Liquid pectin. Pectin in the food industry. What is pectin

Pectins - these are polysaccharides which consist of galacturonic acid residues, whereby part of the galacturonic acid residues contains a methoxy group. These substances belong to the group which represent one of the irreplaceable components food ration. Pectins are found in almost all plants. Apples, plums, gooseberries, all citrus fruits are especially rich in pectin. Its smallest amount is found in soft fruits such as cherries, grapes, strawberries.

Relationship between fruit firmness and pectin content reflects biological properties of this substance in plants - pectin provides support for the necessary osmotic pressure (i.e., in this case ability to retain water), thereby preventing water loss and increasing the preservation of fruits during storage. Thus, if the fruits are not stored, prone to rapid deterioration and drying, then the pectin content is likely to be low in such fruits.

The main industrial sources of pectin are apple pomace (30%) and citrus peel (70%). Pectin is also obtained from sugar beet pulp and sunflower baskets.

Pectins are used for various purposes. AT Food Industry Apple and citrus pectin is used as a food additive E440 as a thickener, stabilizer and gelling agent. The main property of pectin in this case is its ability to form pasty gels in the presence of calcium, acid or sugar ions.

Thus, it is widely used in confectionery industry in the manufacture various jellies, marmalade, products from them, as well as to give the necessary consistency to jam, jam, etc. For the same purposes, pectin is sold at retail.

Biological active properties of pectin based on its indigestibility and indigestibility, i.e. it is a soluble dietary fiber. For this purpose, it is used for food enrichment and the manufacture of dietary supplements for food (code E440).

The benefits of pectin great. The physiological functions of this substance, like all dietary fibers, are diverse: on its surface, pectin in the small intestine absorbs bile acids and fats, thereby reducing, prevents the absorption of certain toxic substances, normalizes the frequency and volume of stool, creates optimal conditions for microbiocinosis, that is, the reproduction of useful, needed by the body microbes.

Unlike other dietary fibers, pectin slows down the movement of digested food in the colon, as it increases its viscosity. Consequently, the assimilation of food will be more complete, which means that the body will have enough less food. This property is very valuable for those who are on a diet for weight loss.

The astringent and enveloping properties of apple, citrus and some other pectin protect the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract and have a moderate analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect in ulcerative lesions. Pectins bind and remove radioactive substances and heavy metals, as well as cholesterol.

However, with excessive consumption, pectin can be harmful: the absorption of valuable minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc) decreases, fermentation begins in the large intestine, which leads to flatulence and reduced digestibility and. It should be noted that pectins from natural sources come in small quantities and bring only benefits, and the harm of pectin begins to manifest itself from such volumes that are difficult to obtain from food, because no one eats fruits and berries in kilograms. Overdose occurs, as a rule, only with excessive enthusiasm for dietary supplements (biologically active additives) with high content of this substance or pure pectin.

Pectin or pectin is a gluing substance, a polysaccharide formed from galacturonic acid residues and present in most higher plants - fruits, vegetables, root crops and some types of algae. Being a structural element of tissues, pectins help maintain turgor, increase plant resistance to drought and long-term storage.

Pectin, as a substance, was isolated 200 years ago from fruit juice French chemist Henri Braconnot. The first factories for the mass production of pectin were built in the 30s of the twentieth century.

The use of pectin

Pectin is widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries. In medicine, pectin is used to make physiologically active substances properties that are beneficial to human health. In addition, the structure-forming properties of pectin make it possible to use it as a drug encapsulating agent.

pectins in industrial scale obtained from citrus and apple pomace, sunflower baskets and sugar beet pulp. In the food industry, pectin is registered as an additive called E440 and is used as a thickener for the production of fillings for sweets, jelly, marmalade, marshmallows, ice cream, juice drinks.

There are two forms of pectin obtained industrial way: liquid and powder. The order of mixing products during their preparation depends on the form of the substance: liquid pectin is added to a hot, freshly cooked mass, powdered pectin is mixed with cold juice or fruit. With the help of packaged pectin, you can make jellies and marmalades from berries and fruits.

Useful properties of pectin

Experts call pectin the natural "orderly" of our body, since this substance has the ability to remove poisons and harmful substances from tissues: pesticides, heavy metal ions, radioactive elements, without violating the natural bacteriological balance of the body.

The benefits of pectin are due to the effect of the substance on the body's metabolism: it stabilizes redox processes, improves peripheral circulation, intestinal motility, and also lowers blood cholesterol levels.

Pectin is practically not absorbed by the digestive system of the body, being, in fact, soluble fiber. Passing along with other products through the intestines, pectin absorbs harmful substances and cholesterol, which are excreted from the body along with it. Pectin also has the ability to bind ions of heavy and radioactive metals, due to which it is included in the diet of people who come into contact with heavy metals or are in a polluted environment.

The benefit of pectin also lies in its ability to improve the intestinal microflora, to have a moderate anti-inflammatory and enveloping effect on the gastric mucosa in case of ulcerative lesions, to form optimal conditions for microbiocenosis - the process of reproduction of microbes useful for the body.

All of the above properties of pectin allow us to recommend this substance as a component of the daily diet of every person.

The daily intake of pectin, which significantly reduces blood cholesterol levels, is 15 grams, however, pectin supplements should be preferred to eating ordinary fruits and berries.

pectin in foods

Sources of pectin are apples, bananas, oranges, grapefruits, nectarines, pears, peaches, dates, blueberries, plums, figs. There is less pectin in melons, pineapples, cherries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, green peas.

  • Citrus peels - 30%;
  • Apples - 1.5%;
  • Carrot - 1.4%;
  • Oranges - 1-3.5%;
  • Apricots - 1%;
  • Cherries - 0.4%.

Sweets should not be considered as a source of pectin, because in order to get an amount of a substance similar to the content of pectin in foods, you need to eat about 7 packs of marmalade.

Pectin for weight loss

The cleansing properties of pectin allow it to be used as a component of a weight loss diet. A person who eats the recommended dose of pectin per day, which corresponds to about 500 g of fruits and vegetables daily, requires less products to get rid of the feeling of hunger. The benefits of pectin are based on its ability to bind "bad" carbohydrates, preventing them from being completely absorbed from the digestive tract.

Pectin is very effective for weight loss in the presence of "stagnant" fat: when weight has been gained for many years. Natural fiber delicately cleanses the body of cholesterol, toxins and toxins, allowing not only to cope with fat deposits, but also to improve the body. Nutritionists are sure: eating 25 g of apple pectin will get rid of 300 grams excess weight in a day.

An example of a pectin diet that will allow you to get rid of 3-4 kg in 1 week:

  • 1 day. For breakfast, a salad of three grated apples is eaten with walnuts, flavored lemon juice. For lunch - a salad of one boiled egg and one apple, mixed with green onions and parsley. For dinner - five apples;
  • Day 2 Breakfast - three apple salad plus 100 grams boiled rice. Lunch - Three boiled apples with lemon juice, 100 grams of boiled rice without salt. Dinner - 100 grams of boiled rice without salt;
  • Day 3 Breakfast - a salad of three grated apples, 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese without sugar. Lunch - a salad of three apples with two walnuts, seasoned with two tablespoons of honey. Dinner - 100 grams of cottage cheese;
  • Day 4 Salad of one apple and three carrots. Lunch - a salad of one apple, three carrots with lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey. Dinner - four baked apples;
  • Day 5 Salad of 1 grated beetroot and 1 carrot. Lunch - 3 tablespoons of oatmeal, two boiled eggs, one boiled beet. Dinner - carrots mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey;
  • Day 6 Repeats the menu of the first day of the diet;
  • Day 7 Repeats the menu of the second day of the diet.

The use of pectin for weight loss eliminates the use of alcohol, coffee and smoking. A pectin diet should be accompanied by plenty of fluids. pure water, green tea or herbal decoctions without sugar.

Apple diet is indicated for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gallbladder. Despite the benefits of pectin for gastrointestinal diseases varying degrees severity, in chronic diseases (gastritis, enterocolitis, gastric ulcer) daily allowance apples are recommended to be boiled or baked in an oven.


Excessive use of pectin as dietary supplements (it is quite difficult to get an overdose of a substance from natural sources) can lead to reduced absorption. minerals(magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron), digestibility of fats and proteins, flatulence and fermentation in the colon.

Many fruits contain pectin, the benefits and harms of which need to be studied in detail by supporters. healthy eating. Proper introduction to the diet of natural food additive can give a lot of positive effects. Ignoring the specifics of the natural component sometimes plays a cruel joke on people and causes quite serious problems.

In the food industry, pectin, labeled E440, is used to thicken ingredients and dishes. It was first synthesized about 200 years ago and since then its popularity and demand has only grown.

List of foods rich in pectin

To obtain pectin, apple or citrus pulp is extracted. According to scientists, this substance is contained in one volume or another in all fruits, berries, vegetables and even a number of algae. Synthesized industrially, pectin retains a number positive properties. To obtain therapeutic and preventive effects, it is better to use food products with a high content of the substance, and not its powder counterpart.

The leader in the content of pectins are citrus fruits. Them alimentary fiber presented unique substance by 70%. It is worth considering that not only edible pulp is saturated with a chemical compound, but also the peel of fruits, their peels. Second place can be given to apples and, which are many times inferior to the leaders.

In other fruits - plums, apricots, currants, strawberries and many others - there are even fewer pectins. Yet, regular use of these products helps to replenish the reserves of the substance in the body and gives the desired effect. As for vegetables, among them the nutritional supplement is most in carrots, beets, peppers, cabbage, and. It is noteworthy that the younger the vegetable, the higher the content of the chemical compound in it.

The use of pectin in industry

The ability of pectin to form gel-like substances is actively used in the food industry. It is added to jams, preserves, jellies, marshmallows, ketchups and various desserts. Increasingly, the additive can be found in the composition and canned food. The powder version of the composition is introduced into cold raw materials. The liquid extract is added to the hot preforms.

Tip: People living in ecologically unfavorable areas should without fail introduce pectin into their diet. It can be both fruits and food supplements. The main thing is that its daily volume should be at least 15 g. This will allow you to cleanse the body, maintain the functionality of organs and systems.

Pectin is used in medicine and pharmaceuticals. It doesn't change properties. medicines, but brings them to the optimum consistency. Most often, it is necessary in the manufacture of capsule forms of drugs and various gels.

Useful properties of pectin

Pectin is not only the convenience of cooking various dishes but also good for the body. Presence natural thickener in the human diet can cause such beneficial effects:

  • Improving the quality of digestion. The astringent and enveloping properties of the product help protect the gastric mucosa from irritating factors, which contributes to its recovery.
  • The metabolism is stimulated, which leads to the improvement of the functioning of systems and organs, getting rid of excess weight. The use of foods rich in pectin is especially justified when diabetes and obesity. Specially designed pectin diet allows you to lose up to 3-4 kg in just a week and improve the body.
  • There is an improvement in peripheral circulation. It speeds up the delivery useful substances to the organs and their purification from everything superfluous. Excess urea and bile acid are removed from the tissues.
  • The food supplement helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. This reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis, heart disease, blood vessels and the brain.
  • Pectins increase the activity of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, which contributes to better absorption of vitamins and strengthens the immune system.

The use of foods rich in pectin is indicated during pregnancy. This is the most effective and safe way to normalize the stool and improve the general condition. Even if there are no special indications for taking a substance, its entry into the body can in a positive way affect the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.

Harm and danger of pectin

Practice shows that it is quite difficult to exceed the daily intake of pectin in the case of natural products. Even vegetarians and vegans are almost not afraid of this. But with the abuse of products in which the substance acts only as a food additive, this is quite possible. This is fraught with the following consequences:

  1. The quality of absorption of minerals decreases, which leads to the development of deficient conditions.
  2. Fermentation processes begin in the intestines, leading to flatulence, poor absorption of proteins and fats.

The use of the product in the form of a dietary supplement before the age of 6 years can only bring harm, so you should carefully monitor the child's diet. Allergy to pectin in the composition of fruits and vegetables is extremely rare, but no one is safe from intolerance to E440. Unfortunately, today more and more often manufacturers use not the usual sources for the extraction of raw materials, but chemical substances. Therefore, it is difficult to say what quality pectin is used in a particular product.

Principles of the pectin diet

The introduction of a special diet into the usual mode allows not only to get rid of fat deposits that have accumulated over the years, but also to significantly improve the general condition. True, to obtain such results, you must strictly follow the rules of the program and not make arbitrary changes to it:

  1. On the first day for breakfast, you need to eat 3 grated apples with a couple of chopped walnuts and 1 tablespoon lemon juice. For lunch, you should prepare a salad from boiled egg, grated apple and a large number chopped greens. Dinner will consist of 5 apples in any form (raw, baked, grated).
  2. On the second day, breakfast will be a mixture of the pulp of 3 grated apples and 100 g of boiled rice without any additives. For lunch, a dish is prepared from the same ingredients, but this time the apples will have to be boiled. To enhance the taste of the dish, you can use lemon peel. For dinner, you will have to limit yourself to 100 g of boiled rice.
  3. On the third day for breakfast, the usual grated apples are mixed with 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese. For lunch, take 3 apples, grate them and combine with 2 teaspoons of honey and 2 walnuts. Additionally, you need to eat 100 g of cottage cheese, but not together, but separately.
  4. The fourth day begins with breakfast, consisting of 3 grated carrots and the pulp of one apple. For lunch, the exact same salad is eaten, but this time it is seasoned with lemon juice and 2 teaspoons of honey. Dinner will consist of 4 baked apples.
  5. On the fifth day, a salad is prepared for breakfast. fresh carrots and beets, we take the ingredients in any volume. Lunch will consist of 3 tablespoons of oatmeal infused with boiling water, small boiled beets and 2 boiled eggs.
  6. On the 6th day, the menu of the 1st day is repeated, and on the 7th, the menu of the 2nd day.

During this regimen, you need to drink at least 6 glasses of clean water a day. Coffee and alcohol are prohibited. Let's say tea, but not very strong and without sweeteners. The return to the usual diet should be smooth so that weight loss does not stop.

The mechanical processing of the ingredients does not affect the level of pectin in any way. Purees, smoothies, juices with pulp, vegetable stew and even fruit drinks are rich useful connection. Even in jam made from the above components, the content of the substance is such that it allows you to count on bright positive effects.

Pectin is called a gluing substance that has vegetable origin. It was isolated from fruit juice two hundred years ago. At the same time, it was discovered that it helps to regulate metabolic processes, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, and normalize beneficial intestinal microflora. It is a soluble fiber that the human body needs daily.

Pectin is available in the form of powder and liquid extract, which are widely used both in industry and in home cooking. The powder is added to cold fresh fruits and their juices. The extract is mixed with hot foods.

Why is pectin valued? Benefit

The beneficial properties of pectin have found a huge range of applications in pharmaceuticals. It has the following actions on the human body:

Helps lower cholesterol and sugar levels;
With its help, the efficiency of the intestine is activated;
Helps improve blood circulation;
Cleans from radioactive elements, pesticides and heavy metals;
In diseases of the stomach (ulcer, gastritis) it is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic, this is justified by its enveloping and astringent properties.

Who is dangerous pectin? Harm and contraindications

Pectin can have a harmful effect on the body if its consumption is abused. This reduces the absorption of important trace elements such as iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc. Also, protein and fats are not absorbed, the development of fermentation and flatulence begins.

As a rule, the consumption of pectin from fruits, berries and vegetables does not cause any harm to the body, they contain it in small quantities. Harm can be caused by large concentrations of it in industrial products, as well as biologically active additives. With them overuse an overdose of pectin can occur, which sometimes leads to intestinal obstruction. It must be remembered that when using these products, you need to increase the amount of water consumed.

Where to get pectin? What products contain it?

Pectins enter the human body with berries: currants, viburnum, mountain ash, plums, gooseberries, rose hips. A large number of them are found in apples, pineapples and bananas, beets, pumpkins and watermelons. A lot of it in the zest citrus crops.
Also a lot of pectin contains marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, oriental sweets.

In industrial production, mainly apple and beet cake is used to obtain pectins. Sometimes citrus peels and sunflower baskets are used for this. The pectin obtained in this way is widely used not only by the food industry, but also by the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.

Where else is pectin needed? Application in industry

For industrial purposes, pectin is used as a thickener, stabilizer, gelling agent and clarifier. It is a registered dietary supplement.

food industry

In the confectionery industry, it is used to produce sweets, fruit fillings, desserts, marshmallows, marmalade and other jelly products, ice cream. It is a part of mayonnaises, ketchups. Some dairy products (like yogurt) also contain it, usually citrus pectin. Sometimes the food industry uses not isolated pectin, but raw materials in the form of applesauce.

For home cooking, you can purchase powder or pectin gel. They will save time when preparing jellies, jams and other dishes. In addition, pectin saturates products with a fruity aroma. When added to dishes, less sugar is required than usual, and, therefore, their calorie content is reduced. You should know that unripe fruits and berries contain large quantity of this substance than ripe. Therefore, pectin can not be additionally added to dishes prepared from them. At the same time, most of it falls on the fruit peel and core.

Expired pectin should not be used as it loses its gelling effect. The same happens with long heat treatment. Products long-term storage with its addition, it cannot be stored in a large container, they can soften.

cosmetic industry

In the cosmetic industry, pectin is used as a stabilizer for creams, masks, gels, and many more products. Every year its use for these purposes is increasing more and more. This can be explained by the fact that more and more manufacturers are seeking to naturalize their products.

pharmaceutical industry

In pharmaceuticals, pectin is used as an additional additive to some medications as an emollient (acetylsalicylic acid and others) or an agent that enhances their effect. It is also used to detoxify certain drugs, as it has binding and cleansing properties. Its regular use prevents the accumulation harmful substances in the body. It is shown to workers in industries associated with lead and zinc.

Interesting to know!

To reduce blood cholesterol per day, it is enough to consume 15 grams of pectin.
To lose weight, you need to consume up to 25 grams of pectin daily.
However, in order to extract 5 grams of it from fruits, you will have to eat 500 grams of them.

However, if the body requires pectin, then whole fruits and vegetables should be preferred over juices, since more of it is found in the pulp. It's important to get it every day! In a dry summer, vegetable and fruit crops will contain a greater amount of this substance, since with a small supply of moisture during ripening, it actively accumulates in fruits. Therefore, it is possible without special efforts provide your body with a useful substance.

Which are found in cell membranes and intercellular tissues of some plants.

What is pectin

pectin is natural substance found in berries and fruits. Especially a lot in apples. In fruits, pectin helps keep the cell walls held together. Unripe fruits contain propectin, a precursor substance that turns into pectin only after fruit ripening. During the ripening stage, the substance helps the fruit retain its shape and firmness. AT ripe fruit splits to the state of simple saccharides, which are completely dissolved in. It is this chemical process explains why an overripe fruit becomes soft and loses its shape.

Discovery history

Jams and jellies cookbooks hostesses have been around for a long time. At least in the 18th century, and more precisely in 1750, the recipes for these desserts were published in a London edition. Then jelly-like sweets were made from apples, currants, and some other fruits.

It was only in 1820 that a substance was isolated for the first time, which, as it turned out, is actually the key to making jams and jellies. Then, when people learned the list of gelling products, they learned how to make marmalades from fruits and berries, which by themselves are not able to thicken. And in order to deceive nature, confectioners resorted to apple components as an additional ingredient.

The first commercial version of pectin was in the form of apple pomace. The first liquid extract substances appeared in 1908 in Germany. Then they learned to produce it in the USA. It is the American Douglas who owns the patent for the production of liquid pectin. The document dates from 1913. A little later, this substance gained wide popularity in Europe. And in recent years, the center of production are Mexico and Brazil. There, pectin is extracted from citrus fruits.

Where is it contained?

Pectin is found in many fruits and berries that grow in our latitudes. And these are apples, pears, quince, plums, peaches, apricots, cherries, gooseberries, strawberries, grapes, raspberries, currants, cranberries, blackberries. Also an important source of pectin are citrus fruit: oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes, tangerines. But as for citruses, in these fruits the substance is concentrated mainly in the skin, there is very little of it in the crumb.

How to determine the concentration in fruits

The concentration of pectin depends on the stage of ripeness of the fruit. Of course, useful advice. But still, how to determine whether the fruit is ripe enough for harvest? Well, the truth is, do not carry each fetus for research in the laboratory. And for such cases, there is one trick that will help determine the approximate concentration of the substance.

To do this, you need a teaspoon of crushed fruit and 1 tablespoon of alcohol. Mix the two ingredients, put in a tightly closed container and shake lightly. If the fruit contains high concentration pectin, the allocated juice will turn into a strong gel-like lump. Low content pectin substances will result in the formation of small rubber particles. The average level of pectin content should give the result in the form of several pieces of a jelly-like substance.

Fruit pectin: benefits and harms to the body

Majority herbal products contain pectin. But the highest concentration is found in citrus fruits, apple and plum peels. These foods are also an excellent source of soluble fiber.

Some studies conducted by American scientists have shown that foods containing pectin can prevent the spread of cancer cells throughout the body.

If we talk about harm to health, then pectin substances, perhaps, are not capable of harming healthy person. But still, before taking pectin supplements, it is better to consult a doctor.

Extremely rarely, powdered pectin can cause asthma attacks in sufferers, as well as flatulence. It is important to remember that citrus fruits belong to a group of highly allergenic foods. It is also important for people with citrus intolerance to avoid pectin made from this kind of fruit. Research suggests that people who are allergic to cashew nuts or pistachios have the potential to suffer from pectin intolerance as well.

Benefits of Fruit Pectin

Fruit pectin has many beneficial effects for human body. Let's consider some of them.

Reduces cholesterol levels

A high level is one of the main factors in the development cardiovascular diseases. Studies have shown that citrus pectin reduces blood cholesterol levels by 6-7 percent. But, as scientists say, this is not the limit. apple pectin gives more top scores in the fight against low density lipoproteins.

Impact on digestion

Being a soluble form, pectin, getting into digestive tract, is transformed into a gel-like substance, which helps to slow down the digestive process. This effect allows you to maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time, which is especially important for people who observe low calorie diet for weight loss. In addition, the gelling properties of pectin help in the treatment of diarrhea.

Fight against cancer

According to data published in 1941 in a Polish scientific journal, pectin promotes the death of cancer cells in the colon. Also, the ability of pectin to draw out carcinogens from the body will help reduce the risk of cancer. But while this aspect of the impact on the body, scientists continue to explore.

Other useful properties:

  • improves peristalsis of the colon;
  • positively affects the intestinal microflora;
  • removes toxins from the body;
  • lowers blood sugar levels;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • destroys pathogenic bacteria.

daily requirement

The daily requirement for pectin is approximately 15 g. This portion is enough to regulate cholesterol levels. If you want to lose weight with this substance, it is important to increase the daily portion to 25 g. By the way, in order to get 5 g of pectin, you will have to eat about half a kilogram of fresh fruit.

It is important to increase pectin intake for people with high level or cholesterol overweight, oncological diseases, constipation. The need for a substance increases with intoxication and infectious diseases.

Homemade jam and pectin

Probably, everyone has a grandmother or a friend who, as soon as fruits appear in the gardens, is taken to make jams. And at first, this process seems like real magic - the liquid mixture, boiled over low heat, turns into jelly or thick jam. But if you know that this process becomes possible only due to the presence of pectin in fruits, all the magic is dispelled. Although not so. The magic is not dispelled - just jam reveals its main secret.

But even grandmothers who have digested hundreds of liters of jam in their lifetime can sometimes fail to get fruity sweetness. And the pectin already familiar to us will be the culprit.

"Problem" jam: why is this happening?

A granular, lumpy texture indicates that the fruit contained too much pectin.

Too hard jam will turn out if the product is cooked at a very low temperature. In this case, the water evaporates, and the pectin is not destroyed. A similar effect will be obtained when cooking on too high a fire without stirring.

The use of unripe fruits with a high pectin content is also not the most in the best way affects the consistency of the sweet brew.

When the jam is overheated, the pectin structure is destroyed. As a result, the product loses its ability to harden.

Production stages

The production of pectin substances is a process consisting of several stages. Different companies produce the substance according to their own technology, but something in this process always remains identical.

On the initial stage pectin manufacturer receives apple pomace or citrus peel (usually this product is supplied without problems by juice producers). Then the raw material is added hot water, which contains mineral acids or other enzymes. Solid particles are removed, the solution is concentrated by removing some of the liquid. After aging, the concentrate is mixed with alcohol, which allows the pectin to precipitate. The precipitate is separated, washed with alcohol, and dried. In the washing process, salts or alkalis can be used. Before or after drying, the pectin can be treated with ammonia. The last stage of production is the grinding of the dry hardened substance into a powder. Ready-made pectin is often sold in the form of mixtures with other nutritional supplements.

Pectin in the food industry

Due to the ability to form a gel-like solution, pectin is used in the food industry for the manufacture of marmalades, jams, marmalades as an additive E440. It plays the role of a stabilizer, thickener, clarifier, water-retaining and filtering component.

The main sources for industrial pectin are citrus and apple components. From citruses, the skin is usually used, and from apples, the pomace after making cider is used for processing. Other sources: sugar beet, persimmon, sunflower baskets (all in the form of cake). By the way, quite a bit of pectin, fruit acids and sugar are enough to make jelly.

Pectin, presented in the food industry, is a polymer composed of almost 65 percent galacturonic acid. Also contained in different sauces, marshmallows, jelly products, some sweets, ice cream, and even part of activated charcoal.

Other applications

The thickening properties of this substance have been used in the pharmaceutical and textile industries. It is believed that pectin is able to reduce the level of low-density lipoprotein (“bad” cholesterol), as well as treat diarrhea. In addition, there is an opinion that pectin contributes to the death of cancer cells.

In cosmetology, it is actively used - a product rich in pectin. Wraps and the use of this substance helps to get rid of cellulite. In addition, pectin helps to cleanse the skin of age spots, give it elasticity and a healthy look.

Pectin has interesting physical and chemical properties, which affect cardiovascular system and digestive functions of the body. Known for its ability to lower cholesterol and improve intestinal health. So, as it turned out apple jam- the product is not just tasty, but extremely useful. Keep this in mind when choosing next time sweetness for tea.
