How to marinate chicken meat for barbecue. Chicken fillet shish kebab - the secrets of the right marinade. Secrets of marinating chicken

It is very difficult to make tender and juicy kebab from chicken fillet. As a rule, it dries out quickly and becomes hard. I had never made shish kebab from this meat, content with legs and thighs, but then I took a risk, finding a very interesting recipe on the Internet. The meat turned out so juicy and flavorful that it’s beyond words! Therefore, to this day this is our family’s favorite version of kebab. I highly recommend trying it.

Only this time I made it without onions, since picky children came to visit and couldn’t stand this vegetable. The meat was still tasty, but not as flavorful. Therefore, I advise you not to skimp on onions!

Here are the ingredients: chicken, lemon, mineral water, oil, herbs. I really love rosemary. That's why I added dried seasoning(due to lack of fresh). My mom, for example, thinks it smells like cologne, so for her we only make it with parsley. As a rule, there is always a lot of this greenery in the summer. In a word, fresh tastes better and is more aromatic!

Cut the chicken into medium-sized portions.

Lemon rings. The onion is also in rings and quite thick (at least 5 mm). More is possible.

I cook shish kebab in a marinator, but you can use any container. Place meat and onions on the bottom, and oil on top (no more than 100 ml) and mineral water. It should completely cover the breasts. Top with salt and spices. I marinate in the marinator for 2 cycles, and without it for 4 hours.

After the specified time has passed, we string the meat onto a skewer, alternating with onions (every other). There is no need for lemon on the skewer, as it will be bitter.

You need to fry quickly, about 5 - 7 minutes on each side, otherwise the breasts will dry out! Although it all depends on the coals.

Here ready kebab! You can shoot!

Before serving, juicy chicken breast kebab should be garnished with plenty of fresh herbs. We have leaf celery and parsley.

For those who like something sour, serve lemon. Meat goes very well with lemon juice.

Chicken breast shashlik is ready. Bon appetit!

Greetings, food lovers. Agree that kebab is rightfully the “king” of picnics. And more often than usual in the summer, it is prepared from chicken. This meat is tender and cooks quickly. That’s why I decided to devote today’s article to how to cook chicken kebab – marinade recipes are the most important thing for this matter :)

The first requirement is to choose the right meat. Buy quality fresh chicken. Frozen meat is not the best option. But if there is no other option, this will do. Just defrost it slowly in the refrigerator. At fast defrosting chicken becomes tough. To make kebab from defrosted chicken juicy, I recommend marinating it in vinegar. But I’ll tell you about this version of the marinade a little later.

There is a stereotype that shish kebab should be made from breast or thighs. But, my friends, what’s wrong with drumsticks or wings? Excellent kebab You can cook it from any part of the bird. You just need to chop the carcass into equal sizes portioned pieces, marinate and cook.

Each version of the marinade contains a softener. Just don’t overdo it, otherwise the meat will become loose. And marinate the meat for as long as indicated in the recipe. Usually this is up to 3 hours, but less for fillets. However, there are exceptions - but this is spelled out in the recipe.

I recommend marinating chicken (and not only) in a ceramic or glass container. Aluminum cookware oxidizes when it comes into contact with the acidic components of the marinade. This will spoil the taste of the future dish.

10 delicious marinade recipes

And today I will describe to you 10 options for marinade. I am sure that at least one of them will become your favorite. Don’t forget to write down in the comments what recipe you used and what happened.

Marinade for chicken meat with mayonnaise

You should prepare the following set of products:

  • 100 g homemade mayonnaise;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • half a glass of water;
  • chopped hot pepper;
  • 1 PC. onions.

Chop the onion into rings 7-10 mm thick. Mix mayonnaise with cool boiled water. Then add salt and pepper to the mixture, and then mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Mix onion with mayonnaise dressing.

We wash the fillet, wipe it with a paper towel or just let it dry. Then cut it into portions. And carefully mix the chicken with the mayonnaise marinade. And after 1.5-2 hours, we string the chicken onto skewers, alternating meat with onion rings. And we grill shish kebab on the coals.

This delicious dish is prepared in literally 15 minutes. Therefore, you won’t have to choke your mouth for a long time :) I’ve prepared another option mayonnaise marinade. This dish is incredibly easy and quick to prepare.

Kefir marinade for chicken barbecue

Kefir marinade allows you to prepare delicious dietary dish. It will appeal to both adults and children.

You will need:

  • chicken breast;
  • 2 pcs. onions;
  • 250 ml kefir 2.5% fat;
  • salt.

Remove the skin from the breast and cut the meat into equal-sized portions. Grate the peeled onion or pass it through a meat grinder. And we send this ingredient to the meat. Add some salt to this mass. And then we fill it fermented milk product room temperature. By the way, instead of kefir, you can use natural yogurt without additives or low-fat sour cream. Believe me, yogurt or sour cream will also turn out very tender and tasty.

I recommend marinating chicken for no more than 1.5 hours. Next, the pieces need to be placed on a barbecue grill or put on skewers. The kebab is fried very quickly - in about 15 minutes the yummy dish will be ready.

Chicken fillet with lemon on the grill


  • 1 double or 2 single fillets;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 1 large or 2 small lemons;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano.

Chop the peeled garlic into small pieces with a knife. Grind oregano powder in a mortar. Squeeze the juice from the citrus fruit and grate the zest. Mix lemon juice with oil, zest, oregano and garlic in a container.

Wash the chicken, dry it and cut it into portioned pieces. Immerse it in lemon marinade for 1.5 hours. Then place the meat on the grill and cook on the grill. The aroma of this dish will spread over a great distance. Therefore, there will be no end to those who want to join your meal :)

How to make marinade with honey and soy sauce

You will need:

  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of honey;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce;
  • 1 teaspoon of sesame oil (you can replace it with 2 tablespoons of olive oil);
  • 5 drumsticks;
  • sesame seeds.

Chop the peeled garlic with a knife. Mix it with honey, sauce and butter. Love spicy dishes? Then you can enrich the aromatic filling with 1 teaspoon of chili pepper. Washed and dried chicken legs immerse in spicy mixture for 40 minutes. Turn the drumsticks over periodically so that they are evenly saturated with spices.

Line a baking sheet with foil and place the legs. We water them from above a small amount marinade Preheat the oven to 220 degrees and place a baking sheet in it for an hour.

The good thing about this kebab is that it can be cooked even in bad weather. Just imagine, there is a blizzard outside, and on your table there is a fragrant golden brown crust shashlik. By the way, you can cook it not only from drumsticks, but also from wings. Sprinkle with sesame seeds before serving.

Fragrant marinade with honey and mustard

For kg of drumsticks take:

  • juice from half a lime;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soy sauce;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream;
  • 4 garlic cloves;
  • 1.5 tbsp. spoons of mustard;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ketchup;
  • 1.5 tbsp. spoons of honey;
  • salt+pepper.

Mix mustard with sour cream, sauce, ketchup, honey and juice. Rub peeled garlic cloves onto fine grater and send to other components of the marinade. Add salt and pepper the mass, and then mix everything thoroughly.

The washed meat is immersed in the aromatic mass. Cover the bowl cling film and refrigerate for 1.5 hours. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Place the legs on a baking sheet lined with foil and place in the oven. Approximate cooking time is 40 minutes.

And also, I bring to your attention an entertaining video. Here they test 4 variants of marinade for chicken kebab Outdoors. It tasted best with honey and mustard. The presenter admitted that he really loves this version of the marinade. So, stock up on popcorn and watch :)

How to properly make a marinade using mineral water

Stock up:

  • 1 kg chicken;
  • 3 pcs. onions;
  • 500 ml mineral sparkling water;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • spices to your taste.

We wash the chicken, let it dry and cut it into equal-sized pieces. Cut the onion (pre-peeled) into rings and add it to the meat. Season the mixture with spices, oil and salt. And mix everything well. Then pour mineral water over the meat and leave in the cold for 3 hours. During this time, it will be thoroughly saturated with spices.

Then we put the pieces on skewers and fry on the grill. It prepares very quickly - before you even have time to blink your eye, you will be able to taste the deliciousness. The main thing is not to blink, because there will be other people waiting next to you :)

Crispy wings with beer

You will need:

  • kilo of wings;
  • 250 ml light beer;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped coriander;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of Adyghe salt;
  • crushed chili.

Cut the wings in half, thoroughly washed and wiped with a paper towel. Salt them, pepper them and season them with coriander. And then we fill it all with beer and marinate for an hour.

Line a baking sheet with foil, then place the marinated wings here. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees and immerse the chicken in it. Wherein temperature conditions The meat needs to cook for about an hour. Serve the finished wings hot.

Quick marinade with onions and vinegar

A simple recipe for this dish is:

  • 3 pcs. legs;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of wine or apple cider vinegar;
  • 3 pcs. onions;
  • salt+pepper.

We cut the prepared chicken into portions and place it in a bowl where we will marinate the kebab. Add and season the chicken. Cut the peeled onion into thin half rings and add it to the meat. Then pour vinegar over it all and mix. You need to marinate the meat for no more than 1.5 hours.

An original version of wine marinade

This gourmet dish will become a real decoration for the feast. His recipe is:

  • 1200 g chicken;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of brown sugar;
  • 80 ml semi-sweet white wine;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of wine vinegar;
  • a handful of pitted prunes;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil;
  • 2 pcs. bay leaves;
  • a handful of olives;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of capers with liquid;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of dried oregano;
  • a little parsley;
  • salt + pepper.

We wash and dry the meat. If this whole carcass or huge legs, cut into portions. Sprinkle chicken with oregano, add salt and pepper. We pass the garlic through a press and send this pulp to the meat. Add prunes, capers, olives, oil, vinegar and bay leaves to the marinade. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and place in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.

Line a baking sheet with foil and transfer the marinated meat and marinade into it. Sprinkle sugar on top and pour wine over it all. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake chicken in it for an hour. Periodically look into the oven to pour the spicy marinade on top of the meat.

This one has a scent culinary masterpiece indescribable. This is definitely a must try. Before serving, sprinkle the chicken with chopped parsley.

Marinade with ketchup and balsamic vinegar

Love asian cuisine? If yes, you will love this recipe. For 2 single chicken fillets, use for marinade:

  • a small root of ginger root;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of semi-sweet red wine;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of ketchup;
  • olive oil;
  • egg;
  • 6 tbsp. spoons of wheat flour;
  • bulb onions;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of corn starch;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of balsamic vinegar.

Cut the fillet, dried after washing, into 2 cm pieces. Grind the ginger on a fine grater, you only need 1 tbsp. spoon. We send chicken to a durable plastic bag. Add ginger, balsamic, ketchup and wine here. If you don't have the latter on hand, take water instead of wine. We tie the bag and pull it so that all the ingredients are mixed. We send the barbecue preparation to the cold for 1.5 hours.

Heat the frying pan, pour 1.5 cm of oil into it and heat it. Mix flour and starch in one bowl, and beat the egg in another. Dip each piece in egg and roll in flour breading. Then dip into oil and fry over medium heat on all sides until golden crust. Place the finished pieces on a paper towel - let excess fat will leave.

Sweet and sour would be an ideal addition to the dish. tomato sauce. For it, chop half an onion into thin half rings and fry for 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil. Frying time is about 3 minutes. Add cherry tomatoes cut into 4 parts there (it’s enough to take 3 tomatoes). Enrich the sauce with 4 tbsp ketchup. spoons, brown sugar 2 tbsp. spoons, balsamic 2 tbsp. spoon). Also add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sesame oil and a few tbsp. spoons of water.

Mix everything and simmer over medium heat for 2-3 minutes. Then we immerse the chicken pieces here and simmer for another 2 minutes. Indescribable yummy, try it!

In general, my friends, what is better to marinate meat in is, of course, up to you to decide. After all, everyone has their own idea of ​​what the most delicious kebab. I am sure that today’s article will help you marinate meat correctly. And cook the kebab to perfection. One that can adequately rebuff a dish made by a chef.

Traditional kebab is made from lamb, but today there are many varieties of this dish- kebab from pork, veal, fish, vegetables and, finally, a trend in recent years - chicken kebab. Chicken kebab has a lot of advantages: it is very budget dish, it can be cooked both on the grill and in a traditional home oven, chicken is easily digested by the body.

Chicken kebab - food preparation

To prepare shish kebab, all parts of the chicken are used, these can be wings, thighs, breast, drumstick, and in some cases even the back. However, there are certain nuances that can be used to make meat especially aromatic and tasty. The fillet shashlik turns out to be a bit dry, so soak it in the marinade more thoroughly. Thighs are ideal for chicken kebab; they are the juiciest and softest. Whether to remove the skin from the chicken is decided by the person preparing this dish; the fact is that the skin sometimes burns over the fire and creates some difficulties, but it is the skin that makes the meat fattier.

Chicken kebab - marinade preparation

The marinade for chicken depends on the taste of the person preparing the dish or on the preferences of the guests. Preparing the “dressing” does not take much time; the main thing is to know exactly which components are combined with each other. Marinade for chicken kebab can be prepared on the basis of mayonnaise, kefir, ketchup, etc. sweet and sour options Oranges, honey and even pineapples are often used as fillings. Usually vinegar or lemon is added to the marinade.

Chicken shish kebab with garlic

- 1 kilogram of chicken fillet;
- 6-7 cloves of garlic;
- greenery;
- salt;
- black ground pepper(taste);
- 3 tablespoons vegetable oil.

Cooking method: Chicken fillet is cut into small pieces and placed in a deep bowl. The garlic must be crushed with a knife so that it gives its aroma to the chicken, then finely chop, finely chop the greens, add all this to the chicken, then add salt, ground black pepper, pour in vegetable oil. The chicken should be thoroughly mixed, rubbed with marinade, and placed in a cool place for several hours (or up to a day). Place the meat soaked in marinade on skewers and fry on the grill.

Chicken fillet shashlik with mayonnaise

- 1 kilogram of chicken fillet;
- 1 onion;
- 100 grams of mayonnaise;
- salt;
- ground black pepper.

Cooking method: Cut the chicken fillet into pieces, add salt and pepper. Cut the onion into rings, add mayonnaise, mix and put in a cool place (one hour of marinating is enough, but what longer term, the tastier).
Place the meat soaked in marinade on skewers and fry on the grill.

Chicken fillet shashlik in ketchup

- 1 kilogram of chicken fillet;
— 100 grams of ketchup;
- salt;
- ground black pepper.

Cooking method: Cut the chicken fillet into pieces, pour in ketchup, add salt and pepper. Marinate for one hour to a day, grill the kebab over the fire.

Chicken kebab in kefir marinade

- 1 kilogram of chicken;
green onions(ratio with chicken 1:2);
- 100 grams of kefir;
- salt;
- ground black pepper.

Cooking method: cut the chicken, mix with onion, salt, kefir and pepper, leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Before skewering the onion, it is better to remove it so that the finished meat does not become bitter. Fry on the grill, such a dish can be considered almost high in calories.

Chicken kebab in sweet sauce

- 1 kilogram of chicken;
- 1 tablespoon natural honey;
- 1 teaspoon of soy sauce;
- 3 tablespoons orange or pineapple juice;
- salt;
- ground black pepper.

Cooking method: mix the ingredients and let the kebab brew in a cool place for 2 hours. It is better to cook sweet kebab on the grill, but the main thing is that it does not burn, and this can happen quite quickly, since it instantly appears on the fire. honey crust.

Chicken kebab in tomatoes and white wine

- 1 kilogram of chicken;
- 1/2 glass of white wine;
- 3 onions;
- 3-4 tomatoes;
- salt;
- ground black pepper;
- coriander;
- garlic;
- 1/2 lemon juice.

Cooking method: Rub the chicken with garlic, pepper, salt and coriander. Cut the onion into rings, tomatoes into slices. Mix lemon juice and white wine in a separate bowl. Combine chicken, marinade, tomatoes and onions in a deep bowl. Let the kebab marinate for 3-4 hours. Grill chicken shish kebab on coals.

Chicken kebab with zucchini

- 1/2 kilogram of chicken fillet;
- 1 zucchini;
- 1/2 red onion;
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil;
- 3 tablespoons of red wine vinegar;
- 1 teaspoon oregano;
- 1/4 cup yogurt;
- 1/2 cup feta cheese;
- ground black pepper;
- 1 cup mint leaves;
- salt.

Cooking method: Cut the zucchini into slices, chicken fillet into pieces, onion into rings. Add oil, seasonings, half the vinegar and salt. The marinating process takes 30 minutes. The kebab is cooked on the grill, place zucchini cubes, onions and meat on skewers, fry for 10-15 minutes. To season the finished chicken kebab, use a sauce made from yogurt, mint, cheese and vinegar, ground in a blender.

Chicken kebab in the oven

Chicken kebab can be cooked not only on the barbecue or grill, but also in the oven, which is a great salvation if, suddenly, the picnic is ruined by bad weather.

- 1.5 kilograms of chicken fillet;
- 1 teaspoon of turmeric;
- 1 teaspoon curry powder;
- 1 teaspoon of paprika;
- 6 tablespoons of yogurt;
- 6 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
- ground black pepper;
- salt.

Cooking method: Cut the chicken fillet into pieces, add seasonings, yogurt, butter and salt. Let the chicken sit in the marinade for 2-3 hours (in a cool place). Thread the chicken onto wooden skewers (not too tightly). Place the skewers on a baking sheet and fry for 10 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees.

The best chicken For barbecue, birds weighing from 900 grams to 1.5 kilograms and whose age does not exceed a year are considered. Between frozen and chilled chicken, choose chilled chicken, it is softer. If the defrosting process is necessary, this process occurs naturally. If you want your chicken to have a natural taste, replace the vinegar with lemon juice and don't forget to olive oil.

Throughout summer season when we very often treat ourselves and friends to meat on fire, classic kebab can get boring quickly. And here you can remember that chicken kebab will perfectly diversify your menu, outdoors. Don’t rush to wrinkle your nose contemptuously - properly selected and marinated chicken skewered will turn out no worse than pork, lamb, etc.

Traditionally, our kebabs are made from meat. We open and close, some in the summer, some in the countryside, some just in the usual picnic season. Let's break our habits and this year prepare chicken kebab for the opening of the season. I will provide recipes on how to marinate chicken meat so that it is juicy, soft and tasty.

How to choose chicken for barbecue, which parts will be the most delicious

So, to make a delicious kebab, it is important to know how to choose the right chicken. Of course, great dish will come from homemade, meaty chicken. If you don’t have one (for some reason you don’t grow it...), it’s best to buy products from trusted companies.

For barbecue, it is preferable to use chilled parts of the bird. Meat from freezing loses some beneficial features And taste qualities. However, if you only have frozen chicken available, don’t worry. Defrost it correctly and everything will be fine. We perform this operation on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in cold water.

For grilling over a fire, it is preferable to take thighs or drumsticks, since they contain the most fat.

Never use a microwave oven or hot water to speed up the process! In this case, the kebab will be rubbery and tasteless.

How to prepare chicken for barbecue

After you have purchased chicken meat, you need to prepare it. If you have a whole carcass, cut it into the parts you need. Moreover, it is best to cut the breast as large as possible - this way it will turn out juicier.

If you bought ready-made parts - fillet, thighs or drumsticks (I prefer this option and advise you...), you don’t need any special preparations - just wash the meat and select the appropriate dishes for fermentation. Moreover, I do not recommend taking aluminum or plastic containers. Enamel, glass or ceramics are perfect.

Now that everything is ready, I will tell you how to marinate chicken so that your guests will definitely ask for the recipe, as well as refills.

How to marinate chicken with kefir for barbecue and get tasty and juicy meat

So, let's get to the interesting part. Personally, I love marinating shish kebab - experiments are always beneficial. In addition, chicken meat is quite neutral in taste, which means we can use a little more spices. Chicken goes well with sour-milk products and here is the marinating recipe chicken parts on kefir.


  • Chicken - two kilograms.
  • Garlic - three cloves.
  • Kefir - 50 ml.
  • Onion - three onions.
  • Spices - black pepper, red hot peppers and others as desired.

This marinating method is also perfect for chicken fillet. So, everything is simple - grind the garlic through a press. Cut the onion into rings. Add spices, garlic and onions to kefir. Pour the marinade over the prepared chicken and press down with a plate. It is best to leave the kebab overnight.

Shish kebab with chicken marinated in soy sauce

I came up with this recipe purely by accident. I didn't have sufficient quantity salt, but there was plenty of sauce. In addition, the chicken itself was frozen, so I wanted to give it more taste and juiciness.


  • Chicken - 2 kilograms
  • Soy sauce - 500 ml
  • Lemon - 1 piece
  • Onion - 5 onions
  • Spices - red Bell pepper, black pepper, you can take a pinch of curry.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon and mix it with soy sauce. Now add spices to this mixture, as well as onions, cut into thin rings. Pour the marinade over the chicken and marinate for about 5 hours. Ready kebab It turns out a beautiful golden hue. Because the soy sauce There are different degrees of salinity, then the issue with salt needs to be resolved empirically. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the meat may turn out bitter.

Marinade with mayonnaise: kebab of chicken thighs and drumsticks

Simple and classic version pickling! Any meat always turns out delicious with mayonnaise, and chicken thighs and drumsticks are simply created for this marinade.

Please pass this recipe, supporters dietary nutrition— shashlik for ladies who are watching their figure will be lower.

We need:

  • Shins or thighs - 1.5 kilograms
  • Mayonnaise - a pack of 200 grams.
  • Onions - two large ones.
  • Spices according to your taste.

Everything is very simple - pour the chicken parts with mayonnaise, add the onion cut into rings. Stir and add your spices. In my case it's just ground black pepper and dry garlic. This kebab should be marinated for at least two hours.

Dietary chicken kebab. Chicken fillet marinated in wine and onions

In principle, the first recipe is suitable for those who are watching their weight or simply do not eat fatty foods. But there is another marinade that will turn chicken fillet into a culinary masterpiece.

All sources indicate that for marinating breasts it is important not to use any acids. However, having prepared shish kebab using this recipe once, I was surprised - the fillet turned out juicy, spicy and soft.

What we need:

  • Chicken fillet - one kilogram.
  • White dry wine- one glass.
  • Onions - 2 pieces.
  • Olive oil - 1 tablespoon.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves is enough.
  • Dry paprika, black pepper.

Add all the spices to the dry wine and warm it up a little. This is done to enhance the smell of spices. Cut the onion into rings, chop the garlic. Already cut fillets in trays are ready for frying. We will make a small cut in each piece. I’ll explain why below. Place our chicken in wine, add onion and garlic, olive oil. Leave for 2 hours.

And now main secret— before frying, we place pickled onions in the pocket of each fillet. Along with it you can put a circle of tomato or bell pepper. This dish turns out to be very tasty, and most importantly, dietary.

Spicy chicken shish kebab with sauce

This recipe is ideal for men - because we love spicy things so much! These wings and drumsticks are perfect for foam.

Let's prepare:

  • Wings and drumsticks - two kilograms
  • Garlic - four cloves
  • Hot Tabasco sauce - half a teaspoon.
  • Olive oil - three tablespoons.
  • Salt and spices to taste.

So, add Tabasco sauce, crushed garlic, and spices to the oil. Place the chicken in the marinade and leave for a couple of hours. The sauce is ideal for this kebab - mix natural yogurt with a teaspoon of mustard plus a lot of chopped herbs.

Chicken kebab with vegetables - tasty and healthy (video)

Vegetables roasted over charcoal are very tasty, and together with chicken, it’s absolutely fantastic. I highly recommend making this recipe.

Tips and secrets for cooking chicken kebab on the grill or grill quickly and tasty (personal experience...)

For quite a large number of picnics, fishing trips and hikes, I have accumulated enough experience in cooking barbecue. Moreover, very often my rules run counter to what is written in cookbooks.

I always add salt to the marinade. I write everywhere that it draws out moisture and the meat will turn out dry. Once I followed this advice and was a fiasco (the kebab maker’s authority was undermined...), the chicken turned out to be completely unsalted inside. That's why I put salt in the marinade right away. The chicken will take as much salt as it needs, and the remaining ingredients will prevent the chicken from becoming dry.

Do not remove the skin under any circumstances! Otherwise the kebab will be dry. Even if you don't eat it, be sure to leave the skin on while marinating and frying. It is this that will provide the fat that will saturate the meat.

Another secret - if you don’t have time to properly marinate the meat, but you really want shish kebab, then place thinly sliced ​​garlic under the skin. The meat will be saturated with flavor and will turn out much tastier. This way you can quickly fry shish kebab.

As mentioned above, you need to choose the right container for marinating. I have a ceramic saucepan, you can take enamel, glass, but not plastic or aluminum!

The breast does not marinate for long - two hours is enough. If overexposed, it may become dry. But the remaining parts can easily spend the night in the refrigerator. It is best not to cut the fillet into small pieces.

So, now you know how to cook delicious chicken kebab. I hope that my recipes will be useful to you in the upcoming spring-summer season. Have a nice picnic!

Good luck and all the best!

Many dishes from other nations have come into Russian cuisine, which we cook quite often. Shashlik - armenian dish, our people loved him the most.

Shish kebab has gained its popularity in our region a long time ago. Over the course of its existence, the recipe for the dish has changed slightly, but overall remains the same. Nowadays, any outdoor recreation is always accompanied by a barbecue with skewers.

The classic kebab recipe consists of lamb, but now people make dishes from any available meat, some use fish. Vegetarians often make kebabs from vegetables. To prepare delicious and inexpensive dish you can buy chicken meat.

Buying quality chicken for barbecue

The optimal weight would be an individual weighing up to 1.5 kg when chilled. If you take a heavier carcass, the kebab will be drier and will not have a delicate taste.

Frozen meat is also suitable for barbecue, but there are some nuances: firstly, it must thaw in a natural way, secondly, strictly forget about the microwave. If you don’t listen, you can forget about the juicy kebab.

When frying meat on skewers, first cut it into small pieces, this way it will cook faster and remain juicy inside. If you purchased fillet, you will have to mess with the marinade, otherwise you will end up with dry meat.

The best option for barbecue is thighs - they have skin and are quite juicy.

Juicy marinade for chicken kebab

The best time for delicious barbecue is summer. You don't know how to do it yet delicious marinade for meat? Today we will share wonderful recipe, which will make your chicken incredibly flavorful and juicy!

If you are a fan of spicy foods, then in addition to or together with onions, you can add garlic, which will give spicy taste. Onion marinade also has a number of advantages. For example, onion juice softens chicken when fried and gives it a delicate taste.


  • medium size onion 2 pcs.
  • chicken (thigh) 1 kg.
  • mayonnaise 300 g.
  • pepper and salt to your taste.


1.First, peel the onion and cut into half rings. Try to cut thinner so that the onion releases more juice. If you do it right, the meat will be more flavorful.

2.Pour the onion into an empty container, fill it with mayonnaise and add the necessary seasonings. If you are a paprika lover, use it instead of pepper.

3. It's time to marinate the chicken. Mix the meat with onions and leave for room temperature for a few hours. It is not recommended to leave it in the marinade overnight, as it will turn out to be harsh. Follow the recipe to get a delicious golden brown crust.

4.After marinating, the chicken will become more juicy and its flavor will intensify. Don't fry the kebab for too long, otherwise you will dry it out. A beautiful fried crust will let you know when the dish is ready. Have a nice holiday!

On beer

Beer is often used to prepare many dishes - it is often added to baked goods and meat. Beer marinade for shashlik – great way delicious marinated chicken. For these purposes, buy chicken wings.

We will need:

  • chicken wings 1 kg.
  • onions 3 pcs.
  • light beer 0.5 l.
  • dried oregano 1 tsp.
  • pepper and salt to your taste.


1.Wash the chicken wings and place in a bowl.

2.Pour onion on top, salt and add spices.

3.After a few hours, you can start grilling kebab.

Video recipe:

Bon appetit!!!

On kefir

Satisfied original recipe with fermented milk products will make your kebab even more tender. You can use absolutely any part of the carcass.


  • chicken 2.5 kg.
  • medium size onion 3 pcs.
  • high fat kefir 0.5 l.
  • seasonings, salt and pepper to your taste.


1. Cut the meat into small pieces and place it in a marinating container.

2. Fill the chicken with kefir, salt, add seasonings and onions with garlic.

3.Mix the mixture and place it in the refrigerator for several hours. The meat is marinated - you can light up the grill!

Recipe with mineral water

Mineral water is great for many dishes; it is used instead ordinary water. I did it once kebab marinade with mineral water and I can say one thing - it turns out pretty good!

My experience was with chicken breast, you can take another part.


  • chicken breast 2 kg.
  • onions 3 pcs.
  • tomato 1 pc.
  • lemon 1 pc.
  • refined oil 125 ml.
  • salt and seasonings to your taste.


1.Cut the chicken into small pieces and place in a marinating container.

2. Peel the onion and cut into half rings.

3.Add onions to the meat along with the remaining ingredients. Then pour out the mineral water.

4. Place in the refrigerator overnight. Chicken should be kept in the marinade for at least 5 hours.

5. Thread the meat onto a skewer with lemon and tomatoes, first cut into circles.

With sour cream

If you're not a fan spicy marinade, then this method is just for you. Sour cream will highlight original taste chicken and make the dish more flavorful.


  • chicken fillet or thighs 1 kg.
  • sour cream 250 g.
  • garlic 4 cloves.
  • greens to your taste.
  • salt to your taste.


1. Chop the greens, press the garlic. Rub the pieces with the garlic mixture and salt. Pour in sour cream and stir until smooth.

2. The meat will marinate for a long time, so it is best to place it in the refrigerator overnight.

With mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is always on hand and is used for most dishes. Chicken in mayonnaise sauce it turns out very juicy, and this recipe It's best to cook on a grill.


  • chicken 1 kg.
  • onions 4 pcs.
  • mayonnaise 75 ml.
  • pepper and salt to your taste.


1. Wash the chicken, pepper and salt, mix and leave for 20 minutes.

2. Pour mayonnaise over the chicken and add onion, mix the mixture. Try to coat each piece of meat well.

3. The mayonnaise should be absorbed into all the pieces. To do this, keep the chicken for 60 minutes, then put it in the refrigerator for 10 hours.

In case of urgent marinating, simply keep the meat for several hours at room temperature. Don't keep it warm for too long or it will disappear.

4.During the cooking process, sprinkle the chicken with wine.

Video recipe:

Bon appetit!


For this method For marinating meat we will use a special ingredient - vinegar. It is best to take for this chicken thighs.


  • chicken 1 kg.
  • onion 3 pcs.
  • vinegar 1 tbsp.
  • pepper and salt to your taste.


1. Cut the hams into portions, place them in a marinating container, add salt and pepper.

2.Cut onion half rings and sprinkle over chicken. Add vinegar.

3.Mix the meat with seasonings and onions and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Soy marinade with lemon

This method of marinating meat is significantly different from others. We will prepare several types. Get to the point!

For the first one we need:

  • chicken 1 kg.
  • water half a liter.
  • garlic 4 cloves.
  • black pepper and salt 1 tbsp each.
  • fresh lemon juice 100 g.

Warm salt water we will pump it into the carcass with a syringe.

For the second marinade:

  • honey 1 tbsp.
  • dry white wine 100 ml.
  • ground red pepper 10 g.
  • ground nutmeg 15 g.


Melt honey and add to wine. Pour the chicken meat over the top. In 3 hours the carcass will be soaked and ready for further cooking. It is worth noting that such a marinade will give the meat a special tenderness that you will not get if you marinate according to other recipes.

Experienced housewives know that when preparing a certain dish, you need to take into account all the little things that affect the final result. Shish kebab is not separated from other dishes; it has its own cooking characteristics, thanks to which you will be able to preserve all the juiciness and tenderness of the meat.

1.Try to place the chicken so that everything is well soaked.

2.Marinate in a deep bowl, be sure to cover with a lid.

3.If possible, use pressure, which will speed up the marinating process and make it more flavorful.

4.If you have cooked barbecue at least once, then you know for sure that the marinade remains on your hands. To avoid this, meat with spices can be placed in a bag.

5. Shake the bag several times - this is enough to thoroughly soak the meat.

6.If you have chicken thighs or wings, it is highly recommended not to use vinegar marinade. It will make your dish dry.

7. Read carefully which part of the carcass is suitable for a particular type of recipe.

8.Do not marinate frozen chicken. Always defrost such meat in a natural way.
