Italian secrets: polenta. Cooking recipes. Polenta: what is it, how to properly prepare a traditional dish of Italian cuisine

It is unlikely that anyone will be too tempted by an invitation to dine on corn porridge or hominy, but polenta sounds tempting and elegant. In essence, Italian cuisine consists of simple dishes with beautiful and melodious names, characteristic of the language of a people with a southern temperament and generosity. The “golden” cereal, which appeared in Europe immediately after the discovery of America, was mastered by the peoples of the Mediterranean, Caucasus and Balkans before anyone else. Polenta is both bread and a main dish, and sweet pastries simultaneously.

One would think, what a miracle - corn porridge! No such luck! How simpler composition dishes, the more difficult it is to prepare if you don’t know what kind of grain to choose, in what container, how long and how to cook. Here, about these subtleties, and how to cook corn porridge To make it “sound” like Italian polenta, let’s talk in detail.

Polenta - basic technological principles

Let's start with choice corn grits. Any cereal (and corn grits is often called flour!) has varying degrees grinding The degree of grinding of the cereal determines the method of its preparation and, ultimately, the taste of the dish. The finer the grind, the more likely it is that a dish made from corn grits will have a similar consistency not to porridge, but to a boiled flour product.

Corn grits of any grind, in any case, when cooked, acquire viscosity due to the large amount of starch contained in it. The cook’s task is to prevent the formation of lumps at the very first stage of cooking, and not to forget that after the liquid evaporates, the starch burns very quickly, as it contains sugar.

The conclusion is simple: it is better to undercook porridge than to overcook it. It will reach the desired consistency and softness on its own if you turn off the stove in time, cover the pan with a lid, and leave it alone for a while. The boiling point maintained inside will do the job. But be sure to cover the lid tightly so that the water does not evaporate, but is absorbed into the cereal.

You also need to remember:

  • Adding oil when cooking any porridge makes it more crumbly. But you don’t need to add the oil right away so that the grain particles have time to absorb the water. In case of corn grits adding oil is advisable if the cereal is very finely ground.
  • It happens that corn grits have a heterogeneous structure. Sift it to separate small and large fractions, and then select what is needed for cooking.
  • The next important question, or rather, it is the first: to wash or not to wash corn grits? If the cereal was purchased in packaged form, you can safely skip this step - for compliance sanitary requirements the manufacturer is responsible for its manufacture.

But, if the cereal was stored in large bags and the conditions for its storage are unknown, it is better not to risk your health. Throw the cereal into boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then drain the water, repeat the procedure again, and then you can start cooking. Not all harmful microorganisms die at the boiling temperature of water, so it is better to wash them off so as not to create unnecessary health problems for yourself.

  • The ratio of water and corn grits is 1:3. If the cereal was washed before cooking, the amount of liquid should be reduced accordingly.

Now a few words, especially for the “experts” who claim that they have seen how real polenta is prepared and are very well versed in this matter:

"Polenta" - translated from Latin - barley porridge. It is also corn porridge, with the same name in Italian cuisine, starting from the 16th century, a prototype of the ancient Roman porridge called “pulse”, which was prepared from barley, millet, and beans. In the cuisines of other nations, corn porridge is known as mamaliga, gomi, banush, ugali and other names.

But polenta in Russian is definitely corn porridge, and the general technology for its preparation is no different from other porridges, liquid or thick consistency, with the addition of milk or water, sweet, with dried fruits, nuts and honey, or with meat, mushrooms, vegetables and cheese. Only the name “polenta” adds a little more sophistication to the dish, although the Italians themselves consider this dish to be the most ordinary, without making a cult out of it.

Although, perhaps, for Italians, on the contrary, a dish called “Corn Porridge” seems more attractive, especially when cooked in a clay pot in the oven. There are a lot of cooking options. Choose the recipes you like and try for your health!

Having mastered the technique of preparing the simplest, thickest porridge, you can move on to other dishes using already prepared semi-finished products.


  • Water 1 l.
  • Corn grits 300 gr.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Oil (vegetable or butter) – 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Pour the cereal into boiling water, a little at a time. At the same time, use a spoon to rotate the water in a circle so that the cereal does not stick together.
  2. It is better to salt the porridge in the middle of cooking, in a semi-cooked form.
  3. To avoid the formation of lumps, add a spoonful of butter or vegetable oil to boiling water.
  4. Cook over low heat in a thick-bottomed saucepan, stirring occasionally. Cooking time – 20-30 minutes. It depends on the intensity of heating, as well as on the grinding of the cereal. The porridge should boil well until soft.
  5. If the cereal has already boiled sufficiently, but has not absorbed all the water, cover the pan with a lid and let stand.
  6. Transfer the warm porridge to the prepared pan. Choose sizes depending on what you plan to cook next. It is advisable to lubricate the mold with oil to make it easier to remove without damaging the integrity of the mass.

Polenta of liquid consistency is boiled by adding more water. If the porridge turns out to be too thick during cooking, add boiling water to the pan and continue cooking until done.

Polenta with chicken, mushrooms and cheese in the oven


  • Chicken breast – 700 gr.
  • Champignons – 500 gr.
  • Tomatoes – 400 gr.
  • Onion – 200 gr.
  • Cheese – 250 gr.
  • Butter – 120 gr.
  • Refined sunflower oil– 40 ml.
  • Corn grits – 250 gr.
  • Water – 750 ml.
  • Salt – 3 gr.
  • Seasoning for chicken - to taste
  • Corn porridge (polenta) – 500 gr. (see basic recipe)


  1. Cook corn grits as detailed in the basic recipe. Transfer the warm mixture to a baking sheet or prepared baking dish. Fill the mold ½ of the volume, level the surface.
  2. Cut the washed chicken into medium-sized pieces and fry in butter until golden brown crust by adding spices.
  3. Temporarily transfer the fried meat to a plate, and in a frying pan, in the remaining fat, fry the onion, cut into large cubes.
  4. To the onion, brought to transparency, add tomatoes, cut into slices. If you don’t like to have tomato skins in your dish, then blanch the tomatoes first, remove the skins, and then cut them.
  5. In a separate frying pan, fry the mushrooms, cut into slices, also adding butter.


Mushrooms are 80% water, so they need to be fried in a well-heated frying pan. Before frying, it is better to grease the sliced ​​mushrooms with fat, so that during frying in a hot frying pan, a crust will quickly form, retaining moisture. Otherwise, all the water and mushroom aroma will evaporate during the frying process, and only chitin will remain in the dish - coarse fiber, which is not digested by the body.

  1. Place all prepared components of the dish into a baking dish, on top of the corn porridge. To make the dish tastier, make holes in the porridge layer and pierce it across the entire surface with a knife or other suitable tools.
  2. Bake polenta for 15 minutes in an oven preheated to 250°C. Meanwhile, prepare the cheese. Grate it. You can add spice and piquancy by mixing it with ground pepper and spicy herbs.
  3. Remove the pan from the oven for a minute and sprinkle the surface of the dish with the prepared cheese. Return to oven to melt cheese.

The thickness of the corn layer depends on personal preference. IN this dish it plays the role of a base, like in pizza. Serve the dish hot. It goes well with spicy tomato or garlic sauce.

Polenta with vegetables and omelette

Summer breakfast with polenta, on a quick fix- successful and tasty start day. The good thing about polenta is that it can be prepared in advance when you have free time. Cold porridge can be heated in the microwave, or baked in the oven, adding any products your heart desires. After all, polenta is essentially bread made from corn flour, a dietary and very healthy product.


  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Milk or cream – 75 ml.
  • Zucchini – 1 pc.
  • Polenta – 300 gr.
  • Tomatoes – 3 pcs.
  • Onions – 200 gr.
  • Butter – 90 gr.
  • Garlic – 2-3 cloves
  • Chopped greens – 50 gr.


  1. Cut polenta, cold corn porridge, into cubes of any size. Fry them in hot oil until golden brown with onion, chopped into large cubes.
  2. Wash the tomatoes and zucchini, cut into round slices, 1.0-1.5 cm thick. Fry on both sides in a frying pan over high heat, adding oil.
  3. Whisk chilled raw eggs, adding a pinch of salt, until the volume increases 3-4 times. Gradually pour milk or cream into the whipped mass. The second option is preferable, since heavy cream will give the omelette mass greater volume and a delicate taste.
  4. In a deep frying pan, greased with oil, place layers of fried zucchini, pieces of polenta with onions.
  5. Pour the prepared omelette mixture over the bottom layer and place in a preheated oven. When the omelette has thickened enough, place slices of fried tomatoes on it, sprinkle with a mixture of chopped herbs and garlic. Keep the dish in the oven for another 3-5 minutes and serve hot.

Polenta with vegetables and omelet can be cooked on the stove, but then you need to change the procedure a little so that the pan remains hot: fry the pieces of corn porridge separately and place them on the zucchini, fried in a deep frying pan, then pour in the egg-milk mixture, cover the pan with a lid , and cook the dish over low heat. At the end of frying, add tomatoes and sprinkle with herbs.

This dish can also be baked in portioned forms- this way it will look more elegant.

Polenta with cheese and green onions

Polenta cooked in water can easily be used to prepare a dish with creamy taste. This recipe will help you invent own dishes from thick and chilled porridge.


  • Cream (33%) - 100 ml.
  • Polenta (semi-finished product) – 350 gr.
  • White crackers – 70 gr.
  • Oil – 50 gr.
  • Assorted nuts – 120 gr.
  • Green onions – 200 gr.
  • Lemon - ½ pc.
  • Cream cheese (or homemade fat cottage cheese) – 400 gr.
  • Spices - to taste
  • Olives or black olives, basil leaves, cherry tomatoes - for garnishing the dish


  1. Cut the cold corn porridge into pieces, beat until homogeneous mass, using a blender, and adding heavy cream to the bowl.
  2. Grease the baking tray vegetable oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Put it in thick porridge creamy consistency and place in a preheated oven. Bake until golden brown at 200°C.
  3. Pour melted baked semi-finished product butter, cover with film or foil for 5-10 minutes. Transfer to a cutting board.
  4. Grind green onions, spray it fresh juice lemon, add spices.
  5. Cream cheese or full-fat cottage cheese, rubbed twice through a sieve, combine with the spicy green mass, mix, and place on polenta in a layer of 1.5-2 cm. Smooth the surface.
  6. Divide the dish into portions using a thin knife blade dipped in water or a harsh thread.
  7. When serving, decorate each serving with basil leaves, chopped nuts, cherry slices, and olives.

This corn porridge can be easily prepared for any family celebration.

Polenta with fish (salmon steak)

Any professional chef will say that it is difficult to choose a side dish for fish. The most successful combination is rice, mashed potatoes and vegetables, and even then - not all. Any porridge with fish “doesn’t sound good”: either because of the characteristic taste, or the consistency is not quite suitable. Corn porridge is a rare and pleasant exception, not only in combination with fried fish, but also with other seafood.

Check it out with a simple example!


  • Salmon (steak) – 700 gr.
  • Butter – 40 gr.
  • Rosemary, thyme – 50 gr.
  • White wine – 120 ml.
  • Polenta – 500 gr.
  • Olive oil – 30 ml.
  • Onions (green, chives or leeks), chopped – 50 gr.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves
  • Cherry – 10 pcs.

To prepare the dish you will need a grill pan. This dish can also be prepared during a picnic on an open grill.


  1. Wash the cherry tomatoes, season them with ground pepper, chopped herbs, salt, garlic and wine. Wrap in foil and bake. You need to make a bag out of foil, wrapping the edges tightly so that the juice does not leak out and the aroma does not evaporate.
  2. Cut the polenta into pieces, portions, of any shape and size, brush with oil and also grill on both sides.
  3. Season the prepared salmon pieces with salt and pepper, sprinkle with wine, and leave for about twenty minutes. Then, also grease with oil, grill for 3-4 minutes on each side.

Place the finished pieces of salmon and polenta into serving plates and garnish with baked cherry tomatoes and herbs.

Sweet polenta, recipe with milk - healthy baby porridge for breakfast

There is no limit to the variety and perfection of polenta dishes. Prepare sweet and thick corn porridge with milk, decorate the dish with dried fruits, berries, jam and whipped cream, and you will never have problems with your beloved child who flatly refuses to eat porridge in the morning. The child will eat sweet polenta with great pleasure.


  • Water 200 ml.
  • Cream (20%) 150 ml.
  • Dried fruits 50 gr.;
  • Sugar (or honey), salt - to taste
  • Apricot jam 30 gr.
  • Nuts – 70 gr.
  • Whipped cream 20 gr.


  1. Boil the prepared cereal until half cooked in water, as for basic recipe, and then add cream to the pan, after bringing it to a boil.
  2. Add washed dried fruits (optional) to the porridge. Cut large fruits into cubes or strips.
  3. Lightly salt to enhance the taste, add honey or sugar.
  4. Bring the porridge to a boil, set aside, cover tightly. It is advisable to cover the pan so that the porridge is kept warm.
  5. Place into greased serving plates or cups. Let set, then transfer to a serving plate, upside down. Garnish with chopped nuts, jam and whipped cream.

Corn grits - valuable source vitamins and microelements. This cereal is included in the list of products recommended for mandatory consumption by nutritionists. The big advantage of cereal is its availability, and you can always come up with your own recipes if the proposed options are not enough.

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In many culinary shows you can often hear and see a dish with a name that is unusual for Russian ears - polenta .

There is something tasty and original in this word, isn’t it? Surely you immediately imagine a luxurious treat with different seasonings and sauces.

But in fact, almost everyone has tried polenta. In fact polenta is a very cool porridge made from crushed corn kernels. It may be porridge, but it is not simple. So what is polenta, how to cook polenta and what to eat, read on.

Historical information - POLENTA

Do you know that Didn't polenta immediately become a masterpiece of Italian cuisine? Corn came to Europe only in the 16th century, when it was brought on ships from America.

Almost without difficulty, corn took root on European soil and very quickly became a popular ingredient in different dishes. But polenta itself was originally a food for the poor.

Ready corn polenta may be soft or hard. It froze quite easily and was dumped on a wooden table, cut into strips and dried a little. In this form, polenta was stored and eaten for several days. Pieces of polenta were often taken along with bread on the road.

Plain polenta seasoned with salt and fragrant herbs, instead of the usual cheese in the poor version, fried bread crumbs, but not everywhere.

Those who had greater income fried, baked, topped with sauces and stewed strips of polenta.

So ordinary porridge became the ancestor huge amount dishes. It is polenta dishes that have become a masterpiece of Italian cooking, capable of pleasing a gourmet.

Two regions lay claim to the birthplace of polenta as a dish. northern Italy: Lombardy and Venice. Polenta came out of Italy only at the end of the 20th century and rushed through the kitchens of famous restaurants, cafes and simple lovers eat.

In old Italian restaurants, they still offer you to try simple polenta, without any enriching additives or spices. Most often you will be served polenta with cheese, mushroom or meat sauce.

By the way, polenta is sold in Italian stores in the form of a round sausage loaf. So, if you are passing through Italy, stop by the supermarket for polenta.

You and I will prepare polenta at home, in a regular kitchen.

Is polenta an Italian dish or corn porridge? / POLENTA recipe

Of course, I’m not Italian, and I’ve never been to polenta in my homeland, but I cook polenta. Maybe I don't have original recipe, but it is simple and adapted to Russian tastes and habits.

Polenta Recipe


  • 1 tbsp. corn grits
  • 1 liter of water
  • pepper

Cooking method:

  1. To prepare polenta, you need special dishes with thick walls and bottom. Aluminum or enameled will not work. You can take a cauldron.
  2. Pour water into the cauldron, add the cereal and place on low heat. The pan needs to be covered with a lid; the hot porridge gurgles and splashes a lot.
  3. Cook the polenta for about 40 minutes, stirring constantly. Sometimes it takes an hour until the polenta starts to pull away from the spoon and the sides of the dish.
  4. Season the polenta with salt and pepper, stir, cover and remove from heat. Next, the polenta is made either soft or hard. While the polenta is hot, decide what will happen to it in the end.
  1. For soft polenta, add a little milk, butter, spices. You can pour in a little wine, preferably Italian. The polenta will become soft great side dish to any main dish, instead of the usual potatoes.
  2. For polenta to harden, you need ready-made porridge add butter, hard grated cheese, a little wine. Then quickly mix the palenta and place it on a greased baking sheet, smooth it with a spatula and leave for 15-20 minutes. Polenta hardens quickly. Turn the baking sheet onto a board and cut into the desired pieces before it hardens completely.
  3. Pieces of polenta are grilled, baked in the oven, and served with various sauces.

Polenta sauce


Cooking method:

  1. Cut the brisket into small cubes.
  2. Chop the onion even finer and fry for olive oil.
  3. Place a can of tomatoes in the onion, simmer for 10 minutes, then add the brisket and pour in the wine. Stir and simmer for another 10 minutes.
  4. Add salt and pepper to taste. Finally, season with chopped basil. Serve in small bowls and serve separately with strips of grilled polenta.

Get ready different sauces for polenta, tomato or bechamel, sour cream, with mushrooms or just vegetable stew. Everything will be incredibly tasty with polenta. Try it!

Bon appetit or Buon appetito!

Have fun cooking and be healthy!

Always yours Alena Tereshina.

Did you want to know what polenta is? I will be happy to tell you about this. Polenta is a dish Italian cuisine, which in its modern form has been known to us for many centuries. Polenta is a porridge made from corn flour, which began to be prepared in Italy around the end of the 16th century after this cereal was brought by sailors from America and its widespread cultivation began. It is believed that the direct ancestor of polenta is the ancient Roman porridge “pulse”, which was prepared long before historical materialism.

Polenta is very popular in northern regions Italy - in Veneto, Lombardy, Trentino-Alto Adige, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, as well as in the Italian cantons located even further north in Switzerland. In Slovenia (“žganci”), Serbia (“kačamak”), Dalmatia (“pulenta”), Moldova (“mamalyga”) and other regions, polenta is known under other names, but is no less loved. Residents of northern Italy are called “polentoni” for their love of this porridge. They, however, do not remain in debt and call the inhabitants of southern Italy “Terroni”.

Initially, at the start of its career, polenta was one of the main dishes in the diet of the Italian poor - peasants, wandering monks, etc. Corn flour was kneaded in a huge copper cauldron with a wooden stirrer until it reached the consistency at which it stopped flowing from the stirrer. A little later, when improved types of polenta appeared with the addition of other ingredients (mushrooms, cheese, vegetables, seafood, meat), it began to be offered in taverns, and nowadays polenta can be ordered in any Italian restaurant.

By placing a polenta recipe in the “Antipasti” (“Appetizers”) section, we mean a simple polenta recipe without all these “frills”. But polenta with anchovies, for example, will already be a separate dish, which can be safely submitted for the second one. Another important note - polenta can be either fried or baked (as in the photo of polenta with mushrooms below).

Polenta recipe or how to cook polenta

I want to make a reservation right away - if you come across a polenta recipe on a culinary website, open it and read something like “bring water to a boil, add cornmeal...", then it’s better to close this site right away - they won’t teach you anything worthwhile in the field of Italian cooking. The point here is that cornmeal is 90% corn starch. By pouring it into boiling water, you will instantly get an irregularly shaped lump in an inoperable stage and will be tortured to turn it into polenta. In general, Italian grandmothers are indignant! Add cornmeal (by the way, don’t try to find one in the supermarket labeled “Polenta”, any will do, although polenta exists in nature instant cooking) V cold water and bring to a boil over low heat, once it boils, hold for 15 - 30 minutes, stirring occasionally and do not be lazy. As I wrote above, to check for readiness, pay attention to how the polenta flows from the stirrer - if it’s already difficult, then the polenta is ready.

I will give several sensible polenta recipes originally from Italy and will try to adhere as much as possible to the recommendations that any sane Italian cook will give you.

A basic, so to speak, polenta recipe. First, the ingredients (cheese is optional, the original does not have it, but we add it when we want a “softer” porridge substance).


  • 1 cup medium or fine cornmeal. You can have a large one, but if you don’t have a medium one, it won’t work either;
  • pepper and salt;
  • oil;
  • Parmesan cheese (optional).

We add all the ingredients as usual “by eye”, based on our experience.

Cooking method:

  1. If to prepare hard polenta we take four glasses of water, then for soft polenta we will need five. Take a medium-sized, heavier saucepan (for stability when stirring) and fill it with 4 or 5 glasses of water, respectively. Salt the water - add about 1 teaspoon of salt. Pour corn flour into the water and turn on the heat.
  2. Stir occasionally and wait until the water boils. Let's reduce the heat a little and note the time - to prepare the polenta we will need from 15 minutes to half an hour. This will depend on the size of the cornmeal and the intensity of heating. Don't forget to stir! This is the cornerstone of ancient Roman technology! If suddenly the water evaporates before the dish is ready, feel free to add another half a glass or a glass. At the end of the process, taste and add salt if necessary. And pepper. It's also not necessary to taste. Add 6 tablespoons of oil. Soft polenta is ready.
  3. But it's still just the beginning for firm polenta. Remove the baking sheet from the oven and lightly grease it with oil. A shallow dish measuring 8.5 - 11 inches (21 - 28 cm) can be used. Fill the container with liquid polenta and spread it evenly using a kitchen spatula in a layer 2 cm thick. Cool the dish to room temperature and let it harden. Cover with a lid and cook for 3 days. It is not necessary to keep the polenta for so long; if you like it already on the second day, then you can serve it. Well, as I said earlier, you can sprinkle it with cheese right before serving.


  • 9 cups of water;
  • 1 tablespoon salt, plus extra for seasoning;
  • 2.5 cups yellow cornmeal;
  • 1.5 cups freshly grated Parmesan cheese;
  • 1.5 cups whole milk room temperature;
  • 10 tablespoons unsalted butter, room temperature;
  • 1/3 cup chopped fresh parsley;
  • freshly ground black pepper.

Cooking method:

Stick to the first recipe (simple polenta) until you remove the cooked mixture from the heat. Next add cheese, milk, butter and parsley. Stir it all until the butter and cheese are completely melted. Season with salt and pepper to taste. That's all - polenta can be placed on plates.

Polenta squares with mushroom ragu (polenta with mushrooms)


  • 2 cups boiling water;
  • 3 tablespoons butter at room temperature;
  • 1 teaspoon salt and another for seasoning;
  • 1/2 cup instant polenta or cornmeal;
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil;
  • 8 ounces chopped crimini mushrooms or similar;
  • 1/2 cup chopped onion;
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, plus a little more for seasoning;
  • 1 clove of chopped garlic;
  • 3/4 cup of dry Marsala wine;
  • 1/2 teaspoon flour;
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley.

Cooking method:

  1. Stick to the first recipe (simple polenta) until you remove the cooked mixture from the heat. Next, pour the polenta into a greased frying pan or baking tray measuring about 25x25 cm so that it spreads in an even thin layer over the entire area (about 1 cm). Cover with a lid and let stand for room temperature until ready. This will take about 15 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, heat the oil over heavy large frying pan over medium heat. Add mushrooms and onions. Sprinkle with 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper and saute until the juices evaporate (about 8 minutes). Add the garlic and sauté until the mushrooms are golden brown (about 2 minutes). Reduce heat to medium. Add wine. Cover and simmer until half the wine has evaporated (about 5 minutes). Stir the flour and remaining 2 tablespoons butter in a small bowl until a paste forms, then add the paste to the mushroom mixture. Cover and simmer until sauce thickens slightly (about 2 minutes). Remove from heat. Add greens to the stew. Decide on salt and pepper.
  3. Cut the polenta into 36 (6x6) tiny squares. Place them on a plate. Spread the warm ragu over the polenta and serve immediately.

Polenta - universal dish made from corn flour, which can be consumed both chilled and warm.

Polenta is classified as useful products, as it has several health benefits. In this article, we'll look at eight benefits of polenta, as well as how to prepare it.

What is polenta?

Traditionally, polenta was associated with Italy and was used in various dishes of this country. However, it is now also commonly eaten in many parts of the world, including various countries Europe and the United States.

Polenta is made from yellow corn that is ground into cornmeal. Depending on the grind, polenta can be harder or softer. After grinding, the cornmeal is boiled in water, milk or broth. Typically the ratio for making polenta is 4 cups liquid to 1 cup cornmeal. When cooked, it acquires the consistency of thick porridge.

The traditional method of making polenta involves stirring in a pot for about 40-50 minutes, which can be time consuming. For those looking for more simple ways preparation, polenta is sold as instant or instant porridge. This polenta is pre-cooked and dried before sale, so it can be prepared in 5-10 minutes.

Fully cooked polenta is also available in grocery stores. It is usually sold in oblong packages because in its solid form it can be sliced ​​and then fried or baked.

Nutritional Benefits of Polenta

Some varieties of polenta are enriched to enhance nutritional value. Cooking polenta with milk instead of water can add valuable nutrients.

Source of fiber and protein

Polenta contains both protein and fiber, so it quickly saturates the body. Fiber helps maintain proper functioning of the digestive system, promotes the growth of healthy intestinal bacteria and prevents constipation.

Gluten Free

For gluten-free eaters, polenta is a good option. Many sources of fiber, such as wheat, couscous and rye,

Polenta is generally safe for people with or hypersensitive to gluten. However, it is worth checking the ingredients of the product as it may contain additional ingredients.

Rich in complex carbohydrates

Polenta - great source complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates break down quickly and can cause high blood sugar levels. Besides, simple carbohydrates don't contain much nutrients. Cakes, cookies and White bread- prime examples of simple carbohydrates.

The complex carbohydrates in polenta break down slowly, which means the digestion process will take longer. This helps keep blood sugar at the same level.

Contains vitamin A

Although it does not contain a large number of vitamins and minerals, polenta does contain vitamin A. According to the National Institutes of Health, Vitamin A is essential for the proper functioning of the kidneys, lungs and heart.

Source of carotenoids

Polenta is made from ground corn, which is good source carotenoids. Carotenoids are believed to reduce the risk of a number of diseases, such as some types of eye diseases and several types of cancer.

Low fat

Polenta contains a small percentage of fat, so it can be part of a healthy, balanced diet. For those who want to reduce their intake of saturated fat, It is better to cook polenta with water, plant milk or broth instead of animal milk, and also do not add cheese or butter.

Contains essential minerals

Iron, magnesium and zinc are the most essential minerals. Despite the fact that polenta does not contain many of these useful elements, they still exist, so the dish will fit perfectly into any diet.

Low calorie

Polenta - low calorie product , like other whole grains that are cooked in water. It provides about 70 calories per 100g cooked serving.

Nutritious, low-calorie whole foods like polenta can be good choice for people who want to reset excess weight or keep it normal.

How to cook polenta?

Polenta has a mild corn flavor, making it a good base for adding herbs, vegetables or cheese. It can be used as a side dish and eaten with fish or meat.

Although polenta has a porridge-like consistency when cooked, if it is refrigerated, it will become firm enough to slice. Polenta slices can be cooked on the grill or in the oven with various fillings, including cheese or sauces.

Raw polenta can also be used in cakes and breads in place of some flours. Using polenta in baked goods can add nutritional value and moist texture to a dish.

Polenta can be eaten during brunch or as a side dish, e.g. with cabbage, mushrooms and tomato sauce, or use instead of pizza dough.

Corn porridge recipes

polenta recipe

25 minutes

90 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Are you tired of standard cereals and want some variety? Prepare Italian polenta. This a traditional dish northern Italy since the 16th century. It is also common in the southern part of Switzerland. In addition, it is often prepared in Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Bulgaria. Kachamak, Zhgantsy, mamalyga - these are all names for polenta. It is served instead of bread or as a side dish. They make sandwiches from it and cut out figures for children. Despite its simple preparation, it is prepared best chefs restaurants. They make it out simple dish real culinary masterpieces.

Important points in preparing polenta

  • Pot To prepare polenta there must be with thick or double bottom. A cast iron casserole is ideal for this. In a thin-walled pan, the polenta is more likely to burn.
  • You can prepare it as follows: with milk, so on the water. But be sure to add butter.
  • The smaller grinding corn grits, the more tender the polenta will be. It's better to use cornmeal or real instant polenta.
  • You need the right polenta stir all the time.
  • Polenta without parmesan- This is not polenta. Therefore, do not skimp on a small piece of this cheese. In extreme cases, it can be replaced with another hard cheese.
  • You need to stir the polenta with a wooden or silicone spatula. You can also use it for this silicone whisk.

Recipe for Italian polenta with cheese

Kitchen tools: saucepan, frying pan, wooden spatula, grater, cutting board.

List of ingredients

Step-by-step preparation

It is prepared in a similar way. And for the lovers Caucasian cuisine I recommend preparing it.

How to Serve Polenta

Here are just a few ways to serve polenta. In fact, there are a lot of them. That's why she never gets bored.

  1. The easiest way is to add more piece of butter, mix and serve on plates. In addition, you can put honey or jam on the table.
  2. We will need a small rectangular shape or a boat. Grease the dish with butter. Place the prepared polenta tightly into it and cool completely. When it cools down, put it in the refrigerator for 25 minutes. We pass a knife between the polenta and the mold. Turn over and take out. Cut into 1 cm slices. Place a cheese plate on each piece and leave for 5 minutes. hot oven or microwave.
  3. Grease a baking sheet with oil and spread the polenta. Level it out and leave it to harden. When it becomes hard, cut it into portion squares. You can simply fry them in a frying pan with olive or vegetable oil and serve with hot coffee or tea. Or you can form a sandwich and heat it in the microwave or oven.
  4. From one square of polenta, which we cooled on a baking sheet, squeeze out the middle with a glass. Place it in a heated frying pan with oil and pour the egg into the center. You can sprinkle cheese on top. Unusual and hearty scrambled eggs for breakfast ready.
  5. For children, you can squeeze out various figures and water them condensed milk or melted chocolate.
  6. Can be cooked polenta with vegetables. To do this, cut into strips any seasonal vegetables: eggplant, pepper, tomato, onion. Simmer them until done. Place the still hot polenta on a plate, spread it apart and place the vegetables in the center.
  7. Can I submit polenta pizza. To do this, we form on a greased baking sheet from another soft porridge round cake and leave to harden. During this time, fry a couple of mushrooms, chop ham or sausage, and cut cherry tomatoes in half. We put it all on the crust. It can be coated with ketchup or sauce if desired. Sprinkle with grated cheese and bake for 5 minutes in a well-heated oven.
  8. Mix the cottage cheese with chopped herbs. Take some polenta in your hand. We make a depression, put cottage cheese in it and form a ball. These buns can be served directly to the table or fried in a deep fryer.

And finally, I want to say that it is very convenient to cook polenta, like corn porridge, in a slow cooker. The Teflon coating of the bowl will definitely prevent it from burning, even if you are distracted from stirring.
