Milk and dairy products are fresh. All about milk and fermented milk products

Milk and various types of milk processing are the most popular food products necessary for a person throughout his life. The first food a person receives is mother's milk. It gives strong immunity, calms the nervous system, promotes cell growth and the construction of body tissues. In this article we will look at various types of such products that can be bought in stores, and we will get acquainted with the methods of their production.

The milk of various animals is used for food. It is canned, fermented, drunk in whole. We will introduce you to different types drinking milk obtained from various farm animals, and also reveal the secrets of the product obtained from plants.

General information

You can write a multi-volume treatise on such products, because milk is enjoyed with pleasure on all continents of the earth. In our country, cows' milk is most widely distributed, but females of other mammals produce no less tasty and healing milk. The types of milk drunk in other Eurasian countries, America and Africa differ significantly from our range. There is no surprise there with the milk of elephants, antelopes, donkeys, buffaloes or zebu. This is despite the fact that in the north of our country you can taste the milk of deer, and in the south - dromedary and Bactrian camels. Mares and goats are also easy to find throughout Russia, and in the Tyumen and Kostroma regions there are moose farms where moose cows are milked. Moose milk removes radionuclides from the body, so it is given to sanatoriums that specialize in blood diseases - leukemia and lymphogranulomatosis.

The milk of aquatic mammals - whales and dolphins - is also suitable for food, but this is a completely different topic, since no one has probably ever had to milk them. The fat content and nutritional value of whale and dolphin products is an order of magnitude higher than the main types of milk of land dwellers, and its production is calculated not in units or, as with buffaloes, in tens of liters per day, but in hundreds.

During multi-day fasts, Christians are prohibited from eating milk. Some vegetarians also avoid this product. Both can replace animal products with plant products. Milk made from soybeans, rice, oats and nuts is highly nutritious and has excellent taste. It is becoming more and more popular.

Next we will talk about these types of milk and dairy products based on them. This is relevant, since based on any similar product you can prepare a lot culinary dishes Moreover, statements by scientists about the dangers and poor digestibility of milk from ruminants forces many to refuse this product.

Cow's milk

Cows are bred all over the world. These obedient nurses are better adapted to life in captivity than other animals. Although cow milk is inferior to others in many respects, it is basically what is most often sold in our stores. Huge mass fresh milk used for the production of butter, cheese, cottage cheese, cream, yoghurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, varents, sweet condensed milk and even for baby food.

Cow's milk, like any other milk, is bacteriostatic in the first 2-3 hours after milking. This indicator is used to determine different types of milk. It is freshly milked that is most useful. Then oxidative processes begin and the molecular structure changes. For example, calcium changes from its ionic form to its molecular form. In molecular form, unlike ionic form, it is only with great difficulty absorbed by the human body and is mostly deposited in tissues as unnecessary and harmful ballast.

Fermented milk products from cow's milk

It is believed that cow's milk is most beneficial immediately after milking or after fermentation. Steam room can only be found on farms, and fermented milk products and other types of milk are presented quite widely in stores. This includes kefir, cottage cheese, yoghurts, and various cheeses. Made from melted butter best oil, fermented baked milk and Varenets.

Ryazhenka and Varenets differ in consistency and ferment material. For fermented baked milk, acidophilus bacillus is used and lactic acid streptococci, and for Varenets - thermophilic lactic acid streptococci. Both drinks have the thickness of sour cream or yogurt. Unlike the latter, they do not add fruit fillings.

Powdered milk

A dry concentrate is made from cow's milk, which is easily diluted with water. Powdered milk causes mistrust among many, they say that after the liquid has evaporated there is no residue left in it. useful substances. This is only partly true. There are two types of milk powder - whole and skim. Both are produced from condensed, that is, concentrated, pasteurized raw materials. Depending on the fat content, it varies in shelf life.

Both types of milk powder are used not only for restoration into the usual liquid fraction in winter, when cows milk much worse than in summer, but also for the production of infant formula, confectionery and canned food for a long time storage

Milk storage

Natural products have a limited shelf life. Fresh cow's milk is the most perishable product. Methods of preserving it are constantly being improved. If earlier traditional methods saving useful product were fermentation, freezing or boiling, now through pasteurization, sterilization and packaging in airtight antibacterial containers, this issue has ceased to be as acute as in former times. Pasteurization - heating milk to 60-70 degrees. Sterilization is boiling at temperatures exceeding 100 degrees Celsius.

Additional protection against the development of pathogenic microorganisms is provided by various types of milk packaging. Vacuum containers made of plastic or metal allow you to preserve a valuable product for up to several years. Milk processed and packaged in this way does not lose its basic properties and is suitable for consumption for the same purposes as regular, pasteurized milk.

The price of the finished product is affected by both the type of milk packaging and its processing, so sterilized milk with a long shelf life is significantly more expensive than fresh milk.

Modern milk packaging varies in the degree of protection from ultraviolet rays, from pathogenic microbes and from air oxygen. It must be remembered that any packaging guarantees preservation only if it is not damaged. After opening the package, milk should be consumed within a few hours.


Now let’s take a closer look at what types of milk are no less popular than those from cows. First of all, it is buffalo milk. It is very thick, tasty and odorless. Very reminiscent of cow's milk cream. It is more similar to cow's milk than other types, but it contains significantly less casein, which is a good indicator. It contains much more vitamins and minerals. Few people know that the main part Italian cheeses It is made from buffalo milk.

Industrial production of fermented milk products from buffalo raw materials has long been carried out in India, Italy, Turkey and Bulgaria. Yoghurt, fermented baked milk, and butter made from buffalo milk are much richer and healthier than their counterparts made from cows. The famous Indian ghee oil, which is used to treat almost all diseases by taking it internally and doing massage with it, is melted butter from buffalo milk. It does not go rancid and retains its healing properties for several years.


If you ask biologists what types of milk are considered the most beneficial for humans, they will, without hesitation, be among the first to name the product from goats. Unfortunately, you can rarely find whole goat milk in stores.

It is no coincidence that this product is famous among doctors of various specializations - pediatricians, gastroenterologists, allergists, rheumatologists, dermatologists, hematologists, endocrinologists, pulmonologists and others. Goat's milk is hypoallergenic and can be used to feed infants. It is also recommended for the elderly and people weakened by illness.

The fat capsules in goat milk are very small and are easily dissolved by gastric juice. This promotes better digestibility without negative effects adverse reactions. In terms of calorie content and microbiological composition, it is slightly higher than cow's milk. This directly depends on the composition of the animal’s feed, its age, lactation period and some other factors.

Another advantage goat milk is that it contains a record amount of albumin and globulin. These protein compounds work to improve blood concentration and composition, which, in turn, activates metabolism.

On average, a goat gives about 1 liter of milk per day, while a cow milks up to 9 liters. A goat is an extremely clean animal, so the risk of contracting brucellosis is minimal. Still, we consider it necessary to warn our readers against eating unboiled goat or any other milk. Many infections that are not present in the product can be found on the skin of the animal's udder and can be transferred from it to the milk pan. Great importance has a sanitary and hygienic treatment of the goat's teats, and this is a matter of conscience and accuracy of the owner of the animal. In any case, dairy products should only be purchased in specialized stores or from traders who have special permission and appropriate health certificates.


There are as many types of milk as there are so many opinions regarding which one is better and healthier. In the eastern regions of our country, milk and dairy products from mare raw materials are valued much higher than those from cows. The thing is that an oxidizing agent such as peroxidase, which is present in cow's milk, is absent in mares' milk. It is this enzyme that is responsible for the transformation of beneficial substances in milk from easily digestible to harmful. It actively interacts with air oxygen and reacts with acids and proteins.

Characterizing milk types often begins with determining how much casein it contains. this type. Mare's milk is not casein. This is his main advantage. It is called albumin because it contains 5 times more protein than cow protein. It is thanks to albumin that mare’s milk is well absorbed by the human body and does not cause allergic reactions, as happens with the casein product of cows.

What else can you praise mare's milk for? Types of milk from other animals have a higher fat content than that of a mare and are less suitable for dietary nutrition. Although mares’ milk is quite poor in the content of most microelements, it breaks all records in terms of the amount of vitamin C.

The easy availability and wide distribution of the cow product meant that its taste and color began to be considered standard. Bluish tint mare's milk and its tart sweetness is perceived by Europeans as exotic, but kumiss, a fermented milk drink made from raw mare, does not require long getting used to. His sweet and sour taste And pleasant aroma everyone likes it.


Kumis is a drink of health and longevity, as Avicenna wrote about it. He is well known in the Trans-Urals, where nomadic traditions are still preserved. The properties of this fermented milk drink depend on the type of starter, temperature conditions of preparation and age. In any case, kumiss is foamy drink, which quenches thirst well and gives a feeling of fullness without the heaviness inherent in products made from cow's milk.

Do not try to find real kumys in stores in the European part of Russia. The thing is that it doesn't last long. Attempts at preservation have not yet been successful, since the usual properties of this drink are given by live lactic acid bacteria, which remain active only in the natural product, and for no longer than 10 days.

To get kumis, you need to add starter to mare's milk and subject it to prolonged whipping for one or two days. Previously, this happened by itself, when fresh raw materials were poured into wineskins with the remains of kumiss and attached to the horse’s saddle. During the movement, the milk in the wineskin was shaken and sour. Now this is done in centrifuges, and not only old kumys, but also other starters are used as a starter.

Five-day-old kumiss can be drunk at any age, but a foamy drink older than ten days already has the properties of light alcohol.

Long-term consumption of young kumiss eliminates all digestive problems and also cures respiratory diseases.


Like mare's milk, types of milk from dromedary and Bactrian camels can be tasted in areas that are considered nomadic regions. In Middle Eastern countries, camel milk and products made from it are as common and widespread as in Russia from cows. Camel raw materials are used to make butter, sour cream (qatakh), cheeses, ice cream, yoghurts and various fermented milk drinks (airan, shubat, chal, etc.).

Camel milk remains fresh for a long time and does not turn sour. Camels have a very strong immune system. They practically don't get sick. Camel milk contains amino acids that have a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis. It is recommended for the treatment of anemia and most blood diseases, including malignant ones.

Shubat is made from camel milk through natural fermentation. It is very thick, reminiscent of sour cream, and is stored for only 6-8 hours. Shubat is added to meat dishes, eat on their own, and for drinking, dilute with water or fresh milk.

In terms of microbiological composition and properties, llama milk is similar to camel product. It is widespread on the American continents.


Speaking about fermented milk products from various types milk, you can’t ignore ayran. This one is sour milk product initially they were made only from camels or mares. Currently, in the European part of our country, ayran is produced in the form of a mixture based on cow's milk. The types of milk added to it depend on the region in which the plant is located. It can be either camel or mare, or goat or sheep.

Ayran is very easily digestible and improves the functioning of all digestive organs. It can be safely given to young children without fear of allergies or stomach upset.

Other, less common types of ruminant milk

IN northern regions our country, where reindeer are bred, local residents They drink reindeer milk with pleasure. It is very thick and fatty - almost 20% and has pronounced bactericidal properties. Various drinks are prepared from vazhenok raw materials, soft cheeses and butter are made.

One can only sympathize with the residents of big cities, because they rarely have the opportunity to taste the milk of even those ruminants that are bred in a region close to them. rural areas. This also applies to sheep. Why is this type of milk so rare? Because sheep are quite demanding in care and maintenance, and they also produce very little product compared to large animals. Although sheep's milk is not sold in regular stores, it is used to make the best soft cheeses- feta and cheese. The famous French Roquefort, Picodon and Brousse du Rove are made only from sheep cheese. Sheep milk thicker than cow's, has a unique taste and is better digestible than goat's. This product is also superior to goat products in terms of carotene, calcium and phosphorus content.

Residents of Central Asia and Tibet who are engaged in cattle breeding raise yaks and believe that real milk should be pink. The milk of female yaks differs only in color from the milk of other ruminants. Otherwise it tastes almost the same and is used for cooking fermented milk drinks, cheeses, butter. Yak milk butter has a taste and consistency more like cheese. It oxidizes slightly and can be stored outside the refrigerator for a whole year. You just need to wrap it in parchment to limit the access of light and air. Newborn babies are fed with the milk of female yak if the mother does not have enough of her own, and the sick are also treated.

Zebu milk, which is familiar and loved by the inhabitants of the African continent, differs from other types in that it can be stored for a very long time. Its bactericidal properties are so strong that it is not capable of souring, as is the case with the product of ordinary ruminants.


Nut milk is an indispensable product for a Lenten menu. It is done very simply. Any nuts - almonds, cedar, hazelnuts, walnuts and others are peeled, doused with boiling water to remove the husks, dried and ground in a coffee grinder. Then they are placed in a ceramic mortar and kneaded into porridge using a pestle. Water is added periodically in small portions. The result is very tasty and tender milk or cream - it depends on the amount of water added. Even cheese, cottage cheese and ice cream are made from such raw materials.


Today, in any supermarket you can find a fairly wide range of different types of milk and dairy products made from soybeans. Soy is made in the same way as nut. Through simple processing soy milk can be turned into cottage cheese and cheese. This is easy to do even at home.

Unlike animal milk, soy milk is low in calcium, so manufacturers add it to the finished product. Since in industrial scale Soybean began to be produced relatively recently, its properties cause a lot of controversy. Some experts claim that soy has Negative influence on the reproductive functions of the male body. Others argue that it is a product of the future, as it is suitable for baby food and useful for those suffering from lactose intolerance. However, there is general agreement that long-term use soy products is fraught with the development of allergic reactions to soy protein.

In the dairy department of the supermarket, the buyer is faced with such an abundance of names and formulations that it is sometimes difficult to figure out what is what. What product can be considered natural dairy? What does " curd product"or "sour cream product"? will help you navigate among the dairy variety.

The Ministry of Agriculture has taken the initiative to make the labels on dairy products more understandable to the general consumer. As Vladimir Labinov, director of the Department of Livestock and Breeding, said, the amendments proposed by the department suggest not using such concepts as “milk”, “cheese”, “curd” on milk-containing products, that is, on those in which vegetable fat. It is proposed to replace them with words that indicate the consistency of the product, for example, “puree”, “paste” or “soufflé”. Labinov notes that this can protect the consumer, and also lead to prices for natural products will rise, and those containing milk will begin to decrease.

For now, this initiative is under discussion in the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Economy and Rospotrebnadzor. If it is approved, then changes may be made to the current Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On the Safety of Milk and Dairy Products” TR CU 033/2013 dated 10/09/2013 No. 67. However, not all milk producers are already happy about this.

“We are not against changes, but we are against the fact that they are constantly being introduced into the Technical Regulations. After all, the previous changes were made quite recently, last year. Manufacturers have already spent money on changing the packaging. In addition, legislative instability can have a bad impact on investment attractiveness of Russia, especially in the context of ruble devaluation,” press secretary of the National Union of Milk Producers Maria Zhebit told

On the other hand, the Association of Peasant Farms and Agricultural Cooperatives of Russia welcomes the opportunity to protect natural products. “It’s difficult to comment on something that is still under discussion. However, we advocate that natural products be protected. They cost other money,” said Vyacheslav Telegin, Chairman of the Organization’s Council.

Types of dairy products

While the decision on the new amendments has not been finally made, let’s see what kind of inscriptions on store labels a buyer may encounter now. In accordance with the current Technical regulations, all dairy products, of which there are more than 100 types, are divided into three groups: milk, milk components and milk-containing.

Dairy- those made only from milk or dairy ingredients. No non-dairy protein or non-dairy protein should be used in their production. milk fat. Such products include drinking milk, sour cream, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese.

Dairy Compound Products have a milk base, that is, they are made from milk or its parts. They should contain more than 50 percent milk. At the same time, they may also contain non-dairy components, such as dried apricots and nuts. To dairy composite products This includes, for example, cottage cheese with raisins or pieces of fruit, or yogurt with banana or crunchy cereal.

Dairy products- these are those that can consist of almost half of non-dairy fat. However, milk fat must be present, and more than 50 percent non-dairy fat is not allowed.
Now these products are labeled with derivatives of dairy terms: cheese, curd, sour cream product.

This is where the confusion begins. The word "curd" we can call curd mass from natural cottage cheese, sugar, raisins and nuts. The same word will also be used to name a milk-containing product in which milk fat is replaced by non-dairy fat. Thus, a confusion of concepts begins.

How to choose dairy products

To avoid the pitfalls of marketers when purchasing dairy products, Rospotrebnadzor experts recommend carefully inspecting the packaging when purchasing. It should indicate:

  • The product's name. It must be on the front of the package and written using a font of at least 3.2 millimeters. If the container has a volume of less than 100 milliliters, the letters must be at least 2.8 millimeters;
  • Name and location of the manufacturer. It must include the legal address, country or place of origin of the product, and the name of the organization to which consumers can direct their complaints;
  • Trademark or mark;
  • Net weight;
  • Composition of the product indicating its components.

What to pay attention to when studying the composition:

  • The mass fraction of fat, which is indicated as a percentage, the exception here is low-fat foods. Moreover, on the packaging for cheese and cheese products must be specified mass fraction fat in dry matter;
  • The mass fraction of milk fat is indicated on the packaging of milk-containing products;
  • The content of microorganisms in the finished fermented milk or fermented product (lactic acid bacteria, bifidobacteria and other probiotic microorganisms, as well as yeast in 1 gram of product);
  • The content in the finished enriched product of micro- and macroelements, vitamins, and other substances that are used to enrich it. Next to the indication of the composition there should be information about what daily norm consumption of substances contained in dairy products;
  • Product expiration date. At the same time, for products with a shelf life of up to 72 hours, the hour, date, month are noted; for products with a shelf life from 72 hours to 30 days - day, month, year; for non-perishable products and canned food - month, year.
How to store dairy products

When reading the information on the packaging, you need to pay attention to the storage conditions: it must explain how to store it after opening. At the same time, the manufacturer’s standard or technical document in accordance with which the product is manufactured is indicated on the container. And, most importantly, it is worth paying attention to the information that relates to its features. For example, information about the use of milk fat replacer should be included in the name of the milk product and indicated on the front of the package, for example: " Sour cream product with milk fat substitute", "Cheese with milk fat substitute".

Milk and dairy products are still of great interest to scientists and nutritionists.

On the one hand, the majority of the world's population is lactose intolerant, and milk is contraindicated for them. On the other hand, there is irrefutable evidence about the beneficial properties of milk for people who are able to digest it.

Opinions about the effects of dairy products on heart health are mixed. Although there is limited evidence of positive effects, cardiologists caution against overuse.

In this article we will look from A to Z at the effect of milk and dairy products on the human cardiovascular system.

What the Research Says

A recent study has confirmed that milk has a positive effect on performance of cardio-vascular system. It strengthens the heart muscle and gives the body strength for active life. It can also reduce arterial pressure , which is useful for hypertensive patients.

Milk is useful both in its pure form and in products made from it. These include kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese and others. Each of these products has a special set of vitamins and minerals to support the heart.

According to another study, milk does not have a significant effect on the cardiovascular system. But fermented dairy products (yogurt, kefir and cheese) have a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels.

It is important to understand that it is natural products that are the most beneficial for cardiac activity, as opposed to those that are prepared on a dairy basis, but contain chemical additives, preservatives, sugar and other harmful ingredients.

Review of 6 specific products

Now let’s look at the effect that specific dairy products have on the cardiovascular system.

1. Cow's milk

The nutrients in milk are carbohydrates, minerals, proteins and vitamins.

Scientists from America conducted research, during which it turned out that One glass of this drink a day reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes by 37 percent.

Milk contains substances that are materials for maintaining blood vessels, as well as cardiac tissue.

Therefore, for people experiencing problems with diseases of the cardiac system, a glass of fresh milk a day is necessary to maintain the body in normal condition.

Potassium, found in milk, dilates blood vessels, making them elastic and helping to remove harmful cholesterol from the human body. This reduces the risk of developing heart pathologies and atherosclerosis.

Dairy products contain the set of substances that are needed for human body, but for some diseases they are recommended to be eaten, but for others not.

  • For angina pectoris. Angina pectoris, or as it is popularly called “angina pectoris,” is characterized by pain in the heart and chest. Doctors prescribe medications to such patients, but they gradually become addictive. Milk with a high calcium content comes to the rescue, which helps strengthen the heart muscle.
  • For hypertension. Dairy products contain the following substances: magnesium, calcium and potassium. They reduce high blood pressure and have a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels. The removal of cholesterol with their help leads to normalization of blood pressure.

When is it better to stop using?

For hypertension and hypotension, milk should be taken, but not all types. So, goat milk should be discarded, since its fat content can provoke an increase in the level of bad cholesterol.

It is also important for hypertensive patients to remember that the temperature of the milk should be room temperature, but not too hot or cold, so as not to provoke a jump in blood pressure.

Attention! In case of vascular calcification and any other serious diseases, the consumption of dairy products is possible only with the permission of the attending physician.

Other types of milk

In addition to the familiar cow's milk, there are other types of this product. Many people cannot drink goat milk product because it has a unique taste and aroma, but its composition is different good ratio proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins.

  • Mare's milk (kumys) has even greater beneficial properties. normalizing blood pressure and enriching the body with vitamins.
  • Sheep milk is high in B vitamins and makes healthy cheeses.
  • Donkey milk is recognized as one of the healthiest dairy products. It has been used since ancient times, but it is quite difficult to find it on sale.

2. Kefir

Kefir does not put a lot of stress on the heart like other foods. It improves metabolism than reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis and other heart diseases.

An effective remedy against high blood pressure is kefir with cinnamon. It is prepared like this:

  • for one glass of fresh and low-fat kefir, you need to take half a teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • one spoon of ground ginger;
  • one spoon of honey;
  • the composition is mixed and used to normalize blood pressure;
  • the mixture should be drunk twice a day;
  • For prevention, take once a day.

3. Cottage cheese

Due to the unique composition, cottage cheese has all useful elements, without which our heart cannot do.

It contains:

  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium.

These elements support heart function and help lower blood pressure.

4. Hard cheese

Hard cheese contains the amino acids tryptophan and lysine.

Cheese protein is easily absorbed in the body and helps normalize metabolism., which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

There is less stress on the heart than when consuming other foods, and the blood vessels are cleansed.

5. Butter

The advantage of the oil is perfect combination taste and biological properties.

Balance of fat-soluble vitamins and fatty acids has a positive effect on blood vessels.

The combination of vitamins and microelements helps improve body tone and strengthen the heart muscle. However, there is no need to overuse butter.

6. Yogurt

Yogurt removes toxins from the human body and helps strengthen immune system. These useful qualities affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

6 more healing properties of dairy products

Besides positive influence on the heart and blood vessels, dairy products have a number of advantages, these include:

  1. and cartilage tissue. Since dairy products contain a lot of calcium, they promote rapid healing of injuries associated with the skeletal system.
  2. Strengthening nervous system. Yogurt promotes and also helps with depression.
  3. Eliminate sleep problems. Kefir, with regular use, eliminates insomnia and.
  4. Improving the respiratory system. With regular consumption of dairy products, breathing problems gradually go away or become less pronounced.
  5. Positive impact on hormonal background. Dairy products restore hormonal levels. This is especially true for women during menopause.
  6. Fighting excess weight. Milk and kefir are dietary foods. It helps remove harmful substances from the human body and normalize weight.

Also check out the infographic:

What else should you include in your diet?

There are other products that no person who cares about their cardiovascular health can do without. Namely:

  1. Fruits should be present in people's daily diet. They are valued for their potassium content. Some of the most healthy fruits are considered because they contain an excess of potassium, which strengthens the heart muscle. , thanks to the vitamins in its composition, has an effect on strengthening the heart muscle and cleansing blood vessels. and act on the entire body, as they fill it with vitamin C and improve blood flow.
  2. Vegetables are no less healthy than fruits and should appear on your plate every day. Pumpkin has special substances called pectins, which strengthen the heart. It can be used as independent dish or as a side dish. Academician Amosov's sweet heart paste from all this.
  3. Fish dishes. Fish should be in the diet at least every other day, as it contains microelements for the proper functioning of the heart muscle and other organs. Omega-3 in its composition strengthens human health and immunity. Therefore you need to add it to your food fatty fish: salmon and trout, as well as cod. It is better not to consume canned food, as they contain many harmful substances. long-term storage product.
  4. Bitter chocolate. The benefits of dark chocolate are higher than those of other types of these sweets. Dark chocolate contains vitamins and microelements that nourish the body. Cocoa beans are an antidepressant and antioxidant for humans.
  5. Beverages. Water must be present in the body, because without it it cannot function. Juices homemade are sources of vitamins and minerals. Red wine increases hemoglobin and improves blood flow. Coffee, when taken wisely, has a positive effect on the heart and protects against the development of cardiovascular diseases. Green tea is a natural antioxidant. Therefore, it should be consumed more than black tea.

Check out the infographic below:


Milk and products made from it have a rich chemical composition. Therefore, you need to know that its regular use in food increases the body’s resistance and cleanses blood vessels. With such cleansing, the heart functions properly, which means a person will live for many years.

What is milk? Types of milk and its beneficial features will be presented in the materials of this article. We will also tell you about which animals provide this product and how it should be stored correctly.

General information

Milk is a nutritious fluid produced by the mammary glands of mammals. Its natural purpose is to feed young animals that are not yet able to digest other food.

Milk and dairy products are part of many types of food used by humans. Their production has become a huge industry.

Milk and dairy products

Milk is produced through the secretion of the mammary glands of mammals. It is a liquid white(sometimes may have a yellowish tint) with a sweetish taste.

Most often in our country, cow's milk is consumed, processed in dairy factories. However, in other nations this product is often obtained as a result of milking other animals. For example, sheep, mares, camels, goats and others. Thus, mares’ milk is ideal for making kumys, sheep’s milk is used to make cheese, and camel’s milk is used to make shubat.


What components does milk contain? There are different types of milk. That is why their composition also changes. It also depends on the breed of animal, the stage of its lactation, the time of year, etc.

According to experts, this product contains complex proteins that contain all the essential amino acids.

The mammary gland of an animal consists of many cells penetrated by lymphatic, blood and nerve vessels. They deliver all the necessary substances for milk synthesis.

It should also be noted that this product contains fats and carbohydrates in the form of monosaccharides and lactose. The breakdown of the latter in the intestines occurs rather slowly. Thanks to this, the fermentation of this product is inhibited.

The fat content of milk is determined by the amount of fat it contains. They are in an emulsified state and are a complex mixture of triglycerides that contain fat-soluble vitamins and lecithin.

It should also be noted that the fat content of milk determines its calorie content. Although experts say that even the fattest product does not contain more than 60 kcal per 100 ml.

What kind of milk is there? Types of milk

Most often, pasteurized milk is consumed. It is divided into several types:

  • Whole. This is one that contains a certain amount of fat (that is, 2.5% or 3.2%).
  • Refurbished. Such milk is partially or completely prepared from canned milk, which is purified, pasteurized, homogenized, cooled, bottled, etc. This product is often obtained by dissolving in warm water dry whole milk and its exposure for four hours. It is during this time that the proteins are able to swell, the watery taste disappears, and normal density and viscosity are formed.
  • Ghee. It is no secret that the color has a pleasant creamy tint. This is due to the fact that its fat content is at least 6%. It is pasteurized and homogenized at a temperature of about 95 degrees and aged for four hours. By the way, it is precisely this processing of the product that makes the color of baked milk creamy, and also gives it special taste and aroma.
  • High fat milk. This is a normalized product that is homogenized. Typically, it has a fat content of 6%.
  • Protein. It's not just milk. During the normalization process, condensed or powdered milk is added to it. This product is characterized by a high content of low-fat components.
  • Fortified. This is very delicious milk and useful. It is made from lean or whole foods and is fortified with vitamins C, A and D.
  • Low-fat. The quality of low-fat milk always leaves much to be desired. This product is obtained from a pasteurized drink by separating it. Typically its fat content is 0.05%.

Now you know what kind of milk there is. The types of milk have been listed above.

According to some nutritionists, such a product, subject to sterilization, can cause significant harm. This is due to the fact that when processed in this way, calcium and milk protein are denatured and cause further health problems.

Processing in factories

The harm of milk is that it can negatively affect the state of the human digestive system. However, this only happens if the product has been damaged.

To increase the shelf life of the drink in question, fresh milk is first filtered and cooled, and then sent to factories. There it is cleaned, pasteurized, normalized, homogenized, cooled and packaged.

Due to this processing, this drink retains all its beneficial qualities. Moreover, the growth and development of microorganisms trapped in it is prevented.

Milk from camels, cows, goats, mares, etc. is not produced, but is obtained by milking animals. However, it is subsequently subjected to special processing. This drink is purified in centrifugal milk purifiers and also filtered under high pressure. As a result, all impurities are removed from the product.

To rid milk of bacterial cells, special centrifuges are used. As you know, this purification process is called bactefunation.

Types of processing

Milk simply cannot get onto store shelves. In industrial conditions, it must be subjected to some kind of processing.

Normalization of milk is an increase or decrease in the content of fat droplets in it. They do this to bring the mentioned indicator to normal.

Fat content store product should not be higher than 3.2%. To do this, it is processed using a separator-normalizer or mixed with whole milk.

Pasteurization of the drink in question is carried out to increase its shelf life. For this purpose, normalized milk is subjected to heat treatment at a temperature of no more than 85 degrees with a shutter speed of 15-20 seconds.

Pasteurization can be short-term, instant and long-term. For all these types of processing, different equipment is used.

According to experts, instant pasteurization is carried out without holding for a few seconds. In this case, the heating temperature reaches 85-90 degrees.

During short-term pasteurization, the drink is heated to 75 degrees and held for about 17 seconds.

Long-term pasteurization is carried out at a temperature of 65 degrees with exposure for half an hour.

Most often, in factories, milk, the price of which is indicated below, is subjected to short-term pasteurization.


Another type of milk processing is homogenization. This method is necessary for the further production of fermented milk products.

What is homogenization? This is the mechanical crushing of fat droplets into small particles. This treatment of the drink is carried out in order to obtain an emulsion that does not separate during storage.

After homogenization, the product is quickly cooled to 4-6 degrees and sent for bottling.

Fermented milk products are obtained only from pasteurized milk. As a rule, this happens in two different ways - tank and thermostat.

With the tank method, a ready-made product is poured into containers, which has been previously aged for ripening and fermentation in special containers.

With the thermostat method, the homogenized drink is poured into containers and fermented in thermostats, and then cooled to a temperature of 8 degrees.


Usually milk is stored at a temperature of 2-5 degrees for about 2-3 days. With its industrial processing, this period can be increased several times. If milk is packaged in special bags or bottles, its shelf life often reaches several months. However, the benefits of such a product are very doubtful.

To significantly increase the shelf life of the drink in question, it is condensed with sugar or dried.

Why shouldn't you drink milk?

The harm of milk is that when it long-term use the person begins to experience severe weakness. According to some experts, lovers of this product quickly accumulate fat and accelerate the aging process.

It should also be noted that the use similar products may cause osteoporosis, allergies, indigestion, flatulence and artery blockage. This is why many nutritionists recommend eliminating milk from your diet. butter and cream. As for low-fat yogurt and cheeses, you can afford them, but only in limited quantities.

Benefits of the product and its price

How much does milk cost? Its price depends on the type and method of processing. As a rule, the cost of one liter of such a drink varies between 30-65 rubles.

There have long been debates about the healthfulness of milk. Some experts claim that this is a harmful product. However, most of them are of the opinion that this drink is very useful for normalizing cholesterol metabolism. It also has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

The positive effect of this product on the human body is due to the large amount of water it contains, as well as the presence of methionine, which is involved in the formation of hemoglobin.

It should also be noted that in the course of research, scientists have found that animal milk helps stimulate kidney function. In addition, they represent the best means, intended to normalize intestinal flora. Their regular intake prevents putrefactive processes and restores the functioning of the digestive system.

According to experts, drinking milk helps protect the body. It reduces the sensitivity of cells to the hormone insulin. In addition, people who consume butter, milk, cheese and yoghurt every day are much less likely to have high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

A dairy diet reduces the risk of obesity and insulin resistance, which very often provoke the development of diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases.

According to some scientists, potassium, calcium and magnesium contained in dairy products are large quantities, reduce the risk of hypertension. Moreover, thanks to this drink you can prevent the development of heart attack, diabetes and stroke.

Milk has a lot interesting properties. One of them is the ability to ferment. The fact that a fermented milk product is healthy can be judged by its prevalence. Each nationality has its own name: fermented baked milk, yogurt, yogurt, kumiss...

On taste qualities This product is affected by a number of the following factors:

  • properties of the milk itself;
  • type of sourdough;
  • fermentation method.

Usually, milk from cows, sheep and mares is used to make it. You should not use dry milk, which is healthy in its own way, for such purposes. It was already noted above that sourdough affects the taste fermented milk product. For this you can use lactic acid bacteria. Various cultures of dairy yeast can also be added.

Groups of fermented milk products

Lactic acid products are divided into two groups. The first group is drinks obtained as a result of normal milk fermentation. This includes acidophilus milk and yogurt. Such products are known for their special delicate taste. Drinks in this group have a homogeneous and dense clot.

The second group is drinks obtained by mixing ordinary lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation products. Kumis and kefir fall into this category. They have a noticeable sharp, even stinging taste. It is obtained as a result of the presence of carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol. This is why you can see small bubbles in the drink.

The benefits of fermented milk products

The name itself speaks of the simplicity of its preparation. Prepared from milk and lactic acid yeast. In stores you can buy ordinary milk, Mechnikovsky, Ukrainian (ryazhenka), acidophilus, Varenets, southern (matsun), yogurt, etc. It comes with additives - honey, sugar, fruit and berry juices. Ordinary yogurt is used in children's and dietary nutrition, since it has low acidity. Ryazhenka and Varenets are prepared from baked milk, yogurt is made from ordinary cow's milk with a more complex starter culture. For mass preparation of yogurt, skim milk powder is used.

The products in this group are acidophilus, acidophilus-yeast milk, acidophilus milk, curdled milk and paste. Their essential component is acidophilus bacillus, which is resistant to antibiotics. Therefore, acidophilic products are useful in antibiotic treatment and in diseases gastrointestinal tract. In addition to Bacillus acidophilus, other fermented milk microorganisms are also used as starter culture: milk yeast, lactic acid streptococci, kefir grains.

Sour cream is Russian national product, about which abroad found out only after the Second World War. This is a “self-emerging” product collected by our ancestors from sour, settled milk. The sour cream we buy today is made from cream with 32% fat content. Finished product has fat content of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 36 and 40%. Sour cream is useful, especially for people with weak digestion and poor appetite.

Cottage cheese has been used in food since ancient times. In Russia IX-X centuries he was a product daily nutrition and was called cheese. Cottage cheese is a highly nutritious protein product with a protein content of 15 to 20%. It contains amino acids that ensure normal functioning of the liver and nervous system, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, and ensure the growth of a young body. High content minerals, especially calcium, makes it an indispensable product in medical nutrition.

Kefir amazing product, which is native to the northern slopes Caucasus mountains. The secret of this healing drink for a long time kept by the mountaineers, it became known only at the beginning of the twentieth century. At the same time, its mass production was established. Special kefir grains are used to ferment kefir. Kefir is recommended for dietary nutrition.

Kumiss is a nomadic drink made from mare's meat. milk. Later, milk from cows and camels began to be used for its preparation. Has an intoxicating and diuretic effect. When preparing kumys, complex biochemical processes are used, combining alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation. Kumis is considered medicinal drink. There were even kumiss clinics specializing in kumiss treatment.

Cheese as a food product has been known since time immemorial. Depending on the cooking technology, it can be hard, soft, brine and melted. Mass production of cheese in European countries began only in the middle of the 19th century. France, Holland and Switzerland became major cheese-making centers. Cheese is a highly valuable product containing easily digestible proteins, mineral salts, milk fat and vitamins.
