Cherry juice: benefits and harms, calorie content, preparation at home. Is cherry juice good for everyone?

People who like to drink cherry juice can only rejoice - there is no chance good health they have much more. Despite the fact that red berry juice can bring great benefits, there are situations when it can be harmful. In all this should be sorted out more details.


The harm from such a drink is much less than the benefits, so it’s better to talk about it first. All harmful properties What makes this product exceptional is that it contains acid. This acid is of organic origin, therefore, the effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive organs is negative. Cherry juice is harmful to people who:

  • suffer from gastric ulcers, especially if there are duodenal ulcers;
  • if there is gastritis (if the disease manifests itself in acute form, then we cannot speak unambiguously about any consumption of cherry juice);
  • kidney diseases;
  • liver disease.

But the list of people who should not drink such a drink is not limited to this. It should not be given to babies who are not yet one year old to drink. The fact is that it can be provoked allergic reaction, which subsequently becomes the cause of diathesis. And don’t forget about people with individual intolerance. But as for other people, there are no contraindications for consuming red berry juice, but recommendations for moderate consumption are given by leading nutritionists. Cherry juice its benefits and harms have long been studied by leading experts, but every time new discoveries are made in this regard.

What are the benefits of cherry juice?

So, what are the benefits of cherry juice for human health? This drink contains a large number of different vitamins that are vital for human health. Among them there are microelements that are truly miraculous. If you consume such a product on an ongoing basis, the human body will constantly receive beneficial effects.

Cherries, like any stone fruit, contain pectin. The properties of these substances have not yet been completely solved, but one thing can be said absolutely definitely - these are real orderlies human body. You can use them to clean:

  • vessels that are affected by atherosclerotic plaques;
  • muscles that are affected by toxins;
  • the human body as a whole, if it contains free radicals in excess;
  • the intestines are freed from toxins;
  • the skin suffers less from exposure to harmful components.

It is not for nothing that in the manufacture of medications, pectin is used as the main component. It is useful to consume such a product for those people who play sports if they have a high-intensity workout. With its help, muscles recover faster.

For diabetes

If a person suffers from such a disease as If you have diabetes, drinking cherry juice is strictly prohibited. The fact is that the product contains a lot of sugar content, so it’s clear what the danger may be for those who neglect such a rule.

But here’s what’s interesting - for people who are at risk of getting sick diabetes mellitus, such a product is one of the most effective preventive agents. The fact is that the drink contains insulin in large quantities, and this substance is responsible for the proper distribution of protein substances in the human body. The effectiveness of this remedy is evidenced by the fact that with regular consumption of cherry juice, the risk of developing diabetes drops by 30 percent. If we take into account the fact that such a drug is not a medicine, which means there are no side effects, this is a very good indicator. It turns out that cherries are simply an exceptional berry.

Why cherry juice is good for joints

If you rely on dry statistical data, you can find out that from diseases such as More and more young people are suffering from gout and arthritis. The reasons for this are different, but there is no point in talking about this topic in detail now. But there is great news for those who regularly drink cherry juice. This product is an effective preventative against the development of joint diseases. But even if such a disease has already begun to manifest itself, this is by no means a serious cause for concern. If you drink just a couple of glasses of juice every day, the affected joints will soon stop hurting.

It cannot be said that only consuming a healthy drink can 100 percent cure joint diseases, however, medicine he is not . But as an adjuvant as part of complex therapy, such a product is indispensable.

Cherry juice can also reduce the level of uric acid, which allows it to be effectively removed from the human body. And this gives reason to say that the juice is suitable as a preventative against diseases in stones and kidneys.

Availability of antioxidants

The word antioxidants is known to many today, and cherries contain a lot of them. Antioxidants are ways to benefit the body’s condition, namely:

  • Toxins and along with them free radicals are removed from the body;
  • vessels are cleared of atherosclerotic plaques, which can prevent ischemia and hypertension;
  • the skin is rejuvenated, and from the inside;
  • aging processes are slowing down.

Beauty benefits

As already mentioned, cherry juice contains pectins in large quantities, and the beneficial properties of such substances are revealed more and more every day. Not long ago, scientists found that the human body’s own synthesis of vitamin B has a direct connection with pectins.

Suffice it to say that vitamin B is directly related to the condition of human hair, nails and skin. So beautiful ladies are recommended to drink more of this healthy drink. His can be consumed, when it’s in season, but also nothing prevents you from preparing it for future use. The fact is that cherry picking falls on a short time, and all women want to remain beautiful throughout the year. And there are no obstacles to this.

It is noteworthy that with the help of vitamin B, representatives of the fair sex not only retain the opportunity to remain beautiful for a long time. Such a substance directly depends on harmony and inner peace, since cherry juice contains all the substances necessary for this.

Is it possible to drink juice during pregnancy?

This question worries many expectant mothers who are reconsidering their diet (and there is every reason for this). So, as for such a drink, not only are there no restrictions, but it is even highly recommended to drink it! It contains a substance called folic acid, which is simply necessary for women who soon plan to experience the joys of motherhood. Suffice it to say that it is this substance that directly affects the formation of the fetus.

Without sufficient quantity folic acid, the hematopoietic organs simply do not have the opportunity to work normally. The hemoglobin level in the blood directly depends on this substance, which is very important for pregnant women.

As for women who have recently given birth, and the birth was difficult and with great blood loss, then they simply need to drink cherry juice. Then there is an opportunity to recover in the shortest possible time.

But here mothers who breastfeed must be given helpful advice- The choice of cherry juice must be careful. To raise the hemoglobin level in the blood, should be given preference natural products, and even better if it is our own production. If this is not possible, then must be purchased product only from verified, well-established sources. You should refrain from consuming juice in packages and plastic bottles, since such a product cannot even be called juice. IN better case This is a reconstituted type of nectar, and most often just flavored water.

Benefits for the blood

For state circulatory system Cherry juice is also beneficial. It is not without reason that, a very long time ago, such a product was actively used for uterine and menstrual bleeding with heavy hemorrhage. But the beneficial properties for the blood do not end there - it contains a huge amount of vitamin PP. If there is enough of such a substance in the human body, then blood vessels will always be strong, and the blood will always clot normally.

Given these properties, the product can be used as an effective wound healing agent. This especially needs to be taken into account by those mothers who have small children. It's no secret that they are active, which often leads to falls and the appearance of scratches and abrasions. If the little child screams loudly (which most often happens), then using various medicinal ointments is extremely problematic. But the baby will drink cherry juice with great pleasure.

Cherry juice is a pleasant-tasting drink colored dark red (see photo). They get it through spinning fresh berries. Find in store natural juice almost impossible, so cook it at home.

Juice has been obtained from juicy cherry berries for more than one century, and therefore about its useful and even medicinal properties known since time immemorial.

The benefits of cherry juice

The benefits and beneficial properties of cherry juice lie in its chemical composition. The drink acts on the body like an analgesic and antispasmodic. It also has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. Cherry juice has a calming and bactericidal effect. The drink also has antioxidant properties. The drink resists the aging process andreduces the risk of cancer.

At regular use metabolism is normalized and work improves nervous system, which in turn helps to cope with insomnia, improve memory and get rid of stress.

Natural cherry juice acts as a general tonic, and it also stimulates appetite and is good for digestion, as it improves it.

Cherry juice has a beneficial effect on activity of cardio-vascular system, as it strengthens the walls of blood vessels, making them more elastic. It also improves blood clotting, increases hemoglobin and resists the development of atherosclerosis.

The juice has the ability to cleanse the body of toxins and other harmful substances.

Since the juice contains quite a lot of copper, it acts as a sedative, so it will be useful for people with epilepsy and problems with the nervous system.

Freshly prepared cherry juice acts as an expectorant for bronchitis and severe coughs.

This drink also reduces pain during intense physical activity, it makes it possible to recover faster from them. Therefore, it is recommended to drink 1 glass of cherry juice before and after sports training.

Cherry juice is very useful during pregnancy. Daily use berry drink helps strengthen immune system, getting rid of swelling and insomnia, improving blood clotting. Cherry juice also has a diuretic and calming effect. However, there are also contraindications for use of this product during pregnancy. Doctors do not recommend drinking berry drink pregnant women if they have the following diseases:

  • allergy to this product;
  • gastritis;
  • problems with the respiratory system;
  • diabetes;
  • stomach ulcer.

Doctors allow drinking cherry juice when breastfeeding. But you need to start drinking a berry drink only a couple of months after the birth of the child and if there are no contraindications to use. It is best for nursing mothers to drink homemade cherry juice that has been made independently. Then you will know for sure that it is natural and will bring enormous benefits to the body..

Use in cosmetology

Cherry juice is very often used in cosmetology to prepare medicinal masks for the care of facial skin prone to pimples and acne. To make such a mask, you will need to mix in equal proportions until thick mass, which is comparable in consistency to sour cream, cherry juice and potato flour. Apply the finished mask to clean skin. After twenty minutes, you need to wash your face with warm water.

To remove oily shine from your facial skin, you will need to squeeze the juice out of cherries and soak a napkin in it. Place a damp cloth on your face. After fifteen minutes, you should wash with warm water.

In addition, cherry juice is very beneficial for hair. You can prepare a mask that will rid your strands of oily shine. To do this, it is recommended to dilute four teaspoons of potato starch with cherry juice so that a mass similar to sour cream is obtained. Then you need to pour freshly squeezed lemon juice into the resulting mass (if the curls are dry, instead lemon juice it is better to use almond oil) and stir well. Distribute the cherry mask over your hair and leave for about forty minutes. After the specified time, the hair should be rinsed with water at room temperature.

Use in cooking

Cherry juice is used in cooking for the preparation of alcoholic (liqueur, wine, whiskey, vodka, gin, Jägermeister, cognac and cola, liqueur, martini, beer, rum, champagne) and non-alcoholic (pu-erh, mulled wine, coffee) drinks.

In addition, from cherry juice you can cook very delicious syrup and jelly.

This product is also suitable for making jam, preserves, marmalade, and jelly with gelatin.

Experienced chefs recommend marinating barbecue pork and pork ribs in cherry juice.

And if you prepare cherry juice and dilute it with milk, it will turn out very healthy drink, which is recommended for drinking by patients with rheumatism and arthritis.

How to do it at home?

Making cherry juice at home is very simple. To do this, in accordance with the recipe for preparing the drink, you need to take 300 g of cherries and 200 ml of water.

You should choose the berries as ripe as possible so that they are sweet, in which case you will not need to use sugar. The cherries must be clean and free of any damage.

First you need to remove the seeds and stalks. The berries need to be put in a juicer and get natural juice, with which you need to mix 0.5 tbsp. water. Mix the puree that remains in the device with the remaining water and pass through the juicer again.

In addition, to squeeze homemade cherry juice, you can use a sieve into which you place the berries, previously crushed with a fork or masher.

It is better to drink natural freshly squeezed juice immediately or it can be frozen, in this state it does not lose its beneficial properties.

How to prepare cherry juice for the winter?

Cherry juice can be prepared for the winter. There are several recipes for preparing this product. The first is making cherry juice in a juicer. To preserve a berry drink, you will need three and a half kilograms of cherry fruits, wash them well, put them in the upper section of the juice cooker and pour about two hundred grams there granulated sugar. Then pour about four liters of water into the lower section of the juicer and place on the stove to boil. When the liquid boils, place a container with berries on the juice cooker, cover with a lid and cook over low heat. After twenty minutes, it is recommended to drain about two hundred milliliters of cherry juice from the collection where the juice flows and pour it back into the juicer. The berry drink should be boiled for sixty minutes. After an hour, turn off the juicer and wait until the juice has completely drained. The resulting product must be distributed into sterilized containers and preserved. Cherry juice for the winter at home is ready for consumption. The berry drink should be stored in a cool room (cellar or pantry), where sunlight will not reach it.

According to next recipe, preparing cherry juice for the winter includes the use of apple juice. To make apple-cherry juice, you first need to thoroughly wash the berries, remove the seeds from the pulp, and then use a juicer to squeeze the juice out of the cherries (about one kilogram, two hundred grams will be required). Then the resulting cherry juice should be poured into an enamel-coated container, add approximately two liters of freshly squeezed apple juice and boil. Boiled cherry-apple juice must be poured into a sterilized container and sealed. This completes the preparation of apple-cherry juice for the winter.

You can also prepare cherry juice with pits for the winter at home. To do this, you need to wash two kilograms of berries well, dry them and put them in sterilized three-liter glass jars. Next, pour about five liters of water into an enamel-coated pan and boil. Pour about four hundred grams of granulated sugar into the boiling liquid and simmer until the sugar melts. Pour the finished syrup into a container with berries, cover with a lid and set aside for thirty minutes. After the specified period of time, the syrup must be poured back into the pan and boiled. Then pour it again into the jars containing the cherries and preserve. After three days, canned homemade cherry juice can be stored in a fairly cool, dark room.

In addition, cherry juice can be sealed for the winter without cooking. All you need is cherry pulp, a juicer and sterilized containers. So, wash the berries thoroughly, dry them, remove the seeds from the pulp and pass the fruits through a juicer to obtain juice. The resulting berry drink should be poured into a container and taken to a dark, cool room for several days. As soon as you notice the formation of sediment at the bottom of the container, the juice must be carefully poured into another container so that the sediment does not get there. Next, the filtered cherry juice must be boiled, and then distributed into sterilized containers and sealed.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of recipes on how to prepare cherry juice for the winter at home. No matter how the berry drink is prepared, it will have wonderful aroma and excellent taste.

Harm of cherry juice and contraindications

Cherry juice can be harmful to people with individual intolerance to the product. You should give up the drink if you have chronic problems with the lungs, ulcers, or gastritis with increased acidity. It is contraindicated to drink cherry juice if you have colitis, diabetes, or obesity. People prone to diarrhea and acute dysentery should use the drink with caution.

It is worth considering that cherry juice cannot be combined with watermelon and melon juice. It is recommended to drink the drink half an hour before meals and 2 hours after.

You can make cherry juice at home different ways. Often such drinks are boiled and preserved for the winter. However, some chefs prefer to eat them only fresh.

We will describe exactly how to prepare cherry juice at home a little further.

Making fresh cherry juice at home

Have you ever tried fresh cherry juice? The recipe for such a drink does not require much time or ingredients. But to get something really tasty and healthy juice, you will have to put in a lot of effort.

So, to make fresh cherry juice yourself, we will need:

  • drinking water - use as desired;
  • granulated sugar - approximately 100 g (to taste).

Processing components

Before making cherry juice, you should carefully process the freshly picked berries. They sort it out, put it in a colander and wash it thoroughly. After this, all the seeds are squeezed out of the cherries. Do this over a deep dish. The juice that will drain during this procedure should not be poured out. It must be combined with the pulp.

Making a drink

After the berries are processed, begin squeezing the juice. To do this, place the cherries in a fine sieve, which is placed over a deep container. By crushing all the ingredients with a masher, you get a rather thick and sweet pulp without any pulp. By the way, the peel and other pulp remaining after these steps can be thrown away or a compote can be made from them.

Having crushed all the berries in a sieve, they are placed in multi-layer gauze, and then the entire contents of the bag are strongly squeezed out. As a result of these actions, you should get a thick and concentrated drink of dark burgundy color.

How to store and use?

Fresh cherry juice should not be stored for too long (even in refrigeration chamber). This is due to the fact that it quickly oxidizes and deteriorates. If you think that this drink is too sour and concentrated, then you can additionally add a little sugar and drinking water.

Preparing cherry drink for the winter

Cherry juice for the winter is good for those who like to enjoy it during the cold season natural drinks own production, saturating your body with vitamins.

To implement this recipe we will need:

  • freshly picked cherries - about 2 kg;
  • drinking water - about 500 ml;
  • granulated sugar - approximately 250 g (to taste).

Preparation of the main product

How should you prepare cherry juice for the winter? The recipe for this drink requires the use of only fresh berries. It is sorted and washed thoroughly, and then all the seeds are squeezed out. After this, the product is placed in a fine sieve and rubbed using a masher. The remaining cake from the berries is thrown away, and juice is boiled from the pulp.

Brewing the drink

So that homemade cherry juice does not spoil and is preserved unchanged for up to late winter, it must be subjected heat treatment. Of course, such a procedure will deprive the berries of most of their vitamins. However, this is the only way you can enjoy delicious drink in the cold season.

After thoroughly grinding the cherry, its pulp is placed in an enamel container, and then the usual drinking water and granulated sugar. After mixing all the ingredients, bring them to a boil. After boiling the cherry juice over low heat for about 3 minutes, begin to preserve it.

How to properly preserve a drink?

After the berry juice is ready, it is poured into sterilized glass jars. Next, the containers are covered with lids and placed in a pan with a towel placed on the bottom. Fill the dishes with water (up to the hangers of the cans) and bring them to a boil. The cherry juice is kept in this form for half an hour. Then the hot containers are removed and covered with sterilized lids.

After turning the jars upside down, they are cooled for about a day at room temperature, after which they are removed to the basement or subfloor (that is, any cool room). You can consume this juice within a few days.

Cooking juice with seeds

According to experts, cherry pits contain substances that have a detrimental effect on human health. In this regard, juices with such berries cannot be stored for too long. They must be consumed within 2-3 months.

So, to prepare juice with cherry pits we will need

  • freshly picked cherries - about 2 kg;
  • drinking water - 3-5 l;
  • granulated sugar - approximately 400 g (add to taste).

Processing the berries

Berries for this juice should be taken as fresh as possible. They are sorted out and then placed in a colander and washed thoroughly. After this, the cherries are dried and distributed over three-liter jars, which are sterilized in advance.

To get more flavor, fill the container halfway or 1/3 full.

Cooking process

Cherry juice with pits should be prepared in several stages. First to the big one enamel pan pour in plain water and then bring it to a boil. After pouring granulated sugar into the bowl, wait until it is completely dissolved. After this, the resulting syrup is poured into jars where the berries were placed in advance.

Having filled the containers up to the hangers, cover them with lids and leave them in this position for 20-35 minutes. After the color of the water changes and becomes dark red, close the jars with a special lid with small holes and pour all the juice back into the container. After tasting the drink, I add additional sugar (if necessary). In this form, the syrup is brought to a boil and poured into jars again. This time, the containers are immediately rolled up, turned upside down and covered with a thick blanket.

In this form cherry drink stand for about 3 days, after which they are put in the refrigerator or underground.

When can it be used?

Cherry juice with pits should be infused in a dark and slightly cool room for about 3-5 weeks. Such a long aging of the drink will make it richer and more tasty.

Pouring cherry juice into tall glasses and tasting it. If it turns out too sweet and concentrated, then it can be diluted with regular drinking water(cooled boiling water).

The taste of this drink is significantly different from the taste of ordinary cherry juice made without seeds.

Let's sum it up

Procuring on your own homemade juice made from cherries, during the winter season you can no longer buy flavored drinks in the store. By the way, the latter contain not only a lot of sugar, but also harmful additives that have a negative impact on human health.

Fruit and vegetable juices- part of a healthy diet. Drinking juices – effective method get the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals contained in the fruits. Some people prefer not to eat a bowl of cherries, spitting out the seeds, but to slowly drink a glass of aromatic cherry juice, which has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and other beneficial properties thanks to its rich vitamin content.

Nutritional value of cherry juice

Cherry is one of the lowest calorie fruits, rich in various nutrients, Vitamins and minerals. One hundred milliliters of cherry juice contains the following compounds necessary for wellness(the first number refers to sweet cherry juice, the second to sour): - 7/10 mg of vitamin C; - 640/1280 IU of vitamin A; - 0.07 mg vitamin E; - 2.1 mcg vitamin K; - 1.154/0.4 mg of nicotinic acid; - 0.199/0.143 mg pantothenic acid; - 0.049/0.044 pyridoxine; - 0.033/0.4 riboflavin; - 0.027 mg/0.3 mg thiamine.

The content of vitamins E and K in cherry juice does not depend on the sweetness of the fruit

100 ml of sweet cherry juice contains only 63 calories, the same serving of sour juice contains 50 calories.

Vitamin C

Cherry juice is a rich source of vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid. This vitamin is water-soluble, which means the body is unable to store it in reserve. In addition, the body, while needing this vitamin every day, is unable to produce it on its own. That is why the presence of vitamin C in the human diet is so important.

Ascorbic acid is needed for immunity, protecting a person from infections and helping to heal wounds, fighting infections, viruses, bacteria, acting as an antihistamine. Vitamin C in cherry juice helps relieve colds, including nasal congestion, inflammation, and pain. The child will drink with great pleasure medicinal juice, which, among other benefits, is especially useful for children living in urban areas where the air is saturated with lead, which affects mental abilities. Vitamin C reduces the toxicity of lead, this is also important for adults, because even in small doses it can increase blood pressure and negatively affect the kidneys.

Vitamin C is one of the antioxidants found in cherry juice that helps protect our body from free radicals that cause oxidative stress. This stress leads to such serious diseases as stroke, atherosclerosis, and is associated with many types of cancer.

The daily dose of vitamin C depends on age, workload and health status. An adult man needs 90 mg of Viatmin C daily, a nursing woman needs 120 mg. Vitamin C contained in cherry juice promotes the absorption of iron and acts as an antihistamine, useful in combating allergies.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A contained in cherry juice is also important for immunity. The health of the skin and mucous membranes, which act as the first barrier to external infections, depends on it. A healthy mucous membrane is moist, its environment suppresses bacteria and viruses. By maintaining proper skin moisture, vitamin A protects it not only from dryness, but also from keratinization, psoriasis, as well as acne and even wrinkles.

Vitamin A is one of the essential elements For good vision. With its help, the eyes effectively distinguish between light and darkness, and it improves night vision. In addition, scientists believe that vitamin A effectively fights cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma and other age-related eye diseases. Vitamin A is the same antioxidant as vitamin C.

Vitamins E and K

Another antioxidant found in cherry juice is vitamin E. It also supports the health of the nervous system by protecting the myelin sheaths of the nerves from destruction. Cherry juice, due to the content of antioxidants, including vitamin E, becomes especially useful for athletes, because during aerobic exercise it is released a large number of free radicals. The benefit of vitamin E for those involved in sports is that it perfectly copes with pain in the calf muscles caused by training.

Vitamin E is especially useful for women, as it prevents complications at the end of pregnancy caused by high blood pressure(preeclampsia), relieves premenstrual syndrome (PMS), useful for painful menstruation, menopausal syndrome, hot flashes.

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in blood clotting. Vitamin K is a heart protector and bone builder. It prevents hardening of the arteries, leading to coronary artery disease and heart failure. This vitamin is a kind of glue that helps calcium and other minerals attach to bones.

Choose natural cherry juice, without sweeteners. Sweet cherry juice already contains a lot of glucose, which can contribute to weight gain

B vitamins in cherry juice

Nicotinic acid, or niacin (vitamin PP, vitamin B3), increases the benefits of cherry juice for the prevention of heart disease, reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol and increases “good” cholesterol, and helps cells produce energy. Another B vitamin, pyrodoxine, or B6, helps the body produce several neurotransmitters. chemical substances, which carry signals from one nerve cell to another. It is essential for normal brain development and function and influences the production of the hormones serotonin and norepinephrine, which improve your mood, and melatonin, which helps regulate your biological clock. Vitamin B2, riboflavin, is essential for converting carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy. Thiamine (B1) is involved in numerous body functions, including the nervous and muscular systems, fermentation processes, carbohydrate metabolism, and the production of hydrochloric acid (which is necessary for proper digestion).

Key Benefits of Consuming Cherry Juice

If we compare the benefits of vitamins contained in cherry juice with the benefits of minerals and other substances present in it, then the main benefits of consuming cherry juice will be: - healthy heart; - healthy sleep; - healthy skin and hair; - fight against cancer; - rapid muscle recovery; - stable blood sugar levels.

Some mothers don’t really like to give healthy juice to their children, considering it to be easily soiled, but if you wash it right away, even with simple home remedies, it does not leave stains, but the very substances that give it a rich color, anthocyanins, fight colds and reduce harm from free radicals.

16. 09.2015

Catherine's blog

Good afternoon, readers and guests of the “Family and Childhood” website. Many people truly love cherry juice. But it’s unlikely that each of them thought about the role this drink plays for the body. Let's take a closer look: is cherry juice good and bad?

The benefits of cherry juice

Cherry fruits contain unique vitamins, as well as medicinal substances, for example, inositol - a natural regulation of metabolism. In addition, cherries, and therefore cherry juice, contain vitamins C, B9, B2, B, PP, carotene, organic acids (citric, tartaric, quinic, malic), fructose, glucose, sucrose, pectin substances. Present in cherries and minerals: iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iodine.

Cherry juice is recognized as the best berry juice. Our ancestors also established the general strengthening, healing and tonic properties of of this drink. Great importance was attached to it in treatment traditional medicine, especially in the treatment of the nervous system (convulsions, headaches, nervous tics, insomnia).

During the juice production process, valuable natural substances concentrated in highly digestible, mild form, allowing the body to recharge itself with health for a long time. It is especially recommended to drink cherry juice after forty years - scientists have long proven the benefits of cherry juice in stimulating biological processes.

Pectic substances, extensive mineral composition, fiber make it possible to use cherry juice as a multivitamin drink. The juice is also useful for atherosclerosis, feverish conditions, and cholecystitis. It significantly helps lower blood cholesterol and remove bile.

Fresh cherry quenches thirst perfectly; it removes unnecessary substances from the body and generally strengthens the body. Another benefit of cherry juice is that it is a wonderful antiseptic that completely kills streptococci and staphylococci, complex pathogens of dysentery. This juice also has a general anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

Recommended for people with urolithiasis, inflammation of the joints, gout, blood clots, stress, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, severe fatigue, drink juice. If you drink a glass of cherry juice once a day, the likelihood of developing cancer and diabetes will decrease, your appetite will improve and your memory will develop. It is good to use for fever - it remarkably reduces chills and lowers body temperature.

It is very convenient for beginner athletes to drink cherry juice. This drink makes it possible to prevent strong muscle pain. A glass of juice half an hour before training will relieve unpleasant consequences after exercise.

Cherry juice is very useful for irritable and nervous people; it has a good calming effect. This is ensured by the presence of coumarin in fresh cherry juice. Cherry juice very often prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.

When combined with yogurt or kefir, the juice has a fairly mild laxative effect when taken at night. Helps well in the treatment of insomnia. Very good for gums and teeth, just be sure to rinse your mouth after taking it.

Harm of cherry juice

Despite great amount positive qualities, drinking cherry juice can also have a detrimental effect on the body. Cherry juice is strictly contraindicated for people suffering from peptic ulcer, obesity, chronic diseases of the pulmonary tract and lungs, gastritis with high acidity. You should also not drink fresh cherry if you have diabetes.

Thus, when asking a question, you can definitely say - cherry. It cannot be compared in its properties with such popular juices as apple, orange, grapefruit, and pear. Strawberry and Orange juice cherry is twenty times ahead in terms of the amount of beta-carotene present.

And finally, watch an educational video about cherries - how to choose them, how to store them and how to eat them. Excerpt from the program “Live Healthy.”
