How to decorate New Year's dishes. Decorating New Year's dishes: the best ideas with photos

What's in store winter holidays What worries housewives most? That's right - spectacular and original decoration New Year's dishes. After all, you don’t just want to prepare delicious salads and snacks for festive table. Many chefs dream of making a lasting impression on their households and guests. New Year's Eve so that table decoration and food preparation will be talked about for the next 12 months. In fact, nothing is impossible! Moreover, many options have already been created and a sea of ​​ideas have been proposed on how to design and serve holiday delicacies in a more non-trivial way. New Year. You can execute any of the proposed decoration options for New Year’s dishes “from” to “to” or play them up in your own way, making certain adjustments to your taste.

Decorating New Year's dishes in the form of a Christmas tree

Since the Christmas tree is the constant symbol of the New Year, it is worth playing with this theme. In the form of a green beauty, you can decorate not only numerous salads, including the simplest ones, for example, Olivier, but also all kinds of snacks and even desserts. Below are just a few possible options decorations for New Year's dishes in the form of a Christmas tree:

Fruit slice “Herringbone”

By the way, fruit slices decorated in the form of miniature trees are no less relevant at the New Year’s table. In order not to clutter the table and not interfere with communication, which becomes especially open during the New Year celebrations, you should not make compositions that are too tall.
On a note! Let the fruit trees be small and compact, but lush. You can make several of them if you plan to celebrate the New Year in big company. For a close circle, one copy will be enough.

To decorate a New Year's fruit tree, you can use a variety of fruits:

  • peaches;
  • apples;
  • pineapples;
  • pears;
  • cherries;
  • plums;
  • oranges;
  • strawberries and others.

During the culinary sacrament itself, you will need to use a knife and several toothpicks. You can take skewers. This option is stronger. So you won’t have to worry about the integrity of the miniature masterpiece.

  1. The optimal basis for a New Year's fruit tree is an apple. The fruit should be washed, after which its top should be cut off.

    Place the apple cut side down on a flat plate. This will make the base more stable and stable.

    Then you need to prepare other fruits by washing them and cutting them into triangles. The resulting fragments are fixed to the apple “frame” using toothpicks or skewers.

    To make the composition look complete, it is worth cutting out a star. An apple or pineapple will also work for this.

    As an imitation Christmas balls You can use strawberry slices, cherries or cherries.

On a note! To prevent the fruit tree for decorating the New Year's table from darkening, you should sprinkle the composition with lemon juice.

Thematic options for decorating New Year's dishes

How else can you decorate New Year's dishes? There are many other options.

Decorating New Year's dishes with a Christmas wreath

Salads and appetizers look very impressive when presented in the format of a Christmas wreath. This performance is relevant regardless of under whose leadership it will take place. next year. By the way, desserts can also be decorated in the form of a Christmas wreath. The decoration is formed from both mastic and cream.

Decorating holiday dishes in the form of candles

Among other attributes of the holiday, one cannot fail to mention candles. Traditionally, they are considered a symbol of home, comfort and warmth. They bring light and give harmony. That is why when registering holiday dishes you can use this idea. Its appeal lies in the fact that candles are always relevant. They never go out of style and go perfectly with the design of snacks in other formats.

Other options for decorating dishes for the New Year

You can decorate salads – even the simplest and most familiar ones – boldly and creatively. So that the dishes are fully consistent New Year theme, we can present them in the form:

  • Christmas balls;
  • mitten;
  • Snow Maiden or Father Frost;
  • snowman.

You can even play up the very images of your favorite wizard and his granddaughter. It turns out very appetizing and impressive.

Among other options for decorating New Year's treats, it is worth noting other always relevant solutions:
images of a clock with an arrow approaching 12;

  • bullfinches;
  • calendars;
  • penguins;
  • fir cones;
  • masquerade mask.

The attractiveness of all these design options also lies in the fact that, as a rule, no delicacies are needed for decoration. Olives are used for almost all black elements. Red details can be laid out from tomatoes, bell peppers, protein or natural caviar, crab sticks. Greens are formed from dill, parsley, cilantro.

Note! If you need to color the protein, you can always use beets or red cabbage.

If you have the desire, there will always be options for decorating holiday dishes.

Decorating dishes for the New Year with fruits, nuts and spices

The New Year's table is usually set especially hospitably and plentifully. The generosity of housewives concerns not only the preparation of hot dishes and cold appetizers. Close attention is paid to additions in the form of nuts or spices. So, the following become excellent thematic decorations on their own:

  • cinnamon sticks;
  • powdered sugar simulating snow;
  • anise;
  • nuts;
  • raisin.

An original New Year's dessert in a festive design

This combination of products can be combined and diluted with apples. The result will be an excellent winter dessert in the traditions of New Year and Christmas.

  1. So, you can wash the apples and cut off the tops.

    Using a sharp knife you will need to cut out the middle with the seeds and hard partitions.

    Walnuts need to be crushed and mixed with raisins. Can be cut separately apple pulp and add to them.

    The filling is seasoned with cinnamon and honey.

    It should be placed in apples and covered with cut “lids”.

    Portion plate with this fruit snack It’s worth garnishing with anise, a handful of raisins, and cinnamon sticks. You can add star anise. On top of this whole New Year's miracle is sprinkled with powdered sugar.

By the way, cinnamon, cloves and anise can be used to perfectly decorate many other dishes at the festive New Year's table. Such accents look very beautiful and impressive. In addition, they bring cozy notes and a warm aroma to the room, which is especially appreciated during family holidays.

Beautiful winter drinks for the New Year with spices and fruits

Dried clove buds are a wonderful decoration not only for orange cups. This spice is perfect for decorating other New Year's dishes. It is especially good in truly winter drinks:

  • mulled wine;
  • grog;
  • glögga;
  • fruit compote.

Cloves and anise go well together. If you decide to cook compote to serve New Year's table, then be sure to combine it with dried apricots, pears, and prunes. This combination can be diluted with cinnamon and star anise. It will work out unique drink, which is a hundred times better than all kinds of alcoholic drinks.

This compote should be poured into tall, clear glass glasses. Place a cinnamon stick in each of them, which can be tied with a bright ribbon. You can also garnish this drink with dried citrus slices or dried orange peel. It will look very bright and appetizing.

Design options for New Year's snacks

Many people consider snacks to be a primitive option for breakfast or snack. In vain! Such miniature dishes can become worthy decoration New Year's table. If you decide to cook them for the holiday, don’t forget to decorate them in an original way. After all, it’s not difficult at all and incredibly exciting.
A miniature appetizer can become a real “hit” of the table if you “arm yourself” with herbs, tomatoes, cheese slices and bell peppers. The most primitive toasts will turn into real ones cooking masterpiece, if you cover them with cream cheese, and put the same herringbone tree on top.
You can decorate sandwiches with cute snowmen or stars, reminiscent of the main decoration of the green beauty, around which it is customary to dance in circles. Such a non-trivial appetizer will be remembered for a long time by both you and your guests.

Decorating New Year's baking

It is impossible to imagine a luxuriously set New Year's table without baking. Housewives pay special attention to her on the eve of this holiday. The most popular baking options for the New Year are cookies and gingerbread. To confectionery fit perfectly into the theme of the celebration; a variety of figures can be cut out of the dough: stars, mittens, houses, men, deer, etc. Ready gingerbread and cookies can be decorated with sugar icing (white and colored), sprinkled with powdered sugar, and painted with icing. At the same time, sweets tied with a ribbon, several pieces at a time, look very beautiful.

The decorations are very simple.

Decorating New Year's dishes

Decorating New Year's table dishes can be a bit of a headache. Of course, the main decoration of the table is the dishes themselves.

On the other hand, New Year is such bright holiday that you want to see not only the most delicious, but also beautiful dishes on the table.

Decorating dishes is not at all an easy task and requires imagination. Or “homemade preparations”.

How to decorate dishes without much labor and extra expenses? Simple and beautiful.

The decorations are very simple.

Here, for example, is a bullfinch. You will need red pepper, olives and egg white. The decoration is very simple. As an independent dish, it may be too simple. But if you put such a decoration on a salad... For example, on a fur coat or Olivier salad, then it will immediately turn out New Year's version salad

New Year's candle and Christmas tree made of fruit. Very simple. There is a photo tutorial on how to make such a Christmas tree. It can be seen below.

There is nothing special about this salad. But, they decorated it with sprigs of dill and a green ribbon. And it turned out to be a dish for the Christmas tree.

Interesting canape ideas. It can be both fruits and vegetables. The main thing is that it is very bright, and therefore festive. And it's very simple.

A very simple and elegant Christmas tree. Can be used as DIY decoration table, or you can use it as a decoration for dishes.

Decorate the salad in the form of a cake - and the dish immediately takes on a festive look.

Decorating New Year's dishes

Very interesting candles. Green pepper and red pepper. Sprigs of dill. It turned out to be a New Year's salad.

A very interesting idea. You can not use green dye, but mix the oil with finely chopped herbs. You will get a Christmas tree in the snow. But this is no longer for dessert. This is for canapés. And for dessert, you can add pieces of colored marmalade or fruit jelly to the butter.

Appetizing pineapples. The nuts can be split in half.

And this is a decoration for those who love Japanese cuisine.

Options for Christmas trees from the most different products. Simple and delicious.

And here is the promised Christmas tree with fittings. As you can see, everything is very simple. You can make such a decoration not only from fruits, but also from vegetables, cheese and sausage, smoked fish etc.

Very simple decorations for any salad.

Cauliflower lamb. This will require some sculpting skills.

The slice is decorated with bright fruits and green mint leaves. It turned out quite festive. And if you add sprigs of dill, a New Year's theme will appear.

Everything is very simple here. But how wonderfully bright orange slices harmonize with fried bird. A small touch, but the dish looks completely different. Oranges and tangerines are the Russian symbol of the New Year.

Very simple decoration of dishes. And the Christmas tree and the snowman.

And New Year's candles made from peppers. If you take colorful pepper, then the candles will look brighter and more elegant.

Very interesting decoration in the form of a Christmas wreath. Very simple and very effective.

And I liked this salad because of the simple execution of the decoration. Simple, fast and beautiful.

Candles made from red and yellow bell peppers.

And Santa Claus does not require any special skills. Just the desire to do it.

Cucumber candle rolls. Now “greenhouse giants” have appeared in stores. These will make excellent “candles”.

And in conclusion - another very simple Christmas tree.

I hope you liked the selection. Decorating dishes, very often, just requires a little ideological push. And it will go there on its own.
Bon appetit and a wonderful New Year!

The art of serving and decorating dishes is addressed primarily to the taste and imagination of a particular person, however, for your creation to become a real work of art, it must comply with certain rules. That is why in this field, as in all others, expert advice is always a certain guarantee of success.

The ability to make a dish beautiful is one of the components of cooking. For this purpose, decorations made from a wide variety of products (vegetables, herbs, fruits, etc.). These decorations may themselves represent independent dishes: in the first case, these will be appetizers, salads or fruits for dessert, in the second – just decorations that are placed on plates or on the table (dinner or with cold appetizers).


Before you start making the jewelry you have chosen, make sure you have the necessary tools at hand. They are quite simple and will successfully complement standard set kitchen utensils.
The most complete set includes sharp knives, scissors, noisettes of different sizes (hemispherical spoons with sharp cutting edges), an egg slicer, a knife for zesting citrus fruits, special devices for indentations, for coring an apple, several metal cookie cutters and tips for a pastry bag or syringe, and a brush. Do not be confused by this long list - most often we are talking about tools that can be easily purchased at any specialized store.


Finally, you have acquired all the necessary kitchen tools. However, this is still not enough to immediately move into the category of masters in terms of decorating dishes. There are also certain rules, the observance of which will allow your culinary creations to make the right impression on your guests.

The right combination

Remember the main thing: the dish and the decoration that complements it must be combined with each other. In fact, most often it is enough to adhere to the generally accepted combination of certain products, and the originality should be ensured by the decoration itself. So, potatoes - but in the form of mushrooms or buttercups - will perfectly complement meat. Lemon in the shape of a rose or butterfly will decorate fish and seafood dishes.


Very often to achieve best effect you have to limit the number of decorations. Some dishes look much better in their own way in kind. If the main, “crown” dish is beautifully decorated and looks great, you shouldn’t downplay the effect it produces by overloading the rest of the dishes with all kinds of decorations.

Location of individual elements

Carefully consider where and how all decorative elements will be located. Remember that any dish with decoration attracts much more attention than without it. Choose dishes that cannot compete in beauty with the food you have prepared and decorated.

Color harmony

To make your jewelry look more impressive, use contrasting color combinations. To get green, use vegetables such as leeks, cucumbers, parsley or watercress, orange - carrots, red - tomatoes or beet juice, white - hard-boiled eggs or turnips... Your imagination will do the rest. It is also useful to have patrel seasoning in the kitchen: with its help you can color Brown color neutral-colored vegetables, such as potatoes.

Clarity, precision and accuracy

Your jewelry will be attractive if it is done carefully. When cutting out individual parts of decorations from products, make sure that the lines of decorative cutouts are clear and concise, use whenever possible various kinds recess molds. Sharpen your knives regularly. In addition, before serving food, do not forget to wipe the edges of the plates.

Products used

The base foods used to create decorations are not always meant to be eaten. They are often used to make various jewelry and their parts. raw foods which should not be exposed culinary processing, since they thereby lose their decorative qualities. For example, raw, and therefore hard, potatoes or turnips are used to create white flowers, and red flowers are cut from raw beets. The same applies to carrots, which must be raw and fresh so that they can easily be made into various sculptural forms. Lettuce leaves, Bay leaf, mint, spring onions, leeks, cucumber or sweet pepper peels can be successfully used to make leaves and stems of culinary flowers. And finally, lemons, oranges, watermelons, and melons are easily transformed into all kinds of baskets, sailboats, and funny animals.

Combination of taste and color

Color, as a rule, serves as one of the means of creating or emphasizing the taste of food. If you must resort to dyes, use natural products, pleasant in color and taste. For example, to tint vegetables, saffron and other spices (paprika, curry) are used, and to give the desired color to sauces, for example, mayonnaise (or sour cream), ketchup is added to them, tomato paste. In addition, mayonnaise (or sour cream), which is often served with cold fish, fresh vegetables or hard-boiled eggs, can be colored green color using parsley juice or adding finely chopped spinach leaves.

For hot dishes, decorations are prepared in advance. After all, they need to be placed as quickly as possible before the food gets cold. Otherwise, it will lose most of its taste.

Immediately before serving dishes of fish, meat, grilled or skewered poultry, “walk” over them with a brush lightly dipped in vegetable oil. This will add shine to the fried crust and make the dishes even more appetizing. To enhance the color and shine of cold dishes and snacks, they are coated with a thin layer of edible gelatin.

Orange pomander with cloves

Pomanders are French crafts that have been an integral part of fragrant decoration winter festivities. The word “pomander” comes from the French “pomme d’ambre”: during the Renaissance, this was the name for aromatic ambergris balls that were produced in Venice and were used to aromatize living spaces.
Over time, the word “pomander” began to refer to round bottles made of silver, gold or Ivory, allowing you to preserve the pristine tart aroma for a long time.
Fruit pomanders appeared in France at the beginning of the twentieth century. French women hung pomanders in their linen closets to add a sophisticated scent to their linens.
For this we used ordinary apples, dried with spices in a special way.
Citrus pomanders appeared in England. They were made from oranges, cloves, cinnamon and other spices. This scent has become a symbol of Christmas and New Year.
Pomanders can be made from apples, lemons, oranges and limes.

Exists classic recipe spice mixtures for pomander (based on 4 fruits):
– 1/2 cup ground cinnamon
– 1/4 cup ground cloves
– 2-4 teaspoons (heaped) nutmeg
– 2-4 teaspoons ground allspice
– 1/4 cup chopped orris root

Take a wooden stick and pierce the peel of the fruit. We insert a clove of cloves into each hole, sprinkle generously with a mixture of spices and place in a beautiful fabric bag. The pomander will gradually dry out and emit aroma throughout the room for about six months.
In a simplified version, we simply stick cloves into the orange and lightly sprinkle with a mixture of spices. For New Year's decor The heads of the carnations are sometimes tinted with gold paint.
You can hang these fragrant balls around your apartment or give them to your loved ones... They will bring joy and Christmas mood to any home!

Deep-fried "Roses" from potatoes (turnips, beets)

These deep-fried “roses” can be made from potatoes or turnips (“white roses”) or beets (“red roses”). Red roses can also be made from potatoes by coloring them with beet juice. It is advisable to take potatoes that are not young - slices from new potatoes They turn out quite fragile.

It is convenient to cut the “petals” of the future “rose” with a thickness of 1-1.5 mm from raw potatoes on a special grater for vegetables.
And if you don’t have it, then try to cut it with a sharp knife as thinly and evenly in thickness as possible. The “petals” should be thin and translucent.

We cut one plate thicker (3-4 mm) in order to cut it into long square bars for the central “buds”, around which we will wrap the “petals”.

Then soak the “petals”, “buds” and toothpicks for chopping the “rose” in a bowl with cold water, to which you must add salt (1 full teaspoon of salt per 1 liter), for 2-3 hours. This will soften the petals by dissolving some of the starch and make them much more pliable when rolling the roses.

Toothpicks need the smallest ones you can find on sale. If you do not first soak them in water for 2-3 hours along with the “petals,” they will burn when frying the roses in hot oil.

Let's start making roses:
Take the central “bud” and wrap it tightly with one petal. Then we take another petal and twist it in the other direction. After this, secure the bud with a piece of toothpick.

Like this:
After this, we wrap the other petals, moving them slightly from above, so that the “rose” turns out to be open, “blooming”.
The rule must be strictly followed: one petal goes clockwise, and the next petal goes counterclockwise.
The larger you want to make the “rose,” the more petals and toothpicks to hold them together.
Then lightly shake the “roses” from the water and set them aside on a napkin to dry for 3-5 minutes. Otherwise in hot oil excess water will “explode” and splash. (If you put a wet rose in boiling oil, then you will have to spend a long time and tediously cleaning the entire kitchen from scattered grease.)
While the roses are drying, put a small cauldron with vegetable oil on the fire and heat to the desired temperature.
To check if the oil is hot enough, take one petal from the bowl, dry it with a napkin and drop it into the oil. If it sizzles happily and bubbles appear, then the oil is ready for frying, but if it sizzles weakly, then you need to wait a little longer.
So, the oil has reached the desired temperature.
We lower the rose head down and try not to let it tilt to one side for 1-2 minutes. At this time, all the petals will open. Now carefully turn it over and fry on all sides until golden brown.
When the “rose” acquires a crispy color, it is ready.
Remove it from the cauldron onto a paper napkin to allow excess oil to drain. Lightly sprinkle with salt.
When the “roses” have cooled down a little, remove the toothpicks. It is easier to pull them out if you turn them a little around the longitudinal axis before pulling them out.
Ready “roses” no longer want to fall apart into “petals”, and they can be carefully transferred to a plate and served as prepared separate dish as a decoration for dishes.

"Pearls" from balsamic vinegar

You need: -1 glass of odorless vegetable oil, put in the freezer for at least 30 - 60 minutes (the oil should be cold, but not frozen); -150 ml balsamic vinegar; -2 g (vegetable gelatin); -syringe (you can also use a pipette)

Bring balsamic vinegar + agar-agar to a boil, stirring (do not boil), let cool for 5 - 10 minutes.
Fill a syringe and pour the balsamic vein into the cold oil, drop by drop.
Using a slotted spoon, collect the pearls and rinse in a container of cold water. Drain the water and use the pearls in salads.
The answer to the question why all this? This is done in order to surprise your loved ones and guests with a new format. usual product. It’s very interesting when the “eggs” burst on the tongue, leaving the taste of the sauce.

New Year's ice for drinks

Pour well-boiled water into a layer of pre-boiled water (to make the ice clear) into ice molds and freeze.
Pour a thin layer of water onto the frozen ice and lay out bright, beautiful berries.
We freeze again so that the berries are thoroughly frozen and cannot float.
Fill the molds to the top with water and place in the freezer until completely frozen.

Sugar roses

We rinse the roses with cold water, carefully shake off drops of water from the flowers and dip them into a slightly warm (but not hot!) jelly solution of one and a half or double concentration (what is written on the gelatin package).
Sprinkle generously with sugar or fructose and place in the refrigerator until the jelly solution has completely cooled (about 2-3 hours).
We use sugar roses to decorate various desserts, cakes or serve as decoration. tea table and sweets.

Cucumber “Christmas tree” for decorating the New Year’s table

You can also make “Christmas trees” from cold cuts and cheese.

Original potatoes for decorating salads and snacks

Using a thin and sharp knife, cut the potatoes into thin, almost transparent slices.
Or use a grater to cut thin chips.
Place a sprig of parsley on the slice.
Cover with another slice and trim the edges so that both slices are the same size.
Fry in hot vegetable oil on both sides.
Season the fried slices with salt and serve hot.

Potato decoration

New Year's decoration of potato roses.
We cut out stars from sweet peppers (yellow, red, green) and place them on the rosettes after baking before serving.
The New Year's roses in the photo are prepared with double the amount of yolk.

Needed: 0.5 kg potatoes 3 tbsp. l. heavy cream 3 tbsp. l. parmesan, finely grated 1 yolk

Dry the potatoes boiled in salted water a little after they are ready, drain the water at the end of cooking and remove the lid over very low heat.
Then, without allowing it to cool, knead quickly and thoroughly until smooth.
Add the yolk, cream, cheese, season with salt, freshly ground pepper and a pinch of nutmeg.
Mash everything thoroughly again and beat lightly with a spoon.
The puree should not be liquid, homogeneous and without lumps of unmashed potatoes.
By using pastry bag Using a “star” attachment, place “roses” on a baking sheet covered with cooking paper (see above the previous recipe “Potato roses for decorating dishes”).
Bake the roses in a preheated oven at 200 degrees. Leave in the oven for about 20-25 minutes until lightly browned.
The finished “roses” can be sprinkled with spices to taste.

New Year's apple

New Year's apple to decorate the festive table.
To prevent the cut from darkening, lubricate it with lemon juice or solution citric acid. You can cut a heart from an apple of a different color and insert it into the cut hole.

Cookies with wishes

cookie dough, shortbread or flavored shortbread, or sweet with soda and sour cream, or gingerbread, or ginger - this is your choice (the dough can be tinted with cocoa or dry berries grated into a fine powder)
sugar-protein glaze (180-200 g of powdered sugar and 1 chicken protein)
food coloring for tinting glaze
pastry bag and tip No. 1 (or a plastic file with a corner cut off)
satin ribbons

Knead the dough, roll it into a layer about 7-8 mm thick, cut out shaped cookies with die-cuts and make 2 holes in them, as shown in the photo.

It is convenient to make holes with a cocktail straw.
Then we bake our cookies and let them cool completely.

Recipe sugar icing Quite simple - gradually grind 1 chicken protein thoroughly with 180-200 grams of powdered sugar.

There should be enough powder High Quality to avoid the formation of lumps.
The amount of sugar in the glaze is selected based on the convenience of painting with this glaze - it should not be too thick or too thin.
You can leave the glaze white and decorate the cookies she painted with colored ribbon - it will be very beautiful.
You can add a few drops to the glaze food coloring desired color and stir thoroughly.

Use icing to carefully outline the cookies and around the holes for the ribbons.

Then we cover the space inside the outline with icing.

Let the icing on the cookies dry sufficiently - at least 6 hours, preferably 1 day.
Using the dried glaze, you can make various patterns with glaze of a different color and let it dry for another 1 day.
While the glaze dries, we print on paper with a printer or write by hand our wishes, congratulations, and predictions.
The size of the pieces of paper should be close to the size of the cookies.
We roll up the leaves with the inscriptions into rolls and tie them with ribbons to the cookies with well-dried icing.

Options for decorating cookies with congratulations:

Funny snowmen made from eggs

Note: Because 2017 is the year of the Rooster, so you only need to take quail eggs. The result will be not snowmen, but snowmen! 🙂

hard-boiled eggs (chicken - 8-9 minutes of boiling when placing in cold water; quail - 5 minutes)
wooden skewers for shish kebab

We cut off the ends of the eggs to make them stable.

To make a snowman's hat, cut two carrot circles of different diameters. Cut a large circle from the thick end and a small circle from the thin end.
We cut a wooden skewer from one end to a length equal to the height of two eggs placed on top of each other. When cutting, make sure that there are no splinters on the cut.
Our prepared skewer has one sharp end and the other blunt end.
Using the sharp end of a skewer, make holes in the centers of the carrot circles.
Then insert the skewer into the circles with the blunt end, as shown in the photo.

Note: For quail eggs You can use wooden toothpicks.
We place two eggs on top of each other and vertically stick a skewer with a carrot hat into them on top.
The snowman is assembled.

All that remains is to decorate it with black peppercorns (these will be the snowman’s eyes and buttons on the stomach) and a wedge cut out of carrots to represent the nose.

Note: If the snowmen are intended for children, cut out the eyes and buttons from black olives or from the crust of black bread.
We insert the peppercorns and carrot nose into the recesses made in egg whites the sharp end of, say, a skewer.
Decorate the snowmen with parsley sprigs and serve.

"Love Heart" made from tomatoes

Plum tomatoes are suitable. Cut in half diagonally. Glue a cut-out shape from a white sheet onto the blunt part of a skewer or toothpick.

Cheese baskets

For cooking cheese baskets rub on fine grater 200 grams of hard cheese. Mix with a full tablespoon of corn or potato starch, add crushed garlic to taste.

As an option. You can only use grated cheese durum varieties without adding starch and garlic - this is to taste.

In a well-heated frying pan, lightly greased with vegetable oil, or in a dry frying pan with a non-stick coating, spread 2 tablespoons of the resulting mixture over the surface in the form of a pancake... the middle should be denser. As soon as one side has set, remove the pan from the heat, hold for a minute and remove from the pan, placing the pancake on an inverted cup, glass or any other vessel that you want to shape the product.
To prevent the cup from straightening out at the initial moment, you should grab the basket on the cup with a thin rubber band or press it with a napkin until it cools. Place the baskets in the refrigerator for a while...then fill with salad and serve.

"Christmas tree" made from beets

They will look beautiful and tasty on the table beet Christmas trees. Boil the beets, cut into even circles about 1 cm, but no thicker. You can make a cream layer as in the photo: 1) Mix cheese with lemon zest, chopped garlic and ground pepper. 2) Remove the avocado pulp with a spoon, add sour cream, ground pepper and mash thoroughly with a fork. Pipe the cream using a pastry bag. Garnish with fresh herbs.

As they say, how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it... Therefore, to create a soulful, warm, festive atmosphere you need to work hard! The rooms are cleaned, the decorations are hung, the aroma of tangerines, pine needles, fresh baked goods is in the air... Now you need to think about how to decorate the New Year's table.

I really want this magical holiday to be fun and memorable for my family for a long time! Every year, in anticipation of the festive feast, we look for new interesting recipes, trying to surprise our loved ones with something new, we come up with original ideas serving food and holiday decoration table.
We try to make your task easier in the pre-holiday bustle by selecting the most extraordinary ideas for decorating New Year's dishes!

How to decorate New Year's dishes

Boiled eggs give you plenty of room to use your creative skills! Black peppercorns serve as eyes and buttons for these snowmen, and they remain stable thanks to a wooden skewer.

Penguins from Antarctica will surely delight your little one! To prevent them from tipping over, cut off the bottom of the egg.

Well, where would we be without classic fly agarics in a forest clearing...

Original in New Year's style set the right mood.

Shape and filling - to your taste!

You can bake snack dumplings with garlic from yeast dough, placing them on a baking sheet in the shape of a Christmas tree. When serving, sprinkle the baked goods with fresh chopped herbs.

A New Year's wreath can show off not only on the door! Give your favorite salad a wreath shape.

Sliced ​​cheese in the shape of a wreath... As an option!

Merry canapes in the form ladybugs will help satisfy the children's voracious appetite before serving the main courses.

A new role for the classic and beloved “Squirrel” salad.

A mini snack, but rather an edible decoration on the table in the form of Christmas boots. For the correct cut, you will have to remember your geometry lessons :)

You can decorate the New Year's table with imagination by decorating chocolate cake or a themed pie.

It's time for desserts! Strawberries and cream have no competition, and if you approach the issue creatively, you get simply unforgettable masterpieces!

The little strawberry Santas are so cute!

New Year's style will not even pass by fruits.

Surely the cupcakes you bake will amaze everyone with their flavor shades! And thanks to their unique design, they will become real stars of the holiday party.


Powdered sugar icing

Ingredients: sugar, lemon juice

You can make a very simple and quick frosting using powdered sugar and lemon juice. I have described the cooking recipe in detail for you.


- 8-10 tbsp. Sahara,
- 3-4 tbsp. lemon juice.


Icing made from powdered sugar and water

Ingredients: water, lemon juice, powdered sugar

When housewives bake Easter cakes, the question immediately arises of what glaze to use and prepare. We offer you a simple version of glaze made with lemon juice.

Products for the recipe:
- water - 1 tbsp. l.,
- lemon juice - 1 tbsp.,
- powdered sugar - 150 g.


White chocolate frosting

Ingredients: White chocolate, milk, powdered sugar

It turns out very interesting and tasty chocolate glaze for Easter cake. But to appearance Easter baking was traditional, let's make white chocolate frosting. Believe me, this recipe deserves your attention, it is very successful!
- white chocolate - 100 g;
- pasteurized milk - 1 tbsp;
- powdered sugar - 85 gr.


Salad "Pig" for New Year 2019

Ingredients: ham, corn, boiled sausage, pickles, cheese, potatoes, carrots, mayonnaise, salt, olives

The symbol of 2019 is a pig, so dishes decorated in this style will look good on the festive New Year's table. Therefore, we suggest you prepare the “Pig” salad, which is very similar to a cute pig.
- ham - 200 gr;
- canned corn- 150 gr;
- boiled sausage - 100 g;
- pickled cucumbers - 150 gr;
- hard cheese- 80 gr;
- potatoes - 150 gr;
- carrots - 100 gr;
- mayonnaise - 150-200 g;
- olives for decoration;
- salt to taste.


Condensed milk mastic

Ingredients: condensed milk, powdered milk, powdered sugar

Mastic cake decorations simply transform any baked goods - they look so wonderful! But at the same time, it is important to make a mastic that is both tasty and harmless. We offer you just such a recipe for mastic from condensed milk - simple and very successful.

- powdered sugar - 2 tbsp;
- milk powder - 2 tbsp;
- condensed milk - 1.5 tbsp.


Custard glaze for Easter cake

Ingredients: eggs, water, flour, lemon juice, salt, sugar

Many housewives are looking for a recipe perfect glaze for Easter cake - so that it does not smear, but also does not crumble, it is tasty and beautiful. There is a solution to this problem - custard glaze. This is exactly what you need, believe me!

- eggs - 2 pcs;
- boiled water - 40 ml;
- wheat flour - 40 g;
- lemon juice - 2 tsp;
- salt - a pinch;
- sugar - 0.5 cups.


Glaze on gelatin that does not crumble

Ingredients: sugar, gelatin, water, lemon juice

Today I will tell you how to cook very delicious glaze, which does not crumble. This glaze is suitable for Easter cakes and other baked goods.


- sugar - 200 grams,
- gelatin - 1 tsp,
- water - 60 ml.,
- lemon juice - 1 tsp.


Salad "Gift"

Ingredients: potatoes, yolk, carrots, grapes, beets, green pea, chicken liver, mayonnaise

Layered salad "Gift" will undoubtedly become the main decoration at your festive feast, no matter what holiday you celebrate. Solemn registration of this delicious dish will definitely not go unnoticed by your guests!


- potatoes - 5 pcs.;
- 4 yolks (boiled);
- carrots - 2 pcs.;
- seedless grapes - 300 g;
- beets - 1 large;
- green peas - 100 gr.;
- chicken or beef liver- 300 g;
- a little mayonnaise.


Gingerbread house - photo recipe

Ingredients: powdered sugar, eggs, honey, sugar, margarine, cocoa, flour, baking powder, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg

There is very little time left before the long-awaited holiday - the New Year. And we hasten to offer you an idea for a dessert for the New Year or Christmas table. Namely, we suggest preparing Gingerbread house together with your children. There is nothing more wonderful than joint creative work. It develops children's skills and abilities, it unites people, it brings joy. So, to make such a gingerbread house you need the following products:
For the glaze:
- sugar or powder - 150 g,
- egg - 1 piece.

For the test:
- egg - 2 pcs,
- honey - 400 g,
- sugar - 400 gr,
- cocoa - 50 g,
- margarine - 300 gr,
- flour - 1000 gr,
- cinnamon - 1 teaspoon,
- baking powder - 2 teaspoons,
- nutmeg - a little,
- ginger - to taste.


New Year's salad "Bullfinch"

Ingredients: eggs, bell pepper, potatoes, boiled sausage, pickled mushrooms, olives

We decided to cook puff salad for the festive New Year's table? Decorate it in the form of a winter bird - a bullfinch. Your guests will be pleased with the treat.

For the recipe you will need:
- egg - 2 pcs.,
- Bell pepper- 1 PC.,
- boiled potatoes - 1 pc.,
- boiled sausage - 100 g,
- pickled mushrooms - 50 g,
- pitted olives - 1 jar.


Marshmallow mastic

Ingredients: marshmallows, starch, powdered sugar

To make the holiday bright and tasty, we prepare cakes and pastries according to the most different recipes. And today we bring to your attention a simple recipe for making marshmallow mastic for decorating homemade baked goods.

- marshmallows - 1 pc.,
- powdered sugar - 6 teaspoons,
- potato starch- 3 teaspoons.


Salad in the shape of a Dog for New Year 2018

Ingredients: beef, eggs, potatoes, onion, carrots, pitted prunes, cheese, parsley root, dill, mayonnaise, bay leaf, allspice, clove bud, salt

New Year 2018 is just around the corner, so it's time to think about snacks for New Year's menu. We offer a recipe for a very satisfying and delicious salad with meat in the shape of a dog - an original holiday dish.

- 500 g beef,
- 400 g potatoes,
- 150 g hard cheese,
- 5 chicken eggs,
- 1 onion,
- 1 carrot,
- 250 g pitted prunes,
- 2 buds of cloves,
- 5 peas of allspice,
- 5 cm parsley root,
- 2 sprigs of dill,
- 3 bay leaves,
- salt to taste,
- 160 g of mayonnaise.


Homemade candied ginger

Ingredients: ginger, water, sugar, powdered sugar, star anise

Candied ginger is used in baking, used to decorate dishes, and added to hot drinks: tea, coffee, mulled wine, milk. Candied ginger is excellent in fighting colds.


- water;
- sugar;
- ginger;
- several stars of star anise;
- powdered sugar - 2 tbsp.


Appetizer "Tangerines"

Ingredients: carrots, hard cheese, mayonnaise, peanuts, garlic, bay leaf, tangerine leaves

We continue to master recipes for delicious, colorful and easy-to-prepare holiday dishes. Next in line is a snack decorated in the shape of tangerines. The combination of a cheese center with a carrot top makes the snack harmonious and incredibly tasty.

- 1-2 boiled carrots,
- 100 g hard cheese,
- 3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise,
- 50 g roasted peanuts,
- 1 clove garlic,
- Bay leaf.


Salad "New Year's Candle"

Ingredients: chicken fillet, champignons, onions, salt, vegetable oil, potatoes, egg, mayonnaise, parsley, cheese, pomegranate, carrots, bell pepper, olive

The festive mood is created by the general atmosphere: decoration of the house and table. We suggest moving away from everyday stereotypes and preparing a snack in the form of a New Year's burning candle - symbolic, tasty, beautiful.

- 200 g chicken fillet,
- 2 potato tubers,
- 200 g champignons,
- 1 onion,
- 3 chicken eggs,
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil,
- 2 pinches of salt,
- 1 tbsp mayonnaise.

For decoration:
- hard cheese,
- pomegranate,
- olives,
- parsley,
- carrot,
- bell pepper.


Shortbread cookies "Hearts"

Ingredients: wheat flour, butter, sour cream, egg, powdered sugar, cinnamon, soda, red food coloring, lemon juice

How to express your feelings? And you will bake something delicious and beautiful cookies in the shape of hearts. Mom, sister and friend will be happy with such a gift. It's not difficult to prepare.

For the recipe you will need:
- 200 g flour;
- 3 tbsp. spoons of butter;
- 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream;
- one chicken yolk;
- 3 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar;
- cinnamon – half a teaspoon;
- soda - a pinch.

For the glaze:
- one chicken protein;
- 200 g of powdered sugar;
- red food coloring - 1 g;
- lemon juice – 4 g.
