Is it possible to eat dried bananas on a diet? Step-by-step cooking algorithm. Drying bananas yourself

Bananas have a sweet taste. They were loved by many. They are eaten in in various forms, added to dishes as an ingredient.

Dried bananas, the benefits and harms of which are somewhat different from fresh product, are used quite often. It is important to understand all the features of the fruit so as not to harm the body.

Many people wonder in what form it is healthier to eat it, and what the harm is. You can find out by finding out the differences between dried and fresh.

How are bananas dried?

Before finding out why they are useful dried bananas and what harm they have, it’s worth figuring out how they dry. For this there are various ways. Dried ginger in sugar is a tasty and healthy delicacy.

Using a stove

Only ripe fruits are used. They are peeled and cut into several pieces to form slices. The resulting fruits are placed on a baking sheet. Place in a charcoal oven.

It is important that the temperature is low. In order for bananas to come out dry, they must simmer. Moisture will begin to evaporate from them, which will lead to a decrease in size.

Readiness is indicated by the appearance of a dark brown tint.


This requires sunlight. Therefore, this method is only possible in good weather. Bananas are peeled and can be left whole or cut into slices.

Place on a surface with good ventilation. The fruits are covered with gauze to prevent insects from harming them. It is recommended to periodically place bananas in the shade.

Readiness is indicated by the appearance of a white crust on the surface. This is sugar powder.

Dried bananas are as healthy as fresh fruits


The fruit is cut into slices. Each of them needs to be dipped in lemon juice. Prepare a baking sheet by placing special paper on it. It is recommended to make small holes in it to allow air to circulate. The cut pieces are laid out in a single layer on the sheet. Set the oven temperature to minimum. Place the fruits there and keep them there for about 10 hours.

They can be found in the store: they are designed for drying fruits and vegetables, including bananas. The temperature in the device is minimal, within 40 degrees. Dried bananas, both beneficial and harmful, will become due to the circulation of warm air currents occurring in the unit. The procedure time is reduced by 6 hours when using a special dryer.

When drying, be sure to use lemon juice. This helps prevent bananas, both beneficial and harmful, from turning brown. Store fruits for preservation useful properties, recommended in a container equipped with a well-closing lid. Food containers will do.

Is it useful in dried form?

Many people wonder if dried bananas are healthy. The answer is yes. They are rich in vitamin B6, which improves metabolism. Contains the daily requirement of this vitamin.

The fruit is easy to digest and quickly satiates. This makes it perfect for athletes and a healthy snack throughout the day. The production of serotonin, which the fruit enhances, helps improve mood and get rid of sadness.


The benefits of dried bananas and their harm stem entirely from the composition of the fruit. They are rich:

  • B vitamins, including B6;
  • sucrose;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus.

It has already been noted about the content in fruits daily norm vitamin B6. The benefit lies in the ability to improve metabolism and nervous system function. In addition, it also contains other B vitamins. Thanks to the presence of sucrose, bananas have a pleasant sweet taste. The product also has benefits for mental activity, helping to improve it.

The benefits and harms of dried fruits are similar to fresh fruits. High potassium concentration has a beneficial effect on work of cardio-vascular system. The benefit also lies in positive action bananas on the condition of the skin and hair.

Calorie content

The benefits and harms of dried bananas are influenced by their calorie content, which is higher than that of the fresh fruit. 100 grams - 390 kcal. At the same time, the protein content is 3.89 g, and the fat content is 1.81 g. Most of all carbohydrates. Their quantity in the product is 88.2 g. The indicated indicators reflect the benefits and harms of the product.

Useful nutritional properties fresh and dried bananas

Benefit for health

Dried bananas are beneficial and harmful to the body. It has already been noted that the composition, rich in vitamins, has a positive effect on health. The benefit is to improve brain function.

The benefits of dried bananas are as follows:

  • improvement of general condition, getting rid of weakness;
  • have high content fiber (mild laxative property).

The fibrous base of the fruit makes it harmless to the gastric mucosa. In addition, the benefit lies in quickly saturating the body. High calorie content allows fruits to become great snack during the day. Even those who are on a diet can eat it in moderation. The benefits will be noticeable if you eat the fruit regularly.

The benefits and harms of dried bananas may differ slightly from those of fresh fruits. That’s why many people wonder in what form it is healthier to eat fruit. It is worth noting that the benefits dried fruits quite similar to fresh ones:

  • the content of magnesium and potassium allows a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart;
  • have easy laxative effect– large amounts of fiber can have a positive effect on intestinal function;
  • fruits, regardless of the type of their use, are rich in B vitamins, which helps maintain normal functioning of the nervous system.

Fruit in any form helps produce serotonin, which improves mood and helps cope with stress.

But there is a difference between dried and fresh fruits. One of the key differences is caloric content. In dried ones it is several times higher. In addition, they contain more sugar than fresh ones. This indicates that the harm of dried fruits in this indicator is higher.

Can dried fruit be harmful?

Dried bananas can be both beneficial and harmful to the body. If you are trying to lose weight, you should be careful about their consumption. Their calorie content is higher than fresh ones, so you should carefully monitor the quantity you eat of them, otherwise you can cause harm to the body. They are suitable as a snack, but you should follow moderation.

In addition to calorie content, the glycemic index is also important. In dried fruits it is high, which leads to a sudden sharp increase in blood sugar levels.

Products with high glycemic index not useful in large quantities- are harmful, and in case of diabetes and excess weight - completely contraindicated.

How to cook banana chips? Just a couple of ingredients and the taste of Asia is on your plate. Dried bananas - wonderful dessert and a great snack:


  1. The benefits and harms of dried bananas on the body are somewhat different from the effects fresh fruits.
  2. They are good for the nervous system and improve brain activity. This is wonderful hearty snack, improves mood.
  3. But because high calorie content and glycemic index, in addition to benefits, can also cause harm to the body.


Dried bananas - calorie content and beneficial properties

- it's still the same delicious fruit, but with the issue of its transportation over long distances resolved. There is also another name - banana figs. You can see what they look like in the photo that follows.

The fruit is dried without using any chemicals and harmful processing. The process of making dried bananas is very simple: first, the fruits are peeled, cut and placed on pallets. Then they are sent to special drying chambers in which the temperature does not exceed 40 degrees. At this time, the fruits decrease in size and lose moisture.

Beneficial features

The benefit (useful properties) of dried bananas lies in the content of a large number of useful substances, as well as in their nutritional value.

The product contains vitamin B6, which is necessary for the normal functioning of metabolic processes in the body.

Are dried fruits an excellent source of potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, and it also removes excess fluid from the body.

The product contains seratonin, a happiness hormone that helps improve mood and get rid of stress and depression.

Bananas prepared in this way are quickly absorbed in the body. Sugars from fruits are absorbed into the blood and give the body energy and strength. This property determines the widespread use of such dried fruits in the diet, especially for those people who work hard physically.

Eating dried bananas is useful for problems with the stomach and cardiovascular system. This product can be a great snack or addition to dessert.

Due to its fibrous structure, dried fruit helps cleanse the intestines of waste products and excess fluid.

Such products are hypoallergenic. They contain quite a lot of ascorbic acid, which will help strengthen the immune system.

Use in cooking

Dried bananas are popular in cooking and are used to prepare various dishes. They can be added to cereals, various desserts, baked goods, milkshakes, etc. Dried bananas can be an excellent decoration for cakes, pastries, etc. These dried fruits can be used to prepare various compotes and other drinks.

If you don't trust the quality of the dried bananas sold, you can simply prepare them at home with your own hands. The main thing is to have a special dryer. To do this, take the fruit, remove the peel and cut them into circles, the thickness of which should not be more than 5 cm.

In a separate container, combine lemon juice with water, the proportion should be 1:2. Place the slices in the resulting liquid for 25 seconds. This procedure is necessary to ensure that the fruit does not darken during drying. If this is not important to you, then you can skip the procedure.

Place the circles on trays and place them in the dryer; it is recommended to change them from time to time. The drying process will take you approximately 18 hours.

You can also dry the fruit in the oven at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees for 5 hours. In addition, you can place the fruits on a baking sheet and place it in the sun, just do not forget to cover it with gauze.

Harm of dried bananas and contraindications

Dried bananas can be harmful to people with individual intolerance to the product. It is recommended to avoid eating dried fruit if diabetes mellitus, as well as during obesity and during weight loss.

Due to their high calorie content, it is not recommended to introduce dried bananas into the diet of pregnant women, so as not to provoke pregnancy. excess weight. Although this product is not prohibited for consumption. But while breastfeeding, it is better to consume fresh fruits and not earlier than the child turns two months old (however, such fruits should be introduced into the diet gradually).

It is contraindicated to eat dried bananas if you have thrombophlebitis, dyspepsia, increased blood clotting, or after a stroke or heart attack.


In our country, bananas very quickly gained popularity, especially since this fruit is available almost at any time of the year. Much less popular, but no less tasty option- These are dried bananas, or figs.

They gained their well-deserved popularity because they are very convenient to use: they take up little space, while remaining a nutritious and very healthy snack. This is especially useful if you are watching your diet or cannot eat normally at work.

However, it is important to remember that when dried, bananas also acquire a much higher calorie content: they contain approximately 5 times more calories than fresh fruits, which in themselves are not very dietary. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, treat dried bananas with caution.

In any case, remember that only consumption in moderation makes foods truly healthy.

Dried bananas are not very popular here, but in Asian countries they are even used to make chips. To do this, they are dried very strongly, adding sugar and sometimes even salt. The result is very original snack, which harms the body much less than the ones we are used to potato chips. Although, of course, the combination of salt and banana is a combination only for true gourmets.

However, when consuming, it is important to remember that they have the same properties as seeds - you can eat them great amount and not even notice it.

Therefore, try to either add dried bananas to your dishes, especially to cereals like oatmeal, or strictly dose the amount you are going to eat, because even the healthiest foods frequent use may become harmful.

How to choose dried bananas

If you don't cook yourself, but want to buy ready-made dried bananas, pay attention to exactly how they were dried.

If this sweet snack, which was prepared using caramel, it is better to refuse such a purchase, buy fresh fruit and prepare it at home.

Remember that dried bananas are enough on their own. high-calorie foods, and adding to them sugar caramel or honey will only increase the calorie content, and the sugar content in the product will cause a sharp jump in blood sugar levels.

How to dry bananas at home

Dried bananas can be easily prepared at home; no special devices or preservatives are needed.

To do this, you need to clear fresh fruits, cut them into neat circles about 5 cm thick, place them on a baking sheet and dry in a warm place at a temperature of 30 to 40 degrees.

The result will be bananas that will have a rich Brown color. If you use the “baby” variety, you don’t have to cut them, leave them whole, just peel them first.

During the drying process, up to 80% of the water comes out of the banana, so they will become much smaller. However, they will remain as healthy as fresh fruits, retaining almost the full supply of vitamins and minerals. Place finished products in a glass or cardboard box and store in a dry place for up to 12 months.

To prepare dried bananas at home, it is best, of course, to use a special fruit dryer. Otherwise you need at least electric oven, or anything else capable of maintaining their optimal temperature (about 40 degrees).

Exceeding the temperature will cause the bananas to become baked rather than dried out. Cut them into circles about 5 centimeters wide and then dip them into the mixture if desired. lemon juice and water. This is necessary so that they retain their color and do not darken.

To do this, fresh lemon juice and water need to be mixed in a ratio of one to two, but if the color is not important to you finished product, you can safely skip this step.

Bananas must be placed in this mixture for half a minute, then removed, placed on a baking sheet and dried. At optimal temperature At 40 degrees Celsius you will need about 18 hours to completely dry the product. Remember that you will need about 5 hours in the oven at the same temperature.

In addition, you can dry bananas simply in the fresh air if it is very hot outside. To do this, you also need to lay them out on parchment, just be sure to cover them with gauze so that midges don’t land on them. In this case, place them directly in the open sun, and then check the condition regularly.

As soon as the characteristic sweet crust forms on the fruit, we can consider it ready.

Composition of dried bananas

One dried banana contains daily norm vitamin B6, which we need to speed up metabolism and also maintain the functioning of the nervous system. In addition to vitamin B6, they contain wide range other B vitamins, sucrose, which gives them sweet taste, as well as phosphorus, which is indispensable for mental activity.

Composition of dried bananas (per 100 g) VitaminsMinerals
Calorie content 346 kcal
Squirrels 3.89 g
Fats 1.81 g
Carbohydrates 88.28 g
Saturated fatty acids 0.2 g
Ash 0.9 g
Starch 2 g
Mono- and disaccharides 19 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 0.2 g
Water 74 g
Organic acids 0.4 g
Alimentary fiber 1.7 g
Kholin 9.8 mg
Vitamin PP 0.9 mg
Vitamin K 0.5 mcg
Vitamin E 0.4 mg
Vitamin C 10 mg
Vitamin B9 10 mcg
Vitamin B6 0.4 mg
Vitamin B5 0.3 mg
Vitamin B2 0.05 mg
Vitamin B1 0.04 mg
Vitamin A 20 mcg
Beta carotene 0.12 mg
Fluorine 2.2 mcg
Selenium 1 mcg
Manganese 0.27 mg
Zinc 0.15 mg
Iron 0.6 mg
Phosphorus 28 mg
Sodium 31 mg
Potassium 348 mg
Magnesium 42 mg
Calcium 8 mg

Dried bananas have many beneficial properties, basically the same ones that you can find in fresh fruits.

They contain a high concentration of potassium, which is necessary for normal operation cardiovascular system, as well as to improve communication between neurons.

In addition, it is very useful for the good condition of the skin and hair; its deficiency immediately becomes noticeable and affects the appearance.

Beneficial properties of dried bananas

Dried bananas can even be used in medicinal purposes, in particular, they help cope very well with constipation, in this they replace medications very well pharmaceutical drugs. The main thing is not to get carried away with such treatment, since bananas still have too many calories.

It is very useful to periodically consume them for people who suffer from anemia, since the substances they contain stimulate the production of blood cells.

They are also prescribed to those who suffer from chronic diseases. gastrointestinal tract, such as ulcers or gastritis, since dried bananas are very easily digestible, provide the body with the maximum amount of nutrients, and also improve intestinal function.

They are also well suited for those who have problems with the cardiovascular system, as they support the functioning of the heart and the good condition of blood vessels, and are also able to remove from the body harmful salts.

Dried bananas help the body remove excess fluid, along with salts, which helps relieve swelling.

They can also be taken for ulcers, as their fibrous composition is very easy to digest and does not damage the gastric mucosa.

They help with:

  • smoking;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • to support the nervous system;
  • For correct formation body;
  • for swelling.

Bananas, both fresh and dried, are recommended for smokers. Firstly, they help to at least slightly reduce the harm that nicotine causes to the body, and secondly, they help fight the craving for smoking.

At regular use bananas even help cope with stress and reduce anxiety and nervousness (like tomatoes and sesame seeds), this was made possible thanks to the vitamin B they contain. Vitamin E, which is also found in fresh and dried fruits, is very beneficial for the condition of the skin and hair .

With regular use, this will become noticeable, not only your mood will improve, but also your appearance.

Dried bananas for children

Many people are interested in the question of whether dried bananas can be given to children.

Many berries and fruits can cause allergies in a child, especially if he is very young, but bananas, both fresh and dried, remain a hypoallergenic product, so you can safely include them in your children’s diet.

Moreover, dried bananas are even good for children, as they contain a high concentration of vitamin C, which contributes to good functioning. immune system and helps with colds.

Not everyone knows this, but bananas, both fresh and dried, contain substances that stimulate the production of the joy hormone, so we can say that those people who regularly consume them are the happiest people in the world.

In any case, their regular use can improve mood, increase performance and keep you in order. nervous system. Dried fruits are very good for athletes because they contain a high concentration of calories, which means they can provide a lot of energy.

Their natural composition saturates the body useful substances, which is also very important for those who play sports.

How to eat dried bananas

Due to their high calorie content, bananas are best consumed in the morning. For example, very healthy breakfast will oatmeal with the addition of fresh or dried fruit. You can also use them as decoration and addition to confectionery products, for example for cakes and pastries.

But, of course, it is best to consume dried bananas in pure form: firstly, they themselves are a very good substitute for desserts even for the most capricious children, and secondly, they are already quite high in calories.

You can even make compotes from dried bananas if you are ready to experiment and want to try such a drink.

Any one useful product has its contraindications. Dried bananas, for example, should not be consumed by people who want to lose weight. At the very least, it is necessary to strictly control their amount in the diet. Because of high concentration Sugars are contraindicated for people who suffer from diabetes.

The amount of dried bananas consumed as food must also be strictly dosed for people who suffer from excessive blood clotting, including those that lead to the formation of blood clots, as well as after a heart attack or stroke.

It is advisable to avoid combining it with milk, as this can cause bloating. On the other hand, combining banana with milk helps you gain weight, so... small quantities it can be used by those people who need to get better.


Dried bananas: benefits and harms

Sep-7-2012 KoshechkaM


Banana - perennial herbaceous plant banana family. In nature, there are up to 70 types of bananas: from short to tall (from 60 cm to 15 m in height). The banana pseudo-trunk is strong, thick and short, it is completely hidden underground. The rhizomes, on which giant leaves are arranged spirally, reach up to 4 m in length and 90 cm in width in tall varieties.

Banana fruits are berries with a leathery shell and juicy pulp, elongated, cylindrical, sickle-shaped, faceted, arranged in bunches reaching a mass of 30-50 kg. The fruits have tasty and sweet, aromatic, mealy pulp of a whitish-cream color.

The most common garden varieties of bananas are: the “wise men” banana, or Indian banana, up to 10 m high; Chinese banana, or Cavendish banana, it is also called dwarf banana, or Canary banana, up to 2 m high.

The sage banana variety serves as a source of nutrition for millions of people in tropical countries. The Chinese banana variety, whose fruits are smaller, is more common due to its good tolerance to cool climates.

The variety of paradise banana belongs to the group of mealy bananas, it is also called dessert banana. The fruits of this banana are very rich in starch, but they do not taste sweet.

More often they are consumed boiled, baked or used to make flour.

Banana is one of the first plants cultivated by humans. They think that everyone is his edible species originated from the pointed banana, whose homeland is Southeast Asia.

You should know that bananas that ripen on the tree do not gain the necessary taste qualities and aroma, but they lose them. The peel of the fruit cracks and the pulp is easily affected by diseases.

Therefore, the fruits are harvested unripe. Purchased bananas should be stored in a cool place - 10-12°C, but not in the refrigerator. Greenish fruits are preserved at higher temperatures.

Fruit clusters are hung rather than kept in plastic bags.

The fruit pulp contains up to 80% water, fiber, pectin substances, improving digestion, starch (7-20%), which turns into sugar when fruits ripen, proteins - up to 1.3%, carbohydrates - up to 25% (mainly sucrose), malic acid, tannic and aromatics, enzymes, vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, PP, provitamin A, catecholamines. In terms of vitamin C content, bananas are not inferior to some citrus fruits: ripe fruits contain from 8 to 12 mg of this vitamin per 100 g of pulp.

* Eating 1-2 bananas a day has a sustainable tonic effect: improves mood, concentration and performance, reduces fatigue, and cleanses the body.

You can easily buy fresh bananas in stores. all year round. Which is what many do. But there are also dried bananas, the calorie content and benefits of which, as a fairly popular delicacy, are often of interest to readers.

Indeed, dried bananas are a very high-calorie product. It is known that in dried form they have 5 times higher calorie content than in fresh form. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

But first, let's remember what kind of fruit is a banana? And how are its dried “brothers” prepared?

Dried bananas:

Today, many banana lovers are faced with the problem of transporting them; if the trip is long, it is quite possible that the bananas will simply go bad.

This problem can now be easily solved, because there are dried bananas, which can also be found under the name “banana figs”.

Bananas are a real source of energy and vitality, and dried bananas perfectly satisfy even the strongest hunger, while being absolutely healthy food. Bananas are dried without the use of chemical treatment.

The method of preparing them is extremely simple: you need to peel the banana, cut it into equal parts and place it on a tray. Bananas are dried at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees.

The size of the banana is significantly reduced, but, most importantly, the beneficial properties of a dried banana remain the same as those of a fresh one. This dried fruit is ideal for a daytime snack at work or school.

In addition, the calorie content of dried bananas is much less than that of various wafers, and the benefits and nutritional value are much higher.

How to dry bananas:

Dried bananas are prepared without the use of any chemicals.

The method by which this popular delicacy is prepared is very simple: ripe fruits, peeled, are placed on baking sheets and dried at low temperature in ovens, the fire in which is maintained by charcoal.

During such drying, their humidity decreases to 17-19%, and they greatly decrease in size. But interesting fact– their beneficial properties are not lost.

Calorie content and benefits:

The calorie content of dried bananas is 390 Kcal per 100 grams of this product.

Dried bananas are a great alternative for those with a sweet tooth who are on a diet. The benefits of dried bananas are primarily that they have a beneficial effect on the heart, liver and brain.

They contain the so-called joy hormone, so after eating them, your mood can significantly improve. These properties of dried bananas are known among athletes who need glucose, especially before competitions, to gain energy and strength.

Due to the fact that dried bananas contain a large number of potassium, excess fluid is removed from the body.

For people who suffer from cardiovascular disease, dried bananas are also a suitable product. If a person suffers from diabetes, then dried bananas will help relieve stress and anxiety, and also help improve sleep.

The beneficial properties of dried bananas also appear in case of stomach problems, due to their fibrous structure.

These fruits, among other things, are also used for medicinal purposes. The yellow ripe fruits are useful in relieving constipation and hemorrhoids. Since they contain a lot of iron and sugar, bananas are good for anemia (anemia) and general weakness. Green fruits contain a lot of potassium and sodium, which is why they have long been used as a diuretic that helps remove salts from the body.

Harm of dried bananas

Despite a number of nutritional benefits and beneficial effects on health, dried bananas can harm the body in the following cases:

  • in diabetes mellitus, due to the high sucrose content,
  • for blood clotting diseases, as they have the property of thickening the blood,
  • if you are overweight due to high calorie content,
  • after a stroke or heart attack,
  • with coronary heart disease.

Note that it is worth distinguishing dried bananas from banana chips prepared by frying on palm or coconut oil. In addition to heat treatment, which kills some of the beneficial substances, chips are harmful to the body due to their high content of difficult-to-digest fats, cholesterol and carcinogens. In addition, their calorie content becomes even higher - about 500 kcal per 100 g.

Dried bananas in weight loss diets

Many nutritionists claim that dried bananas are ideal for breakfast and snacking, as they contain complex carbohydrates and sugar, perfectly satiate and serve as an invaluable source of energy.

This pure product, since they are not used during drying of bananas chemical substances, it is enough to maintain a temperature of 40 degrees for a certain time and place the fruit in a special container for drying.

The product contains a lot of fiber and organic fibers, which cleanses the intestines from harmful substances, practically without being absorbed in it, and giving a feeling of satiety. With regular use of the product, problems with constipation and bowel regularity are solved.

Besides, in dried fruits many vitamins, including C, PP, K, E and A, and minerals - calcium, zinc, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron and selenium.

Ascorbic acid is considered a natural antioxidant, indispensable for colds and strengthening the immune system, which is especially important for children.

They quickly gained popularity, especially since this fruit is available almost at any time of the year. A much less popular, but no less tasty option is dried bananas, or figs.

They gained their well-deserved popularity because they are very convenient to use: they take up little space, while remaining a nutritious and very healthy snack. This is especially useful if you are watching your diet or cannot eat normally at work. However, it is important to remember that when dried, bananas also acquire a much higher calorie content: they contain approximately 5 times more calories than fresh fruits, which in themselves are not very dietary. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, treat dried bananas with caution. In any case, remember that only consumption in moderation makes foods truly healthy.

Dried bananas are not very popular here, but in Asian countries they are even used to make chips. To do this, they are dried very strongly, adding sugar, and sometimes even. The result is a very original snack that is much less harmful to the body than the potato chips we are used to. Although, of course, the combination of salt and banana is a combination only for true gourmets. True, when consuming it is important to remember that they have the same properties as seeds - you can eat a huge amount of them and not even notice it. Therefore, try to either add dried bananas to your dishes, especially to cereals like oatmeal, or strictly measure the amount you are going to eat, because even the healthiest foods can become harmful if consumed frequently.

How to choose dried bananas

If you don't cook yourself, but want to buy ready-made dried bananas, pay attention to exactly how they were dried. If it is a sweet snack that has been made with caramel, skip the purchase and buy fresh fruit and prepare it at home. Remember that dried bananas themselves are quite high in calories, and adding sugar caramel to them will only increase the calorie content, and the sugar content in the product will provide a sharp jump in blood sugar levels.

How to dry bananas at home

Dried bananas can be easily prepared at home; no special devices or preservatives are needed. To do this, you need to peel fresh fruits, cut them into neat circles about 5 cm thick, place them on a baking sheet and dry them in a warm place at a temperature of 30 to 40 degrees. The result will be bananas that are a rich brown color. If you use the “baby” variety, you don’t have to cut them, leave them whole, just peel them first.

During the drying process, up to 80% of the water comes out of the banana, so they will become much smaller. However, they will remain as healthy as fresh fruits, retaining almost the full supply of vitamins and minerals. Place finished products in a glass or cardboard box and store in a dry place for up to 12 months.

To prepare dried bananas at home, it is best, of course, to use a special fruit dryer. Otherwise, you need at least an electric oven, or something else that can maintain the optimal temperature for them (about 40 degrees). Exceeding the temperature will cause the bananas to become baked rather than dried out. Cut them into circles about 5 centimeters wide and then dip them in a mixture of lemon juice and water if desired. This is necessary so that they retain their color and do not darken. To do this, fresh lemon juice and water need to be mixed in a ratio of one to two, but if the color of the finished product is not important to you, you can safely skip this step.

Bananas must be placed in this mixture for half a minute, then removed, placed on a baking sheet and dried. At an optimal temperature of 40 degrees Celsius, you will need about 18 hours to completely dry the product. Remember that you will need about 5 hours in the oven at the same temperature. In addition, you can dry bananas simply in the fresh air if it is very hot outside. To do this, you also need to lay them out on parchment, just be sure to cover them with gauze so that midges don’t land on them. In this case, place them directly in the open sun, and then check the condition regularly. As soon as the characteristic sweet crust forms on the fruit, we can consider it ready.

Composition of dried bananas

One dried banana contains the daily requirement of vitamin B6, which we need to speed up metabolism and also maintain the functioning of the nervous system. In addition to vitamin B6, they contain a wide range of others, which gives them a sweet taste, as well as phosphorus, which is essential for mental performance.

Composition of dried bananas (per 100 g)
346 kcal
3.89 g
1.81 g
88.28 g
0.2 g
0.9 g
2 g
and disaccharides 19 g
0.2 g
74 g
0.4 g
1.7 g
9.8 mg
0.9 mg
0.5 mcg
0.4 mg
10 mg
10 mcg
0.4 mg
0.3 mg
0.05 mg
0.04 mg
20 mcg
Beta carotene 0.12 mg
2.2 mcg
1 mcg
0.27 mg
0.15 mg
0.6 mg
28 mg
31 mg
348 mg
42 mg
8 mg

Dried bananas have many beneficial properties, basically the same ones that you can find in fresh fruits. They contain a high concentration of potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as for improving communication between neurons. In addition, it is very useful for the good condition of the skin and hair; its deficiency immediately becomes noticeable and affects the appearance.

Beneficial properties of dried bananas

Dried bananas can even be used for medicinal purposes, in particular, they are very good at helping to cope with constipation, in this they are a very good substitute for pharmaceutical drugs. The main thing is not to get carried away with such treatment, since bananas still have too many calories. It is very useful to periodically consume them for people who suffer from anemia, since the substances they contain stimulate the production of blood cells. They are also prescribed to those who suffer from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as ulcers or gastritis, since dried bananas are very easily digestible, provide the body with the maximum amount of useful substances, and also improve intestinal function.

They are also good for those who have problems with the cardiovascular system, as they support the functioning of the heart and the good condition of blood vessels, and are also able to remove harmful salts from the body. Dried bananas help the body remove excess fluid, along with salts, which helps relieve swelling. They can also be taken for ulcers, as their fibrous composition is very easy to digest and does not damage the gastric mucosa.

They help with:

  • smoking;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • to support the nervous system;
  • for the proper formation of the body;
  • for swelling.

Bananas, both fresh and dried, are recommended for smokers. Firstly, they help to at least slightly reduce the harm that nicotine causes to the body, and secondly, they help fight the craving for smoking. When consumed regularly, bananas even help cope with stress and reduce the level of anxiety and nervousness (like, and), this was made possible thanks to the vitamin B they contain. Vitamin E, which is also found in fresh and dried fruits, is very beneficial for the condition of the skin and hair. With regular use, this will become noticeable, not only your mood will improve, but also your appearance.

Dried bananas for children

Many people are interested in the question of whether dried bananas can be given to children. Many berries and fruits can cause allergies in a child, especially if he is very young, but bananas, both fresh and dried, remain a hypoallergenic product, so you can safely include them in your children’s diet. Moreover, dried bananas are even good for children, as they contain a high concentration of vitamin C, which contributes to the good functioning of the immune system and helps with colds.

Not everyone knows this, but bananas, both fresh and dried, contain substances that stimulate the production of the joy hormone, so we can say that those people who regularly consume them are the happiest people in the world. In any case, their regular use can improve mood, increase performance and maintain a healthy nervous system. Dried fruits are very good for athletes because they contain a high concentration of calories, which means they can provide a lot of energy. Their natural composition saturates the body with useful substances, which is also very important for those who play sports.

How to eat dried bananas

Due to their high calorie content, bananas are best consumed in the morning. For example, a very healthy breakfast would be oatmeal with the addition of fresh or dried fruit. They can also be used as a decoration and as an addition to confectionery products such as cakes and pastries. But, of course, it is best to eat dried bananas in their pure form: firstly, they themselves are a very good substitute for desserts even for the most capricious children, and secondly, they are already quite high in calories. You can even make compotes from dried bananas if you are ready to experiment and want to try such a drink.

Contraindications and harm

Every most useful product has its contraindications. Dried bananas, for example, should not be consumed by people who want to lose weight. At the very least, it is necessary to strictly control their amount in the diet. Due to the high concentration of sugar, they are contraindicated for people who suffer from diabetes.

The amount of dried bananas consumed as food must also be strictly dosed for people who suffer from excessive blood clotting, including those that lead to the formation of blood clots, as well as after a heart attack or stroke.

It is advisable to avoid combination with, as this can cause bloating. On the other hand, combining banana with milk helps in weight gain, so it can be consumed in small quantities by those people who need to gain weight.

Dried bananas - calorie content, harm and benefit, recipes.

Dried bananasdelicious treat, which is loved not only by children, but also by adults with a sweet tooth. We will talk in detail about the benefits, harm, and calorie content of dried bananas in this article, and we will also learn how to prepare dried bananas at home.

Calorie content

Connoisseurs of this unique dried delicacy are interested in: what caloric content do dried bananas have and whether constant consumption of dried fruit can cause harm to the figure? Indeed, the calorie content of dried bananas is several times higher than that of fresh fruits and is about 346 kilocalories per hundred grams. So you should consume dried bananas in moderation.

At moderate consumption dried bananas, they are beneficial to the body, as they contain the daily requirement of vitamin B6, which stimulates healthy metabolism, useful microelements, pectin and carotene. We will tell you more about the dangers and benefits of eating dried bananas in the next section of the article.

Dried bananas are useful primarily because they contain an abundance of potassium - an element that improves the functioning of the brain, heart muscle, and is beneficial for the skin and hair of the body.

Dried bananas will also be useful for increased swelling, as they help remove excess moisture from the body. Eating dried bananas catalyzes the production of the joy hormone - serotonin, and therefore helps to lift your mood and gives additional energy to the body.

Dried bananas are hypoallergenic, so they can be given even to small children, and the rich supply of vitamin C in the dried fruit will help strengthen the immune system. .

However, despite all their usefulness, dried bananas have a number of contraindications: they are undesirable to eat if you are obese or have diabetes, since in dried form the fruit has a significant calorie content and, in addition, its sucrose content increases. It is also advisable to limit yourself in the consumption of dried delicacy in case of dyspepsia, flatulence and thrombophlebitis, after a recent heart attack or stroke.

In other cases, there will be no harm from dried bananas, but it is important to consume the product in moderation.

You can buy dried bananas in any store without any problems, but dried fruits that you prepare yourself will be much healthier. We present below detailed recipe cooking dried bananas in a conventional oven.

Homemade recipe in the oven

How to make dried bananas at home? It’s very simple: take a few fresh ripe fruits, peel them and cut them the way you like - into slices or circles. Place the slices (circles) on a baking sheet and then put it in the oven. Bananas should be dried until tender for about three to five hours at a temperature not exceeding forty degrees.

Store the finished drying fruit in a box made of cardboard or tin. The shelf life of the product, subject to storage rules, is one year.

Fruits such as bananas are not a delicacy and are always available for sale, regardless of the time of year. Why then dry bananas, you ask. The answer is simple. Dried and dried bananas are very tasty and hearty dessert. You can always take dried fruits with you and snack on them at the right time. We’ll talk about how to properly approach the process of dehydrating bananas in this article.

Only suitable for drying ripe bananas. There may be black spots on the peel, but the flesh of the fruit should remain light and firm.

Before drying, bananas must be washed in running water and peeled.

For a dried product, it is better to cut bananas large pieces. Large fruits can be cut in half first, and then each half in two. Small mini bananas (Baby Banana) can be dried whole.

For chips, fruits are cut into wheels 5 to 10 millimeters thick.

To prevent the fruits from darkening during drying, they must be kept for some time in acidified water. To do this, pour 200 milliliters of cool water and squeezed juice of one lemon into a bowl. Lemon juice can be replaced with 1 teaspoon citric acid. Place banana slices in the acidified solution for 20–30 seconds.

After this procedure, the fruits are placed in a colander and waited until the excess liquid has drained as much as possible.

Methods for drying bananas

In the sun

At first glance, the simplest drying method is to use solar heat, but in practice it turns out to be the most labor-intensive.

  • Firstly, changeable weather conditions may not always contribute to high-quality drying.
  • Secondly, at night the pallet with bananas needs to be brought home and taken out again. Fresh air only after the morning dew has disappeared, otherwise the food will become soggy.
  • Thirdly, bananas laid out on a pallet must be reliably protected from insects that can transfer pathogens to them.

Drying time in the open sun ranges from 2 to 4 days. This mainly depends on the weather conditions and the size of the fruit cut.

In the oven

Bananas prepared in the manner described above are laid out on a tray covered with parchment. To improve air exchange, the paper can be pierced in several places with a knife.

Preheat the oven to a temperature of 60 - 70 degrees and place a baking sheet with slices in it. It is very important to leave the door open oven to allow air to circulate. Small banana slices will be completely ready in 3 hours, and large pieces it will take much more time. Remember to periodically turn the fruit slices so that drying occurs more evenly.

Watch the video from the Kitchen Show channel - Banana Chips - Dried Bananas with Cinnamon. How to dry bananas in the oven.

In an electric dryer

Using an electric dryer is considered the most convenient, since the surrounding air heats up much less during its operation.

Pieces of fruit are laid out on trays in one layer, leaving a small distance between them to avoid sticking together. Bananas are dried at a temperature of 60 - 70ºС for 10 - 12 hours. During this time, the pallets must be periodically swapped. This should be done approximately once every 2 hours.

The readiness of the fruit is determined individually. Some people prefer jerky, while others prefer completely dry banana chips.

The main thing after drying is to equalize the moisture in the product. To do this, dried fruits are placed from the dehydrator into one container and allowed to stand for several hours. During this time, the moisture remaining in the bananas will be evenly distributed in the bananas.

Watch the video from the channel “Ezidri Master” - How to make dried bananas at home?

How to store dried bananas

Dried bananas should be stored in the main compartment of the refrigerator in a tightly sealed container. Under such conditions, dried fruits can be stored for up to 1 year.

The completely dried product can be stored at room temperature in a container or plastic bag. If the room humidity is normal, then you can store dry banana slices in paper bags.

Bananas, like apples, are not a hard-to-find delicacy. You can purchase them at any grocery store, regardless of seasonality. But why then “bother” and dry them? Yes, just dried bananas are delicious and healthy snack, which you can prepare for future use to pamper your children or enjoy yourself.

Bananas of any size and variety are suitable for drying, the main thing is that they are ripe, and their peel is yellow and without any defects in the form of dark spots and other things.

The entire process of preliminary preparation of fruits is not complicated and includes the following steps:

  1. Washing fruits. Even though the peel will be removed during cooking, the bananas along with it need to be washed in warm water and dry.
  2. Slicing. Bananas can be dried whole, but most recipes require chopping them first. The slices should be identical for uniform drying. You can often come across advice that for uniform slicing, it is better to chop the fruits together with the peel, and only then remove it.
  3. Soaking in an acidic solution. To attractive appearance Since the fruit slices have not evaporated along with the moisture, they are soaked for 30 seconds in a solution of 100 ml of lemon juice and 200 ml of water. Then the moisture from the fruits is allowed to drain in a colander, after which they are dried.

During the drying process, fresh fruits lose about a fifth of the water they contain, so the calorie content of dried bananas is (as much as!) 345 kcal/100 g versus 89 kcal per 100 g of fresh tropical fruits.

Dried bananas in the oven

Not every housewife has at her disposal a special electric dryer for fruits and vegetables, but every kitchen has an oven in which you can easily prepare healthy and crispy banana chips.

A set of ingredients that will be needed during the cooking process:

  • 2 – 3 large bananas;
  • 10 – 20 g powdered sugar;
  • cinnamon to taste

Step-by-step cooking algorithm:

  1. Peel tropical fruits and chop diagonally into oval slices of 3–5 mm.
  2. Line the oven rack with parchment. For better air circulation, the baking paper can be frequently pierced with a thick needle.
  3. Place banana slices a short distance apart on the prepared rack.
  4. Mix a little cinnamon with powdered sugar and sprinkle the chopped banana with this mixture through a strainer. Sugar will help draw moisture out of the fruit faster.
  5. Place the rack with banana slices in an oven preheated to 50–70 degrees and dry for 2–3 hours, leaving the door ajar. If the device has a convection function, the banana drying will be ready earlier.

Cooking in an electric dryer

A special dryer helps process a large amount of fresh fruit at one time, so you can cook dried or dried bananas in it much faster and with less energy consumption.

To fully boot your device, you will need:

  • 2 – 7 kg of fresh bananas;
  • powdered sugar to taste.

Sequence of actions:

  1. Chop the bananas into round slices and place them on electric dryer trays so that they do not touch each other. Otherwise, the slices may stick together into an unappetizing, shapeless mass. If desired, dust the tops of the bananas with powdered ground sugar.
  2. Place trays with fruit on the dryer, close the lid and set the temperature to 65 degrees. The duration of dehydration will be 10 – 14 hours depending on the desired result.

During the drying process, the trays can be rearranged for more uniform evaporation of moisture.

Recipe for drying whole bananas

The taste of dried bananas is affected not only by the amount of moisture evaporated, but also by the way the fruit is cut. Slices cut along the fibers dry faster, and slices cut across them take a little longer, ultimately acquiring a rich, sour-sweet taste. And the fruits, dried whole, resemble marshmallows in consistency.

It is from them that the delicious dessert dried bananas in chocolate is prepared, for which you need:

  • 10 – 12 bananas;
  • 200 g chocolate (white or black);
  • 100 g peanut butter;
  • 100 g crushed nuts (hazelnuts, peanuts or hazelnuts).


  1. Cut large, peeled bananas crosswise into 2–3 pieces; cook small (“baby”) fruits whole.
  2. Next, lay them out on a mesh and dry in an oven or electric dryer at 60 - 65 degrees for 10 - 12 hours.
  3. Melt the chocolate until liquid state any in an accessible way. Peanut butter Heat a little in the microwave to make it more fluid.
  4. Place dried bananas like cake pops on bamboo sticks. Then, one by one, dip them first in nut butter, then into melted chocolate and finally dump into nut crumbs. Quickly put in the freezer.

After the chocolate has hardened, dessert can be served. The inside of the bananas turns out to be as elastic as before the nut-chocolate baths.

In the microwave

IN microwave oven Banana chips can be prepared in just five minutes. This is much faster than in an oven or dryer, but the drying process will require literally every minute participation of the housewife. The finished treat can be sprinkled with a mixture of powdered sugar and cocoa powder.

For one serving of crispy banana dessert you will need:

How to make dried bananas in the microwave:

  1. We prepare the fruit in the same way as the previous recipes, and then place neat banana slices of equal thickness on a greased microwave plate.
  2. Place the plate in the microwave oven and turn on the device for 1 minute at a power of 750 W. After the beep, take out the plate, turn the slices over and cook again for 1 minute. Repeat this a total of five times.
  3. Practically ready bananas Transfer them from the plate to a wire rack and leave them overnight to dry a little more at room temperature. Next, sprinkle them with cocoa powder and you can eat.

How to dry bananas in the sun

This method of drying fruits has several advantages: it does not require the purchase of an expensive dryer, and energy costs are zero. However, it is available in our latitudes only during the hot season. But if in extreme heat you happen to have a bunch of bananas at hand, why not make a delicious exotic dried banana from them?

For it you will need:

  • 1000 – 1500 g bananas;
  • 200 g honey;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 600 ml water.

Cook dried bananas in the sun as follows:

  1. Prepare a honey solution that will prevent the fruit from darkening during the dehydration process. For him in hot water you just need to dissolve sugar and honey.
  2. Soak thinly sliced ​​bananas in syrup for five minutes, then drain excess liquid on a sieve or wire rack.
  3. Cover a tray for drying fruit with parchment and place the prepared bananas on it. Cover the tray with gauze on top to prevent insects from landing on the fruit, and install glass to enhance the effect. sun rays, but leaving a gap for air circulation.
  4. Dry bananas outdoors for two to four days, depending on solar activity. It is better to put the pallet indoors at night so that unexpected night rain does not ruin all your work. The readiness of drying will be indicated by a white sugar crust on the surface of the slices.

Storage of the finished product

Dried bananas are a product that requires special conditions storage

They should be stored in sealed glass or plastic containers in a dark place (for example, in a closet) at room temperature in well-ventilated areas.

Such storage will prevent the product from becoming damp and absorbing foreign odors. If the bananas are not dried to the state of chips, but remain a little soft and slightly sticky, then so that they do not stick together during storage, they should be sprinkled with powdered sugar or fine sugar.

Depending on the degree of dehydration, bananas can be stored from one month to a year. If the dried slices are soft, but no moisture is released when they are bent, then such fruits can be stored for several months. If, when you try to bend a dried banana piece, it breaks with a characteristic crunch, then even after a year it will not lose its taste.
