Xenforo ltd mangosteen beneficial properties. The preparation process and use of mangosteen. Mangosteen syrup for weight loss

Mangosteen (mangosteen) or garcinia, mangkut is a sweet fruit rich in many nutrients. It is extremely popular due to its sweet taste. Mangosteen has a purple skin on the outside, but the health benefits come from the sweet and tasty flesh found inside the fruit. This fruit is most popular in Asia, and is currently growing in popularity in American and European countries.

What does it consist of?

Mangosteen contains high amounts of vitamin C, which boosts immunity. It contains large amounts of phytonutrients and antioxidants, which are beneficial in protecting against many diseases. Mangkut is useful for protecting against the effects of free radicals, which are the cause of many diseases such as arthritis, cancer, Alzheimer's disease and many others. Below are the amazing health benefits we get from eating this amazing fruit.

Positive effect on the body

Increases immunity. Mangosteen is an excellent source of vitamin C. 100 grams of mangosteen provides 7.2 milligrams of this vitamin, which is 12% daily norm. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that enhances the function of immune systems s. It boosts immunity to protect against common illnesses such as colds, coughs and flu. Vitamin C also enhances the function of the immune system to protect against infections. Garcinia also contains large amounts of other phytonutrients such as xanthones, polyphenols, quinones, and so on. Due to its high content of phytonutrients and antioxidants, mangosteen has protective and healing properties. It protects the body from viruses and dangerous bacteria. Thus, mangosteen is quite beneficial for increasing immunity.

Useful for protection against cancer. Mangosteen is one of the foods that protect the body from cancer. It is very effective due to its high nutritional content. Mangosteen contains significant amounts of antioxidants known as xanthones. Xanthones have a high ability to scavenge free radicals that damage normal cells and help repair damaged cells.

Mangosteen is one of the fruits that contain high amounts of xanthones, which are effective in protecting against cancer. They also contain the highest amount of vitamin C. This vitamin is one of the most powerful antioxidants that protects the body from free radicals. Thanks to the combination of xanthones and vitamin C, mangosteen is one of best fruits that protect against cancer.

Preventing early aging. Mangosteen contains great amount antioxidants and xanthones that protect against premature aging. Aging at an early age is stimulated due to increased pollution, and this increases the production of free radicals. Free radicals stimulate the aging process by damaging the skin. However, antioxidants and xanthones actively destroy them and protect our body from premature aging.

Improved skin health. Mangosteen juice applied to the skin helps treat skin problems such as eczema and acne. This juice has antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory beneficial properties. Also, eating mangosteen keeps high level moisture of the skin and protects against skin diseases.

For weight loss

Increased energy. Mangosteen contains a large amount of carbohydrates that provide the body with energy. It also contains riboflavin, which increases the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, which increases energy levels.

Healthy weight loss. Mangosteen is low-calorie product. It contains a good amount of fiber. High fiber diets suppress appetite and increase metabolism. Thus, this fruit helps healthy loss weight.

Other medicinal properties

Protects against diabetes. Eating mangosteen is also beneficial for patients diabetes mellitus, as it significantly reduces the effect of glucose on the body. Mangosteen is effective in protecting against sudden rise and fall in sugar levels and prevents complications in diabetic patients.

Cardiovascular diseases. Mangosteen lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood due to its rich fiber content. Thus, it increases blood flow in the nervous system and reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack. Mangosteen contains a good amount of potassium, which increases fluid levels in the body, thus balancing sodium levels and balance blood pressure. Mangosteen reduces the risk of heart attacks and stroke. It contains a huge amount of antioxidants that protect against arthritis.

Brain health. Eating the healing nutrients of mangosteen also appears to be beneficial for the brain. This fruit contains a good amount of antioxidants that nourish every cell and neurons in the brain and also protect the brain from oxidative processes. High content xanthones provide the body with a high ability to fight free radicals. They are also responsible for Alzheimer's disease. Thus, mangosteen protects us from Alzheimer's disease.

Bone health. Mangosteen contains good amounts of nutrients that improve bone health. It nourishes bones and helps strengthen them.

Negative Impact

The benefits and harms of mangosteen are unequal. It has virtually no contraindications and is recommended by doctors in 99% of cases. It can only be harmful to people with allergies or individual intolerance to certain components.

The beneficial properties listed above once again prove that natural products nutrition is the only correct path to health. Enjoy tasty and healthy, and sometimes healing properties for your health and the health of your children.


Mangosteen is an exotic tropical fruit that grows wild only in the Malay Archipelago. Currently, it is grown mainly in Thailand.

These fruits have a very specific appearance. Their white flesh is covered with a dark purple skin.

The taste of mangosteen is distinguished by its refinement, and the fruit is used for food along with the peel. Juice is also prepared with it, because the skin contains greatest number useful substances.

These fruits in various countries called mangosteens, mangosteens, garcinias, mangkuts, queen of fruits.

In this article we will show exotic fruit in the photo, we will tell you about the beneficial properties of the mangosteen fruit for weight loss, treatment of diseases, and its contraindications.

How to choose, peel and eat correctly

Mangosteen combines taste and. When purchasing, you should choose the largest fruits, because small ones have very little juicy pulp, consisting, as a rule, of seven segments with seeds.

Fruits good quality must have brightly colored, slightly soft, and their skin smooth and springy when pressed.

If the mangosteen is hard, dry to the touch, and has cracks in its skin, it is overripe. You should not purchase such copies. The fruits should not have yellow spots or traces of mold.

These fruits can be store in a cool, dry place for about three weeks, subsequently the pulp loses its juiciness and then dries out completely.

When eating, cut the peel of the fruit in a circle, trying not to touch the pulp. Remove the top half and pull out the slices with a fork.

The remaining peel can be added to juice or used for treatment, after drying in the sun and grinding into powder.

How to choose mangosteen:

Composition, calorie content, nutritional value, glycemic index

The calorie content of mangosteen is about 70 kilocalories per hundred grams product. Based on this, based on the weight of each fruit, its calorie content can be calculated. Glycemic index – 35 .

Nutritional value per 100 g of product:

  • proteins – 0.51 grams;
  • fats – 0.44 grams;
  • carbohydrates – 14.79 grams;
  • dietary fiber – 5 grams;
  • water - 79.26 grams.

The chemical composition of mangosteen is enriched with:

What is good for the body

Mangosteen contains special substances - xanthones. There are 39 types of these fruits - this is the most high concentration from all food products.

They have unique antibacterial, antifungal, wound healing and antioxidant properties. Therefore, these fruits help to quickly increase immunity. The body does not perceive negative environmental factors.

Also These fruits contain protein, which is involved in the formation of muscle tissue.

Large number of vitamins and minerals allows a small amount of fruit to heal the body and get rid of diseases.

The “Live Healthy!” program will tell you about the beneficial properties of mangosteen:

Benefits for women, men and children, pregnant and lactating women, the elderly

With its inclusion in the menu the cardiovascular system is strengthened, insomnia disappears, the quality of sleep improves, headaches go away, the functioning of the brain and digestive system is normalized, and the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases. Helps stimulate activity endocrine system and stabilization of hormonal levels.

The fruit quickly cleanses the body, which leads to its rejuvenation, increasing tone. For women, it helps regulate the menstrual cycle.

The fruit is included in the diet of pregnant and lactating women if allergic reactions do not occur to it.

The beneficial substances contained in it will help to avoid congenital defects of the fetus and to properly form it nervous system. Thanks to antioxidants, the cells of the mother and child will be protected from external influences.

During feeding, the baby will receive from milk a large amount of substances that contribute to its proper development.

Mangosteen can be included in the menu for children after one year. They will be happy to eat this delicious fruit and drink the juice made from it.

But you need to start with small quantity to check your reaction to this exotic fruit.

Potential harm, contraindications

We talked about the health benefits of mangosteen, let’s find out if there is any harm. Mangosteen has no contraindications.

But it should be consumed in moderation by people with thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and those who experience frequent migraines. The fruit increases blood viscosity.

When it is included in the menu an allergic reaction may occur or individual intolerance.

Therefore, you need to start with a small amount so as not to harm your health.

Sweet and sour fruit widely used in fresh whole or canned. Medicinal syrups are prepared from it.

In many Asian countries, pre-roasted fruit seeds are eaten.

What to cook

Desserts, fruit salads, juices, cocktails are made from mangosteens, and in many Asian countries they cook very delicious jam or jam.

Fruits can be frozen, but, as with heat treatment, fruits somewhat change their specific taste and lose a number of useful substances.



  • mangosteen (pulp) – 500 g;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • water – 250 milliliters;
  • lime – 1 pc.;
  • pectin – 2 tbsp. spoons.

How to cook:

  • Boil water, add sugar to it, cook for several minutes;
  • Grind the mangosteen pulp, put it in the resulting syrup, and boil for ten minutes;
  • add lime juice and pectin to the resulting mass and cook over low heat for another five minutes;
  • Place the finished jam into sterilized jars and seal with plastic lids. Store in the refrigerator or cellar.

Fruit salad


How to cook:

  • Peel the oranges, remove the film from the segments, cut them into pieces;
  • grate the lemon zest and squeeze out the juice;
  • cut mangosteens, feijoas and strawberries into cubes;
  • Roast and chop walnuts;
  • combine sour cream with sugar, lemon juice, beat;
  • Combine fruits, pour sauce, sprinkle with raisins.

Fruity and creamy cocktail


  • mangosteen (pulp) – 500 g;
  • cream – 200 milliliters;
  • water – 200 milliliters;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • sugar – 100 g.

How to cook:

  • Grind mangosteen into puree;
  • Squeeze juice from lemon;
  • Place all ingredients in a blender and blend.

Other Applications

For weight loss

Mangosteen is good for reducing appetite, gives a feeling of fullness for a long time. Therefore, it is recommended to eat it for breakfast, then there will be no desire to have a snack before lunch. The fruit burns excess fats in organism.

The fruit has the ability to quickly cleanse the body of toxins, waste, cholesterol, remove excess liquid.

It also helps reset excess weight. The condition of the skin, hair and nail plates improves.

Mangosteens are fruits with a very short shelf life, so good fruits are often very difficult to find in our country. That's why fresh fruit can be replaced with syrup or peel powder, which also promotes weight loss.

Some people grow the fruit indoors, but the difficulty is that they have to wait about ten years for fruit.

For the treatment of various diseases

An extract is made from the pericarp and used to treat arthritis, radiculitis, and various inflammatory processes.

Peel pieces, dried and powdered using a coffee grinder, brew as regular tea. What they treat:

If you make a paste from the powder, then it can be apply at skin diseases like a compress.

In cosmetology

The powdered peel is diluted warm water or kefir until pureed and used as a scrub, applying to the face and lightly massaging.

It helps remove toxins from the skin, cleanse pores, eliminate dead cells and irritation, improve blood circulation, and get rid of acne.

Face masks with mangosteen peel powder cleanse, moisturize, rejuvenate and smooth the skin:

  • for dry skin: 1 tbsp. combine a spoonful of powder with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream and 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix the mixture well, add a few drops of coconut oil to it;
  • for oily skin: In 1 tbsp. l. powder add 1 tbsp. l. crushed, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of blue clay;
  • For normal skin : To 1 tbsp. add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 egg yolk to a spoonful of powder.

Masks are applied to the face for 20 minutes, wash off with warm water.

Mangosteens – delicious fruits the size of a small tangerine. Their fruits contain unique nutrients which help eliminate many diseases.

Of course, it's a pity that due to their short shelf life, few people are yet available in fresh form. But you can recognize them exotic taste by consuming syrup or juice made from them.

And having visited those countries where it is grown, for example, in Thailand, it is worth trying them and preparing their medicinal peel.

When exotics became more accessible, people began to try new fruits, but experts recommend not to get too carried away with experiments. For example, you should familiarize yourself with the benefits and harms of mangosteen before getting seriously involved in it. Thanks to the long list of useful substances in its composition, this fruit can prove itself as a remedy. On the other hand, it is also possible Negative consequences, if you eat mangosteen in large quantities or not knowing how to choose the right fruit in the store.

What is mangosteen?

Mangosteen (mangosteen, mangosteen or garcinia) is the fruit of the evergreen tree of the same name. The pulp of the mangosteen is snow-white and looks like a head of garlic, and it is covered with a dense peel of purple, burgundy-violet color. The edible part, the pulp, consists of 4-10 segments and has an unusual texture and a unique fresh, sour taste.

The mangosteen tree can grow and bear fruit only in countries with a humid equatorial climate. The slightest changes in optimal natural conditions affect the plant in the most negative way. The product is most often brought to our country from Thailand, where trees bear fruit from May to August. At other times, you should not purchase mangosteen; it will have neither taste nor benefit.
Mangosteen is eaten in different ways. It is ground and used as a dressing for fruit salads, flavoring agent to or . Sometimes the pulp is put into jelly or jelly, and juice is extracted from it. The core can also be crushed and served as independent dish on crushed ice.

What substances make mangosteen so beneficial?

Like many tropical fruits, mangosteen is a storehouse of nutrients. They combine perfectly and complement each other, guaranteeing a positive effect on the body. By regularly consuming mangosteen, you can forget about many health problems.

  • Vitamins A, groups B, C. Each of the elements has its own properties and functions, which together contribute to maintaining health and well-being.

To determine the ripeness of a mangosteen, you need to gently press on its top. Then the peel will burst on its own, releasing the pulp. If this trick does not work, the fruit is not yet ripe, and you will have to peel it with a knife.

  • Copper. Participant in enzyme synthesis processes. Its deficiency can negatively affect the state of the nervous and immune systems, hematopoiesis, and metabolism.
  • Potassium. Component of intercellular fluids. The element is responsible for normal work blood vessels, muscle tissue and endocrine glands. In combination with sodium, it is responsible for maintaining water balance. Potassium deficiency manifests itself in the form of edema and hypertension.
  • Magnesium. Lack of the substance is one of the reasons for increased blood sugar. Its deficiency can also provoke the development of depression and chronic fatigue. In combination with calcium, it increases the strength of bone tissue.
  • Phosphorus. A substance responsible for the condition of teeth and bone tissue. It also stimulates cell regeneration, tissue renewal and metabolic processes.
  • Sodium. Responsible for the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, the level blood pressure. In combination with chlorine, it stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. In combination with potassium, it regulates the condition of muscle tissue, the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Calcium. Component of bones and teeth, heart rate regulator. It also takes part in the production of hormones, increases the permeability of cell membranes and strengthens the immune system.
  • Xanthones. Natural antioxidants that bind free radicals and remove them from tissues. They are also famous for their tonic, antimicrobial and antiviral properties.

That's not all useful material in the composition of mangosteen, but their concentration in the pulp is the highest, so they can be considered profile. And already listed useful components enough to make mangosteen not just tasty, but also a healing fruit.

What are the benefits of regularly eating mangosteen?

Rich chemical composition And the right combination ingredients underlie the impressive list of beneficial properties of the fruit:

  • The immune system is strengthened as the functioning of the lymphatic system improves.
  • The tissues receive the necessary nutrients in sufficient quantities.
  • All protective barriers of the body are renewed and improved. For example, the skin becomes less susceptible to negative impact ultraviolet.
  • Inflammatory processes are eliminated at all levels. Regular use mangosteen helps with neuralgia, acne, arthritis and a number of other systemic diseases.
  • The body's reactivity decreases, so allergic manifestations are less likely to occur.
  • The vital activity of fungi, bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms is inhibited.
  • The synthesis of collagen and elastin is activated, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.
  • According to scientists, substances in mangosteen can fight cancer cells, triggering the processes of their self-destruction.

These are universal results of the influence of mangosteen components on the human body. In addition, the product also has more specific properties. For example, eating fruit promotes weight loss by removing excess fluid from tissues and stimulating the synthesis of enzymes.

Can mangosteen be harmful?

Negative consequences of consuming mangosteen are extremely rare. Most often they occur against the background of obvious abuse of the fruit or its combination with medications. Just in case, you should remember:

  • The pulp contains substances that can change the rate of blood clotting. You should not eat the fruit too often if you have problems with this indicator or while taking anticoagulants.

Women should pay special attention to mangosteen, rich in magnesium and vitamin B6. The fruit perfectly improves mood and reduces the severity of negative symptoms characteristic of PMS or menopause.

  • In combination with certain medications, mangosteen can reduce the reaction rate and have a pronounced sedative effect.
  • If you eat unripe fruits or simply overuse mangosteen, there is a risk of increasing the level of acidity in the stomach.
  • No one is immune from allergies to an exotic fruit or any substance from its composition.

Mangosteen does not contain toxins, so if negative effects occur, they do not require special treatment. It is enough to refuse the fruit or reduce the usual portion to 1 tablespoon of pulp no more than 3 times a day.

How to use mangosteen for medicinal purposes?

For therapeutic purposes, mangosteen is often used in dried form.

  • Dried and crushed fruit skin helps cope with attacks of dysentery.
  • A decoction made from mangosteen skin will relieve diarrhea, cystitis, and gonorrhea.
  • A decoction of the sepals of the fruit is used for fever and is good for stomatitis.
  • If you first bake the pulp and then soak it in water and grind it to a puree, you can get rid of diarrhea in a few hours.

How to choose the right mangosteen?

Of course, all of the above results can only be counted on if the fruit is chosen correctly. Before you buy mangosteen, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. The peel must not be dry; the presence of cracks indicates that the fruit is overripe. It is better when the skin is dense and slightly springy when pressed.
  2. The bright purple skin should not be covered in spots. Their presence is a sign of long-term storage.
  3. The skin contains bitter juice. If the shell of the fruit is damaged, then most likely the bitter juice will get into the pulp.
  4. The mangosteen should be quite heavy and large. Then the core will also be large.

Mangosteen, also called mangosteen and garcinia, exotic fruit the Klusiev family. In his homeland in Southeast Asia, he was awarded the title of King of Fruits. According to legend, Buddha, while walking through the forest, tasted the fruit of a mangosteen he accidentally found, which filled him with strength and happiness. After which the fruit was presented to people.


Mangosteen – medicinal dietary product, widely used in folk medicine Asian countries. Due to its unique chemical composition, mangosteen has a powerful healing effect on the body. The fruit is rich in vitamins, micro- and macroelements. The ascorbic acid contained in it strengthens the immune system. And nicotinic acid, also included in its composition, makes the fruit useful for people who want to get rid of tobacco or alcohol addiction. The peel of the fruit is a source of a large number of xanthones (more than 30 types out of 210 known today). They improve brain activity, increase the body's protective functions and maintain microbiological balance. In addition, xanthones are powerful antioxidants that have a positive effect on cardiovascular system. They affect the human body at the cellular level, killing intracellular viruses before they have time to penetrate the “holy of holies” - the DNA structure.

The peel of the fruit is rich in tannins, which promote the speedy healing of acne and wounds on the skin.

The mangosteen peel is dried, ground into powder and used as an astringent for dysentery and fever. An anti-eczema paste is also prepared from it. A decoction is made from the leaves and bark of the tree, used for dysentery, diarrhea, high temperature, thrush, stomatitis and inflammation of the urinary tract.

Mangosteen juice has become popular recently. It strengthens the body, helps to recover faster from operations, depression and serious illnesses.

According to scientific research, many diseases of the 21st century, including cancer, are directly related to acidification of the body. This is facilitated by foods such as sugar, coffee, flour products, nutritional supplements, dyes, pasteurized and refined foods, alcohol, etc. Contributes to acidification of the body and poor ecology.

Mangosteen juice allows you to maintain a high pH level in the body, i.e. alkaline environment. And in it, as you know, microbes and harmful organisms die.

Mangosteen is used to prevent and treat the following diseases:

  • arthritis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • kidney stones;
  • cataracts;
  • oncology.

In addition, the fruit has the following therapeutic effects on the body:

Mangosteen is used for cosmetic purposes. Substances contained in the peel of the fruit help fight acne, wrinkles and make the skin healthier.


For people who do not live in areas where mangosteen grows, it can be dangerous due to individual intolerance.

No other harm was identified from mangosteen.

Calorie content

100 grams of mangosteen contains about 73 kcal. Of these: proteins – 0.6 g (~ 3 kcal), fats – 0.6 g (~ 3 kcal), carbohydrates – 15.9 g (~ 67 kcal). But mangosteen jams are significantly higher in calories than fresh fruit: they contain 210 kcal per 100 g. product.

A regular 200 milligram glass contains 196 grams of mangosteen (~ 143.1 kcal), a faceted glass contains 216 grams (~ 157.7 kcal).


Mangosteen is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance to this fruit and frequent allergic reactions to it. Allergies can manifest as rashes and skin redness accompanied by itching. For some it is in the form of joint pain.

The fruit and its juice can be consumed by pregnant women and nursing mothers, as it is a source of large amounts of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. But here it is important to ensure that mother and baby do not have allergic reaction for this product.

The nutritional value

Mangosteen is a small treasure trove of health. Its unique composition helps improve health and fight various ailments.

Vitamins and minerals

Mangosteen is rich in B vitamins, minerals, powerful antioxidants - xanthones, flavonoids and other substances that make the fruit amazingly beneficial for human health.

Component name

Quantity per 100 gr.


Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.05 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.015 mg
Vitamin PP (Niacin component) 0.43 mg
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 0.103 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.05 mg
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) 6 mcg
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 2.7 mg
Vitamin E (tocopherol) 0.5 mg
Choline (vitamin B4) 8.4 mg


Potassium 47 mg
Calcium 15 mg
Sodium 1 mg
Magnesium 16 mg
Sulfur 20 mg
Phosphorus 11 mg
Chlorine 2 mg


Iron 0.4 mg
Iodine 1.6 mcg
Manganese 65 mcg
Copper 80 mcg
Zinc 0.1 mg
Fluorine 7 mcg

For the first time this exotic fruit was found in the Malay Archipelago, now it is widespread in Vietnam, India, Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines. From a biological point of view, the fruit is a berry, although it grows on a tree.

The plant is very whimsical, loves a warm, humid climate without temperature changes and drought. The fruit is a round fruit the size of a tangerine, under whose thick purple peel lies unusual pulp. It consists of several juicy white cloves, similar to cloves of garlic.

What does Mangosteen taste like?

The taste is described as a bizarre mix of pineapple, peach, grape and strawberry notes. For many exotic fans, it resembles the taste of lychee.

In the case of this fruit, which is not yet widespread in Russia, it is definitely better to try it once than to hear it a hundred times.

Beneficial features

For its amazing chemical composition, Mangosteen is nicknamed the “king of fruits” and “fruit of the gods”. Its fruits contain about 60 antioxidants, vitamins C and E, thiamine and nitrogen. The peeled pulp is an excellent source of sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium and zinc.

So percussive vitamin cocktail will help:

  • normalize metabolism;
  • cleanse the body of toxins;
  • relieve headaches and migraines;
  • increase immunity and body tone;
  • improve the functioning of the endocrine system.

For a quick recovery after surgery, doctors advise drinking juice from this fruit more often.

Find out more about Mangosteen in Elena Malysheva.

How to choose the right fruit?

When choosing a fruit in a store or market, pay attention to the color of the leaves near the stem itself; it should be green. If the leaves start to turn brown, it may mean the fruit is overripe and spoiling. The color of the peel should be bright, without dots or dark spots.

If the fruit has darkened somewhere, this indicates that it has been stored for a long time. Fresh and ripe Mangosteen should spring back a little when pressed, while unripe fruit will be as hard as an apple.

Please note that the shelf life in the refrigerator is quite short - only 7-10 days. It is not recommended to freeze the fruit, as it may lose its beneficial features and unique taste.

How to clean Mangosteen?

Opening the fruit yourself is not at all difficult. To enjoy the fruit, tear the leaves from the stem and lightly press on top. If the fruit is very ripe, the skin will crack and you can easily open it with your fingers. If the peel does not crack, it is necessary to make a shallow cut with a knife.

Be careful not to touch tender core. Open the fruit in half, so that one part of the thick peel serves as a kind of plate. The sweet pulp is eaten with a spoon or dessert fork.

Dishes from the “king of fruits” - MANGOUSTINE

The most fashionable restaurants have already picked up the novelty and are successfully using it unusual taste fruit to add fresh, savory notes to dishes and fit in with the trendy fusion cuisine trend. Try adding fruit pulp to light vegetable or hearty warm salad. Sweet and sour taste Mangosteen will go great addition for meat or fish in the form of sauce.

Do you want to surprise your family? unusual pastries? Grind the juicy core with a blender and use the puree for filling a pie or puff pastries. On occasion, be sure to try the popular Thai dessert - fruit slices marinated in sugar syrup with chia seeds and sesame seeds. The people of Southeast Asia themselves love to enjoy the fruit served on a bed of crushed ice; such a dessert is refreshing in the heat and after spicy food.


You should be careful about the fruit if you are prone to allergies. First, try one or two fruits and carefully monitor how you feel - whether itching, rashes, or drowsiness have appeared. People with medical conditions should not begin their acquaintance with tropical delicacies. gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys during their exacerbation.

Pregnant and lactating women are also better off holding off on eating the fruit. Consider whether you are currently taking blood thinning medications. A large number of eaten fruits can interfere with its clotting.

Mangosteen in cosmetology

If the pulp of the fruit is valuable in cooking, then in cosmetology the peel, rich in xanthones, the most powerful antioxidants, is valued. plant origin. They are the ones who successfully fight the first signs of aging and skin aging. Exfoliating products with Mangosteen gently cleanse the skin, help fight acne, restore a healthy and fresh color to the face, and fight age spots.

Face creams will eliminate unwanted oily shine, nourish and moisturize the skin. Regular use of shampoos, masks and balms with fruit extract has a healing effect on hair, improves blood circulation in the scalp, which in turn accelerates its growth.

Mangosteen is a unique fruit not only for its taste qualities, but also universal useful composition, used in folk medicine and cosmetology. It was not for nothing that Queen Victoria, when she first met him, promised a significant reward to anyone who would arrange the supply of fruits to the country. It’s good that today you don’t have to be a queen to enjoy an exotic delicacy, although, of course, in simple store can't find it yet.

All that remains is to see how this “fruit of the gods” will win the love of Russians and take its rightful place on the shelves of our supermarkets.
