Useful properties and contraindications of spelt, or spelled. Spelled flour - step by step cooking according to a homemade recipe

AT modern world all large quantity people strive for a healthy lifestyle, the basis of which is balanced diet. Interest in environmentally friendly, natural and useful products growing exponentially.

Such food includes cereals, the oldest representative of which is spelled. Its grains were discovered by archaeologists on the territory of the Ararat mountain range and modern Bulgaria, Poland, and Sweden. The earliest finds date back to the 11th-5th millennium BC.

What it is? Spelled is a group of wheat species characterized by brick-red hulled grain and brittle spikelets. Undemanding to climate and cultivation conditions, the culture is the progenitor of modern durum wheat varieties.

Spelled wheat contains up to 37% proteins, including 18 essential amino acids. Cereal dishes have the finest nutty flavor, delicate fragrance and are unique diet meals useful for both adults and kids.

Nutritionists all over the planet claim that this type of wheat has unique therapeutic properties, and chefs of world cuisines are happy to cook a huge number of dishes from cereals, from bread from its flour, cereals, soups and ending with air creams, intricate sauces and light breadcrumbs. Let's understand the topic together: "What is spelled and what useful qualities does this product have?

  • Spelled goes well with meat, fish, mushrooms, vegetables, vegetable oils and oils of animal origin, most spices, spices and aromatic herbs.

It should be noted that for the cultivation of spelled, which is undemanding to the soil composition, synthetic fertilizers are not used, which makes the product safe and environmentally friendly.

The benefits and harms of spelled for the body

The main advantage of spelt is the presence in the grains of unthreshed flower and spikelet flakes, which contain all the phytonutrients necessary for the body to work. Due to the film coating, spelled grains are much more difficult to grind into flour than seeds of hard and soft varieties.

Thanks not high concentration gluten in whole grains, the product can be included in the diet of patients with individual gluten intolerance - celiac disease (after consultation with a specialist observing you).

Compared to regular wheat and other refined grains, spelled contains many more beneficial biologically active compounds.

First of all, we are talking about B vitamins (niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, folic acid) and tocopherol (vitamin E), which are responsible for the normal state nervous system, skin and skin appendages.

Also in spelled there is a large amount of the trace element iron, which is directly involved in the production of red blood cells.

Spelled is a natural source of antioxidants, oligosaccharides, resistant starch, phenolic substances, dietary fiber ( vegetable fiber), mineral salts (magnesium, zinc, selenium, manganese, iodine, potassium, copper, calcium, etc.), easily digestible protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates.

spelled bread, recipe below

The balanced vitamin and mineral composition of spelled determines medicinal properties food product, including:

  • a decrease in the level of high-density lipoproteins in the blood (dangerous cholesterol), which occurs due to the high concentration of coarse dietary fiber that prevents the absorption of fats;
  • normalization of blood glucose levels;
  • saturation of the body with energy and activation of all types of metabolism;
  • stabilization of blood pressure indicators;
  • preventing the development of obesity;
  • activation of digestion processes by strengthening the evacuation functions of the intestine;
  • cleansing the body of accumulated metabolites, toxic substances and toxins;
  • supporting the health of the skeletal system;
  • recovery of the body after serious illnesses;
  • strengthening the immune system and increasing the body's ability to resist various kinds infections;
  • stabilization of the state of the central nervous system;
  • protection from radiation and other types of exposure;
  • restoration of normal blood balance;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack, ischemic heart disease, oncology, diabetes, hypovitaminosis, anemia.

The progenitor of wheat has found its application in cosmetology. From spelled flour or grains crushed by means of a coffee grinder, cleansing scrubs for the face and body are prepared, helping to free the skin from dead layers of the epidermis, cleanse pores, smooth wrinkles, improve blood circulation to cells, and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Various combinations of products are used to prepare scrubs. For example, in addition to chopped spelled, they add natural honey, or, or coconut, avocado, the pulp of vegetables, berries and fruits, sea ​​salt, clean essential oils(citrus, jasmine, rose, geranium, neroli, patchouli, etc.).

Harm spelled for human body minimal. Nutritionists recommend excluding the product from the diet in case of individual intolerance, which is extremely rare. It should be noted that, like all cereals, spelled - high-calorie product, so do not get carried away with dishes from it and exceed daily allowance recommended by nutritionists (from 50 to 100 grams of cereal) and you will get all the benefits of spelled without harm to health.

Currently in departments diet food supermarkets and stores selling organic clean products, it can be found in the following form:

  • grains intended for sprouting with subsequent use as a unique dietary supplement;
  • already sprouted spelled grains;
  • crushed grains or cereals;
  • flour;
  • pasta made from whole grain spelled flour.

Spelled has other names indicated on the package: two-grain, farro, emmer. It should be noted that the grains present on the shelves of spelled and kamut stores are not spelled, but completely different varieties of cereals.

Spelled bread - recipe

Since there is practically no gluten in the cereal, baking from spelled flour is traditional recipes not prepared - finished products do not keep their shape, crumbling. Special techniques are used to make bread. finished product very different in taste from the bread that modern people are used to.

Bread recipe (how to cook):

  • spelled flour - ½ kg;
  • dry baker's yeast - a standard bag;
  • drinking water heated - 0.3 l;
  • cane sugar (brown) - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • olive oil first cold pressed (unrefined) - 30 ml;
  • sea ​​food salt - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • sesame seeds - 1 dessert spoon.

In big enamel saucepan prepare a sourdough by combining water, yeast, 2 tbsp. spoons of spelled flour and sugar. After the appearance of foam on the surface of the mixture (after a quarter of an hour), olive oil and the remaining flour are added to the mass, the dough is kneaded with gentle movements and left to rise for three quarters of an hour, after covering the pan with a kitchen towel.

A bread baking dish is smeared with olive oil and sprinkled with sesame seeds. The risen dough is laid inside, on the surface of which a small cross-shaped incision is made.

Baking bread takes about an hour. The form is placed in an oven heated to a temperature of about 190 ° C. The finished product, after being removed from the oven, is wrapped with a towel until it cools.

The benefits of pasta

Pasta is made from whole grain spelled flour and water with the addition of not a large number table salt. The energy value of the product is 339 kcal/100 gr.

  • The composition of pasta (for every 100 g) contains proteins (14 g), fats (2.5 g) and carbohydrates (up to 71 g), as well as the whole complex of useful bionutrients spelled.

Like all products from the progenitor of wheat, the use of pasta improves the state of the immune, digestive, endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular and hematopoietic systems of the human body.

Pasta is boiled according to the package instructions and served with butter, grated cheese, cottage cheese, milk, red sauce, meat and fish dishes.

Spelled porridge, recipe

Use this recipe to make tender porridge spelled with unsurpassed notes of nuts and excellent nutritional qualities.

Step by step cooking

1 cup (faceted) spelled grains/groats soaked overnight in the mixture sour milk or curdled milk (1/2 l) and drinking water(1/2 cup). In the morning, the cereals are washed in a large amount of running water and boiled in whole milk or diluted in half with water (1/2 liter) until fully prepared(simmer over low heat).

After complete evaporation of the liquid ready product looks like individual grains (not boiled). The pot with porridge is wrapped and kept warm for about 45 minutes. Before serving, the porridge is seasoned with butter to taste, if desired, lightly added.


When buying spelled, pay attention to the tightness of the package and the expiration date. High-quality cereals should not have foreign impurities and flavors. The grain is stored, like other cereals, in a dry place, for example, in a special container or a tightly sealed glass container.

I hope I told you what spelled is, its benefits and harms, and you try to enrich your diet useful varieties wheat, preparing all kinds of delicious and nutritious dishes.

Bon appetit, active longevity and good health!

spelled flour, like wheat, is widely used in cooking for baking, bread and most different desserts. It is rich in proteins, contains 18 essential amino acids, is easily digestible and rarely causes allergies.
Whole grain flour is rich in fiber, therefore it is good for digestion, it retains much more vitamins and useful substances compared to flour premium. It is suitable for diet food.
Flour is ground on stone millstones. With this method of grinding, it does not heat up as much as in metal mills, and is less subject to oxidation.

Good alternative to wheat rye flour. Added to bean cutlets, it turned out very tasty! AT sweet pastries Haven't tried it yet, but I don't think the kids will like it. But in vegetable casseroles- perfect.

Elena, map


Highly delicious bread from this agony. Aromatic still in the testing stage. Just a miracle!
Renata, map

xxx 0429

Spelled is a dietary creation of nature, with a  pleasant nutty flavor and a minimum of gluten. Spelled has much less gluten than soft and hard varieties. It does not cause food allergies, it is easily digested.

For pancakes and cheesecakes, I use only spelled flour from VkusVill.

Spelled flour pancakes have an unmistakable sweet taste! Both adults and children enjoy baking with pleasure.

Raisa Nikolaevna, map


Great product! Tried whole grain flour for the first time, made pancakes for breakfast, they turned out excellent! The whole family loved it, delicious and healthy!

Natalia, map


I try to stick to a gluten-free diet, but sometimes I really want to bake, and I have not yet found the perfect gluten-free mixture. Spelled flour rescues me - it certainly contains gluten, but I want to believe that this is a healthier gluten (given at least the fact that spelled, as far as I know, is grown without the use of pesticides). In general, I believe that spelled flour is more beneficial than wheat flour. Concerning palatability, my favorite dish from this flour - pizza ( yeast dough) with gorgonzola and pears (the trout variety is best). The perfect combination tastes of spelled dough, cheese and pears. This time I made a crostata ( shortbread dough) with strawberries, also very tasty, but still butter dough this flour tastes better. In general, the taste of spelled baking is different from wheat baking - it is not so neutral, but for me this is a plus. By the way, spelled flour from VkusVill tastes more delicate than other manufacturers - perhaps the fact is that the grinding is finer, I don’t know. In general, this flour is one of my regular purchases, I recommend

Olga, map


Since the free access appeared not only Wheat flour, housewives do not get tired of experimenting with pastries. A huge number of interesting recipes have been developed for buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, corn and even flax flour. Some chefs have completely abandoned the use of the traditional one. But spelled flour turned out to be somewhat beyond the boundaries of general attention. However, you can not buy it in all supermarkets. Meanwhile, if you still try spelled flour in culinary delights, it is quite possible to switch only to its use.

Spelled flour: benefits

Spelled is an old variety of wheat. It is resistant to weather vagaries, diseases, pests, but less productive than modern varieties. In addition, it is much worse to grind. This was precisely the reason for its gradual displacement by new competitors: now the plant occupies an insignificantly small sown area, although in recent times there was an upward trend.

At the same time, spelled flour is devoid of the disadvantages of wheat and has significant advantages. It contains as many as 18 amino acids and a set of vitamins, including relatively rare ones. Content vegetable protein it is very high, and it is easily digestible. From useful elements it is especially notable for the presence of magnesium and iron, and a number of nutritionists even attribute to it medicinal qualities. There is another attractive feature that spelled flour boasts: recipes can be used the same as wheat flour, but their result will be more tender, with dense pulp and a unique aroma.

Unforgettable bread

Now many housewives prefer to bake bread on their own. And rightly so: you can adjust its taste according to your needs, and you are sure of the quality of the products used. If you have already baked, you can try another recipe. Moreover, spelled flour bread is easily baked even in a conventional oven.


Bread is baked for half an hour, cooled on a wire rack and only then removed from the mold.

Delicious pancakes

The best test of unfamiliar flour is an attempt to bake pancakes out of it. If they succeed, it can be safely used in any baking. We are absolutely calm about pancakes made from spelled flour: they turn out to be airy, and even with a tempting nutty smell. The dough is easy to prepare. Spelled flour is sifted into a bowl in the amount of 150 grams - this is about two-thirds of a glass. A glass of kefir and half a glass of milk plus two are poured into the hole. egg yolks and a pinch of salt. The dough is processed with a mixer until lumps are completely eliminated and left to “rest” for a quarter of an hour. Pancakes are baked in a completely standard way. And it is tastier to eat them, smeared with jam, rolled into a tube and crushed powdered sugar.

Tempting spelled pie

If you have kids, they will surely love this dessert. And adults will not refuse a piece or two for tea. Cooking will not take much time, and the pleasures are the sea.

First, the dough is prepared: a 70-gram piece of butter is rubbed on a coarse grater and mixed with a third of a spoonful of soda and flour. Naturally, spelled flour, about half a glass. The final consistency is similar to breadcrumbs.

The pie is assembled: the form, lined and smeared, is laid out with most of the dough. In the resulting "basket" is poured curd filling, laid out on top apple slices and sprinkle with the rest of the dough. This joy is baked for 20 minutes; ready, it can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

to post

In anticipation of the days food restrictions housewives are stocking up interesting recipes designed to brighten up the prescribed food deprivation. And here spelled flour will come in handy, from which you can bake a lot of all kinds of goodies. In particular, a cupcake that will please even those days when you no longer need to fast. First, three and a half tablespoons of sugar and a spoon are diluted in half a glass of water. natural honey. You can even take it candied, you just have to wait longer. The next step is sifting a quarter kilogram of flour into a bowl, with constant kneading so that spelled flour does not clump. The last step is the infusion of half a glass vegetable oil and its kneading. The dough is laid out in a form in which cupcakes are baked. It is placed in the oven for only a third of an hour. And you have a crumbly, fragrant and very tasty dessert for tea.

Undeservedly forgotten spelled is gradually returning to our kitchens. Slavic cuisine knows many recipes with this cereal. It is quite simple to prepare, by changing the ingredients, you can diversify the taste of dishes.

In addition to traditional porridge, try something unusual, such as risotto.

What is spelled

Spelled is one of the most ancient varieties of wheat. Archaeologists say that already 6 thousand years ago, primitive people grew this cereal, that is, in age it is not inferior to the Egyptian pyramids. This is the only cereal crop that has not changed genetically since antiquity.

She can safely be called the progenitor modern species wheat. True, spelled grain is larger than wheat and is covered with a hard shell. This coating protects the grain from the adverse effects of the environment. Spelled ear does not absorb fertilizers and chemicals, so they are not used when growing this cereal.

The composition of the culture

Spelled, unlike others cereal crops, was not subjected to selection, and it was stopped growing only in the 20th century, replacing it with more fertile wheat. In the race for a large harvest, humanity has completely forgotten about quality.

Spelled wheat contains huge reserves of nutrients. There are many more of them than in modern wheat. wheat grain after processing becomes very "poor". It is very low in vitamins, protein and minerals. And spelled after crushing retains its nutritional value.

In its composition:

  • 37% protein, which is easily absorbed by the body;
  • 18 essential amino acids;
  • high amount of iron, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium;
  • vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6 predominate;
  • vitamins PP, K, E.

Useful and harmful properties

Spelled has played a colossal role in the history of mankind. It contains many useful substances: alimentary fiber, minerals, vitamins, amino acids and more. Modern doctors recommend it as effective remedy for the prevention of serious diseases.

7 Important Benefits

The most useful cereal:

  1. It will help to get rid of extra pounds, and weight loss occurs due to fat, not muscle tissue. And all this is due to the low glycemic index: carbohydrates are digested slowly, the feeling of satiety persists for a long time.
  2. Will bring many benefits in diabetes, high level cholesterol. The cereal contains B vitamins, and they stimulate the burning of "bad" cholesterol, lower blood sugar levels.
  3. Gently cleanses the intestines, improves digestion, stabilizes its work. Fiber (coarse grain fiber), getting into the intestines, begins to work like a brush. After such a natural cleansing nutrients easier to digest.
  4. Calms the nerves, helps to resist stress. Groats contain nicotinic acid, which stimulates the adrenal glands, namely, they produce hormones necessary to maintain emotional balance.
  5. Good for preventing osteoporosis. Only 100 grams of spelled grains contain phosphorus (150 g), calcium (10 g).
  6. Will increase immunity. Rejection familiar cereals in favor of ancient wheat will help not get sick with a cold.
  7. Normalizes blood pressure It is extremely beneficial for the heart. It contains a lot of salts of iron, magnesium, calcium, and all these substances perfectly remove excess fluid from the body and prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system. Reduces the benefit, adding a large amount of salt when cooking.

Risk group

You can’t confuse spelled flour with anything, for the kitchen it is considered a complex ingredient, it has practically no gluten. But even minimal amount gluten protein (gluten) can harm the body.

If wheat protein (gluten) from food does not affect healthy person, then the danger for people with certain diseases is very high. It's not just about allergic reactions but also about individual intolerance to gluten. It is this protein that glues the intestinal villi, creates the prerequisites for the development of celiac disease, in which the walls of the small intestine are damaged.


Chefs say that spelled can be used to make risotto, cook milk porridge with it and bake signature dish Russian cuisine - pancakes. It is nutritious and easy to digest.

You can buy spelled flour in specialized stores healthy eating, and also often sold in Auchan.


It is quite obvious that in Russia spelled porridge was cooked in a Russian stove, where it turned out to be boiled and very tasty. However, it can be perfectly cooked on electric stove. The main thing is that with any method of cooking, it retains its nutritional value completely.


  • 1 glass of whole spelled;
  • 3 glasses of milk;
  • 1.5 cups of kefir or yogurt.
  1. In the evening, soak spelled with kefir or yogurt.
  2. In the morning, drain the remaining liquid, rinse the cereal well cold water.
  3. Pour spelt with milk, cook like any other porridge.
  4. Wrap the pot with porridge in something warm, leave for 30 minutes.
  5. Before serving, put butter in hot spelled.

Porridge from whole grain great for baby food. She has pleasant taste, unforgettable nutty aroma.


To cook pancakes, it is better to take a heavy frying pan with a comfortable handle and choose not the most time-consuming recipe.


  • 300 g spelled flour;
  • 3 large eggs;
  • 600 ml fresh milk;
  • 2 tbsp fine sugar;
  • 1 pinch of table salt;
  • 2 tbsp butter;
  • 15% sour cream, berry jam, liquid honey.
  1. Melt butter, then cool.
  2. Crack the eggs into a wide bowl, add a pinch of salt, sugar, beat everything.
  3. Mix the egg mass with 300 ml of milk. Slowly add flour, remaining milk, butter to this mixture, mix everything.
  4. Fry pancakes on both sides hot frying pan. Grease it with oil before frying the first pancake.
  5. Pour the dough into the pan with a ladle, spread evenly. Bake until golden brown, then put in a bowl, cover with a lid.
  6. Put a bowl of warm pancakes on the table, serve sour cream, honey, berry jam separately.

Spelled Risotto

Almost all risotto recipes with rice are suitable for spelled. It is also cooked to al dente, leaving it elastic.


  • 200 g of champignons;
  • 80 g of onion;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 300 g spelled (soak in water in the evening);
  • 200 ml dry white wine;
  • 1 liter chicken broth;
  • 100 g grated cheese;
  • freshly ground pepper;
  • salt.
  1. Prepared champignons boil (half an hour). Chop the onion. Melt in a saucepan 70-80 g butter and fry the onion until golden brown. Put the mushrooms, stirring, fry everything together.
  2. Put the remaining oil in a saucepan with onion and mushrooms and melt. Put spelled washed with cold water, fry, stirring, for about 2-3 minutes. Pour in white wine, add freshly ground pepper, salt. Simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. Gradually add all the broth, keep the dish on a minimum heat until the spelled is ready. Sprinkle the risotto with cheese before serving.

Note: if you want to cook soft cereals, then cooks recommend grinding the grains a little.

Application in cosmetology

In connection with the triumphant return of spelled, it began to be actively used in cosmetology. And all thanks to its ability to gently exfoliate. This, of course, should be used.

Delicate body scrub

You will get an excellent remedy for cleansing the skin if you combine chopped spelled, olive oil and 2-3 drops of jojoba (this oil can be bought at a pharmacy). Distribute the mixture over the body (movements should be massage), leave for 4 minutes, then take a shower. Delicate peeling not only cleanses, but also moisturizes the skin.

chocolate wrap

Can't visit the salon? It doesn't matter, you can make a wrap at home. Melt two bars of dark chocolate (200 g) over low heat and combine with chopped cereals (150 g).

Cool the mixture a little, apply to the skin, cover with a film, then wrap it with a terry towel on top. After half an hour delicious mask can be washed off. During this time, it nourishes the skin.

Purifying mask

Combine 1 tbsp. crushed spelt, egg, 20 g sour cream, mix. Apply to clean face. Leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse with water (do not use cotton pads when rinsing, they often irritate the skin). The mask fully justifies the name, acts very delicately, cleanses well.
