Lettuce salad: original recipes for preparing the dish. Simple salads

Hello again, my dear readers! The last article showed that you are not at all indifferent to the beauty of spring. Therefore, today I decided to continue the topic and also talk about the plant, only not about flowers, but about leaves... edible.

There are now a great many such leaves both in our own native beds and on the market. And in one article, of course, I won’t be able to talk about them all, so you need to choose the very best from this set... Which one do you think? I think these are lettuce leaves. And you? Do you agree?

For me, on this topic the most interest Ask this is what can be prepared from lettuce leaves? But let’s not break tradition and first talk about the benefits of the main character.

Salad benefits

I'm sure the benefits of this regular ingredient you've heard many times. But specifically, how is it useful for the body? Tricky question?! As usual, I plunged into the topic headlong and brought out specific usefulness into the light of day:

  • Lowering blood cholesterol levels;
  • Stabilization of metabolic processes (a lifesaver for those losing weight!);
  • Strengthening the immune system;
  • Barrier against toxins, gases and radiation;
  • Calms the nervous system;
  • Organizes good hematopoiesis;
  • Increases performance.

And they say that with its help you can even restore your eyesight! Just a record holder for calcium content (didn’t you know?), And how many minerals and vitamins it contains! So now, when winter is far behind us, is the time to replenish their reserves.

Naturally, no one will refuse this positive influence ordinary food on your body. But, for me personally, it is difficult to eat salad in its ordinary, “raw” form. Agree, most (if not all) of its types have a bitter taste. How to be? It's simple: we'll add it as a component of some dish.

Spring kitchen

Let's start with the simplest thing - mixing salads.

Cucumber salad

An ordinary dish, which, moreover, will not harm your figure at all. And it’s ready almost instantly! It will take you about 20 minutes to do everything about everything. Approximate content:

  • leaf salad
  • cucumbers
  • sour cream

Why approximate? And no one will forbid you to add an apple, for example, or olives to it and “throw out” the high-calorie eggs! The cooking process itself is incredibly simple. You just need to cut all the ingredients in arbitrary proportions and season with sour cream, for example. Seasonings, spices, herbs, you select those that you like, according to your taste - I have dill with parsley adore. And you, maybe – cilantro or celery?

Light salad with cheese

As I already wrote In this article, any salad with tomatoes and feta cheese ultimately becomes Greek. I’m not at all against Greek, but you can read how to prepare it in the above article, just add the leaves of our today’s hero to the described composition (other greens are also not forbidden).

Now we will make another salad, and there will be no tomatoes in it. What will happen? There will be cheese (or cheese) and greens. That's all! How? Elementary:

We tear the salad into small pieces, finely chop the available greens - onion, parsley and dill in my case. But three cheese cheese on a grater and combine. Ultimately, I season with sour cream, and if you respect mayonnaise, add a little. And I’ll tell you a secret, this salad is very tasty thin pita bread stuff.

Attention! Use salt in small quantities, as the cheese itself tastes quite salty. And it’s even better not to add salt to this salad at all.

What can be done variety of salads from salad (some kind of pun...) and vegetables, this is obvious. But what are the options with this simple ingredient Is there anything besides salad? Now I will tell you about this in detail. To begin with, I suggest preparing

Green sandwiches

In general, I am far from a supporter of fast food, hasty snacks and all that. But if you want to give yourself a snack, you need to bring it as close as possible. proper nutrition. It is for such a case that I will present you with a recipe that will not affect your figure, because there will be no bread in it. So, the recipe (ha! recipe... the funniest thing):

Place cheese, tomato, cucumber or apples on the layer of lettuce leaves you choose. You can pour the sauce over it all, and cover the top with the same layer as the bottom. You can improvise, create different variations about the filling of such a sandwich. How's the recipe? I think she gave me an idea after all.

Rolls with cottage cheese

In this version, in addition to today’s culprit, cottage cheese adds a bunch of benefits. If you wish, read more about it in this And in this article. Now watch the video to see how to prepare the dish.

The same principle is used to prepare cabbage rolls from lettuce leaves. I added cheese, herbs and nuts to the filling.

Well, it seems to me that there are enough snacks, it’s time for hot dishes.

Omelet with cheese

If you have an omelet, then by all means – eggs (or not?). In one container mix them with sour cream and tomato paste(you can use whole tomatoes) in a 1:1 ratio. Grind the cheese and add to the general mixture.

Pre-chop the leaves, for example, tear them or you can cut them with a knife, now pour them into a container with the resulting mixture. Add pepper, salt and your favorite spices to taste. That's all, feel free to put everything in a frying pan that has already been heated on the stove.

Advice! If you decide to use tomatoes instead of tomato, you must first fry them. Besides, this type An omelet does not tend to fry evenly, so if you don’t want to constantly stir, you can bake it in the oven.

Omelette goes perfectly with any meat, herbs and vegetables. Although, I prefer to sprinkle the finished omelette with fresh herbs on top, and eat it that way.

Green puree soup

Surely, you are aware that liquid is necessary for the body. And often, this expression refers to various liquid soups. So, I propose to prepare a useful and delicious soup with our today's hero. Compound:

  • lettuce leaves (lots and lots)
  • butter – 3 tbsp. spoons
  • flour – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • milk – 5-6 glasses

I will consider the cooking process using such a miracle of technology as a blender. If you do not have such a device, you can use a meat grinder.

Using a blender, puree the leaves. In a saucepan, lightly “fry” the flour with some butter, and leave another spoonful of butter for later. Dilute it all with hot milk, then boil and mix with green salad mixture. You need to cook for about 10-15 minutes. Next, add salt, butter, cream and the like to taste, as you like.

Advice! Any puree soup goes perfectly with croutons; I understand that this is not very healthy, but it is incredibly tasty.

Potato soup

Another soup, a little more substantial in my opinion. And we will need a blender at the end of cooking, but we can do without it (which is what I actually do). You can use absolutely any type of lettuce for it – “lollo rossa”, “iceberg” and others.

  • bulb onions
  • potato
  • milk
  • butter
  • chicken bouillon
  • lettuce leaves

Melt in a saucepan butter and add chopped onion into rings. If you already see that the onions are fried, you can add two cups of milk and three cups of chicken broth. After boiling, add the chopped potatoes and cook under the lid for literally 20 minutes. After the potatoes have already been cooked, add chopped leaves to it, “by eye”. Cook for another 5 minutes, don’t forget to add salt! Finally, grind everything in a blender. How do you like this option?

My dear hostesses, I hope that you liked the recipes with this useful ingredient. Don't forget that the salad can also be used in smoothie, with various combinations.

I wish you success in the culinary field, in preparing delicious dishes! And you, in turn, subscribe to updates and recommend the blog to your friends, because this is where the most necessary, useful and proven advice is collected!

Simple, tasty and hearty salad I highly recommend trying the “Obzhorka” with chicken. There are several types of this salad, this is the simplest and most democratic :)

Chicken, carrots, onions, pickled cucumbers, garlic, vegetable oil, salt, pepper, mayonnaise

What to cook for your birthday? Use this recipe with photos to prepare a delicious birthday meal. holiday salad from chicken meat. The Birthday salad recipe is simple, easy, inexpensive and original. And this dish is prepared quickly. And it’s quite suitable as baby salad for a child's birthday. And adults will appreciate it for its taste, beauty and originality... Help yourself!

Chicken fillet, eggs, apple, fresh cucumbers, mayonnaise, lemon juice, tomatoes, greens

Are you already getting unexpected guests? Well, let them go, we are always glad to have guests :) Crab salad with croutons “Instant”. Up! And already on the table!

Crab sticks, croutons, canned corn, Chinese cabbage, hard cheese, mayonnaise, garlic, salt, ground black pepper

Salad instant cooking! By the time the unexpected guests take off their coats and sit down at the table, you will already have a delicious meal ready. hearty snack. And if the guests don’t come, prepare sprat salad for myself;)

Canned sprats, canned corn, canned beans, hard cheese, garlic, croutons, herbs, mayonnaise

Someone will say that Mimosa salad is not a new recipe. Yes, but this salad is delicious, beautiful and even somehow cheerful. If the mood turns out to be "rainy", let's correct it with the help of Mimosa salad. And how to cook Mimosa not just with potatoes, but with an apple and cheese, I’ll tell you and show you now.

Canned sardines, canned saury, onions, potatoes, butter, mayonnaise, eggs, apple, hard cheese, green onions

Delicious salads are an essential part of the holiday table. The “My Paradise” salad made of vegetables, eggs and sausage will definitely appeal to Olivier lovers.

Smoked sausage, boiled potatoes, boiled carrots, pickled cucumbers, eggs, canned green peas, hard cheese, mayonnaise

The Naples salad recipe is not only a wonderful decoration for the holiday table, but a tasty and easy-to-prepare dish. It’s not hard to guess why the second name of this dish is salad “8 layers.” Prepare this salad for your birthday, and don’t forget about it when choosing New Year’s salads.

Lettuce, canned corn, canned green peas, bell peppers, eggs, bacon, olives, cheese, mayonnaise, mustard, vegetable oil, sugar...

This colorful salad is decorated in an unusual way - its components are laid out in sectors. Each guest can create a salad to their taste)))

Crab sticks, cucumber, canned corn, canned beans, croutons, mayonnaise, greens

Simple, tasty, healthy salad. And also colorful vegetables pleasing to the eye bright colors. In just 10 minutes you will create a charge of health and mood for the whole family.

White cabbage, fresh cucumbers, red bell pepper, yellow bell pepper, parsley, vegetable oil, salt, sugar, vinegar, cranberry

Very tasty salad. Simple, tasty and satisfying. And most importantly, my husband is happy :)

Crackers, beans, canned corn, pickled cucumbers, garlic, champignons, onions, vegetable oil, salt, pepper, mayonnaise, cherry tomatoes...

What do you think the salad should be like? Unusual, tasty, easy to prepare? Please, here is a simple, quick, and most importantly delicious salad!

Russian cheese, smoked meat, smoked chicken, pitted black olives, Chinese cabbage, croutons, chips, salt, pepper, olive oil, sunflower oil

Simple vegetable salad on new way. Well, very tasty puff salad from beets. If you take lean mayonnaise and exclude eggs, then this dish can be prepared during Lent.

Beets, potatoes, carrots, eggs, herbs, ground black pepper, mayonnaise, salt

It’s easy to make this salad for dinner or for a holiday. It’s fast, tasty and not embarrassing to serve to guests. Salad with crab sticks and Chinese cabbage that's why I like it.

Chinese cabbage, crab sticks, bell pepper, canned corn, greens, green onions, mayonnaise, salt, pepper

This is the most delicious cod liver salad I have ever eaten. I recommend. Unusual. Beautiful. Just. Gently. A wonderful option for a birthday salad or snack New Year.

Cod liver, carrots, boiled eggs, cheese, onion, mayonnaise

This salad of beans and crab sticks can be a real lifesaver for receiving unexpected guests. In a matter of minutes you will be serving this hearty and very impressive colorful dish. However, for a working housewife every minute always counts, so we advise you to take note of this quick salad with red beans.

Crab sticks, canned corn, onions, boiled eggs, canned beans, mayonnaise, salt

Well, a very tasty salad with boiled meat, vegetables and mayonnaise. Hearty and somehow special. You can serve it for dinner or at the holiday table.

Pork, carrots, onions, sugar, vinegar, canned green peas, mayonnaise, salt, pepper, vegetable oil

For the holidays I will offer you a chicken dish with unusual combination ingredients - salad with chicken, kiwi and apple. Simple, but beautiful, elegant. Salad " Malachite bracelet"You can do it for New Year, for a birthday, or for a romantic dinner.

Chicken fillet, eggs, kiwi, apple, carrots, Korean carrots, hard cheese, garlic, mayonnaise, lemon juice

Probably all housewives know that greens are good for the body. She is the source of mass the most useful substances, important for the full growth and development of the whole body, for brain function, maintaining beauty and health. Great resource necessary for the body nutrients are lettuce leaves. They can now be purchased in many supermarkets, and if you wish, you can even grow them yourself - on a windowsill or balcony. But what can you prepare to eat from salad other than a simple salad?

Rolls with cottage cheese

To prepare such delicious and healthy snack you should use ten to twelve lettuce leaves, two hundred grams of cottage cheese, a small bunch of dill, a couple of cloves of garlic (in principle, you can discard it) and a couple of three-table spoons natural yogurt or low-fat sour cream. You will also need some salt, dried basil and oregano depending on your taste preferences.

So, first, take lettuce leaves, they should be as fresh and whole as possible. Rinse them under running water and leave to drain. If possible, dry the leaves from excess moisture. Do not forget to taste the selected salad in advance; perhaps it is bitter, and in such a situation it is not recommended to use it this dish It's better to refuse.

Prepare curd paste: Place the cottage cheese in a convenient bowl, rinse the dill and shake off excess moisture. Chop the greens into smaller pieces and add to the cottage cheese. Add salt to the resulting mass, also add all the prepared spices and garlic, passed through a garlic press. Add natural yogurt or sour cream to the bowl. The resulting mixture must be thoroughly mixed, achieving a paste-like state.

Spread the prepared lettuce leaves curd mass, wrap it in a roll or envelope. Serve to the table.
This dish will become excellent option for a quick snack.

Omelet with lettuce

Omelet is enough popular dish, which is easily prepared from available ingredients. And if desired, it can be based on healthy lettuce leaves. So, stock up on a couple of eggs, a couple of tablespoons of flour and a couple of tablespoons of sour cream, lettuce, hard cheese and salt.

Combine eggs with flour and sour cream, add salt and beat well to get foam on top. Place a greased frying pan on the fire a small amount vegetable oil. Once the frying pan is well heated, pour the egg mixture onto it. As soon as the omelette starts to stick a little, carefully move the mixture in the pan from the middle part closer to the edges, cover with a lid and leave for two minutes.

During this time, prepare the lettuce leaves, tear them into small pieces at random. Grate the cheese on a medium grater.

Sprinkle leaves over the omelette, then cover it with a layer of cheese. Gently stir the top layer of the omelette with a fork; the top will then mix with the lettuce and cheese. Cover the pan with a lid and leave for half a minute. Then turn off the heat, wait a little longer and serve ready dish to the table.

Cream soup with lettuce leaves

To prepare such a dish, you will need a large head of lettuce (about half a kilogram), six hundred milliliters of broth, six hundred milliliters of milk, a small onion, fifty grams of butter and twenty-five grams of flour. Also use some salt, pepper, nutmeg, sugar and hard cheese.

Separate the head of lettuce into individual leaves. Dip them into boiling water, after adding some salt, and boil for five minutes. Then cool the leaves in cold water.

Chop the salad, put it in a saucepan, and pour in the prepared broth. Place on the fire and cook over medium heat until it boils, then reduce the heat and cook for another five minutes. Add salt, pepper and sugar with nutmeg. Grind the resulting soup with a blender to a puree, or you can also rub it through a sieve.

Place another saucepan on the fire and melt the butter in it. Peel the onion and chop it smaller. Fry the onion until transparent, then add flour to it, stirring constantly. Fry for several minutes, then pour milk into the pan in a thin stream. Wait for the milk mass to boil, then add the salad puree to it. Warm the resulting mixture, taste it and, if necessary, add spices.

Pour the finished dish into plates and sprinkle with grated cheese. Serve hot.

Green soup with lettuce leaves

In this version of the soup, lettuce is used as an alternative to sorrel. So, you need to stock up on three bunches of lettuce, three potatoes, a couple of eggs, two hundred grams white cabbage, three hundred and fifty grams of turkey fillet and a medium onion. You will also need some salt, spices and sour cream.

Boil the meat in boiling salted water until cooked. Strain the resulting broth and return to the stove. Peel the potatoes, chop into small cubes, and place in boiling broth. Chop the onion into half rings. Place them raw in the soup, or, if desired, fry them until nicely golden.

Wash the lettuce leaves, shake them off excess moisture and cut them as desired. Boil the eggs hard and chop into small cubes.

After the potatoes have simmered for about ten minutes, add lettuce leaves to them. After another ten minutes, add finely shredded cabbage and any other greens of your choice to the pan. Add salt and season (it is best to use oregano and basil). Bring until ready.

Add to ready soup boiled eggs, season with sour cream and serve.

Lovers dietary salads We've already heard about the benefits of lettuce leaves. Many are used in cooking various types salads - lettuce, watercress, romaine, iceberg, and this is only the smallest part.

It can be perfectly combined with cheese, vegetables, fish, meat or poultry. As light dinner or for a snack, you can prepare a delicious salad with lettuce leaves. This dish is not usually seasoned with mayonnaise; as a rule, it is used for dressing various sauces based on sour cream, olive oil or yogurt.

For those who have not yet had time to appreciate the beauty of lettuce leaves, we present recipes for delicious and light salads.

Light salad lettuce and chicken

Salad with lettuce and chicken should be prepared as follows:

  1. Cleaning chicken fillet remove the bones and skin and cook in boiling salted water for about forty minutes over medium heat. The fillet is ready if the fibers are well separated from each other. Now it needs to be allowed to cool and cut into cubes;
  2. Heat oil in a frying pan and fry sesame seeds in it for a couple of minutes over high heat. Then you need to crush the grains, add paprika, then reduce the heat and fry for another two minutes;
  3. Cut the city bun or loaf into cubes, coat them with a mixture of sesame and paprika. Cover a baking sheet with foil, sprinkle crackers on it and place in a hot oven until they brown;
  4. Tear lettuce leaves and place in a large bowl, add boiled fillet, sprinkle with lemon juice and mix. Sprinkle crackers on top and mix again;
  5. It is advisable to serve this salad on a flat dish, and for beauty you can sprinkle sesame seeds on top.

Caesar salad"


  • 300 grams of chicken fillet;
  • ten cherry tomatoes;
  • one bunch of lettuce;
  • vegetable oil;
  • five slices of city bread or loaf;
  • olive oil;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • two egg yolks;
  • dry herbs;
  • two teaspoons of grainy mustard;
  • 100 grams of Parmesan.

Time - 30 minutes.

Calorie content - 186 kilocalories.

Steps for preparing Caesar salad with lettuce and chicken step by step:

  1. First of all you need to prepare garlic croutons. This can be done in several ways - bake in the oven or fry in a frying pan. Most importantly, the crackers should acquire a garlicky taste. To do this, pour a couple of tablespoons of olive oil into a small bowl, cut the garlic into thin slices and beat a little. Then add the garlic to the oil and heat in the microwave for half a minute. Cut the bun or loaf into cubes. Line a baking tray with foil, place crackers on it and coat garlic oil, then bake in the oven;
  2. Wash and dry the chicken fillet. Then it needs to be cut into cubes and fried on vegetable oil;
  3. Now you need to prepare the Caesar sauce. Chicken eggs Boil in boiling water for about five minutes. The yolks must be separated from the whites and thoroughly ground. Gradually add olive oil, stirring constantly, add lemon juice and beat well with a whisk or mixer. Then you need to add grated cheese, mustard and herbs;
  4. We tear the lettuce leaves with our hands and distribute them along the bottom of the container. Drizzle them with Caesar dressing. Place chicken pieces and garlic croutons on top of the lettuce leaves. Cut cherry tomatoes into halves and add to the salad, pour sauce on top.

Warm appetizer with liver and lettuce leaves

  • 300 grams of chicken liver;
  • one ripe mango;
  • olive oil;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • Dijon mustard;
  • linden honey;
  • salt pepper.

Time - 30 minutes.

Nutritional value - 179 kilocalories.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Rinse the lettuce leaves, dry them, chop them with a knife or tear them with your hands;
  2. Wash the mango, peel and pit it, and chop finely;
  3. If chicken liver frozen, you need to wait until it thaws completely. We wash the liver well and clean it of films and veins. Cut the offal into medium-sized pieces;
  4. Add oil to the pan, salt the liver and fry for half an hour over low heat. The liver should be tender and soft;
  5. Now you need to prepare the dressing. To do this, whisk Dijon mustard with olive oil, add a couple of tablespoons of linden honey and mix well. Spicy lovers can add a little pepper;
  6. Let's create a festive salad. For a big one beautiful dish lay out the lettuce leaves, then place the mango pieces and warm fried liver. After this, the salad needs to be poured with honey-mustard dressing.

Tuna recipe


  • a bunch of lettuce leaves;
  • eight cherry tomatoes or one large tomato;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • four quail eggs;
  • can of canned tuna;
  • green onions;
  • three radishes;
  • fresh cucumber;
  • bell pepper;
  • a tablespoon of lemon juice;
  • vegetable oil.

Time - 30 minutes.

Calorie content - 80 kilocalories.

The cooking steps are as follows:

  1. Boil chicken and quail eggs, immerse in cold water and peel off the shell. We cut the chicken into four parts, and the quail into two parts;
  2. Wash the lettuce leaves and place in a colander;
  3. Cut cherry tomatoes into halves, and large tomatoes into small cubes
  4. Cut green onions into rings;
  5. Mix all prepared ingredients, except eggs, and season with lemon juice, salt, oil and pepper;
  6. Open the can of tuna and drain the oils. Mash the fish with a fork, add to the dish, mix and lay the egg on top.

Salad with turkey and tofu cheese


  • 200 grams of turkey;
  • 100 grams of tofu;
  • 100 grams of flour;
  • glass of water;
  • vegetable oil;
  • a bunch of lettuce leaves;
  • two tomatoes;
  • asparagus;
  • lemon;
  • celery;
  • a tablespoon of Dijon mustard;
  • a teaspoon of oyster sauce;
  • a teaspoon of sesame oil;
  • a teaspoon of soy sauce;
  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic.

Time - 40 minutes.

Calorie content - 205 kilocalories.

The delicious salad is prepared as follows:

  1. Peel and finely chop celery and asparagus;
  2. Tomatoes need to be immersed in boiling water, then remove the skin and remove the inside, cut the pulp into pieces;
  3. Mix tomatoes with asparagus and celery;
  4. We tear the lettuce leaves with our hands and add them to the vegetables;
  5. Cut the turkey into thin slices, salt and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice, grease with oil and stuff with garlic. Fry the fillet in a frying pan on both sides;
  6. Cut tofu cheese into cubes. From flour cold water and salt to prepare the batter;
  7. Dip the tofu cubes into the batter and lightly fry in pre-hot oil;
  8. Prepare the sauce. Mix oyster sauce, Sesame oil, Dijon mustard, soy sauce, lemon juice, honey and vegetable oil;
  9. Mix all ingredients in a salad bowl and season with sauce.

With shrimps


  • 300 grams of shrimp;
  • a bunch of lettuce leaves;
  • five cherry tomatoes;
  • two pieces sun-dried tomatoes
  • one avocado;
  • olive oil;
  • soy sauce;
  • mustard;
  • lemon juice;
  • salt.

Time - 30 minutes.

Calorie content - 65 kilocalories.

Process of creation delicious dish with lettuce leaves:

  1. Boil the shrimp in salted boiling water for five minutes, cool and peel;
  2. We wash the lettuce leaves, dry them and tear them by hand;
  3. Cut cherry tomatoes into halves;
  4. Cut sun-dried tomatoes into thin strips;
  5. Peel the avocado and cut into cubes;
  6. For the sauce, mix mustard, salt, soy sauce, lemon juice and olive oil;
  7. Place all ingredients on a flat dish and season with sauce.

In Greek


  • a bunch of lettuce;
  • half a jar of olives;
  • one red bell pepper;
  • one cucumber;
  • five cherry tomatoes;
  • one red onion;
  • two tablespoons wine vinegar;
  • olive oil;
  • a tablespoon of lemon juice;
  • a teaspoon of oregano;
  • salt pepper.

Time - 20 minutes.

Calorie content - 70 kilocalories.

How to prepare the dish:

Bon appetit!

Today there are more than one hundred varieties of lettuce in the world. It can be leafy or cabbage and differs not only in shape, but also in color. The most popular among domestic chefs are romaine, lettuce, frisee, iceberg and arugula. They go well with many ingredients, and therefore are widely used in cooking. In this article you will find simple recipes for lettuce salads.

Option with tomatoes and eggs

It's no secret that fresh herbs prone to rapid fading. So that this bright and interesting snack has not lost its presentable appearance, it must be prepared immediately before use. This dish can be served not only family dinner, but also on festive table. Because the this recipe Lettuce salad involves the use of certain ingredients, double check in advance that you have everything you need at your disposal. You will need:

  • 3 eggs.
  • Ripe large tomato.
  • A bunch of lettuce leaves.
  • Sour cream or mayonnaise.

Greenery is poured cold water and leave for ten minutes so that all the adhering dirt is better removed from it. After this, it is thoroughly washed under the tap, inspected from all sides for the presence of insects and slugs, torn by hand and placed in a suitable bowl. Diced tomatoes and chopped boiled eggs are also added there. Ready salad from lettuce leaves, the recipe of which will definitely add to your home collection, season with sour cream or mayonnaise and mix gently.

Option with radishes

We bring to your attention another interesting spring snack. It contains a large number of fresh vegetables and greenery. Therefore, it turns out not only tasty, but also incredibly healthy. Just like any other lettuce salad recipe, this option requires the presence of specific ingredients. This time you will need:

  • A bunch of radishes.
  • A couple of fresh cucumbers.
  • A bunch of lettuce leaves.
  • 4 eggs.
  • A tablespoon of light mayonnaise.
  • A bunch of dill and green onions.
  • Natural yogurt.
  • Salt and spices.

Washed vegetables and herbs are cut into small pieces and placed in a suitable container. Chopped dill and three chopped dill are also sent there. boiled eggs. All this is salted, sprinkled with spices and seasoned with a sauce consisting of natural yogurt and light mayonnaise. The finished lettuce salad, the recipe with a photo of which can be seen in today’s publication, is carefully mixed, decorated with quarters of the remaining egg and served. It goes well with almost any side dish. But most often it is consumed with meat or fish dishes.

Option with canned peas

Using the technology described below, you can relatively quickly prepare light snack. It turns out moderately juicy and has a pleasant fresh aroma. By analogy with any other lettuce salad recipe, this option involves using sufficient quantity various vegetables. Therefore, check in advance whether your home has:

  • 4 tablespoons canned peas.
  • 4-5 lettuce leaves.
  • A bunch of dill.
  • A couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • 3 green onions.
  • Tea spoon lemon juice.
  • Salt.

All vegetables and herbs are washed under running water, dried and chopped. The cucumber is cut into thin semicircles, lettuce leaves are torn by hand, onion and dill are chopped with a sharp knife. Place all this in a large bowl and combine with canned peas. Salt, lemon juice and vegetable oil are also added there. Mix everything carefully and serve.

Option with cottage cheese

We present to your attention another unusual recipe lettuce salads. A snack prepared in this way turns out to be moderately satisfying and at the same time quite light. To pamper your loved ones with original and healthy dish, make sure you have everything you need at hand in advance. This time you will need:

  • Half a kilo of cottage cheese.
  • A glass of sour cream.
  • 100 grams of lettuce leaves.
  • A couple of tablespoons of sugar.
  • Salt.

In one bowl combine cottage cheese and required quantity Sahara. All this is lightly salted, mixed and processed using a blender. Torn lettuce leaves are added to the resulting mass and placed in a heap on a beautiful dish. Make a small depression in the middle of the curd mixture and pour sour cream into it. Immediately after this, the finished salad is served on the table.

Option with pork and hard cheese

This dish will definitely add to your personal collection of simple and delicious recipes salads with lettuce leaves. Thanks to the presence of meat, it turns out to be quite filling and can be an excellent option for a family lunch. To prepare it you will need:

  • A bunch of green onions.
  • 150 grams of hard cheese.
  • A bunch of lettuce leaves.
  • 200 grams of boiled pork.
  • 3 fresh cucumbers.
  • A glass of mayonnaise.
  • Salt.

In one bowl combine chopped green onions, grated cheese and chopped pork. Salt, torn lettuce leaves and chopped cucumbers are also sent there. All this is seasoned with mayonnaise, mixed carefully and served for lunch or dinner.

Chicken option

This is one of the most simple recipes salad with lettuce leaves, photos of which can be found in the course of today’s publication. It can be used to prepare light and aromatic snack, capable of decorating any holiday table. To make it tasty and simple dish, you will need:

  • Head of lettuce.
  • 300 grams of chicken fillet.
  • A couple of tablespoons of liquid honey and olive oil.
  • 100 grams of cherry tomatoes.
  • One tablespoon grainy mustard And balsamic vinegar.
  • Salt and spices.

The washed and dried chicken fillet is rubbed with seasonings and coated with a marinade consisting of mustard and liquid honey. The meat prepared in this way is sent to the oven and baked at two hundred degrees for twenty minutes. Then it is cooled, cut into slices and placed in a suitable bowl.

Halves of cherry tomatoes and torn lettuce leaves are also sent there. The whole thing is topped with a sauce made from salted olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Mix everything well and season with ground pepper.

Option with champignons

This is one of the most delicious lettuce salads, recipes with photos of which can be seen in this publication. It is prepared from simple and easily accessible ingredients, sold in any grocery department. Before you begin the process, double-check whether you have in your home:

  • Bunch of curly lettuce.
  • Medium carrot.
  • 150 grams of young onions.
  • 5 spinach leaves.
  • Half a kilo of champignons.
  • 8 tablespoons of wine vinegar.
  • A clove of garlic.
  • 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • 2 shallots.
  • 150 milliliters of sour cream.
  • 5 tablespoons of chopped greens.
  • 100 grams of hard cheese.
  • Salt and spices.

Mushrooms are cut into quarters and fried in heated vegetable oil. As soon as the champignons are ready, add half of the available wine vinegar, salt and spices. Bring all this to a boil, remove from the burner and drain in a colander.

Then they are combined in one bowl with onion rings, carrot slices, torn lettuce leaves and chopped spinach. All this is seasoned with a sauce consisting of the remains of wine vinegar, sour cream, crushed garlic and chopped herbs. The finished salad is laid out on plates and sprinkled with grated cheese.

Option with bacon

This dish is very different interesting taste And pleasant aroma. It will become a great addition for a family dinner, and it doesn’t take too much time to prepare. This snack includes:

  • 75 grams of frisee lettuce.
  • 4 strips of bacon.
  • 150 grams soft cheese.
  • ½ large lemon.

The bacon is fried until crispy and placed on disposable towels. Once excess fat has drained from it, it is combined with lettuce leaves and seasoned with a sauce made from lemon juice and olive oil.

The cheese is cut into small pieces, laid out on a baking sheet with parchment paper and place in the oven. As soon as it melts, it is placed on a flat plate and covered with dressed salad.
