What and how is palm oil made from? How is palm oil produced? Is the harm of palm oil exaggerated?

Red palm oil is obtained by boiling or pressing the pulp of the fruit. African oil palm, and its production history goes back more than 5 thousand years. This oil was first used by residents of West Africa, then this low-cost product became very popular in Ancient Egypt. And at the beginning of the 18th century, palm oil was brought to Europe, where it taste qualities and health benefits were appreciated.

Now palm oil is the most common vegetable fat (the largest exporters are Malaysia and Indonesia). Inexpensive and unique in its culinary properties, the oil is used in the diet of residents of Latin America, Southeast Asia and some European countries.

During the production process, 3 fractions are obtained that differ in consistency and physical properties: stearin, used for technical purposes and in the food, oil and fat industry, classic oil, optimal for baking, and olein, which is an ideal oil option for frying and deep-frying.

Due to the content of carotenoids, high-quality palm oil has a reddish-orange hue, a pleasant aroma and a slight nutty flavor. At temperatures above 30 degrees. classic oil is liquid, but when cooled it acquires a creamy or solid consistency like margarine or butter.

How to choose

When choosing palm oil in a store, you should pay attention to the price - it’s too cheap product It is definitely of low quality. Read the label carefully: it indicates the content level harmful substances and degree of purification. It is better to choose well-known brands, as they undergo more thorough testing.

The oil in the bottle should be light, transparent and free of sediment. Plastic capsules are better suited for long-term storage; in bottles the product oxidizes faster.

How to store

It is recommended to store palm oil in a cool, dry place, protected from light as much as possible. At temperatures below +18°C, the oil hardens, but does not lose its beneficial properties. Remember that before use, if the ambient temperature is less than +18°C, the product must be heated in a water bath (temperature no higher than +55°C).

In cooking

Palm oil has long been widely used culinary use in Southeast Asia and Europe. This useful product We are used to dressing salads, side dishes, soups, vegetables, fish and meat are prepared on it. Also, this product, unique in its culinary properties, is often used in homemade baking(when added to the dough, butter improves texture and taste shortbread cookies, pastries, cakes, muffins, buns and other confectionery and bakery products). With a subtle nutty aroma and delicate taste palm oil can be successfully used as a substitute for butter in such traditional dishes, like porridge, pancakes, borscht, pancakes.

The undeniable advantage of the oil is that it is ideal for frying and deep-frying (this product can withstand heating to high temperatures, does not burn or smoke, and does not impart an unpleasant aroma or taste to the fried foods). But it is worth noting that the dish prepared using heat treatment using palm oil, should be consumed immediately after cooking: oil when cooled to room temperature hardens, and therefore the cooled dish does not look appetizing.

Also among the culinary advantages of the oil is its high resistance to oxidation.

Calorie content

The calorie content of this product is quite high, like any vegetable oils. It reaches 899 kcal. Since the oil is too saturated with fat, it is not suitable for those who want to lose excess weight. But also great harm palm oil cannot be brought in, since the fats in its composition are poorly absorbed by the body.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Beneficial properties of palm oil

Composition and presence of nutrients

Red palm oil is considered simply an excellent source of such needed by the body carotenoids (precursors of vitamin A), fatty acids, useful vitamin E, coenzyme Q10, and also contains vitamins D and K, squalene, phospholipids, phytosterols, magnesium and other equally important minerals.

This oil contains 16 times more carotenoids than carrots and 48 times more than tomatoes. It should be noted that palm oil contains lutein among the carotenoids, which is necessary for the formation of the pigment layer of the macula of the retina, which ensures visual acuity. Also, carotenoids in the body, under the action of enzymes, can be converted into an antioxidant - the necessary vitamin A.

The main harm of this oil is its high content of saturated fats. Many scientists claim that their consumption in large quantities contributes to the occurrence of vascular and heart diseases.

This plant product is refractory, which means that it is not only processed, but also partially excreted from the body, and some of it remains as waste. They cover the intestines, blood vessels and other organs. In addition, palm oil is carcinogenic and can increase the risk of cancer.

Studies have shown that palm oil-based infant formulas can cause bowel problems in children. Babies have colic more often, and calcium is absorbed worse, which means their bone tissue is formed more slowly.

Video about palm oil.

Palm oil is a type of vegetable oil obtained by squeezing the mass of the pericarp (the fleshy part of the fruit) oil palm- lat. Elaeis guineensis, native to the west coast of Africa (Western Guinea). The seeds of the same palm tree serve as raw materials for obtaining another type of oil - palm kernel oil, which is similar in structure and properties to coconut oil.

Interesting! Elaeis guineensis had spread en masse throughout the equatorial belt by 1915, but organized production oil started only in the mid-60s. Moreover, both types of products had exclusively technical applications!

It immediately entered the food industry in 1985, when American scientists determined its exact composition and proved a number of beneficial properties. This surge in overall popularity in all parts of the Earth occurred due to the low cost of the product and the tolerance to oxidation of refined oil during transportation or cooking.

About palm oil production

Since the reign of the pharaohs in Egypt, palm oil has been used for everyday cooking food by peoples inhabiting the tropical zones of America, Africa, Brazil and South Asia.

The production technology is not complicated and its principle consists of a sequence of stages:

  • collecting fruits and cleaning seeds from pulp (mesocarp), followed by separate pressing in a press. This is how unrefined oil is obtained;
  • cooking or steam heat treatment of mesocarp cake and seeds. The remaining product is then obtained by extraction;
  • mixing and refining with deodorization - separation of pure palm oil. Of course, palm and palm kernels are separate. In terms of percentage, the seeds and pulp contain approximately 50% oil.

The increasing popularity is due not only to the ease of production, but also to the high productivity of palm plantations. Fruiting of plants begins 2.2 years after planting and continues for 21–23 years. During this period, each palm tree produces three harvests per year - up to 5 thousand fruits from one palm tree per harvest.

Properties and composition

Palm oil is a substance of semi-liquid consistency with a characteristic odor (reminiscent of dry grass, palm leaves), rich red-orange color and a specific delicate taste. Like all vegetable oils, palm oil has a two-fraction structure, which is quite easily divided into solid and liquid parts. This is explained by the peculiarities of the composition, which, in addition to 42-44% chemically pure palm oil, includes:

  1. The liquid fraction consists mainly of olein, which has a melting point of 18 – 21°C, therefore normal conditions it is (visually and tactilely) an oily liquid.
  2. The solid fraction is vegetable stearin, which is in a solid state and melts only at a temperature of 46.5°C. Outwardly it resembles butter or rendered animal fat.

In addition to olein (42%) and stearin (44%), palm oil contains: polymolecular linoleic, medium-chain mystyric, palmitic and lauric acids, but their volume fraction does not exceed 8%. But these are not the main components. The unrefined composition includes many biologically active compounds, the most important of which are:

  • Vitamin A (retinol) is one of the most important vitamins for the body. One spoon (tablespoon) of oil completely satisfies all daily requirement the average person in this compound is equal to 11-16 mg;
  • vitamin E (α-, β-, δ- γ-tocotrienols and tocopherol) – raw palm oil contains up to 1000 mg per 1 liter. Very important property palm oil, since it is the second form of vitamin E (tocotrienols) that is predominantly present in it, and it is 55 times more active in antioxidant properties;
  • Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) is an essential participant in the Krebs cycle (energy pathway) and redox processes.

Curious! According to research by employees of the Institute of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in 1979, it was proven that 100 g of palm oil contains 16 times more vitamins A and E than the same amount of carrots and more than 50 times more than tomatoes.

Use of oil

Russia, like many other countries, due to its predominantly northern geographical location, does not have ample opportunities to produce sufficient quantity vegetable oil. Despite this, on a global scale, the use and production of palm oil, at the beginning of 2014, accounted for 65% of the total volume of all fats and oils.

To classify palm oil according to quality indicator The AP-standard classification is used, the indicator of which consists of a fraction - the numerical coefficients of the world and American research groups. According to APS, palm oil is used:

  • APS up to 29/34 - exclusively for industrial needs, due to its ability to oxidize quickly. It is used to make biodiesel fuel, military agents (for example, napalm);
  • APS from 30/35 to 35/39 – an integral part in the manufacture of perishable products: cream, biscuit fillings, cakes, condensed milk, fruit curds, etc. Widely used as an alternative to milk fat;
  • APS from 36/40 to 45/50 is a component of all products of confectionery and bakery shops. In the dairy and fat-milk industries to replace ingredients of animal origin in order to obtain products that are resistant to external influences (spread, milk powder, margarines), save costs on components and increase shelf life;
  • APS above 46/51 – for the production of hygiene and cosmetic products: soaps, mascara, powder, shampoos, creams, oils, etc.

Important! Palm olein, that is, liquid palm oil, is ideal for frying foods, since its thermal breakdown into harmful polymers and molecules with free radicals begins at 220°C. Palm stearin (solid fraction) is an excellent component for making dough leavening agents and margarine for puff pastries.

What are the benefits and possible harm?

Palm oil, like all compounds on Earth, has its own beneficial and undesirable (harmful) qualities. In the scientific world, there are always two opposition parties, tugging the conventional “rope of truth” in their direction. But first, let's look at the useful properties:

  • contains macroquantities of carotenoids, coenzyme Q10, vitamin E, which have positive influence on human health;
  • rich in triglycerides - fatty acids (a class of lipids) that do not accumulate in the body in the form of cholesterol plaques, but immediately break down into CO2, H2O and energy;
  • about 85% of palm oil are unsaturated, mono- and poly-fats, which prevent the accumulation of cholesterol;
  • the convenient property of quickly being divided into fractions allows you to expand the scope of application with minimal impact;
  • compares favorably with other oils in cooking: there are no additional flavors, the crust is golden-appetizing and does not heavily saturate the food;
  • the overall balanced composition gives high stability to palm oil;
  • very economical product.

Good to know! Due to the high content of nutrients, it is recommended to consume a spoon (tablespoon) of palm oil every day, especially during periods of illness or recovery. This will provide 100% of your daily requirement for vitamins A and E.

Now let's touch on the negative aspects:

  • high content of saturated acids, which contribute to the development of many pathologies;
  • due to the refractoriness of the solid fraction, it is removed from the body slowly, partially accumulates in the gastrointestinal tract, causing appendicitis, colic, cholecystitis, diarrhea, etc.;
  • indirect harm. Companies are cutting down valuable forests to plant palm plantations. This worsens the ecology and bioorganic balance of the planet.

5 Myths and Misconceptions about Palm Oil

  1. Myth – “Palm oil is prohibited for food use in developed countries” - this is not the case, for example, the USA is the 8th country in terms of consumer demand for such oil (in 2012) and every year the demand grows by 3-6%.
  2. Misconception – “Palm oil is obtained from the trunks of palm trees, thereby destroying plants on Earth.” This is a mistake, because oil is obtained from palm fruits, and plantations are regularly updated with new plantings.
  3. Misrepresentation of facts – “Palm oil does not enter the body in any way due to high temperature melting." Typical infidelity due to ignorance of human digestive processes. Oil absorption occurs after exposure to special enzymes, regardless of the initial state of aggregation.
  4. Error - “Palm oil is a technical substance that is not suitable for food.” A false statement refuted by the information above.
  5. False – “Palm oil production produces a lot of harmful waste that pollutes the environment.” This is also a typical mistake due to simple ignorance of the matter. Oil production is extremely simple and does not involve the use of toxic components.

Palm oil is a plant product made from the fruits of the oil palm. The birthplace of the culture is Western Guinea. It is ideal for making confectionery, intended for long-term storage. Interestingly, since 2015, palm oil production in industrial scale exceeded by 2.5 times the production of other vegetable oils (sunflower, soybean, rapeseed). In terms of quantity, this is a record holder among food products, even ahead of fish oil. Does not contain .

Currently for food production Swiss company Nestlé annually purchases more than 420,000 tons of palm oil per year. Disputes about its benefits and harms have not subsided to this day. The abundance of carotenoids, the strongest, have a healing effect on the human body. They reduce the likelihood cancer diseases, provide energy production, participate in the structuring of bones, the production of visual pigment in the retina, and are beneficial for joints and skin. The harm to the product is due to high content saturated fats, which are processed and remain as waste. These refractory substances clog the intestines and blood vessels, increasing the risk of developing heart disease.


The following types of oils are extracted from the fruits of the oil palm: raw palm, palm kernel. This is the most common and cheapest product among vegetable fats. Due to this, it is widely used in food production.

Nowadays, oil palm is cultivated in South America, West Africa, Indonesia, Malaysia and Southeast Asia.

Crude oil is obtained by processing the pulp of the fruit, which contains up to 70%. Only the product that has gone through several stages of refining is suitable for food. Otherwise, unrefined oil is used only for technical purposes - for making candles, soap and lubricating spare parts.

Production principle

On the plantations, fruits are collected, which are transported to the plant for further processing. The collected bunches are treated with dry hot steam to separate them. After this, the fruit pulp is pre-sterilized and then pressed. The resulting raw material is heated to 100 degrees and placed in a centrifuge to separate liquid and foreign matter.

Oil refining stages:

  • elimination of mechanical impurities;
  • hydration (extraction);
  • neutralization (removal of free fatty acids);
  • whitening;
  • deodorization.

Palm kernel oil is a product obtained by extracting or pressing kernels from seeds. Its degree of digestibility is 97%.

Types of palm oil used in Food Industry:

  1. Standard. Melts at a temperature of 36-39 degrees. Area of ​​application: baking and frying. During the cooking process it does not create smoke or burning. Products prepared with standard palm oil should be consumed warm. Otherwise, the dish will harden and become covered with an unaesthetic film.
  2. Olein. The melting point of the product is 16-24 degrees. Used for frying meat and dough. Has the consistency of cream. Widely used in the cosmetics industry.
  3. Stearin. It has the highest melting point among the three types of oil. It is 48-52 degrees. It is the hardest fraction of palm oil. Industries of application: cosmetology, metallurgy, food industry. Included in margarine.

A distinctive feature of palm oil from other vegetable oils is its solid consistency. The longer a product is stored, the higher its melting point becomes. So, for fresh palm oil it is 27 degrees. And for a product with a weekly aging period it increases to 42 degrees.

Oil is a source of fat-soluble vitamins A, . The freshly produced palm product is light orange in color due to its high beta-carotene content. In the food industry, only bleached oil is used. To do this, it is heated in an oven to 200 degrees and cooled. Under the influence of ultraviolet and oxygen natural dye beta-carotene is destroyed, as a result, palm oil becomes discolored and loses part of its value.

Chemical composition

100 ml of palm oil contains 884 kcal, with fat accounting for 99.7 g and 0.1 g. Chemical composition The product contains vitamins E (33.1 mg), A (30 mg), (0.3 mg), K (0.008 mg) and (2 mg). The share accounts for 100 mg. In addition, traces of lecithin, squalene and coenzyme Q10 were found.

According to research results, it has been established that the oil contains palmitic acid, which enhances the natural generation of cholesterol. As a result, the human body begins to intensively produce an organic compound in uncontrolled quantities, which in turn increases the risk of blockage of blood vessels and the development of heart disease.

The World Health Organization strongly recommends reducing your intake of fatty acids. Dangerous foods include palm oil, butter, chocolate, meat, and eggs. According to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the maximum permissible level Fatty acid consumption is 10% of a person's energy intake, including alcohol. In other words, with an oil of 884 kcal per 100 ml and a content of 44% palmitic acid in it, the safe daily dose of palm pomace is 10 ml, provided there are no other sources of fatty acids in the diet.

Effect on the body of infants

As a result of clinical studies, it was found that infant formula containing palm olein reduces absorption compared to nutrition in which the product is not included. And digestibility decreases from 57.4% to 37.5%.

In addition to decreased calcium absorption, stool fat loss increases. It becomes denser and less frequent.

The malabsorption of the macronutrient is caused by the special arrangement of palmitic acid relative to the palm olein fat molecule. Under normal conditions, it is in a lateral position. After starting the process of digesting baby food in the intestines, it is split off, binding calcium in a free state. As a result, insoluble salts are formed: calcium palmitate. Essentially, this is soap that is not absorbed in the digestive tract, but is excreted in transit through the stool.

To avoid blocking the absorption of the mineral, the position of palmitic acid is artificially changed in olein. This product is called beta palmitate. As a result, structured oil with palmitic acid is in a central position in the composition of milk fat, does not break down, does not form soap with calcium, and is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract unchanged.

Myths or reality

Palm oil is a product that causes a lot of controversy and misconceptions regarding its benefits and harms. Some argue that this natural source tocopherols, beta-carotene, others insist that in the human body it is transformed into plasticine and clogs the intestinal patency. In addition, there is an opinion that raw materials for oil production are transported in oil tankers, as a result, they pose a threat to human health and cause cancer.

Let's consider the main guesses about fat and oil products, and whether they have a reasonable basis for existence.

Myth #1 “Palm oil contains dangerous trans fats”

It is not true. These compounds are not included in the product. What is the danger of trans fats? They replace beneficial fatty acids at the molecular level from cell membranes, disrupting cell nutrition and blocking. As a result, metabolic reactions slow down, which leads to the development of chronic diseases of the endocrine, digestive, cardiovascular, and genitourinary systems.

Myth No. 2 “For production, industrial palm oil is used, brought in petroleum product tanks from Indonesia and Malaysia.

Lie. The raw materials used for the production of oil must meet the requirements for food products, otherwise it is prohibited for use at the legislative level of the country. In addition, it is additionally cleaned and deodorized, as a result of which it loses its color, smell and taste.

Transportation stories are nothing more than inventions of competitors. To transport palm oil, specially equipped tanks are used that meet all safety requirements. Before loading raw materials, tank containers are thoroughly cleaned (steamed, washed, dried) of the remnants of the previous product. In addition, it is prohibited to transport palm oil in containers that previously contained non-edible, toxic cargo. Transportation of products is controlled by international organizations.

Myth No. 3 “Palm oil has no value for the human body”

Incorrect statement. It is a source of coenzyme Q10, carotenoids, tocotrients, tocopherols, polyunsaturated fatty acids (,), vitamins B4, F.

When choosing oil for food purposes, remember that refined and deodorized products are free of foreign matter and are partially devoid of beneficial substances. Therefore, it is recommended to give preference to unrefined types. Such oils should not be subjected to heat treatment; they are better used as food additives to salads. These products include red palm oil. It fully retains all the beneficial properties listed above.

Myth No. 4 “Palm oil is extracted from the trunk of a palm tree”

This is a misconception. The product is obtained exclusively from oil palm fruits by squeezing it from the kernel or pulp. The main feature is its naturally solid consistency. Interestingly, the further south the tree grows, the more saturated fatty acids are contained in the fruits, and the further north, the more PUFAs. Because of this, the oil obtained in southern tropical countries has a solid structure. This property product provides the required form prepared food and confectionery products.

Myth No. 5 “Palm oil, when it gets into the stomach, behaves like plasticine - it does not melt, but is a sticky mass that seals the body from the inside.”

Absurd conclusion. When it enters the digestive tract, the product acquires the consistency of an emulsion. Palm oil is absorbed in the body in the same way as other foods. In moderate quantities (10 ml) it does not pose a risk to human health. According to the postulates healthy eating The recommended amount of fat in the diet of an adult should not exceed 30% of the total amount of energy consumed. Of which, MUFA and PUFA account for 6-10% each, saturated fatty acids – up to 10%.

Myth No. 6 “Manufacturers prefer palm oil because of the low cost of raw materials”

Indeed it is true. The cheapness of oil is due to the high productivity of plantations of the main suppliers of raw materials (Indonesia and Malaysia). In addition, it is very technologically advanced. The solid structure of the product makes it attractive for use in the food industry (confectionery and bakery). Previously used liquid oils, which have been hydrogenated to thicken and harden. As a result, they accumulated dangerous trans fats and caused harm to the body. A modern alternative to them is palm oil. It is safe and of high quality from nature.

Myth No. 7 “Food products with palm oil are banned in developed countries”

It is not true. No country has banned palm oil. Moreover, it accounts for 58% of vegetable fat consumption in the world market.

Health Hazard

Palm oil is an integral component of cookies, candies, chips, cheese, ice cream, and French fries. Nowadays it is difficult to find a product without this ingredient. However, the “hobby” of overseas fat poses a danger to human health.

The harm of palm oil.

Stored in fat as quickly as possible

Despite the fact that palm oil is of plant origin, its composition is similar to animal triglycerides, since it contains predominantly monounsaturated, saturated fatty acids. The most dangerous component of the product is palmitic acid, which causes diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, oil accelerates the rate of fat deposition into the “fat depot”, which contributes to rapid weight gain. , cheeses, ice cream, cream, chips, French fries, chocolate, candies, cookies - products that already lead to weight problems, and they are additionally “enriched” with palmitic acid and palm oil.

Causes type II diabetes mellitus

Palmitic acid, which is part of the product, promotes the deposition of fat in internal organs and tissues.


Fatty acids “hit” the brain, as a result, the body’s sensitivity to hormones that signal satiety (insulin and leptin) decreases. This way, it doesn't signal that you need to stop eating. Palmitic acid suppresses the ability of insulin and leptin to activate, which explains a person’s dependence on fatty foods.

Harmful to the liver

Palmitic acid is not completely eliminated from the human body. Accumulating in the pancreas, thymus, liver and skeletal muscles, it replaces healthy organ cells with fatty ones. In addition, ceramides contained in palmitic acid provoke the rupture of nerve cells and the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease.

Increases “bad” cholesterol from low-density lipoproteins

With the regular supply of these compounds from the outside, they turn into biological “garbage” in circulatory system. As a result, the body's immune cells regard them as foreign bodies, which increases the risk of the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels, prone to rupture and blood clots.

Palm oil should not be consumed by persons over 50 years of age, children under 18 years of age, or people with illnesses digestive tract in the acute phase, osteopenia and osteoporosis, heart disease.

Remember, with regular intake of the product, fatty acids begin to accumulate in cell biomembranes. As a result, their transport functions are disrupted, which contributes to sexual dysfunction and the development of vascular and heart diseases. The most dangerous combination of palm oil and oil, which leads to obesity and atherosclerosis.

Beneficial features

Palm oil is one of the most affordable plant products, widely used in cosmetology, the food industry and in the production of soap, candles, powders, and medications. The latter, in turn, are aimed at eliminating problems with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels, heart, and eyes.

Characteristics of palm oil: reddish-reddish color, solid consistency, resistance to oxidation processes. Natural product exhibits pronounced antibacterial and wound-healing properties, prevents the occurrence of inflammatory reactions.

Palm oil health benefits:

  1. Fights free radicals. It is a powerful antioxidant, rich in carotenoids. Improves the condition of hair and skin. Prolongs youth, reduces the likelihood of developing cancer. In addition, antioxidants resist skin aging, inhibiting age-related changes in the body.
  2. It supplies the body with energy due to its high fat content, fights fatigue syndrome, psycho-emotional disorders, improves memory, attention and mental abilities of a person.
  3. Reduces the risk of vascular blockage and the development of heart failure, stroke, heart attack, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and coronary artery disease, respectively.
  4. Improves the functioning of the vision analyzer (due to provitamin A), makes it possible to produce a pigment located in the retina and responsible for the visibility of the eye. Normalizes intraocular pressure, protects the cornea and lens, improves blood supply to the visual organ. Used for the prevention and treatment of night blindness, glaucoma, conjunctivitis, tired eye syndrome.
  5. Prevents inflammation of the digestive organs, stimulates the secretion of bile, accelerates the healing of erosions on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Recommended for use by people suffering from colitis, gastritis, ulcers, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis.
  6. Regulates hormonal background in women, maintains normal estrogen levels, relieves inflammation of the ovaries, breasts, and uterus (vitamins A, E). Used to relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menopause. For treatment purposes, a tampon with palm oil is inserted into the vagina to eliminate cervical erosion, vaginitis, and colpitis.

The PUFAs contained in the oil are involved in the structuring of the skeletal system and increase joint mobility.

At regular use Using natural red palm oil, starting from the age of 30, you can avoid osteoporosis, which in 60% of cases develops in women during menopause, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Otherwise, a restructuring of the bone structure is observed, it becomes thinner, calcium is washed out, the mineral strength of the skeleton is lost, and fractures occur with minor loads. The main danger of osteoporosis is a slow but progressive disease, which ultimately leads to vertebral injury, disability and even death among older people.

Use in folk medicine

IN medicinal purposes They use red palm oil, which is characterized by a high content of provitamin A (carotenoids), which exhibit powerful antioxidant properties and neutralize saturated fatty acids (50%) in the product, which cause the growth of low-density lipoproteins in the blood. Beneficial features: inhibits platelet aggregation, reduces the likelihood of heart attack and cataracts, reduces blood pressure, activates liver enzymes, reduces the level of oxidative stress, scars stomach ulcers. The oil has neuro- and cardioprotective effects, nourishes the skin, heals the liver, prevents hypovitaminosis, and maintains visual acuity. The recommended daily intake of natural, unprocessed red palm oil for an adult is 10 ml. To avoid phosphorus-calcium metabolism, it can be consumed from 18 to 50 years. Do not heat-treat.

Recipes for maintaining health:

  1. For skin damage (from burns, cuts). Apply palm oil to the problem area twice a day for 14 days.
  2. To relieve inflammation in the oral cavity and treat periodontal disease. Soak a sterile gauze pad in oil and apply to the gums. Therapy is carried out for 2 weeks.
  3. From cracked nipples. For wound healing during breastfeeding palm oil is heated in a water bath (for the purpose of disinfection), and the nipples are lubricated with it every time the baby is applied to the breast. Repeat the procedure until the cracks heal.
  4. From cervical erosion. Form a tampon from a sterile gauze pad or cotton wool, soak it in heated palm oil, and insert it vaginally. The course of treatment is 10 days. The procedure should be carried out every other day after consultation with a doctor.
  5. For the treatment of lichen, eczema, psoriasis. Ingredients: oil walnut(20 ml) and from the fruits of red palm (80 ml), birch tar (3 g). Combine ingredients and mix. Apply the ointment 2 times a day for 2 weeks.
  6. For joint diseases. To relieve pain from gout, massage problem areas by rubbing medicinal composition. Ointment ingredients: 15 ml palm oil, 25 ml grape seed oil, 5 drops lemon and pine oil, 10 drops lavender oil. To relieve pain due to arthritis, rub the joints using the following composition: 5 drops of pine essential oil, 3 drops of lemon and lavender, 15 ml each of olive and palm oil.

The greatest value for the human body is provided by first cold-pressed oil. It is characterized by a rich fatty acid composition and a low degree of oxidation. For eating and cooking medicinal prescriptions for external use, it is recommended to give preference to red palm oil with a maximum content of beta-carotene, which is 15 times higher than the content of this substance in.

Application in cosmetology

The product, obtained from the fruits of the oil palm, has a strong softening effect, therefore it is recommended for the care of flaky, rough, dry and aging skin. In addition, manufacturers use it as a component to give a firm consistency. cosmetics. Palm oil tones, nourishes the dermis, increases its firmness and elasticity, smoothes out shallow wrinkles, providing rejuvenating properties.

Use in home cosmetology:

  1. To moisturize the face. Mix palm oil in a 1:1 ratio with olive oil and apply to damp skin with patting movements. Use the composition in courses for 2 weeks with a 10-day break.
  2. To rejuvenate the dermis. Mix palm oil and apricot oil, apply to washed skin in the evening for a quarter of an hour. Do not remove excess with a napkin, leave until completely absorbed. The procedure should be carried out regularly for 14 days.
  3. To nourish hair. Apply the oil to the scalp and damp hair, leave for 1.5 hours, rinse thoroughly. Repeat the procedure twice a month. Remember, palm oil is difficult to wash off from hair, so make a mask before washing your hair.
  4. To relax the body. Massage with oil normalizes sleep, calms, improves blood circulation, smooths out wrinkles.
  5. To eliminate cellulite, geranium oil (7 drops) is mixed with palm oil (15 ml), olive (5 ml), lemon and dill (5 drops each), the resulting mixture is rubbed with massage movements into problem areas twice a day. In addition, during the fight against orange peel, it is important to exercise, adhere to proper nutrition and drink more than 2 liters of water per day.
  6. For smoothing postoperative scars. Components: oils of clove, mint (2 drops each), lavender, rosemary (4 drops each) and palm oil (15 ml). Apply to the uneven area 1-2 times a day for 10 days, then take a break for 1-2 weeks and resume the procedure.

Palm oil is a product that has wide range effects on the human body. It is used externally to correct the figure, improve the condition of the skin and hair, relax the body, relieve joint pain, heal cracks and wounds. And internally to fortify the body with antioxidants A and E, lecithin and coenzyme Q10.


Palm oil is a useful and very expensive product until multi-level purification of the raw materials. After extreme processing, it oxidizes and loses its nutritional value for the human body. Don't put the health of your loved ones at risk. Introduce only red palm oil into your diet (maximum 10 ml per day), which has not been subjected to heat treatment. Otherwise, palmitic acid, which is part of the product, worsens bone mineralization in children, disrupts metabolic processes, causes intoxication of the body, impairs the functioning of the brain and liver, and provokes the appearance of diabetes mellitus and obesity.

It is recommended to minimize or completely eliminate the consumption of palm oil included in fast food products (chips, French fries, fast foods, cheeseburgers), processed cheeses, yoghurts, baby formulas and confectionery. As part of this food, it is a strong carcinogen that is dangerous to human health. In addition, children and adolescents under 18 years of age, as well as people over 50 years of age, should consume products without palm oil, otherwise problems with phosphorus-calcium metabolism may occur.

To avoid falling into the “trap” of manufacturers, carefully read the label of the product you are purchasing. Avoid buying products that, according to production technology, should contain only butter, but it is replaced with palm oil or stearin. These include: cheese, ice cream, condensed milk, cream, pastries, pies, cookies, sweets.

Palm oil is inherently a product plant origin. It is customary to add it in the manufacture of confectionery products, the shelf life of which undergoes a sufficient amount of time.

Since 2015, the production of this product has exceeded all expectations - twice as much as soybean, sunflower and other oils. However, the benefits and harms of palm oil haunt many consumers. Let's try to find out whether it is really useful or whether there are certain concerns due to which it should be avoided. And if there is, then why is palm oil harmful to humans in food products?

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The health benefits and harms of palm oil are summarized by the way in which the processing took place.

Composition and properties

Two components that have a significant impact on the melting degree of palm oil are stearin, which is a hard fat, and olein. The second component is a substance of liquid consistency. The composition of palm oil itself looks like this:

  • vitamin E;
  • acids – lauric, myristic and palmitoleic;
  • phosphorus.

Beneficial properties of palm oil:

  1. This ingredient contains a lot of calories, and after it you don’t want to eat because you feel full.
  2. The benefits of palm oil are not only in saturating the body with energy, but also in improving brain activity.

How is it made and what is it made from?

Now we can lift the veil of secrecy about what palm oil is made from. The oil mixture is squeezed from palm fruits. It is commonly called oilseed. This tree grows in Africa, Indonesia, Southeast Asia and South America. It is considered the only raw material from which palm oil is produced. For culinary delights, you only need a product that has gone through all stages of refining. In other cases, soap and candles are made from this substance.

Ripe oil palm fruits

It remains to figure out how palm oil is made. Palm fruits collected from plantations are treated with dry hot steam. Next comes the sterilization of the pulp, and only then it is sent to the press. The raw materials obtained as a result of such actions are heated to a temperature of one hundred degrees and placed in a centrifuge. This way the excess liquid is removed.

The plant product is refined in several main stages:

  • mechanical impurities are eliminated;
  • phospholipids are excluded;
  • fatty acids are separated;
  • whitening procedure in progress;
  • the resulting product is deodorized.

Different degrees of processing affect how harmful palm oil is and where it is used:

  1. Standard product. Melts at 36-39 degrees. You can fry and bake on it. There will be no smoke or burning during cooking. It is advisable to eat food that has been cooked in palm oil warm, otherwise an unpleasant-looking film may appear when it cools.
  2. Olein. Melts at a temperature of 16-24 degrees. Has a creamy consistency. Such a substance should first be heated, and only then the meat should be fried on it. The product is actively added to cosmetics.
  3. Stearin. Melts less than others - 48-52 degrees. Becomes hard. Used for cooking and present in cosmetics.

Palm oil of various degrees of processing

The way palm oil looks indicates that it is not like coconut or soybean oil. The consistency is quite soft. Fresh oil light orange hue.

In order for it to be used for cooking, it must be bleached. The oil component is heated in the oven to two hundred degrees and then cooled. Oxygen destroys the natural pigment, and the oily substance loses its original color. Therefore, most consumers wonder whether palm oil in such processing is harmful.

Benefit for health

It is too early to talk about the dangers of palm oil for human health, for now it is necessary to understand what benefits it brings. This oily substance benefits the stomach, and it also helps the intestines. It can be taken for the slightest damage to the mucous membrane, since in this case healing occurs much more effectively.

Sometimes it is difficult to imagine how much harm palm oil causes to the body, when this product has a beneficial effect on metabolism with limited use. The oily substance will be an excellent helper in case of mental and nervous diseases; it also relieves chronic fatigue and improves brain activity.

It is especially useful for women to take this product, since it is fully enriched with fatty acids, as well as various vitamins, thanks to which the reproductive system works well. Recommended in case of diseases of the ovaries, uterus or breasts. We will talk about whether palm oil in infant formula is harmful a little later.

Palm oil has a beneficial effect on the epidermis. Relieves symptoms of psoriasis, acne, and helps with bedsores and burns. It is enough to lubricate those areas of the skin that need healing. To make the treatment process more effective, the substance is also taken orally.

Harm from hydrogenated (modified) product

However, the gold medal also has a second one, dark side. You should find out why palm oil is dangerous. The twentieth century, especially in the second half, saw a boom in modified foods. Moreover, artificial fats are an inexpensive replacement for animals. Let's find out why hydrogenated palm oil is harmful to humans.

What are trans fats?

According to its consistency, fat can be solid or liquid. These categories of fats are divided into:

  • saturated - this is a fatty acid consisting of a carbon chain, which is surrounded by hydrogen atoms (solid fat);
  • unsaturated - the same molecules of fatty acids, but not completely covered with hydrogen (liquid fat).

Hydrogenation (modification) of a product can be defined as the enrichment of acids with hydrogen. Only the spatial structure changes, unsaturated fat turns into saturated. This is how trans fats arise (and in modified palm oil).

Trans fats are commercially beneficial because the chemically altered product has a much longer shelf life. It also has a pleasant creamy taste.

Consumers are captivated by the relatively low cost of such a product, and, as a rule, they have no idea why processed palm oil is harmful. pre-treatment. The price of a natural product is much more expensive than, for example, margarine, and also modified palm oil.

Why are they dangerous to humans?

Hydrogenated palm oil is cheaper than natural palm oil: it does not bring much benefit, but its harm is obvious. Such savings and passion for trans fats can result in an unpleasant surprise for the body. Such products are dangerous. Incorrect fat molecules take part in lipid metabolism in the body, which over time causes:

  • obesity;
  • atherosclerosis;

Trans fats also affect sex hormones. Pregnant women are not recommended to indulge in modified products (this also includes hydrogenated palm oil).

At excessive consumption Eating foods like these will cause a person to gain weight sharply. In addition, they negatively affect the endocrine system.

What products does it contain?

Considering how palm oil is extracted and the fact that it is quite inexpensive, it is therefore a common component of confectionery products:

  • chocolate candies;
  • cakes;
  • gingerbread, cookies;
  • waffles and other sweets.

Palm oil is found in vermicelli, which cooks in a couple of moments, and in seasonings to improve the taste. Now you can imagine what palm oil is and why it is harmful to health.

Why is it added to baby food?

Now it’s worth understanding what the harm and benefits of palm oil are hidden in baby food. These cereals and purees replace natural breastfeeding. The difficulty is due to the fact that not a single manufacturer has yet been able to create an analogue of breastfeeding mother’s milk. But a newborn must constantly receive exactly those elements that are present there.

The choice of manufacturers falls on palm oil due to the fact that it is inexpensive. Exported from countries with undeveloped economies and cheap labor. Sometimes it is replaced with similar oils, such as coconut or soybean.

Studies have been conducted that have successfully demonstrated how infant formulas containing palm olein (in Russia it is called palm oil) reduce calcium absorption.

Malabsorption can be explained directly by the placement of palmitic acid on the fat molecule. In olein it is located on the side, where it is split off at the moment when the composition is digested in the intestines of a small person. Thus, palmitic acid binds calcium contained in baby food and forms calcium palmitate, which does not dissolve in any way, is not absorbed and leaves with the stool. The stool itself becomes denser, its frequency becomes much less.

However, most mothers are wary of the presence of palm oil in infant formula, because there is a possibility that it brings not only benefits, but also harm. Some babies have constipation and frequent regurgitation. But often such symptoms indicate poor quality of the product, and there is no need to focus your attention on what palm oil is made from and why it is harmful to children.

Useful video

A little more about palm oil and its effect on the body:


  1. Palm oil is added to products, and, when compared with vegetable oils, traditionally used in cooking, then the harm from it is greater, and the benefit is less.
  2. It should be borne in mind that ordinary palm oil reduces the absorption of calcium in the intestines. In addition, almost 50% of the fat in it is represented by saturated acids, the consumption of which should be minimized under certain conditions (for example, with).
  3. It is necessary to monitor the content of palm oil in food and limit its consumption.
  4. Hydrogenated or otherwise modified product is a trans fat and causes harm to the body in any quantity.

It’s worth noting right away that the word “oil” itself is not used entirely correctly. Rather, it is a fat that is extracted from the pulp of the fruits of palm trees.

To prepare it, ripe fruits are placed in huge vats for heat treatment. After a short cooking period, the fat rises to the top where it is collected for further refining. During this process, it is cleaned of impurities, neutralized from free fatty acids, bleached and deodorized. After this processing, the raw material is ready for use.

The most valuable is palm fruit oil, extracted using gentle technology. It is not refined, therefore it is maximally enriched with useful components. This oil is red in color with pleasant taste and aroma. In some areas of Africa it is mined by hand.

There is also industrial palm oil. It is used in for cosmetic purposes and on an industrial scale (for lubrication of various parts). Each type of oil uses its own special technology to produce.

Use of palm oil

The scope of application of this raw material is wide. Palm oil is used all over the world for confectionery purposes and is used as a substitute milk fat, add it to fast food and various sauces.

1. In the bakery business, such fat is added to baked goods to extend its shelf life and improve the taste. It is also indispensable for confectioners - a variety of pastes, fondants, fillings, cookies, and cakes contain palm fat. It is also present in chocolate.

2. Consumers have no idea how milk is made from palm oil. And not only him, but all fermented milk products. The cream is separated from the milk using a separator, and casein and milk protein are collected. Palm fat and other elements are added to the resulting skim milk to give the product a “natural” taste. Other products are processed no less masterfully: cottage cheese, ice cream, condensed milk, butter, sour cream - to increase shelf life and production volumes, quality goes to the side.

3. In addition to the food industry, this fat is also used in cosmetology. It is added to soaps, shampoos, creams. Thanks to the content of vitamins A and E, the oil perfectly moisturizes the skin, softens it, and improves the condition of the hair.

The use of palm fruit oil is common throughout the world. I would like to believe that manufacturers do not violate product production technology and use high-quality raw materials that will not harm our health.
