Eggplant rolls with filling. Eggplant rolls with cheese

Eggplant rolls are a delicious and common snack. They are easy and simple to prepare. For those who count calories, we can offer dietary options her preparations. In addition, they can be prepared with the most various options fillings - cheese, nuts, garlic, etc.

How to make eggplant rolls.

Preparing this eggplant appetizer won't take you much time. It doesn’t matter at all which recipe you choose. The most delicious dishes are made from vegetables that are ripe in season. If you prepare snacks in autumn or winter, they will differ in their taste qualities.

Filling for eggplant rolls.

You can cook the most different types fillings. Vegetable is considered one of the most common. In order to make it you just need to select fresh vegetables, and then fry them in hot sunflower oil. You can also add walnuts. For getting spicy dish, use special spices and herbs - garlic, cilantro, Provencal herbs etc.

Some tips:

1. Get rid of the bitter taste. To do this, cut the vegetables into slices, add salt, and let them sit for 20 minutes to remove the bitter liquid. Drain it, rinse under water pressure.
2. Eggplants absorb while roasting. a large number of fat In order to get rid of it, you can do two things: different ways. After frying, place the vegetables on a paper towel, which will perfectly absorb all the fat. You can also take a frying pan with a thin bottom or non-stick coating. Fry the plates over large quantities fat on low heat. Before laying out the plates, you need to warm them thoroughly in oil. If this is not done, the fruits will instantly absorb it.
3. You can make rolls in the oven. To do this, they can be placed on a wire rack or on a baking sheet with big amount oils in this case, they will turn out slightly dry, but at the same time retain more taste.

Eggplant rolls recipes.

Beef recipe.


Garlic cloves - 10 pcs.
- salt - 25 g
- a small bunch of dill
- bell pepper- 220 g
- vegetable oil - 120 g
- blue ones - 550 g
- beef - 320 g

Cooking steps:

Prepare the fruits for frying: wash them, trim the tails, cut them lengthwise into slices. Add salt and leave for ten minutes to remove the bitterness. After that, drain it. Fry over medium heat in a thoroughly heated frying pan. The thicker you cut the blue ones, the longer you will have to fry. Readiness is determined by the degree of their softness.

Make the filling: finely chop the meat or grind it in a meat grinder. To make the process faster and easier, freeze the meat first. Bell pepper cut into slices or cubes. Fry together with the beef, stirring constantly. Cool the resulting mass, add pre-chopped dill, grind with garlic mass, and add salt. Form the appetizer: lightly salt the plates, place the filling in the center, roll, and secure with a toothpick.

Georgian eggplant rolls.

Wash 4 eggplants, chop into slices and fry. Make the filling: chop 30 cilantro, 40 g each of dill and parsley, place in a deep bowl. Grind 12 garlic cloves along with salt. Add a glass of peeled walnuts. Add 320 g sour cream and stir. Cut 4 medium tomatoes into small slices. Rub the cooled blue ones with salt, coat them thoroughly with the filling, and let stand for 20 minutes. Add a tomato slice to the middle and twist.

Eggplant rolls photo:

Grilled option.

Wash the blue ones, cut off pieces on both sides, cut into long slices. Add salt and let the pieces sit for a few minutes. Prepare the grill. It is best to make it on fruit wood. You can also use the oven. Grease the slices olive oil, place on a wire rack or baking sheet and fry until done. Make the filling: Make the filling with dill, garlic, sour cream and parsley. Lubricate the blanks with filling and twist.

Eggplant rolls with cheese.

Dry the blue ones and trim the ends. Leave the peel. Cut them lengthwise into thin strips. Combine 4 tablespoons of sour cream with 200 g of cottage cheese. Finely chop the greenfinch and mix with cottage cheese. Chop 4 garlic cloves, add salt, and stir the curd filling. It should have a uniform consistency. Fry the vegetable strips on both sides, lightly salt them. Place the preparations on a plate and roll them up.

If you have leftover vegetables, make this.

Eggplant rolls with nuts.

Grind the red basil leaves in a blender along with five garlic cloves. Add a spoonful of sunflower oil and cilantro, and blend again in the blender. Chop 100 g of walnuts with a knife. Add 100 g of cottage cheese, add salt and stir. Wash 2 blue ones, wipe dry, cut off the ends, cut into wide strips. They should not be very thick so that they can be rolled easily. Place the strips on a heated frying pan, fry, and leave to cool. Place the filling on them, roll them up, place them on a plate, and decorate with pomegranate seeds.

Eggplant rolls recipes photos.

Option with ham and champignons.

Wash 200 g of champignons, chop them lightly small pieces. Finally, add salt and pepper, transfer to a plate and let cool. Cut 200 g of ham into square pieces. Green onions crumble finely. Place mushrooms, onions, herbs, and ham in a large bowl. Add garlic, passed through a press. Season with a tablespoon of mayonnaise. Salt, stir, put in the refrigerator. Cut the washed eggplants lengthwise into thin strips, leaving the skin. Make the batter: beat 2 eggs, add salt, and add 70 g of flour. Heat the frying pan with the fat and fry the eggplant strips in it. When serving, sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Recipe with liver.

Dip the washed liver in flour and place it on hot frying pan, season, fry on both sides. Separately extinguish the onion, mix it with the liver. Simmer for a couple of minutes, let it cool. Grind the liver. Minced liver mix with a piece butter, stir with a fork until smooth. Taste and add salt if necessary. Form a “bun” by wetting your hands in water, place it on the beginning of the eggplant strip, and roll it up. Garnish with parsley and place them on a separate plate. Finally, pour the garlic sauce over the products.

How do you like it warm salad with eggplants?

Eggplant rolls with tomatoes.

A few blue ones (3 pcs.), wash and cut. The thinner you cut them, the more impressive your snack will look. Pour a little olive oil into the pan sunflower oil, lay out the blue ones and fry them. Add salt at the end of cooking. Make the filling: grate 120 g of cheese, add 120 g of cottage cheese, add garlic, add salt, stir. Cheese filling coat the eggplant strips, place a tomato slice on top, roll up. Serve the appetizer cold.

They also turn out very tasty.

Eggplant rolls with garlic.

Wash 3 carrots, cut off the skin and rub. Make the marinade: mix half a glass of sunflower oil with 5 chopped heads of garlic, two tablespoons of sugar a small amount salt. Stir it all well. Pour the marinade over the carrots and let it brew for a couple of hours. Fry the eggplant strips. Place a pickled carrot on each of them and roll up.

Georgian eggplant rolls.

Wash 3 medium eggplants, cut lengthwise into slices, add salt, and place under pressure so that the bitterness can drain off. Fry 200 g of minced meat in a frying pan with added fat. Crush ½ cup of walnuts. Mix carrots, minced meat, chopped garlic, nuts, suneli hops, chopped herbs. Add mayonnaise, stir. Squeeze the eggplants, fry them, brush with the resulting filling.

Chicken option.

Wash 2 eggplants, cut off the ends, chop into thin strips. Add salt and leave for five minutes. Fry the fruits in heated oil in parts, transfer to napkins so that they absorb excess fat. Wash the chicken breast, dry it, cut it into small slices, season it, place it on the eggplant, wrap it in rolls, and skewer it. Place the appetizer in a frying pan, fry on both sides, and transfer to a warm room. Wash the basil, dry it, tear the leaves from the stems, chop into strips. Wash the tomatoes, cut into four parts, remove the base. Chop the pulp into strips and simmer a little in butter. Put basil, add some spices, put it on plates along with the appetizer.

You will like it too. It turns out spicy and quite piquant in taste.

Try any of these recipes - you will be pleased. Your guests will also be satisfied if you decide to treat them to this dish. Complete eggplant appetizer light salads, other types of light snacks. Every time you will get absolutely different tastes, delighting yourself and your loved ones.

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The oblong appearance of eggplants suggests that these vegetables can be thinly sliced ​​lengthwise, fried or baked until tender, and wrapped with a variety of fillings in soft sheets. This is what they do, making rolls from low-calorie eggplants, rich in vitamins and minerals.

Let's look at sample recipes with photos of eggplant rolls with with different fillings, their dietary use, the limitations that exist.

Eggplant rolls with different fillings step by step - recipes with photos

Eggplants like food product, have two features:

  • bitterness, more or less characteristic of their pulp,
  • high content toxic solanine in overripe fruits.

Therefore, when purchasing eggplants, you need to choose exceptionally dense, shiny, evenly colored vegetables without dark spots, with green stalks. The characteristic bitterness is eliminated by sprinkling the slices with salt or soaking them in salt water.

In addition, when frying and baking, eggplant pulp absorbs a lot of fat, so frying pans and baking sheets should not be greased with vegetable oil too much.

A wide variety of fillings, meat and vegetarian, are wrapped in prepared thin slices of eggplant. Their composition determines the final calorie content.

Let's consider two completely dietary recipe such rolls.

The first one is eggplant roll With minced chicken, soft cheese and garlic:


  • Wash the eggplants, dry them with napkins, cut off the ends of the fruits, and then thinly (no thicker than 3 mm) cut them lengthwise. Salt each plate, place in a colander, and after half an hour squeeze out the released juice.
  • Peel, rinse, finely chop the onion and garlic, fry them until the onion is transparent in a small amount vegetable oil in a well-heated frying pan. Add minced meat from chicken breast, season with oregano, simmer, stirring, for 5-6 minutes.
  • Cool the filling, add chopped parsley, finely chopped soft cheese and olives, cut into thin rings. Mix well.
  • Add 2 tablespoons ready-made filling on each eggplant slice and roll into rolls, securing them with a wooden toothpick.
  • Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and bake the stuffed eggplant rolls at 170ºC - 10 minutes on one side and 10 minutes on the other.

Calorie content does not exceed ready-made food 150 units in 100 grams.

Second - with baked sweet peppers:


  • Wash the sweet peppers, dry them, bake in the oven until tender, place in a bag. After 10 minutes, peel off the skin, cut in half, and remove the seeds.
  • Mix soy sauce and vegetable oil well.
  • Cut the washed and dried eggplants with the ends cut off lengthwise into strips no thicker than 3 mm. Brush both sides of the slices with the mixture. soy sauce and butter, place them on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and place in the oven preheated to 180ºC for 15 minutes.
  • Chop fresh herbs and mix thoroughly with finely grated garlic.
  • Spread plastic wrap on the table, place eggplant slices on it close to each other in two rows of 6 pieces each, spread a mixture of chopped herbs and garlic over them, season with ground pepper and salt.
  • Place the baked pepper halves across the eggplant rows, leaving only the last 5 cm of the overall “mat” covered so that it can be conveniently rolled up. Season the filling with ground pepper and salt.
  • Using the film as a general casing, roll up the roll, wrap the edges well and keep in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.

Calorie content ready-made dish does not exceed 100 units in 100 grams.

Eggplant roll in the diet menu

Eggplant pulp is not rich in calories, but is rich in vitamins, phosphorus, sodium,. This elemental composition helps strengthen bones, revitalizes hematopoietic processes, strengthens the immune system. Based on these healthy vegetables Even a separate two-week slimming diet has been developed with a final weight loss of 6-8 kg.

Filling options for eggplant rolls

The long, soft slabs of cooked fruit wrap comfortably around a variety of ingredients and pair well with flavor. Fillings include:

  • Other vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, stem celery, carrots (including those cooked in Korean).
  • Meat – mainly minced meat and finely chopped smoked meats. White chicken, veal and beef, which do not have fat layers, are suitable for slimming diets.
  • Fish - only low-fat varieties are appropriate in dietary menus.
  • Dairy - , hard cheese, cream. For dietary table valid general rule, according to which the fat content of cheese should not be higher than 30%, and the percentage of fat in sour cream should not be more than 10.
  • – eggplant slices are dipped into raw ones before frying, hard-boiled ones are added to the filling.
  • Flour, breadcrumbs– used to coat eggplants so that they do not absorb too much oil. Such additives are not recommended in dietary menus.
  • Mayonnaise is another “persona non grata” for healthy nutrition with limited calories.
  • Tomato paste, tomato sauce– preference should be given to products made from natural raw materials without preservatives, flavor enhancers and dyes.
  • Fruit juices - mainly lemon and , go well with most fillings and eggplant wrappers.
  • Mushrooms - and edible forest ones, give the rolls new flavor and aromatic shades and practically do not increase the overall calorie content.
  • Nuts – most often well chopped.
  • Spicy and pungent spices - mixtures of peppers, adjika, suneli hops, sets of French and Provençal herbs.

How to make eggplant rolls - video

The presented videos show in detail the making of eggplant rolls with various fillings. In the first of them, thin flat slices of eggplant are pre-fried in a frying pan lightly greased with vegetable oil. Then they are filled with nuts, cottage cheese, fresh cucumber And stalk celery with garlic. There are 2 ways to roll filled rolls.

In the second video, the dish, prepared in 20 minutes, turns out to be strictly vegetarian. The eggplant strips are baked in the oven until done. The filling for eggplant rolls will be a mixture of walnuts and red onions, chopped in a blender. The finished dish is impressively decorated with a mixture of multi-colored lettuce leaves, cherry tomatoes and sun-dried tomatoes.

Eggplant rolls, rich in vitamins and minerals, depending on the composition of the filling, can be more or less high in calories. Vegetable, mushroom, lean meat and fish fillers are optimal for diets focused on weight loss. At the same time spicy and spicy seasonings speed up metabolism and additionally promote the burning of fat deposits. For diseases of the digestive system and diabetes, the consumption of eggplants is contraindicated.

What fillings do you use for eggplant rolls? Do you prefer to fry or bake them? Are such rolls included in your diet menu? Share your culinary experience with us in the comments!

Eggplant is a wonderful vegetable, or rather a berry of the nightshade family, quite low in calories, 100 grams of product contains only 25 kcal. You can cook them, which are good for both everyday table, so and .

The topic of this article: rolls with various fillings, it’s difficult to call them dietary, like everyone else fried foods. The dish looks attractive and is eaten instantly on the festive table. By the way, .

When choosing a filling, you should think about what eggplants go with. First of all, we must proceed from the fact that eggplants are southern fruits and they are widely used in Caucasian cuisine.

Eggplant rolls are a spicy appetizer and eggplant works best with vegetables, cheeses, cottage cheese, nuts, mayonnaise and garlic. Garlic is used in all rolls, with any filling, in different quantities.

Let's look at several options for savory eggplant rolls.

How to cook thin slices of eggplant

There is no point in repeating the description of the same procedure in several recipes; it is enough to describe it clearly once.


  • 500 – 600 gr. eggplant,
  • 100 gr. vegetable oil,
  • 40 gr. flour,
  • salt.
  1. You can take 1 large or 2 medium eggplants; the fruits should be straight, without bends. Wash the raw materials, cut off the stalk and cut lengthwise with a sharp knife into plates no more than 5 millimeters thick.
  2. Sprinkle each plate with salt, place in a bowl and leave for about half an hour. The fact is that, like all nightshades, Eggplants contain the substance solanine, which gives them bitterness, and salt neutralizes it.
  3. Drain the resulting juice from the bowl, wipe each plate with a napkin, roll in flour and fry until golden brown in a heated frying pan.
  4. Place the hot slices on a paper towel to allow excess oil to be absorbed, cool, prepare the filling and finish cooking the dish.

Eggplant rolls with tomatoes and mayonnaise

The easiest dish to prepare, the main difficulty of which is cutting eggplants into thin slices.

  • 2 eggplants
  • 120 gr. sunflower oil
  • 180 gr. mayonnaise
  • 200 gr. tomatoes
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 30 gr. dill
  1. Prepare eggplant slices according to the method indicated above.
  2. Grate on fine grater garlic and mix it with mayonnaise.
  3. Wash the tomatoes, remove the stem and cut into slices equal to the number of eggplant slices.
  4. Wash and chop the dill.
  5. Coat a slice of eggplant on one side with mayonnaise, like a sandwich, and sprinkle with dill. Place a tomato slice on the tip of the slice and roll it up.
  6. Place the finished rolls in one layer on a flat plate and garnish with lemon slices.

Eggplant rolls with feta cheese and cottage cheese

A dish with a Caucasian touch.

  • 1 large eggplant,
  • 110 gr. frying oils,
  • 100 gr. feta cheese,
  • 100 gr. cottage cheese,
  • 50 gr. sour cream,
  • 40 gr. parsley,
  • 2 cloves of garlic,
  1. Fry the eggplant slices.
  2. If the cheese is too salty, soak it in milk for several hours. Then squeeze out the cheese and chop finely with a knife.
  3. Mix cheese and cottage cheese.
  4. Chop the washed parsley.
  5. Peel the garlic, rinse and cut into small cubes. There should be a moderate amount of garlic in the dish so that only a light aroma comes out.
  6. Grind the parsley and garlic in a mortar, adding a little salt.
  7. Place the ground herbs into the mixture of feta cheese and cottage cheese. Add sour cream and stir.
  8. Place on the tip of the plate fried eggplant Spoon the filling and roll it into a roll.

Eggplant rolls with nuts and garlic, Georgian style

This dish is for festive table. The dish is not cheap. For Georgian cuisine It is typical to use walnuts; they are placed in kharcho, satsivi, satsibelli.


  • 4 medium eggplants,
  • 180 gr. vegetable oil, incl. 30 gr. into the filling,
  • 200 gr. shelled walnuts,
  • 8 cloves of garlic,
  • 10 ml red wine vinegar,
  • 2 gr. khmeli-suneli,
  • 2 gr. coriander seeds,
  • 50 gr. pomegranate seeds for decoration,
  • Salt.
  1. According to the traditions of Georgian cuisine, eggplant plates are baked. Wash the eggplants, cut lengthwise into thin slices, sprinkle with salt and let sit for a certain time. Then drain the juice, add butter, mix the plates with butter with your hands and bake on open fire, in a deep frying pan without oil, until golden brown, Turn them constantly so they don't burn.. Place hot plates to drain excess fat and cooling on parchment paper or paper towel.
  2. Peel the garlic, rinse and mince together with the nuts. The result was a nut filling.
  3. Lightly salt the filling, add butter, vinegar, suneli hops, crushed coriander grains using the back of a knife. Mix well.
  4. Using a spoon, spread the filling onto the plates of fried eggplant, form into a roll and place on a suitable dish.
  5. Garnish the appetizer with pomegranate seeds, keep in the refrigerator for an hour and serve.

Filling for eggplants with herbs, tomatoes and garlic

Asian style filling.

  • 150 gr. greens (cilantro, parsley, dill),
  • 1 tomato
  • 3 cloves of garlic,
  • 25 gr. oils,
  • Salt,
  • Pepper.
  1. Greens in any proportions, depending on your preference, rinse and chop.
  2. Peel the garlic, rinse and chop.
  3. Rinse the tomato with water, make a cross-shaped cut and scald with boiling water, then cool in cold water, remove the skin and cut into cubes.
  4. Place all ingredients in a blender bowl and grind. You can also do this in a meat grinder.
  5. Pour oil into the mixture, add salt and pepper and stir. The filling is ready.

Eggplant rolls with fillings are not difficult to prepare.

It is a little difficult to beautifully cut the fruit with long tongues; to do this, you need to choose an even, long vegetable and have a well-sharpened knife in the kitchen.

As for the choice of filling, they great amount options. Should not be used as a filling chopped meat, ham or boiled fish. Doesn't work, it overpowers the delicate taste of fried eggplant.

Cook more often during the season! Good luck to you! And if you want more interesting recipe, go to .

Eggplant rolls are a widespread seasonal dish, which is prepared simply and quickly, and on the table always looks elegant and festive. Each housewife reproduces the recipe for eggplant rolls in her own way.

For cooking meatloaf from eggplant you will need:

  • 2 eggplants
  • 300 g chicken meat
  • 1 egg
  • tomato
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • 150 ml sour cream
  • 2 tomatoes
  • garlic and herbs - to taste

Cooking process: Cut the eggplants into slices, add salted water and leave for 15 minutes. At this time, grind the chicken meat in a blender and combine the resulting minced meat with grated cheese and raw egg. Drain the eggplant salt water, pour boiling water over them to give the vegetables plasticity and form rolls with raw minced meat. Place the prepared rolls in a baking tray, pour over the sauce made from chopped tomatoes, sour cream and garlic and place in the oven for 30 minutes.

Quick eggplant roll

Recipe quick roll eggplant differs from its analogues in that it is presented in the form of a whole roll, cut into portioned pieces. It does not require separately frying eggplant plates, and it even tastes better than classic rolls.

To prepare a quick eggplant roll you will need:

  • 2 eggplants
  • 150 g hard cheese
  • 4 eggs
  • Bell pepper
  • 1 tbsp. soft cream cheese
  • 1 tbsp. heavy cream
  • garlic and herbs - optional

Cooking process: Cut the eggplants into thin strips, combine with grated cheese and eggs, and add salt. Place the mixture in a single layer on a greased baking sheet and bake in the oven for 30 minutes. Cream cheese mix with cream, add garlic and herbs. Lubricate cream sauce Prepare the eggplant layer and roll it up. Cool and serve by cutting into portioned pieces.

The most delicious recipes eggplant rolls with different fillings. Step-by-step recipes with photos on the portal I like to cook delicious food

What better way to snack than snacks? They are suitable for both entertaining guests and for an everyday table, decorating it and adding their own flavor. Snacks made from eggplant are considered very popular and at the same time healthy. There are a great many such recipes today, so let’s look at the 5 most common ones.

Eggplant rolls with hard cheese

This dish is quite satisfying, and hard cheese and cottage cheese make its taste very delicate and at the same time rich. Many people prepare this appetizer with the addition of garlic, which fits perfectly into the dish and complements it.


  • 2-3 medium eggplants;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • 50 grams of hard cheese;
  • 50-100 grams of cottage cheese of any fat content;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices;
  • greens for decoration;
  • a couple of spoons of sour cream (at least mayonnaise).


  1. In order to prepare eggplant rolls with cheese and garlic, you must first prepare the eggplants themselves. To do this, the vegetable is cut into thin slices (about 5 mm), salted and fried until golden brown.
  2. After this, place all the tongues on a paper napkin to get rid of excess oil.
  3. Then prepare the filling. The cheese is grated, mixed with cottage cheese, garlic, sour cream, and chopped herbs.
  4. A not too thick layer of filling is applied to each eggplant plate and rolled into a tube.

This way you can get very interesting and unusual rolls. At first glance they may seem too simple, but the taste is impeccable. Bon appetit!

Eggplant nut rolls

To diversify your dinner table, housewives sometimes prepare snacks. Fresh vegetables are often used for this. Eggplant is no exception, with which you can create real masterpieces every day.


  • eggplants - 2 pieces (large);
  • a small bunch of cilantro;
  • half a glass of shelled walnuts;
  • a few spoons of yogurt or full-fat sour cream;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • salt to taste;
  • oil (preferably olive).


  1. Eggplant rolls with walnut Prepare simply. To do this, cut the vegetables thinly lengthwise, lightly salt them and fry until golden brown. Leave the eggplants to cool.
  2. Grind the nuts using a blender and mix with dairy products, finely chopped herbs and garlic.
  3. Apply the resulting mixture to the eggplant and roll it into a roll.

Like this in a simple way can be cooked tasty dish. You can be sure that your guests or family members will be pleased with your masterpiece. Be healthy!

Eggplant roll with fried mushrooms

To cook this interesting dish, it will take 30 minutes if you act quickly. There is nothing special or complicated in this recipe, but it turns out very tasty.


  • several eggplants;
  • oil for frying;
  • mayonnaise;
  • 150 grams of champignons;
  • greens optional;
  • 1 large onion;
  • garlic;
  • spices.


  1. You can prepare a roll with eggplants and mushrooms as follows: cut the eggplants, add salt and fry them lightly on both sides.
  2. Then chop the champignons, cut the onion into half rings and, adding salt, fry until golden brown.
  3. Season the mushrooms with mayonnaise and chop the herbs and garlic.
  4. Spread the resulting mixture in a thin, even layer on the eggplants and roll into a roll. The dish is ready!

If the filling looks too greasy for someone, you can do without mayonnaise. Garlic is also added only if desired. In any case, it will turn out very tasty. Bon appetit!

Eggplant roll with pepper

The warm season has arrived, and fresh vegetables and fruits are on sale. This is a reason to experiment in the kitchen. We bring to your attention very tasty and healthy rolls, made from eggplants with the addition of sweet bell peppers.


  • sour cream - 3-4 spoons;
  • eggplants - 2 pieces (large);
  • parsley - a small bunch;
  • bell pepper - 1 large;
  • salt and oil.


  1. Eggplant roll with sweet peppers is a simple dish. To begin with, prepare the blue ones by cutting them into thin strips and, adding salt, lightly frying them. Let them sit, drain and cool.
  2. Next, finely chop the parsley and mix with mayonnaise.
  3. All this is applied to eggplants.
  4. Bell peppers are cut into long slices and placed one at a time on blue ones, which are then rolled into a roll. The pepper will be visible from both sides, which will add zest to the dish.

If desired, you can add garlic or ground pepper for spiciness. Many people put it on top of the rolls a small amount of ketchup and garnish with herbs. Bon appetit!

Eggplant rolls

Many people have probably tried eggplant rolls with garlic at least once. But, despite the ease of preparation, some people have never tried to prepare them themselves. We offer the most common, easiest and affordable recipe this dish.


  • eggplants - 2-3 pieces;
  • salt pepper;
  • mayonnaise (fat);
  • a couple of tomatoes (hard);
  • greens for decoration;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves.


  1. First, wash the eggplants and cut them lengthwise into thin strips. Add a little salt and pepper, fry until golden brown and set aside to cool. To with fried vegetables glass oil, it is recommended to place them on a paper napkin.
  2. Next, the garlic is taken and crushed, after which it is mixed with mayonnaise.
  3. Tomatoes are the highlight of this dish. You should choose firm vegetables so that they release less juice. Cut them into long slices, without capturing the core with seeds.
  4. Next, mayonnaise with garlic is spread on the cooled eggplant sheet and one slice of tomato and one sprig of parsley are placed.
  5. After this, the eggplant is twisted into a tube and the same procedure is done with each tongue.

It is best to place all the rolls on beautiful plate and decorate with greens on top. The eggplant tastes simply great. Be healthy!

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