Indian sea rice: beneficial properties and contraindications. Indian sea rice: beneficial properties and contraindications, care

An increasing number of our fellow citizens are interested in non-traditional methods of treatment and healing. Among huge amount Among the most diverse exotic remedies that are extremely popular, rice mushroom occupies a special place.

What it is

Despite its name, it's amazing medicine does not apply to mushrooms. By the way, it has other, no less popular names. It is known to many as Chinese, Indian or sea ​​mushroom. But behind all this lies the same thing - zooglea. This word is translated from Latin as “sticky substance.” Much to the disappointment of many, zooglea is simply a waste product of several species of bacteria. These microorganisms secrete mucus or have a mucous capsule, so they stick together into one whole. Zooglea is formed during the fermentation process. It contains acetic acid bacteria. And the properties of this substance have been known to healers for many centuries. Based on the product we are considering, they prepare special drink(infusion), with the help of which they quench thirst and improve their well-being.

Varieties of rice mushroom

The most common zooglea in the world is Indian sea ​​rice, milk Chinese (Tibetan) and tea mushroom. They all differ in appearance and method of preparing drinks. Tibetan and kombucha are more like a living organism. Indian sea rice is strikingly different from these types of zoogles. It can be small and large. Both of these varieties have the same medicinal properties. They differ only in the speed of development of zoogles. Thus, a small rice mushroom grows much faster than a large one. At the same time, the latter has a more pleasant fruity and milky taste.

The sea mushroom received this name due to its appearance, reminiscent of translucent grains of boiled cereal. The epithets “Chinese” and “Indian” were given to this substance for a reason, because it was from these countries that it spread throughout the world. They call it marine, most likely because it looks a little like coarse salt, extracted from salt water bodies.

A common feature of all types of zoogles is the presence of acetic acid bacteria in them. Rice mushroom is considered the most healing, and few people doubt its benefits for the body. A slightly carbonated drink is prepared from the infusion of zoogles. with their own taste qualities it resembles kvass or whey.

Composition of zooglea

Rice mushroom has a rich chemical composition. It contains polysaccharides, vitamins, inorganic and organic acids, enzymes, aldehydes, fat-like, tannins and resins, alkaloids, vitamins C and D, glucosites, ethanol. Thanks to its composition, this substance has gained fame as a very effective healing and health remedy. Despite this, doctors treat him with some prejudice, because Scientific research Very little research has been done regarding zooglia. Rice mushroom is a unique community of microorganisms. It is often called alive, since under a microscope the process of zooglea respiration is clearly visible in an aquatic environment.

It is also often called Chinese. It has been used in Tibetan medicine for many centuries, and in Lately spread throughout the world. Chinese rice mushroom, unlike other types of zoogles, is grown on dairy products. This gelatinous protein substance has a whitish tint. Its “grains” grow up to 6-50 mm. When they become very large, they begin to divide into small fractions. The overgrown Chinese rice mushroom resembles cauliflower in appearance.

This substance is a collection of lactic acid bacteria and yeast fungi. The microorganisms contained in it ferment milk. Under their influence, 2 types of fermentation occur in it:

  • lactic acid;
  • alcohol.

The finished drink has healing properties: it improves the functioning of the digestive system and activates the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to it, you can restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract in a short time. Drink made by fermenting milk rice mushroom, is a natural probiotic. It fights well against dysbacteriosis and putrefactive processes. In addition, this is an excellent thirst quencher during the hot season.

Properties of Chinese milk rice mushroom

Chinese rice mushroom, reviews of which prove its unique healing properties, is capable of:

Strengthen the immune system;

Activate metabolic processes in body tissues;

Accelerate metabolism, facilitating the process of weight loss;

Treat some gastrointestinal diseases;

Restore intestinal microflora;

Activate the functioning of the gallbladder and liver;

Improve the functioning of the heart muscle and the condition of blood vessels;

Heal ulcers and cracks.

Milk Tibetan mushroom has antiallergic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. The drink obtained with its help promotes concentration and improves memory. It prevents the progression of atherosclerosis.

Making a drink from milk rice mushroom

For cooking healing drink You need to add 4 teaspoons of Chinese rice mushroom to 500 ml of milk. After a day, it will collect on the surface of the liquid. Fermented milk, which looks like kefir, will settle to the bottom of the container. The liquid is filtered through cheesecloth into a glass container. Milk mushroom washed with running water, after which they are used again for ripening.

Properties of rice mushroom

Zooglea infusion contains lactic and acetic acid bacteria and yeast. This "mushroom" is capable of synthesizing necessary for the body polyunsaturated fatty acids that stimulate sexual function, reduce cholesterol levels, strengthen blood vessels and normalize the lactation process. They promote the production of prostaglandins. The chemical elements contained in this drink protect a person from heart disease, allergic reactions, autoimmune diseases, asthma. They prevent the process of premature aging. Rice kvass inhibits the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms such as salmonella, E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus and many other bacteria.

Keeping and growing rice mushroom

What to do after you have purchased a rice mushroom? How to grow it in sufficient quantities enough for daily use? Don't despair if you only get 1-2 spoons of zoogles. Growing rice mushroom from scratch is not at all difficult. Zoogleas reproduce quite quickly. Moreover, the larger the volume of this product, those more drink can be cooked.

Rice mushroom, the benefits of which should be obvious, is not at all difficult to maintain. For its normal functioning it is only necessary to create favorable conditions. To do this, pour unboiled clean water at room temperature into a glass jar (3 l). Add 6 tbsp to it. spoons of sugar. If a different container volume is used, sugar is taken at the rate of 2 tbsp. spoons per 1 liter of water. After adding the sweet product, you must wait until it is completely dissolved. Then add rice mushroom to the water (4 tablespoons per 1 liter of liquid). Place some raisins, dried apricots or other dried fruits in the container and cover the jar with gauze. They give the drink pleasant taste. The future drink is stored in a dark place. When preparing the infusion, sugar should not be allowed to come into contact with the zooglea, as this can cause disease. Rice mushroom is added only to the water in which it is completely dissolved granulated sugar.

It may take 2-3 days to prepare the drink. The duration of mushroom ripening directly depends on the air temperature and the amount rice product in the bank. After the drink is ready, it is carefully poured through cheesecloth or a sieve into another container. The jar is thoroughly washed without using detergents. The rice mushroom is washed directly in gauze or a sieve with running water and used again according to the above described scheme. In this case, the used raisins are thrown away and new ones are added.

Some people add toasted slices of black and white to the jar to give the drink a more attractive color. white bread. In this case, it will strongly resemble ordinary kvass.

Storage conditions

Rice mushroom, the preparation of which, as you can see, is not at all difficult, requires compliance with certain temperature regime. So, if the room temperature is below +17 °C, then zooglea quickly dies. In warm rooms it grows much more intensively. So, at a temperature of +25 °C to obtain ready drink It will only take 2 days. It is stored for only 24 hours, so you should not stock up too much, as the product quickly deteriorates and loses its beneficial properties. The drink can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 2 days.

Applications of rice mushroom

Rice mushroom, instructions for preparation and use of which are passed on from one person to another, can be used in different ways. Most often, to improve general health, people drink 0.5 liters of mushroom infusion per day. Daily norm divided into three steps. Take the “medicine” 15-20 minutes before meals. After just a month, the person’s well-being noticeably improves.

For preventive purposes, you can drink it between meals. Optimal norms for consuming rice kvass:

Adults - 2-3 times a day, 100-170 ml;

Children after 3 years - 2-3 times 50-100 ml;

Children under 3 years old - 2-3 times a day, no more than 50 ml at a time.

The duration of taking the infusion is determined individually for each person. Most often it is taken in short courses of 3 months, then they take a break, after which treatment is resumed again. Some people drink it daily for many years.

If a person does not want to drink such a drink, he should not drink it against his will. Such reluctance may indicate that the body is already saturated with the necessary nutrients.


Is rice mushroom safe? Any means, even the most harmless at first glance, can cause harm to a person, so it is necessary to strictly follow all recommendations for its use. First of all, Zoogle infusions should not be consumed by diabetics. In general, rice mushroom, the contraindications to which have not been studied in detail by specialists, should be used with caution. Some people with illnesses respiratory tract, discomfort may occur when you first take the infusion. They usually go away after a few days. If no improvements are observed after taking the infusion for a long time, it is better to abandon it. Those who are allergic to this product should not drink rice mushroom drinks.

Before resorting to the help of zooglea, it is necessary to consult with a specialist, since self-medication even with such a seemingly harmless remedy can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Indian sea rice is a natural living “laboratory” in which acetic acid bacteria synthesize sugar and a unique combination of organic acids, vitamins and enzymes. The beneficial properties of Indian sea rice, when used regularly, will put all systems of the body in order.

What is Indian sea rice?

The specific state in which bacteria reside in sea rice is called zooglea. In this state, the bacterial membranes become slimy and form a gel-like mass that breaks down into clear granules. Thanks to the formed grains, the fungus was called rice.

This bacterial culture came to Russia from India about a hundred years ago, since then it has had two specifications: “Indian” and “sea” in the meaning “overseas”. The closest crops to sea rice are and. Highly appreciated healing effect Indian sea rice, the preparation of an infusion from which has been well known for a long time. When bacteria function in the sweetened liquid, a delicious sparkling drink is obtained.

The origin of these bacteria is estimated to be much earlier than that of kefir and kombucha. It is known that the ancient Romans used it during military campaigns. Roman soldiers used the properties of this drink to quench their thirst and to prevent infectious diseases. People holding a mushroom in the kitchen are convinced that this natural product can replace many medications that have their own side effects often cause serious damage to internal organs.

Beneficial features

The enzymatic activity of bacteria in the nutrient medium is the reason for the beneficial properties of sea rice. Acids, vitamins and enzymes in the infusion are created during the processing of sugars and make this drink medicinal. The mushroom infusion exhibits an immunomodulatory effect and has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

  • Regulates digestion and normalizes metabolism thanks to active action enzymes in the infusion that regulate biochemical processes in the body.
  • Reduces sugar levels and counteracts diabetes with the help of amylase, an enzyme that breaks down starch.
  • Normalizes well-being and vital energy levels due to its content, which is actively involved in the synthesis of certain amino acids.
  • Reduces arterial pressure, healthy blood vessels and preventing the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Supports the nervous system, since vitamin B12 and folic acid are responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses.
  • It has a diuretic effect and removes stones using the alkalizing effect of citric acid.
  • Cleanses the liver and eliminates toxins thanks to glucuronic acid, which neutralizes toxic elements.
  • It works favorably for diseases of cartilage and joints, since the infusion contains an anti-inflammatory complex.
  • Slows down the development of malignant tumors by influencing diseased cells with powerful antioxidants in the form of chlorogenic and coumaric acids.
  • It counteracts heart disease thanks to its content, which actively restores heart muscle cells.

Sea rice can replace antibiotics in case of inflammation of the respiratory system, helps cleanse the skin and restore the body after a serious illness.

How to prepare an infusion

Available in two sizes Indian mushroom: big and small. The medicinal properties of both types are identical since they produce the same substances, but there are slight differences. A mushroom with large grains works more slowly, and the taste of its infusion is softer with a milky-fruity tint. The small mushroom is more active, its infusion has a sharper taste.

Those who want to take advantage of the medicinal properties of this fungus are wondering how to grow sea rice from scratch. You need to understand that this is a living colony of beneficial bacteria that function under certain conditions. It is recommended, if possible, to find out in advance not only where to buy Indian sea rice, but how to grow and store it. Find out what environment sea rice lives in and how to care for it to extract maximum benefit for good health.

To make an infusion of sea rice, pour filtered water into a glass jar. warm water. For every liter of liquid, dissolve 2 tablespoons of sugar - this will provide the mushroom with a nutrient medium. Rinse 2-4 tablespoons of fungus with cool water and place in a jar. Additionally, you can add washed dried fruits: 5 raisins, 2-3 dried apricots, prunes or apple slices per liter of liquid.

Cover the container with the mushroom with gauze and remove it from under sunlight in a warm place at 25 degrees. The drink for oral consumption will be ready in 2 days. After this, strain it into another container, put it in the refrigerator and use it within two days. Rinse the sea rice granules and fill them with sweet water again to prepare the next portion.

  • It is not recommended to mix granules directly with sugar, this can cause the death of bacteria and the infusion will not work.
  • Use a stainless steel spoon for mixing; other metals may react chemically with the products released by the sea rice granules.
  • For cosmetic recipes a saturated solution may be required after a week of infusion. This infusion is more acidic, you do not need to drink it, use it only for external use.
  • Do not allow the temperature of the Indian rice nutrient medium to drop below 18 degrees, the development of bacteria is stopped and the fungus may die.

If you need to leave for a long time, express all the liquid and rinse the granules. Then dry almost dry and close in a glass container with a lid. Store sea rice in the refrigerator for no longer than a month and rinse it again before using it.

How to use

The prepared infusion can be used by adults and children. Indian sea rice is favorably characterized by doctors' reviews, according to which it does not become addictive and is suitable for long-term use. Noticeable effect manifests itself with long-term use 2-3 times a day with a dosage of 100-150 ml for adults and 50-100 ml for children. This amount is enough to put your digestion in order and lose excess weight. If you have illnesses, you will need a course of infusion in a higher dosage.

For the prevention and treatment of diseases

To heal stomach and duodenal ulcers, use half a liter of solution 3 times a day before meals. The duration of the course depends on the degree of the disease and is up to four months.

To recover from heart disease, hypertension and vegetative-vascular dystonia, prepare an infusion with dried apples or prunes. Use 150–200 ml three times a day for 1.5 months.

For hemorrhoids, use a compress every day for two weeks. To do this, add a tablespoon of the weekly solution to 50 ml of warm boiled water. Compresses and enemas work with the effect of anesthesia; they will stop the formation of cracks and heal the sore area.

To strengthen immune system and antiviral prophylaxis, drink a glass of solution 2-3 times a day a quarter of an hour before meals. For supporting nervous system make an infusion with white raisins and dried apricots, drink a glass of the solution for 1.5 months three times a day.

To relieve radiculitis, mix 2 parts of the infusion with one part butter. Apply to painful areas, wrap a woolen cloth around your waist and leave overnight.

For joint pain, apply the infusion to the affected areas in the mornings and evenings. The pain should go away within a week. Take a hot bath if there is no acute pain. Regularly rub the infusion into steamed areas of the body.

For cosmetic use

To give your hair a silky texture and shine, rinse it with water and add a tablespoon of weekly infusion dissolved in a liter of water.

For elasticity and flexibility of hair, make a mask:

  • Grate a raw potato and squeeze out the liquid.
  • Add egg yolk and a spoonful of infusion.
  • Mix all ingredients and rub into damp hair.
  • Rinse your hair after half an hour.

A weekly mask for dry hair is used in the same way and is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • egg yolk;
  • a tablespoon of infusion and vegetable oil;
  • half a glass of warm water.

To get rid of dry skin on your hands, prepare a lotion from a strong infusion of sea rice, mixed in the same ratio. Massage the lotion into your hands and wear cloth gloves overnight.

To soften the skin on your elbows, prepare a compress by mixing egg white with infusion. Apply it to rough areas. To disinfect and whiten the skin of your hands, organize a warm bath by adding infusion to the water.

To strengthen your nails, wipe them with infusion. It will clean your nails of the top layer of dirt and grease, the polish will lie smoother and stay on your nails longer. The infusion softens the skin around the nails, making it easier to remove the cuticles.


Please note that the benefits and harms of sea rice are determined by its dosage; Indian rice is not a cure for all ailments. If you have serious health problems, consult your doctor, he can give you qualified advice based on your health condition and the ingredients of the drink.

Use with caution in people with diagnosed stones. genitourinary system. The mushroom infusion exhibits a noticeable diuretic effect and can provoke the release of salt deposits. Patients with type 1 diabetes are not recommended to use the infusion, since the composition contains numerous sugars and enzymes.

It should be remembered that the infusion of Indian sea rice is a multicomponent liquid that can weaken or accelerate the effect of medications. If you are using any medications, you should consult a doctor before using the infusion.

I mean kombucha and rice mushroom. The first one is the most famous, although if we remember the 50-60s, it was much more popular and more in demand as a product with an original taste. During these years, in our rather remote village, albeit in the Moscow region, kombucha was available, if not in every house, then in very many, and the choice was limited solely by the shortage of sugar.

Few people thought about the healing properties of this mushroom. People of the current generation are completely or almost completely unaware of kombucha, the technology of its cultivation and its properties, especially healing ones, which they are not even aware of. This is especially true for rice mushrooms. In fairness, it should be recalled that there is another type of mushroom that can be used in healing - this is the Tibetan milk mushroom. But this type is still so little common in our practice that it is too early to talk about it in a broad sense, although this direction in fungotherapy (mushroom treatment) is currently developing. Today we will talk about the two already mentioned mushrooms - tea and rice.

Tea mushroom

Kombucha has been widely cultivated since Tsarist Russia, and its appearance is associated with its proximity to the Chinese border and fairly close relations between Russia and China. Hence the former name - Manchurian mushroom, but some believe that it appeared in Russia after the Russo-Japanese War, which is why they called it Japanese sponge or Japanese sponge. However, this mushroom also had a number of other names, in particular, sea mushroom, Volga mushroom and even tea kvass.

Interestingly, both kombucha and Indian sea rice spread to Europe at the same time, with the latter arousing the greatest interest.
It is also interesting that the biology of kombucha is associated not with one type of yeast (and yeast are also fungi), but with a complex of acetic acid bacteria. That is why the range of biologically active substances in kombucha is unusually wide, which allows it to be used for medicinal purposes.
After kombucha found a “registration” in Russia, the general public noticed that its infusion, when consumed internally, cures furunculosis, alleviates the condition, has a beneficial effect on neurasthenia, gastrointestinal diseases, and relieves swelling. It is characteristic that stomach pains disappeared or significantly weakened literally a few minutes after taking it. Then it turned out that the infusion of kombucha has a beneficial effect on blood pressure, general condition improved.
Patients took an infusion of the mushroom 3 times a day, 100-150 ml.

I personally had to repeatedly observe how in people suffering, literally two days after irrigation or rinsing oral cavity The disease went away 5-6 times a day.

To enrich with vitamin C, you just need to add rosehip decoction, cooled to room temperature, to the water for infusing the mushroom:
2 tbsp. Crush tablespoons of rose hips, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 2 hours, cool and pour into a 3-liter jar with mushroom infusion.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is available in the form of thiamine chloride or thiamine bromide (in ampoules or tablets); they need to enrich the mushroom infusion at the rate of 5 mg of vitamin per 1 liter of mushroom infusion. With daily consumption of 0.5 l, the amount of thiamine will be 2.5 mg, this is the daily norm.

In this case, an enriched weekly infusion of the mushroom was used, taking 100 ml 4-5 times a day before meals. You need to drink the infusion for 1 month, then take a 10-day break and repeat the monthly intake.

But the most unexpected effect on the body is produced by kombucha. Men should keep this in mind. In any case, systematically taking an infusion of this mushroom, half a glass, 3 times a day before meals and at night, significantly normalized urological parameters, the feeling of discomfort went away, the urge to urinate appeared much less frequently, and emptying was more complete. True, in this case it is preferable to take pollen(which is collected by bees) 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals, and you need to keep the pollen under for at least 10 minutes until it dissolves.

Kombucha cultivation technology

If you have relatives or friends who grow kombucha, take it from them “for divorce.” thin pancake, and these are several layers of mushroom, and ask them to take charge of this issue. For the rest, I will briefly describe how to cultivate kombucha.

do the prep work first. To do this, pour half a three-liter jar with warm boiled water, place a thin film of kombucha and leave it there for adaptation for 1 day. There is no need to feed the mushroom at this time.

After a day, place the mushroom in an aqueous solution (boiled water) with the following contents: brew, cool it. Dilute to medium strength and add granulated sugar in a ratio of 1:20. This means that on three liter jar add 150 g of sugar. Dissolve completely and place the prepared mushroom in the resulting solution.

A barely noticeable colorless film that forms after 3-4 days will tell you about the condition of the mushroom. If everything goes well, after about a week, gray colonies will appear on the surface of the fungus, and soon these colonies will merge and form a common leathery film. With good care, the film will constantly grow and at the same time peel off. New, young layers of lighter color are located on top, and the lower ones acquire dark color, from which untidy flakes hang down in the form of rags. After a month, the film will reach a thickness of 1.5 mm.

You need to feed the mushroom twice a week with sweet tea with a sugar concentration of 5-8 percent. The infusion is considered mature after 7-10 days. Once a month you need to give the mushroom a “sanitary” day. Why rinse it in warm boiled water and fill it with a new nutrient solution. The taste and healing properties appear only in a mature infusion. If the infusion slightly tingles the tongue, it is ready for use, but if it stings strongly, then for use it must be diluted with warm boiled water 2-3 times.

Sea Indian rice

Sea rice (sometimes called sea mushroom or rice mushroom) has attracted the attention of not only lovers of this drink, healers, but also official medicine; in any case, I know the data on the study of the healing properties of sea rice at the Moscow Medical Institute. Studies have shown its high antibacterial activity. Was even singled out antibacterial drug Medusin. Other healing properties of sea rice have also been officially established: primarily wound healing and anti-cholesterol. Thus, sea rice is not a fiction, not a fantasy of exotic lovers, but a tasty, medicinal and healing drink available for home use.

There is information that the Russians tasted an infusion of Indian sea rice ahead of the Europeans, and it penetrated into Russia from the East. Indian sea rice, however, is much less widespread in Russia, and its medicinal properties have also been insufficiently studied in comparison with kombucha. However, folk healing has accumulated experience in its use for the treatment of certain diseases.

Firstly, people who consumed an infusion of Indian sea rice noticed a significant improvement in their general condition, and their sugar levels noticeably decreased. There is information about the positive effect of this infusion for polyarthritis. To be honest, a 100% cure is hardly possible, but alleviating the condition of the patient with this insidious disease is also not bad. The positive effect of an infusion of Indian sea rice in case of a serious illness deserves attention - but somehow I don’t want to not trust people about this. Obviously, the use of this infusion is necessary in combination with other drugs traditionally used in the treatment of this disease, for example, with the drug Datiscan or medicinal plant Danish.

Technology of growing sea Indian rice

You should start growing Indian sea rice from the preparatory period.

For sourdough, take 1 tbsp. spoon of rice and pour 0.5 liters of boiled water at room temperature. In the starter, the rice is alive and needs food, so add a handful of dried fruits to the water: raisins and dried apricots. Leave the rice this way for 2 days. And already on the third day in the morning, pour the infusion through cheesecloth, rinse the remaining grains of rice with boiled cool water, then, just as in the first case, fill them with water and add raisins and dried apricots, set to infuse. Rice grows quite quickly, division of rice occurs in 3-10 days, it all depends on its care.

First of all, rice water should be changed regularly, at least 2 times a week, preferably every 3 days.

God forbid you leave the rice dry. That's it, he will disappear immediately. If the rice is divided, it means it is renewed. Therefore, he can live quite a long time, even more than one year. But rice is quite finicky: suddenly, seemingly out of the blue, the infusion becomes cloudy and soon turns into a slimy mass. Restoring his health is more expensive for yourself, so it’s better to get new rice, that is, take new starter. It is interesting that the innovators of rice cultivation give it milk instead of an aquatic environment, in which it reproduces well, but, according to experts, in this case it becomes even more picky, can quickly get sick, and, most importantly, in a milk environment, rice loses its healing properties .

An important question: where can you get sourdough? My friends personally brought me leaven from St. Petersburg, they say that there is a fungotherapy center in the city where you can buy it. But I know that there are lovers of Indian rice mushroom in Moscow and other cities, for example in Tver.

Candidate of Biological Sciences.

Indian sea rice known by many names: Chinese mushroom, live rice, rice mushroom, Japanese mushroom etc. This microorganism is becoming more popular every year: about it medicinal properties Oh, there are the most incredible rumors. And indeed, it has been repeatedly confirmed that Indian sea rice can cope even with those ailments that its famous “brothers” - kombucha and milk mushrooms - succumb to.

Living rice owes its name to its appearance: it consists of small transparent white particles that strongly resemble grains of rice. To grow it at home you only need glass jar, a piece of gauze and filtered water.

Applications of Indian Sea Rice

A drink is prepared from it, which has the following medicinal properties:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improvement of metabolic processes, rejuvenation and cleansing of the body;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • increasing performance, relieving fatigue, eliminating insomnia, preventing depression;
  • increased urinary processes;
  • normalization of the reproductive system of the body: improvement of potency in men, elimination and prevention of the formation of ovarian cysts, thrush and some other female diseases;
  • decreased blood sugar levels;
  • prevention of the formation of stones in the kidneys and gall bladder.

This is far from full list diseases for which Indian sea rice can help, because in total it cures more than a hundred diseases!

Treatment with Indian sea rice

A drink from live rice is prepared as follows: in a liter cold water, poured into a glass jar, completely dissolve 2 tablespoons of sugar, then put 4 tablespoons of sea rice and a little dried apricots (4-5 pieces) or raisins (10-15 pieces) there. Then the container is covered with gauze and placed in a dark place. The drink will be ready in 1-2 days: after draining it, you must immediately place the washed rice in sweetened water again. The resulting drink should be drunk daily, at least 300 milliliters, and then a positive result will not be long in coming. Also good result gives external application infusion: daily rubbing of the skin and rinsing the hair can significantly improve it appearance and slow down the processes of biological aging.

Indian sea rice forms an infusion of complex chemical composition: organic acids, esters, aldehydes, alcohols, vitamins, fatty and resinous substances, glucosides, enzymes.

Due to its composition, sea rice infusion has the following properties:

hypotensive (lowers blood pressure)
anti-sclerotic (prevents the development of atherosclerotic plaques)
metabolic (improves metabolism)

Various metabolic disorders (overweight, gout, atherosclerosis)
Autoimmune diseases (lupus, scleroderma)
Consequences of a stroke
Gastritis, gastroduodenitis
Peptic ulcer

It is recommended to drink at least 300 ml of Sea Rice infusion per day. The amount required to prepare one liter of drink is 4 tablespoons. To care for Indian sea rice you will need: pure water, glass jar, gauze on the neck of the jar. From the products you can add sugar (optional), raisins, dried apricots, and other dried fruits (optional) in small quantities.

Contraindications for Indian sea rice

But do not forget that the drink based on Indian rice has its own contraindications: it is not recommended for insulin-dependent diabetics, children under three years of age and pregnant women.

History of Indian Sea Rice

The drink made from this amazing “rice” was known in Russia for quite a long time and became widespread precisely when ties and trade connections with Asia became stronger. And Russians tasted this drink much earlier than Europeans.

An unusual view of a biologist on the history of the spread of “Indian sea rice”

French biologist-naturalist Charles Liezon also became interested in the strange cereal grains that people insist on delicious drink and tried to prove his birthright in the family of the so-called “mushrooms”. He, like Shtilman, was sure that “Indian sea rice” was a more ancient culture than kombucha and Tibetan milk mushroom. His research dates back to the beginning of the Christian era, that is, he claims that it was the culture of “sea rice” that was known then and the Romans knew it well. He proves this in a rather unique way, citing from scripture a well-known scene when a guard brings a sponge with an incomprehensible liquid to the lips of the crucified Christ, which, according to historians, was soaked in vinegar..

In my youth, reading Bulgakov's masterpiece "The Master and Margarita", I was also puzzled by the following scene:... the hot sun, clouds of flies over the tormented half-dead Ha-Notsri (Jesus Christ), withered lashes of arms and legs nailed to a wooden cross, dried black blood on the scabs. The sea, the abyss of torment. And yet life glimmers a little. The executioners can only kill the unfortunate man out of mercy. But instead, a soulless legionnaire in a helmet sparkling in the sun, on a long spear, holds out a sponge soaked in vinegar to the parched lips of the martyr. For what? Intensify the already incredible torment in order to please your cruel heart? Or bring the caustic vapors of vinegar to life for a moment, and then drive the cold tip into living, suffering, and not limply hanging, almost lifeless flesh? It turns out not. And the Roman did not at all want to cause additional suffering to the dying man. It was an act of mercy. He gave him the opportunity to quench his thirst with a drink that he himself drank every day. During military campaigns, Roman legionaries drank a mixture of vinegar and water called “posca.” This drink perfectly quenched thirst under the scorching sun of the conquered provinces and served as a means of prevention against infectious diseases. "Poska" eased the suffering of Christ, and did not increase his torment tenfold, as Bulgakov, and with him many learned men, believed. However, this is true. Since time immemorial, the Romans have been making vinegar from grapes, figs and some varieties of barley. Recipes for these three types of vinegar are given in an extensive work dating back to 50 AD. and dedicated to farming and agricultural issues “De re rustica” (“On Agriculture”), the author of which was Columella Lucius Julius Moderatus, a Roman writer and agronomist. By the end of his life, he expanded his work to 12 volumes; one of his manuscripts is in the public library in St. Petersburg.
So, the French biologist claims that “posca” is an infusion of “Indian sea rice”, and not a mixture of vinegar and water, as historians claim. And he found proof of this.

What diseases does Indian sea rice treat?

The healing properties of this mushroom are amazing - there is a lot of evidence that it can cure many diseases. The infusion can not only alleviate, but also cure polyarthritis. It lowers blood sugar, and even insulin-dependent patients can count on relief from the disease. This “healing rice” is used for both lupus and multiple sclerosis. The infusion of this mushroom treats and a whole bouquet endocrine diseases.
How not to confuse Indian sea rice (rice mushroom) with Tibetan milk mushroom:

Rice mushroom is grains that look very similar to sago grains - both in shape and color. Milk Mushroom – More like white or off-white pieces of coral.

How to grow rice mushroom

It is best to place a jar of Indian sea rice in a wall cabinet, where it is dry enough, moderately warm and there are no direct sun rays. A tablespoon of mushroom is usually poured into 0.5 liters of clean drinking water. You should definitely feed him - throw a handful of raisins, a few pieces of dried apricots. The mushroom will feed for two days. In the evening of the second day, the infusion must be carefully poured through a gauze so as not to miss the grains and in the same gauze, rinse large grains with cool water. Pour the washed grains back into the jar with water, add raisins or dried apricots.
You can already drink this infusion, although it is still very weak. But for preventive purposes, it copes with its role perfectly.

Perhaps someone has heard about Indian sea rice, which is also called sea mushroom, rice mushroom, Chinese sea rice, live rice, but has not tried a drink made from it and would like to know where to get sea rice and more about it amazing properties. I will tell you about Indian sea rice, medicinal properties, contraindications, preparation and care on the

In comparison with tea and Tibetan mushrooms, Indian sea rice wins in its healing properties.

This is a living microorganism that resembles boiled grains of rice in appearance (probably hence its name) or small ice chips from two to five millimeters in diameter. Thanks to your valuable qualities this culture was cultivated by man and passed down from ancient times. Today there are many lovers of useful fungal drink. It has a very pleasant taste, reminiscent of kvass, and perfectly quenches thirst.

Beneficial properties of sea rice

Thanks to modern scientists, the secret of the extraordinary medicinal properties of this mushroom, which cures more than eight dozen diseases, has been revealed.

It turns out that Indian rice contains acetic and gluconic acids, alcohol, caffeine, citric, oxalic, folic, lactic acids, polysaccharides, tannins, choline, aldehydes, glucosides, alkaloids, vitamin C and other vital enzymes.

This set of substances that are most valuable for the life of the body determines its ability to slow down human aging.

An infusion of this mushroom lowers blood pressure, restores disturbances in the body's metabolic process, cures headaches that arise from nervousness, and slows down the development of cancerous tumors. It is successfully used for stomach and duodenal ulcers, atherosclerosis, heart pain, various inflammations of the respiratory system, a runny nose, to cleanse the mucous membrane, and to remove plaque from trophic ulcers.

Sea rice has proven itself to be an excellent solvent for kidney and liver stones and salt deposits in joints. It perfectly helps with arthritis and radiculitis, diabetes, improves general condition, and increases the protective properties of the body. This list of its amazing properties goes on.

Many people are also attracted to this drink for its ability to get rid of extra pounds and return their natural beauty and shine to the skin and hair.

It is widely used in folk cosmetics. The infusion is an excellent tonic - it is a natural lotion. It is added to face masks, shampoos and other products. The skin with it will receive additional nutrition and treatment if you take a bath instead sea ​​salt will be added a small amount of infusion of sea rice.

Preparing the infusion

If someone you know shares grains of sea rice with you, then this is your luck and you can start growing the mushroom and preparing its infusion. For life, this organism needs sweetened water, which should contain some dried fruits. To do this, you need cold purified water (unboiled), a little sugar and a few washed raisins (seedless) or other dried fruits (dried apricots, pears, apples, figs). First, you need to thoroughly stir the sugar in the water (1-2 tablespoons per liter of water) to dissolve all the grains. Then add 2 tbsp of the mushroom itself and about five raisins. Above glass vessel with the prepared dressing, cover with a piece of gauze and keep at room conditions for about two days. By this time the infusion is ready, will be slightly carbonated and have a pleasant sweet and sour taste. It’s time to change the solution in which the mushroom has matured.

The finished drink is decanted, the raisins or dried fruits are discarded, and the rice is washed with purified water and refilled with a freshly prepared sweet solution.

Caring for sea rice

Caring for a mushroom comes down to updating the nutrient medium for it. In this case, the culture should not come into direct contact with sugar crystals. The right thing to do is to prepare a sweet solution, and then pour it over the sea rice culture. Water temperature is about 30 degrees. It is necessary to avoid direct sunlight on sea rice. The infusion is prepared at room temperature. The strained drink can be stored in the refrigerator, but no longer than two days, and washed rice - no more than five days.

Treatment with Indian sea rice

For long-term treatment, you need to organize a continuous intake of sea rice tincture. Therefore, you will need two jars: while you drink a freshly prepared drink from the first, a new portion of the healing liquid should “ripen” in the other.

For use in medicinal purposes One liter of infusion is enough for one day. It should be drunk regularly, at least three times a day before meals (10-15 minutes). Usually, an improvement in general condition is already felt a month after taking it.

At the initial stage of consuming Indian sea rice, some people experience its diuretic healing properties. You can immediately reduce the dosage, and after a few days gradually increase it to normal.

For treatment cardiovascular diseases It is recommended to infuse sea rice with dried apples and prunes; for psychoneurological ailments - with light, seedless figs, pears and dried apricots (apples will give less effect).

If you take an infusion of 0.5 liters three times a day on an empty stomach, the ulcers of the stomach and intestines will heal (the results are noticeable after 30-50 days of treatment).

For the sick diabetes mellitus There is a special treatment regimen with Indian sea rice. It includes additional procedures for preliminary cleansing of various organs and blood, a restorative diet, etc.

It should be noted that sea rice is used not only internally, but also externally. For arthritis and joint pain, you can rub the infusion or apply compresses to the joint area.

The medicinal liquid of sea rice helps well as a microenema for hemorrhoids (a tablespoon of infusion in a quarter glass of boiled water). During the first week, apply daily, and the next week - every other day. The pain goes away and healing begins.


It would seem that the Indian sea mushroom looks like a panacea for all ailments, but it has contraindications: it is prohibited for diabetics with insulin dependence.
In other cases, it may only be individual intolerance to the fungus.
