How to cook oatmeal: detailed instructions. What grain is oatmeal made from?

Oatmeal is a product widely known not only in cooking, but also in home cosmetology. The composition and nutritional qualities of cereals make it one of the main components of health-improving diets and skin care procedures. This is not surprising, because oatmeal, acting internally, has a beneficial effect on your appearance.

Oatmeal: how and what they are made from

Oatmeal is well known to you as an affordable and quick breakfast. But few people know that it was used as food two thousand years BC. Widespread cultivation of the crop in Mongolia and China made it possible to study oats well and find large-scale applications for them in cooking, medicine and cosmetology of that time. Some miraculous recipes using oatmeal have survived to this day.

It is interesting to note that at first oats were not perceived by people as something edible and were mercilessly destroyed along with other weeds that interfered with the cultivation of wheat and rye. But the culture was able to prove its significance and began to spread widely in Europe in the 12th century. Cooked in England cereals became the central dish served for breakfast. Oatmeal has acquired no less importance in Russia, being a relatively inexpensive and unpretentious plant for cultivation on arable land.

Today, oatmeal can be purchased at any grocery store. Thanks to the creation of grain processing methods, three main varieties of cereals appeared on the shelves, which are conventionally divided by numbers:

  • No. 1 – minimally processed and once rolled oat grains, which retain maximum beneficial properties;
  • No. 2 – grains that have undergone deeper and longer processing, are smaller in size and boil within ten minutes;
  • No. 3 – repeatedly processed and calcined grains, small, quickly prepared, which carry a minimum useful substances, but have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and help maintain a normal blood glycemic index.

Separately, it is worth highlighting oatmeal instant cooking. To create them, raw materials that have undergone repeated processing are used. As a rule, by the time a quickly prepared dish is fully assembled, there is no longer any left in the oatmeal. useful components. And the presence in such a product of numerous preservatives, flavors, sweeteners and other additives makes such porridge absolutely useless.

Composition of oatmeal

Oatmeal is very nutritious product. Its calorie content is about 300-350 calories, which immediately catches the eye of those who watch their figure. But it is important to note the fact that in one hundred grams of already prepared flakes this figure is significantly reduced. So, oatmeal with milk will contain no more than 100 calories, and with water - no more than 80. This strengthens the claim that oatmeal is a dietary product.

At the same time, the cereal contains about 12 grams of protein, 6 grams of fat and almost 65 grams of carbohydrates. The latter are classified as complex, therefore they do not contribute to the rapid release of large amounts of sugar into the blood and do not provoke a sharp weight gain.

Oatmeal contains a number of B vitamins, vitamin A, E, K, PP. The ability of this product to speed up metabolism and remove toxins from the body is also due to the content of copper, silicon, potassium, sodium and magnesium, and calcium.

The benefits and harms of oatmeal

Oatmeal is one of the main sources of polysaccharides. Unlike mono- and disaccharides, they provide satiety for longer long time, since they take a long time to process. This same factor is the key to stable blood sugar levels, due to which there is no risk of rapid weight gain or worsening diabetes. Together with that regular use oatmeal will help cope with high cholesterol in the blood and create conditions under which “good” cholesterol will be produced in optimal quantities. This creates a favorable environment for maintaining work of cardio-vascular system and disease prevention in this area is being strengthened.

If you eat oatmeal without salt and sugar, it will help avoid sudden fluctuations in blood pressure and help normalize it. Under the same condition, the product is an excellent remedy recovery gastrointestinal tract during the period of gastritis and other abnormalities associated with damage to the mucous membranes of these organs. Oatmeal successfully restores metabolism, speeds it up and helps cope with problems such as constipation, sludge in the body, and indigestion. By consuming this porridge, you restore elasticity to tissues and mobility to joints. It’s not for nothing that they say that rolled oatmeal and rolled oats give a lot of strength and help you grow. The restorative and healing properties of this cereal justify this statement.

Oatmeal - perfect product for weight loss. It helps cope with hunger pangs, preserving all the nutritional value of your menu and promoting faster absorption of other foods. Eating porridge while losing weight will help you cope with fatigue, solve the problem of heaviness in your stomach and strengthen your muscles if you also play sports. Start your morning with oatmeal, and your body will be protected all day.

On top of that, oatmeal oatmeal jelly or a decoction of oatmeal help cope with problems such as acne, allergic reactions, acne, make the skin smoother and improve its color.

But there are some contraindications:

  • gluten intolerance;
  • heart failure;
  • renal failure;
  • chronic constipation - oatmeal is very active, so in in this case its use can provoke severe spasms in the intestines.

Oatmeal for cosmetic purposes

Oatmeal is the source of youth and elasticity of your skin. A simple product can significantly improve the condition of the integumentary tissues by nourishing them with useful substances through masks or compresses. To prepare such a product, you can use the following recipes.

1. Pour in large oatmeal hot water and let it brew for a while. Take enough water so that when the cereal swells, it doesn’t absorb everything. You will need an infusion. When it cools down a little, you can wipe your skin with it after washing or apply a compress to your face using a cotton cloth. The effect of such a compress is to tighten, moisturize and nourish the skin. The swollen porridge can also be used as a mask or as a large body scrub.

2. For very dry and sensitive skin, a paste of oatmeal and yogurt is suitable. Pre-boil the oatmeal until medium thick. Apply the mask for 20-25 minutes. The product helps to even out facial tone, correct small wrinkles, moisturize and nourish the skin.

3. For oily and normal skin take in equal shares decoction of calendula flowers and mint leaves and mix with chopped oatmeal until a creamy paste forms. Apply it for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm and then slightly cool water. If the skin is very oily, then to wash off the water can be slightly acidified with vinegar or lemon juice. This product perfectly refreshes, cleanses and tightens the skin.

To cope with acne and similar problems on the face and body, use an oatmeal scrub. To prepare it, take large grains, grind them and mix with kefir, any basic vegetable oil or just dilute it slightly warm water. Apply the cosmetic mass to the problem area and massage for 5-10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Most people know that oatmeal is the healthiest and most nutritious breakfast. Not everyone can eat this porridge, and we prefer to replace it with a sandwich with coffee. Some still don’t give up and buy instant oatmeal. In fact, there is zero benefit from such a breakfast and we will try to figure out why.

What are the benefits of oatmeal?

Before you consider beneficial features oatmeal, it is worth determining the features of its preparation. So, this porridge is cooked for about an hour and is very often added to casseroles and soups. Using oatmeal you can increase the viscosity of mashed potatoes or any other dish. Oatmeal is also used for baking. To prepare oatmeal, you will need to spend about an hour of precious time, which not everyone can do, preferring to replace porridge with a quicker breakfast.

Oatmeal contains a large number of antioxidants. It is also rich in phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc and contains vitamins B and E. Oatmeal has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels, it lowers cholesterol and has a positive effect on the heart. Oatmeal with water allows you to cleanse the body, lose weight and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

For diseases of the stomach and intestines, it is very useful to eat oatmeal. Porridge has an enveloping effect and is actively used for bloating. Oatmeal is absorbed very quickly and removes carcinogenic substances from the body. The only negative effect of oatmeal that can be mentioned is that it removes calcium from the body and prevents it from being absorbed. That is why the menu should be varied and you should not eat oatmeal in large portions and every day.

The benefits of oatmeal

Oat flakes are made from oats through heat treatment. This removes the “skin” and the flakes become quite soft. The shell and germ of the grain are preserved in oats. These flakes are quite healthy, but not as healthy as oatmeal. But still, we prefer to buy instant oatmeal, which can be prepared in ten minutes, and for this the grains must be ground as finely as possible. As a result, we eat only starch, which is brewed when water is poured into it.

We also love to eat instant porridge with dried fruits. Very often such products are oversaturated food additives. In order for certain fruits or dried fruits to be stored in porridge, it is necessary to carry out additional processing, which negatively affects the nutritional value of the product. Instant porridges are also steamed during production, after which they lose most of their positive properties. As a result, we eat useless but very tasty cereals.

To the question, what is healthier, oatmeal or flakes, the answer will be unequivocal - more natural product contains more nutrients. After heat treatment, the flakes are no longer as valuable as original product, but, nevertheless, they also contain vitamins and minerals, unlike instant cereals.

Rolled oats, such as rolled oats, are made from either whole oats or hulled oats. It is the second option that is more widespread, since it is relatively simple and convenient. In this case, the process of making flakes will consist of several stages: preparing the grain, hulling it and flattening it. Next, we will consider these stages in more detail, and also analyze the beneficial properties of oatmeal, its calorie content, and in what cases it should not be consumed.

Preparing cereals

First, a separator is used, with the help of which the oats are cleaned from impurities of other grains and debris. After this, the clean grain is sorted and then only large grains will be used to create rolled oats. The medium ones will be used for oatmeal, and the small ones for fodder.

The grain is loaded into a grain washing machine, washed, after which it is placed in a steamer and treated with steam at temperatures above 100 °C for several minutes.

After this treatment, it will become much easier to remove the husks; in addition, the enzymes contained in the grain will lose activity, due to which its fat becomes rancid over time. Thanks to this, the flakes will be stored longer than oatmeal.

Then drying is carried out - when drying, the shell of the grains is deformed, and when drying is completed, sorting is carried out, during which the husk is separated from the kernels.

Collapse of grains

At this stage, in addition to direct caving, many operations are also carried out to clean the resulting product. First, the grain is crushed in a sanding machine, after which it is passed through a device in which the husks are separated and sent back to the separator, where the crushed kernels are removed. After all this, only really high-quality cereal remains, which is used as raw material for the production of rolled oats and other types of cereals.

But before directly flattening, the remaining grain must once again be cleaned of all remaining particles of husks and other fine dust, and also, using a magnet, any metal particles that could have gotten into it during the production process must be separated. Finally, it goes through a paddy machine, where the impurities are removed again.

Flattening the grains

After carrying out all the previously listed operations, the impurity content is minimized and is no more than 0.5%. This counts acceptable norm, at which the cereal can be sent to the next stage of processing. But the grains are not flattened immediately - first they need to be steamed for 2-3 minutes, then kept in a bunker for 30 minutes, gradually increasing the humidity inside up to 12.5% ​​- wet grains will not crumble so much during crushing. When the second steaming is performed, the starch in the oats is gelatinized through this process to the human body It will be much easier to digest the cereal.

Finally, the final stage comes - using a special machine with rotating rollers, the cereal is flattened, obtaining flakes 0.4 millimeters thick. These flakes again go through the process of separating the husks and other impurities, then they are cooled and dried - after which they are ready, they can be packaged!

Useful properties of oatmeal

Oatmeal contains a large amount of vitamins such as PP, H, E, most of the representatives of group B, minerals - manganese, magnesium, iodine, calcium, phosphorus, fluorine and so on. But the most important advantage of rolled oats and other flakes is not even the presence of all these useful substances, but the fact that in this form they are perfectly absorbed by the body.

Rough alimentary fiber perform a cleansing role: in the stomach they absorb liquid and swell, and then, entering the intestines, cleanse it of waste and toxins. In addition, thanks to oatmeal, cholesterol levels in the blood are reduced, and therefore this porridge serves as a good preventive measure against the occurrence of cholesterol plaques.

It also has other beneficial properties: prevention of nervous disorders (because of this, oatmeal is recommended for nervous exhaustion), mitigation of skin inflammation, prevention of tuberculosis due to silicon content, stimulation of the reproductive system, maintenance hormonal levels, strengthening both muscle and bone tissue - and so on.


People with celiac disease should not eat oatmeal. For everyone who does not suffer from intolerance to grains, consumption is allowed and even beneficial, but you need to dose their content in the diet - if an excess of phytic acid is formed in the body, of which there is a lot in oatmeal, then this will harm the skeletal system.

Calorie content

Approximately 350 kcal per 100 grams of product is a lot, but it is difficult to gain weight unless you really eat a lot of porridge and add plenty of oil to it. Hercules can even be used as part of weight loss diets due to the fact that it is easily digestible and satiates for a long time.

Moreover, often during a diet due to lack of needed by the body substances, depression develops, and oatmeal effectively fights it. Oatmeal also normalizes digestion, which also helps you lose weight faster while dieting.

Sales of oatmeal

Our company sells high quality oatmeal wholesale, at low prices. The cereal is stored in a warehouse in compliance with all appropriate standards, preserving all nutrients. Production is carried out in strict compliance with technological standards, as a result of which the resulting product meets all quality standards.

Oats – unique cereal crop. Products made from it not only satisfy hunger, but also improve health. Oatmeal, jelly, and soups are prescribed for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Oatmeal saturates with minerals and lifts your mood. For many she is simply favorite treat, giving you energy for the whole day.

Composition of oat flakes

The most famous and consumed oat product is oat flakes. The Hercules cereal, familiar from childhood, is now quite in demand and popular. Chemical composition oatmeal brings considerable benefits: it gives health, beauty, longevity. Judge for yourself:

  • The increased fiber content helps keep the digestive system in good shape, cleanses the intestines, and promotes gentle and easy elimination of excess.
  • B vitamins found in oat grains are responsible for the condition of the skin, nails, and hair, adding elasticity, strength, and beauty to them.
  • Iodine, which is part of the culture, protects your thyroid gland and strengthens nervous system, improves brain function, adding intelligence, reaction, endurance.
  • Vitamins A and E allow you to maintain beauty and youth, support women Health.
  • Phosphorus, calcium and magnesium, which are abundant in Hercules, monitor the strength and performance of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Gluten-free oats are simply irreplaceable for people suffering from celiac disease (intolerance to this component of wheat flour).

Calorie content

Traditionally the nutritional value A product is determined by the number of calories it contains, as well as the percentage of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU). Oats, like all cereals, are a product with high content complex carbohydrates, calorie content of rolled oats (its energy value) 325 kcal. per 100 g of product. The ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrates in the cereal is 12.3: 6.2: 61.8 percent.


To make cooking oatmeal take less time, oats are turned into Hercules or Extra flakes. This is done like this: under production conditions: the cereal is washed, dried, cleared of chaff, polished, and passed through a special apparatus. In it, the grains are flattened into smooth or grooved petals of a given thickness. If the petal is thicker, the porridge requires cooking; thin petals just need to be brewed, that is, pour boiling water over it and let it brew.

The thinnest flakes, made like chips, are sometimes called instant. They are digested faster and absorbed by the body, that is, they have a higher glycemic index. It's convenient, but not very healthy. Such cereals fill you up quickly, but the feeling of hunger after them comes within an hour. Therefore, nutritionists recommend Hercules.

What is the difference between rolled oats and oatmeal?

How not to get confused in names, to distinguish rolled oats from oatmeal or Extra cereal? What is the difference between oatmeal and rolled oats is not a correct question. Oatmeal refers to all products made from oats: rolled groats, flakes of any kind, oatmeal of any grind. The name "Hercules" originates in the USSR. That was the name of those produced by the Soviet food industry popular oat flakes. In addition to them, Petal and “Extra” oatmeal could be found on sale. They differed in cooking time and average petal thickness.

Why are they useful?

So, oatmeal dishes in the diet - what is it? A tribute to fashion or a miracle product to protect your health? The proven beneficial properties of the product are listed below. The list is impressive:

  • oats are a generous source of polysaccharides, necessary for the body for building new cells;
  • regular consumption reduces cholesterol and prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • improves blood composition, increases its coagulability;
  • liquid oatmeal, jelly, and broth normalize kidney function;
  • strengthens your nails and hair, and makes your skin healthier and more elastic;
  • oatmeal without additives cleanses the intestines, normalizes the pH of gastric juice, and removes toxins and waste from the body;
  • oat dishes strengthen memory, increase speed of thinking, and relieve stress;
  • Oatmeal strengthens the immune system and improves the overall tone of the body;
  • oat products normalize blood pressure and help fight hypertension;
  • oats are a food that helps regulate metabolism, which is very important for those watching their weight.

Besides cooking delicious porridge on water or dairy, baked goods, desserts, the product is used in cosmetology as an external remedy (facial masks, mixtures that strengthen hair are prepared). Sprouted grains are added to salads, smoothies to quickly restore the body after illness, injury or spring vitamin deficiency. Oat bran added to bread, which will bring many times more more benefit than regular baked goods. Truly oats are a tasty doctor, which, moreover, helps get rid of excess weight.

For weight loss

Did you know that elevated blood glucose levels increase your appetite, which is difficult to control? Despite the fact that oats are not the lowest-calorie cereal, oatmeal is actively used for weight loss. Their long period of processing in the body has a gentle effect on the pancreas. Oatmeal breaks down slowly, its components are absorbed without causing an increase in blood sugar. This is important not only for people with diabetes mellitus, but also for those who want to lose weight. However, to control your weight, you need to eat oatmeal correctly.


Despite the proven benefits of oatmeal, there is an opinion that some types of cereal are harmful. In fact, the harm of instant oats has been greatly exaggerated. Everyone knows the truth: whole grain porridge healthier than cereal. However, you can cook whole grain oatmeal for an hour and it will still be a little tough. The flakes make the porridge tender, but the principle remains the same: the longer the cereal needs to be thermally processed, the healthier it is. Therefore, Hercules flakes are preferable to Extra.

If you are used to eating in the morning oatmeal, do not forget that this is for breakfast low calorie dish. Satisfying your hunger a short time, the cereal will cause severe hunger within an hour. To avoid discomfort, eat it with oatmeal for breakfast. protein food: cottage cheese, egg, piece of fish. In front of everyone unique properties oats, the sometimes recommended oatmeal mono-diet will not benefit your figure or help you look better. Oatmeal is good balanced diet, that's the only way she'll bring it maximum benefit.

How to cook

The first thing that comes to mind when you see a box of cereal is to cook oatmeal in water or milk. But this is not as simple as it may seem. You need to know how to cook Hercules so that the porridge turns out tender, tasty and very healthy. However, traditional porridge is not the only dish based on Hercules or Extra flakes. They are used to prepare soups, desserts, cookies, casseroles, and are added to salads and smoothies. Making oatmeal is a simple matter. By knowing the basic techniques, you can turn oatmeal meals into a feast for the whole family.


The recipes below from Hercules will be able to convince your family that oatmeal is not just porridge. Prepare them from time to time to maintain the health of adults and children, give vigor, good mood, energize all family members. Three basic recipe with photo ( ordinary porridge, bakery, original dessert) can be supplemented with components to suit your taste. A little imagination - and you will find unique in its properties, very tasty, original breakfast.


  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: for two.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 172 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Oatmeal "Hercules", the recipe for which is given in this section, is boiled in water, and then finished form seasoned with additives to taste. There are three secrets to success: buy cereal that requires cooking; do not cook for a long time; add butter generously. Use milk or cream, berries, fruits, and nuts as additives. Strawberries, raspberries, and currants can be sprinkled with sugar before adding to the porridge. The berries will release juice, and their taste in the dish will be brighter.


  • Hercules oat flakes – 1 cup;
  • water – 2 glasses;
  • salt – 1/3 tsp;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. l. (without slide);
  • butter – 25 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil water with sugar and salt, add oatmeal to it, stir.
  2. Cook for three to five minutes. Do not let the porridge “run away”; remove from heat for a few seconds when it rises into foam.
  3. Cooked cereal swells, but is not yet cooked, ready-made porridge does not foam. Turn off the heat, add oil. Let the porridge brew for five to ten minutes, stir, and place on plates.
  4. Add milk, berries, fresh or dry fruits, and nuts as desired.

Cookie recipe

  • Preparation time: 30 minutes (plus one hour of dough resting in the refrigerator).
  • Number of servings: up to 10 servings (30 pcs.).
  • Calorie content of the dish: 460 kcal.
  • Purpose: sweet pastries.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Baking from oatmeal - healthy and tasty treat from available products, which is easy to prepare and never gets boring. You can add whatever you like to the round thick cookies: raisins, dried apricots, pieces of prunes, chocolate chips. These delicious shortcakes They can be stored for up to seven days and can be baked for future use. Just don’t put it in a visible place - cookies tend to get eaten quickly. Before making cookies, you need to choose finely ground flakes for the dish (as opposed to porridge), for example, one of the varieties of Extra oatmeal.


  • sugar – 2/3 cup;
  • wheat flour – 1.5 cups;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • baking powder - 2 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Rub butter and sugar into homogeneous mass, add eggs one at a time, mix.
  2. Mix oatmeal with the resulting mixture.
  3. Mix the baking powder and flour into the dough, which should become thick.
  4. Leave the dough packed in a bag (film) in the refrigerator for an hour.
  5. The baking tray needs to be greased with oil. Place small pieces of dough on it, tearing them off from a large lump. Make the cookies round and flat, about 1 cm thick. Once baked, they will rise and increase in diameter, do not pack them too tightly.
  6. Cook the shortcakes in the oven for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 175-185 degrees.


  • Cooking time: 40 minutes.
  • Number of servings: for two.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 172 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

An unusually tasty and original dessert can be prepared from Extra instant oatmeal. Judging by the reviews, even those who don’t like oatmeal like this alternative to oatmeal. Offer the dish to your children to show them that healthy food can be very tasty. This one is not the best low calorie dessert so useful that it should definitely diversify your family’s menu.


  • Extra oat flakes – 1.5 cups;
  • milk – 2/3 cup;
  • sour cream – 1/3 cup;
  • vegetable oil – 1/4 cup;
  • raisins – 40 g;
  • almond petals– 30 g;
  • salt – 1/3 tsp;
  • soda – 1/2 tsp;
  • citric acid – 1/3 tsp;
  • roasted almonds – 30 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix oatmeal with sugar, salt, soda, citric acid, add almond petals.
  2. In a separate bowl (jar), thoroughly mix sour cream, milk, and butter.
  3. Pour the milk component into the dry mixture.
  4. Add raisins, stir the mixture, pour into a baking dish.
  5. The mass must be baked at a temperature of 175-185 degrees, baking time is 25 minutes.
  6. Spoon the cooled dessert into the bowls and sprinkle with chopped roasted almonds.


Porridge can be made from oatmeal or cereal. Before cooking, the cereal is soaked for several hours and cooked for quite a long time: about 30–40 minutes. But it is also the most healthy and delicious.

There are different types of flakes:

  • Extra No. 1 - thin, large and the healthiest of oat flakes. Cooking time is 15 minutes.
  • Extra No. 2 - thin flakes of a smaller size, cook for 5-10 minutes.
  • Extra No. 3 - thin and smallest, suitable for baby food. Cook quickly: 2–5 minutes.
  • Hercules - thick large flakes, steamed and therefore less healthy. Cook for about 20 minutes.
  • Petal flakes are thick flakes, but more tender than rolled oats and cook faster: about 10 minutes.

Always read the instructions on the packaging: it says exact time cooking a specific type of cereal.

In what proportions should I cook oatmeal?

Porridge can be cooked with milk or water. The volume of liquid depends on what consistency you want:

  • for liquid oatmeal, take 3–3.5 parts of liquid for 1 part of cereal or flakes;
  • for semi-viscous - proportion 1: 2.5;
  • for viscous - 1:2.

For one serving, half a glass of oatmeal or cereal is enough.

What can you add to oatmeal?

Usually porridge is cooked with sugar or honey: for one serving - about one tablespoon of sweetener. To enhance the taste, you can also add a small pinch of salt and a piece butter.

Additional Ingredients:

  • berries, fruits and dried fruits;
  • jam;
  • candied fruit;
  • nuts;
  • chocolate or cocoa;
  • vegetables: carrots or pumpkin;
  • spices: cinnamon, cloves or others (to taste).

Heat water or milk. When the liquid begins to boil, add cereal or cereal, sweetener and a pinch of salt. Stirring, bring the porridge to a boil and reduce heat.

Cook the porridge until cooked, remembering to stir. Then remove from heat, cover and let stand for a couple of minutes. At the end, add toppings, a knob of butter and serve.

Combine oatmeal, water, sugar and salt in a bowl. Place in and cook on maximum power for 1.5 minutes. Then stir the porridge and turn on the oven for another 20-40 seconds.

Make sure that the oatmeal does not escape: if it boils, it means it is almost ready. Remove the porridge and let it stand covered for a few minutes.

For cooking in microwave oven It’s better not to use milk: it runs away very quickly. It is also better to take instant cereals.

If cooking oatmeal in the morning is a feat for you, do it in the evening. Just pour the cereal fast cooking(extra No. 2 or 3) with hot milk or water, add the remaining ingredients, cool until room temperature, cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator. Overnight, the oatmeal will absorb all the liquid and the porridge will be ready. In the morning, all you have to do is heat it in the microwave.
