What can you cook from frozen garlic arrows? Stewed with vegetables. Recipe for vegetable soup - garlic arrow puree

Garlic arrows are a delicacy that many summer residents simply throw away. This happens most often due to ignorance of what benefits are hidden in them for the body, and how deliciously they can be prepared. Nutritionists are absolutely sure that garlic arrows contain the same amount useful substances, which is in his teeth.

The difference between the tops and roots is only in the amount of essential oils, so the green arrows do not have such a strong aroma. So you shouldn’t waste such a valuable product; it’s better to cook something tasty and healthy from it, or think about how to prepare garlic arrows for the winter.


This cooking method garlic arrows can safely be called the simplest, but ready dish turns out very tasty with pleasant mushroom aroma. You can pamper yourself and your family with this delicacy not only during the season, but also in winter. To do this, you just need to freeze the prepared arrows, and then remove them from the freezer and cook.

This recipe will not have clear proportions and you will need:

  • young garlic shoots;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Cooking sequence:

  1. The picked young garlic arrows must first be washed and sorted, cutting off the thin tip. There should be no more than one and a half centimeters left on top of the unopened rudiment of the inflorescence; Overripe arrows, of course, will be as fragrant as young ones, but after cooking they will remain tough, so you need to choose only those whose inflorescence thickness is the same as that of the arrow itself .
  2. Now the prepared “delicacy” needs to be cut into pieces 5 to 7 cm long;
  3. You need to pour a little oil into the bottom of a frying pan with high walls, just enough so that nothing sticks to the pan during cooking. Heat the oil thoroughly and place the arrows in it;
  4. Immediately add salt to the contents of the pan. You can add a little ground black pepper or other spices, or you can leave nothing in – it will still be delicious;
  5. At the beginning of frying, the arrows will release their juice and simmer in it until soft. Then, when all the liquid gradually evaporates, they will be fried. At this stage, you can make the fire stronger, then the dish can be cooked until ready in 10 minutes;
  6. Fried garlic arrows can be served not only as a separate treat, but also as a side dish for meat or fish dishes.

Stewed with vegetables

If you add some vegetables to the ingredients of the previous recipe, which are sure to be found in the kitchen of any housewife, you can prepare a delicious snack.

So, you need to take:

  • 50 g (one bunch) garlic arrows;
  • 70 g carrots;
  • 70 g onions;
  • 70 g sweet bell pepper;
  • 70 g ripe tomatoes;
  • 40-50 ml vegetable oil;
  • 30 ml soy sauce;
  • salt, spices (ground black pepper and coriander, chili pepper) and herbs to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour vegetable oil into the frying pan, turn on the heat and leave it to heat up. Meanwhile, peel the onion and chop it in any way;
  2. When the oil is thoroughly heated, add the tear vegetable to it and cook until transparent. In between stirring the onions in the pan, peel the carrots and pass through a coarse grater. She will next go to the already transparent onion;
  3. The five minutes that the carrots and onions will fry together should be spent chopping the pepper into strips and garlic arrows into five-centimeter pieces. Both of these vegetables are added to the pan at the same time;
  4. When the garlic arrows darken and become soft, it’s the turn of the tomatoes. They need to be cut into large slices. Those who don't like tomato skins can scald the tomatoes with boiling water and remove them;
  5. Lastly add soy sauce and spices. You shouldn’t add salt without testing it after adding soy sauce, since it is also salty. Serve stewed garlic arrows, garnished with chopped fresh herbs.

Garlic and pork stew

Green pipes of garlic can add interesting spicy notes to such an ordinary second dish as pork stew.

There is no need to talk about this dish for a long time, you just need to cook it at least once, and for this you will need:

  • 600-700 g pork pulp;
  • 50-70 g green garlic arrows;
  • 100 g onions;
  • 100 g carrots;
  • 70 g bell pepper;
  • 200 ml puree fresh tomatoes or tomatoes in their own juice;
  • 60-75 ml vegetable oil;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Prepare the stew step by step:

  1. For cooking, be sure to take a cauldron or frying pan with a thick bottom and high sides. Pour oil into this vessel and put it on the fire until it warms up to boiling point;
  2. Cut the pork into small pieces. The best option- cubes with sides two to three centimeters. Transfer the meat to boiling oil and fry, stirring vigorously, until the released meat juice has completely evaporated;
  3. Then it’s the turn of vegetables. Chopped, they are added to the cauldron at five-minute intervals in the following sequence: onions, carrots, peppers and garlic arrows. The onion is chopped into quarter rings, the carrots are passed through a Korean vegetable grater, the pepper is cut into strips, and the garlic pipes are cut into pieces of two centimeters;
  4. When the garlic arrows darken and become soft, pour into the meat and vegetables tomato puree, add salt and spices. Simmer everything a little under the lid, and hearty stew pork with subtle aroma garlic will be ready.

Snack pasta made from garlic arrows

This is the simplest and quick way prepare green pipes of garlic for future use for the winter.

To prepare such a preparation you will need a minimum of time and ingredients. All just 20-30 minutes and:

  • 500 g green arrows;
  • 5 g table salt;
  • 20 ml vegetable oil.

Preparation of pasta:

  1. The raw materials need to be thoroughly washed, dried on a towel (there is absolutely no need for excess moisture) and cut into pieces of arbitrary length to make it easier to chop them later;
  2. Further preparation can be carried out in two ways. The first is to put all the ingredients in a blender bowl and grind to a paste. The second method: pass the garlic arrows through a meat grinder with a fine sieve, and then add salt, oil to the resulting mass and stir everything;
  3. Store fragrant garlic paste beautiful emerald color in the refrigerator, for more long-term storage she is frozen. You can do this by placing it in a freezer bag or ice cube tray to freeze it in portions.

This snack paste can be used to make delicious spread on bread, mixing it with minced salted lard or cottage cheese. It can also be added to soups, meat and fish dishes as a seasoning to add flavor.

Pickled garlic arrows

Pickled young garlic arrows are the same delicious preparation like pickled cucumbers. Having tried it, it is simply impossible to stop, even for those who wrinkle their nose in disgust at the mention of garlic.

Ingredient proportions for this winter preparation:

  • 700 g garlic arrows;
  • 600 ml filtered water;
  • 60 ml table vinegar (9%);
  • 20 g crystal sugar;
  • 20 g table salt;
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • 4 medium laurel leaves.

Cooking garlic arrows - recipe in stages:

  1. The first step is to prepare the jars, that is, sterilize them in any usual way. This amount of ingredients is enough for two half-liter jars;
  2. Wash the garlic arrows, cut off the buds of the flower stalks and cut into pieces that fit perfectly into the prepared jars. Tamp the prepared raw materials tightly into a sterile container;
  3. Combine all the marinade ingredients in a saucepan, bring it to a boil and fill the jars to the top;
  4. After this, the jars need to be moved into a pan of water, with a towel placed on the bottom, for sterilization. Cover the canning jars with lids and boil for 20 minutes after the water boils;
  5. Then seal tightly with sterile lids and hide under a warm blanket, turning upside down, until completely cooled. The preparations are stored in the basement.

Products for the marinade and the number of arrows for four half-liter jars of garlic lecho:

  • 1000 g garlic arrows;
  • 700 ml of drinking water;
  • 500 ml tomato paste;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 30 g salt;
  • 125 ml vegetable oil;
  • 50 ml apple cider vinegar(can be replaced with a dining room).


  1. Sort the arrows, wash, dry and chop into pieces no longer than five centimeters;
  2. Combine all marinade ingredients (except vinegar) together and bring to a boil. Place the arrows into the boiling mixture and boil for a quarter of an hour;
  3. Then pour in the vinegar and boil for another 5 minutes. After this, all that remains is to put everything in a sterile container, seal it with lids and wrap it in something warm until it cools completely.

Pickled garlic arrows

Those who don’t like winter preparations using vinegar will like the recipe for pickled garlic arrows. True, before sending it for storage, you will have to tinker a little with such a seam, but the resulting snack will delight you with the taste of barrel vegetables.

Proportions of ingredients for marinade:

  • 1500 ml boiled water;
  • 100 g salt;
  • 100 g sugar.

How to ferment:

  1. Wash the garlic cloves, cut into pieces and drain in a colander. When the water has drained, place the prepared greens in jars;
  2. Dissolve salt and sugar in cold water until all crystals disappear completely. Pour the resulting solution to the top of the jar with crushed arrows;
  3. Place each jar in a deep plate, cover with a lid and leave room temperature for 5-10 days. During this time, the marinade will drain into the plate and will need to be poured back into the jar;
  4. When the fermentation process is over, boil the marinade and pour the hot contents of the jars, seal them with airtight lids and put them in the basement for storage.

Garlic- perennial herbaceous plant genus Onion, amaryllis family. Vegetable crop, which is very common throughout the world. Garlic has a very bright, rich and characteristic smell. This indicates the presence in it essential oil, containing allicin and other organic compounds called phytoncides. Dishes for them (both fresh and processed, cooked) acquire more spicy taste and aroma. With the addition of garlic, they make salads and homemade preparations and, of course, incomparable main courses and snacks. Garlic is also used in medical purposes, because it has antiseptic properties. Of course, garlic also has contraindications: for kidney disease, anemia or peptic ulcer— eating garlic is CONTRAINDICATED.

USEFUL PROPERTIES: garlic reduces arterial pressure and lowers cholesterol, and is also useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis, etc. Therefore, garlic, due to its benefits and nutritional value, is very actively present in our diet (again, I’m talking about my family). Perhaps there are people who cannot stand the taste or smell of this plant. But we use not only the roots of garlic for food, but also the tops - garlic shoots. Around the end of May, beginning of June, garlic produces arrows, which are also very much included in the diet of many people.

Some people marinate garlic arrows; in this form (with the addition of sour cream) the arrows are very similar to wild garlic, beloved by many. Wild garlic is also often called Wild Garlic or Bear Onion. They taste very similar. But let's get back to our garlic arrows. In general, garlic arrows have a very wide use in cooking: they are fried and added to the filling for pies or pies, making delicious savory snacks, salads, added to first and second courses. Today I will tell you how you can prepare garlic arrows for future use, so that later, cold winter evenings make yourself and your family happy delicious preparations with this miracle plant.

We prepare garlic arrows for future use:

1 way

Having collected the garlic arrows, we separate the stem from the flower peak. Then, after thoroughly washing the arrows under running water, we pass them through a meat grinder. You can add salt to the resulting mushy mass (or not add salt at all) and freeze the garlic mass in bags, containers, or simply roll out balls of the desired size and freeze them in a freezer. With this method of preparation, you can also add defrosted butter to the garlic mass, mix thoroughly and also freeze it into balls in the freezer. Further. we simply take out the frozen garlic mass and add it to first courses, second courses, baked goods, or simply spread the garlic mass with butter on bread. In this form you can eat sandwiches with first courses.

Method 2

We also collect the garlic arrows, wash them under running water and cut them into segments of the required length and place them in plastic bags. Then we simply place the filled bags in freezer and, if necessary, take it out and add it to salads, first and second courses. This is exactly what I did this year. I dialed the arrows and froze.

Fried arrows:

1 way

For this we will need: garlic arrows, vegetable oil (or olive), salt and spices - to taste. Instead of salt, we can use soy sauce. Place fresh or frozen arrows in a preheated frying pan with vegetable oil, salt and pepper to taste. Fry for 5-7 minutes. If desired, you can also pour the almost finished arrows with egg. It also turns out very tasty.

Method 2

Fried arrows can also be prepared with the addition of tomato. And use them as a gravy with any side dish.

3 way

Another way to deliciously cook garlic arrows is to stew them with vegetables. Take onions, carrots, you can use eggplants or zucchini - everything is chopped, fried in vegetable oil with the addition of spices and salt and simmered a little over low heat. This appetizer will be great either hot or cold. Or submit vegetable stew with garlic arrows mashed potatoes- I think your family will appreciate it.

For this we need:

  • Garlic arrows - 300-400 gr.
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 glass
  • Water - 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Salt - 3 tbsp.
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • Ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp.
  • Cinnamon - 1/4 tsp. (to taste. No need to add)

Scald the prepared garlic arrows with boiling water. Separately, in a deep saucepan, prepare the brine from the indicated ingredients. Place the scalded arrows in prepared sterilized jars and fill with brine. We roll up the jars with a lid and put them in the refrigerator or cool place for 3-4 weeks. After which, you can take a sample. My grandmother, great-grandmother prepared these pickled arrows, and of course this recipe came to me from my mother. I think you will like it too.

First meal

Garlic arrows or garlic puree, fresh or frozen, are added to first courses. Soups are cooked both on the basis of broths (vegetable or meat) and with the addition of meat itself (poultry or pork, beef, lamb). At the end of cooking (optional), we just need to puree the soup using a blender - this way the soup will acquire a more subtle, delicate taste.

Second courses

In the main courses, for spiciness, we add garlic arrows or garlic puree prepared in advance (or for future use). In this execution, meat, poultry or fish acquires a more piquant taste, and the aroma of the dish we prepare spreads out - it’s simply a delight.

Appetizers or salads

As a snack or light salad, we can prepare garlic arrows very quickly like this: Pass fresh or frozen garlic arrows through a meat grinder or chop using a blender, mix with grated fine grater fresh carrots and season everything with mayonnaise. This salad appetizer can be eaten with a piece of fresh white or black bread or simply spread on toast. What if we cut fresh garlic arrows into... summer salad- I think there will be nothing left of it on the plate and your family will simply be absolutely delighted with the dish they ate. And to sum it up, I want to say that you should definitely experiment in the kitchen, discovering something new, tasty, unforgettable, because this can become not only a discovery for you, but also a dish that fits tightly into your meal plan. regular use and perhaps a dish that you will pass on from generation to generation.

Svetlana wishes you all a bon appetit and my delicious, homemade website!

How and what to cook from garlic arrows - recipes for delicious dishes

At the beginning of summer, winter garlic produces tall flower stalks - garlic shoots, which must be broken off. But what to do with them next is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Some people think they are demons useful product, and some enjoy preparing seasonal delicacies from garlic arrows. Very often arrows are thrown away for the simple reason that they do not know how to find a use for them. We heard something, read something somewhere, and maybe even tried it at a party, but the recipe was forgotten over time. Don’t rush to throw away the arrows; you can use them to prepare many healthy and tasty dishes. We offer you a selection interesting recipes, in which the main or additional ingredient these will be the garlic arrows.

Recipes garlic arrow dishes

Omelette with garlic arrows

There are no proportions in the recipe. The omelette mixture is prepared in the same way as for regular omelet– eggs are beaten with milk (or water) and salt. Garlic arrows are cut into small pieces (cut off the noses), fried in vegetable oil until the color changes and becomes soft (the color becomes dark green). If desired, you can sprinkle them with pepper. The finished garlic arrows are poured with the omelette mixture, a small fire is turned on and the omelette is brought to readiness under the lid. You can do it in different options, for example, fry the arrows together with carrots or in a tomato.

Stewed garlic arrows

In addition to the garlic arrows themselves, you will need vegetable oil, tomato juice and salt. Fry the arrows in the same way as in the previous recipe; when they become soft, add salt to taste and pour tomato juice. Turn the heat on low and simmer with the lid on until done. The finished arrows taste very much like spicy mushrooms.

Fried garlic arrows

Again, a recipe without proportions - everything is very simple in it. Wash the arrows, cut off the seed part, cut into small pieces. Place in heated vegetable oil and immediately add some salt. The arrows will release juice in which they will stew. When the juice has evaporated and the arrows become soft, you can increase the heat and fry the arrows until tender. This takes about ten minutes, no more. Can be served as a side dish for meat and fish.

Chicken liver with garlic arrows

Ingredients: 700 grams of chicken liver, 2 onions, 3 sweet bell peppers, a bunch of garlic arrows, salt and pepper to taste, vegetable oil, fresh herbs.

Cut the onion and bell pepper half rings, garlic arrows - in small pieces. Fry the onion in vegetable oil until it becomes transparent, add the garlic arrows, fry for 3 minutes. Add some salt and place the bell pepper in the frying pan. After a couple of minutes, add the chicken liver to the vegetables (it can be cut into pieces), add salt and pepper to taste, and fry over medium heat until tender. The readiness of the liver can be determined by the juice flowing out - it should be transparent. If desired, at the end of cooking you can season the dish with sour cream - it will be even tastier. Don't forget what's coming chicken liver very quickly, and try not to miss the moment when it becomes soft - immediately remove the pan from the heat. If you overcook the liver, it will turn out dry and tough.

Garlic arrows with pork ribs

Ingredients: 600 grams of ribs, 2 onions, a quarter of a lemon, a bunch of garlic arrows, a pinch of basil, oregano and marjoram, salt to taste, vegetable oil.

Cut the ribs in portioned pieces, salt, sprinkle with lemon juice. Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown over low heat. Add spices, onion rings, fry for five minutes. Pour in a glass of water, cover with a lid, simmer for about an hour (until the meat is soft). Cut the garlic arrows into small pieces, add to the meat and simmer for another 15-20 minutes. It tastes like meat with mushrooms.

Korean garlic salad

Ingredients: 3 bunches of garlic arrows, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 tsp. vinegar (6 or 9%), 0.5 tsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. l. seasonings for Korean carrots, salt or soy sauce, vegetable oil, several bay leaves.

Finely break the bay leaf. Cut the garlic arrows into pieces 4-6 cm long. Heat the oil, fry the arrows until soft. Add sugar, bay leaves, seasoning Korean carrots, pour in vinegar. Salt or add soy sauce. Be sure to taste so as not to oversalt! Warm up the salad, turn the heat to low and wait until the sauce thickens. Cool, add garlic, passed through a garlic press. The salad needs to sit, so make it ahead of time. It goes perfectly with new potatoes and meat, and it will also be good as an appetizer.

Don't wait for the garlic arrows to harden - in this form they are no longer suitable for food. They will give off the aroma, but the taste will be fibrous and tough. Best time for collection - this is when they are medium in thickness, dark green in color with thin skin. After cutting, they can lie for no more than a week - then the arrows turn yellow and become rough.

Experienced gardeners know: in order to get a large harvest of garlic, you need to remove the garlic shoots in time. Otherwise, these seed shoots will take too many vital resources from the plant, and the garlic will be small. But what to do with succulent and green shoots? Don’t throw away this storehouse of vitamins! Moreover, you can cook a lot of them original snacks And full meals. How to properly prepare Chinese and fried garlic arrows, as well as delicious step-by-step recipes with photos, you will find in our article today. We have also selected delicious winter recipes for you.

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Fried garlic arrows with bacon - step by step recipe with photo

One of the main advantages of cooking garlic arrows, which is characteristic of almost everyone popular recipes, is speed. Even if you fry them with meat, the entire cooking time will not take more than 15 minutes. You can see this for yourself using the example of a dish with bacon, the recipe for which you will find below.

Required ingredients for fried shooters garlic:

  • garlic arrows - 300 gr.
  • finished bacon - 100 gr.
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sesame oil- 1 tsp.
  • pepper

Step-by-step instructions for the garlic arrows recipe:

  • Wash the garlic arrows and cut off the seed part, which is unsuitable for food. Cut into small pieces, approximately 4-5 cm in length.
  • Cut the bacon into medium pieces.
  • Pour olive and sesame oil into a deep frying pan. Add chopped bacon. Fry until light golden crust.
  • Now add the garlic arrows, salt, pepper and mix thoroughly.
  • Keep on medium heat for about 3-5 minutes until they become soft and juicy. Serve with your favorite side dish, such as boiled rice.
  • How to pickle garlic arrows - recipe with photo

    Unfortunately, fresh and juicy garlic arrows please us with their unique taste only a few weeks in the summer. Therefore, enterprising housewives have long figured out how to stock up on useful products for the whole year. We are talking about pickled garlic arrows - a delicious spicy snack for the winter. You will learn how to marinate them in our next recipe.

    Necessary materials for pickling garlic arrows:

    • garlic arrows - 300 gr.
    • salt - 2 tbsp. l.
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
    • peppercorns -2 tbsp. l.
    • red pepper - 1 tsp.
    • mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp.
    • vinegar - 40 ml.

    Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  • First, let's sterilize the jars. Wash the arrows and put them in boiling water for a few minutes. Then we will immediately transfer them to cold water and also let them lie in it for a couple of minutes. After which we drain the water and transfer it to prepared jars.
  • Cook the brine: pour water into a small saucepan and add spices, bring to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes.
  • Add a little sugar to the jars and fill with marinade. We also add about a teaspoon of vinegar to each jar. Close with lids and send to a warm place for a day.
  • How to quickly cook garlic arrows - recipe with photos

    If you have very little time to cook, but want to surprise your guests with an original dish, then try cooking garlic arrows according to our next recipe. It will take little time, but taste ready-made snacks You will be pleasantly surprised!

    Ingredients required for the recipe:

    • garlic arrows - 300 gr.
    • salt - 1 tsp.
    • pepper - 1/2 tsp.
    • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.

    Step-by-step instructions for preparing garlic arrows:

  • Wash the arrows thoroughly and cut off the seed sacs. Cut into small pieces.
  • Salt and pepper to your taste. Sprinkle olive oil and mix.
  • Place on a baking sheet and place in an oven heated to 160 degrees.
  • Cook until a light golden crust appears. The finished arrows should be soft and easy to pierce.
  • Omelette with garlic arrows - recipe with photo

    Another incredibly simple and delicious recipe using garlic arrows awaits you further. If desired, you can also add other vegetables during frying, e.g. Bell pepper or asparagus.

    Required Ingredients

    • garlic arrows - 100 gr.
    • eggs - 2-3 pcs.
    • greenery
    • sunflower oil
    • pepper

    Step-by-step instruction

  • Wash the garlic arrows and cut off the seeds. Cut into small pieces.
  • Pour some oil into a heated frying pan and place them there. Add salt and stir, simmer over low heat until softened.
  • Beat the eggs with salt until smooth, pepper and add finely chopped herbs, such as dill.
  • Pour it out egg mixture into a frying pan and fry the omelette on both sides.
  • The best healthy recipes See how to prepare sorrel for the winter here.

    Chinese spicy garlic arrows - video recipe step by step

    Chinese cuisine is famous for its simple but... original dishes And unusual tastes. For almost anyone Chinese dish characteristic is bright mixture from salty, sweet and spicy tastes. Chinese garlic arrows are an example of just such an unusual flavor combination. Find out how to cook garlic arrows (recipe) at home from the following video recipe.

    Usually from these parts aromatic plant Many housewives quickly get rid of it. Gardeners generally believe that these are arrows in garlic - this is the reason for their poor development and insufficient growth of the heads. And only real gourmets, experienced connoisseurs of exquisite taste and supporters healthy eating know how delicious they can be. For readers of the Popular About Health website, here are some interesting suggestions on how to cook fried garlic arrows with eggs to surprise your loved ones.

    Recipes for cooking garlic arrows

    In fact, they are not only fried, but also pickled, boiled, and stewed. As a result of simple work in the kitchen and a minimum of time spent, you get fragrant and delicious dishes. Most often, garlic arrows are cooked with mushrooms, vegetables, meat, poultry, offal and eggs.

    To make the taste more delicate and the smell fried butter did not interrupt the aroma of garlic, it is better to use not vegetable, but creamy. Ground black pepper is perfect as a spice. nutmeg, coriander, and also tomato sauces. Naturally, garlic arrows go amazingly with fresh herbs in the form of parsley, dill, basil, and cilantro. There can be many options, choose which one you like best!

    Garlic arrows with egg and sesame seeds

    For this recipe we need:

    2 large onions;
    - 1 medium carrot;
    - 1 bunch of garlic arrows;
    - 3 eggs;
    - 1 teaspoon sesame seeds;
    - salt and pepper;

    Preheat the frying pan and place a piece there butter or water with vegetable matter. Cut the onion into strips and fry until transparent. At this time, cut the carrots into strips and also fry with onions in a frying pan.

    We prepare the garlic arrows: cut them into 4-5 cm cubes, transfer them to a frying pan with vegetables. You need to simmer under the lid until they become soft. Do you feel the incredible aroma already spreading throughout the house?

    At the end, open the lid, let the vegetables lightly fry after stewing, add salt, pepper and beat three eggs into the frying pan, after beating them with milk or mayonnaise. Sprinkle all this beauty with sesame seeds on top. Bon appetit!

    Fresh arrows with eggs and tomatoes

    Prepare the following ingredients:

    10-12 pieces of arrows;
    - 1 large onion;
    - 2-3 eggs;
    - 2 tomatoes;
    - spices and salt;
    - greens and salad.

    Rinse the garlic arrows collected from the garden well. cold water, cut off the top parts with seeds and cut into pieces of 4-5 cm. Place the garlic in a preheated frying pan with butter or vegetable oil. Dice the onion and add it there. Salt, pepper and add any other spices. Fry the vegetables for 5-6 minutes, depending on how young the shoots are used. They should not be completely soft, but slightly crispy, so be sure to taste them during the cooking process so as not to turn the whole mass into mush.

    Add the tomatoes cut into slices to the pan and fry for 2-3 minutes. Lastly, beat in the eggs. Cook for another 2-3 minutes, add salt to the eggs. When serving, garnish the dish with lettuce leaves and fresh herbs. You can improve the taste if you add sour cream to the table. Have a delicious dinner!

    How to cook fried mushrooms with garlic arrows and eggs?

    This dish is a real nutritious breakfast or hearty lunch. The recipe calls for the use of champignons, although, in fact, you can use any mushrooms you like. So, we prepare the following components:

    0.5 kg of mushrooms;
    - 10-15 arrows of garlic;
    - 2 onions;
    - 1 piece of sweet bell pepper;
    - 4 eggs;
    - seasonings and salt.

    We wash the champignons, clean them and cut them into strips. Fry as usual in a hot frying pan with the addition of onions. As soon as the liquid has completely evaporated, reduce the heat and add the chopped garlic arrows to the frying pan.

    It is advisable to cut the pods so that they are the same as the champignons. Fry for 5 minutes.

    It's time to add the bell pepper, which is also cut into strips. Salt and season everything ground pepper, cover with a lid and leave to simmer until done. At the end we add to vegetable mixture beaten eggs (can be beaten with milk or mayonnaise). Turn off the stove after 3-4 minutes and serve the dish hot with herbs and sour cream to taste.

    Garlic arrows with eggs in sauce mixture

    This recipe is spicy and very exquisite taste. The teriyaki sauce used here is a popular ingredient Japanese cooking, it enhances and makes the taste of vegetable or fish dishes more pronounced. It is used for marinating meat, as well as for frying. The basis of teriyaki sauce is soy sauce with ground ginger and liquid honey. It’s easy to prepare at home or buy it in a store.

    We will need:

    10-15 pieces of garlic arrows;
    - 2-3 eggs;
    - 2 tablespoons of olive oil;
    - 2 tablespoons of teriyaki sauce;
    - 1 tablespoon of soy sauce;
    - ground pepper;
    - lemon juice.

    Wash and cut the arrows, place them in a frying pan with heated olive oil. Fry, stirring, for 4-5 minutes. Add sauces to the main component, a tablespoon lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste. After a few minutes, add the eggs and fry until done. Can be served with salmon steaks and vegetables. Bon appetit!
