Why is eating lemons with the peel unhealthy? Which lemon peel is good for you? Potato peel - beneficial properties and uses

It's winter - it's time to load up on vitamins. What is the best winter vitamin? Of course citrus!

Lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits...

New Year and Christmas holidays are great for boosting immunity, but after festive feasts There are whole mountains of orange and tangerine skins left.

What to do with them? Throwing away? In no case! Citrus peel - unique product, capable of treating, rejuvenating and healing anyone who needs it.

Therefore, after enjoying the juicy pulp, do not forget to read what and how the peel of these fruits is used for.

Wonderful fruits - citrus fruits

Various types of citrus fruits are among the most accessible winter fruits. In addition to being tasty and aromatic, they are also incredibly healthy.

The vitamin and mineral reserves of lemons are evenly distributed throughout the pulp and peel, and having eaten the middle, it is stupid to throw away the, albeit not so tasty, but equally healthy shell.

It is better to dry it so that you can use it for cooking later. healing potions or in cooking.

You can also make it directly from fresh peels. alcohol tinctures, which will certainly be useful in the future for medicinal purposes.

It’s good if the stored crusts are not needed for treatment.

In this case, they can be used in the kitchen for preparing unrivaled tea, for flavoring baked goods, making sachets, various liqueurs, liqueurs, tinctures, lemonade, candied fruits and even jam.

What are the benefits of both tangerine and orange peels?

Citrus peels contain a lot of vitamins C, P, K, B, E, calcium, carotene, fiber, essential oils, antioxidants and other medically valuable components.

1. They should be kept on hand for those who suffer from attacks of lightheadedness, nausea, or toxicosis of pregnancy.

2. It is useful to take baths with a decoction or infusion of the zest - they tone, improve appearance skin, disinfect, have a beneficial effect on ENT organs.

3. Skins help with ARVI: they fight hyperthermia, cure cough.

4. Valuable resource vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, especially necessary in the off-season and during epidemics of viral diseases.

5. Used for aromatization and disinfection of premises.

6. The high fiber content (200% more than in pulp) allows you to normalize stools and cleanse the intestines of toxins.

7. Substances contained in the zest are more effective than those contained in the pulp in terms of preventing cancer.

8. An excellent product for anti-aging masks for the face and body - eliminates oily shine, improves tone, promotes collagen synthesis.

9. Orange peel– a well-known preventative against osteoporosis.

10. Used to get rid of worms.

11. Promote the outflow of bile, which is very good for digestion, normal operation liver.

12. The crusts contain substances that activate metabolism, stimulate the burning of subcutaneous fat, and are used to normalize weight.

13. Improves appetite and food absorption.

14. Citrus peel oils help strengthen the immune system.

15. Grated dried orange peel perfectly strengthens gums, relieves unpleasant odor from mouth.

16. Zest promotes the breakdown of cholesterol plaques, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, which has been proven by laboratory studies.

17. The peel is used in dietetics as a detox product.

18. The aroma of citrus peels is a proven aromatherapy remedy. It lifts your mood, relieves fears, calms anxiety, helps resist depression, overcome insomnia, stress, and blues.

19. Suitable for preparing desserts - candied fruits, for example, go to various creams for cakes and pastries, in dough, in soft and alcoholic drinks.

20. If you put orange peels in a dress or kitchen cabinet, their aroma will drive away moths, ants and other insects.

You can also make original ones from oranges natural flavors for rooms.

To do this, you need to peel the skin of a thick-skinned orange, stick buds of cloves, star anise and other spices into it, and hang it in the bathroom or kitchen.

Appetizing fresh scents will meet and accompany you for at least 2 weeks.

Traditional medicine recipes with tangerine and orange peel

1) Shredded dried powder from the zest of citrus fruits (lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit) For prevention of atherosclerosis: three times a day, 3 grams.

2) For hypertension You can normalize blood pressure using a decoction: the peel of one large orange or lemon + 0.5 liters of water, simmer over low heat for half an hour, then leave until cool and take 100 g three times a day 25-35 minutes before meals.

3) One more recipe for hypertensive patients: grind fresh peels with a knife or blender, mix with honey, eat 1 tsp. three times a day before meals 20 minutes.

4) For headaches Fresh crusts will help, you need to apply them to your temples and hold them until you feel a burning sensation - the pain subsides.

5) For bleeding– nasal and uterine infections are treated with infusion of orange peel.

Pour the peels of six large oranges into one and a half liters of water, simmer over low heat for a long time until ¼ of the liquid remains of the original volume. Cool, sweeten with honey or sugar, take a couple of tablespoons half an hour before meals.

6) When coughing use dried tangerine peels. Brew like tea, proportion: for every 10 g of dried zest - 100 ml of boiling water. Drink a third of a cup of honey three times a day before meals.

7) A decoction of dried zest normalizes blood sugar levels, so it must be taken for diabetics.

Fresh peel has long been used to heal various skin lesions - trophic ulcers, eczema spots. It is applied to warts, papillomas, dry calluses, and corns.

Grapefruit, like its closest relatives orange and pomelo, is citrus fruit. Outwardly, it is very reminiscent of an orange, but its pulp is slightly bitter, so not everyone likes it. However, nutritionists classify grapefruits as very healthy and necessary. dietary products.

Not only useful juicy pulp fruit, but its zest and entire crust, which contain many valuable substances that have a positive effect on human health. In particular, both fresh and dried peels have anti-inflammatory, cleansing, as well as antiseptic and antioxidant properties.

What are the benefits of grapefruit peel, what recipes are there for using it? Let's talk about it. Let's find out how to use it in the treatment of ailments, as well as for cosmetic purposes:

Grapefruit peel - beneficial features

The orange dense shell has a rather bitter taste. But it contains a lot useful to people substances. In particular, there, as in the seeds of the fetus, there is essential oil, which is used in the food and cosmetics industry. There are vitamins and minerals, as well as glycosides, pectins and other components that are very important for normalizing metabolism in the body.

The white soft shell, which is located under the orange dense layer, contains naringin, a substance that nutritionists call a fat burner. The crust itself contains a large number of glycosides, which also help you lose weight. That's why daily use only 100 g of pulp along with a small amount white layer, as well as drinking tea from the crust will help you lose weight.

Just like the pulp, the peel can reduce blood glucose levels. It is this property that makes grapefruit very useful product with type 2 diabetes. People with this disease are advised not only to eat half the fruit every day, but also to take an infusion from the crust (read how to prepare it below).

Tea with the addition of bitter grapefruit peel has a lot of fans all over the world. In addition to the pleasant refreshing taste, this drink helps remove toxins and waste from the body.

By the way, the beneficial properties of grapefruit peel help in disinfecting and aromatizing indoor air. Place it on a hot radiator or heater. Gradually, the air will be filled with an aroma that will purify and refresh the air, as well as improve your mood and tone the body.


Since grapefruits are treated with various chemicals to prevent spoilage during storage, be sure to wash the peel before use. hot water, with a brush.

Grapefruit peel - application

Let's consider the well-known popular recipes the use of grapefruit peels in the treatment of certain ailments:

Migraine, neuroses:

You will need peels from three fruits. Chop it finely and place it in a small enamel pan, pour in a liter of boiling water. Bring to a boil again, reduce the temperature to low, and cook at a very low simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from the stove, wrap in a towel, and leave for an hour. Add this decoction to the bath, which you take 20 minutes before bed, every other day.

Diabetes 2 types:

It’s prepared like this: Finely chop the skin of one fruit, pour boiling water over it (a glass). Boil on very low temperature for 7 minutes. Then leave for an hour so that the broth brews well. At the same time, wrap the saucepan warmer. After the time has passed, strain, squeeze and consume.

More recipes with grapefruit peel:

For heartburn:

Dry the fruit skin well and grind it in a mortar or coffee grinder to a powder. When you feel heaviness in your stomach and heartburn begins, just put a little of this powder under your tongue and suck it. Usually the negative feelings soon pass.

Tincture for fungal diseases

Very finely chop the peels of several fruits. Place in a jar so that the peel takes up more than half the volume. Add the seeds from the fruit there. Pour vodka up to the neck and close the lid. Place it somewhere cooler and darker for 2 weeks. Shake occasionally. Then take 1 tsp, twice a day, always before meals.

The use of grapefruit peel in cosmetology

The fruit itself and its peel are widely used in cosmetology. Since today we are talking about the properties of the peel, we will find out how it can be used for the health and beauty of the skin.

For example, it is very useful to peel from finely crushed dry crust. This peeling gently and effectively cleanses pores, softens the skin, making it soft and velvety.

In order to rejuvenate and increase skin elasticity, cosmetologists recommend the following recipe: Finely chop the fresh or dried crust, in total you will need 2 tablespoons of such raw materials. Pour a glass of boiling water. If you use a thermos, the cooking time will be 2 hours. Then the infusion needs to be strained and cooled.

Moisten a thick gauze pad and place it on your cleansed face. Lie like this for 15 minutes, then wipe your skin with a piece of ice and apply cream.

As you can see, the whole grapefruit is useful. Therefore, when you eat the juicy, refreshing pulp, do not throw away the peel, you will still need it. Be healthy!

It is better not to peel fruits that can be eaten with the skin! It contains useful material, missing from the pulp, and special types fiber. They reduce blood sugar levels and the accumulation of “bad” cholesterol, and also prevent constipation and hemorrhoids, help control weight and blood pressure. In addition, the brighter the peel of a fruit or vegetable, the more substances it contains that are very beneficial for skin health and help prolong youth.


The most healthy peel red apples: they contain anthocyanin pigment, which is very valuable for our body. But the green or yellow peel contains substances that have a slight antibacterial effect and the ability to suppress inflammatory processes. The skin of any apple helps prevent tumors of the liver, intestines and breasts, as well as burning excess fat. Hence the conclusion: you should eat apples from your garden only with the skin on.

Warning. With enterocolitis and peptic ulcer Apple peels can cause irritation of the gastric mucosa, cramps and pain.


No matter how much we love “second bread,” it cannot be denied that it contains a lot of starch, which contributes to gaining extra pounds and increasing blood sugar levels. Therefore, potatoes that have been stored for a short time must be cooked in their skins - thanks to the fiber contained in the skin, all these negative properties smoothed out! Thin potato skins contain many useful substances. For example, mineral salts - calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc, iron. It also contains a lot of vitamins - ascorbic acid, riboflavin, thiamine and niacin. It is no coincidence that in folk medicine, a decoction of potato peels is used to treat many diseases.

Warning. If the tuber has a green skin or green spots, then neither the skin nor the pulp can be eaten - they contain poisonous solanine, which can cause diarrhea and other troubles.


The skin of this vegetable is colored in a signature dark purple color thanks to coloring pigments and a substance called nanusin. It plays the role of a “protector” of eggplants from insects, small rodents and sunburn. IN human body nanusin normalizes iron levels, reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular and oncological diseases, protects brain cells from external influences and slows down the formation of cholesterol plaques.

In addition, the blue pigments present in the eggplant skin - anthocyanins - have anti-inflammatory properties and improve blood circulation in the blood vessels of the brain. As a result, the risk of mental disorders that sometimes occur in older people is reduced. These factors give rise to calling eggplant food for the brain. It is recommended not to peel young fruits with still soft skin. But in larger fruits it becomes hard and you have to get rid of it.

Warning. Eggplants should be eaten when they reach a state of so-called technical maturity. We are talking about unripe fruits whose seeds inside are still soft. As eggplants ripen, they lose their taste, but they accumulate toxic alkaloids that can cause poisoning.


These sweet berries are traditionally eaten with the skin on. And rightly so! The skin of red and pink grapes is rich in the most powerful antioxidant (these substances reduce the content of free radicals in the body - main reason its rapid aging and many diseases) - resveratrol.

Resveratrol has an antitumor effect, protects nerve cells and the heart, and fights inflammation. It has been found that it completely suppresses some influenza and ARVI viruses. Eating products containing resveratrol helps fight depression, helps prevent diabetes, and helps maintain youthful and elastic skin.

What needs to be cleaned?

Store-bought apples. It is in the skin that the remnants of pesticides used in industrial cultivation accumulate to protect plants from diseases and pests. In addition, it comes with a wax coating, which is applied to the fruit to extend its shelf life.

Fruits and vegetables after long storage. In their skin, cells gradually die and harmful substances accumulate.

Where are the nitrates

Many people believe that the skin of vegetables contains more nitrates than the pulp. In relation to potatoes, watermelon, melon, pumpkin and eggplant, this is indeed true. But in carrots the most nitrate part is the core, and in peas it is the young fruits themselves. But in most cases, the doses of nitrogen compounds in summer cottage products do not even come close to dangerous values.

What if the vegetables or fruits are dirty?

In this case, you just need to wash them thoroughly before eating. Fruits with thick skins can be cleaned with a stiff brush. If you want to be on the safe side, soak them in water with vinegar added. Studies have shown that this procedure helps remove residues of pesticides and other chemicals from the fruit peel. harmful substances, as well as pathogenic viruses, bacteria or fungal spores.

If you decide to eat the peels of fruits and vegetables, it is important to know whether they are environmentally friendly, because... pesticides settle more in the outer shell than in the pulp.

During the processing of vegetables and fruits, two types of waste remain - solid (peels, seeds, etc.) and liquid (juice and water). They can be a cheap source of antioxidants that promote health and prevent the onset of some chronic diseases.

1. Potato and carrot peels

Most of the nutrients found in potatoes and carrots, such as vitamin C and potassium, are retained when eaten with the skins on. It also contains great amount fiber. In almost any recipe, carrots and potatoes can be cooked with the skins on.

The peel of one fist-sized potato contains half daily norm potassium, iron, zinc, phosphorus and vitamin C. It is not necessary to eat the peel raw, just boil the potatoes “in their jackets”.
In addition, potato peels will eliminate gray hair. To do this, you need to boil the cleaning for about 30 minutes, cool the resulting broth and rinse your hair after washing. After a few treatments, you will notice that your gray hair has noticeably darkened.

2. Broccoli leaves and stems

Like the buds, the leaves and stems of this superfood are equally delicious and rich in antioxidants and fiber, but unfortunately often end up in the trash. In addition they are great source carotenoids and vitamins A and C. They can be consumed raw, adding to salad. The stems contain a fairly large amount of fiber.

3. Melon peel

Melon peel is rich in citrulline (an amino acid that helps improve blood circulation). Combine the peel and pulp in a blender to create a delicious, antioxidant-rich smoothie.

It is recommended to put 2-3 drops of melon peel juice into the nose for nosebleeds and a runny nose.
This crust can also be applied to wounds and bruises - they will heal faster. The crust will help as a compress on the chest and throat for sore throat and bronchitis.
If a melon peel is applied to the face, secured with a bandage, and left overnight, freckles and age spots will gradually disappear. Apply fresh crusts with pulp to your face for 15 minutes - a tightening effect is ensured, and the skin will become younger.
If you pass the rinds together with the peel through a juicer and drink half a glass of the resulting juice after eating a serving of melon, you will maintain youth and health.
During the melon season, you can improve the condition of your hair and skin if you eat 2-5 grams per day. fresh seeds, chewing them (maybe with honey).
And last little secret. To keep the meat tender, place the melon rind in the pan when cooking it.

4. Acorn squash peel

It contains a set of vital antioxidants, including phyto nutrients and fiber. Halves of this vegetable can be fried along with the peel. This way the dish will look more appetizing. And the spoon maple syrup and a pinch sea ​​salt will make its taste unique.

5. Onion peel

It is rich in quercetin, which lowers blood pressure and prevents clogged arteries. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties and inhibits the production and release of histamine. Therefore, onion skins can be beneficial for those who suffer from hay fever.

6. Pineapple core

It is tougher and certainly not as appetizing as pulp. The core contains many nutrients. It's just a little harder and not as sweet as the rest of the pineapple. By eating it raw, you will get all the nutrients of the fruit.

7. Lemon and orange peel

The peel of these citrus fruits is a real storehouse of fiber, flavonoids and vitamins. According to unofficial data, active Chemical substance, found in the peels of lemons and oranges (D-lemonene), helps relieve heartburn and indigestion. A good concentration of vitamin C helps strengthen immune system and prevent respiratory infections. In addition, peel extract can be used as an antibacterial moisturizer, insect repellent, and even a kitchen grease remover. It is also used to whiten teeth. The pectin and fiber in the white layer under the skin can help curb your appetite and suppress hunger for up to 4 hours.

Lemon peel contains citric acid, so it is excellent for polishing objects made of copper, brass and other non-ferrous metals. After cooking in microwave oven For about 10 minutes, a few pieces of lemon peel in a bowl with a small amount of water will rid the microwave, and at the same time the entire kitchen, of an unpleasant odor.
Lemon peels are also used in cooking: lemon peel, placed in a bottle of vodka will give it pleasant aroma; added to baked goods with soda, it will make it more fluffy; and drowned in a bottle with olive oil, will “revive” the old oil and give it a subtle lemon aroma.

The antioxidants contained in orange peel are 20 times stronger than those in the fruit itself or in its juice, they help to significantly reduce blood cholesterol levels.
If you can't bring yourself to eat oranges with the peel, try sprinkling the grated peel on baked goods, cheese, or mixing it with any jam. If you yourself are squeezing Orange juice- put some peels in the juicer so that they mix with the juice.

8. Celery leaves

Along with containing five times more magnesium and calcium than the stalks, celery leaves are also rich in vitamin C and phenols - powerful antioxidants that help fight cancer, heart disease, and even aging.

9. Beet stems

They are rich in glutamine, antioxidants and phenolic compounds. The stems are also edible, as are the leaves. They can be steamed like asparagus.

10. Peach peel

Peach peels often end up in the trash because not everyone likes them. Well, those who throw away peach peels are leaving themselves without potassium and vitamin A, which help hydrate and restore healthy skin. Peach peel stimulates the immune system, removes toxins from the body, protects the eyes from cataracts, and also reduces the risk of cancer, arthritis and cardiovascular diseases.
Well, if you still couldn’t bring yourself to eat peach peel, make a skin peel out of it: sprinkle the inside with sugar and gently wipe your face with it.

11. Banana peel

Banana peels are good for more than just slipping on. You can wipe leaves with it indoor plants- this will not only polish them, but also serve as a kind of fertilizer. Polish banana peel You can also use shoes, just don’t forget to wipe the shoes with a soft cloth afterwards.
Banana peel helps heal minor scratches and bruises faster, and applying it to a mosquito bite will relieve itching.
The antioxidants contained in banana peels are beneficial for health. Therefore, boil the peel for 10 minutes, and then drink the resulting “compote” or squeeze the juice out of it in a juicer.

By throwing away pear peels, you are throwing into the trash a whole storehouse of vitamins and nutrients, of which there are much more in the peel than in the pear pulp. So you have to eat the pear with the peel.

Many people simply throw away potato peels, although such raw materials can be successfully used in everyday life and medicinal purposes. Potato peels contain various useful substances, which are used in pharmacology - this product is included in some dietary supplements.


Almost half of the composition of potato peels is taken up by dietary fiber. They are also called polysaccharides. Exact content dietary fiber in the product depends on the method of peeling the potatoes.

The product composition also includes:

  • riboflavin;
  • vitamin C;
  • thiamine;
  • niacin;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • pyridoxine;
  • folates;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • phenols;
  • glycoalkaloids.
Potato peel also contains Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, saturated fatty acids - palmitic, stearic, lauric, capric, myristic. The product contains monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Properties, indications for use

Potato peels can be used for medicinal purposes. This is possible thanks to the following product properties:
  • healing;
  • antiseptic;
  • hypotonic;
  • normalization of the digestive process;
  • protecting the intestines from the absorption of cholesterol and toxins;
  • supporting electrolyte balance;
  • liver protection.
Potato peels are effective for superficial burns or frostbite. Due to the presence of antioxidants, the product serves as a good prevention of oncology and heart disease. It can be used for the following indications:
  • disruptions in the digestion process;
  • stomach upset;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • kidney stone disease;
  • colds;
  • arthritis;
  • diabetes.

Traditional recipes with potato skins

Raw materials can be used for medicinal purposes different ways. The most effective and common recipes are:
  • For burns, it is enough to apply the peel to the affected area and bandage it. The product will speed up healing and soothe pain.
  • Potato peel compresses are effective for frostbite. It needs to be boiled, kneaded and applied to the affected area. The compress should be hot, but so hot that the temperature can be withstood. After cooling it is removed.
  • Taking the decoction left after boiling potatoes in their jackets will help cleanse the body of toxins and waste. This remedy is also useful for arthritis - you need to take it in the morning.
  • From high pressure A drink made from potato skins helps. You need to boil the raw material in water for 5 minutes, and then drink a glass of it three times a day.
  • It is known that in case of colds it is useful to breathe in vapors from potato broth. This product can also be prepared from the peel. It is effective to add 5-7 garlic cloves to the broth. You need to breathe over the steam for no more than 20 minutes. This procedure can be used twice a day.
  • Steam from potato peelings is effective for treating the initial stage of hemorrhoids. You need to fill a 5-liter pan with peelings, fill them with water so that it lightly covers this mass, and cook. The hot mass must be placed in a container on which you can sit without getting burned.
  • Coughs can be cured with hot compresses containing potato peelings. They need to be boiled, the liquid drained, and the hot mass placed in a tight plastic bag and wrap it in several layers of cloth. Such a compress should be fixed on the chest and left for an hour. It is important to ensure that the skin does not burn. A hot compress made from potato peelings is attractive because it perfectly replaces mustard plasters, to which people may be allergic.
  • A decoction of potato peels helps with rheumatism: the product is taken orally and applied as a lotion to the affected areas.
  • Potato peelings can be used for abscesses caused by torn hangnails. It is enough to tie a piece of peel to the affected area. During the day, this piece must be replaced with a fresh one.
Cooking is useful for medicinal purposes. black puree. To prepare it, you need to peel the potatoes, which are intact and well washed with a brush. The peels should be thick. The resulting raw material must be passed through a meat grinder and poured with boiling water so that it slightly covers this mass. It must be boiled for 2 minutes and left for another 10 minutes. Afterwards the peel must be crushed.

The use of such puree helps to remove toxins and waste from the body, normalize metabolic processes, digestion and heart function. This product is useful for people suffering from varicose veins, hemorrhoids, arthritis, and diathesis.

Harm, contraindications

The use of potato peels can bring not only benefits, but also harm. This negative factor is associated with the presence of solanine in the product. This compound is toxic and may adversely affect nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.

Do not use green or sprouted potato skins as they are toxic. Greatest harm It is the cleaning that is brought, not the root vegetable itself.

For medicinal purposes it should be used only ecologically. pure product. If the potatoes have been treated with pesticides or any other chemical additives, then using the peel will bring more harm than good. Should be purchased organic product or grow it yourself.

Don't thoughtlessly throw away potato peels. It can bring some benefits. This product is used in different ways in everyday life. One of the possible uses of potato peels is ethnoscience. This product is useful for strengthening the body and treating certain diseases.
