Are crab sticks healthy or harmful? Neither fish nor meat: crab sticks and their benefits and harm to human health

Crab sticks are a product that appeared on our table not so long ago; a couple of decades ago we knew nothing about it. Its appearance in stores was akin to a new seafood delicacy. Today, they have become an integral part of our diet and on the table of almost every housewife, both on weekdays and on holidays, there are dishes containing crab sticks. What are they made of? We will try to answer all this in our article.

Composition of crab sticks

They consist almost half of minced fish called surimi; the percentage of surimi content may vary among different manufacturers. The ingredients also include water, vegetable oil, egg white, soy. Added for taste granulated sugar, salt, many different flavorings and flavor enhancers.

Naturally, the best varieties are those containing as few harmful components as possible. Although all manufacturers unanimously shout that their product is high-quality and healthy, before purchasing, carefully study the label and composition of the product before purchasing it. Less harmful and higher quality crab sticks are juicy, saturated with moisture, elastic to the touch, and pleasant in taste.

Remember that if they are really good, they are easy to unwrap to stuff. Otherwise, the product, filled with an abundance of preservatives and chemicals, breaks and falls apart in your hands. Under no circumstances buy them by weight to avoid poisoning and food allergic reactions. There are many fakes among them. You can distinguish such a product by the location of minced fish on the label, which should be the main ingredient. In a fake, surimi is not the first component, but the second, third or fourth.

Harm of crab sticks

You can't eat crab sticks for a reason high content chemicals used in their production. This applies to flavors and dyes that cause allergic reactions and aggravate the course of diseases. gastrointestinal tract. A product that has been stored incorrectly is also dangerous; it can be easily identified by the presence of snow or ice in the packaging. If you use them, then give preference to those stored in vacuum packaging. This is especially important because they do not pass heat treatment before cooking.

Crab sticks are most harmful for a child to eat due to the effect of flavor enhancers (one of the components of the product) on the growing body. The flavor enhancer causes food cravings, dulling the perception of natural flavors. Therefore, if an adult has the right to choose: to eat or not to eat them, then it is better for your baby to prepare dishes from real minced fish or fillet, for example, cutlets. It will be much more useful. How to treat the consequences of their use by a fragile child’s body.

Of course, crab sticks cannot be called a harmful product, but it is better to consume it inconsistently and in very measured doses. After all, here you have to rely on the manufacturer of the product and his integrity, providing reliable information about the composition, entrusting your health to the hands of sellers and buyers of retail chains, hoping not to get poisoned from expired goods or improper storage.

This is without a doubt one of the most loved and popular products modern kitchen. Let's take a closer look at what it is - crab sticks, the composition of which is important for understanding them. nutritional value in different dishes.

They are used for cooking all kinds of salad, and also as independent dish. Everyone knows the fact that there simply cannot be any crab meat in the sticks.

Today there are several of the most common and recognized by consumer demand. brands– this is Santa Bremor, vici, water or snow world and some others.

The popularity of these products was largely due to their low price. The cost of products is quite affordable even for poor buyers. Because of the presence of salad from crab sticks on festive table no one can be surprised anymore.

It took a while for most domestic consumers to develop the habit of studying what is included in a product. At first it turned out that there was no trace of poor crab meat in them; later it turned out that not every product even contained fish meat. By now, it can be argued that most products are produced on the basis of fish waste, seasoned with flavorings, preservatives and dyes. Hence the completely logical question - what will be the benefits of such a salad for our body?

External signs of quality sticks

To choose quality products with a full complement of vici manufacturers, water world, santa bremor, pay attention to a number of the following external signs:

  • both chilled and frozen products must certainly be wrapped in several layers of food barrier film;
  • the color of fresh products can be light pink or reddish;
  • each of the sticks should look neat, attractive and appetizing, and be elastic to the touch;
  • it is better to refrain from purchasing frozen, cracked, dry, faded products;
  • Pay close attention to the original pack - the composition, expiration date, requirements for storage conditions and other related information should be printed on it.

Approximate product components

One of the most inexpensive products is Santa Bremor sticks. Let's see what is included in their composition in more detail before buying such products for a family salad.

So, below are the key ingredients:

  • minced fish surimi (where would we be without it);
  • sugar;
  • potato starch;
  • egg white;
  • “crab flavor” flavorings;
  • vegetable oil;
  • emulsifier;
  • thickener and preservative;
  • salt;
  • food flavoring additives;
  • monosodium glutamate to enhance taste;
  • water;
  • paprika extract;
  • titanium dioxide.

What can I say about other products?

The last ingredient is designed to give the Santa Bremor sticks a snow-white hue. Monosodium glutamate is an approved flavor enhancer and is actively used in the global food industry.

As for vici brand products, despite their low price, they contain neither preservatives nor possible taste enhancers. The product is based on frozen fish products. Otherwise, the composition is very similar to the Santa Bremor brand.

Water World products are also widely used among our housewives for crab stick salad. Please note that the preservative E211, also known as sodium benzoate, is used in its production. In significant doses it has pronounced carcinogenic properties, so it can be harmful to health.

If the message is about the usefulness of crab products, then you need to pay attention to the labels on the packaging. They can suggest the following: if an ingredient in a product, for example, “snow world” called “surimi,” is in first place in this list, then its content is maximum. In this case, you can hope for the presence of at least minced fish. Otherwise, you will find a product mixture based on starch, soy protein and similar substitutes.

How to use crab sticks?

Few production operations today can be done without food additives. You should pay attention to the presence of prohibited for use and the most negative for human body. Many experts are trying to convey to consumers the fact that in small doses additives such as E171, E420, E160 will not cause harm to health. Meanwhile, they have long been banned in Western countries, but continue to be used in our country.

And finally, a recipe for crab stick salad “under a fur coat”. We will need the whites of 5-6 hard-boiled eggs. Separate them from the yolks, grate them and place the bottom layer in a plate. On top of three on a grater processed cheese, mixed with finely chopped onion. Rub 50 g in the same way butter for the salad and spread in the next layer.

Lay out a layer of low-fat dietary mayonnaise. We cut the “snow world” crab sticks into thin rings, unroll them into spirals and place them on top of the mayonnaise. Another layer - grated green apple, then a layer of mayonnaise. Sprinkle everything on top with grated egg yolk.

Today it is a favorite delicacy for many. Some eat crab sticks as a self-sufficient product, while others even manage to stuff them. The popularity of this product is due to the fact that it is characterized by an unusual taste and a fairly reasonable price. However, is it useful or, perhaps, are crab sticks even harmful to health? We will provide you with answers to these questions right now.

To understand what crab sticks do to our body, harm or benefit, just look at their composition. Many will probably be disappointed to learn that crab sticks contain crab meat there's not even a smell. The main component of this exquisite seafood, if, of course, it was produced taking into account quality standards, is surimi. Surimi is minced oceanic white fish. with a minimum amount of various additives.

Benefits of crab sticks and calorie content

High-quality crab sticks, produced in compliance with technology, are a real source for our body valuable substances. Thus, crab sticks contain iron, chromium, zinc, iodine, fluorine, nicotinic acid and more. In addition to this, in minced meat there are few calories (the calorie content of 100 grams of crab sticks is 73 kcal) and fat, but there is quite a lot of protein, which contains about two dozen amino acids so necessary for our body.

It has been proven that regular use seafood can stabilize arterial pressure. To prove this, let us inform you that in the countries of Southeast Asia there are practically no hypertensive patients.

Crab sticks: harm

Undoubtedly, you are already convinced that crab sticks are a fairly healthy product, but do not rush to conclusions. Only those sticks that are manufactured in compliance with quality standards are beneficial to the body. However, unfortunately, at present it is almost impossible to find such a product on store shelves. The fact is that entrepreneurs, trying to win over a large army of buyers, neglect all the requirements for the manufacture of products of this kind. Check out the composition of the crab sticks that occupy the shelves in supermarkets, what do you see there? In addition to surimi, the product contains large quantities of egg and vegetable protein, purified water, vegetable oil, stabilizers, flavors, flavor enhancers. However, Chinese manufacturers of crab sticks have gone even “further” - in their products the share of minced fish is often 0%; instead, soy and egg whites, flavorings, and starch are added to the product. We think that it is pointless to say that such a product does not provide any benefit.

How to choose crab sticks

As you can see, dear visitors of the portal site, you can say whether crab sticks are healthy or harmful only after you have become familiar with their composition. Remember: when buying crab sticks in a store, you need to get acquainted with their composition, do not forget that they contain quality product Surimi must be listed, and it must be in first place. If minced fish is not listed first in the list of ingredients, this indicates that its content in the product is low, and, therefore, the benefits of such crab sticks can be doubted. It is also a good idea to look at the expiration date of the product stated by the manufacturer. If the packaging of crab sticks says that they are good for one and a half years, then it is unlikely that you have a product in front of you. High Quality, most likely, it is filled with “chemicals,” which also leads to the conclusion that the product may be harmful to your health.

Crab sticks are a well-known product that is an imitation of crab meat. There are many variety of recipes for cooking. And although they do not contain crab meat, the sticks have gained their popularity thanks to unusual taste and affordable price.

What are crab sticks made from?

The main content of crab sticks is surimi. This is what the Japanese called minced meat obtained from ocean fish. The composition includes the following varieties of fish: mackerel, hake, blue whiting, pollock, etc.

The process of making surimi involves repeatedly washing fish fillets, chopping and mixing until smooth. The mass is then centrifuged to remove excess liquid. The result is a soft mass with a pleasant fishy smell and taste. It is precisely because of its properties that surimi is used to imitate many seafood, including crab sticks.

Surimi is considered a useful product, which contains rich mineral composition and vitamins. After processing, the amount of these substances decreases. Some manufacturers add by-products to surimi, which leads to a decrease in the quality of the minced meat and a change in its smell, taste and color.

To save raw materials they put in crab sticks soy protein. It is known that soy is a product of genetic modification and opponents of this method should read the composition of crab sticks on the packaging. In such cases, they need to look for the “non-GMO” label.

Crab sticks contain: egg powder, vegetable oil, starch, salt and sugar. To give them a special taste, many chemicals are added.

Composition of crab sticks

Depending on the manufacturer, crab sticks contain different components. They usually contain surimi meat, soy protein, sunflower oil, starch and sugar. To enhance the taste, various flavors, artificial colors and other food additives are added to them.

The chemical composition of crab sticks is rich, they contain:

  • Micro-macroelements (chrome, chlorine, iron, iodine, zinc, nickel, molybdenum).
  • Nicotinic acid and vitamin PP.

Crab sticks are a low-calorie product, so they can be consumed by people who are watching their weight. Their nutritional value is only 100 kcal per 100 g.

The contents of crab sticks are not completely healthy, because they contain not only natural ingredients.

Positive properties of crab sticks

Crab sticks are not a substitute for completely fresh fish. However, they can be a pleasant addition to your diet and add variety to it. Experts recommend consuming no more than 100 g of crab sticks per day.

100 g of product contains calcium (13 mg) and magnesium (43 mg). These minerals have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, heart and nervous system.

It is useful to use crab sticks for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Talk about something special beneficial properties crab sticks are not allowed. Even if the product used is of the highest quality, the only ingredient that has positive influence– fish protein. It contains no a large number of minerals and vitamins. The proportion of protein in the product is negligible.

Crab sticks in dietary nutrition

Crab sticks are good for people losing weight. They can be used as dietary product, which is quickly absorbed and saturated by the body.

The “crab” diet involves consuming 200 g of sticks, a liter of milk and at least 2 liters of water per day. This diet must be followed for 4 days. There are no sticks containing only surimi and salt, so staying on such a menu for a longer period of time is prohibited.

Before starting a diet, you should consult a doctor to avoid negative consequences.

Crab sticks in cooking

Crab sticks can be used to prepare the most variety of dishes. These include salads and appetizers; in rare cases, they are used in recipes for hot dishes. The combination of crab sticks with canned corn, which has long become a classic among housewives. Therefore, they can be found on any holiday table.

How to choose quality crab sticks

To choose high quality product must be approached with full responsibility. Initially, you should pay attention to the color of the crab sticks.

A good product is usually white in color with a uniform structure, which after defrosting retains soft consistency. The sticks should not be soaked in water.

Before choosing crab sticks, you need to carefully read their composition. The first place in it should be occupied by surimi. IN useful product its percentage is at least 40%. Although manufacturers rarely indicate the proportions of components on the packaging. If the first ingredient in crab sticks is soy protein or starch, it is best to avoid purchasing them. Such a product will not bring any benefit to the body. Ideally, protein should be completely absent in the sticks, and starch should be only 8-10%.

They are usually colored pink on one side and White color. If they are a rich, bright red hue, then this may indicate the use of unnatural dyes. Usually carmine and paprika are used for this.

High-quality sticks are not cheap, and they must be sold in original packaging. And the composition must contain more natural ingredients.

Nutritional supplements, present in the product (E-450, E-420, E-171 and E-160) can cause allergic reactions. People suffering from this disease should use crab sticks with caution. With this composition, the product completely lacks useful material, and him the nutritional value will be zero.

Due to the fact that crab sticks do not undergo heat treatment, they may become infected with pathogenic microorganisms. The product is best purchased from vacuum packaging, which protects against dirt and infectious agents.

Product limitations include:

  • individual intolerance;
  • allergic reactions;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • child's age up to 3 years.
  • gastritis;
  • diabetes

Crab sticks are not considered healthy or harmful products. A large amount of minced fish is present in high quality products. Chopsticks can be considered as a dish used in dietary nutrition. A large number of harmful additives in them, if consumed regularly, can harm the body. Therefore, chopsticks must be used in minimum quantities, and buy from trusted manufacturers.

Video: everything you didn’t know about crab sticks!

Crab sticks appeared on the shelves of our stores in the difficult nineties of the last century. People quickly fell in love exotic product for a low price, excellent taste. And inventive housewives came up with delicious dishes, which many liked. I used to think that interesting product must have something to do with crabs? Crabs are, after all, expensive seafood, so why are crab sticks relatively cheap? Now I know that crab sticks and crabs have nothing to do with each other. You probably know about this too. Then what are the benefits and harms of crab sticks? I will try to tell you more about this.

If you look closely at the packaging, you can read that the product consists of “surimi”. “Surimi” is a Japanese word, literally translated as “washed fish mixture.” Japan and the countries of Southeast Asia are considered the birthplace of surimi.

The Japanese tried to make minced meat from oceanic white fish a long time ago. Then they washed it with water and squeezed it thoroughly. The result was minced meat, from which products of the most bizarre shapes could be prepared. Inventive Japanese women made sausages, balls, flatbreads, tried frying, boiling, baking. They flavored all their dishes with aromatic natural seasonings.

To this day, Japan's national dish is steamed fish cakes.

Minced meat "surimi" for a long time It was used only in Southeast Asian countries; Europeans did not like its taste. Many people believed that crab sticks looked like rubber, and their taste was very specific.

However, gradually crab sticks began to quickly spread throughout the world. This is due to the fact that food industry many countries began to widely use all kinds of flavorings, dyes, and flavor enhancers.

A product was created that tastes like crab meat. Crab meat is highly valued all over the world. That's why comparatively inexpensive product, liked it so much in Europe, America and Russia.

Initially, when making surimi, only fresh fish was used. In ancient times, the seas were environmentally friendly.

Currently, the environment is no longer the same, but minced fish is still useful. To prepare minced meat, types of fish such as hake, haddock, and blue whiting are used. Any white fish can be used.

The fish fillet is washed, ground, and excess moisture is removed from it. As a result of these operations, light minced meat is obtained; sugar, salt and starch are added to it to taste.

You need to know that as a result of fish processing, the product is not exposed to temperatures. Consequently, its benefits are obvious, since vitamins and minerals remain in the minced meat.

Nicotinic acid, iron, zinc, fluorine, chromium, iodine, etc. are present in large quantities. You know that seafood is of great benefit.

I would also like to note the obvious benefits: minced meat has few calories, little fat, and a lot of protein. Fish proteins contain 20 useful amino acids.

Did you know that in the countries of Southeast Asia, hypertension is almost never encountered? The reason is that people there consume a large amount of seafood.

The food industry has moved on. For attractiveness and good presentation, many other components began to be added to the minced meat: egg and vegetable whites, purified water, vegetable oil, flavorings, stabilizers, and flavor enhancers. That's why healthy minced meat There is little left in the product, only 45 percent, and this is considered the norm.

In our country, they try not to produce surimi; purchases are made in the USA, Canada, and Argentina. Having purchased minced fish, crab sticks are produced on site.

On Russian market the main share is Russian product, although Chinese products are found in small quantities. Chinese crab sticks are of no benefit. As experts have established, Chinese products do not contain minced fish-surimi. Instead of surimi, there is soy and egg white, flavorings, and starch.

The packages do not list, and sometimes there is no list of food additives and preservatives. At the same time, you can read that crab sticks can be stored for up to one and a half years from the date of manufacture. The question arises: how can such a thing be stored? long time manufactured products?

It seems to me that the Chinese industry is misleading buyers. For myself, I concluded that Chinese products can be harmful to health.

How to choose crab sticks

If you decide to buy crab sticks, be sure to read the information when choosing. Usually on the label you can read the composition, storage conditions, and who the manufacturer is.

See if the word "surimi" is present. It is very important where the manufacturer puts it.

Remember that the component that makes up the main component always comes first of this product. Refuse to buy if “surimi” comes in second place. Or maybe it turns out that it doesn’t exist at all? Such products will not bring much benefit, but only harm!

Studying the composition, you will see that there are many food additives. Now the industry cannot refuse them! Nutritional supplements do not provide any benefit, but small quantities, and there will be little harm from them.

IN European countries Additives that are harmful to health have not been used for a long time and are prohibited. These are additives such as E420, E450, E171, E160. They can cause allergic diseases, and with frequent use, other chronic diseases can develop. Unfortunately, we currently have the listed harmful additives, are approved for use.

When choosing, please refer to appearance crab sticks. I always make sure that they are beautiful, neat, elastic, juicy. Their appearance must be simply appetizing!

It is best to buy them chilled. Frozen, not elastic, dry, will harm your health. Value and taste qualities I usually have doubts. A re-frozen product is also harmful; it can be determined by the presence of snow and ice in the packaging.

Remember that crab sticks are not exposed to temperatures, so contamination may occur. Try to choose and buy them in vacuum packaging from well-known companies. It’s better not to buy by weight!

And yet, I often watch how young mothers give their children crab sticks. In fact, it turns out that for many of them this is a delicacy, much tastier than sweets. Children should not be given such a delicacy, it contains a lot of different “chemistry”, it will not bring any benefit and can cause allergic reaction. Children's body very susceptible to various food additives.

To keep your children healthy, prepare them dishes from natural products eg fresh fish. It will bring them a lot more benefit. I have listed all the advantages and disadvantages of crab sticks, and each of us can decide for ourselves what benefits and harms there are from them.
