Exotic melon - calories and vitamins. Melon: benefits and harms, beneficial properties for health, for the body

The taste of melon depends on the care

In order to grow honey melon there is a lot to know about her. This is a capricious vegetable. So, to speed up the harvest, I want to sow seedlings early, but melon does not like long captivity. Two real leaves have appeared and, be gentle, into the ground, give room for roots. This beauty loves loose, fertile soil.

In warm regions, melon needs warmth and sun in an open area. In the middle zone and Siberia it is better to grow it in a greenhouse. The plant does not like waterlogging. It needs to be watered when the soil on top dries out. In this case, the air in the greenhouse must be dry. The only variety of melons that are tolerant of a temporary drop in temperature is the Kolkhoznitsa melon.

Of the fertilizers, melon loves potassium most of all. It won’t give up nitrogen either, but the fruit will be completely unsweetened. The berry ripens within 80-95 days. If the vines grow vertically, the fruits need to be suspended in nets. If a delicate berry grows on the ground, then it is better to place wooden planks under it to prevent rot. You constantly need to pluck the bush, leaving a few budding fruits. The fewer there are, the faster the berries will ripen.

The ripe fruit has the shape of a ball and weighs about 1.5 kg. It has an almost orange crust, smooth or with a mesh. With mesh, the melon is sweeter. When you press on the peel, the flesh springs back. The variety is not intended for storage.

How to choose a Kolkhoznitsa melon?

The mood at the moment of tasting the golden slice dripping with juice depends on the correct choice of orange fruit. Meanwhile, choosing the right melon is more difficult than choosing a watermelon. There are several general rules for choosing a Kolkhoznitsa melon:

  1. You cannot buy melon near highways. Melon absorbs gases, becomes dirty, and it is difficult to wash off the rough crust.
  2. You cannot buy cut or damaged fruit. The sweet pulp has already been colonized and bacteria are multiplying there.
  3. The melon should smell like honey, vanilla, and pear. A fruit that has no odor is either overfed with nitrogen or is not ripe.
  4. The selected yellow ball should be heavy and make a dull sound when hit.
  5. You should not buy melon before mid-August. The early harvest is artificially accelerated and such a melon will not be useful.

One of the distinguishing features of a well-ripened melon will be a dry stalk.

Imported melons do not have a distinct odor and are less sweet. In the USA, it is traditional to eat melon with honey. In us, this can cause intestinal obstruction.

When choosing a Kolkhoznitsa melon, you can run your fingers over it. If grooves remain, then the melon is in its juice. If you feel very strong pressure under your fingers, the melon is overripe and the soft parts will be bitter. Melon from the refrigerator loses its aroma and it will be difficult to determine whether this is the product you are looking for. The nose of the melon should be elastic. If it is hard, the melon is unripe; if it is very soft, then it is already overdue and lethargic. Can't eat unripe melon. You can get poisoned.

Melon Kolkhoznitsa benefits and harm

The unpretentious Kolkhoznitsa differs in taste from other varieties of melons. It contains less sweetness, and the composition of useful components is also poorer. But its difference allows the product to be used as a dietary product for weight loss and as a strong diuretic. The calorie content of Kolkhoznitsa melon is 31 Kcal per 100 g of pulp. Grown in the south, these fruits are not inferior in composition to the Torpedo melon, another common variety.

The presence of vitamins, minerals and organic acids in melon makes the product healing for many people. Since they mainly consume fresh melon, the vitamins are not destroyed and affect the human body.

  1. Folic acid is a vitamin that is found in fresh fruits. It is necessary for all women, as it improves pregnancy, helps with menopause and is involved in hematopoiesis.
  2. Everyone needs vitamin C; it strengthens the immune system and helps fight illnesses.
  3. Beta-carotene restores the natural color of the skin and helps maintain the health of horn cells - nails and hair.
  4. For men's health It is recommended to chew fresh melon seeds. This is a powerful aphrodisiac. Just 2 grams a day - and you're on top.

The fiber contained in the fruit and the laxative properties of melon make it possible to cleanse the body on a melon diet. It can no longer be used three days. It is worth recalling that you can enjoy melon in the intervals between meals, which should be enough time to clear the stomach of the previous food. This time is about two hours before and after meals.

Kolkhoznitsa melon contains 17 times more iron in 100 grams of pulp than in milk. Melon is good for those who have cardiovascular diseases, to lift your spirits and relieve irritability. This is facilitated by a large amount of magnesium and calcium.

The period when you can enjoy fresh melon is short. You can prolong its use by drying the sunny slices. They retain a large amount useful elements. Dried melon is sickly sweet. You can't eat too much of it. And it's not necessary. The calorie content of a dry product is 10 times higher than that of a fresh product. But how winter delicacy such a slice will remind you of summer.

No matter how useful the fruit is, it should not be consumed in certain cases:

  • melon is an independent product and should not be consumed with milk, honey, alcohol or washed down with water,
  • if there are large stones in the gallbladder or urinary system,
  • for gastritis and peptic ulcer stomach,
  • for colts and loose stools,
  • nursing mothers, as the baby will have loose stools,
  • patients with diabetes mellitus.

You have received information about the Kolkhoznitsa melon. The benefits and harms of using it are incommensurable. It is enough to comply simple rules and enjoy the taste of a healing product.

Video about the benefits and harm of melon

Summary articles

Melon– one of the most favorite summer delicacies. Juicy aromatic pulp contains a large number of useful substances. The fruit is saturated with water, so it can be taken on long hikes to prevent dehydration.

Melon is included in the diet of patients suffering from pathologies of the liver, heart, blood vessels, nervous system and respiratory tract. The fruits are saturated with bioactive substances, ascorbic acid, group B compounds, which improve the body’s condition in cases of gout, rheumatism, anemia, and intestinal dysfunction.

Description of melon and variety

Melon is a herbaceous annual belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family. The stem is creeping, producing tendrils. The surface of the stem is faceted. The leaves are wide, palmate-lobed or ovate. The flowers are yellow, bisexual.

The plant blooms in the first weeks of summer, the fruits ripen at the end of the summer period. The growing area extends to Asia, Ukraine and southern regions Russia.

Few people know what a melon is: a fruit or a vegetable. It is often considered a berry for its similarity to. It is a mistake to believe that melon is a vegetable, since it is part of the Pumpkin family. From a culinary point of view, it is correct to consider the fruit a fruit. But from a botanical point of view, the fruit is called pumpkin.

There are many varieties of plants, but the most popular are:

Collective farmer;
Taman melon;
Cantaloupe (unpretentious);
Gulyabi (Asian variety, the most sweet melon);
Charente ( French variety);
Extraordinary (melon, similar to a pumpkin);
Altai melon;

Nutritional value and chemical composition melons

90% of the product consists of water. There are no fats in the composition, no more than a gram of protein per 100 g. Carbohydrates are about 8 grams per 100 g.

Due to its low calorie content (about 35 kcal) and high energy value, the product is suitable for dietary nutrition. It contains pectin, a sugar that gives the body energy.

If we compare the usefulness of watermelon and melon, then in terms of the glycemic index and the effect on the kidneys, the second product will be healthier and safer. The watermelon index is 72, and the melon index is 65.

The aromatic fruit is rich in vitamins and contains:

Retinol (A);
tocopherol (E);
ascorbic acid (C);
thiamine (B 1);
riboflavin (B 2);
nicotinic acid (B 3);
pyridoxine (B 6);
inositol (B 8).

Minerals include:


Benefits for the human body

The product has many useful properties:

  • improves mood, activates the synthesis of serotonin – the hormone of happiness;
  • improves digestive function;
  • weakens, eliminates constipation;
  • increases brain performance, strengthens memory;
  • lowers the concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • increases hemoglobin;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • cleanses the body of harmful accumulations;
  • relieves swelling;
  • strengthens the immune system.

For pancreatitis, melon can be consumed only in the stage of remission of the disease. During the acute stage, a product rich in fiber loads the pancreas.

IMPORTANT! The fruit is strictly prohibited for consumption in case of gastritis, cholecystitis and diabetes.

The product is useful for gout. It cleanses the body of uric acid, helps normalize weight, relieves joint pain, reduces swelling, and supports intestinal function.

Benefits for a woman's body

It is useful for young women to eat melon to refresh the skin, strengthen hair and nails, and increase sexual activity. During PMS, ripe fruits normalize the emotional and mental state. Vitamin E contained in the pulp inhibits skin aging.

During pregnancy, the fruit normalizes intestinal function, eliminates insomnia, weakens toxicosis, and reduces swelling.

During the lactation period, the product helps increase the fat content of breast milk. But you can eat melon six months after giving birth.

Benefits for the male body

Melon for children

Melon can be an allergen for a child. From 8 months, your baby can be given fresh squeezed melon juice. First, give one drop. If an allergic reaction is not observed, then the daily dose is increased to several drops.

The pulp can be offered to a child aged 2 years if there is no allergy to melon.

Melon for weight loss

The product breaks down fat cells and fills the body with energy. Melon – excellent dish for fasting days, supplying the body sufficient quantity nutrients and water. But you shouldn’t eat melon at night; at least 2 hours should pass between eating the fruit and going to bed.

NOTE! The melon diet allows you to lose 2–3 kg in about a week.

Use in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of melon are taken into account when preparing scrubs, lotions, face and hair masks. Melon extract is a component of many store-bought creams, shampoos and other care products. These drugs:

inhibit skin aging;
extinguish skin inflammation;
get rid of pigmentation;
strengthen nail plates;
restore hair structure.

To prepare a melon mask against wrinkles, you need to take 3 tablespoons of melon pulp, a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of cream. The ingredients are mixed, applied to the face, washed off after 15 minutes. The procedure is carried out once a week.

Melon seeds: beneficial properties and contraindications

Melon seeds are useful for many pathologies, they are:

  • cleanse the liver and intestinal tract;
  • reduce symptoms of diabetes;
  • stimulate the release of bile;
  • cleanse the kidneys of sand and stones;
  • strengthen memory;
  • prevent the development of asthma;
  • prevent atherosclerosis;
  • stimulate the immune system.
  • Melon seeds are high in calories, so they are not recommended for obese people. You can’t eat seeds if:
  • increased secretion of digestive juice;
  • pathologies of the spleen;
  • toxicosis.

Preparations for the winter

There are a huge number of recipes for canning melon. You can roll a melon in syrup for the winter, make jam, or even make pickled melon.

Jam. Take 0.5 kg of sugar, 1 kg of melon pulp, lemon zest. The pulp is cut into cubes, covered with sugar, and soaked for 40 minutes. Then the zest is added. Bring the mixture to a boil, cover with a lid, leave to cool, then cook for another 5 minutes. As the main ingredient, you can use not the pulp, but the melon rind without an outer hard layer.

Jam. Take 1 kg of melon pulp, 1 kg of sugar, juice of one lemon, medium ginger root. The crushed pulp is covered with sugar and left overnight. Then add lemon juice and finely grated lemon juice. The mixture is cooked over low heat for about an hour.

Compote. Take 1 kg of melon pulp, 200 g of sugar. The pulp is cut into small pieces, covered with sugar, and placed in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Then the melon is poured with a liter of boiling water and placed on the fire for a couple of minutes. The finished drink is poured into cans.

Based on the syrup, recipes for candied fruits and canned melon are offered, similar in taste to. Melon smoothies with chocolate or various fruits are very tasty.

If you bought an unsweetened, unripe melon, you shouldn’t throw it away right away. You can use it to make a pie or fruit salad.

Contraindications for use

The harm of melon is obvious when:

  • diabetes;
  • inflammatory pathologies of the digestive tract;
  • product intolerance.
  1. drink melon with water (it produces a diuretic effect);
  2. combine with fermented milk dishes (intestinal upset is possible).

If the concentration of chemicals in the pulp is high, then melon poisoning is possible. In the affected person:

  • the stomach is swollen;
  • excess gases are released;
  • nausea occurs;
  • stool is disturbed.

To relieve the symptoms of poisoning, you need to take activated carbon or any other sorbent, drink as much as possible more water, don't eat anything. The condition returns to normal after about a day.

Where and how to store melon at home?

Many buyers have difficulty determining the ripeness of melons. The quality and ripeness of melon are indicated by the following characteristics:

  • integrity and evenness of the peel, absence of cracks, dents and rotten areas;
  • strong honey-pineapple aroma;
  • lightly scrape off the top layer of the peel with your fingernail;
  • softness of the crust;
  • dull sound when tapping on the surface of the fruit.

You can store melon for a long time if its surface is not damaged. The product is stored in the cellar, on the balcony, in any shaded and cool place. Melon shelf life early ripening varieties is a month, mid-season - 3 months, late-ripening - up to 6 months.

The cut melon is kept in the refrigerator so that the pulp does not turn sour. Shelf life is no more than 2 days.

Dried or dried melon stores well. The difference between dried melon and dried melon is that in the first version of the product there is some moisture left, in the second there is not. The product dries in the oven for about a day. The pieces are laid out on a wire rack, drying proceeds for 6 hours at 75°C, after turning off the fire continues at 60°C.

Many women who are on a diet want to know what the calorie content of melon is. With watermelon, everything seems to be clear: it contains a lot of water, and therefore promotes weight loss. However, with melon it is not so simple. It has a sweet taste, which means it contains a lot of carbohydrates. It is traditionally accepted that any product rich in carbohydrates is high in calories. There are quite enough examples: baked goods, industrial sweets, cakes and pastries.

But is this statement true for melon? No. Despite its sweet taste and high concentration carbohydrates, it cannot be called a high-calorie food. This means that it can be safely included in the diet of those who want to lose excess weight.

Description of the variety “collective farmer”

A description of the melon variety “kolkhoznitsa” along with a photo can be found on the Internet and in specialized literature on melon growing. Fruits of this variety are grown in Ukraine, as well as in the south of Russia, for example, in the Rostov region. You can grow them in central Russia, but for this you will need a greenhouse. Ripe fruit of the Kolkhoznitsa variety has the following distinctive features:

  • Ball shape. This is how the “kolkhoznitsa” variety differs from the Uzbek “torpedo” variety, the fruits of which have an oval, elongated shape;
  • Bright yellow peel color. Uzbek melons, unlike collective farm melons, are a little paler;
  • High concentration healthy carbohydrates, giving a person vigor and energy;
  • Pleasant taste, less sweet than oriental varieties.

Calorie content

On average, the calorie content of any melon per 100 g is approximately 35 calories. The calorie content of the “kolkhoznitsa” variety is much less than that of the “torpedo” variety. Those who know about these features of the fruit often arrange peculiar “ fasting days", during the day eating only fresh fruit. It's pretty effective method weight loss, but should not be abused, since any mono-diet is stressful for human body. Melon is much lower in calories than many other fruits and vegetables, such as potatoes or bananas. In addition, it has a sweet taste and is therefore the perfect dessert for those who are on a diet.


The fruit contains many healthy carbohydrates. Dietitians recommend including melon in your diet every day during the summer season., because:

However, this only applies to those melons that are sold in markets and stores during the summer and autumn seasons. Fruits that are on the shelves of large chain supermarkets in winter and spring are usually artificially grown and may contain chemicals hazardous to health. At the very least, there will definitely be no benefit from them, and this is in best case scenario. And at worst, if you eat such a fruit, you can get food poisoning.

Those who often eat melon usually have stronger immunity and suffer less from acute illnesses. respiratory diseases. This indispensable product baby food. However, it is not recommended to give it to children under one year of age, because in babies it can cause digestive upset and increased gas formation.

Melon for weight loss

The fruit is often included in various weight loss diets. For example, it is often included in their diet by adherents separate power supply. Followers of the legendary diet of Herbert Shelton believe that the fruit can only be eaten separately from other foods, since it is not compatible with anything. This is partly true. It does not go well with meat, dairy or fermented milk products, with other vegetables and fruits. You can eat it for dessert, after the main course. However, for those who want to lose weight, it is best to eat it as an independent dish.

Since the fruit is low in calories, it can be eaten in the evening. But no later than 2-3 hours before going to bed. You can also use the product as a second breakfast. However, you shouldn’t get carried away: a serving of 100 g is quite enough. To create the illusion of quick saturation, you can cut the melon into small pieces and fill the whole plate with them. This is a very effective way to “deceive” the stomach; it is actively practiced by women and girls who are losing weight.

Melon, like watermelon, contains a lot of water. But due to its sweet taste, it can cause thirst, so it is better to eat less sweet “kolkhoznitsa” than sweet “torpedo”.

How to buy a good melon

The best place to choose fruit is at the market. As a rule, in large chain supermarkets you can find products of different quality: both very good and very bad. And owners of private retail outlets, especially representatives of the southern republics, choose the best goods for sale. You should not be tempted by the largest melons, because they may turn out to be tasteless, watery, or “pumped up” with pesticides. It is best to choose a strong, elastic fruit of medium size. The fruit should have a natural color. A too bright yellow color indicates that growth stimulants and other harmful chemicals were used in the process of growing the melon.

It is strictly forbidden to buy cut melons, even if they are covered with plastic wrap. . Dangerous bacteria multiply rapidly on cut fruits. In addition, it is difficult to wash properly.

Any fruit must be thoroughly washed before eating. It is best to do this in a bath, because it is convenient to rinse the melon from different sides. Once cut, it should be stored only in the refrigerator, and no more than 2-3 days. It stores much worse than watermelon.

How to eat melon correctly

The fruit can be consumed both fresh and dried. When fresh, it is cut into semicircular pieces with a sharp knife. If the fruit is served on festive table, it is best to peel it and cut it into small cubes. In this case, you should take it with a special small fork.

This fruit is delicious on its own and does not require any sauces, spices or flavorings. You can serve it with other fruits and berries. Cut into small cubes and peeled, it can be added to a variety of fruit salads or for ice cream, or you can puree its pieces using a blender and prepare a melon milkshake.

Children will definitely love fruit skewers: small pieces melons and other fruits, impaled on small toothpicks or colorful skewers. This dish will decorate anyone children's table and will be a wonderful gift for a child on his birthday.

Melon is one of the most beloved fruits in Russia, along with watermelon. Probably every child or adult has tried this yellow at least once in their life, sunny fruit. This is an indispensable dietary product for children and adults. However, doctors have noted cases of individual intolerance to this fruit. Therefore, you should not abuse it. Also, it, especially artificially grown, can sometimes cause allergic reactions. Nevertheless, it is a valuable and very useful product. Those who regularly eat melon are different excellent health and a slender figure.

Melon farmer

Melon is sweet and fragrant berry, which appears on store shelves in the second half of summer. This melon crop began to be cultivated even before our era in Northern India, and over time the berry spread throughout the world. Its pulp is tender, juicy and also very useful for the human body. The most widespread variety of melon is “Kolkhoznitsa”, the benefits and harms of which have yet to be learned.

What are the benefits of Kolkhoznitsa melon?

First of all, you need to find out what it looks like. The berries of this variety are small in size and characterized by high early ripening. In addition, it is tolerant of temporary drops in temperature. The crust of this melon is orange, but there may or may not be a mesh. With a mesh, it is worth choosing for those who like sweeter berries. Those who are interested in the benefits of Kolkhoznitsa melon for the body should answer that it is one of the lowest-calorie and dietary varieties. It is actively used as part of various diets. It is not as sweet compared to other varieties, and the beneficial component is practically no different from them.

In addition to carbohydrates, fats and proteins, melon contains vitamins A, E, C, PP, group B, minerals iron, calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, fluorine, cobalt, sulfur, chlorine, as well as water, ash, starch , alimentary fiber, mono- and disaccharides, fatty acids - both saturated and unsaturated, fiber, etc. The benefit of the Kolkhoznitsa melon is primarily that it quenches thirst well, while simultaneously washing the kidneys and other urinary organs. This good prevention and treatment of stone formation, as well as bladder cancer.

Those who ask whether the Kolkhoznitsa melon is high in calories should answer that its energy value is extremely low - only 35 Kcal per 100 g, but the carbohydrates and sugar in its composition energize well, give the body strength and the desire to act, and provide a boost of vigor and positive energy. Fiber, which actually makes up the pulp, is exactly what those losing weight need. It speeds up digestion and metabolism, cleanses the intestines of waste products and prevents constipation. It is recommended to consume melon between meals - this way it will have the maximum effect.

The benefits of melon for women and men

It must be said that the Kolkhoznitsa melon can be especially beneficial during pregnancy. It has the following effects on the body of the expectant mother:

  • Provides the body with the folic acid it needs. The latter prevents the development of abnormalities of the fetal neural tube, takes part in the formation of red blood cells, RNA synthesis, formation of leukocytes, etc.;
  • acts as a prevention of seasonal colds and flu due to the vitamin C included in the composition. It is clear that pregnant women cannot take conventional medications for prevention, so they can only protect themselves with a mask and eat more fruits and vegetables;
  • preserves the health and beauty of hair, skin and nails, which is due to the presence of beta-carotene.

Melon seeds are very useful for men. Since ancient times they have been used as a powerful aphrodisiac. By consuming only 2 g of seeds per day, you can count on good potency until old age.

Harm of melon

The harm of melon lies in its irrepressible consumption, which can cause diarrhea and increased blood glucose levels, dangerous for diabetics. It is even more dangerous if a person eats it on an empty stomach or combines it with fermented milk products or alcohol. People with gastritis, ulcers, colitis and large stones in the gall bladder or urinary system should use it with caution.

Melon "Collective Farmer" is healthy fruit, the cultivation of which is permissible both in open ground and in a greenhouse, you can observe this in the presented photo. Moreover, the taste of the fruit will largely depend on the care, and in order to achieve the most favorable conditions for this, you need to know as much as possible about this variety.

Melon "Collective Farmer" is popular product because it has juicy taste And delicate aroma. Moreover, it was this variety that gave the name to the whole varietal group, which can most often be found in Russia. In the photo you can see that the Kolkhoznitsa melon has both an oval and a round shape, but the aroma of such a fruit will charm everyone!

Description of the variety “Collective Farmer”

The mid-season melon variety “kolkhoznitsa” has an orange or yellow color with a mesh pattern on the surface. The flesh is dense and crispy. Does not withstand long-term storage. The variety is resistant to low temperatures air, and this is rare for the family of pumpkin varieties.

Landing in the ground

Melon is a heat-loving plant, which is why planting should be done when frosts or strong changes in temperature conditions are no longer expected. Before starting work, it is necessary to loosen the soil and make small holes at a distance of 80 centimeters from each other, both in length and width.

Water is poured into the depressions made and fertilizer (for example, humus) is added. After which the plant is removed from the container directly with the earthen lump (although for convenience it is better to use peat pots that are inserted into the prepared holes) and carefully planted so as not to disturb the root system, while part of the earthen lump should be visible on the surface of the earth.

Water the sprout and try to shade it for several days. The “Kolkhoznitsa” melon and its cultivation in open ground will provide a decent harvest only if all the required standards for caring for the plant are met.

Preparing seedlings

To make the seedlings feel “comfortable” before planting in open ground it needs to be hardened. To do this, if you have a loggia, you can take it there, first for several hours and over time increase the time to a day. If the seedlings are in a greenhouse, then you can open the windows so that the air temperature changes “smoothly” and not sharply. After all, in spring the nights do not always immediately become warm. In this connection, the sprouts will not die, but will be ready for a drop in temperature.

Rules for growing in open ground

First you need to properly prepare the soil for planting. To do this, you need to dig up the soil several times, that is, once in the fall, and fertilize it (humus, compost), and a second time in early spring, so that the soil is loose and airy (that is, enriched with oxygen). A site for planting seeds that is sunny but protected from the wind is best.

The selection of seeds plays an important role. You should try to select large, undamaged seeds and treat them with a growth stimulator or boric acid solution. Be sure to harden and soak the seeds. To do this, they are first immersed in warm water (35 degrees for 12 hours), after which they are laid out at room temperature and kept for 24 hours.

Then they are transferred to a room with a temperature of 0 degrees, left for a day and repeated all over again. So, they do it three times during the week. Sowing is done when the top layer of soil cover has warmed up to at least 15 degrees. 2-3 seeds are planted in prepared holes (as described above) and sprinkled with earth.

Caring for seedlings in open ground

The plant is watered for the first time when the first leaf has formed. After the second leaf appears on the shoot, you can thin out the sprouts, choosing the strongest and strongest. Moisten the plant moderately. In the phase of the third leaflet, “pinching” is carried out. This is done to speed up the appearance of side shoots. The root system is formed when the seventh leaf appears.

Let's start sowing

It should be noted that planting seeds from last year may not yield a harvest, since usually only “barren flowers” ​​can be grown, so it is better to take seeds three years ago. It is important to use peat pots, which will protect the root system from damage. After all, you don’t have to remove the seedlings. Growing the Kolkhoznitsa melon will not bring much trouble, you just need to follow some rules.

Selected containers are filled with fertilized soil and seeds are sown there to a depth of 4-5 centimeters. To avoid a disease such as “Black Leg,” watering should be moderate and river sand should be poured around the sprout. Grow up to three leaves and then pinch off. Planting in the ground begins 25 days after the April sowing. Melon "Collective Farmer" prefers "fluffy" soil. Therefore, if the soil is clayey, it must be diluted with sand.

Planting care, watering and fertilizing melons

After “pinching” the melon, two strong lateral shoots are formed, which are “pinned” to the ground or a frame is installed. The plant will rely on it as it grows. When weaving, the crop receives more light and heating, which has a positive effect on the quality of the crop.

Water the melon regularly until the first fruits form. After which the berries are filled with sugar. It is also worth taking into account the fact that the soil should not become acidic, otherwise the root system will rot and the plant will die, that is, excess moisture will lead to this.

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After planting, it is necessary to feed the plant, especially when side shoots appear. Before the buds appear, you can re-fertilize (organic mineral liquid fertilizers). Excess nitrogen fertilizers will lead to delayed fruiting and unsweetened fruits.

Ripening time for the Kolkhoznitsa melon

Ripening time delicious berries usually range from 80 to 100 days. In such crops, it is necessary to constantly prun the bush, this has a positive effect on the timing of fruit ripening, that is, the crop will ripen faster. How much does a ripe melon weigh? Average weight The berries weigh one and a half kilograms. In most cases, everything will depend on the place of growth and care, so it is difficult to give an exact answer.

Growing melon in a polycarbonate greenhouse

Growing in a greenhouse allows you to enjoy the taste of the fruit during the cold season. The advantage of polycarbonate is that the material has excellent permeability Sun rays inside and does not become cloudy over time. But before growing a product, it is necessary to adhere to special technologies. Moreover, the Kolkhoznitsa melon is not a very demanding crop in its care.

Preparing seeds for cultivation

It is imperative to properly prepare the soil and saturate it with useful substances. Then prepare the seeds by treating them with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This approach will protect the seeds from many diseases. Additionally, the planting material is treated with a growth catalyst, this is done so that the sprouts emerge faster.


When harvesting, you must follow some rules. For example, it is better to pick fruits in the morning or late evening, when the sun is no longer so hot. The fruits are picked together with the stalk. After that, the melons are laid out on the beds and kept in the sun for 10 days, while every 3 days they are turned over to the other side. This approach allows you to extend the shelf life of fruits. After which the berries are placed in special boxes that are intended for transportation. Can be laid on straw.

Diseases and pests

Undoubtedly, diseases and pests not only spoil the harvest, but also destroy plants, so timely control of them is simply necessary. A common pest is the “melon fly,” the larvae of which usually overwinter at a depth of 15 centimeters; the first generation appears in early June. The laying of eggs in the melon pulp subsequently develops numerous larvae, which give the first impulses to rotting of the fruit. This can be detected by the holes in the peel.

The omnivorous pest is the “gnawing armyworm”. The main harm comes from the larvae. Visually, they look like a gray caterpillar that really doesn’t like the sun’s rays, so it goes out to “hunt” in the evening or at night.

Spider mites are a common pest that can quickly kill a plant. It feeds on the sap of the plant, the leaves fall off and the mite moves to the stems, eventually the plant dies.

Powdery mildew is one of the most common diseases of melons. The leaves and stems first curl and then dry out. As a result, the culture dies. Fusarium wilt is a fungal plant disease. More common in middle-aged and late varieties ripening melons.

“Copperweed” saturates the leaves of melons with brown and pink spots, which gradually grow and infect the plant, eventually rotting it. "Root rot" usually damages weakened plants. To prevent pest control and various diseases you need to react in time and correctly identify the cause, after which you need to treat both the crop and the soil, because otherwise the plant will die.

How to choose a melon “Collective Farmer”

Enjoying the taste of this aromatic berry will depend on the right choice. How to choose a ripe “Collective Farmer” melon? I would like to immediately note the fact that you cannot buy fruits that are sold on the side of the roads. Cut melons have a lot of bacteria that accumulate on open surfaces and penetrate inside.

Ripe Kolkhoznitsa melon always has a rich aroma of honey or vanilla. If the fruit has no odor, then it is either not ripe or is highly saturated with an excess of nitrogen fertilizers. When tapped, the berry makes a dull sound. Before mid-August, the fruits do not have time to ripen, so it is best to buy melon in season, that is, grown without any “growth accelerators.” When choosing a fruit, pay attention to the tail, because a ripe berry will already have a dry tail.

An unripe fruit can cause poisoning; the flesh will be hard. When choosing, the nose of the melon should be elastic; if it is soft, then it is an overripe product, and if, on the contrary, it is hard, then it is underripe. Why can such a berry taste bitter? Overripe Kolkhoznitsa melon is usually bitter; of course, you won’t be able to enjoy such a taste.

The benefits of melon for the body

The benefits of such a product are fraught with many positive factors for a person who wants to lose weight. overweight weight. So, sweet berry has diuretic effects. The Kolkhoznitsa melon has a valuable vitamin content, which is why the fruit is beneficial for the body, for example, folic acid, which is so necessary for all people, especially pregnant women. Vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system. The seeds of the berry especially help men gain additional strength, because it is a powerful aphrodisiac.

The fiber composition in the product allows you to cleanse the intestines. Melon has B vitamins and is very useful for people with diseases of cardio-vascular system. IN winter period Nowadays, dried melon slices are consumed, which are very sweet and pleasant to the taste. Iron, magnesium, and calcium are also found in the Kolkhoznitsa variety.

Every plant has benefits and harms, and the properties of the “Collective Farmer” melon are no exception. The sweet taste of the fruit so develops the appetite that it can be enjoyed in a huge number, and this is not always acceptable. After all, diarrhea, as well as increased glucose, are especially dangerous for diabetics. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful and attentive. Be healthy!

Read the contents of the article!

Melons are incredibly beneficial for the human body. They contain many vitamins, minerals, beneficial, nutrients. They are recommended not only for healthy people and children, but also for different diets. The calorie content of melon is very low, so it is often included in diets for weight loss, as well as in many diets when restoring the body after illness or surgery.

What is the composition of melon?

Melon refers to useful products thanks to its composition rich in vitamins and minerals. Below is the amount of useful substances contained in 100 g of melon.

Composition of melon

  • Vitamin A – 67 mg;
  • Vitamin C – 20 mg;
  • Vitamin B1 – 0.4 mg;
  • Vitamin B2 – 0.4 mg;
  • Vitamin B6 – 0.06 mg;
  • Vitamin E – 0.1 mg;
  • Vitamin PP – 0.4 mg;
  • Potassium – 118 mg;
  • Silicon – 82 mg;
  • Chlorine – 49 mg;
  • Sodium – 31 mg;
  • Calcium – 15 mg;
  • Magnesium – 13 mg;
  • Phosphorus – 11.5 mg;
  • Zinc – 90 mcg;
  • Copper 47 mcg;
  • Manganese – 37 mcg;

Also, 100 grams of product contain 0.3 g of fat, 0.6 g of protein and 7.4 g of carbohydrates. If we take averages, then 100 g of melon contains approximately 35 kcal. But this is an approximate number, because the calorie content of melon depends on its variety.

How many calories do melons of different preparations have?
Dried melon

Thanks to such a low calorie content, melon is indispensable in diets with increased weight. Due to the presence of natural sugar and plenty of water, this product allows long time stay full after eating it. But in what form is it better to eat melon? The above indicator applies exclusively to a fresh product; during processing, the calorie content of melon can change the calorie content.

They eat it in fresh, in salads, in the form of jam, jam, juice, desserts, ice cream. There are also dried melons, healthy and tasty, but they contain much more sugar than fresh product. Below is a table of caloric content of melons after processing.

As you can see, the calorie content of melon largely depends on the form in which it is consumed. For people on diets, only fresh, frozen, canned melons and juices, if there are no contraindications.

Calorie content of Torpedo melon per 100 grams

Torpedo melon has elongated light yellow fruits, sometimes the skin has a greenish tint with a medium-density mesh. This variety is very common in Russia, Ukraine and neighboring countries.

Melon Torpedo

100 grams of Torpedo melon contain only 35.59 kcal, which makes the variety a good component of any diet. The indicated amount of calories is on average 1.7% of the daily value for the average person. The weight of one Torpedo melon usually ranges from 5 kg and one such melon contains 1750 kcal, which is quite a bit compared to other sweet fruits.

Calorie content of Kolkhoznitsa melon per 100 grams

Melon Kolkhoznitsa is the second most common variety. It has a pleasant, sweet taste and is unpretentious to grow, so it is often planted for personal use, and not just for sale.

Melon Kolkhoznitsa

The calorie content of melon in 100 g is only 30.81 kcal. This is slightly less than that of the Torpedo variety, so this variety is even healthier to eat during diets, but do not forget that it is less sweet. There is not much sugar in it, and although it is tasty, it is still inferior in taste to the Torpedo variety.

What is the calorie content of different types of melons?

The calorie content of the two most popular melon varieties that can be found on the market and in stores was described above. But what about other varieties? Increasingly, overseas wonders appear on the shelves, striking with their color, shape, unusual peel or pulp. There are many people who want to try foreign fruits, but are they really that useful, especially when dieting?

Melon Cantaloupe

  • Cantaloupe (Thai) 38-51 kcal;
  • Honey Dew – 38 kcal;
  • Galia – 30-38 kcal;
  • Piel de Sapo – 36 kcal;
  • Nutmeg – 36 kcal;
  • Honey – 33 kcal;
  • Charente – 31 kcal;
  • Kassaba – 28 kcal;

Interesting Facts

The calorie content of melon is very low when compared to other fruits. This interesting fruit, which has many interesting facts associated with it.

For vegetarians, melon is a must-have fruit.

  • Melons are recommended to be included in the diet when losing weight, during a drinking detox diet, during blood type diets, salt-free diets, for those who follow daily norm KBJU.
  • Cantaloupe is considered the highest calorie variety of melon. According to various sources, its calorie content is 38-51 kcal.
  • Melon is used in the treatment of nervous system disorders.
  • Increasing the amount of melon in a person’s diet reduces the risk of heart disease, obesity, improves the condition of the skin and hair, and increases body tone.
  • For vegetarians, melon is a must-have fruit that should be eaten at least once a week.

Video: Melon - benefits and harm to the body

One of the most popular seasonal melon crops is melon. Juicy, sweet and aromatic, it has gained many fans. But choosing a truly sweet fruit is not easy. Melon, the calorie content and benefits of which will be discussed below, - seasonal product. It is better to consume it at the height of the harvest. At this moment, it reaches maximum maturity, and there is less chance of buying low-quality fruit. Many unscrupulous melon growers, in pursuit of high profits, feed the crop with nitrates for rapid ripening. This melon is a very suspicious and of little use fruit.

Melon as a plant

What is this plant and its fruits? Melon belongs to the pumpkin family. Based on many signs, one can guess that the cucumber is its closest relative. One bush can produce about 6-8 fruits, the weight of which ranges from 200 grams to 20 kilograms. But the melon reaches full maturity only after 6 months.

A well-ripened fruit has a beautiful appearance and a delicious aroma. Melon color can be yellow, brown and even green depending on the variety. Modern breeding is constantly evolving, offering new varieties that differ in taste, size and color. There are white and striped fruits. The taste of different varieties of melon is also different. But ideally, every product should be sweet and aromatic.

Fruit or berry?

Melon, the benefits and harm to the body of which will be discussed below, has a sweet taste. That is why many consider it a fruit. It is used in the preparation of desserts and salads. At the same time, some people believe that melon is a berry. And this is precisely what connects it with another popular melon crop - watermelon. Yes, they are quite similar in internal structure. But the Asian beauty grows on vines, like some vegetables. Therefore, botanists classify them into different groups. In addition, melon has much in common with vegetables such as cucumber, zucchini and pumpkin. And although it is sweet, it is classified precisely in this group, calling it a sugar vegetable. In Asian countries, unsweetened varieties are even grown. They are eaten as vegetables.

Composition of melon

Melon contains a large amount of vitamin C. It ranks first among melon crops in this indicator. Also in its fruits you can find a large amount of vitamin A, B and E. Melon also contains enough silicon, which is necessary for better absorption of minerals by the body and prevent calcification of blood vessels. The fruits of this plant contain 17 times more iron than milk. And if you eat watermelon and melon alternately, then positive effect will be much higher. After all, these cultures complement each other perfectly. Even nutritionists recommend eating melon, the benefits and harms of which for the body have long been studied. The product cleanses internal organs and systems, enriches them with nutrients.

Melon - natural medicine

What diseases does melon help fight? For unique chemical composition this fruit has deservedly been called a natural medicine. It can be eaten by both adults and children. Melon should be in the diet of those who suffer from heart disease, gout, and have problems with the intestines, kidneys and liver. Eating sweet fruits helps fight depression. A large amount of vitamin C improves immunity and increases the body's resistance to colds.

The qualities of melon fruits, the benefits and harms of which for the body are carefully studied not only by nutritionists, are also used in cosmetology. They contain a lot of silicon, B vitamins and folic acid. These components significantly improve the structure and quality of hair and skin. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend melon masks for the face, hair and whole body.


Are there any contraindications for melon? Like any crop, the fruits of this plant have their drawbacks. They are minor, but you definitely need to know them. The benefits and harms of melon for the human body are especially pronounced when consumed excessively. The fruits are very sweet and aromatic. And it is very difficult to resist temptation. However, it should be remembered that they contain many useful substances. Therefore, the use large quantity melons can lead to hypervitaminosis.

Digestive problems and cardiac dysfunction may also occur. Therefore, those who have diseases of the intestines, duodenum, or diabetes should refrain from consuming this culture. In addition, these fruits are not recommended for women who are breastfeeding babies. breast milk. Melon juice can cause stomach upset in a baby.

Calorie content

Is melon good for weight loss? It should be noted: despite their taste qualities, the fruits of this plant do not have high calorie content. They are ideal for dietary nutrition. What does melon contain? 90 percent this sweet vegetable consists of water. And only the remaining 10% is healthy fiber and sugar. Therefore, calorie content ripe melon is no more than 38 kcal per 100 grams of product. Dried slices of these fruits and candied fruits prepared from them are much more nutritious. In this case, the figure fluctuates around 350 kcal.

Nutritional composition in grams

If we take the amount of nutrients in grams, then these indicators will delight lovers of the delicacy. The main thing is, of course, low calorie content. In addition, melon contains about 1% fat and protein. The amount of carbohydrates is 7.5 percent. Important elements Melon contains organic acids, starch and fiber. The latter helps cleanse the body and improve the functioning of the digestive system.

Ascorbic acid predominates in an amount of 20 mg per 100 grams of product. B vitamins occupy 6 mg, and provitamins and folic acid 0.4 grams per 100 grams. Elements such as calcium, zinc, iron, manganese, phosphorus, iodine and magnesium are present in melon in in kind, which is best absorbed in the body.

How to use?

How to eat melon to get maximum benefit and pleasure? It is better to consume the ripe fruits of this plant between meals. You should not eat melon on an empty stomach, especially for those who have digestive problems. The pulp can be frozen and then used for cooking various dishes and cocktails.

Candied fruits are made from melon fruits, which are very tasty and do not lose their beneficial properties. Jams, marmalades and marmalades are also made from it. There are recipes for pickled sweet vegetables, which have a very unusual taste. Enjoy your vitamins in the summer and stock up on them to save some warmth for the colder times.

Pickled melon

The taste qualities of melon, the benefits and harm to the body of which have been discussed, make it possible to prepare many original, tasty and aromatic dishes. For example, many people will like pickled melon. For preparation you will need a ripe fruit weighing about 500-700 grams. It must be cleared of seeds and peel, cut into cubes. Then place the melon in the prepared jars.

Separately prepare the marinade. For 200 milliliters of water you need to take 30 grams of honey, 200 grams of vinegar, 10 grams of salt and two cloves. Fill jars of melon with cold marinade and sterilize for about 40 minutes. Then we close it and send it to a cold place. Melon prepared in this way goes well with meat dishes.

Melon jam

Almost all melon treats are not high in calories. The only exception is candied fruits. Jam made from the fruits of this plant is one of the best options sweets. To prepare it, you need to take 500 grams of fruit cut into pieces, the same amount of sugar and a liter of water. To improve the taste, you can add a little lemon zest.

We put everything in suitable container and bring the mixture to a boil. Do not let the jam boil for a long time or too much. The melon pieces will be overcooked, which will not affect taste properties, but will ruin the appearance. It should be noted that the calorie content of such a delicacy is not high. It leaves only 170 Kcal. That is why such culinary delights can be consumed even by those who care about their figure.

Combination with other products

There is a misconception that melon goes well with any food. This is not entirely true. Yes, melon is a universal sweet vegetable that goes well with many foods. Americans start their meal with a glass of water and a slice of this sweet delicacy. Italians serve melon with meat as a side dish. In the East it is considered good addition to the fish.

There are many recipes in cooking using melon, both as a main and additional ingredient. But still, nutritionists do not recommend using it on an empty stomach and together with fermented milk products. This can cause stomach upset, cramps and bloating. Especially you should not combine dishes with a lot of milk and eggs. In general, consumption of any product should be in moderation. In this case, the food will not harm, but will benefit the body.

There are many myths and prejudices associated with this plant. Many of them concern the use of melon. The benefits and harms to the body have long been studied by specialists, so all questions can be answered with qualified answers. We have already examined many indicators of this sweet vegetable. But there are plenty interesting facts, which seem quite entertaining.

For example, the largest melon, which weighed about 500 kilograms, was grown by a resident of Austria. This happened in 2009. Since then, the record has not yet been broken by anyone. Among some eastern peoples, melon fruits are considered a natural aphrodisiac. Men will benefit from eating a handful of dried seeds of this aromatic plant daily. Turkmenistan even celebrates Melon Day. At this moment, all churches hold a prayer service for a good harvest. Melon is valued not only for its excellent taste, but also for nutritional composition. Therefore, eat to your health, but know moderation in everything.

Did you know that melon has long been revered as a product of youth and feminine charm brought by angels? Now this one is fragrant, very healthy fruit used in medicine, cosmetology, cooking. Let's find out what is good about melon, the benefits and harms of which are discussed in the article.

Calorie content and product composition

Melon is a melon crop that is classified as a member of the Cucurbitaceae family; it is often considered a false berry. Basically, it is grown by human forces, and is practically never found in the wild. The plant has a rather sweet taste, which depends on the variety and degree of maturity. There are about 200 different varieties, varying in shape, color, and ripening period. The most famous are the Torpedo, Kolkhoznitsa, and pineapple melons.

Almost 90% of the culture is water, but the rest of the composition is rich in vitamins (A, C, P, group B), fats, amino acids (ascorbic, folic), useful minerals(iron, sodium, potassium). Additional components are sugar and fiber.

Calorie content is 35 calories per 100 grams of product. Fresh, ripe fruits are suitable for eating; candied fruits, jam, and melon honey are also made. In winter, dried melon and dried melon pigtail are used, the benefits of which are preserved. Cocktails, medicinal decoctions, and tinctures are made from the seeds.

Benefits for the body

Melon is considered a very tasty and healthy representative of the Cucurbitaceae. Based on the composition of the plant, the following positive properties can be identified:

  • sugar, amino acids increase energy, improve mood, lower cholesterol;
  • minerals strengthen the cardiovascular and nervous systems, cleanse the skin, strengthen hair, bones, and nail plates;
  • vitamins increase the resistance of the immune system to negative environmental factors and improve vision;
  • fiber helps digest food and cleanses the gastrointestinal tract.

In order to please yourself with this product throughout the year, summer season prepare juice or seeds. You can prepare or purchase dried plants yourself.

Benefits of melon juice

The juice obtained from mature representatives preserves everything useful material, good for eliminating thirst. You can get it at home by choosing ripe plants with a fragrant smell, clean thin skin without damage. It is recommended to use not only the inner pulp, but also the outer peel, as it is rich in essential oils. The plant is washed very thoroughly, cut into small pieces, pitted and ground in a juicer or blender. After this, the liquid is decanted, separated from the pulp.

Juice obtained at home or purchased is consumed internally to prevent and get rid of diseases:

  • cardiovascular system (strengthens blood vessels, heart muscle);
  • immune system (helps cope with viruses, malignant tumors);
  • nervous system (relieves stress, fatigue, calms the psyche);
  • musculoskeletal system (helps with radiculitis, arthrosis);
  • gastrointestinal tract (removes toxins, waste, relaxes the stomach, helps normalize metabolism);
  • genitourinary system (helps cope with inflammation, constipation, hemorrhoids);
  • blood system (promotes the formation of new red blood cells);
  • other systems and organs (the juice is good for the liver and kidneys).

Good healing effect observed from external use for problems with the skin. Rubbing the dermis with juice or lotions from it will help cleanse the skin of rashes, inflammation, lighten, even out its color, increase tone and elasticity.

Benefits of melon seeds

In cosmetology and folk medicine No less popular are the seeds extracted from the core of the fruit. From them you can prepare melon flour, which is taken dry or dissolved in boiling water. Cocktails, butter or melon milk are made from the seeds.

They are taken to combat the same problems that the pulp and juice from delicious fruit. Their use has also been proven effective for kidney and liver diseases, high cholesterol, sugar, and urinary problems. Take drinks or other types of preparation of seeds to remove sputum from the lungs, bronchi during colds and bronchitis, to remove bile, stones, sand.

The benefits of seeds for children preschool age and schoolchildren in that they are able to improve attentiveness and memory. Their role in increasing the amount of strength, energy, and the ability of cells to fight viruses and harmful bacteria is recognized. Wonderful aroma And unique taste They will improve your mood and improve the condition of many systems and organs.

Benefits for women

For a woman’s body, the plant (pulp, juice, melon seeds) is especially necessary during pregnancy, during weight loss, dieting, menopause, and in the fight against cosmetic problems.

For pregnant women, the product is useful because it contains folic acid, as it contributes to the proper formation of the child and the rapid renewal of the blood of the future mother.

During menopause or hormonal changes, the use of this false berry strengthens the nervous system, increases the amount of the hormone serotonin produced, which is responsible for good mood. This is due to beta-carotene and minerals as part of culture.

For the purpose of removal excess weight fasting days are arranged, when exclusively melon representatives are eaten. At the same time, fiber cleanses the intestines, and vitamins and microelements support the health of a person losing weight and prevent them from feeling weak and unwell. The choice of this option for losing weight is caused by big amount water in the composition, which dulls the feeling of hunger, creates the appearance of saturation.

The use of pseudoberries for cosmetic purposes is quite common. Girls and women highlight the plant’s excellent ability to rejuvenate, renew the skin, strengthen nail plates, accelerate hair growth, and improve hair appearance. For this you can eat pulp, juice or seeds, use rubs, lotions, masks.

Benefits for men

The benefits of the plant for the male body are known. It consists in improving potency and sperm quality (mainly due to zinc in the composition). It has long been known that this fruit is a strong aphrodisiac (has an excellent stimulating effect). For this purpose, as well as to improve overall performance, men are advised to eat the seeds or drink a decoction of them.


The use of this member of the Pumpkin family has its contraindications and limitations. Among the categories of people who should reduce or stop eating it are patients with diabetes mellitus who have ulcerative problems of the gastrointestinal tract. Breastfeeding women are not advised to eat the product, as it is dangerous for the baby’s immature digestive tract.

It is necessary to eat melon separately from other types of food. Mixing it with other foods is dangerous due to the occurrence of bloating, pain, disorders, and stagnation of food in the intestines. Combinations with any dairy products, alcohol, and starch-containing products are especially dangerous. The intervals between taking the main meal and this false berry are 2 or 3 hours.

Everyone, without exception, is prohibited overuse this relative of the cucumber. Also, do not drink it with water or liquid drinks. Compliance with the rules will not allow the fetus to harm human health.

In the end, we will highlight a few rules that will help you choose a ripe, tasty beauty. Firstly, a mature representative will be fragrant, and the absence of smell indicates that it is not ripe. Secondly, the peel must be uniform, clean, without spots or streaks. When pressing with a finger, there should be no deep marks left, the surface will quickly recover. Thirdly, the tail of a ripe product is dry, and when tapped, a dull sound appears. Do not buy fruits from bare ground that have cracks or damage. Remember that the optimal weight of the fetus reaches an average of 3-5 kg, and too large specimens can appear as a result of the use of chemicals.
