compote or juice, and then whole year enjoy natural drinks.

    Thanks to pasteurization, a special technology for creating drinks, it allows you to preserve the aroma and taste of fruits, berries and vegetables, as well as all their beneficial properties, for a long time. As a result, we get therapeutic and dietary product, which can be stored for quite a long time. This drink is very useful for children and adults, healthy people and the sick. Natural juices, enriching our body with microelements and vitamins, contribute to a significant improvement in digestion, improving the functioning of blood vessels and the heart.

    In addition, the juice cooker can be used both as a simple steel pan and as a double boiler, and not just for cooking juice.

    Before you understand how to cook juice in a juice cooker, you need to know its operating principle. It consists in the fact that berries and fruits are heated with steam, and two processes occur simultaneously: pasteurization and juice extraction. The device itself is made of stainless steel, and its lid is made of fire-resistant glass, which has a special hole to release steam.

    Now let’s look at how to prepare juice in a juicer, for example, from apples. We cut the fruits and place them in the upper hopper. If you make the pieces of fruit large, they will heat up slowly and just as slowly release juice, which will also be diluted due to If they are small, they will quickly turn into puree and clog the colander of the unit. As a result, steam access to higher layers will stop, the juice output will become worse, and it will liquefy. Right size pieces is most often achieved empirically. By the way, the container into which the juice will flow through the hose must be warm, since finished product will also arrive heated.

    Further instructions on how to cook juice in a juice cooker. Pour water into its base, at least two liters. Bring to a boil. Then we place a juice collector and a loading hopper with fruit on the base. Cover the top with a lid and heat over low heat. We close the rubber hose with a special clamp. To avoid burning the bottom of the lower container, make sure that the water does not boil away.

    The juice secretion process lasts on average one hour. Remove the clamp and pour the liquid into clean jars or bottles, previously sterilized. Using a juicer you can get juice that will be sweet. To do this, you need to pour sugar into the loading hopper at the same time as fruits or berries.

    So you and I have mastered how to cook juice in a juice cooker. Immediately after preparing it, it is recommended to thoroughly wash the device. hot water. However, you should not use hard objects to remove scale. Boil the darkened elements for 15-20 minutes in a soda solution.
