Sauerkraut - very tasty classic recipes for the winter. Delicious sauerkraut for the winter: classic recipes

Russian cuisine has always been famous for its variety of cabbage recipes for the winter: pickled, salted in jars, in barrels. When fermenting, berries, fruits, herbs and various savory spices are added to the cabbage. Making sauerkraut is very quick and easy. Meet another delicious, crispy recipe. It contains many useful substances and vitamins.

You can cook from it variety of dishes. In my family, cabbage soup and borscht made from sauerkraut are one of our favorite dishes. First of all, it's like ready-made snack, cut the onion and pour it with aromatic vegetable oil, it’s delicious - you’ll lick your fingers. Secondly, sauerkraut can be stewed; it is a wonderful second course with the addition of sausages or meat. . I sauerkraut in jars. It's finger-licking crunchy!

Sauerkraut. Classic recipe with brine

Sauerkraut in a jar, this is the most quick recipe. You will definitely like it. Sauerkraut in brine, excellent winter snack. After pouring brine, the cabbage is ready within three hours.


  • white cabbage -2 fork
  • carrots - 5 pcs.
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • water - 2 liters


Chop the cabbage as you like.

Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

Mix everything with your hands, press on the cabbage to release the juice, put it in glass jars and press lightly.

Place the jar in a deep bowl.

Pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan, add 3 tablespoons of salt and boil.

We wait until the brine cools down.

Fill the cabbage with cooled brine to the brim of the jar.

Leave the jar open for 2 days.

We pierce the cabbage several times to the very bottom to release the air. This must be done, otherwise the cabbage will taste bitter.

On the third day, the brine must be poured into a bowl; we will need it later. To make draining easier, put a lid with holes on the jar.

Place 2 tablespoons of sugar in the drained brine, dissolve it and pour it over the cabbage.

Close the jar with a lid and put it in a cool place for a day.

Our cabbage is tasty, crispy, juicy with high content vitamins are ready.

You can eat it by cutting onions into it and pouring vegetable oil on it. This cabbage is great to add to various salads, appetizers, vinaigrette.

Cabbage brine is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. Very useful for people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract.

Have a delicious winter everyone!

Recipe for sauerkraut for a 3 liter jar

A very simple recipe for sauerkraut without spices. Cabbage can be stewed with onions, without onions, with duck meat it is very tasty. You can make a filling for dumplings, a simple salad.


  • cabbage - 4 kg
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • salt - for 1 kg of cabbage 1 tbsp salt


Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

Place the cabbage in a large saucepan, add salt and carrots. Lightly compact with a wooden spatula.

Cover the top with sterile gauze.

Place a load on top (a pan of water) and leave it to sour for a day.

After a day, remove the weight, gauze and pierce the cabbage with a wooden fork, lift it a little so that the air comes out.

Firmly compact the cabbage with your fist.

Cover with gauze again, place a weight (a pan of water), and leave for another day.

Two days passed, a lot of juice formed in the pan.

Remove the gauze and stir the prepared cabbage.

Transfer to jars, close the lid and store in a cool place. Cabbage can be fermented for up to 3 days.

Bon appetit!

Sauerkraut with beets in Georgian style

This cabbage is very healthy. Looks beautiful on the table. Prepares quickly.


  • cabbage - 1 large head
  • garlic - 4 heads
  • beets - 6 medium pieces
  • red dried pepper(taste)
  • Brine: 1 tbsp for 1 liter of water coarse salt with a slide


Cut the cabbage into 4 pieces and each quarter into 2 or 3 pieces so that the stalk is on each piece. The core holds the whole piece together.

Cut the peeled beets very thinly. To make it pleasant to eat, we cut it into 1.5 cm thick slices. It is very tasty when cooked and very healthy. Peel the garlic.

We are preparing the brine with which we will pour the cabbage. Dilute salt in raw cold water at the rate of 1 tbsp per 1 liter of water. a heaped spoonful of salt. We dilute in a 3 liter jar, 3 tablespoons with a slide of salt. If there is not enough brine, you can add more later.

    • How much cabbage, carrots and salt do you need for pickling in one 3 liter jar?
    • How much salt should you add when sauerkraut?
    • How to cook sauerkraut crispy cabbage: all the subtleties and secrets

    To pickle cabbage in a three-liter jar, you need to know how many products are needed for the procedure. The point is that in order for the pickle to turn out tasty and to be stored for a long time, you need, firstly, to follow a certain recipe, and secondly, to fill the jar completely (the second point allows you to make sure that the cabbage is under pressure, therefore, the shredded vegetables are the starter will always be in brine and will not dry out).

    Now about the ingredients themselves. On three liter jar Sometimes 2-3 kilograms of cabbage is enough. Why does weight vary so much? Yes, because it all depends on the method of chopping - the larger the vegetable is chopped, the less it will fit in the jar, since large pieces compacted quite poorly.

    Carrots and salt - the amount of these ingredients may vary, each housewife has her own recipe. However, if we talk about average values, then for a three-liter jar, 60 grams of salt (a little more than two tablespoons) and 150 grams of carrots (a couple of medium-sized root vegetables) are enough. It is believed that cabbage tastes best if you put salt at 2% of the weight of cabbage, and carrots - 5%. However, if you are a lover of carrots and too salty foods, then these ingredients can be increased slightly, but you should not overdo it, because when long-term storage cabbage can change its taste qualities not in better side. In general, note that carrots are an optional ingredient when sauerkraut (it affects the color more), but the amount of salt can be determined by taste, because in the end cabbage grated with salt should be a little saltier than regular salad.

    How much cabbage, carrots and salt are needed for pickling in one 3 liter jar - Food - Other

    👍 A glass jar with a volume of three liters is the most suitable container for sauerkraut.

How much cabbage, carrots and salt do you need for pickling in one 3 liter jar?

Here are the ingredients needed for one three liter jar- this is 3 kg of white cabbage, 700 grams of carrots, Bay leaf ik-4 pieces, peppercorns and salt three tablespoons, but without a slide, this is nominally 50 grams. Peel the cabbage and carrots and chop finely. And put it in a jar, slowly compacting it.

I have been sauerkraut in a three-liter jar for many years, more than 10 for sure. Therefore, I can talk about proportions based on my fairly extensive experience.

I usually take 30 percent less carrots than cabbage. I like it when there is a lot of it. For those who don't like a lot of carrots, you can three liter jar limit yourself to 3-4 pieces.

As for the amount of salt, I always remember the advice of the person who taught me how to ferment cabbage: “salt in the same way as you salt a regular salad, but a little stronger.” I usually use about 4-5 tablespoons of coarse table salt. By the way, don’t forget that you should never use iodized salt; the cabbage will turn out tasteless.

I do this by cutting cabbage and carrots. I put three tablespoons of salt in a three-liter jar, put a layer of cabbage and press it with my hand in the morning, then add salt again, then the next layer, and so on until the top of the jar. After that, I put it in a warm place for one day. Once fermentation begins and the cabbage begins to produce juice. Add the leaked brine back to the cabbage and put it in the refrigerator. In three days it’s ready.

For one three-liter jar it takes one medium head of cabbage, a medium carrot, 2 tbsp. salt. Chop the cabbage, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, mix, add salt. If you are going to store it for a long time, then you don’t need to reap it and you need to chop it larger. If you plan to eat it right away - well, in a week or two, then you can make it thinner and mash it. this way the fermentation process will go faster. Pack the cabbage into a jar, but not up to the neck, but up to the shoulders, cover with gauze, place in a deep plate and remove from sight. Fermentation lasts three days, during which time you need to pierce the cabbage with a knife or a wooden stick (a fireplace match works well). on the third day we test for acid - if it suits us, we put it in the cellar or refrigerator, if not, we leave it for another day. The fermentation period may vary, it all depends on the temperature in the room. There are several nuances - the dishes must be clean, I pour boiling water over the jar. Whenever I try it, I make sure to wash my hands. If the carrots are unsweetened, you can add a little sugar. It’s also worth considering that sugar makes cabbage soft. To such cabbage you can add cranberries (fermentation will be faster), lingonberries, caraway seeds, coriander, beets, dill seeds, etc.

How much cabbage, carrots and salt do you need for pickling in one 3 liter jar?

Here are the ingredients that are needed for one three-liter jar - these are 3 kg of white cabbage, 700 grams of carrots, 4 bay leaves, peppercorns and three tablespoons of salt, but without a slide, this is nominal

Sauerkraut in a 3-liter jar

Sauerkraut is a simple and affordable type of homemade preparation that can be obtained at any time of the year. Depending on the recipe, its preparation time ranges from one day to three days.

Sauerkraut is an ingredient vegetable salads, it is added to cabbage soup, cabbage rolls are made with it, and pies are baked. Due to the lack of heat treatment, it preserves vitamins and other useful material. If you follow the recipe, such preparations can be stored for 8 months.

Cooking principles

Due to pickling, cabbage is preserved throughout the winter. It is most convenient to store it in 3-liter jars. Therefore, for sourdough recipes are used that contain required amount products to fill one jar.

To get a delicious snack or component for other dishes, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  • you need to choose white cabbage varieties;
  • there should be no cracks or damage on the cabbage;
  • Before cutting the head of cabbage, you need to remove the wilted leaves;
  • Medium and late ripening varieties are best processed;
  • Initially, cabbage was fermented in wooden barrels, today glass or plastic containers are also used for this purpose;
  • if brine is used, the vegetables must be completely in it;
  • fermentation processes accelerate when the temperature rises from 17 to 25 degrees;
  • for fermentation, vegetables are placed under a weight in the form of a stone or glass container;
  • it is permissible to carry out fermentation without a load if the layers of cabbage are tightly compacted in the jar;

  • the finished snack is stored in the refrigerator or underground at a temperature of +1 degree;
  • When pickled, cabbage contains vitamins B and C, fiber, iron, calcium and other microelements.

Classic recipe

The traditional way to get sauerkraut in a 3 liter jar is to use carrots, salt, sugar and minimum set spices

  1. White cabbage (2 kg) is cut in any convenient way (using a knife, vegetable cutter or blender).
  2. The prepared slices are placed in a container, after which sugar (1 tbsp) is added.
  3. Grind the vegetables by hand and add salt little by little (2 tbsp). You need to taste it periodically. The cabbage should remain a little salty.
  4. Carrots (2 pcs.) need to be peeled and grated on a coarse grater. Then it is placed in a common container.

  • For sourdough, add a little dill and dry cumin.
  • The vegetable mixture is compacted into a 3-liter jar.
  • Then cover it with a lid and place it on a plate.
  • You need to ferment vegetables for three days by placing them in a warm place.
  • Several times during the day the cabbage is pierced to the bottom of the jar to release gases.
  • After the specified time, you can serve the appetizer to the table. If the workpiece is intended for winter, then it is put in a cool place.

Recipe with brine

For sourdough, you can prepare a brine, which requires water, salt, sugar and spices. This is one of the simplest recipes for making sauerkraut:

  1. To fill a three-liter jar, you will need 2 kg of cabbage. For convenience, it is better to take two 1 kg heads of cabbage, which are chopped into thin strips.

  • Carrots (1 pc.) need to be peeled and grated.
  • The vegetables are mixed, and try not to crush them, then placed in a jar with a capacity of no more than three liters.
  • According to the recipe, the next step is preparing the marinade. Pour 1.5 liters of water into a container and set it to boil. IN hot water add salt and sugar (2 tablespoons each), allspice(3 pcs.) and bay leaf (2 pcs.).
  • After the brine has cooled, pour it vegetable mixture.
  • The jar is placed next to the radiator or in another warm place. It is recommended to place a deep plate under it.
  • The cabbage is fermented for 3 days, after which it is moved to the balcony.
  • Total period up to full readiness is a week.

Sauerkraut with honey

When honey is added, the snack acquires a sweetish-sour taste. The process of its preparation includes several stages:

  1. I finely chop cabbage with a total weight of 2 kg.
  2. Then you need to peel one carrot, which I chop using a regular grater or blender.
  3. I mix the prepared components, and you can lightly mash them by hand.
  4. Vegetables are compacted tightly in a 3-liter jar.
  5. After this, you can proceed to preparing the brine. In a container you need to boil 1 liter of water, add salt (1 tbsp), bay leaf (2 pcs.), allspice (4 pcs.) and honey (2 tbsp.).
  6. I cool the finished brine and pour it into a jar.
  7. I ferment the cabbage for 3-4 days. First place it under the jar deep container.
  8. When fermenting, you need to periodically pierce the vegetables with a knife to ensure the release of gases.

Spicy cabbage

The snack turns out to be very tasty if you ferment vegetables with honey and spices. Then the recipe for sauerkraut takes the following form:

  1. You should start cooking with the marinade so that it has time to cool a little. Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Add salt and honey (1.5 tbsp each), cumin, anise, dill seeds (1/2 tsp each) to hot water.
  2. Cabbage (2 kg) cut into strips.
  3. Medium-sized carrots (1 pc.) need to be grated on a coarse grater.
  4. The vegetables are mixed, and you need to crush them a little by hand.
  5. Then the resulting mass is placed in a jar and filled with warm brine.
  6. A day after the cabbage has been fermented, it can be served. Winter preparations put in a cool place.

Recipe with beets

When beets are added, the appetizer acquires a bright burgundy color and an unusual taste. The fermentation process for a 3 liter jar includes the following steps:

  1. Cabbage with a total weight of 2 kg must be cut into strips.
  2. Beets (150 g) are cut as desired: into cubes or strips.
  3. Carrots (1 pc.) need to be peeled and chopped.
  4. The vegetables are mixed and placed in a jar.
  5. To make the cabbage ferment faster, prepare the brine. Add chopped garlic (2 cloves), vinegar (1 glass), vegetable oil (0.2 l), sugar (100 g) and salt (2 tbsp) to a saucepan with water.
  6. Pour warm brine into a container with cabbage and place a weight on top.
  7. Ferment vegetables for 3 days.
  8. The resulting snack is enough to fill a three-liter jar.

Recipe with peppers and tomatoes

Sauerkraut can be cooked together with other vegetables. The most delicious is the combination of cabbage, bell peppers and tomatoes. This snack is obtained by following the following recipe:

  1. 1.5 kg of cabbage needs to be finely chopped.
  2. I cut carrots and tomatoes (2 pieces each) into slices.
  3. Clearing the seeds Bell pepper(2 pcs.) and cut it into strips.
  4. I press the garlic (3 cloves) through a press or a special garlic press. Then I prepare one bunch of greens at a time - parsley, cilantro and dill, which I chop finely.
  5. Add salt (30 g) to boiling water (1/2 l) and stir until it is completely dissolved.
  6. Prepared vegetables (cabbage, tomatoes and peppers) are placed in layers in a container. Between them I make a layer of carrots and garlic.
  7. When the brine has cooled, pour it into a container with vegetables. I put pressure on top.
  8. I ferment vegetables for three days, after which I store them in a 3-liter jar.

Recipe with apples

Diversify traditional recipe Adding apples will help. This recipe does not require any brine preparation. To ferment the dish, all you need is the ingredients’ own juice without preparing brine.

  1. Cabbage (2 kg) cut into strips.
  2. Carrots and apples (2 pieces each) are crushed in a blender or using a grater.
  3. In a large container, mix vegetables with the addition of salt (5 tsp).
  4. The resulting mass is compacted so that the 3-liter jar is completely filled.
  5. The jar is placed in a deep container and a small weight is placed on top. A glass of water will perform its functions.
  6. For the next three days, the vegetable mass is left to ferment at room temperature.
  7. When the cabbage is fermented, you can put the jar in the refrigerator for permanent storage.


First courses are prepared from sauerkraut and added to salads and side dishes. Preparations can be made throughout the year. It’s most convenient to fill one three-liter jar, and when the snack comes to an end, you can try new recipes.

Sauerkraut occurs in a warm place. First you need to chop the vegetables, add salt, sugar and spices. Unusual taste Add honey, beets, and apples to the preparations. To taste, you can add cumin, bay leaf, allspice, dill seeds or herbs.

Sauerkraut (need recipe)


I'll salt it today)

Ok, thanks, I’ll make it according to the proven recipe) but won’t the sugar make it sweeter?

Thanks a lot! Is there no need to drain the water at the end?

Thanks again.

see also

There are many recipes for making sauerkraut - an indispensable product in winter. Choose the recipe to your liking. Recipe for sauerkraut in a jar, chop 3-4 kg of cabbage, mix with 300-400 g of carrots, cut into strips, and tightly.

Autumn is the season for harvesting vegetables. Now we have a lot of cabbage from the garden and I remembered such a yummy thing as sauerkraut. This product is hard for me to please. No matter how many times I bought it - c.

The other day I made sauerkraut myself for the first time - it seemed okay, but it turned out a little soft. I decided to find out what I did wrong. And then I came across this advice and recipe. IN next time I will do so and...

Try someday telling a foreigner about our national dish– sauerkraut. At the very least, you will see amazed eyes. The Chinese will tell you that it was in his country that this product was invented. And that he has been known there since.

photo recipe under the cut)) Sauerkraut. Cut the cabbage finely (I have a special grater for this case. Previously, into small strips with a knife), carrots onto a coarse grater. A large head of cabbage requires about 2-3 medium carrots. Mix on the table.

Girls, yesterday my husband ordered dumplings with sauerkraut, but I don’t know how to cook them. Tell me verified delicious recipe. Thank you in advance!

The cold weather has arrived, pickles are in use) Tell me the recipe for delicious sauerkraut! Thanks in advance.

For the first time in my life, I decided to prepare cabbage for the winter myself. Tell me a recipe for sauerkraut so that it is crispy and slightly sour, but not salty. Thank you in advance!

Ingredients: Cabbage 2 kg Carrots 1-2 pcs Salt 2 tbsp Sugar 2 tbsp Boiling water 1600 ml Preparation Finely chop the cabbage, grate the carrots or cut them into pieces (then the cabbage will remain white). Boil water and make a solution per 1 kg of cabbage.

Sauerkraut (recipe needed) - how much salt is needed - post by user Leila (Larasssss) in the Culinary Community community in the Snacks category

Post by user Leila (Larasssss) in the Culinary Community community in the Snacks category from 2010-10-22 19:51:00 on

Sauerkraut for the winter - classic recipes for pickling delicious homemade sauerkraut

Without sauerkraut, the table is empty!

About the benefits of sauerkraut, especially homemade, one can argue for a very long time. Many people know that it is a rich source of not only vitamin C, which is very important in the cold winter, but also a very extensive list of beneficial substances that help heal our body. In addition, sauerkraut is considered dietary product low in calories (especially if the recipe does not use sugar) and high content fiber. So this dish is like squash caviar or bell pepper lecho, prepared for the winter, can be placed on the table at any time of the year.

They ferment cabbage with berries and apples, beets and bell pepper, hot pepper and garlic, pumpkin and rowan....

In today's article we have collected different, but most simple ways, including classical and instant cooking at home, which can be prepared for the winter in a 3-liter jar, pan or barrel.

How to choose cabbage for pickling?

How much salt is needed for 1 kg of cabbage?

For any pickling, it is best to use coarse rock salt, including sauerkraut. Iodized salt cabbage is contraindicated, it makes it soft. If you take average, then add 1 tbsp to the sauerkraut. salt per 1 kg of cabbage - provided that the brine is made. That is, if you have 20 kg of cabbage, then, accordingly, you need to take 20 tablespoons of salt.

If you ferment “dry”, then you need to add more salt. Well, in general, the amount of salt is a matter of taste. some housewives put only 1 teaspoon per kilogram - and it turns out very tasty.....

Classic old Russian recipe - very tasty

This recipe has been a consistent favorite in many homes for years. The cabbage turns out crispy and juicy, and retains its properties even after freezing and thawing.

The whole secret lies in the correct proportion:


white cabbage – 6 kg.

(or in another way: for 1 kg of cabbage and carrot mixture – 20 grams of salt)

The recipe is very simple:

First of all, let's chop the cabbage:

Grate the carrots on a coarse grater:

Place shredded cabbage in a saucepan and sprinkle with carrots:

repeat the same thing, then sprinkle with coarse table salt:

And mash with a wooden masher until the juice appears:

Then again add cabbage, carrots and salt in layers, do all the same steps until the container is full:

You can do it a little differently - mix all the ingredients at once in a large bowl and mash with your hands, and when the juice is released, transfer it to the container where the cabbage will be fermented.

Cover the cabbage with a suitable sized plate:

And we put a load, for example a 3 liter jar of water:

Leave to ferment for 3 days at room temperature

As soon as the cabbage begins to foam, remove the pressure and the plate:

and pierce it vertically with a wooden stick (skewer) in several places:

We do this periodically, 2 - 3 times a day.

Necessarily! This must be done to release the accumulated carbon dioxide. Otherwise, your cabbage will become bitter and soft!

Transfer the finished cabbage into jars:

And put it in a cool place. This could be a refrigerator or, in a city apartment, a balcony or loggia, or a cellar for those who have their own home.

There is no need to wait for the cabbage to completely turn sour - it will ferment during storage.

Serve to the table sprinkled with chopped onions, watering with vegetable oil and,

You can also sprinkle with herbs, or even add your choice - cranberries, lingonberries, or apples - the Antonovka variety.

With hot potatoes... mmm... Unification!

Instant sauerkraut in a 3-liter jar - per day

Everyone who tastes such extraordinarily delicious, crispy and juicy cabbage is delighted! And then, when they start asking for the recipe and find out that it only takes a day to prepare, they don’t believe it at first, they are surprised, then after they’ve made it and let their friends and family try it, they enjoy the same reaction!

They gave me the recipe for a 3 liter jar, but this time, just to demonstrate, I only made a 1 liter jar! That is, for 1 liter I took 1/3 of the full recipe

This is what it looked like:

I cut the cabbage into 1 liter-600 g.

I grated the carrots, you can do it any other way, as you like. For 1 liter - 250 g.

I crushed the cabbage thoroughly and then mixed it with carrots.

You can add black peas or cumin for taste if you like.

I compacted the cabbage into a jar:

Let me remind you that the dosage here is for a 3 liter jar - as in the recipe that was given to me.

1 liter of hot boiled water

1 table spoon of sugar

2 table spoon of salt

1 table spoon 70% vinegar essence

(if you don’t have one, you can replace it with 9% essence - 1 tablespoon of 70% essence is the same as 8 tablespoons of 9% vinegar.)

I have this measuring cup where I poured salt and sugar.

Cool the brine to room temperature.

I poured the brine in a thin stream into a jar with carefully compacted cabbage.

Use a spoon to release excess air so that the prepared brine is evenly poured over the entire cabbage.

Cover with a plastic lid and put in the refrigerator for a day! We also store it in the refrigerator in the future! If you don't eat it in one sitting :)

I can’t resist for so long... After a few hours I start to slowly eat it!

Season the finished cabbage with onions and vegetable oil!

You need to store this cabbage in the refrigerator, it will stay there as long as you like, and even over time it becomes even better - more crispy.

Usually, however, it doesn’t stay with anyone for long, as practice shows!

I present to your attention one more interesting way- how to ferment cabbage so that it is crispy:

Recipe for pickling cabbage in brine for the winter


water - 4 liters (from tap or well)

salt - 1 heaped faceted glass


Remove the top leaves from the cabbage, peel the carrots and make a brine - pour the salt into cold water and mix well so that all the salt is dispersed.

Chop the cabbage, three carrots (there shouldn’t be a lot of it for this recipe),

and mix. This is the approximate ratio of ingredients:

Now we take handfuls of cabbage with our hands and put it in the brine with completely dissolved salt. You don’t need it all at once - just 2-3 pieces.

And we count to three - one, two, three....

That is, keep it in the brine for ONLY 3 seconds, stirring with a slotted spoon! And immediately remove from the brine, shaking a little and letting the excess liquid drain.

and transfer it to the container in which our cabbage will ferment.

Then repeat the same with the next batch of prepared cabbage and carrots.

Don’t be afraid that the autumn brine is salty - the cabbage will absorb as much salt as needed. Just try not to let it sit in the brine for too long. 3-5 seconds are enough for her.

Now you need to cover it with a plate or lid, on which to place a load - like, for example, here in the photo - a container of water:

We leave for 4 - 5 days at room temperature, during which time our cabbage should ferment and it should release lactic acid bacteria, which will preserve our delicious sauerkraut for a long time.

A prerequisite is to open and pierce with a stick 2-3 times a day to release accumulated gases so that it does not go out.

When the cabbage is ready, the container needs to be moved to a cold place, or rolled into jars, while filling it with brine so completely, as much as a slide, that there is no air left in the jar between the cabbage and the lid. And to the cellar.

You should not wash sauerkraut, no matter how salty it is, as it loses the vitamins and valuable minerals it contains.

And for the road, another classic recipe for tasty, crispy and juicy sauerkraut for the winter:

Of course, the best way to prepare sauerkraut at home is to ferment it in wooden tub or a barrel, which must first be thoroughly washed and scalded, it is advisable to put a layer of cabbage leaves on the bottom.

Eh! A good appetizer is sauerkraut.

And an anecdote on the topic:

Sauerkraut for the winter - classic recipes delicious homemade pickles sauerkraut

Sauerkraut for the winter - classic recipes for pickling delicious homemade sauerkraut Without sauerkraut, the table is empty! About the benefits of sauerkraut, especially homemade

Good time to all guests of my blog! All summer we were engaged in canning berries, fruits and vegetables. Autumn has come and we have one preparation left, without which our pantry of vitamins will be incomplete. Here in Siberia, sauerkraut was always prepared for the winter in huge quantities. My grandmother fermented it in wooden barrel so that it is juicy and crispy.

There is no need to talk too much about how useful product. At the same time, the calorie content of sauerkraut does not exceed 20 kcal per 100 grams. It greatly diversifies our menu, because we also make salads with it, for example, an amazing vinaigrette. And how divinely delicious it is to simply mix cabbage with onions and sunflower or olive oil. With it we cook cabbage soup and borscht, bake pies and many other delicacies.

Some of you have already cooked with me. And today we’ll look at how real sauerkraut is made, which contains neither vinegar nor sugar. It contains only everything natural and beneficial for us.

I think you can choose from these options the one that suits your taste and cooking principle. Or make several cans different. And then find out which one is more suitable for cabbage soup and which one is more suitable for salads.

Delicious sauerkraut for the winter according to the classic recipe

In fact, all variants of fermentation for this vegetable are, of course, based on the classic one. But the cooking principles and ingredients differ slightly. Do this one and it will be easy for you to cope with the rest.

It is best to use enamel dishes. Although, some use plastic buckets and basins and claim that the result is no worse. I personally have nothing against plastic.

Only aluminum cookware do not use for sourdough.

What do we take for a twelve-liter pan:

  • Cabbage - 9 kg.
  • Carrots - 6 large
  • Bay leaves - 20 pcs.
  • Black peppercorns - 30 pieces
  • Dill or caraway seed - to taste
  • Salt for pickling - 3 grains


1. I divide the heads of cabbage into halves and remove the stalk, and finely chop the leaves. I cut the carrots into strips on a Korean grater.

In general, if there are devices for shredding and slicing, then this is very good. They will simplify the cooking process.

I mix all this stuff with spices and salt and begin to knead it very carefully. So that you feel that the cabbage is starting to give juice.

2. I stuff this mixture very tightly into enamel pan. I use a large wooden masher to pack it in tightly. A lot of juice immediately begins to stand out and this is a good sign.

It is believed that the cabbage will be even more tasty and crunchy if you press it on top with a washed large stone.

3. When everything is laid out, we put it under the press. Place a large diameter plate on top of the cabbage, and a cobblestone on it, or simply place a container of water. Leave it like this for two to three days. Every day we pierce the mixture several times with a long wooden stick. This is necessary so that the bitterness and gas formed during fermentation are released.

4. Readiness can be checked by taste on the third day. When the stinking gas has stopped emitting, I carefully place the finished product in jars. I'm closing simple lids and put it away in the cellar.

Cabbage is fermented in different ways. Sometimes it’s ready in a couple of days, and sometimes she needs all four. Fermentation depends on many factors. Depending on the temperature in the room, the amount of salt used, etc.

Crispy and juicy instant cabbage in jars

This recipe comes in handy because we put the cabbage straight into jars and it ferments right in them. It doesn’t take time to re-arrange, which is certainly very convenient.

During fermentation, the jars must be placed in some suitable bowls. Because the strongly released juice will flow out of the containers.

We will need:

  • Cabbage fork - three kilos
  • Carrot - one big
  • Lavrushka - six pieces
  • Black pepper - 10 peas
  • Pickling salt - to taste


1. I remove the stalks from the heads of cabbage and chop the leaves randomly. Next I pass the carrots through a grater. If you have a shredding device, it will be much easier to cope with this task. I add all the spices and salt to this mixture to taste.

2. Now I mix and knead it all together.

You need to mash well so that the salt saturates all the chopped vegetables.

3. I compact it into three-liter jars, so tightly that the juice begins to be squeezed out closer to the neck. It will start pouring out of the top, but this is not terrible, but very good. I boldly continue to crush it under the neck. To avoid flooding the table or floor, place a deep plate or basin.

4. I cover the jar with gauze or a cabbage leaf and leave it in the room for two to three days. Periodically I will pierce this mass with a sharpened stick or a long knife. This is necessary so that bitterness and gas come out. And the more often you do this, the better. If you don’t have time, then at least in the morning and evening.

4. While the fermentation process is going on, I pour out the resulting liquid that flows into the basin. And on the third day I try my work. If the taste suits you, it means it has already fermented.

Be sure to crush the top layer and drain the excess liquid. The juice will continue to be released even under the lid.

We close the finished products and put them in bins. If you are not satisfied with the taste and feel that it is still damp, then leave it to ferment for another day.

Very tasty sauerkraut with beets, like my grandmother’s

For lovers of non-standard tastes, there is a method of pickling with beets. Plus, it’s also for spicy lovers! I really like this cooking option, one of my favorites. However, if your family does not like hot peppers, then you can exclude it. Ready dish It will still be very tasty, just not spicy.

This is a fairly inexpensive method. Because the heads of cabbage don’t even need to be chopped. Just cut into layers along with the stalk.

We need:

  • Cabbage - 6 kg.
  • Beets - 3 pcs.
  • Garlic cloves - 40 pieces
  • Pickling salt - 6 heaped tablespoons
  • Water - 6 liters
  • Chili pepper, fresh or dried - to taste


1. I cut the forks into six pieces. Just like in the photo below. So that the stalk that holds the leaves remains at each part. Simply peel the garlic; no need to cut it.

2. I grind the beets on a combine - the attachment is flat cells, I need to get thin plates. If you don’t have such a nozzle or grater, you can cut it into thin slices of 2-3 millimeters. However, no one will stop you from chopping the vegetable into cubes.

3. Now I place cabbage slices, beet slices, garlic cloves, whole peppers, and so on in layers in a high pan. We put as much pepper as we like in terms of spiciness, maybe one per layer, or maybe three, for example.

4. I dilute water and salt in a separate container until the latter is completely dissolved and pour it into the pan.

In order for the vegetables to be immersed in brine, you need to use a light press. You can just use a flat plate.

I cover the top with gauze so that nothing gets in. This entire structure will remain at room temperature for five days. Every day we remove the press and pierce the contents with a long knife to release the gases. And then we’ll put it in a cool place for another ten days. In our case, on the balcony, it’s already quite cold there.

5. After two weeks, our yummy is ready. And here there are two options for how to dispose of it further. If you eat it quickly, you can leave it in this brine. And if we store it for a long time, then it is better to drain this brine. Then fill it with new, lightly salted water and put it in a cool place. Look how beautiful it turns out! It’s also tasty and very healthy.

Homemade recipe for the winter in 3 liter jars

Olga suggested a wonderful recipe to us from the video of the “Cozy Corner” channel. She places the chopped cabbage sticks into jars without compacting them and fills them with water.

Sauerkraut for the winter will be appetizing and crispy if you cook it during the waxing moon.

Olga assures me that this is the only way she always does it. Check it out step by step recipe homemade sauerkraut for the winter.

Have you noticed how cool her shredder is? I have no doubt that with such a tool it is quite easy to chop up any head of cabbage. Cooking does not take much time. But what a pleasure it is to eat this treat!

A very simple way to ferment cabbage with brine in a bucket

Sauerkraut for the winter can easily be prepared in a regular bucket. It is very convenient and does not require much time. And it will turn out just as tasty as with the other options. In this recipe we will also add cumin. I really like the smell of cumin. In general, you can put it in almost any preparation. It all depends on your preferences.

This is my favorite way to sourdough. Because I usually use 10-15 forks to prepare. There is simply no time to process everything at once. And crumbling and fermenting one bucket doesn’t seem to take long. On the third day I distribute the finished product into jars. And I’m preparing the next bucket.

For a ten-liter bucket we need:

  • Seven kilograms of cabbage
  • Carrots one kilogram
  • Table rock salt one glass
  • Cumin to taste


1. I divide the forks into several parts. I remove the stalk and chop the leaves randomly.

Cut as conveniently as possible - either by hand, with a knife, or with a shredder.

I grate the carrots on a coarse grater. All this can be done using a food processor. If you have the necessary attachments, you will save a lot of time.

2. In an enamel bucket, crush a layer of cabbage crumbs. About ten centimeters. And I throw a little carrot on top so that this layer is visible. I stir, add a teaspoon of salt and a pinch of cumin. Now you need to crush the contents of the bucket with a wooden masher. It doesn't matter until I see the juice starting to appear.

3. Tamped down to three centimeters. I add the next layer here and do the same as with the first. And so on until there is approximately 3-5 cm left to the edge of the bucket.

3. Now you need to put pressure on top. I cover the mixture with a flat plate and place a container filled with water. It sits and ferments for three days.

Do not forget to remove the plate every day and pierce it with a stick to release gases.

When it ferments and stops bubbling, you can put it in jars. Cover with simple lids and store in the cellar. Eat for your health!

Delicious and healthy recipe without salt and sugar

This cooking option is dedicated to those who avoid salt. By the way, put less salt- this is really very useful when preparing any dish. You can ferment cabbage using this recipe quite quickly and without unnecessary hassle.

Proportions, as you understand, are not important here. That's why I'm writing the average amount of ingredients. Add more of what you love. I put this preparation into small jars.

We will need:

  • Cabbage fork - large
  • Carrots - one medium
  • Pepper mixture - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Oregano - not for everyone

How to cook:

1. I pluck a few top leaves from the head of cabbage; they will serve as the bottom of the jar and a kind of lid during fermentation. We cut the rest into large squares, and the carrots into circles.

2. Put everything in a deep bowl, add spices and mix. Add pepper too at your discretion. If you don't like it too spicy, use it with caution.

3. Place a piece of cabbage leaf at the bottom of each jar. Then we place the mixture from the bowl in this way: put a layer and compact it with a masher. Then the next one and again they pushed, and so on up to the neck, but not to the top. Therefore, it is very convenient to use 500-700-1000 gram jars.

4. Now I put two pieces of cabbage leaves on top and fill them with water. If you have tap water with added chlorine, then use a filter or store-bought drinking water. You need to pour it so that the leaf is covered. We put a little pressure. It could just be glasses of water.

In this form, it is all stored at room temperature for a couple of days. Periodically you need to squeeze the cabbage, pressing it like a “press jar” so that carbon dioxide comes out. After a couple of days we put it in the refrigerator. And after a week you can already taste the healthy product.

Video about how to ferment cabbage in a barrel for the winter

Once upon a time, sauerkraut for the winter was prepared only in tubs. As a child, we ate it mixed with pickled lingonberries or cranberries.

Tatyana uses black bread as a starter. Very unusual original solution. In order for the fermentation of such large quantity product.

Is it true that this is beautiful and unusual? And, of course, tasty and healthy! I definitely recommend trying to ferment cabbage in oak barrels.

The benefits and harms of sauerkraut for the body

It's no secret that fermented products benefit the body. When cabbage is fermented, lactic acid bacteria appear, and they preserve the cabbage. These bacteria improve activity gastrointestinal tract and cleanse it.

The main property of these wonderful microorganisms is stabilization of the acidity level or PH of the body. After all, if the PH exceeds permissible level, then immunity drops, and the cells soon wear out. Cabbage starter contains alkali that can cope with this problem.

Sauerkraut also has a beneficial effect on bones, blood circulation, heart, blood vessels and skin. Simply necessary during the cold season. And for those who want to lose weight or get rid of " orange peel" This miracle product has an anti-inflammatory effect. Contains huge amounts of vitamin C and reduces total cholesterol. All this is very useful for both men's health, and for women's health.

But in everything you need to know when to stop! Overeating, in any case, can lead to unpleasant consequences. And, of course, there are restrictions on the intake of sauerkraut. People with thyroid problems, acute gastric ulcers and hypertensive patients should consult a doctor.

This is such an amazingly useful and delicious product You can cook it yourself at home. Please your loved ones and yourself varied menu. Prepare sauerkraut for the winter using our simple recipes and be healthy!

We offer a recipe for sauerkraut for a 3-liter jar - the same volume that is enough for a family to enjoy fresh vitamin dish and don't get tired of it. With cranberries and beets, Korean style and Georgian style: the dish is easy to prepare every week and enjoy the variety. Let's discover the secrets of making delicious, spicy, crispy sauerkraut.

Classic sauerkraut in a 3-liter jar

Sauerkraut - native Russian dish. You won’t find it abroad, no matter how much you look in supermarkets. But in Russia it has been eaten for many centuries, and it was cabbage that remained the main source of vitamins in winter: when boiling and stewing, the “cabbage” nutrients are destroyed, but when fermented, on the contrary, they rapidly multiply. Yes, and it is stored perfectly.

For information: vitamin P (namely, it is considered the main protector immune system person) in sauerkraut becomes 20 times more than in raw cabbage. Let's move from words to action. Let's learn how to ferment cabbage so that it does not taste bitter and remains crisp for a long time.

Loose, porous heads of cabbage are not suitable for fermentation; the head of cabbage should be dense; It is preferable to choose late varieties: they have more sugar, which speeds up the fermentation process; cabbage should have dense, glossy leaves without thick veins.

For the starter (based on 2 liters) prepare:

  • forks of “Slava” cabbage weighing 2-3 kg;
  • medium carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • salt – 3 tbsp. l;
  • a teaspoon of dill seeds (cumin);
  • black pepper;
  • bay leaf (optional).

First, let's chop the cabbage. Our task is to make it as thin as possible: thick pieces will take much longer to salt and the taste will be worse. You can make your work easier if you divide the head of cabbage into four parts with a sharp knife and cut each quarter separately. Grate the carrots. Add salt to cabbage. The calculation here is simple: for 1 kg of cabbage it is important to put one tbsp. l salt without a slide.

You need to buy plain salt for sourdough; It is important that it is large: extra will not work.

Now it is important to mash the cabbage with salt so that it releases some juice. Add carrots to cabbage. It is dangerous to put too many carrots. Not only will it add unnecessary sweetness, but it will also give the cabbage a bad “soapy” texture. Sprinkle the vegetables with cumin seeds, add pepper and bay leaves if you like them.

Wash the glass jar thoroughly, clean it with soda, and scald it with boiling water. Stuffing glass jar cabbage, and tamp it down with force. The jar should be filled up to the shoulders, but there should be room for cabbage juice. Now we cover the jar with a lid (preferably a nylon one with holes) and leave it in the room for three days. Light bubbles that will appear on the surface and light foam will tell us that the process has started.

If the variety turns out to be low in juiciness, you can always add a little boiled salted water to the jar; It is important that the cabbage is completely immersed in the brine.

Every day we pierce it with a long stick (you can use one from sushi): this will allow bubbles of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide to come out. If you forget to pierce it, the cabbage will turn out bitter. Two or three days and it needs to be put in the refrigerator or on the balcony. The snack is ready!

Such simple recipe considered classic. From time immemorial, mothers and grandmothers have cooked using it. It never fails, cabbage always turns out delicious. It is best served with onions, fragrant sunflower oil and boiled potatoes. It's so tasty dish that no addition is required. And yes, don’t forget to cook sour cabbage soup with cabbage. A fabulous dish for winter!

Recipe for cooking in brine for the winter

Cabbage in a 3-liter jar can be cooked in brine: the recipe helps when there is no time to wait, but you really want cabbage. In this case, there is no need to press by hand, because the marinade will add moisture to the dish.

The ideal temperature for the fermentation process is 20-21 degrees; If the room temperature is lower, it will take longer to ferment, and if the room is too hot, the cabbage may become slimy.

We proceed in stages:

  1. Cut the white cabbage and grate the carrots.
  2. For one and a half liters of water, add a couple of tablespoons of salt, a little sugar or honey.
  3. We compact the vegetables and fill them with marinade.
  4. If desired, place bay leaves, allspice or black peas between the layers of cabbage.
  5. Cover the jar with a lid.
  6. You need to leave the jar in a warm place for 2 days and it is important to pierce it with a wooden stick a couple of times a day, releasing carbon dioxide.

The last stage is to move everything onto the balcony and eat, pouring fragrant sunflower oil on it.

Crispy cabbage in a 3-liter jar

Making crispy cabbage with a slight horseradish flavor for the winter is simply elementary!

We chop the vegetable in the same way as in the classic recipe, but with the difference that we will grind the cabbage and carrots with our hands at the same time until the juice is abundant. Now fill a clean three-liter jar, compacting the vegetables tightly with your fist. The jar should be filled to the shoulders. Place vegetables on top cabbage leaf such a size that covers the entire surface.

Sprinkle everything generously with coarse rock salt. Fill in boiled water so that the water covers the surface of the vegetables a little more than a finger thick. We put the jar on a plate: if the juice starts to run away during fermentation, the table will not get dirty. Leave on the table for two days. After 48 hours, foam will begin to appear and it is important to remove it.

We will also pierce the cabbage with a stick several times to the very bottom of the jar, freeing it from excess carbon dioxide. Ready cabbage It has a pleasant sourness, and how crunchy it is! We enjoy the dish as a salad or a side dish for meat - it’s just perfect for any meat dish with pork, remaining a gastronomic classic.

Spicy option

Spicy cabbage is a favorite snack among males. And few people know: it is extremely popular in the East. Egyptian supermarkets sell specific cabbage, pickled in pieces or whole (it all depends on the size) in company with other vegetables: beets, green beans, carrots, chili peppers.

We will prepare an option for a quick fix. To do this, add one red hot pepper, cut into slices, to the mixture of shredded cabbage and carrots. It’s better to clean the seeds, otherwise the spiciness will literally go off scale and the cabbage will turn into an eye-catcher.

Pour a liter of boiled water into a jar, add a generous pinch rock salt and leave in a warm place until the fermentation process begins. After this, we wait a couple more days and put the container in the cold.

Georgian style with beets

Georgian cuisine is famous not only for khachapuri and kharcho. Georgians have a national snack that is known throughout the world, but it is easy to replicate. This is cabbage pickled with beets, spices and herbs.

Let's prepare a small fork of cabbage, three beets, two carrots, hot chili, garlic (you can have a lot!), a bunch of cilantro or celery (or you can have both), salt, sugar, vinegar and drinking water. Useful spices include bay leaf, black and allspice peas, salt and sugar to taste.

Prepare the snack like this:

  1. We cut the cabbage into pieces in random order, never separating them into leaves. To do this, we divide the forks into quarters, and each of them into three more parts.
  2. Chop the beets into slices (or three on a coarse grater), cut the carrots into thin rounds, and turn the garlic cloves into slices.
  3. Place cabbage rolls, beets, carrots and garlic in a bowl; you can add everything in any order.
  4. Cut the hot pepper into slices and add to the vegetables.
  5. We chop the greens coarsely or put the whole bunch - it will still give off its aroma to the cabbage.
  6. Fill everything with a hot marinade of water, spices, sugar, salt and vinegar and leave under pressure for exactly one day.

Every other day, transfer the snack to a jar and put it in the refrigerator. The result is a tasty, spicy dish, suitable for any feast, especially if served with hot potatoes.

Pickled cabbage with vinegar

Pickled cabbage with vinegar comes out spicy and pungent, somewhat reminiscent Korean version(read recipe below). At the same time, you can really simplify the process significantly if you add a little vinegar essence diluted in water to the jar.

To prepare cabbage pickled with vinegar, fill a jar tightly, and then pour in one and a half liters of water with a teaspoon acetic acid. Let it marinate for a day and take a sample. It is better to add a little sugar to this cabbage, then the taste will be harmonious and piquant.

Korean style in a 3 liter jar

Korean salads are a real hit on every table. They are the first to be eaten, and are especially delicious when you make them yourself. Korean cabbage is easy to prepare from any type - white, cauliflower, Beijing and even red: the taste will be delicious every time. You can cut the cabbage however you like, be it slices or strips, there is only one secret - a special marinade.

Also for cooking we need a red pod hot pepper, garlic, and, ideally, special set spices (it is sold in supermarkets and shops with goods from Asia).

We proceed step by step:

  1. Cut the cabbage into small pieces.
  2. On a long grater, grate a couple of carrots.
  3. Cut the hot pepper into rings.
  4. Heat vegetable oil (100 ml) in a frying pan.
  5. As soon as smoke appears, remove the oil from the heat and add spices to it.
  6. Place cabbage and grated carrots in layers in a bowl.
  7. Add garlic cloves and red pepper rings.
  8. Pour in hot vegetable oil.
  9. Add a tablespoon of vinegar 9% (more if you like sourness).
  10. Cover everything with a small plate and place a weight on top.
  11. Keep warm for 10 hours.
  12. Transfer to any glass container and refrigerate.

The Korean snack, thanks to vinegar, does not spoil for a long time. If you prepare it at the end of January, the dish will be suitable for a treat on March 8th.

How to ferment cabbage for the winter in its own juice?

Ferment the cabbage in own juice It’s easy if you don’t add boiled water to the mixture of carrots and cabbage, but leave it to brew and wait for the component to release a lot of juice. The recipe is very simple and completely repeats classic version, although in in this case You'll have to knead it harder with your hands. Mnead and repeat the sequence from the first recipe.

Cabbage juice from cabbage pickled in its own juice is an excellent skin whitening product; It also heals the gastric mucosa and can be safely drunk on an empty stomach.

Be careful: it is important to carefully monitor cabbage in its own juice, not allowing it to ferment. As soon as the fermentation process has begun, you need to wait a day and put it away in the cold, otherwise it will peroxidize.

Hot method

Hot-pickled cabbage is a unique variation winter salad. Its great advantage is the speed of preparation. Made it in the evening, and the next day serve it for dinner, for example, as an addition to pea or chicken soup. The appetizer perfectly complements the fresh taste thick soups. She can also be a great ally. stewed potatoes: for such a feast, sometimes you don’t need meat.

There are no difficulties. We prepare everything as in the classic recipe. Just put a few cloves of garlic between the layers of cabbage. All that remains is to pour in hot brine.

For the right marinade keep the proportions:

  • salt and sugar - 2 tsp each. without slide;
  • vinegar 9% – 3 tbsp. l. (a little more if you like a spicy taste);
  • 50 ml vegetable oil;
  • liter of water;
  • you can add any spices to your taste.

Boil water on the stove, season with salt, sugar, add vinegar and vegetable oil. Pour in hot pickle in a jar with cabbage. Cover loosely nylon cover. We leave it on the kitchen table. After a few hours, we take a sample - you should like the spicy and pungent cabbage.

Kvasim with cranberries

Crispy cabbage with cranberries used to be served all the time. This is real vitamin bomb: both cranberries and cabbage are simply record holders for vitamin C content. We will need no more than 150 g of cranberries per 3-liter jar. By the way, it is quite possible to take frozen berries rather than fresh ones - the cabbage will not be damaged by this.

Important ingredient of the recipe - natural honey; it needs to be put in 3 tbsp. l; You will hardly notice any sweetness, but the taste of sauerkraut will become much richer.

  1. Finely chop the cabbage and three carrots.
  2. Mash cabbage and carrots into cutting board(preferably wooden).
  3. Place the cabbage and cranberries in the jar in the following sequence: a layer of cabbage and carrots, a layer of berries, a layer of cabbage, a layer of berries, and so on until the end of the jar.
  4. The last layer is necessarily cabbage.
  5. In this case, you cannot crush the cabbage with force: the berries must remain intact.

It is not necessary to add bay leaves and peppercorns: the cabbage will already turn out amazingly tasty. It is eaten separately, as the snack is self-sufficient and does not need any additions. Cabbage - perfect side dish for baked goose, duck and chicken.

Sauerkraut - budget dish and you can cook it all year round. Some housewives are actively experimenting. There are fans of cabbage sauerkraut with sour apples(Antonovka variety is ideal), there are those who ferment cabbage with black and red currants. We are sure that every housewife has signature recipe, which she inherited from her grandmother. You too can experiment and pamper your loved ones with a tasty and healthy winter dish.


Winter is coming soon, and we need to have time to prepare as much as possible various blanks. Nowadays people can can a lot of things. Starting with tomatoes and cucumbers, and ending with watermelons and lemon. And we will talk about very healthy vegetable this is cabbage. How to prepare sauerkraut in jars for the winter? Probably the most important question addressed in the article. Essentially there are various ways. It can be used either without sterilization or in brine.

In the article:

Recipe for sauerkraut for the winter: very tasty, simple and without sterilization

Let's start with very simple recipe. Now I’ll tell you how to add salt white cabbage quickly and easily. Let's salt it in the classic way. And it turns out tasty and crispy.

The ingredients are for a 3-liter jar:

  • Cabbage - approximately 2-2.3 kilograms
  • Medium carrots - 2 pieces
  • Salt - 2 full tablespoons
  • Sugar - 2 level tablespoons
  • Regular raw water— 1.5 liters

In this recipe we use homemade cabbage. I can't vouch for the store one. Because the quality of pickling depends on the variety, the origin of the vegetable, etc.

Let's start cooking:

1. Start shredding the cabbage. Convenient to do with a special chopping knife. If you don't have one, you can use a regular one.

2. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Add to cabbage. And just mix so that the carrots are evenly distributed.

There is no need to stir vigorously so that the vegetables do not release juice.

3. Now wash the jar well. There is no need to sterilize it. Place the vegetable mixture in a jar. There is no need to compact it, just lightly press it with your hand.

Don't fill the neck completely.

The main thing is that the water is not chlorinated. Pass it through the filter. You can use a regular cassette filter.

5. To ensure that the water is evenly distributed throughout the jar, you can pierce the cabbage with a wooden stick. For example from sushi. Fill it right up to the edge of the neck so that the brine covers the cabbage. It should not come into contact with air.

6. Then close the lid reverse side. You can use gauze or a bandage. Place the jar in a basin or big dish. During the salting process, juice will form and flow out over the edge of the jar.

Make sure that the brine always tears the cabbage. If you see something sticking out on top or a little dry, just lower it with a spoon.

Set aside for 2-3 days at room temperature. We constantly monitor the brine level. If water has been absorbed, you can top it up. And be sure to use a stick to let the gas escape.

You can also use the drained brine. If the brine level in the jar has decreased, pour in the leaked juice. And the cabbage should be completely covered before closing.

Ready! This cabbage is suitable for preparing borscht, cabbage soup, and solyanka.

And before moving on to the second recipe, I bring to your attention lecho preparations for the winter from and. The article describes the entire cooking process step by step with photos. Agree, it will be nice to see not only canned cabbage on your table in winter.

Sauerkraut in a jar with iron lids

Preparing cabbage is actually a simple matter. There is nothing complicated. This is a proven recipe. We will use hot ambassador. Belarusian cabbage variety.

Calculation of ingredients for a 3-liter jar:

  • Cabbage - 2-3 kilograms
  • Carrot
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. spoons without a slide
  • Sugar - 3 heaped tablespoons
  • Dill seeds - optional
  • Vinegar 70% - 1 teaspoon
  • Aspirin – 2 tablets


1. First of all, grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

2. Shred the cabbage and mix with carrots. And now is the main point. You need to put cabbage in jars correctly. How it turns out depends on this.

Putting cabbage in a jar

Place in sterilized jars. And be sure to leave space from the edges of the jar.

The first part is half a jar, compact it very well. Thus, we add cabbage and carrots in layers and compact them thoroughly. Until we get half a jar. It turned out to be about a little more than half.

And we compact the rest of the part up to the shoulders lightly. So that there is emptiness between the pieces of cabbage. It was like it was porous. We can say that it is not compacted.

Cabbage needs to be salted good mood and good music. They say that she loves it.

4. And with a knife or large fork we begin to pierce it thoroughly. Due to this, air and bubbles come out.

This salting method is good not only because the cabbage turns out very tasty. But also because it doesn’t need to be constantly crushed.

5. After this, pour boiling water to the brim. And immediately roll up the sterilized lids. That’s basically the whole secret of making sauerkraut for the winter under iron lids.

Delicious cabbage with beets: a simple recipe

We will cook it in pieces. Therefore, cabbage will be wonderful and delicious snack in winter. It turns out crispy pickled cabbage with beets and carrots.


  • Cabbage - 1.5-2 kilograms
  • Medium-sized beets - 1 piece
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Bay leaf - 10-15 pieces
  • Peppercorns

For the marinade

  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons
  • Sugar, vinegar - 150 grams each
  • Sunflower oil - 1/2 tablespoon


1. We start with cabbage. We cut the cabbage into petals, after cutting out the head of cabbage.

2. Now let's prepare the garlic and beets. Beets can be cut into half rings or strips.

3. Prepare the marinade. Pour 1 liter of water into the pan. Add salt, sugar, vinegar and vegetable oil. Mix. Place on the fire and bring to a boil. As soon as our syrup boils, we will pour in our cabbage.

4. Meanwhile, take the dishes. In our example, a plastic bucket.

You can use any saucepan or 3-liter bottle.

Lay out in layers. First, cut the cabbage sideways. Top with beets, garlic, peppercorns and bay leaves.

5. Our marinade has boiled. Now pour in our cabbage.

If you pour cold marinade, the cabbage will need to sit for 2-3 days. And you can eat it hot the next day.

6. Cover with a plate and place a weight on top. It is important that the cabbage is completely covered with the marinade.

7. Once the cabbage has cooled, it will need to be put in a cold place.

This is such a delicious and beautiful pickled cabbage. Bon appetit!

In addition to cabbage, you can prepare it for the winter. Great addition for appetizers that will go perfectly on any table. Cook with pleasure!

Georgian pickled cabbage: very simple and tasty (video)

Crispy and juicy instant sauerkraut

Let's learn to cook quickly. But nevertheless it turns out very tasty. Advantage this recipe is that we will not use vinegar. Instant recipe in a 3 liter jar.



1. Pour 1.5 liters of cool boiled water into a saucepan and dissolve salt and sugar in it.

2. Shred the cabbage. Add carrots grated on a coarse grater to it. Mix well.

3. Place the vegetable mixture in a jar. Place pepper and bay leaf between layers.

4. Then pour in the brine. And cover the jar with gauze. Leave for 2-3 days at room temperature.

5. Sauerkraut is ready. Remember, we use sterilized jars. You can also roll it up in a cool place.

This is what the methods for making sauerkraut at home look like. We learned how to prepare in a jar and under iron lids. You have seen for yourself that this is easy to do. And the main thing is that it turns out very tasty. We also examined the method of preparing it in brine. I tried to tell you best recipes sauerkraut for the winter.

If you liked the recipes, then rate and like. Share information. And leave your comments. Good health to you!
