Is soda harmful? Which water is healthier, carbonated or still? Sweet sparkling water

Among the advice on how to maintain beauty and health, there are increasingly frequent recommendations to drink more fluids. Indeed, a person needs to drink 1.5-2 liters for normal life. clean water in a day. Precisely pure, not mineral or carbonated. Juices will not work either. But coffee and tea act completely differently - they remove fluid from the body. But all this is the lesser of evils. Let's talk about the most harmful drinks, which flood store shelves - about soda.

Not so long ago, all cities had soda and syrup machines. Later, Buratino lemonade appeared in glass bottles. And we didn’t notice how we moved from these practically harmless drinks to imported “fizzy drinks”, which not only have pleasant taste, but also perfectly removes lime on plumbing fixtures. Unfortunately, adults themselves are not averse to pampering themselves with such drinks, and successfully feed them to their children. Let's try to figure out why carbonated drinks are so harmful.

Is carbon dioxide dangerous?

It is worth noting that Not all carbonated drinks have a negative effect on the human body. The fact is that carbon dioxide, our favorite bubbles, is not harmful in itself. It is used as a preservative for better preservation of the drink. However, it can cause discomfort in the intestines and flatulence. Therefore, people who have digestive problems should release the gas before drinking the drink. Regular mineral or medicinal carbonated water is not harmful, and is even very useful.

Sugar or sweeteners

What else is added to carbonated drinks? Of course, sugar. In itself, it not only causes harm to our body. These are pure carbohydrates that saturate our cells with energy. But we must remember that in large quantities sugar is harmful. It is bad for the skin, teeth and contributes to weight gain. However, nowadays you rarely see a drink containing sugar. The fact is that it is much more profitable for manufacturers to use sugar substitutes. They are different types, and we can talk about them for a very long time. But if the packaging contains substances such as cyclamate (E 952), saccharin (E 954), aspartame (E 951) or sucrasite, you should not drink such lemonade. Firstly, some of these substances are banned in Europe and America. Research has shown that they have Negative influence on the liver and kidneys, and also contribute to the development various diseases, up to cancerous tumors. Secondly, sweeteners make you hungry. Therefore, soda contributes to excess weight gain. Even the so-called “diet cola” is an enemy to our figure, because it improves appetite.

There are drinks that use as sweeteners herbal ingredients, - sorbitol, xylitol and fructose. They are absolutely harmless, but very high in calories. Therefore, if you are not afraid to type excess weight, you can drink lemonades with sugar or natural sweeteners.

Taste and smell of carbonated drinks

The composition of carbonated drinks is often indicated by codes beginning with the letter "E". Some of them, as we already know, mean sweeteners, the rest are flavor enhancers, preservatives, acidity regulators, flavors and colorings. The more different “Es” there are in a drink, the more harmful it is. It is also worth paying attention to the point “flavors identical to natural.” They may be identical only in smell, but they have a negative effect on the liver. If you are looking for a harmless drink, then you should stop at the one where plant extracts and natural flavors. Such soda will be more expensive, but will also cause less harm.

Acids and caffeine

Acids are often used as acidity regulators: citric (E330), orthophosphoric (E 338) and malic (E 296). Any acid causes damage to the body - it damages tooth enamel, causing caries, and washes calcium from bones. Increased acidity in the stomach can also cause digestive disorders and contribute to the development of gastrointestinal diseases.

Caffeine in carbonated drinks is very harmful. It temporarily tones the body, but this effect wears off very quickly, and is replaced by lethargy and drowsiness. Besides, frequent use caffeine means a huge burden on the heart and circulatory system.

As seen, Mostly carbonated drinks are bad for your health. Perhaps among the harmless ones are mineral waters and lemonades made from plant ingredients.

Production of carbonated drinks

The basis of any lemonade is water. Therefore, during the production of the drink, special requirements to its quality. Global manufacturers ensure that water at their factories undergoes thorough, multi-stage purification. After all, the quality of this liquid affects the taste of the drink, its aroma and, of course, the health of the buyer. First, all small particles are removed from the water. After all impurities are eliminated, it becomes perfectly transparent. This is the first stage of filtration.

Then the water goes through several more stages of purification until its properties meet all requirements and standards. The very last stage is the passage of water through a carbon filter. This procedure allows you to remove the smallest particles, and even germs and bacteria. Thanks to it, water acquires excellent taste and aromatic properties. To remove particles of coal that accidentally fall into the water, it is additionally passed through a polishing filter. After this, the water can be used to prepare any drink.

The next important ingredient in lemonade is syrup. It is he who gives unique taste and the aroma of the drink. Each company has its own unique recipe preparing syrup. Global manufacturers, with branches in hundreds of countries, send the concentrate in closed containers so that no one can find out the secret formula.

The finished concentrate is mixed with white sugar syrup in the blending department. And already ready mixture sent to the workshop where the lemonade is directly made. But before this, the syrup must undergo quality testing in a specialized laboratory. It must meet not only the manufacturer’s internal requirements, but also international standards.

In the bottling workshop, carbon dioxide is injected into the water, mixed with syrup and bottled. After this, all products undergo a control system. Bottles with crookedly glued stickers, underfilled or overfilled lemonade are sent to waste.

Contraindications for carbonated drinks

Despite all the recommendations, the majority of people in all countries continue to drink carbonated drinks. But there are groups of people for whom soda is contraindicated. Those who have chronic diseases of the digestive system should not drink it ( peptic ulcer, gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, etc.). The fact is that carbon dioxide irritates the mucous membranes of internal organs, which can cause an exacerbation of the disease. Even medicinal mineral water can be drunk only after most of the gas has come out of it. Doctors recommend not giving carbonated drinks to children under 3 years old, and older people should not drink them either. Lemonades are contraindicated for people suffering from obesity, diabetes and allergic reactions. Also, if you have a weak liver or kidneys, you should avoid drinking soda or you can find a drink made with natural ingredients.

Carbonated mineral water is a good alternative to sweets soft drinks. However, some believe that it may be harmful to health. Let's look at the health effects of sparkling water. /website/

What is sparkling mineral water?

Soda is water that is saturated with carbon dioxide gas, making it sparkling. This drink is called soda water, seltzer or soda.

With the exception of seltzer, salt is added to soda to improve flavor, and sometimes a few other minerals.

Natural mineral sparkling waters, such as Perrier and San Pellegrino, differ in composition and taste. This water is taken directly from a mineral spring. It usually contains minerals and sulfur compounds.

Tonic water is a type of carbonated water that contains the bitter compound quinine along with sugar or corn syrup with high content fructose.

Sparkling water is sour

Carbon dioxide and water enter into chemical reaction, forming a weak carbonic acid that stimulates the same nerve receptors in the mouth as mustard. This causes a burning sensation that can be annoying or pleasant for different people.

The acidity of sparkling water is low (pH 3-4), so it will not change the acidity of your body. The kidneys and lungs will remove excess carbon dioxide.

Does soda affect your mouth?

One of the biggest concerns about soda mineral water is its effect on teeth, since the enamel is directly exposed to acid.

This topic has received little research, but one study found that carbonated water damaged enamel only slightly more than plain water. Moreover, it causes 100 times less harm than sweet soft drinks.

According to another analysis, carbonated drinks can destroy tooth enamel, but only if they contain sugar. Actually still sweet drink more harmful than soda without sugar.

In one study, samples of tooth enamel were placed in various drinks for 24 hours. Sweetened carbonated and non-carbonated drinks cause significantly more damage to enamel than diet drinks. Scientists have concluded that the combination of sugar and carbonation can lead to serious tooth decay.

If you're concerned about your dental health, try drinking sparkling water with meals or rinsing your mouth with plain water after drinking soda.

How does soda affect swallowing?

It may seem surprising, but sparkling water improves swallowing in people. Carbonated water showed the strongest ability to stimulate neural activity during swallowing.

Cold soda enhances these effects. People who felt a constant need to clear their throat drank sparkling water with ice, which led to an improvement in the condition in 63% of subjects. Those who had frequent and severe symptoms experienced the greatest relief.

Sparkling water makes you feel full

Carbonated water helps food stay in the upper part of your stomach longer, which can make you feel fuller.

Carbonated water helps with constipation

A two-week study of 40 older adults who had suffered a stroke found that the frequency of bowel movements was almost 2 times higher in the group that drank sparkling water. Moreover, participants reported a 58% reduction in symptoms.

Carbonated water also relieves other symptoms of indigestion, including abdominal pain. Two weeks of drinking carbonated water is enough to significantly improve digestion and gallbladder emptying.

Does sparkling water affect bone health?

Many people believe that carbonated drinks are bad for bones due to their high acid content. However, research does not prove this. However, cola, which is high in phosphorus and low in calcium, is a potential risk factor for bone loss.

Research has shown that teenage girls who drank soda had lower bone mineral density. This is because they replaced milk with soda, which leads to insufficient consumption calcium.

Carbonated water improves bone health in animals. When carbonated water was added to the chickens' diet, after 6 weeks the bone strength of the birds increased.

How does carbonated water affect the heart?

Results from a study of postmenopausal women found that those who drank sodium-rich sparkling mineral water had lower levels of bad cholesterol, inflammatory markers and blood sugar levels. Moreover, their levels of “good” cholesterol increased.

Development risk cardiovascular diseases over 10 years was 35% lower in those who drank sparkling water.

Is sparkling water good or bad?

There is currently no evidence that sparkling water is harmful, so there is no reason to avoid this drink if you enjoy it.

In fact, sparkling water can improve your health.

Sparkling water is a drink loved by all generations, from kids to grandmothers. The prickly bubbles of carbon dioxide in it have never left anyone indifferent. But is carbonated water so harmless or should its consumption be limited?

What does it consist of?

The composition is very simple. It contains directly water and carbon dioxide. This is the composition of simple sparkling water. Whether it will harm or benefit the body is the subject of ongoing debate between supporters and opponents proper nutrition. It all depends on what kind of water is in the composition. It can be simple, mineral or sweet with the addition of dyes and flavors.

Depending on the level of carbon dioxide saturation, water comes in three types. These are lightly carbonated, medium carbonated and highly carbonated water. The level of carbon dioxide in it ranges from 0.2 to 0.4 percent, respectively.

Beneficial features

Natural carbonated water has been known to man since ancient times. Initially, it was used only as a remedy. Everyone could come to the natural spring, draw water and even swim in it. In the 18th century, water began to spill into industrial scale. But since such entrepreneurship turned out to be unprofitable, since the liquid quickly fizzled out and lost most of its useful properties, it was decided to carbonate it artificially.

Only carbonated mineral water can have a positive effect on the body. The harm or benefit of this product will depend on the quantity and quality of the drink consumed. In general, natural medicine is prescribed by a doctor in medicinal purposes. It is not recommended to abuse this drink, despite the fact that it promotes the production of gastric juice with low acidity and supports alkaline balance, activates the work of enzymes, prevents the leaching of calcium from the body.

In addition to natural carbonated water, sweet drinks based on medicinal “Baikal” and “Sayan” can also be beneficial for the body.

Negative effects and contraindications

Water that has artificially become carbonated due to the addition of carbon dioxide is of synthetic origin and has no nutritional value does not carry within itself. This is especially true for sweet drinks.

The harm of carbonated water to the human body lies in the fact that carbon dioxide, which is present in this product, causes flatulence, belching and bloating.

Sugary carbonated drinks are especially harmful to humans. They contribute to disruption of the pancreas and liver, cause disruptions in the endocrine system, and provoke the development diabetes mellitus and other serious diseases.

Carbonated water, the harm or benefit of which lies in its composition, can either restore and maintain the water-salt balance, or disrupt it.

Mineral sparkling water

Useful micro- and macroelements, as well as mineral compounds, make the product beneficial for the body. It should be noted that, in addition to the level of carbonation, such water has different mineralization. Weak and medium "mineral water" is suitable for daily use. It will not only quench your thirst perfectly, but also saturate your body. useful compounds. But sparkling water with high degree mineralization is intended for use for medicinal purposes. It should be consumed only in limited quantities, since the content useful elements It's large enough for everyday use.

Carbonated mineral water, the harm or benefit of which depends on the amount important connections it is certainly of higher quality than sugary drinks. But every rule has exceptions.

Sweet sparkling water

Carbonated drinks can be beneficial. It all depends on the contents of the bottle. Sweet carbonated water, the harm or benefit of which is the subject of debate among doctors, nutritionists and manufacturers, may contain artificial food additives or extracts of medicinal herbs.

"Duchess" and "Tarragon" contain tarragon, which is an effective vasoconstrictor, improves the functioning of the digestive system and increases appetite. Carbonated water "Sayany" and "Baikal" contains an extract of the Leuzea plant, which helps relieve fatigue, increase muscle activity and normalize the nervous system.

In addition to natural ingredients, water may also contain harmful food additives: dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers. Such carbonated drinks can cause addiction, the appearance of rashes and allergic reactions, damage to the gastric mucosa, and damage to tooth enamel.

The dangers of "fizzy" water for a child

In recent years, nutritionists and pediatricians have been sounding the alarm. Parents increasingly began to buy food for their young children. The consequences of such unreasonable actions are obvious: the number of boys and girls who are obese is steadily growing every year. What can abuse of soda lead to? Increased nervous excitability, problems with the skeletal and endocrine systems, bad teeth. All this is just a small part of the harm that sweet carbonated water can have on the body.

Besides the children sweet soda should be excluded from pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as people who are struggling with overweight, organ diseases gastrointestinal tract, and for allergy sufferers.

Carbonated water: harm or benefit for weight loss

Everyone knows that any diet is based on sufficient fluid intake, namely clean water. Otherwise the weight will stand still. No food or energy value sparkling water does not carry. It does not contain proteins, fats or carbohydrates, and its calorie content is also zero.

It will promote weight loss in the same way as plain water. It is known that liquid in the stomach gives a feeling of fullness. Therefore, it is a must for those who are actively fighting excess weight. At the same time, the harm of carbonated water can manifest itself in the fact that it causes bloating and flatulence, that is, some discomfort in the intestines. But if this does not cause inconvenience, then you can lose weight with any water, including carbonated water.

It should be noted that we are talking only about plain sparkling water, without food additives: sweeteners, preservatives, flavorings, colorings. Otherwise, instead of losing weight, you may gain a few extra pounds.


It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of what sparkling water will bring to the body, whether its consumption will be harmful or beneficial. First of all, when choosing this drink, you should pay attention to its origin: natural or synthetic. Natural mineral water contains useful microelements which contribute to the health of the body. Soda, especially sweet soda produced artificially, cannot be healthy. One should expect only negative consequences, deterioration of the body's functioning.

Sparkling water is a popular non-alcoholic soft drink. It is drinking or natural mineral water enriched with carbon dioxide.

Medicinal mineral water is enriched with carbon dioxide with a mineralization of more than ten grams per liter. The composition of such water practically does not change during storage, and all its useful components are preserved for a long time. In nature, carbonated water is very rare and quickly exhales due to the low concentration of carbon dioxide, losing its properties.

Each American consumes about two hundred liters of sparkling water per year. For comparison, the average resident of the CIS drinks about fifty liters of water annually, and each resident of China drinks about twenty liters. According to statistics, carbonated water and drinks made on its basis in America occupy 73-75% of the total production of non-alcoholic products.

The compressor for saturating water with carbon dioxide was invented by Tobern Bergman, a Swedish designer. In the 19th century, this device was improved and its industrial analogue was created. However, water production was very expensive, so baking soda was used for carbonation.

Carbonation in modern production is carried out mechanically, by chemical means. The mechanical method involves mechanical carbonation in food tanks, siphons, and saturators. Under high pressure water is saturated with gas from 5 to 10 g/l. The chemical method is to add to water baking soda or acids. The fermentation method is used in the production of cider, kvass, champagne, beer, and sparkling wines.

Composition of sparkling water

IN Food Industry Depending on the composition, they produce weak, medium and highly carbonated water. Each carbonated drink has its own sweet and sour base. Typically used as sweeteners are cyclomate, aspartame, potassium acesulfate (sunnet), and saccharin.

Very often malic, citric or phosphoric acids are added to water. IN individual species sparkling water has caffeine added.

Carbon dioxide in water is used as a preservative. It enters into a chemical reaction with water and quickly dissolves in it. Carbon dioxide, killing all pathogenic microorganisms, extends the shelf life of carbonated drinks.

Benefits of sparkling water

The benefits of sparkling water have been known and used since ancient times. At that time, people used water from natural springs exclusively for medicinal purposes. It was used both for internal consumption and as a basis for preparing medicinal baths. Hippocrates, the famous physician of ancient times, devoted a single chapter of his medical works to the natural sources of carbonated water.

The benefits of carbonated water were so exceptional and obvious that at the end of the eighteenth century, industrialists paid attention to this drink. Since then, sparkling water has been sold all over the world. English chemist Joseph Priestley was the first to create a carbonated drink synthetically.

Only natural carbonated water can bring significant benefits to the human body. Chilled sparkling water quenches thirst better than regular water. It is prescribed for low acidity levels to improve the production of gastric juice. Neutral molecules of natural water nourish the cells of the entire body and alkalize the blood plasma. Sodium in such a natural drink activates the action of body enzymes, maintains muscle tone and acid-base balance. Magnesium and calcium prevent the leaching of calcium into the muscles under various loads. Carbonated natural water improves the functioning of the lymphatic, nervous and cardiovascular systems, increases appetite, increases hemoglobin, improves digestion.

Sayany, Baikal, Duchess, Tarragon - carbonated drinks containing extracts medicinal herbs. Tarragon in Tarragon and Duchesse has an anticonvulsant effect, improves digestion and increases appetite. The Sayany drink contains essential and tannin substances, ascorbic acid and others. useful material. Lemon syrup and Leuzea extract at its base relieve fatigue and increase muscle tone, excite nervous system. Pear infusion in Duchess perfectly quenches thirst and also has a diuretic effect.

The dangers of sparkling water

Most nutritionists and doctors talk about the dangers of synthetic carbonated water for the human body.

Carbonated water can cause the greatest harm to the body of young children, as well as nursing and pregnant women and people suffering from allergies and obesity and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Carbon dioxide can cause flatulence, bloating and belching.

Carbonated drinks tend to contain high amounts of sugar. Regular use Sugar in large quantities often leads to disruption of the pancreas and endocrine system and increases the risk of developing diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis.

Synthetic carbonated drinks are very poor at quenching thirst and are often addictive. Excessive use soda disrupts fat metabolism and water-salt balance in the body, and also contributes to an increase in the concentration of harmful cholesterol in the blood plasma.

Sweeteners in such drinks may cause allergic reactions, urolithiasis and blurred vision.

Caffeine has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. In addition, it may contribute to the development of addiction.

Many carbonated drinks contain sodium benzoate. When combined with ascorbic acid, it releases the harmful carcinogen benzene. This substance can destroy human DNA.

Yes, since it contains carbon dioxide, it is absorbed faster, and accordingly, the brain quickly receives a signal that the body has received the required portion of liquid. But only if we are talking about “pure” mineral water: sweet, containing caffeine and other additives, on the contrary, increases thirst (and sometimes appetite!) and dehydrates the body.

2. Soda can irritate the stomach lining

Alas, this is true, and carbon dioxide bubbles are to blame. It is they, if soda is drunk on an empty stomach, that cause discomfort in the stomach and put unnecessary strain on the biliary system. That is why doctors usually prohibit those who suffer from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcers, pancreatitis, colitis, etc.) from drinking carbonated drinks, since they can often cause exacerbation and inflammatory processes. And doctors often advise drinking even mineral water intended for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases only after gas has been removed from it. Or choose lightly carbonated water (lightly carbonated water is considered to have a level of carbon dioxide from 0.2 to 0.3%; medium carbonated water contains from 0.3 to 0.4%; and, finally, highly carbonated water contains more than 0.4%).

Alexey Kovalkov

nutritionist, presenter of the programs “Food with and without rules”, “Family Size”

Sugar dissolved in all kinds of drinks “sucks” water from the cells of our body, so we want to drink more and more. And the release of gases from highly carbonated drinks rapidly swells the stomach, leading to the so-called gastroesophageal reflux.

3. Soda lasts longer

Yes, since the very process of its carbonation, that is, enrichment with carbon dioxide (CO2), simultaneously purifies water from microbes, and CO2 also plays the role of a preservative and prevents destruction minerals– if we are talking about carbonated mineral water.

4. The healthiest soda is natural

That is, water from natural mineral springs, naturally carbonated. Mineral water is divided into table water, with a weak degree of mineralization (up to 1 g/l, usually not even more than 0.4 g/l); medicinal table (mineralization 1 g/l to 10 g/l - this is water such as Narzan, Borjomi, Vittel, Contrex, San Pelegrino, etc.) and medicinal - with a degree of mineralization higher than 10 g/ l or with a high content of various biologically active ingredients, such as Karmadon with a high content of orboric acid.

If table mineral water can be safely used for drinking and cooking, then medicinal table and medicinal water have a number of indications and contraindications. Medicinal table water, if its mineralization is more than 2-2.5 g per liter, is drunk after consultation with a doctor, usually no more than 2-4 glasses a day, in courses; medicinal mineral water can be drunk strictly according to medical advice. A simple example: for residents of those areas where the water is not chlorinated, but fluoridated, fluoridated mineral water, which is actively recommended all over the world for the prevention of caries and osteoporosis, will not help, but will do harm. Water with a high content of calcium (such as Vittel, Contrex, San Pelegrino) is usually recommended for those who eat little dairy products and women over 50 years of age (to prevent osteoporosis), water with a high content of magnesium (Narzan, Contrex) - accordingly, it can be prescribed by a doctor in case of its deficiency (for example, for those who are on a diet) or to improve the functioning of the biliary system, with a high sodium content (“Karmadon”, “Novoterskaya”) - to regulate the water balance in the body, bicarbonate (“ Essentuki No. 17") - for digestive problems, sulfate ("Lipetsk pump-room", "Novoterskaya healing", "Moskovskaya") - to facilitate the functioning of the liver, and so on.

6. The first soda appeared in the 18th century

It all started when, at the beginning of the 18th century, an English chemist Joseph Priestley came up with a simple device that allows you to saturate drinks with carbon dioxide bubbles using sediment. In 1770, a Swedish scientist Tobern Bergman Based on his invention, he designed a completely serious “working” apparatus for saturating water with carbon dioxide. More than ten years later, his compatriot Jacob Schweppe, later founded the famous company Schweppes, improved the compressor and, to make the process easier and cheaper, began using soda for carbonation. And in April 1933, two enterprising Americans Jacob Ebert and George Dulty received a patent for a soda dispenser, which they called soda fontain. Thus began the era of carbonated drinks.
