Cherry juice: benefits and harms, calorie content, preparation at home. Cherry juice - calories, composition and beneficial properties

How to prepare cherry juice for the winter at home? Harvesting technology healthy drink associated with the ability to preserve taste and healing properties berries The canned product is used as a component for cocktails and smoothies.

Selection of cherries and methods of preparing juice

In some countries, sweet cherries are called sweet cherries. The fruits of these trees are distinguished by their aroma and taste qualities. Cherries have sweet and sour berries.

Growing trees and harvesting is seasonal, so to enjoy the cherry product all year round, you can preserve it. Before preparing fruits for a drink, you need to check their ripeness.

To prepare nectar, choose dark, sweet cherries. Useful product It is better to make it from large, ripe and whole berries. Their pulp contains more liquid.

Making cherry juice for the winter involves the use of different technologies. To prepare cherry juice using a sieve, you need to grind the fruits, peeled from stalks and seeds, with sugar.

Cherry juice is collected in a container placed under a sieve. Then the berries are ground, and the drink is boiled for several minutes, poured and sealed into prepared sterilized jars.

How to make cherry juice using a blender? To do this, just like in the first case, you need to sort out the fruits and grind them with a device until they have a homogeneous consistency. The resulting ingredient is diluted with water and boiled with the addition of sugar. The product is poured into sterilized jars.

Cherry juice You can prepare it at home without peeling the seeds. To do this, they are ground in a colander, and the remaining cake is poured cold water. After an hour, the liquid is filtered, combined with juice, boiled, sugar is added and poured into jars.

To prepare cherry juice in a juice cooker, you need to place washed cherries in the upper compartment and add sugar according to the recipe. Pour water into the lower compartment, heat it and cook for an hour. The resulting liquid is poured into the juicer compartment and passed through again to pasteurize the drink. After turning off the stove, the cherry juice in the juicer will be released into the collection for another 30 minutes. Preparing a drink using a juicer does not require sugar, which is important for people who limit its consumption in their diet.

How to make a drink using a juicer? For this method you will need a food processor. Sugar and, if desired, water are added to the concentrated syrup obtained and sealed in jars. A prepared drink for the winter, the preparation of which allows you to preserve the nutrients as much as possible, is suitable for consumption throughout the year.

The effect of cherry product on the body

Cherry juice, the benefits of which have been proven for prevention diabetes mellitus, contains substances that stimulate insulin production, but it is strictly contraindicated in the treatment of this disease.

Cherry juice is useful in the treatment of heart and joint diseases. Its use lowers cholesterol levels, improves sleep, and helps the body recover after exercise.

The product is a source of folic acid, this is the benefit of cherry juice for pregnant women. The most useful nectar helps cope with viral diseases.

The medicinal properties of a freshly prepared drink allow it to be used for prevention various diseases. Fresh cherry occupies a leading position among freshly squeezed drinks in juice therapy.

In addition to the benefits of the drink for the body, there are, however, a number of contraindications for its use. The product should be completely excluded from the diet when peptic ulcer, gastritis with high acidity, lung diseases.

Therefore, before using it in large quantities You must first consult your doctor and agree acceptable standards in the diet.

Use in cooking

The prepared canned product is used to prepare various drinks, among which non-alcoholic options occupy the main place. Recipes with cherry juice are rich in flavor and can be combined with other ingredients.

For example, for a cherry milkshake with cocoa the following components are used:

  • milk - 2 glasses;
  • cherry juice - 0.5 cups;
  • sugar and cocoa - 4 tsp each.

Whip the ingredients, cool and add seedless fruits. The preservative, which is prepared in jars, is used as an ingredient in cherry-banana smoothies. It contains bananas (400 g), cherries (400 g), sugar (1 tsp).

Sliced ​​bananas are crushed in a blender and added cherry berries, poured canned product. The ingredients are mixed until homogeneous mass, add sugar. The prepared dish is poured into glasses, decorated and served.

To prepare cherry eggnog, you need to combine 1 glass of juice, 2 eggs with 8 tbsp. l. honey and 1 glass of milk. Beat the ingredients in a blender. The pre-chilled drink is ready to drink.

Cherry juice is a tasty and healthy drink. It contains vitamins and microelements, anthocyanins, organic acids, etc. It helps reduce pain, relieves inflammation, and normalizes sleep. And these are not all valuable properties.

The drink contains fruit acids that stimulate the digestive system. It is used to treat gastritis with low acidity and diseases associated with bile stagnation.

Cherry juice - natural antibiotic, which helps to recover faster from dysentery and sore throat.

Thanks to high concentration vitamin P drink is used for the prevention and treatment of heart disease vascular diseases.

Composition and calorie content

100 ml of cherry juice contains 47 kcal - this is less than pineapple juice, which is known for its dietary properties.

Table 1. Calorie content of fruit juices

Cherry juice contains:

  1. Vitamin C stimulates the immune system and fights infections. 100 ml of juice contains 8% daily norm for a person.
  2. Vitamin A is an antioxidant, takes part in the formation of bone and muscle tissue, and strengthens vision.
  3. Vitamin E helps maintain youth and avoid the development of age-related diseases.
  4. Vitamin P is necessary for the functioning of the heart muscle and increases the elasticity of blood vessels.
  5. Folic acid prevents anemia, normalizes hemoglobin levels in the blood. Especially needed by pregnant women.
  6. Copper is beneficial for the nervous system and is effective in treating mental disorders.
  7. Iron maintains optimal blood composition and is used to prevent anemia.
  8. Magnesium is needed by the body for brain function.
  9. Potassium promotes heart health.
  10. Sodium regulates water-salt metabolism and ensures stable kidney function.
  11. Anthocyanins give cherry fruits and juice their bright red color. They strengthen the walls of capillaries, remove puffiness, protect the retina from dystrophic changes, and fight free radicals.

Beneficial features

Cherry juice when taken regularly:

  • slows down oxidative processes in the body;
  • used in dietary and therapeutic nutrition at various diseases– from cardiovascular to joint diseases;
  • promotes rapid recovery from mental and physical activity;
  • helps remove bad cholesterol;
  • helps older people maintain health and mental abilities.

For the heart and blood vessels

Quercetin in cherry juice helps reduce the content of “bad” cholesterol: when it is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, their lumen narrows, which leads to hypertension, spasm and blockage of blood vessels, the formation of blood clots, and atherosclerosis.

Blood circulation slows down, the volume of pumped blood decreases. All organs lack oxygen and nutrients. But first of all, the main “motor” of the body, the heart, suffers.

To avoid atherosclerosis and its consequences, cardiologists recommend including it in the diet on an ongoing basis.

Table 2. Leading products in terms of quercetin content

*According to

Against cancer

Substances that cause cancerous mutation of cells are found everywhere: in food, air, and objects that we use every day. It is impossible to completely protect yourself from their influence, but it is necessary to help the body cope with them.

Cherry juice is among the leaders in antioxidant content:

  • anthocyanins,
  • vitamins A and E,
  • limonene,
  • perillyl alcohol,

Prevention of diabetes

Cherry is a product with low glycemic index(GI = 22). Unlike many fruits and berries, its juice is useful for people with high blood sugar.

Anthocyanins in cherry juice stimulate insulin production by about 40%. This is confirmed by research by American chemists.

For brain function

Natural cherry juice calms the nerves, improves blood circulation, prevents cramps and muscle spasms.

Doctors recommend this drink to prevent or reduce the intensity of epileptic attacks, mental stress and impaired cerebral circulation.

Cherry juice improves memory and prevents senile dementia.

For insomnia

Regular use Cherry juice relieves insomnia. This is especially true for the elderly, who often suffer from sleep disorders.

The drink calms you down nervous system, simplifies the process of falling asleep. Moreover, a stable hypnotic effect appears after two weeks of daily use.

For anemia

Thanks to high content Iron drink stimulates the production of red blood cells saturated with hemoglobin.

More doctors Ancient Greece Cherry juice was recommended for women with heavy periods, during pregnancy and to recover from bleeding.

Coumarins in the drink reduce blood clotting, reducing the risk of blood clots.

Natural pain reliever

Cherry juice helps remove toxins and uric acid (the main cause of headaches and joint pain) and reduces vascular spasm.

Science has proven that regular consumption of this drink (every day for at least a week) reduces the intensity of muscle and chronic pain without taking painkillers.

For digestion

Organic acids (malic, citric, quinic, fumaric) and fiber stimulate work digestive tract, have choleretic properties, increase the acidity of gastric juice and the production of enzymes.

Cherry juice can be used for diseases of the gallbladder, intestines and stomach with normal and low acidity.

For urolithiasis

Helps remove excess salt and water, reduces swelling, reducing the load on the kidneys. Has an anti-inflammatory and mild diuretic effect.

For athletes

Cherry juice helps to recover from strenuous exercise and reduces muscle pain.

American scientists conducted experiments during scheduled training and sports competitions and proved: when daily use cherry juice, 95% of athletes noted a decrease or complete absence of muscle pain, and 90% recovered faster after extreme stress.

To prolong youth

Berry antioxidants effectively fight free radicals. A person's metabolism levels out, excellent health, the risk of developing joint diseases is reduced.

Fans home cosmetics Cherry juice is used to prepare anti-aging masks or light skin peeling.

For weight loss

Due to its low calorie content, cherry juice often appears in the diet of those losing weight:

  • stimulates insulin production;
  • promotes glucose absorption;
  • prevents the conversion of glucose into fat with subsequent storage in fat depots;
  • speeds up metabolism and calorie burning.

At the same time, cherry juice contains a minimum of fructose. But provided that it is natural, and not store-bought with added sugar.

Benefits for men and women

If we talk about gender benefits, the drink is equally beneficial for both women and men of any age.

  • In youth, it improves metabolic processes, maintains health and prevents diseases.
  • Helps older people fight age-related changes and allows them to remain active into old age.

Berry aphrodisiac

The drink improves blood circulation and stimulates libido. Those who drink it frequently usually do not experience problems in their sex life.

Even in the times of Ancient Greece, cherry juice was called a “drink of passion”, capable of stimulating sexual desire.

For women's health

During menstruation, a woman loses a lot of blood, and with it a lot nutrients and energy. Cherry juice:

  • replenishes iron deficiency in the body;
  • stimulates hemoglobin production;
  • helps to recover faster after bleeding;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • normalizes the blood formula;
  • gives vitality.

For prostatitis

Cherry juice contains natural antibacterial agents that reduce inflammation. In addition, with regular use, due to stimulation of blood circulation, the condition of the pelvic organs improves, congestion goes away, and with them the symptoms of prostatitis.

It is advisable for men over 35 years of age to include this drink in their diet so as to avoid developing prostatitis as they reach advanced age.

Contraindications and side effects

Cherry juice is contraindicated for pathologies:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis with excess production of hydrochloric acid;
  • chronic lung diseases;
  • digestive disorders;
  • individual intolerance, allergies.

Young children often develop rashes and other allergic reactions after eating foods with anthocyanins - red fruits and berries. Therefore, do not give cherry juice to children under 3 years old. The developing body is not yet ready for such stress.

Taking the drink with increased stomach acidity and peptic ulcers can be harmful to health and is fraught with side effects:

  • heartburn;
  • belching;
  • pain in the stomach, especially when consumed on an empty stomach.

At tendency to diarrhea and chronic colitis This juice, which stimulates digestion, is contraindicated: excessive secretion of acid and bile leads to laxative effect, increases gas formation and causes cramps in the intestines.

Caution should be exercised by people with liver diseases. Cherry juice increases the load on this organ, which can aggravate the disease.

At chronic lung diseases the drink can increase swelling and cough, so drinking it is not recommended.

Hypersensitivity to red fruits and berries is a logical reason to avoid drinking cherry juice, especially if we are talking about a child.

Which juice is better

Fresh and natural cherry juice prepared at home from fresh berries, healthier than store bought.

The juice from the box contains sugar and other sweeteners. It is prepared from dry concentrate or in best case scenario berry puree. What can we say about the safety of valuable nutrients - most of them are lost during the production and pasteurization process.

How to cook at home

  1. Rinse the berries thoroughly and remove the seeds.
  2. Place in an enamel or glass bowl. Metal utensils are not suitable as they will oxidize upon contact with juice.
  3. Press down with a weight and leave for a while.
  4. Periodically drain the juice that is released.

If the drink seems too concentrated, dilute it drinking water, but only immediately before use.

Preparation for the winter

Cherry juice can be prepared for future use. For this you will need a juicer.

  1. Chop the washed and pitted berries.
  2. Add 200 g of water for each kilogram of cherry puree.
  3. Boil for no more than 5 minutes and squeeze.
  4. Roll into glass jars.

Note! Some is lost during cooking useful substances. Therefore, there is an opportunity to drink fresh juice at least once a year - do not neglect it.

Admission rules

To prevent atherosclerosis and vascular diseases, a three-week course is required, which is repeated three times a year.

If the drink seems too sour, do not rush to add sugar: 1/2 tsp is better. honey

Cherry juice is drunk in pure form, as a last resort - in combination with other fruit juices. Not compatible with vegetable, watermelon and melon juices. Such proximity is fraught with bloating and other digestive problems.

Summer is a time when you can pamper your body with delicious and varied foods, strengthen your immune system with them, and restore your health.

A useful summer gift is cherries. The juice from this berry has a lot of beneficial properties, so we recommend picking cherries on your property or purchasing them in a store and preparing a refreshing summer drink at home.

The benefits of cherry juice.

Cherry juice is obtained by squeezing fresh berries. To get a truly healthy drink, it is better to prepare it yourself rather than purchase it in a store.

The benefits of cherry juice.

1. 100 g of cherry juice contains 51 kcal, so juice is not only allowed, but even recommended for diets.

2. The benefits of cherry juice are due to its chemical composition. It contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and acids that have positive influence to your health.

3. Cherry juice has analgesic and antispasmodic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, it is useful to drink it for colds and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Freshly squeezed cherry juice acts as an expectorant.

4. Cherry juice has a calming effect, which can be used for anxiety and stress, nervous tension, and insomnia. In addition, juice improves memory and attention. The juice is indicated for nervous diseases and epilepsy.

5. The bactericidal properties of the drink help fight pathogenic bacteria.

6. The antioxidant effect of drinking juice is manifested in prolonging youth, maintaining health, and reducing the risk of cancer. Cherry juice is able to remove toxins and waste.

7. Cherry juice helps improve metabolic processes in the body, increases appetite, and normalizes digestion.

8. Drinking cherry juice has a positive effect on health of cardio-vascular system. It strengthens the vascular walls and makes them more elastic. Therefore, cherry juice is indicated for atherosclerosis and blood pressure problems.

9. The juice improves the condition of the blood, increases its coagulability and hemoglobin levels.

10. Cherry juice is useful to drink after physical activity and illness, as it helps to recover quickly. After a sports workout, it is recommended to drink a glass of cherry juice.

11. Cherry juice helps improve the condition of the skin and hair. Regular consumption of cherry juice refreshes the skin, gives it a pink tint, increases elasticity, and relieves inflammation. In addition, cherry juice helps get rid of spider veins.

How to make cherry juice.
To prepare cherry juice at home, you do not need any special knowledge or skills. For 300 g you need about a glass clean water. For juice, you need to choose sweeter and ripe cherries so that you don’t have to add sugar. Before preparing juice, cherries must be washed and the stems and seeds removed. The berries are placed in a juicer and the juice is squeezed out. In received concentrated juice add half a glass of water. Add half a glass of water to the remaining puree and pass it through the juicer again.

It is better to prepare the juice immediately before use. In addition, cherry juice can be frozen to be consumed during the cold season.

Harm of cherry juice.
It is better not to drink cherry juice for people with the following diseases:

  • individual intolerance to cherries or allergies to red berries;
    chronic lung diseases;
  • peptic ulcer or gastritis with high acidity, colitis, frequent diarrhea or acute dysentery;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity.

Cherry juice should not be combined with melon and watermelon juice.

Cherry juice is a concentrated berry drink. The product has gained popularity in almost all important areas of life - cooking, cosmetology, medicine. Humanity adds the juice to its favorite dishes, smears it on the face and drinks it to cure colds, anemia or strengthen the immune system.

What do you need to know about the product, how to prepare juice at home and how it can be useful to the human body?

General characteristics of the product

Cherry juice is considered one of the healthiest berry drinks. It tastes good, quickly quenches thirst, stimulates appetite, enriches the body with nutrients and improves its functioning. Cherry juice is even used in traditional medicine. For example, when preparing a diet for patients with anemia (anemia), experts advise introducing a concentrated berry drink.

Cherry juice is used not only as an independent drink. Based on it they prepare thick sauces and marinades for meat/fish dishes, alcoholic/non-alcoholic cocktails, impregnations/creams for cakes and others confectionery, jellies, preserves, jams, berry soufflé, vegan ice cream. The list can be continued endlessly, based on the culinary skills and imagination of the chef.

Always use fresh juice, regardless of the purpose or nature of the dish. If you have the opportunity to squeeze the juice yourself a few hours before cooking, take advantage of it. It is best to avoid industrial drinks, since they also contain a lot of preservatives that will definitely not make you healthier or make the dish better quality.

Chemical composition of canned cherry juice

Useful properties of the product

Contains coumarin. This is a specific substance that lowers the blood clotting threshold and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques on the vascular walls. Moreover, cherry juice strengthens the entire circulatory system body and protects it from possible disruptions.

The berry has an antioxidant and antimicrobial effect. Therefore, cherry important element traditional medicine. It was used for colds, stomach upsets and even the slightest ailment.

Scientists conducted an experiment in which they studied the effect of cherry juice on dysentery and E. coli. The juice was found to completely kill bacteria in less than an hour. How does this happen? The berry is rich in anticyantides. These are natural antiseptics that protect the body and neutralize pathogenic microflora. The result of the research was stunning, since not everyone natural product can boast of such efficiency.

Internal defense of the body

All red fruits and vegetables contain 2 main pigments - anthocyanin and lycopene. They are the ones responsible for the bright saturated color products, but this is not the only function of pigments. Anthocyanin has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves visual acuity, prevents the development of diabetes and the gain of extra pounds.

Lycopene is a powerful substance that prevents cholesterol from oxidizing, which regulates its concentration in the blood. The antioxidant slows down the development of atherosclerosis, prevents the formation of cancer cells, improves heart/vascular function and additionally protects the system from diseases. Another important property of lycopene is protecting the body from free radicals. The constant presence of cherry juice in your diet will actually help prolong your youth - neutralizing free radicals will keep your skin firm, clean and radiant.

Fruit juice is part of the training process

Cherry juice is recommended to drink after workouts and any physical activity. The product is able to prevent sore throat and general physical fatigue. Juice brings the two together important properties, which the body needs during the recovery period - an impressive set of nutrients and liquid consistency. Liquid food requires minimal energy expenditure for absorption. The body, which is already tired from training and has lost enough energy reserves, will be grateful to you for choosing cherry juice rather than, for example, dumplings.

We're talking about eating immediately after a workout, when sweat is still dripping from your forehead and your muscles are in full combat readiness.

It has been proven that fruit juice neutralizes internal inflammatory processes and prevents not always pleasant muscle pain.

Possible harm and contraindications for use

You should avoid cherry juice if:

  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • chronic diseases of the lungs, pulmonary tract or gastrointestinal tract;
  • colitis.

The ban applies to both natural organic juices and packaged or canned ones.

It is best to drink freshly squeezed juice, prepared by hand. In the cold season, you can use frozen berries. The nutrients in frozen foods are preserved in full, so there is no need to worry about the benefits of the drink. If you don’t have the opportunity to prepare freshly squeezed juice, look carefully at your nearest supermarket. It's best to choose natural drinks in glass, but the most important part of finding the perfect juice is checking the ingredients. It should not contain preservatives, flavor enhancers, E-additives, dyes and other substances that do not benefit your body.

Avoid drinks with sugar or artificial sweeteners - they cause illness, addiction and are deposited on the sides in the form of unsightly bumps.

What you need to know about pesticides

Every year, global environmental organizations release a list food products which are least and most exposed to pesticides. These are substances that are intended to kill harmful weeds, insects or regulate plant growth. Previously, pesticides were officially called “toxic chemicals.”

Pesticides do not have an immediate effect and do not cause a person to vomit/pain/sickness after drinking a glass of cherry juice. The substance gradually accumulates in the body and systematically suppresses the immune system. Exposure to toxic chemicals will begin with dull skin and hair color and end with cancer or genetic mutations. The presence/absence of pesticides is determined in washed and peeled fruits. Cherry was in 7th place in the ranking of the dirtiest foods.

Do you really have to give up cherries completely? No. Benefit fruit juice exceeds the possible risks, so there is no need to completely abandon berries. Buy organic cherries whenever possible, find your own responsible source, or grow your own cherries in your own garden.

Use in cosmetology

Cherry juice is used not only in professional skincare cosmetics lines. The component can become the highlight of your home spa, replacing your favorite floral/thermal water and an aggressive anti-inflammatory agent. For care, it is recommended to use concentrated berry juice with organic composition. It is best to prepare it yourself a few minutes before cosmetic procedure. Soak a cotton swab in a saturated liquid and apply to a clean dry face. The result is cleansed, toned skin, neutralization of inflammation, even tone without redness or blemishes.

Cherry juice is a strong allergen. Be sure to test the product before applying it all over your face or scalp. How to do it? Apply a drop of liquid behind the ear and on the neck, wait 24 hours. If during this time the skin does not react in any way (does not turn red/inflamed/starts to itch or hurt), then feel free to apply the juice to your face. If a reaction occurs, contact a dermatologist to find out the reasons and choose individual care.

Berry juice can be applied not only to the face, but also to the hair. The substance can be combined with oils and other organic products. Rub the herbal mixture into the scalp, apply to the entire length, then thoroughly wash the curls with inorganic shampoo. The result is moisturizing the scalp, neutralizing dandruff, and activating the growth of hair follicles.

How to make homemade berry juice

Below is a method of making juice using a juicer. If you don’t have such a device in your kitchen arsenal, you’ll have to buy a drink in the supermarket or literally work with your hands. The berries can be collected in several layers of gauze/passed through a sieve and squeezed out the juice yourself. This method requires large quantity strength, patience and time.

For home berry juice we will need minimum set ingredients - 200 milliliters of filtered water and 300 grams of fresh or frozen cherries. Ripe juicy berries, which contain a lot, are ideal. The drink will be sweet and rich without adding sugar or other sweeteners. Wash the fruits thoroughly and inspect them for damage. Rotten berries with an uneven surface will have to be disposed of.

First, remove the seeds and stalks. If problems are unlikely to arise with the stalks, then carefully removing the seeds without damaging the pulp is much more difficult. Find suitable way You can remove pits on the Internet. Some craftsmen suggest simply cutting the cherry in half, others put the berry on the neck glass bottle and with a precise movement, remove the bone using a toothpick. Perhaps on one of the sites you will find an advertisement for a special device for removing stones and think about buying a device. This way you will save your own time and help targeted advertising pay off.

Familiarize yourself with the juicer and follow the instructions for preparing fresh juice. Mix the finished liquid with 100 milliliters of water, mix thoroughly and pour into the desired container. The juicer will leave cherry pulp, which can also be used in desserts or passed through the mechanism again to get maximum juice. Before running the juicer again, add the remaining 100 milliliters of water to the puree. One part of the cherry juice can be drunk/cooked into a dish, and the other can be frozen for the winter.

Greetings, friends! The benefits of juices are talked about everywhere. Apple, carrot, orange, peach have won popular love. But I want to talk about cherry juice, the benefits and harms of which were known to our ancestors. Not everyone likes the juicy red berry; I can’t eat it because it’s too sour taste. I came across an article about the beneficial properties of cherry juice and want to share my discoveries with you.

Few people know that the drink thanks to its unique qualities can replace 20 servings of any other vegetable or fruit juice. In hot weather, it perfectly quenches thirst, I was convinced of this from my own experience. You can drink a liter of water and not get drunk, while a glass of cherry “nectar,” I’m not afraid of this word, helps get rid of “drought” in the body.

Why is this berry product so good?

I was quite surprised when I learned that in the old days they gave it to soldiers after a battle, since the drink restores strength well. Cherry juice is useful for children and the elderly, as well as people weakened after illness. I think that the strengthening of the body occurs due to a large amount of vitamins - group B, carotene, ascorbic acid, vitamin PP, folic acid. Microelements were found in its composition - magnesium, calcium, iron, aluminum, phosphorus, etc.

The juice also contains tannins, fiber and pectins. It is known that pectins are removed from the body harmful products, and normalize the composition of intestinal microflora. Pectins are used to make medicines that are intended to detoxify the body. I also advise you to read about, and.

However, the secret of the drink lies not only in vitamin composition. Inulin was found in it. I wondered what it was? I want to warn you right away that inulin has nothing in common with insulin, they are completely different substances. Inulin normalizes metabolic processes and helps prevent diabetes. The substance stimulates work immune system, helps absorb calcium and thereby strengthens bones. Inulin also has a good effect on liver function.

I advise drinking cherry juice to all those who are just starting to train or are already actively involved in sports. Fresh juice, drunk half an hour before the start of classes, gives strength and prevents muscle pain, which often accompanies athletes.

The results of the experiment have been published. The first group of marathon runners was given juice before and after the race, while others did not receive such a healthy drink. It turned out that the athletes from the first group recovered their strength much faster and after a few hours they said that they were able to run further.

Drinking the drink daily will help without any diet. However, you still shouldn’t drink liters of it: it contains sufficient quantity sugars Abuse will have the opposite effect. It may happen that instead of losing weight, you gain excess weight.

Attention! I give useful information for men. Fresh Juice Cherries are a wonderful aphrodisiac, so I advise you to give them to your beloved woman before the “night of love.” Fresh juice also has a positive effect on sexual activity and helps prevent prostatitis.

After reading all the information about the benefits of the drink, I advised my parents to drink it, especially since doctors advise it.

The drink normalizes fat metabolism. As you know, the amount of “bad” cholesterol increases with age. So, fresh cherry helps remove excess cholesterol and improve fat metabolism.

It has a rejuvenating effect on the body due to the presence of antioxidants - substances that neutralize free radicals and inhibit aging.

Vitamin-like P-type compounds found in the product strengthen the walls of blood vessels and help prevent the appearance of pinpoint hemorrhages and spider veins on the legs. These compounds are also called bioflavonoids.

But the most important thing is that a glass of bright red drink a day helps get rid of heart disease, hypertension, and prevents heart attack and stroke. The basis of these diseases is the formation of blood clots that clog blood vessels, nourishing the heart muscle and brain. So, cherry juice improves blood clotting processes and stops thrombus formation.

Fresh cherry also has medicinal properties for joint pathology. Arthritis, arthrosis, gout are quite common diseases, and their number is constantly growing. Just one glass a day relieves pain and inflammation in the joints.

Diabetes, arthrosis, hypertension, thrombosis in modern world are frequent companions of older people. Cherry juice is used as a prophylactic against these ailments. Because of its qualities, it is recommended for people over 40 years of age.

If a new addition is expected to the family, cherry “nectar” will help undoubted benefit. One glass of juice helps prevent the development of congenital pathologies in the baby. In addition, fresh cherry contains, which increases hemoglobin and increases the production of red blood cells. Such qualities are especially important for women in pregnancy to prevent anemia.

Cherry juice and gastritis

My friend used to complain of discomfort in his stomach after eating, heaviness, and he often had intestinal upset. I went for an examination and found out the diagnosis was gastritis with low acidity. The doctor said that treating the disease is quite difficult, it is better to immediately resort to replacement therapy. That is, you should drink hydrochloric acid or gastric juice sold in a pharmacy.

I recommended fresh cherry as a stimulant for the secretion of glands located in the stomach. Incredibly, his digestion became much better. The disturbing symptoms have gone away, now he drinks it every day and recommends it to his friends.

How to prepare a healthy drink?

I'll say right away, much more benefit will bring juice made at home. We prepare it as follows. First, squeeze out the seeds (for this, they sell in stores special tool), pass the berries through a juicer.

However, you still shouldn’t drink the juice in its pure form, so I recommend diluting it boiled water. To avoid adding sugar, take sweet cherries. You should not dilute the drink with other juices; it is better to drink it separately and before meals.


You should not use the product if you have diabetes, stomach ulcers or gastritis with high acidity. It is also contraindicated in obesity and chronic lung diseases.

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Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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