Chestnut nut: beneficial properties and contraindications. Growing edible chestnut. Growing and care

Chestnut is a plant from the Beech genus. It can be of two types: noble (also sweet or edible) and horse (inedible). The tree grows in America, Europe, Asia. Chestnut is especially revered in France; they even celebrate a holiday in its honor. The fruits are used in cooking, they can be added to first and second courses, sauces and desserts are prepared from them. Nuts are eaten fried, boiled and baked. They help with a number of diseases and are used in alternative medicine and pharmacology.

We will also talk about which chestnuts can be eaten and how to use them to treat diseases.

Nutritional value of chestnut

Chestnuts contain the most carbohydrates. The calorie content of the product varies depending on the cooking method - raw product contains 165 kcal, when stewed or boiled - 130 kcal, when fried - 180 kcal per 100 grams.

Steamed chestnuts are considered dietary - they contain only 56 kcal, despite the fact that useful substances they don't get smaller.

Chestnuts contain 2-3% fiber and 3% minerals. In addition, chestnuts are rich in vitamins A, C and B.
Chestnut seeds contain a lot of cumaniric glycosides, triterpene saponin, escin, fatty oil(up to 7%), proteins (up to 10%), starch (up to 50%) and tannins (1%).

The chestnut fruit is considered a nut, but it contains much less fat than other members of this family. Despite this, this fruit is very filling and nutritious, and therefore more healthy. Due to its texture, it is included in vegetarian diets.

Chestnuts have been used as food for a long time; their benefits and harm to the body are very great. It is quite easy to distinguish the noble from the wild species. In noble fruits, the capsule is covered with a dense layer of needles. Inside each box there are several nuts with a pointed top.

Noble varieties are used in cooking for cooking different dishes, flour. But not only roasted chestnut is popular, beneficial features observed even in raw fruits, which taste very similar to potatoes.

Each of the fruits contains many vitamins A, B, C, fats, sugar, starch. Chestnuts do not have long term storage The best time to eat nuts is in the fall, when they begin to ripen.

What are the benefits of edible chestnut:

  • used in the treatment of atherosclerosis;
  • strengthens blood vessels, improves blood circulation;
  • effective for thrombophlebitis, ulcers, inflammation of hemorrhoids;
  • consuming raw fruits can cure malaria, constipation, diarrhea;
  • If you roast the nuts, they can stop bleeding.

Benefits of wild chestnut

Although wild chestnut should not be consumed because of its toxicity and bitter taste, it also has its own beneficial properties. The fruit got its name horse chestnut back in the 16th century, when the health benefits of the nut for horses were first noticed.

A few years later, the nut began to be used to make medicines, tinctures, and decoctions. Thanks to the beneficial substances eculin and escin, chestnut fruits have found use in some areas of medicine for:

  • regulation of blood clotting;
  • blood clot splitting;
  • relieving inflammatory processes and swelling.

Horse chestnut is one of the main components for the manufacture of ointments, tablets, injections, drops used in the treatment of varicose veins and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Almost every part of the chestnut (inflorescence, bark, nut) is used in treatment:

  • inflammation, pulmonary edema;
  • bronchitis;
  • anemia;
  • stopping bleeding;
  • gallbladder diseases;
  • inflammatory processes of internal organs;

Horse chestnut is one of the most powerful, but at the same time controversial fruits. If you collect medicinal raw materials correctly, they can relieve many serious health problems, no worse than expensive ones. medicines. If you do this incorrectly, the medicine may be useless or even turn out to be poison.

The fruits, bark, leaves and inflorescences of horse chestnut need to be collected away from the city, highways and large populated areas. The best choice is a tree that grows in the forest, in the mountains, away from roads and industrial plants. The first step is to collect the inflorescences when the chestnut tree blooms - in May.

Flowers need to be picked and placed under straight lines. sun rays and dry in a ventilated and warm place for a couple of days. Store in a canvas bag. The bark is also collected in the spring, when the first juices begin to collect under it. It is better to cut the bark from young branches and then dry it thoroughly in the sun.

The bark is stored for no more than a year, then it gradually loses its beneficial properties. Leaves can be collected at almost any time - from the appearance of young leaves until they turn yellow. But only ripe fruits are suitable - as soon as they begin to fall to the ground. Green, unripe chestnut fruits can be dangerous.

Losing weight with horse chestnut

When losing weight, chestnut will be useful when used externally, as it improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.

With the help of this product, women who take care of their figure get rid of cellulite and swelling.
Undoubtedly, the effect of using chestnut will be much more noticeable if you use it in combination with physical exercise and anti-cellulite massage.

Recipes for weight loss with chestnuts

  • Powdered dried chestnut bark is mixed with oil and used for anti-cellulite massage. The bark in this case serves as an exfoliating and stimulating agent.
  • The combination of chestnut with chamomile decoction and green tea infusion significantly enhances its effect.
  • At long-term storage, the massage mixture loses its beneficial properties and may even release toxins, so it should be prepared in small portions and stored in the refrigerator.
  • During massage, problem areas should be given special attention - they need to be cleaned of skin secretions before the procedure.

It is enough to do this massage every 2 days for a month, increasing the portion of the mixture applied every week, and the result will not take long to arrive. A stronger effect can be obtained if you take a bath before each procedure.

On the issue of using chestnut during pregnancy, doctors are unanimously against it.

The fact is that this product has a very strong effect on blood vessels, and any sudden change during pregnancy is unacceptable. It is not even recommended to relieve swelling using medications containing chestnut extract.

Horse chestnut medicinal uses

After studying healing properties chestnut, it becomes clear that its use in medicine has no analogues. Each part of the plant contains a whole range of useful substances, and therefore it is widely used in official medicine and pharmaceuticals.

Therapy using horse chestnut preparations for diseases of increased capillary fragility, inflammation of the veins, varicose veins, and thrombophlebitis is very effective.

The presence of biologically active substances in fruits, leaves and inflorescences allows preparations based on horse chestnut to be used in the treatment of neuralgia, since the plant has a calming, hypnotic effect on the body.

The drug promotes tissue nutrition by improving blood circulation in the vessels. A chestnut-based product is used in the treatment of thrombosis that occurs in the postoperative period, inflammation, and thromboembolism.

Pharmacological agents that contain this plant are effective in treating diseases. gastrointestinal tract. They eliminate the symptoms of diarrhea and normalize the processes of bile secretion from the gallbladder. Preparations based on chestnut are used for sore throat, bronchial disease and tonsillitis.

It has been experimentally revealed that the most effective drug is alcohol extract seeds, which at the same time also has the least toxicity. One of the main effects on the body is the glycoside escin, with a pronounced venotropic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect.

Pharmaceutical preparations for oral use include:

  • Aqueous-alcoholic extract of Aescusan;
  • Tablet drug Esflazid;
  • Anavenol - available in the form of drops or tablets.

For external use, creams and gels containing horse chestnut extract are used: Venitan cream and Dr. Theis, Essaven gels.

The health benefits of chestnuts are very great, so folk medicine it has been used for many years.


  • 50 g flowers;
  • 0.5 l of vodka.


  1. Place chestnut flowers in a glass jar;
  2. Pour vodka.
  3. Leave for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally.
  4. Strain the infusion.
  5. Take 30 drops 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
  6. The course of treatment is 1 month.


  • 100 g vodka;
  • 10 g chopped chestnuts.


  1. Pour vodka over chestnut flour.
  2. Place in a dark place for 10 days.
  3. Strain the infusion.
  4. Drink an infusion of 30 drops diluted with water per 60 ml of water before each meal.

Joint pain

  • 50 g chopped fruits;
  • 0.5 l of vodka.


  1. Mix chestnut with vodka.
  2. Leave for 3 weeks.
  3. Take 20 ml 3 times a day before meals.
  4. Rub into sore joints.
  5. The course of treatment is 1 month.


  • 0.5 tbsp. l. crushed chestnut bark;
  • 400 g of water.


  1. Place the water with the bark in a saucepan.
  2. Set for 8 hours.
  3. Boil.
  4. Strain.
  5. Consume during the day 4 times before meals.

Chestnut oil

  • 15 g chopped fruits;
  • 150 g olive oil(vegetable).


  1. Mix butter with chestnut powder.
  2. Leave for 14 days.
  3. Simmer in a water bath for 3 hours.
  4. Drink 3 times a day, 10 ml diluted in 100 ml of warm water.
  5. Lubricate sore areas of the body.

Horse chestnut application in cosmetology

Through experiments it has been proven that cosmetical tools based on chestnut extract, help protect the skin from the oxidative effects of free radicals, slow down the aging process of the skin, strengthen the walls of the skin capillaries, normalize microcirculation in the capillaries and vessels of the face, soothe the skin.

In addition, shampoos based on chestnut extract affect the condition of the hair follicles and dermis of the scalp, helping to strengthen hair and prevent hair loss.

Horse chestnut has UV protection and a moisturizing effect and is therefore used as a component in tanning creams. There are many anti-cellulite body wraps available as it improves blood circulation.

Some foot creams contain a plant extract, which is necessary to combat varicose veins and relieve swelling.

It is important to remember that cosmetics containing chestnut should be stored in tightly closed containers and in a cool place.

Chestnut has taken its rightful place in cosmetology. It is included in many creams, gels and shampoos. Horse chestnut masks and shampoos make hair strong, strong, shiny and elastic.

The shampoo is quite light, rinses off quickly, and promotes accelerated hair growth. Creams based on horse chestnut are also very popular. The medicine has a beneficial effect on capillaries and blood vessels, which allows you to get rid of spider veins, hematomas and dark circles under the eyes.

The absorbent effect of chestnut is used in the fight against cellulite - it perfectly removes fluid from lymphoid tissues. Creams and masks based on horse chestnut rejuvenate and tone the skin, making it firmer and more elastic; with constant use, the oval of the face is tightened.

Chestnut has bactericidal properties, so it is effectively used in the fight against acne and even fungal infections of the scalp. Perfectly eliminates dandruff and protects against hair loss.

Contraindications for chestnuts

Chestnut fruits have medicinal properties and are widely used, but they have a number of contraindications.

Although chestnut nut is in demand, its use is not recommended for:

  • hypertension;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • pregnancy;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • internal bleeding.

It is not recommended to collect fruits, inflorescences, leaves, and chestnut bark near roads, in areas with poor ecology (factories, landfills), or in the city center. Chestnut, like all representatives of the flora, absorbs harmful substances from the environment, soil.

Eating nuts can cause serious damage to the body, because the benefits and harms of chestnut nuts are on a fine line. First of all, the nut will be harmful for overweight people.

Chestnuts have a very high calorie content, so you need to use their fruits carefully to lose weight. They contain a large number of starch, carbohydrates, so the product contributes to obesity and seriously strains the cardiovascular system.

The nut causes serious harm to the body when abused or misused. Misuse is when horse (wild) chestnut is used for cooking. Because of high concentration tannins, horse chestnut can cause serious poisoning.

Everyone should know the benefits of chestnut nut, because this product is an excellent medicine and prevention of many serious diseases. Before starting treatment, it is recommended to consult a doctor, because chestnut has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account.

Chestnut is a plant belonging to the beech genus. It grows in the area North America, Asia and other European countries. In France, the chestnut is considered a symbol of the country, so they celebrate in its honor National holiday. There are two types of chestnut known in nature, one of which is called “noble”. It can be consumed in food and added to various dishes.

In Russia, edible chestnuts grow in southern regions countries. Edible chestnut, its benefits and harms are known in Europe, and are actively used in the kitchen. national restaurants and in alternative medicine. The unusual taste of roasted chestnuts adds some piquancy to Christmas dishes.

Chemical composition

Chestnut benefits and harms are determined depending on the components that are included in its composition. For example, chestnut nuts contain more quantity useful minerals, such as carbohydrates and starch. Based on this, their beneficial properties can be equated with rice. You can cook chestnuts with the addition of both sugar and salt. The presented ingredients will not spoil the gastronomic taste of the fruit. Chestnuts are considered peculiar energy product, in which tannins, fats, starch and proteins are concentrated.

Calorie content of chestnuts

Chestnuts edible benefits and harm can be determined taking into account their calorie content. People who control their weight should constantly consume chestnut nuts. After all, it has low calorie content. It can be safely added to your menu for vegetarians who do not eat animal proteins. Chestnut perfectly fulfills this need of the body thanks to the plant analogue of protein.

Chestnut benefits and harm

The benefits of this product are determined by its active use in medicine, cooking and cosmetology.

Use of chestnut in medicine

The presented product is characterized by excellent healing properties. Typically, this statement applies to horse chestnut. Thanks to its rich composition, it has the following effect:

  1. Anti-inflammatory effect. It is necessary to use a decoction of fruits or leaves for inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract. Fresh leaves used for whooping cough.
  2. The vaso-strengthening effect is the expansion of the artery. As a result, blood flow accelerates, blood clotting decreases, capillary fragility decreases, the tone of dilated veins increases, and formed blood clots are reabsorbed. In pharmaceuticals, the bark and seeds are used in the treatment of thrombophlebitis and hemorrhoids.
  3. Chestnut perfectly eliminates leg fatigue and improves muscle tone. Varicose veins can be treated by taking the juice of flowers orally and taking foot baths with its decoction.
  4. To treat dilated veins of the nasopharynx, you need to take a decoction of chestnut bark. To do this, take 50 g of dry, finely chopped raw materials and pour a liter of boiling water. Leave for half an hour. Use the prepared broth to rinse the nasopharynx in the morning and evening.
  5. To treat hemorrhoids, take a decoction of chestnut bark and fruit. You should take 5 g of finely chopped raw materials and pour a cup of boiling water. Infuse for half an hour. Strain and top up boiled water to bring it to the original volume. Take the medicine in the amount of a tablespoon 2-3 times a day.
  6. In case of climatic bleeding an excellent remedy is Fresh Juice from chestnut flowers. The medication is taken 30 drops per tablespoon of water 2 times a day.
  7. High content of tannins, chestnut decoction has an astringent, wound-healing and anti-burn effect. An infusion of bark and seeds is actively used in the treatment of gallbladder diseases, rheumatic ailments, digestive disorders, and non-healing wounds.
  8. Thanks to the energy properties of the product, ailments are eliminated and strength is given. To replenish the natural energy of the chestnut, you can carry 2 nuts with you. And if you have breast diseases, put a small chestnut in your bra. Nuts can also be used for breast massage.

Using chestnut in cosmetology

Medicinal properties horse chestnut extract made it possible to use it to obtain many creams for oily and normal skin, bath foams, hair shampoos, anti-cellulite masks. When using a foot cream with this extract, swelling is eliminated and it has a calming effect on sports injuries and sprains.

Chestnut can resist negative impact ultraviolet rays. It is for this reason that it is often included in many sunscreens. Oil extract is used to care for aging skin. To carry out this manipulation, just moisten a cotton swab in the extract and apply to problem areas for 10-15 minutes.

Chestnut decoction has a tightening effect on facial skin. It is enough to prepare a decoction (finely chop 2 tablespoons of chestnut fruits and pour a glass of boiling water) and wipe your face with it. This procedure is carried out every other day.

Chestnut is an effective remedy for weight loss

Chestnut, unlike many nuts, contains starch. It is considered to be nature's "energy bar." Thanks to this nutritional value, it is enough to eat 2 pieces for dinner and be completely satisfied. In this case, the stomach will not be overloaded.

However, use this product In order to lose weight, you need to be extremely careful.

Contraindications for eating chestnuts

  • individual intolerance,
  • chronic renal failure,
  • pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Most of the difficulties arise because people often confuse and use horse chestnuts instead of sweet ones. In this situation, poisoning may occur. However overuse Sweet fruits can lead to stomach problems: constipation and bloating.

Some twenty or thirty years ago about this original dish edible chestnuts have not even been heard of in Slavic countries, let alone tried or cooked own kitchen. But amazing diversity national traditions Nowadays it is becoming publicly available. Someone tries Parisian chestnuts in a restaurant during a tourist trip, someone looks for similar delicacies in establishments in their country, and someone even decides to cook such a dish on their own. Let's look at the usefulness of such a dessert, the rules for its preparation and consumption.

The fruits of the chestnut tree have become a unique business card Paris, because there you can simply find sellers on the streets frying chestnuts in frying pans. The aroma that spreads around is intoxicating and enchanting.

This smell, reminiscent of the aroma of freshly baked homemade bread, creates a unique atmosphere of comfort in the open air. And once you’ve tasted this dessert, it’s hard to deny yourself another portion.

Did you know? This little-known food was popular long before the beginning of our era. For example, in Ancient Rome such a delicacy was served as a dessert for the upper classes and privileged persons. Alexander the Great, during a long campaign to the East, used chestnuts as a hearty and nutritious substitute for regular food, thanks to which his army was able to advance so far.

These nuts are used to prepare traditional fried treats, soups, soufflés, they are ground into flour and prepared into bread, sweets and all kinds of pastries. The fruits of the chestnut tree are also served with meat dishes, with asparagus and scallops, added to mousse and much more.

In cool weather autumn evenings Chestnuts are an ideal accompaniment to mulled wine, and in the cafe chestnut desserts go perfectly with Normandy cider.

The tradition of selling roasted nuts on the street is not only French cities, but also Italian or Turkish. However, only in Paris there is a special holiday dedicated specifically to chestnuts. The holiday is accompanied by street celebrations, songs, competitions and performances by amateur theaters.

Someone has probably already thought about the fact that there are chestnut trees growing in their yard or somewhere nearby, so you can pick their fruits right now and start cooking. But don’t rush to conclusions, because not all chestnuts are suitable for eating. For example, the one growing in your yard is a type of horse chestnut, and people don't eat it.

This is a fodder type of fruit that is given to horses and cattle. For humans, there are seed forms of the chestnut tree.
The varieties of chestnuts allowed for food include:

  • European sowing;
  • crenate;
  • Chinese (softest);
  • Asia Minor (grows in Armenia, Azerbaijan and the Krasnodar Territory).

All other types of chestnut tree nuts are unsuitable for this.

There are several basic rules for distinguishing between edible and inedible fruits of the chestnut tree. To distinguish horse chestnut from what is edible for humans, you can focus on the following points:

  1. Difference in leaf shape and size. Edible chestnut has a more rounded leaf shape, without jagged edges or jagged edges.
  2. Differences in inflorescence shape. U edible species the inflorescences are flatter, while in horse flowers they are elongated, shaped like a Christmas tree.
  3. Taste of ripened fruits. Horse chestnut has a bitter taste, while the seed variety is slightly sweet.
  4. Horse chestnut has only one fruit inside the pus(green amniotic pod), two nuts are less common.
  5. The top of the horse chestnut is bright green, there are small tubercles on it. The sowing variety is distinguished by the presence of long thorns and the brown color of the plus.

Both of these varieties have only one thing in common: their fruits are similar in dark brown color and smooth surface with a small lightened spot.

Studying the composition

An important point To understand the value and usefulness of these fruits for the human body is the content of micronutrients, minerals and vitamins.

It is worth immediately noting that chestnuts are a subspecies of nuts, and therefore their composition is very similar. Chestnut fruits are rich in starch, vegetable fiber, a variety of mineral compounds and amino acids. They also contain folic acid, which is essential for our body.
It also contains sucrose, glucose and fructose, vitamins A and E, as well as the entire line of B vitamins.

In addition, chestnut tree nuts contain many micro- and macroelements. Of particular note is the presence of:

  • gland;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • magnesium

This product is quite high in calories, since 100 grams of nuts contain 180 calories. At the same time, more than 60% of the product is occupied by energy-valuable carbohydrates, more than 30% is allocated to proteins and fiber, and less than 10% remains for fats.
These nuts are the least fatty, so vegetarians and people watching their weight often include them in their daily diet. At the same time, the fruits of the chestnut tree are very filling and nutritious, satisfy hunger for a long time and are not deposited in problem areas. And they contain only saturated fats, and they are quickly processed by the body.

Chestnut nuts can also be consumed raw, that is, just from the tree. But first you need to peel the peel and glossy film from the fruit. This process is quite labor-intensive, so it will be much easier to prepare them. There are many recipes for this, and you will definitely find something to your liking.

In addition, raw fruits do not have that amazing and alluring aroma, and therefore you will not get any special, memorable impressions from such a dish.

How to prepare a delicious delicacy

With a little work in the kitchen, you will get a dish with special taste, which will not leave anyone indifferent, and your home will be filled with the pleasant and romantic aromas of Paris itself. Below we have given several basic options for preparing the fruits of the chestnut tree.

Roasted chestnuts

For this dish you need:

  • wooden plank;
  • spatula or spoon for turning chestnuts;
  • frying pan with a lid (preferably an old one, as brown nuts leave permanent stains and often burn).

Important! You won't be able to roast chestnuts properly on an electric stove. For best preparation needed open fire, or at least a gas oven.

No oil, salt or any other ingredients or tools are needed.

Required Ingredients

Edible chestnuts (as many as will fit in your pan).

Step by step recipe

  1. Wash the nuts thoroughly.
  2. Each fruit needs to be cut, but not all the way, but approximately to the middle. This will help your nuts cook faster.
  3. Now place the nuts in the pan, flat side down.
  4. Fry for five minutes on the fire, covering the pan with a lid so that the fruits do not dry out.
  5. Turn the nuts over. By this point they will have already opened up greatly. If the flat side of the fruit turns black, then you need to reduce the heat. Next, loosely cover the roasting nuts with a lid and simmer for another ten minutes.
  6. Next, you should stir the fruits again and move them to a small burner gas stove, or reduce the heat even more.
  7. In this mode, the fruits should spend another fifteen minutes in the frying pan, after which they can be placed on a plate.
  8. Wait until the nuts have cooled, then proceed to peel them from the burnt skins.

It is best to eat chestnuts immediately after peeling, while they are still warm. When they cool down completely, taste qualities slightly faded.

Boiled chestnuts

Difference this method preparation from the previous one is that chestnuts do not explode during cooking, and therefore there is no need to make punctures or cuts.

Required Ingredients

Edible chestnuts and water.

Step by step recipe

  1. Cover the fruits of the chestnut tree with water. Those that float are not suitable for consumption. They should be removed.
  2. Place the fruits in a saucepan and add water until the water completely covers them.
  3. After boiling, cook for twenty minutes, then drain the remaining water and keep in a saucepan with the lid closed for another five minutes.
  4. Next, you need to put the nuts on a plate and, after cooling slightly, peel them. Do not delay peeling, as it will be more difficult to remove the peel when it cools completely.
  5. These nuts can be added to soups and soufflés, stuffed into poultry, or even pureed. To do this you need to add milk and butter, just like for mashed potatoes. In general, chestnut nuts have a lot in common with potatoes, including taste.

Baked products

Third in a universal way cooking chestnuts is baking. This recipe– one of the fastest.

Did you know? IN Ancient Greece On the streets of many cities one could find entire groves of chestnut trees, thanks to which residents were saved from hunger during numerous wars accompanied by sieges. The first trees planted by the Greeks in the colonial cities on the Black Sea coast were chestnuts.

Required Ingredients

Edible chestnuts and parchment.

Step by step recipe

  1. First, wash and dry the chestnut tree fruits on a towel.
  2. Make a cross-shaped cut on the convex side of the fruit. If this is not done, they may explode.
  3. Place the nuts, cut side up (flat side down), on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  4. Bake at 200°C for 15-17 minutes.
  5. Post it ready-made nuts onto a plate and peel off the skin.
Bon appetit!

Is it possible to have chestnuts?

Let's find out what the situation is with pregnant, lactating women, infants and children, because they too will want to enjoy all the delights of the delicacy.

Pregnant and lactating

These fruits are recommended for use by people with depression, stress and overload, as well as exhaustion of the body. It is in a situation of depletion of microelements and vitamins that all pregnant and lactating women find themselves, since part of their body’s resources goes to the child.

Therefore, it is not only possible to eat chestnuts, but also necessary for all pregnant and lactating women - these nuts are rich in many vital important connections, including folic acid, which affects the increase in the amount of breast milk.

They are also low in calories, which is important since women often gain weight during pregnancy. overweight. The fruits of the chestnut tree are completely harmless from this point of view.

Important! Potassium content makes chestnuts good remedy to prevent hypertension, eliminate risk factors cardiovascular diseases, anemia (anemia). In particular, they help improve blood circulation and regulate blood pressure.

More facts about the beneficial properties of chestnuts:

  • thanks to vitamin B2, the effects of skin aging are reduced; it also has a positive effect on eye health;
  • bones and teeth are strengthened due to high content phosphorus;
  • insomnia is prevented due to the presence of an amino acid such as tryptophan;
  • nuts protect nervous system due to the high content of vitamin B and phosphorus;
  • high fiber content helps digestion;
  • Chestnuts are recommended for kidney diseases due to their high potassium content;
  • help improve memory;
  • good for hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.

Infants are not recommended to start complementary feeding with chestnuts, as this will be too heavy a product for their still fragile stomachs. It is worth remembering that until six months the baby’s body is fully supplied with all the necessary microelements and vitamins from mother’s milk.
Therefore, chestnut nuts can be introduced into a child’s diet only from the age of one, or better yet, from the age of three, when the stomach is already able to accept and digest such food.

Luxurious, green chestnuts are well known to every person. In May they bloom with lush white candles, and a month later they are covered with small hedgehogs, inside of which brown fruits ripen by autumn. Since there are several types of such trees, chestnuts are edible and inedible, how to distinguish them, everyone needs to know in order to extract maximum benefit from ripened fruits.

Edible chestnut

The first differences between edible and inedible chestnuts begin already with appearance tree. The deciduous tree can grow up to 35 meters, the leaves are green in the warm season, and bright yellow in the fall. During the period of active flowering, the tree is covered with inflorescences that resemble long earrings. In the upper part of the inflorescences there are male branches, in the lower part - female ones. The fruits of the tree ripen in brown pads, inside they are protected by a natural covering reminiscent of felt. In one bunch, from 1 to 4 nuts can ripen at the same time; they have a flattened shape, the surface is brown, smooth and shiny.

Differences between edible and inedible chestnut varieties

How to distinguish horse chestnut from edible ones:

  1. Horse chestnut differs in shape and size of leaves.
  2. Inflorescences.
  3. The taste of ripened fruits. Horse chestnut has a bitter taste, while the seed variety is slightly sweet.
  4. The horse chestnut has only one fruit inside the pus; less commonly, two nuts are found.
  5. The top of the horse chestnut is bright green and has small tubercles. The sowing variety is distinguished by the presence of long thorns and the brown color of the plus.

Two different varieties They have only one thing in common - their fruits are similar, they are dark brown and have a smooth surface with a small light spot.

How to Identify Edible Chestnuts

Before you start eating the fruits of the tree, you need to find out which chestnuts you can eat. There are only a few varieties of trees whose fruits are eaten, these are:

  1. European chestnut.
  2. Gorodchaty.
  3. Chinese (softest).

All species have their own differences, and they grow in different latitudes. The tree, which grows on the territory of Armenia, Azerbaijan and the Krasnodar Territory, also has edible fruits, but they are much smaller in size; they are compared to walnut. All other fruits are prohibited from consumption.

Edible fruits at the time of ripening concentrate many useful substances. As soon as the nut is evenly colored dark brown, you need to start harvesting and storing it for the winter.

The right chestnut fruits should be chosen correctly, focusing on:

  1. Size, shape. All nuts should be even and identical.
  2. Hardness. High-quality fruits are heavy and hard.
  3. The surface of chestnuts should be glossy without defects.

Properly prepared chestnuts taste like potatoes; they are energetically valuable, nutritious, and unique in their composition. The fat content is much less than other nuts.

In 100 grams roasted chestnut 182 kcal, in boiled fruits -131 kcal, in fresh nuts - 166 kcal, the least high-calorie fruit, steamed, contains only 56 kcal. Dishes from edible chestnut can be served as a side dish, appetizer or even a main treat. There are a large number of recipes, all of them are quite simple and accessible.

Regular consumption of edible fruits has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, simultaneously saturating it useful vitamins, fiber, essential minerals.

Methods for preparing chestnuts

We suggest preparing rice with chicken and chestnuts.


  • chicken fillet – 3 pcs.;
  • soy sauce – 0.5 cups;
  • sesame oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • celery – 1 pc.;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • champignons – 240 g;
  • boiled rice – 6 cups;
  • canned chestnuts – 240 g;
  • green peas - 0.5 cups;
  • ground red pepper – 0.5 tsp;
  • greens for decoration.


  1. In a small plate, marinate the fillet in soy sauce.
  2. Fry the fillet, place in a plate, cover with foil.
  3. Fry the eggs, stirring constantly, to form crumbly scrambled eggs.
  4. Chop all the vegetables.
  5. Fry carrots, celery, onion, garlic for 4 minutes.
  6. Cook the mushrooms for about 5 minutes.
  7. Cut the chicken into small pieces.
  8. Cook the rice.
  9. Mix all ingredients.
  10. You can serve it by decorating the dish with herbs.

Alcohol infusion

Horse chestnut is an excellent remedy for preparing medicines. In folk medicine, there are many recipes that help get rid of various diseases.


  • 2 tbsp. l. chopped chestnut fruits;
  • 0.5 l of vodka.


  1. Place chestnuts in a glass jar.
  2. Pour vodka.
  3. Leave for 3 weeks.
  4. Take 30 drops diluted 1:2 with water 30 minutes before meals.
  5. For joint pain, make compresses from the tincture.


Do not forget that excessive consumption of this fruit can cause harm to the body. They should be used with caution in patients who have:

  1. Thrombocytopenia.
  2. Blood clotting disorder.
  3. Menstrual irregularities.
  4. Pregnancy.
  5. Low blood pressure.
  6. Atonic constipation.
  7. Hypoid gastritis.

With long-term treatment with chestnut tincture, the prothrombin index may increase, causing open bleeding.

Chestnut is an excellent remedy for treating many diseases. It complements dishes well and is the main ingredient when prepared correctly.

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Edible chestnuts evoke a pleasant association with France. Autumn, Paris and light smoke from the braziers in which the fruits are baked. This delicacy is firmly entrenched on the tables of our homeland. Eiffel Tower and is gradually winning the sympathy of the whole world. At regular use the benefits of chestnuts can be traced. Which one exactly, we will consider further.

Unfortunately, some populations will be harmed by the fetus. If you confuse a product with another type - horse chestnut, this will lead to poisoning. To avoid such situations, you need to follow simple rules.

There are two types of chestnuts - horse and noble, or real. The first type is grown for decorative purposes. It is strictly forbidden to consume its fruits, because they can cause harm to the body. These chestnuts are poisonous. But a noble appearance does not pose any danger to humans, and even vice versa. Its benefit is to improve the functioning of body systems and treat various diseases.

The chestnut tree belongs to the beech family. From a botanical point of view, the fruit is a nut. They are grown in Asian countries, some European countries, and North America.

In France, the plant is considered a national symbol, and a big holiday is even held in its honor. The ingredient is made from various sauces, salads, desserts and many others savory dishes. Edible chestnuts are not grown in Russia, but many supermarkets sell them fresh and fried. The product tastes unusual, a bit reminiscent sweet potato with a nutty note.

Composition of edible chestnuts

The fruit is valuable source starch (up to 60%) and sugars (15%). Almost 6% comes from proteins and only 2% from fats. The thin transparent film around the nut is insoluble fiber, the benefits of which are obvious for the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, the small fruit contains tannins and pectin substances, glycosides, vitamins A, group B, C. Chestnut contains the following minerals: calcium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, sodium and potassium.

Energy value fresh fruits– 180 kcal per 100 g. Roasted nuts even more high in calories.

For those who watch their figure, this figure can be quite high. But treat yourself a small amount Chestnuts are possible, because they do not overload the stomach and at the same time saturate the body with nutrients.

Positive effect on the body

The benefits of edible chestnuts are obvious for vegetarians. Fruits allow you to diversify their diet and to some extent compensate for the lack of protein. All parts of the tree are used for medicinal purposes: bark, flowers, leaves.

They have the following effects on the body:

  • a decoction of dry leaves allows you to quickly cope with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract;
  • fresh leaves speed up the treatment of whooping cough;
  • alcohol tincture of dried flowers is indicated for catarrh Bladder and chronic dysentery;
  • fruits and bark are used for swelling caused by kidney disease, gastrointestinal ailments, nosebleeds;
  • A decoction of nuts quickly eliminates boils and abscesses.

The benefits of edible chestnuts don't end there. them in different forms used for increased blood pressure, vascular and heart diseases, thrombosis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids. In folk medicine fresh nuts help eliminate malaria and chronic diarrhea, and fried ones help eliminate hemorrhoidal and uterine bleeding.

Use in cooking

Recipes for preparing edible chestnuts are quite simple. The most popular delicacy is fried fruits. They must first be peeled and the membranes removed. The chestnuts themselves need to be cut crosswise or made cuts on the sides.

If this manipulation is neglected, the nut may explode. Then place the product in the pan, cover with a wet napkin. Close the lid and let the chestnuts sit for 20-30 minutes. Stir occasionally and moisten the wipes as they dry.

Other cooking recipes suggest housewives boil the fruits and serve them with different sauces(chocolate, coffee), make puree soup, pork or lamb with chestnuts. With a rich imagination, you can create real culinary masterpieces from the product.


People with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, heart and liver, hidden pulmonary and gastric bleeding are not recommended to use the product without first consulting a doctor. Chestnuts can harm the body and aggravate the course of certain ailments. A categorical taboo is placed on the consumption of fruits by patients with diabetes mellitus and blood diseases.

Allergies to nuts are common, but they are mainly caused by eating another type - horse nut. Therefore, it is recommended to buy chestnuts only from trusted places. The edible fruits have a pointed tip, so they are difficult to confuse with horse nuts.

Harm is observed when overeating chestnuts and flour from them. Gases form in large quantities in the intestines, causing constipation. Some people experience diarrhea after eating unroasted nuts. At external use You should be extremely careful, because tinctures and decoctions can lead to skin irritation. The benefit is canceled when chestnut extracts are combined with willow and oak bark.

Chestnuts, especially a large number of them, can lead to weight gain. Although the benefits of nuts are very attractive, you still shouldn’t overeat. And if you have any doubts, it is better to abandon the product altogether, so as not to cause harm to yourself.
