Chicken recipes for weight loss: the ideal healthy lifestyle diet. The most delicious chicken recipes for a slim figure

Tender chicken fillet is rightfully considered one of the most delicious and dietary. And its delicate taste goes well with a variety of different products. So it's no surprise that there are so many recipes using chicken breast.

It can be boiled, dried, fried and baked. In a word, chicken dishes leave a lot of room for imagination. But let's stop at the preparation. chicken breast, baked in foil.

Juicy chicken breast in foil in the oven

For this recipe you will need food aluminium foil. A dish cooked in foil is protected from the heat of the oven, so it turns out tender and juicy.

  • chicken fillet - 2 pcs. or 800 gr.;
  • onion (Yalta) - 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1-2 cloves;
  • French mustard - 1 tsp;
  • asparagus - 200 gr.;
  • sunflower oil- 2 tbsp.

Cooking time: 45 minutes.

Calorie content: 1200 kcal.

Ingredients you don't have can always be easily replaced. For example, instead of sunflower oil, butter or any other oil is used. And you can even replace asparagus with canned peas.

It is necessary to prepare the products. Wash the fillet and dry it with a paper towel, wash and peel the onion, and peel the carrots.

Next, prepare the sauce. To do this, beat the egg with a whisk, add mustard and butter. Add your favorite spices to the sauce and garlic cloves passed through a press. Meat can be baked in one dish or in portions.

If you are preparing individual portions, you need to cut a sheet of foil into squares. They should be large enough to completely wrap the meat in them.

We cut the fillet into portioned pieces. Place one piece on each square of foil. Either peas or boiled asparagus, onion slices and thin carrot slices are added to the meat.

Pour sauce on top. Wrap the foil tightly and place all the pieces in the oven.

The dish is cooked at a temperature of 180 ° C for about 30 minutes or less. If the meat is baked not in portions, but in one big piece, this time can be increased.

Chicken breast in sour cream

  • breast - 400 gr.;
  • sour cream 25% fat - 5 tbsp;
  • various peppercorns;
  • dill or parsley - to taste;
  • Bay leaf- 6 pcs.;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.

Calorie content: 700 kcal.

Let's take a closer look at how you can bake a chicken breast with sour cream in the oven in foil. Wash the breast well. Grind the pepper, add your favorite spices to taste and mix. Now you need to thoroughly rub the meat with the resulting mixture.

Using a sharp knife, make small slits in the breast and stuff it with garlic cloves. Coat the meat on all sides with sour cream mixed with finely chopped dill and salt. Leave some of the dill.

It is very important that the seasonings and sour cream penetrate properly into all cuts on the meat. In order for it to be better saturated with the taste and aroma of seasonings, it can be left in the refrigerator for an hour.

Line a baking dish with foil and place the meat. Place a broken bay leaf next to it. Seal the foil tightly. Bake in an oven heated to 180°C for about 45 minutes.

A few minutes before the end of cooking, remove the dish, open the foil and return it to the oven. This is done so that a crispy crust forms on the meat. Ready dish sprinkle with chopped dill.

It’s very tasty to complement this recipe with mushrooms. Any mushrooms, but best of all champignons, should be thoroughly washed, peeled and cut. Place the mushrooms along with the meat on foil and pour over the sauce. The combination of chicken meat, mushrooms and sour cream is a win-win option to please both family and guests.

Chicken fillet with tomatoes and zucchini

  • chicken breast - 1 pc.;
  • small zucchini - 1-2 pcs.;
  • cherry tomato - 10 pcs.;
  • cheese - 160-200 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • cream - 4 tbsp;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon slice - 3 pcs.;
  • mustard - 0.5 tsp.

Calorie content: 1500 kcal.

The recipe for chicken breast with zucchini and tomatoes in foil in the oven will really appeal to lovers of vegetables combined with white meat. Wash the breast under running water and dry with a paper towel. Combine all the ingredients for the marinade and mix thoroughly: add mustard, garlic, passed through a press, and lemon juice into the cream.

The meat must be pierced with a knife in several places along the grain. After this, generously coat the breast with marinade and cling film put in the refrigerator for an hour. During this time, the meat will acquire the desired taste of spices. A cling film won't let out a drop meat juice, and the dish will be very juicy.

We wash and prepare the vegetables. Peel the onion and cut it as you like: into rings or half rings. You can chop it very finely. It is advisable to take a small and young zucchini. Cut it into circles too. Salt the vegetables.

Line a baking dish with foil. Place marinated meat on it. Place vegetables on top and around: onions, whole tomatoes and zucchini rings. Sprinkle 100 gr. cheese, grated. Wrap the foil tightly and place the dish in the oven, preheated to 180 o C for 1 hour. A few minutes before it’s ready, open the foil and pour the rest of the cheese on top. The dish will be aromatic and tasty. It can be served with boiled potatoes, rice or pasta.

Oatmeal cutlets - healthy and tasty dish. You definitely need to include this dish in your diet.

Fried pies with jam - they are easy to prepare, several dough options are in our article.

recipe delicious cookies on margarine. Simple recipes. which even a novice housewife can cook.

Dietary chicken fillet in foil

Chicken meat baked according to this recipe will appeal to those who are on a diet; it will be juicy and aromatic.

  • fillet - 400 gr.;
  • kefir - 5 tbsp;
  • dill and parsley - to taste;
  • spices: salt, lemon pepper, cinnamon, thyme.

Calorie content: 500 kcal.

The meat must be washed, dried and cut into 5 pieces. We prepare a marinade from the remaining products: add finely chopped herbs and spices to kefir and stir until the salt is completely dissolved.

Place the meat into the mixture and leave for about 20 minutes. It could be longer. The meat will be saturated with the taste of the marinade and, most importantly, will be juicy. Cover the form with foil. Lay out the meat and pour the remaining marinade over it. Seal the foil tightly.

You need to bake the meat at a temperature of 180 o C for about half an hour. After the dish is ready, you need to remove it from the oven and leave to rest, covered with foil, for ten minutes. This way, the dietary chicken breast in foil will not lose its juiciness.

Interesting facts about cooking chicken

  1. To ensure that the chicken fillet retains its juiciness, after it is washed, it must be placed in a bowl of warm salted water for 15 minutes;
  2. In order not to release the water with which the meat has been saturated, you need to lubricate it with vegetable or melted butter;
  3. Chicken “loves” spices. It needs to be properly rubbed with any spices you like. Curry, paprika and turmeric work well;
  4. After cooking, the meat needs a little time to “come away” from cooking. Let it sit covered with foil for 10 minutes;
  5. It is best to use chilled meat for baking rather than frozen. In any case, it must be fresh. A dish cannot be tasty if low-quality products are used.

Chicken meat goes harmoniously with many vegetables, pineapples, potatoes and mushrooms. It can be prepared with sour cream, mustard sauce, using ready-made soy sauce, simply with vegetable oil or baked in wine.

Calorie content 100 gr. baked chicken breast in foil in the oven is only 148 kcal. Therefore, chicken fillet is rightfully considered one of the most dietary and, at the same time, affordable meat products.

Cooked chicken meat is stored for about 3 days in the refrigerator and a day at room temperature.

If you are suffering overweight, but don’t want to give up meat, then recipes for chicken dishes for weight loss will come in handy. Protein food the body needs it in small quantities, and many microelements included in chicken meat will be beneficial. In this article you will learn how to cook chicken breast correctly and what dishes help you lose weight.

Why the chicken diet is important and healthy: the best recipes for guaranteed weight loss

This universal product helps you eat nourishingly and affordably. Chicken is a source of protein, especially the breast. It is in this part that there are the fewest calories and the most vitamins. By the way, legs contain cholesterol and fat, so they can be harmful.

Do not eat wings, as their fat content is off the charts! White meat has the following advantages:

  • Chicken recipes contain a minimum of calories.
  • Product price availability.
  • There is an abundance of this type of meat all year round.
  • Easy to digest, beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract.

The breast also contains fat, which is concentrated under the skin. But once you “undress” the bird before cooking, you will get rid of harmful substances. Linoleic acid is contained in excess in the product.

Thanks to recipes for all kinds of chicken dishes for weight loss, photos of which are offered here, you will diversify your daily menu. Active fitness classes combined with a protein diet will help you acquire a slim figure quite quickly.

What is included in the fillet, what vitamins?

You can easily prepare dietary chicken dishes, since the meat is sold in any store. The product is perfectly absorbed without causing unwanted gastrointestinal reactions. Meat contains tryptophan, which stimulates its own production of serotonin.

The pleasure hormone will give you vigor and Have a good mood. Compared to other types of poultry, chicken fillet contains much more polyunsaturated fatty acids.

By regularly eating meat, you will receive a complex of vitamins A, K, E, PP, B. Phosphorus, iron, copper and other minerals will give you strength. Chicken breast dishes help you quickly burn calories without compromising your health.

What are the benefits of fillet: how healthy are chicken recipes for weight loss?

If you are following a diet that combines chicken with low-calorie foods, do not forget that mono-diet calculated for three weeks maximum. Protein diet has a lot of advantages:

  • recipes based on chicken meat, improve metabolism;
  • chicken contains sufficient quantity squirrel;
  • such a menu will replace vitamin-mineral complexes;
  • delicious dishes cleanse internal organs of toxins;
  • The product is slowly absorbed and saturates for a long time.

The body will quickly get rid of fat reserves without damaging the muscles. Do not forget that only people can stick to a diet healthy people who do not have chronic illnesses!

Tender meat is best combined with steamed or fresh vegetables. You will find the diet “version” no less tasty than the fried version. Even a novice cook can prepare dietary dishes for weight loss according to a recipe at home from chicken. Juicy meat has a stunning aroma and unforgettable taste.

Steam cutlets with oat flakes

Calorie content – ​​only 99kC/100g

Ingredients for cutlets:

  • fillet-300g;
  • oat flakes - 3 tbsp. l;
  • onions - 1 piece;
  • carrots, potatoes;
  • seasonings
  1. Flakes pour boiling water over for a few minutes.
  2. The fillet and onion are passed through a meat grinder. Add spices to taste - salt, paprika, Provencal herbs. The softened flakes are also added to the minced meat.. You can add chopped herbs to taste.
  3. The minced meat is kneaded and cutlets are made from a dense sticky mass.
  4. Vegetables for garnish cut thin slices and post into a steamer. Steamed cutlets cook in just twenty minutes. A little culinary skill - and you can already enjoy amazing taste!

Chicken roll with dried apricots and prunes

It will be even easier to prepare chicken recipes for weight loss with videos. We recommend you try the delicious tender rolls with a savory filling!

Calorie content – ​​120kC/100g

For preparation:

  • fillet;
  • dried apricots;
  • prunes;
  • garlic;
  • butter.
  1. Slicing the meat flat slices and lightly beat. Don't put too much effort as this is the most tender part. Lightly salt each piece.
  2. Dried fruits are poured boiled water for cleaning and swelling. Chop the butter and garlic.
  3. Take part of the fillet, add paprika, oil, pepper, garlic, and on top - dried apricots and prunes. Carefully roll it up. The workpiece is laid out on foil and wrapped.
  4. Place in the oven preheated to +180 degrees, for 20 minutes. Don't forget to pierce the foil!

Breasts with tomato and basil

The calorie content of such a delicacy is 100kC/100g

For the recipe you need:

  • chicken meat;
  • ripe tomatoes;
  • basil;
  • spices.
  1. Wash the chicken fillet. Cut in the middle, put tomatoes, cut into rings, and basil there. The edges stabbed with toothpicks so that the structure is held as firmly as possible.
  2. Heat the pan by adding vegetable oil. Fry poultry meat until done, turning over. Appearance golden brown crust indicates readiness. Remember that white meat does not require long cooking! Dry fillets will lose most valuable substances and it will become tasteless.
  3. Grease baking paper with olive oil. The meat will not be “dry” if you rub it with spiced butter. You can get tender flesh by wrapping the breast in dough. The cooking layer is not suitable for food. The bird will be cooked in own juice , and you will protect yourself from the harmful cholesterol contained in the crispy crust.

Cheese soup with chicken

A hot dish for lunch will improve your gastrointestinal tract and give you strength. Especially if it's diet soup with cheese chicken.

The low calorie content of the dish – 90 kC/100 g – is the main advantage.

Required Products:

  • meat -400g;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs;
  • processed cheese– 200g;
  • broth - 2l;
  • herbs, spices.
  1. Washed breast cutting cubes. Vegetables are peeled and chopped. Add olive oil to a heated frying pan and fry meat pieces. In a saucepan, bring the broth to a boil, adding bay leaf and black pepper.
  2. Did you know that chicken broth is cholesterol-free and improves immunity? By consuming a tasty decoction, you will protect the body from ischemia, hypertension, and heart attack. The collagen contained in the product improves connective tissue. Not in vain delicious soup Chicken is prepared for those who have a cold!
  3. After adding meat to the broth, cook the soup for another 10 minutes. Then carrots and potatoes are dipped into boiling water. When the vegetables are cooked, add melted cheese on top, stirring it well. When serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Chicken with champignons in a slow cooker

To prepare Tasty dinner, it will only take half an hour.

Calorie content – ​​110kCl/100g


  • fillet – 500g;
  • champignons – 200g;
  • sour cream 15% - 150g;
  • bulb;
  • spices.
  1. In the multicooker, set the mode for stewing or frying. The washed fillet is cut into slices.
  2. Fry the chicken in a bowl of olive oil for ten minutes.
  3. Champignon boil in salted water.
  4. Chop the onions and mushrooms and add them to the multicooker bowl. After simmering for twenty minutes, add curry, sour cream and simmer until full readiness. Suitable side dish To meat dish There will be rice and green salad.

Stuffed peppers with meat and vegetables

80kC is contained in a 100g serving.

For preparation:

  • sweet pepper – 6 pcs.;
  • large carrots;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs;
  • zucchini-200g;
  • onions - 2 pcs;
  • breast without skin;
  • vegetable oil;
  • herbs, seasonings.
  1. The peppers are prepared for the filling by cutting off the top part. Grate the carrots and chop the onion as desired. Chop the zucchini and tomatoes into cubes.
  2. Breast cutting in small pieces.
  3. Pour a spoonful of oil into a saucepan and saute the zucchini, after 3-4 minutes add onions and carrots.Eating meat protects against exhaustion and loss of strength. Lose weight without ailments and fainting!
  4. Through 7-8 minutes V vegetable mixture put tomatoes. Do not forget aromatic seasonings– pepper, coriander, rosemary. The mixture of vegetables is cooled, mixed with chicken and chopped herbs.
  5. The peppers are stuffed with minced meat and placed on a baking sheet. Cook for 30 minutes at +180 degrees. This low calorie dish appropriate for a festive occasion.

Methods for preparing chicken dishes for every day: choose simple recipes for weight loss

The popular product has unique taste, and does not require a long time for preparation. Fillet can be stewed, baked, fried, boiled. To prevent the meat from losing its juiciness, watch the time! Among the variety of recipes there are various ways cooking chicken:

  • in the oven;
  • in a slow cooker;
  • in a frying pan;
  • in the microwave;
  • Grilled.

Fillet with caramelized onions

Sweet and sour taste, incredible amber and a minimum of cooking time are the main advantages of the recipe.

Calorie content – ​​120kC/100g


  • fillet-500g;
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs;
  • onion-3pcs;
  • soy sauce-4-5st. l;
  • sugar-1 tbsp.

The fillet is cut into oblong pieces. Pour a little oil into a hot frying pan and place the chicken pieces there.

  1. Fry the meat until white, pour out the soy sauce. Additionally, you do not have to add salt to the dish, since the seasoning already contains salt.
  2. After 2 minutes of simmering, place in a separate container.
  3. The pepper is washed and cleared of seeds. Cut into strips and fry in soy mixture. When the pepper becomes soft, add it to the chicken.
  4. Chopped onions are fried in sauce. On final stage onions caramelized in sugar. He acquires unique taste combined with tender meat fillet.

What side dishes can you serve chicken dishes with: recipes for weight loss for every day

An important role in the assimilation of food is the compatibility of foods on the table. The best side dishes for chicken are:

  • steamed or baked vegetables;
  • rice;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • beans;
  • durum pasta.

You can check for doneness by piercing the thick part of the fillet with a wooden skewer. Clear juice without pink impurities is a sign that the meat is ready. If you lift the carcass and cloudy drops flow out of the cut, then put the bird in the oven for another five minutes.

Lingonberry breast

This recipe is for those who love experiments and do not want to harm their figure. With a fruit “rim,” the meat acquires a special taste.

80kKl per 100g serving – an excellent opportunity to enjoy delicious food harmless to the figure!

The following components are needed:

  • breast - 2 pieces;
  • apple-2pcs;
  • soaked lingonberries - 0.5 cups;
  • salt, cinnamon, ginger.
  1. Season the meat with salt, pepper, and ginger and cinnamon.
  2. Apples cut into slices and place in the mold to completely cover the bottom. Place fillet on top. The top layer will be lingonberries.
  3. Cover the pan with a layer of foil and leave in the oven. +180 degrees no more than forty minutes. You can decorate with mint.

A diet based on chicken recipes for weight loss will help tidy up your digestion. The body will begin to actively use its reserves, and you will notice an improvement in your figure. If you lead an active lifestyle and regularly exercise, then be sure to include this type of meat in your menu.

It is rich in protein and contains virtually no fat. However, it is fat that gives food its taste, and to cook chicken breast tasty and dietary, you need to try. Marinades, various cooking methods, spices and seasonings will help you here.

When losing weight, you can eat not only boiled meat. Available for those losing weight diverse different ways preparing dietary products, such as baking, stewing, grilling, blanching, boiling plastic bag, frying in a non-stick frying pan. Chicken breast can be prepared in the form of chops, diet cutlets, muffins, crumble into salad or stuff it.

You can stuff a chicken breast with a mixture of, and, fresh or. The taste of baked breast with fillet will change if you shake it a small amount cheese. Choose low-fat cheese that won't add many extra calories to the dish.

Cutlets and muffins can be prepared according to the same principle, mixing the chopped in a blender with, and two teaspoons. These cutlets will last you for several days - you won’t have to stand at the stove.

Salads with chicken breast are always tastier than without them. It goes well with any vegetables.

Any recipe can be made healthier and more dietary. The most non-dietary thing is frying in oil. The meat absorbs oil and becomes higher in calories, so you will have to give up frying in oil. If oil cannot be avoided, then use the minimum amount - one teaspoon.

Always remove skin and visible fat from breasts. Fillet and chicken breast are not the same thing. Breast with skin has more calories than fillet.

Cheese should also be chosen with low fat content. A good option- and others diet cheeses. Remember that a serving of cheese is 30 grams, so calculate it for the recipe so that you do not eat more than you need.

The foundation of most weight loss programs is protein. To reset excess weight, it is necessary to reduce the amount of fat to a minimum, reduce the consumption of carbohydrates, and at the same time focus on protein. It is protein molecules that contain amino acids - the necessary “building material” for muscles. Its sources are meat, poultry fillet, fermented milk products, eggs.

Most dietary option is a chicken fillet. Today, many options for weight loss programs based on it have been developed. A significant advantage is that dietary chicken breast dishes can be prepared in a varied and tasty way.

About the benefits of chicken breast

White chicken breast meat has a unique composition. It is rich in B vitamins, contains zinc, selenium and phosphorus. It contains no sugar and contains sodium minimum quantities. Thanks to this combination, eating chicken fillet allows you to:

  • improve the condition nervous system;
  • strengthen hair and nails;
  • boost immunity;
  • restore physical strength.

Chicken and turkey are indispensable for weight loss, because in 100 grams boiled fillet contains no more than 95 kcal. From them you can prepare simple and delicious first ones, main courses, appetizers, pate, salads. Chicken breast will surprise you with a variety of tastes if you use different cooking methods. Dishes can be prepared in a slow cooker, microwave, steamed, baked in the oven, or fried in a frying pan.

The last option is the least useful from the point of view of the software. For those losing weight, baked, boiled, stewed chicken. If you fry chicken, do so in foil so that the fillet does not become saturated with fat.

Chicken fillet dishes are best served with vegetables or cereals. Brown rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, cauliflower, zucchini - options the perfect side dish to the hot one. Prepare diet menu you can not only for yourself, but also for the whole family, it will save your time and finances.

What to cook

Chicken breast captivates with its variety and wide range of applications in nutrition. Explore diet recipes step by step, and start conquering culinary peaks.

Chicken kebab

This dietary dish will be a wonderful holiday treat. The calorie content of 100 grams of shish kebab does not exceed 140 kcal. To make the dish a success, take:

  • 1.5 kg breast;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • spices.
  1. First, marinate the meat in kefir. To do this, cut the breast, add spices and chopped onions. Place in the refrigerator for an hour. Then add kefir and refrigerate for at least another 60 minutes.
  2. Before frying over the fire, the meat must be salted.
  3. Fry the kebab until golden brown and sprinkle with lemon juice before serving.

Steamed meatballs

Very tasty and tender meatballs will be ready within 45-60 minutes. Calorie content of the dish per 100 grams. is 115 kcal. You can prepare it in the same way chicken cutlets. To prepare you need to take:

  • 400 gr. fillet;
  • 400 gr. cauliflower;
  • 1 egg;
  • spices and herbs to taste.
  1. Divide the cauliflower into inflorescences, rinse and cook in salted water for 5 minutes, drain everything in a colander.
  2. Using a blender or meat grinder we make minced chicken.
  3. We also blend the cooled cabbage in a blender.
  4. Beat the egg into the minced meat, salt and pepper, add herbs. We form meatballs and steam them (in a slow cooker or pressure cooker).

Minutka soup with champignons

To make this fragrant hot soup, you only need desire and a minimum of time. Every housewife usually has all the ingredients on hand. Calorie content 100 gr. soup is 72 kcal. To prepare you will need:

  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 1 chicken breast;
  • 2 tbsp. l. oat bran;
  • 1 egg;
  • 200 gr. mushrooms;
  • salt, spices and herbs to taste.
  1. We put the water on the fire and add salt.
  2. We make minced meat from the breast and form meatballs.
  3. Add them to the water and boil for 5 minutes.
  4. Add to soup oat bran(cereals) with mushrooms.
  5. salt, pepper and mix.
  6. In a separate container, beat the egg with a fork and add it to the boiling soup in a thin stream, stirring constantly.
  7. Add chopped herbs and turn off the soup.

Salad “Exotic”

The dish is very light, tasty and healthy. For 100 gr. salad accounts for only 94 kcal. To prepare you will need:

  • 1 PC. chicken breast;
  • 1 bunch of spinach;
  • 1 orange;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 pod of red pepper;
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • salt and pepper to taste.
  1. Boil the poultry meat until tender and cut into small cubes.
  2. Peel the orange and cut into cubes of the same size.
  3. Peel the spinach, garlic and pepper, wash and blend in a blender with olive oil.
  4. Combine chicken, spinach, orange and sauce, add spices and serve.

Pizza with chicken

Absolutely everyone loves pizza, but it's too filling and... fatty dish for those losing weight. However, there is a simple one. Any vegetables are suitable for the filling, and if you are a fan of the exotic, you can make it with prunes, pineapples, etc. classic recipe, where there are 121 kcal per 100 grams of food, the following are used:

  1. Yogurt, milk and butter are mixed, flour is added. Knead the dough and roll out the pizza base.
  2. Boil the chicken fillet and cut into cubes.
  3. Tomato sauce Grease the crust, place the breast, chopped tomatoes and mushrooms with cheese on it.
  4. Bake until done at 180 degrees.

To cook, buy poultry at the market. Homemade chicken is much tastier and healthier than store-bought counterparts. Use it without the skin. Look for new dietary recipes and experiment.

In pursuit of the desired centimeters at the waist, some girls commit desperate acts and torture themselves with strict diets, while others even go hungry. But to lose weight, you just need to properly organize your diet and include balanced and low calorie foods nutrition. These, without a doubt, include chicken breast.

Low-calorie and nutritious meat is popular among people trying to lose weight and exercise. So dietary product is chicken. It has less collagen and connective tissue, so its fibers are faster and easier to digest and absorb in the body. In addition, chicken meat can rightfully be called a champion in protein content. In the breast it is about 22%, 92% essential amino acids and only 3 g of fat. Such parameters will easily help you maintain daily. That is why it is necessary to use it for those who want to lose weight.

However, to lose weight with chicken breast, it is important to cook it properly. It is best to boil, bake or stew such meat. It is recommended to do this without sour cream and especially mayonnaise. Energy value 100 g of boiled chicken breast is only 114 kilocalories. It should also be noted that chicken meat with skin has twice as many calories as chicken without it. In 100 g of skin, about 33 g of fat, 368 kilocalories and 63 mg of cholesterol were detected. Therefore, it is best to cook and eat the breast without it.

Chicken breast contains a large number of vitamin B2. It has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and promotes the normal functioning of the central nervous system. In addition, this meat contains iron in an easily digestible form. Among other things, it contains the following, B1, B3, B12, as well as minerals - potassium, calcium, iodine, sodium, phosphorus. All this makes chicken one of the best dietary foods.

The large amount of protein in chicken meat serves as a building material for muscles and immune cells. The latter, in turn, protect the body from the penetration of viruses and bacteria, and also prevent the development of cancer. In addition, poultry meat contains selenium, which is necessary for the creation of thyroid hormones. Vigor, energy and life force person. And tryptophan (an amino acid) produces serotonin - the hormone of joy, which subsequently, at night, promotes the production of melanin and ensures sound sleep.

Recipes for dietary chicken breast dishes

  • Baked chicken with broccoli. First, prepare the marinade for the meat. Peel the ginger root (15 g), grate it and finely chop the chili pepper (1 pod). Combine these ingredients and pour in soy sauce (15 ml), olive or sunflower oil (30 ml) and lemon juice (30 ml). Salt the mixture and add salt and sugar (5 g). Soak a whole chicken breast well in the marinade and leave it in it for 15 minutes.

After this, cover a small baking sheet with foil folded in two layers, place the breast on it and pour the marinade over it. Separate broccoli (300 g) into florets and send them raw to the chicken, after seasoning with pepper and salt. Cover everything with foil on top and place in the oven for 20 minutes at 180°C. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, open the foil slightly. Instead of sour cream for meat, you can use low-fat yogurt sauce (150 ml) mixed with lemon juice and a chopped bunch of dill and parsley.

  • Chicken breast baked in a sleeve with vegetables. Chicken meat can easily dry out during cooking. Therefore, it is best to bake it in a sleeve. This way, the breast will retain its juiciness. Rub it with pickling spices. Use paprika, turmeric, salt, curry powder and a mixture of peppers. Leave the meat for 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, work on the vegetables. Take a tomato, carrot, Green pepper, leeks and chop them coarsely. Before baking, sprinkle the breast with garlic. Place all the vegetables and meat in a sleeve, tie it and make small holes for steam to escape. Bake the chicken at 200°C for about 40 minutes.

  • Chicken curry with rice in a steamer. Turmeric and coriander make this dish especially expressive. Moreover, the mixture of these spices improves digestion and even promotes weight loss. Cut the chicken fillet (400 g) into cubes and the mushrooms (100 g) into slices. Mix turmeric (5 g), nutmeg(2 g), coriander (5 g) and cumin (5 g), rub the meat with these spices and, if possible, leave to marinate for 6–10 hours. You can make this preparation overnight.

Pour it out round rice(150 g) in a container specially designed for it in the steamer set, as well as mushrooms. Sprinkle a little salt on top of the ingredients. Place the chicken pieces in another bowl, leaving some space between them. Place it over the rice, and then when the chicken gives juice, it will saturate the porridge. Set the steamer timer for 30 minutes.

  • Chicken baked in pita bread. Clean the fillet (500 g) from the film and excess fat and cut into cubes. Chop one onion and fry these ingredients separately. Sprinkle the meat with red pepper (1.5 g) and salt (8 g). Peel the garlic (3 cloves), grind it with a little salt, finely chop the chili pepper (1 pod), remove the skin from two tomatoes, cut them into cubes and add it all to the frying pan with the onions. Sprinkle with black pepper (1.5 g) and sugar (4 g) and pour in water (80 ml). Simmer the sauce for about 10 minutes.

Then remove the meat from the heat, pour it with low-fat sour cream (40 ml) and sprinkle with cilantro (7 sprigs). Cut each of the two sheets of pita bread into 6 pieces, place the meat on them and sprinkle with grated hard cheese (200 g). Roll the sheets into tube shapes and place seam side down on a baking sheet. First put half of the sauce on it, and pour the second one on top of the lavash tubes. Warm the dish in the oven for 10 minutes.

Losing weight with a diet of chicken breast is not only effective, but also pleasant. The main thing is to match her the right side dish and method of preparation. If you fry meat in a frying pan, be sure to simmer it or cook it in the oven. Avoid fatty sauces and, of course, control portion sizes and timing.
