The pie recipe is simple but delicious. Apple Spice Pie. Cottage cheese and berry pies filling

Everyone knows the proverb about pies, which should be in every home, but not everyone has the opportunity to cook them. a quick fix.

I have recipes for pies in the oven, thanks to which housewives can bake delicious pastries in a short period of time.

General principles for making quick baked goods

If you want to finish baking in less than one hour, there is no need to knead yeast dough. With this approach, the process of making pies will take half a day, and this is not what you are aiming for.

So, the first rule is: in order to bake the fastest and most delicious closed pies, stop using yeast.

As culinary evidence shows, there are simplified versions of pies that are baked from shortbread, liquid or store-bought dough.

Choose the fillings to your taste; they can be sweet or salty. Decide for yourself which products are suitable: berries and fruits; jams and marmalade; mushrooms with boiled eggs; vegetables; meat and sausages; canned food

In order to enhance the taste of the dish, various spices and seasonings are added to the filling. It should be noted that batter before baking, it is not greased with anything, but if closed sweet pies are made from puff base, then its surface should be greased with beaten egg.

And now it’s time to look at the recipes, thanks to which the best Russian pies will become one of the family’s favorite dishes.

Quick oven pie recipe with cabbage

A delicious aspic pie that can be quickly prepared from batter and stuffed with cabbage, very easy to make. If you want to shorten the time of pies, it is better to pre-fry the shredded cabbage.

The unusual taste of the filling comes from sauerkraut, so the road is open for experimentation.

Take: an incomplete glass of flour; a glass of kefir; dessert spoon of salt; half a kilogram of fresh cabbage; ¼ stick of butter; two eggs; ½ teaspoon of soda and seasonings that you like and harmonize well with cabbage.

Pie recipe, preparation:

  1. Melt the butter in a frying pan; it makes the pie very tasty.
  2. Chop fresh cabbage into thin strips and fry it in oil until half cooked. Can add chopped meat, mushrooms, onions, carrots. Some housewives mix cabbage filling with fish.
  3. Add spices.
  4. In kefir, heated to 30 degrees, extinguish the soda. Add salt and add eggs and salt.
  5. Sift the flour and add it to the dough, stir thoroughly. The mass comes out quite liquid; in any case, there is no need to roll it out. And the recipes for baking quick pies, this is not assumed.
  6. Pour half of the dough onto a greased baking sheet. The next layer is the filling, spread it in an even layer.
  7. Pour the remaining dough on top and bake the pie with filling. The oven should already be at the required temperature - 180 degrees.

The pies will be ready in 45 minutes, during which time the surface will brown. Want to make sure your pie is baked well? There is a simple method that will tell you when to turn off the oven.

It consists of piercing the baked goods with a wooden stick in the thickest part. If it remains dry, without sticking crumbs of half-baked dough, then the baking process can be considered complete.

And now I present to you other recipes for making quick pies, and next in line...

Sweet apple pie recipe

Delicious sweet pie somewhat reminiscent of the well-known Charlotte. However, unlike it, such a filled pie cooks even faster.

You need to preheat the oven in advance, and until the temperature in it reaches 180 degrees, start kneading the dough.

For it you will need: 170 g of sugar; 3 eggs; teaspoon baking powder; 160 g flour.
For the filling, take 3 apples.
We will grease the baking sheet with butter, after which it needs to be sprinkled with semolina (2 tablespoons).

Cooking steps:

  1. First, cut the apples into slices. If you come across fruits with a rough skin, it needs to be peeled.
  2. For the dough, beat the eggs with granulated sugar. There is no need to achieve the formation of a fluffy foam; baking powder is responsible for raising the dough. It needs to be mixed with flour, sifted and poured into the egg mixture.
  3. Grease a baking tray with a piece of chilled butter and sprinkle with semolina.
  4. Pour two thirds of the dough onto a baking sheet and smooth it out with a spoon.
  5. Place apple slices in a second layer.
  6. Make a “grid” from the remaining dough on the surface of the pie by drawing it using pastry bag or a regular spoon. There is no need to try to draw all the lines evenly. A delicious sweet pie baked at home does not have to be strictly executed (see photo).

The sweet pie with filling will be ready in 30 minutes. This time is enough for the filling and dough to bake well.

Now let's look at other delicious recipes.

Recipe for a delicious pie in the oven filled with assorted fruits and berries

A simple and delicious pie made from unusual test, which contains butter or creamy margarine.

First, let's figure out what ingredients, and in what quantities, are required to knead the dough:

6 tablespoons flour; 5 spoons of granulated sugar; 4 spoons sl. oils; 0.5 tsp ground cinnamon.
The filling consists of one apple, a pear, a small banana and raspberries.

  1. Grease a baking sheet with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
  2. Peel the apple and pear from seeds and skin, cut into thin slices. Cut the banana into rings. To make the filling juicy and aromatic, mix the apples with half the sugar and cinnamon. Add the remaining ingredients, stir and let sit for 10 minutes.
  3. Cut or grate the butter.
  4. Rub together the remaining sugar and flour with your fingers to form crumbs (as in the photo). If you squeeze this dough into a ball, then at first it will hold its shape. Then the mass will crumble, and this is considered normal.
  5. Place the filling on a baking sheet greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Flatten it and cover with dough.
  6. The buttery crumbs just need to be scattered over the surface of the filling.
  7. Bake the delicious pie for 20 minutes in the oven until done, the first sign of which is a browned surface.

Want to know more recipes for making quick pies? Then read the article further.

Recipe for quick puff pastry pie

A simple pie is made from already prepared ingredients. Buy a package of puff pastry from the store and use it for filling. mashed potatoes With the leftovers from lunch, bake the most delicious pie for evening tea.

Your loved ones will be very happy and will certainly praise you for your culinary talent and ability to use food efficiently.

Yes, to improve the taste, add mushrooms fried with onions or chopped into strips to the puree boiled sausage. In short, experiment.

Ingredients: half a kilogram of ready-made puff pastry; one egg; 0.8 kg mashed potatoes.


  1. Thaw the dough by removing it from the refrigerator three hours before you start rolling it out. The size of the layer should be twice as large as the baking sheet on which you plan to bake the cake.
  2. Cut the workpiece into two equal parts. Place one on a baking sheet and brush the edges with beaten egg.
  3. Spread the filling, cover with a second layer of dough and seal the edges. The egg will help to do this very well, and during baking the delicious pie will remain one whole.
  4. Make flowers from scraps of dough, cut out leaves and decorate the baking surface with them.
  5. Pierce the cake in several places with a knife so that steam can escape through the resulting holes.
  6. All that remains is to brush the pastry with an egg beaten with milk and put it in the oven. Since the filling is almost ready to eat, you only need to bake the dough for 17-20 minutes.

Fast and simple recipes There aren't enough pies in the oven yet, so I continue.

A simple recipe for grated pie with jam

From regular products you can prepare a delicious pie for tea and treat it to your closest people. As a filling, use any winter preparations that you find at home: jam, marmalade or thick preserves.

Take: 250 g granulated sugar; 200 gram stick of butter; 640 g flour; 2 eggs; 5 g soda; 10 ml vinegar; 1 glass of jam; vanilla sugar.

We start preparing the pie by softening the butter. The easiest way is to remove the product from the refrigerator and leave it on the table for a couple of hours.

As soon as the oil reaches the desired consistency, and when pressed with a finger, a mark remains on its surface, you can proceed to the next stage.

  1. Namely, you need to beat the butter with granulated sugar until fluffy (as in the photo) and mix with the eggs, slaked soda and vanilla. Lastly, add 3.5 cups of flour and knead the dough.
  2. Now separate ¼ of it and add 0.5 cups of flour. After kneading the mixture, roll it into a ball and place it in the freezer for 25-30 minutes.
  3. Distribute the remaining portion on a baking sheet. Since the dough is soft, you can cope with the task even without a rolling pin.
  4. Use your fingers to form an even layer and place the filling on it.
  5. Now attention: take it out freezer piece of dough and grate it onto the filling using a large hole grater.

Bake a delicious pie in a hot oven, preheating it to 190 degrees. As soon as it forms on the surface golden brown crust, the pies are considered ready.

On portioned pieces Cut the treat while it is still hot. Cooking does not tolerate deviations in this case, otherwise the pies will crumble when dividing.

The pie recipes are not over yet, and next up...

Quick recipe with onion and egg filling

You can put any of the following in the dough fermented milk products: fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt, low-fat sour cream. Whatever ingredient you choose, the end result will be excellent.

Knead the dough from: two eggs; 400 ml kefir; 150 g sl. oils; two large spoons of sugar; a tablespoon of baking powder; ½ teaspoon salt; 280 g flour.
Filling: 2 hard-boiled eggs; 200 g green onions.

Step-by-step cooking recipe:

  1. Cut boiled eggs into cubes, mix with chopped onion. Add salt, season with spices and leave in a bowl for a few minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, stir the eggs with sugar and salt. Add melted butter and flour with baking powder.
  3. Visually divide the resulting dough, which is not of a very thick consistency, into two equal parts. Pour one of them onto a baking sheet.
  4. Place the filling on top and cover with the remaining dough.
  5. Bake a quick and delicious pie by preheating the oven to 200 degrees. In half an hour, the treat will be ready, you can call everyone to the table.

Fish Pie Recipe

You shouldn't have any problems with the filling. It is enough to buy canned food in oil at the store and cut raw peeled potatoes into slices.

More detailed list of ingredients:

3 eggs; a jar of mayonnaise; canned fish; 20 g butter; half a glass of kefir; flour; sugar and salt to taste; 3 potatoes; a pinch of soda.


  1. Scramble the eggs with sugar and salt.
  2. Enter kefir, in which you need to extinguish soda, mayonnaise and flour. The last component must be added in parts, otherwise the consistency of the dough will be incorrect. As soon as the mass becomes similar to thick sour cream, you don’t need to add any more flour.
  3. Grease a baking tray and pour in 2/3 of the dough.
  4. Place thinly sliced ​​potatoes overlapping each other.
  5. Mash with a fork canned fish directly with the butter and place the resulting mass on the first layer of filling.
  6. Finishing step: cover the pie with dough and bake. At 180 degrees, the dish will be ready in 35-45 minutes, it all depends on the thickness and diameter of the pie. Cooking allows for any size, bake pies of any diameter.

Recipes for quickly baking pies at home are not over yet. Next:

Recipe for a quick pie with cheese and sausage

The batter can be used to make hearty meal, and it won’t take much time.

You need to take: half a stick of butter; a glass of milk; 200 g of cheese and sausages; 2 eggs; 2 cups of flour; ¾ cup breadcrumbs; 0,5 dessert spoon baking powder; 3 cloves of garlic and 20 g of slurry. oils for lubricating the mold.

Cooking steps, step by step:

  1. Melt the butter, cool at room temperature.
  2. Beat eggs with salt, sugar and milk. With the help of a mixer you will cope with this task very quickly, and once you have succeeded homogeneous mass, pour it into the oil and mix thoroughly.
  3. Mix baking powder and sifted flour and pour into a bowl where all the other ingredients are already located. Knead the dough.
  4. For the filling, chop the cheese and sausage in any convenient way. You can cut them into strips or cubes, or you can grate them on a coarse grater.
  5. Grease the pan and sprinkle with chalked breadcrumbs.
  6. Place the filling and pour the batter over it.
  7. In the oven preheated to 180 degrees, the pie will spend 30-35 minutes.

Serve the filled treat on a wide platter. When removing the delicious cake from the pan, tip it over. Thus, pies with with different fillings can be served upside down.

Today, the recipes for quickly baking Russian pies are over.

My video recipe

Cooking time: 30 minutes.


  • 3 eggs;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 200 g flour;
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder;
  • 150 g margarine;
  • juice of one orange;
  • zest of one lemon;
  • butter for greasing.


Beat eggs with sugar. Mix flour with baking powder, add softened margarine, beaten eggs, juice and zest. Mix the dough well and place in a greased mold. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15–20 minutes. Check readiness with a wooden skewer.

If you have or orange jam, cut the pie into cake layers and frost them. It will turn out even tastier.

Quick pie with apples and nuts

Cooking time: 30 minutes.

This recipe requires more ingredients than for regular charlotte. But all of them are not particularly exotic. The main advantage of the dish is that the dough and filling are prepared simultaneously in different ovens, so the cake itself takes a minimum of time.


For the test:

For filling:

  • ¼ cup white sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons starch;
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon;
  • 8 medium sized apples, peeled and cut into eight wedges;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice.

For powder:

  • ½ cup chopped walnuts or pecans;
  • ¼ cup flour;
  • ¼ cup brown sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons softened butter.


Roll out the dough and place it in round shape, covered with baking paper. It should cover the bottom and sides of the pan. Pierce the dough with a fork in several places, then place it in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for 10-15 minutes until it is slightly golden. Then remove the dough from the oven and brush with egg white.

While the dough is browning, combine in a bowl white sugar, starch and cinnamon, add apples mixed with lemon juice. Cover the bowl with baking paper (preferably waxed) and microwave at maximum power. Cook for 6 minutes, stir and microwave for another 6 minutes.

Meanwhile, mix nuts, flour and Brown sugar. Then coat your fingers with butter and continue mixing the dry ingredients. The mixture should end up resembling coarse crumbs.

If you work quickly and smoothly, the dough, filling and topping will be ready at the same time. Now all you have to do is put the filling into the mold, sprinkle the processed nuts on top and bake the pie at 220 degrees for 10-12 minutes until golden crust.

Quick chocolate pie

Cooking time: 35 minutes.


  • 2 layers of yeast-free puff pastry (you can use any other ready dough);
  • ½ cup softened butter;
  • 55–60 g dark chocolate;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • ¾ cup flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 cup semisweet dark chocolate chips.


Roll out the dough and place it in a baking pan. Then start filling. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the chocolate and stir until it is completely melted. Then remove the pan from the heat and stir in the sugar. Add flour, eggs, vanilla extract and salt. Mix well, then add the last ingredient - chocolate chips.

Pour the filling onto the pie base and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 25 minutes. The crust will indicate the readiness of the dessert.

Cooking time: 35 minutes.


For filling:

  • 1 jar canned fish In oil;
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • a bunch of dill and green onions;
  • salt - to taste;
  • hard cheese - to taste.

For the test:

  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • ½ teaspoon of soda;
  • creamy or sunflower oil- for lubrication.


Mash the fish with a fork, add finely chopped herbs and mix well. Add salt if you don't have enough salt.

Now move on to the test. To do this, combine kefir with flour, then add egg, soda and mix until smooth. Pour the dough into a greased frying pan, spread the filling on top (leave at least a centimeter to the edge of the sides so that it does not fall out). Cover the pan with a lid and cook the pie over medium heat for about 25 minutes.

You can check the readiness of the dish by lifting the pie with a spatula: if the dough is well browned, the dish can be removed from the heat. A couple of minutes before it’s ready, sprinkle the pie with grated cheese, wait until it melts, and turn off the stove.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.


  • 250 g flour;
  • 300 g shredded cabbage;
  • 70 g butter;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 250 ml kefir;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • salt - to taste;
  • pinch nutmeg.


Fry the cabbage in 50 grams of butter, simmer for another 10 minutes, add salt and nutmeg at the end. While the filling is being prepared, beat the eggs with kefir, add soda and salt. Then carefully add the flour and stir the dough until smooth. Grease the pan with the remaining butter, pour half of the dough into the bottom, put the filling on top and fill with the rest of the dough. Bake the pie in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about half an hour until golden brown. Serve with tea with sour cream.


This pie can be combined in other ways:

  • Mix the dough with the filling and bake in this form - you will get a more homogeneous dish.
  • First, put the filling in the mold, and then fill it with dough - in this case, the pie will look more like a casserole.

Making simple pies is fun! They are prepared from the most ordinary products, but at the same time every quick pie impresses with its taste and aroma. Our selection will allow you to choose a recipe and sweet pastries, and quite satisfying with meat, fish or vegetable filling.

Quick kefir pie with cabbage

WITH cabbage filling it turns out great option for dinner. This pie won't make you worry extra pounds, because it is prepared from healthy, low-calorie foods.

Required Products:

  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • 1 tbsp. low-fat kefir;
  • premium flour - one and a half cups;
  • a mixture of ground peppers;
  • 1 tsp. any baking powder;
  • half a head of cabbage;
  • greenery;
  • salt, sesame seed.

Cooking technology:

  1. Finely chop the cabbage, add a little salt, and crush with your hands until soft. Add herbs and pepper to taste. Don’t get too carried away with the salt, leave a little in the dough.
  2. Mix the amount of flour, soda and kefir (yogurt), add a pinch of salt. Separately, beat the eggs with a fork or mixer.
  3. Grease your chosen baking dish with any oil. Gently combine the dough with the eggs.
  4. Pour half of it into the mold ready dough, place all the cabbage on top, and then the rest of the kefir dough.
  5. All that remains is to sprinkle the top of the workpiece with sesame seeds. This is not necessary, but its presence will make a quick cabbage pie especially beautiful.

This the recipe will work for execution with any filling: potatoes, fish, minced meat, mushrooms. Prepare something new every time!

Quick baked goods with apples

Required Products:

  • 340 g flour;
  • half a pack of creamy margarine;
  • 2 tsp. any baking powder;
  • sugar - 75 g;
  • vanilla sugar;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 5 – 6 apples;
  • cinnamon powder - ½ teaspoon.

Cooking technology:

  1. You need to bake a quick tea cake in a round pan with a diameter of 25 cm. First, you need to cover it with baking parchment.
  2. Then you can knead the dough from flour, margarine, baking powder, sugar and vanillin. Grind the ingredients into crumbs using a fork or mixer.
  3. Add the egg and knead into a smooth dough. Roll it into a ball, wrap it in foil and place it inside the refrigerator.
  4. While the dough is chilling, peel, quarter and seed the apples. Place fruit slices in a saucepan, add cinnamon and simmer over low heat until soft. They need to be stirred from time to time. If the apples are very sour, add sugar.
  5. Next you need to preheat the oven. At this time, roll out half of the dough and place it on the bottom of the mold. Place the apples on top and cover them with the rest of the dough.
  6. Place the dough in the oven for half an hour. When the apple pie is ready, you can sprinkle it with powder.

Do you want to please your family with delicious, simple and quick pies? Nothing could be simpler. You will need your favorite products from the refrigerator, 30 minutes of free time and our express recipes.

Country chic

Running out of ideas for your lunch menu? Bake a simple and delicious pie, which in England is called shepherd's pie. Boil 5-6 potatoes in salted water, mash with a masher and mix with 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, yolk and 130 ml cream. At the same time, saute the onion and carrots, add 800 g of minced lamb to them and fry until golden brown. Add 130 g of green peas, salt and spices to taste. Fill the baking dish with minced meat, cover potato dough, sprinkle with paprika and place in the oven at 200°C for 15 minutes. This simple pie with a crispy crust will be devoured at home faster than it takes you to prepare it.

Feathered improvisation

Very quick with chicken, mushrooms and cheese, ready in no time. Only for this we need something ready puff pastry. Fry 2-3 chopped onions until transparent, add 500 g chicken fillet strips, 200 g of medium-chopped champignons, salt and spices to taste. While the chicken arrives, beat 3 eggs, 200 ml of cream and 300 g in a bowl grated cheese. Salt and pepper the mixture to taste, add 50 g of green onions and dill. We cover the layer of finished dough in a baking dish, grabbing the sides. Posting meat filling, pour cheese dressing and tuck the edges. Bake the pie for 20 minutes at 220 °C - hearty and delicious dinner ready for the whole family.

Mushrooms in camouflage

Surely you have a package of kefir in your refrigerator. With it you can easily prepare a quick pie. For the filling, take champignons or any other mushrooms. Fry an onion in oil, 1 small grated carrot with 300 g of chopped mushrooms, salt and spices. Meanwhile, beat 2 eggs with a glass of kefir, 1½ cups of flour, ½ tsp. soda and a pinch of salt. If desired, you can add 200 ml of sour cream or mayonnaise for thickness. Pour half of the dough into a greased form, lay out the filling, cover with the other half of the dough and put in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 °C. You don’t have to call your family to the table - the seductive one will do it for you mushroom aroma pirogue.

Cabbage heart

Extremely simple and quick to prepare with cabbage and eggs. Using a mixer, beat the dough from 300 ml of kefir, 250 g of flour, 2 eggs, ½ tsp. soda and ½ tsp. salt. Brown 600 g of cabbage in a frying pan, pour in 4-5 eggs beaten with salt and bring to readiness. At the end, add fresh dill and parsley to taste. Add a pinch of nutmeg or cumin for flavor. Grease the baking dish with oil, sprinkle with semolina and fill a third with dough. Distribute the filling and fill with the remaining dough. Brush the pie with yolk, sprinkle with sesame seeds and bake for 20 minutes at 180°C. It is good both straight from the oven and cooled.

Nimble Banana

Quick and tender with bananas - a godsend for the most impatient. Mash 3 bananas with a fork and mix with 80 g butter, 250 g sugar and 3 eggs. Main secret this recipe, like any homemade baked goods, - high-quality, absolutely natural, fresh oil. So, add 380 g of flour, ½ tsp to the banana mass. baking powder, 100 ml of milk and beat with a mixer. Pour it into a greased form and place in the oven at 200 °C for 20 minutes. Add dried fruits, candied fruits or nuts to the dough - no one can resist such a delicious treat.

Apples in the clouds

The fastest and easiest apple pie recipe will delight lovers of homemade fruit baked goods. Mix in a bowl 1½ cups flour, ½ cup sugar, 1 tsp. cinnamon and ½ tsp. baking powder. Separately, beat 2 eggs with ½ cup olive oil and pour into the dry mixture. Grease a round baking dish with oil, arrange 4-5 apple slices in a spiral and carefully fill them with dough. Place the pie in an oven preheated to 180°C for 25 minutes, and sprinkle it on top before serving. powdered sugar. Quick simple Apple pie, exuding a seductive aroma, perfect for family tea party on a fine Sunday afternoon.

Berries for the soul

Friends suddenly show up, but there is nothing to treat them with? Berry pie will save the situation in half an hour. Grind 100 g margarine with 4 tbsp. l. sugar, beat in 2 eggs, ½ tsp. citric acid and soda. Sift 1½ cups flour and knead elastic dough. For the filling, combine 400 g of any frozen berries with sugar to taste. You can take jam or marmalade - this will only speed up the process. Press the dough into the baking dish, making sides. We distribute berry filling, and from the remaining dough we make a lattice. All that remains is to bake the pie in the oven for 20 minutes at 220°C. With such a dessert, cheerful friendly gatherings will become even more soulful.

Fast and simple pies- a lifesaver for all occasions. If guests are already on the doorstep, then the “Eat at Home” pie dough will come to your aid in preparing a simple and tasty pie. Choose the filling to your taste: berries, fruits, vegetables - or, for example, prepare a delicious pie with meat, chicken or fish. Your guests will definitely ask for more! Cook with pleasure! Do you have similar quick recipes in your arsenal? Share your ideas quick baking, which most often appears on your table.

What could be tastier than homemade pies? It's impossible to resist trying a piece! And this one wonderful aroma, which floats around the apartment during cooking, just drives you crazy.

Pie - a universal treat for the holiday table

Personally, I love pies and would eat them every day. My mother taught me this, she cooked several times a week. delicious homemade pies. I adopted most of my recipes from her. Now I make this delicacy for my family at least once a week. It usually doesn't take much time, and the results are always excellent!

Many housewives are afraid of baking and prefer to buy ready-made pies in supermarkets. But how can these soulless desserts compare with homemade baked goods? In addition, the children really like to help me in this process. It becomes entertainment for them. This way you will not only get delicious treat, but also positive emotions.

The pie will become universal treat. You can cook hearty option stuffed with meat or fish, which will become the main dish. Can you do it? dessert pie, which is perfect for tea drinking. I rarely cook cakes because after hearty dinner few guests want to eat it. But the pie always goes off with a bang.

I advise you to prepare a pie according to one of my recipes and surprise your loved ones at a festive dinner. Moreover, there is nothing complicated in these recipes.

What dough to use to make a pie

The dough is the basis of the pie. If the dough fails, then no amount of filling will save the pie. In fact, cook delicious dough very simple and now I will teach you this. Most often I use yeast butter dough And shortbread dough for dessert pies.

Yeast dough for pies with dry yeast

You will need:

  • 5 glasses of flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 360 g milk;
  • 6 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • 1.5 bags of dry yeast;
  • 1.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 0.5 tsp salt;

What do we have to do:

  1. First of all – relax! Don't be afraid of yeast dough. In fact, it is very easy to prepare if you strictly follow the instructions, stock up good mood and patience!
  2. First you need heat the milk. Its temperature should be about 36 degrees, that is, equal to the temperature of the human body. You should calmly dip your finger into it and not get burned.
  3. Yeast is dissolved in warm milk.
  4. In a separate bowl, mix the egg and salt. Afterwards they are poured into a container with milk and sugar is added there. Everything must be mixed thoroughly.
  5. After this, you need to gradually add flour. Her pre-sift.
  6. Start kneading the dough. This will take about 5–7 minutes. Remember that the better you knead the dough, the fluffier the pie will be.
  7. When the dough becomes homogeneous and smooth, you can add oil to it. All over again mix thoroughly and knead.
  8. After this, the dough is placed in a floured bowl and covered with a towel.
  9. The container must be placed in a warm place for the dough to rise. This will take approximately one hour. Afterwards, knead the dough, cover with a towel and set to proof again.
  10. After another hour, the dough is kneaded again and laid out on a table sprinkled with flour.

After this, you can make pies from it. This dough is good for both savory and sweet pies.

Shortcrust pastry for jam pie

  • 200 g butter;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 4 cups flour;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar.

What do we have to do:

  1. The butter needs to be melted. After that to him add sugar, stir and allow to cool.
  2. Then you need to add eggs and vanilla sugar to this mixture. Mix thoroughly again.
  3. In a separate container it is necessary sift the flour and add baking powder to it. Then the dry mixture is added to the oil mixture.
  4. Everything is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous dough.

The most delicious fillings for pies made from yeast and yeast-free dough

Probably every housewife has her own signature fillings for pies. My family simply loves pies with cabbage, cottage cheese and berries. Today I will teach you how to easily make these delicious fillings.

Filling for cabbage pies

You will need:

What do we have to do:

  1. Peel and finely chop the onion. The cabbage is chopped into strips.
  2. Then heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan. You need to fry the onion in it. When he I bought golden color , cabbage is thrown into the frying pan.
  3. All this needs to be simmered until the cabbage becomes soft. This will take approximately 20–30 minutes.
  4. In a separate bowl you need to beat the eggs. Then they are poured into the cabbage. Mix everything thoroughly, add salt, pepper and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  5. The filling is ready! It needs to be cooled a little and then placed on the dough. It goes well with yeast pie dough.

Cottage cheese and berry pies filling

For this filling you can use any fresh or frozen berries.

How to serve the pie

The pie should be served when it is cooled down a bit. Of course, there is a great temptation to steal a piece of pie that has just been taken out of the oven, but you should not do this. First of all, it's harmful. And secondly, you won’t feel all the taste of the dough and filling.

If you are making a pie for festive table, then it needs to be not only tasty, but also beautiful. You can decorate the yeast dough pie before putting it in the oven. Just make different patterns from leftover dough. Open sweet pies from shortcrust pastry They do not require additional decorations, as they are beautiful on their own. Pies can be both the main course and a wonderful end to the evening. Sweet pies are delicious washed down with hot tea or coffee.

I hope you enjoy my recipes and enjoy cooking with them. delicious pies. Bon appetit!
