Popcorn for children: at what age can you give your child popcorn? The benefits and harms of store-bought and homemade popcorn for children: the opinion of doctors. Is popcorn good for you?

Walks in parks, visits to cafes, entertainment centers and other entertainment are rarely complete without eating various delicacies. It is especially difficult to leave children without sweet or salty foods. But such food is not healthy. French fries, chips, salted nuts, hamburgers - pleasure and harm at the same time. Popcorn stands out among most street snacks. Puffed corn does not cause so much harm to the body, and it is difficult to imagine going to the cinema without it. Doctors do not prohibit the treat, but they also do not recommend abusing it. So what are the benefits and harms of popcorn?

The history of popcorn

In fact, popcorn did not begin its history in Hollywood. Many decades earlier, the Indians saw that there was a type of corn that exploded when heated. And its secret is simple: little starch and water. And popcorn is still made from this variety.

But this phenomenon was used for decoration and in rituals. And already at the end of the 1930s, Samuel Rubin combined delicacy and cinemas. And in 1945 it turned out that microwaves cause grains to explode. This marked the beginning of the development of microwave ovens. True, back in 1885 a machine appeared that was designed specifically for blasting corn. Later, popcorn became the main profit of cinemas, and even ticket sales did not provide that much income. Therefore, it is worth figuring out whether popcorn is healthy or harmful.

Chemical composition and types of popcorn

There are different flavors of popcorn. In movie theaters and on store shelves, you can find salted, sweet, and caramelized corn. Flavors and various flavoring additives are added to salted corn to achieve the taste of cheese, bacon, etc. But previously, popcorn was sold abroad in pure form used as an additive to soups and main courses.

The product has almost all the beneficial properties of corn and a composition similar to it. But oil and food additives for taste change chemical composition.

B vitamins are contained in moderate quantities and have a positive effect on the condition of hair and nails. But calcium strengthens teeth and bones. It also contains fiber in large quantities.

How many calories are in popcorn

Popcorn – high-calorie product. And this indicator depends on the type. Sweet corn will be the most harmful in this regard.

Attention! Often, one bucket of popcorn bought at the cinema contains 1,300 calories.

It's almost daily norm. Therefore, you should use everything in moderation.

What are the benefits of popcorn for the body?

Popcorn has a row beneficial properties for the human body:

  1. Improves skin condition.
  2. Normalizes metabolism.
  3. Lowers blood sugar levels.
  4. Popcorn with honey is good for the liver.

Is popcorn okay for pregnant and lactating women?

Popcorn is prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Chemical additives negatively affect the development of the baby, threaten pregnancy, salt is harmful to metabolic processes. And sugar is undesirable for the pancreas. Puffed corn is not beneficial in this case.

At what age can popcorn be given to children?

Clean air balloons only useful. But popcorn with flavoring additives is even dangerous for the child’s body. If you still want to treat your baby to a treat, then it is advisable to make it at home yourself. This way you can regulate the quality and quantity of products and additives.

Until three years of age, it is not recommended to give even the healthiest puffed corn. At this age, the baby still does not know how to swallow well, and his digestive system is not ready for such a product. Therefore, the benefits of popcorn for children are less than the harm.

Eating popcorn for weight loss

If popcorn is prepared correctly, it will be beneficial even if you are on a diet. The product is high in calories, but during dietary restrictions it is still consumed during snacks in limited quantities. In this case, it is difficult to go overboard with calories. In addition, you need to understand what to add a large number of oil, salt, and especially sugar are not worth it! The main thing is moderation, and then even popcorn will not be harmful to your figure. Corn itself only has a positive effect on weight loss. The fiber in its composition helps digestion.

Is popcorn harmful to health?

It is worth talking not only about the benefits, but also the dangers of popcorn for the human body. If you choose between chips, crackers and other snacks, then popcorn wins. It is less harmful. But this does not mean that it does not have such properties.

The product is not used very often. Mainly during trips to the cinema, circus, park. But if you eat it often, you can get problems. Salt, oil, flavorings and other additives may cause allergic reactions, complications of existing diseases of the digestive tract, kidney disease, obesity.

Large amounts of salt

Many people love salty foods. Of course, this taste is attractive. So they add salt to popcorn. And if you do not abuse the product, problems can be avoided. In general, salt has a negative effect on the body. The kidneys are the first to suffer. Water is retained in the body. In addition, experts from Japan claim that it harms the stomach, increasing the risk of organ cancer.

Dangerous fats

It is the presence of vegetable oil that makes popcorn dangerous and high in calories. At home, its amount can be controlled, but in cinemas it can be too much. And if the buyer sees that they did not spare the oil, this does not mean that the manufacturer was generous. Quite possible, herbal product of dubious quality, used many times in a row and completely expired. In this case excess weight- one of the smallest consequences. As a gift, you can receive diseases of the liver and stomach.

Flavorings and flavorings

It is flavoring additives and aromas that are the main problem with puffed grains. Due to the addition of these elements, popcorn is prohibited for children. But not everyone thinks about their harm. Of course, there are fewer of them than in chips or crackers, but they have an effect on the body. Doctors assure that if you do not eat such food often, then you should not expect anything terrible.

Flavors are divided into natural and artificial. The first group does not cause as much harm. But also rely on what exactly natural supplement in popcorn - naively. Such substances are expensive, but corn grains are quite affordable product. Artificial additives are cheap, but when used in large quantities lead to problems with the liver and stomach.

Popcorn poisoning

The beneficial properties of popcorn are preserved when cooked quickly. But this happens if it was cooked on an open natural fire, or, as a last resort, on gas stove. It has been proven that the microwave oven depresses beneficial qualities. And special machines can even lead to poisoning. After all, they contain vegetable oil with diacetyl.

Attention! If you eat a product immediately after cooking, it is difficult to avoid feeling unwell afterwards. It is worth waiting until the temperature drops.

You can get food poisoning from popcorn. And in most cases, low-quality oil is to blame. Less often - seasonings. If food poisoning happened, the person feels pain in the abdomen, he is plagued by vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. The consequences can be gastritis and pancreatitis.

How to reduce the harm from eating popcorn

Popcorn is harmful due to the addition of oil, flavorings, flavor enhancers, salt, sugar, and caramel. To decrease Negative influence, but also to enjoy the taste, you just need to remove harmful additives. The only thing without which you won’t get balls is oil. But for cooking you can also use refined olive oil. But if you do not add a flavor enhancer and other chemical components, the taste will not be lost. After all, puffed corn has its own unique smell and taste.

How to make popcorn at home

To make popcorn in large quantities, they created special devices. But making a treat at home is as easy as shelling pears. However, there are nuances here too.

Conventional varieties of corn, which are used for canning, cooking, and feeding livestock, are not suitable. They have a shell that does not burst at a temperature of 175 degrees. There are no balloons. And they contain a lot of starch. The maize variety is ideal. Such grains burst well. Cooked in a frying pan microwave oven, oven and even a slow cooker.

In the microwave

Everything is cooked in the microwave: dumplings, soups instant cooking, cakes, omelettes. But not cooking popcorn in it is a big mistake, although it can be used in the microwave more harm. There is nothing simpler. They use both purchased special grains and homemade corn. In the first case, they are placed in a special package and pre-lubricated with oil, spices, and additives. You just have to leave the package in the microwave for a certain time, which is indicated in the instructions.

If desired variety corn was found on the market, that’s also good. The grains are separated, cleaned and dried. Not only vegetable oil, but also butter is suitable for frying. It gives the grains interesting taste. If necessary, add spices. The container with grains must be closed. It takes 4 minutes to get balloons.

In a frying pan

The microwave was invented after it was discovered that grains burst under the influence of microwaves. But not everyone has this miracle device in their kitchen. In this case, you can limit yourself to a frying pan. The process is no more complicated. The material from which the frying pan is made can be any. But it is better if there is cast iron. It retains heat well. This means that most of the grains will crack. And if there is a glass lid, then you can also observe such an interesting process:

  1. Corn grains are greased with vegetable oil. But it is not advisable to drown them in fat. The corn just needs to be greased.
  2. The frying pan is heated.
  3. Place the raw materials and close the lid tightly. There is no need to make the fire smaller. If you want to add flavor, add sugar or seasonings to taste.
  4. Shake the pan periodically, but do not open it, to stir the popcorn. This way the heat will go away and you won’t get balloons.


The benefits and harms of popcorn are not discussed in the same way as crackers or chips. Puffed corn certainly has more beneficial properties. But it also needs to be used carefully. Flavorings and other food additives, as well as oil, sugar and salt, are dangerous when used. frequent use popcorn.

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Such a popular treat today as popcorn is not at all a modern invention. Interesting feature corn grains- explode when heated strongly, turning into delicious cereal, people noticed 5 thousand years ago. The oldest flakes found date back to this date. Popcorn first became popular among the first American colonists, who saw and tried this delicacy among the Indians.

But the difference between modern popcorn and the kind that the wise Indians treated their guests to is that in its production they use a large number of additives, as well as oil, which is not always of high quality. This became a stumbling block for nutritionists. And everyone who loves popcorn. The calorie content from such manipulations increases two to three times, and useful microelements and vitamins disappear. And it’s not for nothing that such cereals are declared harmful. How can you figure out whether popcorn is healthy and what type of treat is more acceptable?

Corn itself is quite nutritious. All useful material, contained in it, also contains popcorn. Its calorie content is quite high, but this is not so bad. Eating 40 g of a properly prepared delicacy for breakfast can completely satisfy your hunger and not harm your stomach. It contains polyphenols that have high antioxidant activity. Fiber and ballast materials. It is rich in B vitamins - B1 and B2. The microelements contained in this delicacy are especially useful - potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium.

Why is there so much debate about whether popcorn is healthy? What are nutritionists right about, and how can you avoid the threat of adding extra pounds by devouring this delicacy while watching a movie? Here are a few mistakes that people who love popcorn often make.

The calorie content of food largely depends on the method of preparation. No one argues anymore that boiled meat is healthier than fried meat in large quantities of oil. So is popcorn. It acquires calories during the cooking process. Don't expect that by frying corn in a frying pan with a fairly large amount of oil or fat, as well as salt, you will get dietary and useful product. Try not to use them at all or reduce the amount.

The healthiest popcorn, the calorie content of which does not threaten your figure at all, is popcorn made with air under pressure, without salt, sugar and butter. Nutritionists advise using only spices for taste - black, red pepper or others.

Making popcorn from semi-finished products. Such things are already stuffed with various dyes, flavors, sweeteners, etc. Much popcorn is healthier from natural corn.

The ready-made popcorn we buy at movie theaters can actually be harmful. Both for your figure and for your health. But not on its own, but because of the additives. Some of them are not recommended for use, for example, in the USA. But they are still used in popcorn. Moreover, with strong heat treatment(much stronger than in a home frying pan), most of the useful microelements and vitamins.

Have popcorn with various additives- cheese, caramel - the calorie content is much higher. If for a simple one it is approximately 300 kcal per 100 g, then for a caramel one (dipped in caramel syrup) - already 900.

Popcorn is delicious and light, so you can eat a lot of it in one sitting. Especially if you are enjoying a thriller at this moment. This is what destroys the figures of his fans. If you have such a weakness, take only an acceptable amount. And keep in mind that after salted popcorn you will be very thirsty. And lemonades are also quite high in calories.

Still, if you choose between chips, crackers, chocolate bars and other snacks, then popcorn will be more useful. If you don’t eat it in bucket quantities. But this already depends on ourselves.

Popcorn in modern days is a favorite product of both young children and adults. It is not customary to watch films in cinemas without popcorn, this airy treat replaces many sweet dessert. What are the benefits and harms of popcorn? Is this product really harmless? human body?

A little history

The discoverers of many people's favorite delicacy were the American Indians. It was they who were the first to learn how to heat corn grains to such a state that the latter acquired incredible taste and great aroma. But popcorn was not originally a delicacy for the Indians; they used popcorn to decorate their homes, as well as for many rituals. A little later, having tried the airy decoration, the American Indians began to eat it. First courses were prepared on the basis of puffed grains, fragrant delicacies added as an accompanying ingredient to main courses. The American Indians even cooked with puffed grains. healthy drinks, which were famous for their taste and medicinal qualities.

The popularity of popcorn appeared in the 17th century, when the Indians treated the Americans to an unusual product for the latter. The Americans appreciated the uniqueness of puffed grains and after some time the first popcorn production machine was built in Chicago.

These days, popcorn is most often associated with watching movies in theaters. It is already becoming a tradition that when purchasing a ticket to the next movie show, we also buy a glass of popcorn.

There are many variations of popcorn flavors. If at first salty or sweet popcorn was more popular, now you can enjoy chocolate, caramel, and shrimp popcorn. What are the benefits of popcorn? Is this product, beloved by many people, really so harmless?

Useful qualities

Watching the process of exploding corn kernels is quite interesting. Why does such an explosion occur? To make from corn grain popcorn, the integrity of the grain must not be compromised. Only strong and not overdried kernels can explode and transform into puffed popcorn. The explosion of grains itself occurs only at a temperature of 170-180 degrees. It is believed that this method of preparing the product is one of the most gentle, because the nutritional value and benefits are fully preserved. unique product.

The calorie content of popcorn is approximately 300 kilocalories per 100 grams. dry grains. Since after fully cooked the specified amount of dry grains yields about 2 large glasses of puffed grains, then we can say that the product is low-calorie.

But when it comes to popcorn, the benefits and harms of this product lie in its chemical composition.

  • The leader in content in the product is vitamin B. Popcorn contains the entire variety of the subgroup of vitamins B, which are useful for the human body utility value. The main quality of the beneficial substance is its cleansing properties. Vitamin B helps remove harmful cholesterol from the body. Another useful quality fortified substance - normalization of metabolic processes and metabolism in the body.
  • Vitamin B4 helps normalize work nervous system. The active ingredient choline helps the body cope with nervous disorders, frequent experiences and life stresses.
  • Among the mineral substances in popcorn, one can note the content of magnesium, iodine, zinc, and potassium. Minerals contribute to the normalization of the functioning of all internal systems and are responsible for regulating the performance of metabolic processes.
  • Polyphenols, which are part of the chemical composition of popcorn, have antioxidant effects that resist the development and formation of cancer cells, and also help the body's defenses cope with heart disease.
  • Fiber helps the body adjust its metabolic processes and copes well with stomach diseases.
  • Protein, which is part of the chemical composition of puffed grains, helps normalize digestive processes and helps immune system become more active.
  • Carbohydrates in popcorn contribute to the usefulness of the product; they perfectly saturate the body, so popcorn can be used as dietary product, which quickly and permanently saturates the body with nutrients.

The dangers of popcorn

If the ancient Indians ate a high-quality and healthy product, devoid of any additives, then in modern times you can only find popcorn with various additives on grocery store shelves. Options flavoring additives a lot, this includes the taste of caramel, chocolate, salt, sugar, honey. But it is in these flavoring additives that the main harm of popcorn lies.

Another significant harm to the body can be caused by the method of preparing popcorn. The product is prepared only in oil, and in order to reduce the price of the finished dish, manufacturers use palm oil, which is famous for its negative properties for the human body, to make popcorn.

Unscrupulous manufacturers may use a substance called diacetyl, which is known for its toxic properties, to make popcorn. The component is used in production as an enhancer of the taste and aroma of the product.

After conducting certain studies, it was found that popcorn can cause significant harm to the human body. And its main negative qualities are noted in the following:

  • Puffed grains can be addictive, so nutritionists and specialists healthy eating not recommended to eat finished product more often than once every 2-3 months. IN in this case The portion ratio of popcorn should also be taken into account; popcorn should not be consumed in excess of 100 grams.
  • If the semi-finished product or finished product contains the component diacetyl, then popcorn can cause significant harm to the human body. Mainly suffers from flavor additives respiratory system, there is a risk of pulmonary fibrosis. Another negative effect of the flavoring additive is that when regularly ingested into the body, it contributes to the onset of incurable Alzheimer's disease, which is popularly called dementia.
  • Popcorn is richly filled with various flavors, such as bacon, cheese or chocolate. All these auxiliary components negatively affect the digestive tract, causing the formation of gastritis, ulcers, colitis, and gastric flatulence.
  • When making popcorn, palm oil is used, which is famous for its negative qualities for the body. The main danger of the product is that when heated, palm oil releases carcinogenic substances that become a provocateur of activity cancer diseases. Among other things, palm oil significantly increases caloric composition popcorn. If dry grains contain only 300 kilocalories per 100 grams, then when combined with palm oil the indicated amount of product already contains about 1200 kilocalories.
  • In the process of making popcorn, either salt or sugar is necessarily included in sufficiently large volumes. As is known, a large amount of salt in the human body contributes to water imbalance and the formation of constant thirst. Sugar in popcorn negatively affects a person’s figure and significantly impairs the functioning of the pancreas.

Making popcorn at home

Despite the many disadvantages of puffed grains, the product remains a favorite. Now you can enjoy them not only in large cinemas, but also at home. How to make popcorn at home?

There are several ways to make popcorn that even teenagers can handle.

Microwave popcorn.

These days, you can buy special bags of dry popcorn kernels for microwave popping in grocery stores. There won’t be any particular difficulties with cooking here. Place the unopened package in the microwave and cook the product at full power for 3 minutes. After cooking, you must carefully remove the bag from the microwave, remembering that the finished popcorn is very hot. The package must be shaken before opening.

Popcorn in a frying pan.

To prepare popcorn in a frying pan, you will need a special variety of corn kernels in the amount of 5 tbsp. spoons In addition, you will need 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil and any flavorings (sugar or salt). Pour vegetable oil into a hot frying pan and mix it with the flavoring agent, wait until it is completely heated and drop the corn kernels into the frying pan. Reduce heat to medium-low, cover pan and cook grains for 5-7 minutes. During cooking, you need to shake the corn kernels in the pan a couple of times, this will allow them to fully open. After the explosion in the pan stops, you can eat the popcorn.
Popcorn in the oven.

Similar to the method for popping popcorn in the oven, you can cook corn kernels in the oven. In this case, it is recommended to cook popcorn without adding sugar, as it may burn during the cooking process. Popcorn must be cooked under the lid; the cooking time depends on the complete opening of the grains; as a rule, 10 minutes are enough for the corn grains to fully open and explode.

Today, not a single movie show is complete without puffed corn, called popcorn. The tradition of eating corn grains prepared in a special way came to us from the USA, where similar delicacy enjoys enormous popularity. But is popcorn as safe as it seems at first glance, and is it worth eating regularly?

What are the benefits of popcorn?

Popcorn supporters are unanimous in their opinion that there is nothing healthier and tastier than popcorn. Indeed, this product contains huge quantities B vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates. In addition, popcorn contains potassium, which has a very beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular muscle. In its own way nutritional value puffed corn is often equated to sprouted grains of oats and wheat, which have unique dietary properties. Indeed, popcorn is quite low-calorie product, and many celebrities even include it in their daily diet. This is not surprising, because energy value 100 g of popcorn is only 375 kilocalories. True, we are talking about pure product without any additives. However, they cannot be avoided if you buy a ready-made treat at a cinema, supermarket or during a city holiday.

Thus, in order to be 100% sure of the benefits of popcorn, it is best to fry it yourself, without adding salt, sugar and all kinds of spices to the corn. But making puffed corn at home is not at all easy. To do this, you will need to buy a special semi-finished product that does not contain additives or flavors. Usually such products are labeled “Nature”, but they are not found on sale very often. Therefore, many are content with the finished product, not even suspecting that instead of benefit they are causing irreparable damage to their health.

Why is popcorn dangerous?

The harm of puffed corn lies precisely in all kinds of additives and fillers that sellers generously flavor popcorn with, wanting to attract as many buyers as possible to their product. Sweet flavors added to corn negatively affect the liver and pancreas, and also contribute to the formation of fatty deposits. Salty additives not only make you thirsty and cause many of us to drink soda, but they can also cause serious kidney problems. At all, the combination of popcorn and soda is our stomach's worst enemy. Especially if you forgot to eat a big meal before consuming this dangerous mixture. As a result, popcorn lovers suffer not only from excess weight, but also from gastritis, and even ulcers, and complain of problems with digestion and bowel movements.

Separately, it should be said about all kinds of dyes that are added to popcorn and pose a real threat to human health. It has been proven that they can destroy brain cells, which leads to the development of dementia even in young people, not to mention older popcorn lovers. The culprit is diacetyl, which is contained in such supplements and is deposited in the brain in the form of plaques that destroy the structure of this vital organ and cause its dysfunction. Equally harmful and cheap vegetable oils, used in making popcorn. They are a source of carcinogens that lead to the development various forms oncology.

Who is contraindicated for popcorn?

First of all, for children who simply adore puffed corn and are ready to eat it in unlimited quantities. Therefore, if you are taking your baby to the cinema, it is better to stock up fresh fruit that will help your child take his mind off popcorn. Well, if this is impossible, then before going to the cinema the baby should be well fed. However, the advice not to eat popcorn on an empty stomach applies to everyone, and it is especially relevant for people who are overweight or have digestive problems. Women should also refrain from eating popcorn during pregnancy and lactation, since seemingly harmless popcorn with chemical additives can bring irreparable harm baby's health.

Popcorn. Benefit or harm? What does it contain? How many calories? Can it be given to children? Tips for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Popcorn is a favorite treat for both children and adults. No trip to the cinema is complete without a box of popcorn. How many different tastes presented to choose from: salty, cheese, with caramel, chocolate, etc. But how do you understand what popcorn is and whether it is beneficial or harmful to the body? Does it contain useful substances and how high in calories is this product?

The history of popcorn and analysis of the composition

The history of popcorn goes back dozens or even hundreds of years. It appeared among the American Indians several thousand years ago. They discovered unusual property Corn kernels burst when exposed to high heat. Later, during colonization, popcorn spread among the Americans. Mass production of these products began in 1885. This is the time when Charles Critors invented the first mobile popcorn popper. And in 1984, grains were prepared for microwave cooking for the first time.
Puffed corn, prepared without any additives, contains a number of useful substances.
Popcorn. Compound.
  • B vitamins
  • Microelements such as potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus
  • Polyphenols are antioxidants that help slow down cell aging
  • Fiber promotes accelerated saturation and improves intestinal function
  • Starch has a beneficial effect on metabolism and improves muscle growth

The effect of popcorn on the body: is there any benefit or only harm?

As you can see from the composition, popcorn is good for the body. But we are talking only about the puffed corn itself without any additives. So is popcorn harmful to the body? Especially the ones sold in stores or public places.
You need to be very careful when choosing this product. Popcorn itself is safe for the body, but additives and flavorings, especially if they are synthetic, pose a threat.
Attention! Commercially produced popcorn often contains diacetyl, which can lead to several health conditions. respiratory tract. It is often found in bags of microwaveable grains.
Also, the finished product may contain trans fats, which have an adverse effect on the cardiovascular system.
However, the benefits of popcorn for the body undoubtedly outweigh the disadvantages. The healthiest and most harmless is the one made independently at home. In this case, you know exactly what you are using to prepare it. And you can be completely confident in its safety.

Famous types of popcorn

There are several types of popcorn.
  • Salty. This type is considered more healthy, less calorie. Salt is used as a flavoring agent
  • Caramelized. In this case, popcorn is watered with various sugar syrups. One of the most common is caramel
  • Popcorn with various types additives For example, with the taste of cheese, paprika, bacon, etc.

How high a calorie product is popcorn?

Is popcorn high-calorie dish? Is it possible to gain weight as a result of frequent use? Should people who follow a healthy diet take it?
So, 100 grams of puffed corn in its pure form contains no more than 350 kcal. Various additions make this product more nutritious. Experts have found that a person can eat about 1700-1800 kcal while watching one session. Therefore, be careful with the amount of this snack.
Advice! When going to watch a movie at the cinema, take a small glass of popcorn (half a liter in volume), it is better if it is salted. This serving contains about 150 kcal. Sweet, cheese or bacon flavored popcorn will have significantly more calories.
If you make popcorn yourself at home, you can eat it as a snack. In this case, it will only be beneficial.

Popcorn during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Eating popcorn during pregnancy and breastfeeding should be treated very carefully. Although it is not on the list of prohibited foods, components added during cooking can have adverse effects on the body of the mother and baby.
If you really want this snack, then it is better to prepare it from grains yourself.
Features of eating popcorn while breastfeeding.
  • Add to food no earlier than the baby is three months old (if he does not have colic). Otherwise, after the baby reaches five months of age
  • For the first time, consume no more than 10 pieces before lunch
  • If in the next two days the baby does not develop any disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system, then you can gradually increase the amount
  • However, you can eat about 70-80 grams per day. Per week maximum permissible dose 200 grams
It is recommended to eat this snack without any flavoring additives or flavorings.

Can children have popcorn?

The answer to this question is: “Yes, children can have popcorn, but in limited quantities.” Again, in this case, the question of the benefits and harms of this snack for children arises. The product itself is healthy, but the oil and flavorings that are added to it during production are not the best product for children.
At what age can you give puffed corn to children? Definitely after three years, when the digestive system is finally formed. The later the child gets acquainted with this snack, the better. Doctors and nutritionists recommend giving popcorn to a child no earlier than the age of five to six years.

Did you know that popcorn has a birthday?

Indeed, there is a birthday for popcorn. It is celebrated on January 22. Popcorn has become traditional snack when watching films in cinemas. These days, some movie theaters are giving away free popcorn to their patrons.

Popcorn production: video
