What can be prepared from white radish? For a salad with white radish you need it. Radish and pumpkin salad - a time-tested recipe

Radish is truly a unique vegetable. In the old days, no one could do without it. festive feast. Today spicy vegetable it is used extremely rarely, since many people have the opinion that it is an absolutely useless and poorly combined product. But this statement is completely wrong!

IN pure form Radish is not eaten, as it has a sharp and pungent smell and taste, which can be smoothed out by adding other ingredients to the dish. Radish goes well with meat, fish, poultry, nuts, vegetables, herbs, fruits (except melon), berries, grains and legumes. It follows that the vegetable is ideal for preparing snacks and salads.

Options for combining radishes in salads
To prepare salads, use fresh radish that has not been heat treated. It can be grated or cut into slices. In both forms she will reveal her beneficial features and will give salads an unusually attractive taste, especially if you season the dish with a spoon of honey, sour cream, natural yogurt or vegetable oil. There are quite a few recipes for radish salads, and everyone will find the most suitable option for themselves.

Examples of harmonious combinations of radish in salads:
*green radish, radishes, ground black pepper and honey;
*white radish, pumpkin, carrots, parsley, dill, salt and sour cream;
*green radish, boiled chicken breast, onions, parsley, dill, salt and vegetable oil;
*white radish, cottage cheese, walnuts, cranberries, sugar, sour cream or natural yogurt;
*black radish, boiled potatoes, pickle hard-boiled boiled eggs, fresh herbs, black ground pepper, salt and homemade mayonnaise;
*white radish, cucumbers, carrots, fresh herbs, salt and sour cream;
*white radish, pickled mushrooms, onions, parsley, dill, salt and vegetable oil.

Selection of radishes for salad
Currently, on the shelves of shops and markets you can find three types of radish - black, green and white. The first is actively used in folk medicine, the other two are in cooking. White radish(or daikon) has a milder taste and a less pungent odor. Black radish is very hot and is not suitable for every salad, but it is the healthiest of all available types.

When choosing a radish, the first thing you should pay attention to is appearance, or rather, color, shape and presence of damage. The surface of root vegetables should be smooth, without cracks. The optimal length is 5-7 cm. At home, you need to evaluate the cut of the radish and its taste. If the vegetable tastes too bitter, it should be doused with boiling water. It is not recommended to purchase radishes that are too large and wrinkled; this is far from the best option for salads and other dishes.

Unfortunately, not everyone can benefit from eating radish salads for health reasons. They are contraindicated for ulcers and gastritis, as well as for diseases of the cardiovascular system, pancreas, liver and kidneys. Radish salads are not recommended for people suffering from gout and pregnant women.

What is radish? From somewhere in childhood, memories of juicy, crunchy, slightly bitter fruits emerge. Childhood is left behind, and now, in addition to taste, we are interested in the vitamin composition, the widest variety of varieties, and the benefits that radish brings to our body. Not so long ago, radish was very popular, but now for some reason it has lost its former position, although its beneficial properties remain the same. We decided to remind why this root vegetable is so valuable and offer housewives several recipes on how to prepare radish dishes.

When we enter almost any grocery store, we immediately see several names of goods with the word “radish” written on the price tag. Which one should you buy? Which one will be the healthiest, which one will be the most delicious, and which one is better to add to a salad? To answer this question, you need to understand the varieties and understand how they differ from each other. Let's look at the three most popular varieties.

Black winter radish

Black radish is the most bitter, the one whose taste is familiar to everyone since childhood. If it's bitter, why eat it? It's all about mineral salts. Radish contains sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and iodine. Agree, with this composition, black radish is simply a record holder among other vegetables. Experts say that with its help you can completely compensate for the body's need for potassium.

Radish contains a lot of essential oils and organic acids. Of course, the radish itself can be called excellent dietary product, however essential oils are capable of awakening a simply brutal appetite, in addition, thanks to them, the secretion of digestive juices increases. I hope you don’t immediately change your mind about buying radishes, because they also contain a whole list of vitamins. See for yourself, it contains carotene, B1, B2, PP, pantothenic acid, B6, C. And even that’s not all. Black radish - the real one natural antibiotic, it contains active bactericidal substances that affect viruses and bacteria.

Margelan radish, green

We are talking about the popular Lately green radish. She achieved universal recognition thanks to more mild taste, almost complete absence of bitterness and specific aroma. This incredibly juicy root vegetable undoubtedly wins over black radish in the battle of taste qualities. But, acquiring best taste, we are losing part healing properties. However, in any case, green radish can be called an excellent alternative for those who cannot eat traditional black due to the abundance of mustard oils.

Margelan radish was brought to us from Asia, but was liked by many Russians. Its juicy, sweetish, soft green pulp is often used in dishes Uzbek cuisine, served with rice and fresh lagman. Mild in taste and at the same time possessing a pleasant pungency, radish is becoming a favorite ingredient in many vitamin-rich salads. Moreover, thanks to its tart taste Margelan radish without any spices will add a special piquancy to any dish.

Daikon or Japanese radish

Daikon appeared on the shelves of our stores quite recently. Looking at it, it is quite difficult to imagine that it is the closest relative of black and green radishes. The taste of this incredibly juicy root vegetable is very soft and delicate. At the same time, the vegetable has all the beneficial qualities inherent in black radish. In daikon you can find a whole warehouse of vitamins and useful substances, so it is rich in proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins B1, B2, PP, C, calcium salts, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and iron. The list of its beneficial properties is crowned by the confidence of Japanese scientists that daikon roots are capable of removing heavy metals and radionuclides from the human body.

Daikon is enough unusual vegetable, what is it worth just for his ability to change his taste! His taste qualities vary depending on the part of the root vegetable, so the closer to the roots, the spicier, and towards the middle, the sweeter. During growth, daikon practically does not absorb substances harmful to health, so it can be consumed in the most various types- raw, boiled, fried, dried, pickled, salted and stewed. However, a significant difference between daikon and other varieties of radish is the fact that during the cooking process, daikon absorbs the smell of other products, so if you want to enjoy it pure taste, cook the daikon separately.

Now, knowing the varieties of radish, it's time to prepare radish dishes. Since black radish is the healthiest, let's start with it. Spicy lovers will certainly enjoy the “Korean-Style Radish” radish dish, men will appreciate the “Chinese Emperor” salad, and seafood lovers will not ignore the “Radish with Squid”.

Radish in Korean

500 grams of black radish,
1 onion,
2 cloves of garlic,
vegetable oil,
black pepper,
red hot pepper,
Bay leaf,
table vinegar,


Grind black, allspice, red hot pepper, cloves, cinnamon and bay leaf in a coffee grinder. Wash the radish thoroughly, peel and cut into very thin strips, add salt and leave for a couple of hours. Then squeeze out the released juice. Peel the onion and cut it into very thin, almost transparent strips. Pass the garlic through a press and mix with a small amount oils Add spices, garlic, mashed with oil and vinegar to the radish. Leave for 15-20 minutes. At this time, heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and cool slightly, then pour it over the radish.

Salad "Chinese Emperor"

350 grams of sweet pepper,
300 grams of cucumbers,
300 grams of black radish,
250 g carrots,
200 g boiled chicken fillet,
soy sauce.

Boiled chicken fillet cut into pieces. Grate the cucumber, peeled black radish and carrots on a medium grater. Peel the sweet pepper from seeds and cut into thin strips. Finely chop the garlic or pass it through a press, add a little to the garlic soy sauce and water, stir. Place chicken fillet in the center on a flat dish, and vegetables around it, pour over everything garlic soy sauce. This salad is mixed after serving.

Radish with squid

150-200 g squid,
1-2 black radishes,
1-2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
1-2 tbsp. vinegar,

Boil the squid and cut them into thin strips. Peel the radish and also cut into thin strips. Stir the squid and radish, add oil, salt and vinegar, stir again and sprinkle with parsley.

Green radish can be used to make cold soup“Tyurya”, previously considered the food of the poor, is, however, rich in vitamins. Although the barbecue season has come to an end, many will enjoy the “Cold” salad, which goes perfectly with meat dishes, well, lovers of the East will not pass by the “Eastern Snacks”.


4-5 pieces of boiled potatoes,
2 pieces of Margelan green radish,
300 grams of any lean meat,
4 pieces boiled chicken eggs,
5 small fresh cucumbers,
1 liter of kefir,
fresh greens,

Peel the radishes and cucumbers and grate them on a coarse grater. Peel the potatoes and eggs and cut into small cubes. Finely chop the greens. Boil the meat and cut into small pieces. Mix all ingredients, salt, pepper and pour kefir. Place in the refrigerator for 1 hour, after which you can start eating.

Salad "Cold"

500 g Margelan radish,
200 gr bell pepper,
½ pomegranate
sour cream or mayonnaise.

Grate the radish on a coarse grater, remove seeds from the pepper and cut into thin strips. Sprinkle halves of pomegranate seeds over everything, mix and season with sour cream or mayonnaise.

"Oriental snack"

2 pieces of Margelan radish,
2 carrots,
½ cup chopped walnuts or sesame seeds,
3-4 clove of garlic,
½ lemon.

Grate the radish and carrots. Finely chop the garlic or pass it through a press. Mix radishes, carrots and garlic, pour in the juice from half a lemon, sprinkle with walnuts or sesame seeds and leave for a while to let the appetizer steep.

Finally, the turn came to daikon - an exotic vegetable, which means the dishes will not be easy. If you like bold combinations, be sure to try the salad of tangerines, shrimp and daikon. Don't like salads? Japanese radish can be stewed with sour cream. Do you think you have nothing to surprise your guests with? Serve them some daikon steak!

Tangerine, shrimp and daikon salad


6 pcs tangerines,
150 grams of shrimp,
1 apple,
100 g daikon,
4 tbsp. mayonnaise,
½ lemon
salad greens,

Boil the shrimp in salted water with vinegar, then peel. Peel the tangerines. Squeeze the juice from 2 tangerines and mix it with mayonnaise. Divide the remaining tangerines into slices and peel them from the film. Peel the apple and cut into slices. Finely chop the daikon. Place lettuce, tangerines, shrimp, apple and daikon on the bottom of the dish. Mix everything carefully. Pour the salad with mayonnaise and tangerine juice sauce and garnish with lemon slices.

Stewed daikon in sour cream


vegetable oil,

Wash the carrots and daikon and grate on a coarse grater. Peel the onion and chop finely. Broccoli and cauliflower rinse and disassemble into inflorescences. Sauté the vegetables in vegetable oil for some time, then place them in a thick-walled pan, pour in sour cream, sprinkle with grated cheese, salt, add spices to taste and simmer for 5-10 minutes.

Daikon steak

soy sauce,
olive oil,
80 g basil,
80 g parsley,
a handful of pine nuts,
juice of 1/3 lemon.

Cut the daikon into slices 1-1.5 cm thick. Boil it in a small saucepan for 4-5 minutes, add soy sauce. Heat olive oil in a frying pan, fry finely chopped garlic, then add daikon and fry it on both sides until crust appears. Add a little soy sauce to the daikon and leave to simmer for 3-4 minutes. Prepare the sauce by grinding the nuts in a blender, adding basil, parsley, olive oil, lemon juice, soy sauce and 2 tablespoons of filtered water. Season the daikon with the resulting sauce and serve.

Looking at these recipes, it becomes unclear why radish has lost its popularity. Just imagine how it can diversify our traditional dishes, and if we also remember the benefits that we get from radishes during a winter stingy with vitamins, then the decision to cook something from it will come naturally. Surprise your loved ones unusual tastes, new recipes and unexpected dishes on the tables!

Alena Karamzina

Due to its taste, black radish cannot be included in the list of leaders among varieties of this vegetable, and in terms of the number of vitamins, the root vegetable is inferior to many. But still, such radish is beneficial for the body due to the ideal balance of vitamins that are present in the composition. Black radish salad is very easy to prepare; it will add daily menu diversity.

Useful properties of the product

People eat many vegetables medicinal purposes. Not only radish fruits, but also its foliage and juice will be beneficial for the body. It contains microelements that are necessary for humans. Among them are magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium. Vitamin composition inferior to some vegetables, but without important elements It didn’t work out - it’s carotene, retinol and vitamin K. Among useful qualities black fruit can be distinguished as follows:

But black radish recipes are not suitable for everyone. Anyone medicine natural origin there are contraindications and dangerous properties. This vegetable is no exception, so You should not cook with it in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy, the juice tones the uterus, and this is a great threat to bearing a child;
  • You should not eat radish if you have stomach or kidney diseases;
  • Contraindicated for permanent heart disease.

If there are no contraindications to the use of black radish, salad recipes can diversify your usual diet and saturate the body with useful substances.

Cooking with carrots

This root vegetable is often added to salads, combining its bitter flavor with many ingredients. You can make it simple, but tasty option with carrots, which neutralizes bitterness, reveals and softens the taste of the main component. And if you add a spicy root vegetable to meat salads, then they acquire a special piquancy. Typically, salads with grated carrots are seasoned with sour cream or mayonnaise, for dietary options take vegetable or olive oil. Cooking black radish implies the presence of the following set of products:

  • three radishes;
  • carrot;
  • two eggs;
  • onion;
  • mayonnaise, sugar, salt.

Root vegetables, carrots and onions are washed and peeled. The eggs are boiled in advance. Separately, grate carrots and radishes and leave to infuse for half an hour. Then the bitter juice released from the radish is drained. Grated vegetables are mixed together and salted to taste. Cut the onion and eggs into cubes and add to the vegetable mixture. Season with mayonnaise and sugar. Before serving, it is recommended to let the salad soak for at least fifteen minutes. It is better not to cook with a reserve - even in the refrigerator the dish will “flow” from the abundance of vegetable juice released.

Meat options

If you want to use more hearty option, then you should move away from Lenten version. Why not make a salad with radish meat, the recipe for which is also very simple. To prepare such a snack, you can take your favorite meat: pork, beef, chicken. Wherein required minimum set products:

  • a piece of any meat;
  • one radish;
  • carrot, onion;
  • sour cream, salt.

The vegetables are washed and peeled, the meat is boiled in salted water until tender, cooled and separated into fibers. The root vegetable is rubbed onto fine grater. Soaking in water for twenty minutes will help rid the product of excess bitterness. The onion is peeled, chopped into smaller pieces and fried until transparent, the carrot is grated and also lightly fried. All salad components are mixed together, salted and seasoned with sour cream. You can serve it immediately.

For your beloved husband, you can prepare a hearty version with chicken for dinner. The dressing is not the usual mayonnaise, but butter, so the salad turns out to be nourishing, but easily digestible and healthy. Prepared from the following set of products:

  • chicken breast;
  • radish;
  • bulb;
  • three sprigs of fresh herbs;
  • two spoons olive oil;
  • ground pepper, salt.

The meat is boiled until tender and separated into thin fibers. The root vegetable is peeled and washed, then grated on a grater with large holes. Then they salt and squeeze out the bitter juice. The onion needs to be lightly fried in oil. Mix everything together and season with a mixture of olive oil, herbs, pepper and salt. You can use all-purpose salty seasonings with vegetables.

Dessert combination with apples

In this dish, the taste of black radish will show itself differently. Salad recipes often involve a combination of vegetables and fruits. The apple is an element whose taste directly depends on the variety. You can prepare sour snacks by adding green fruits, or make sweeter options with red varieties. Ingredients for this dish you will need:

  • each radish and apple;
  • sour cream;
  • greenery.

Vegetables and fruits are washed, peeled and seeds removed. Both components are grated separately, and the bitter juice is squeezed out of the radish. Only after this can you mix it with apple and sour cream. Greens are added to taste. It can be just a decoration or also one of the main ingredients.

You can prepare something more interesting apple version with pumpkin. For this you only need one radish, two sweet and sour apple And raw pumpkin. For dressing, use equal amounts of sour cream and honey. You may also need walnuts for decoration. The main components can be grated or cut into strips - whichever you prefer. At the end, you must not forget to flavor them with honey and sour cream dressing and sprinkle chopped nuts on top. In this recipe, pumpkin is used in its raw form, because this way it retains all its beneficial properties. But it’s better to take sweet varieties.

With added potatoes

Any salad becomes very satisfying with potatoes, and radish is no exception. Prepares very quickly from available ingredients:

  • five potatoes;
  • radish;
  • two pickled cucumbers;
  • two eggs;
  • mayonnaise, spices, salt.

Potatoes and eggs are boiled in advance, cooled, peeled and cut. Radishes and cucumbers are cut in a similar way. All that remains is to season the resulting dish with mayonnaise and spices to taste. Boiled potatoes harmonize perfectly with the main component, filling the appetizer with additional satiety. It can be a quick lunch snack.

Dietary curd option

This salad can be included in children's menu, because cottage cheese is very beneficial for the body. It turns out tasty and a little spicy combination of the following products:

  • radish;
  • half a pack of cottage cheese;
  • two walnuts;
  • two spoons of sour cream;
  • sugar, salt.

The preparation process is extremely simple: grated root vegetables are mixed with sour cream and cottage cheese. Season with crushed nuts, sugar and salt. Serve to the table immediately so that main product I didn’t have time to extract much juice.

Puffed with Chinese cabbage

The name of the salad is quite justified. To make sure of this, you need to prepare it from the following products:

  • two radishes;
  • Chinese cabbage;
  • two carrots;
  • salt, ground pepper;
  • equal amount lemon juice and olive oil (this dressing can be replaced with a mixture of sour cream and yogurt).

The cabbage is cut into thin strips, and the carrots and radishes are grated. The mixture of vegetables is seasoned and mixed, placed in portions using culinary ring. The cooking process is simple, and the result is juicy and tender. Many housewives supplement the salad with ground cinnamon,

Spicy with garlic and cheese

The salad is a snack - suitable for any wine festive table. The familiar combination of products gives the snack rich taste. Prepared from a set of products:

  • large black fruit;
  • a piece of hard cheese;
  • several cloves of garlic;
  • mayonnaise, parsley, dill.

Vegetables are peeled and rinsed clean water, grate. Hard cheese crushed in the same way. The garlic is peeled and passed through a press. All products are combined together, seasoned with mayonnaise and mixed. Let it sit for about five minutes before serving - no more. Serve garnished with whole sprigs of parsley and dill.

Sea with squid

Many people like seafood salads. And radish, even in combination with seafood, will turn out incomparable! You don't need many ingredients:

  • two root vegetables weighing 200 g each;
  • two squid carcasses;
  • a couple of tablespoons of olive oil, apple or wine vinegar;
  • parsley, salt.

The highlight of the salad lies in the cutting - all products are cut into thin strips. The sauce is made from oil and vinegar. Squids should not be cooked for a long time - no more than five minutes, otherwise they will taste rubbery. After mixing all the ingredients, the appetizer is left to infuse for fifteen minutes.

Seafood lovers can use crab, mussels, and octopus meat. And it’s easier to immediately take a sea cocktail for cooking.

Culinary secrets

Every housewife in the kitchen resorts to certain tricks when preparing a particular dish. It's worth checking out the useful tips to help prepare radish salads faster and tastier:

With this useful root vegetable You can experiment for a very long time. In any case, it will give any dish a special taste. If you remove all the bitterness and mix with other vegetables or tender fruits, and use a neutral dressing, you can serve this treat to children. And how delicious okroshka, which is familiar to many, turns out with radish! And it is often added to soups. In general, it is worth being creative in preparing this fruit in order to appreciate its taste.

Attention, TODAY only!

Radish can be found in almost any supermarket today. This vegetable is a real storehouse of vitamins, so it should be included in your menu all year round. For example, cook delicious healthy salads from radish.

Green radish salad with carrots

Ingredients: 270 g green radish, 160 g carrots, small sweet pepper, a bunch of any greenery, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce, pinch of sugar, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice. How to cook vitamin salad from green radish, let's take a closer look.

  1. Peeled carrots are cut into strips. It is convenient to use a special grater or even a food processor for this.
  2. Salt is poured onto the root vegetable, and it is slightly kneaded with your hands.
  3. Cut in the same way Bell pepper and green radish. The last one is filled with a mixture of water and lemon juice for 10 - 12 minutes. This will make its taste not so “vigorous”.
  4. For the dressing, mix the remaining ingredients. The greens are chopped very finely.
  5. In a bowl, mix carrots, radish and pepper squeezed out of water. Herbs and dressing are added.

Before serving, the radish and carrot salad should sit for a few minutes.

A simple white radish salad recipe

Ingredients: 420 g white radish, 2 large carrots, 2 sour apples, big spoon natural yogurt(unsweetened) and mayonnaise, salt, a pinch of freshly ground pepper, fine salt.

  1. Peel carrots and apples. Next, these ingredients are grated on a grater with medium holes.
  2. Peeled radishes are crushed in the same way.
  3. The appetizer is seasoned with a sauce of yogurt, mayonnaise, salt to taste and freshly ground pepper.

Immediately after mixing, the salad can be served. Instead of unsweetened yogurt, medium-fat sour cream can be used.

Cooking from black radish with eggs

Ingredients: 2 small black radishes, large sweet carrot, strong fresh cucumber, big egg, 1 – 2 garlic cloves, low-fat sour cream, salt to taste, a bunch of lettuce leaves.

  1. Of all the listed ingredients heat treatment All you need is an egg. It needs to be boiled until the center hardens and cut into very small cubes.
  2. Fresh radish is washed, removed from the skin, grated on the finest or medium grater, and salted. Next, it is filled with ice water and left for 10 - 12 minutes.
  3. The remaining vegetables (peeled carrots, peeled cucumber) are also chopped using a grater. Washed lettuce leaves shake off the water and finely tear directly with your hands.
  4. All components prepared in the previous steps are mixed. The radish is first carefully squeezed out of the water.
  5. You can refill this snack different sauces. But the best accompaniment to it is low-fat sour cream with crushed garlic and salt..

As a dressing for black radish salad, you can also use regular mayonnaise or refined oil. In addition to garlic, you can use any favorite seasonings that will make the taste of the dish even brighter.

Vegetable salad with meat

Ingredients: large black radish (approximately 320 - 360 g), 180 g fresh veal, 160 g medium-fat sour cream, large onion, 2 - 3 large eggs, ½ small. spoons rock salt, the same amount of freshly ground pepper.

  1. The radish is peeled, washed with ice-cold running water and grated on a grater with medium holes. If it is very bitter, the resulting shavings should be soaked in cold liquid for about half an hour.
  2. A frying pan with well-heated oil is sent to the stove. Miniature onion cubes are fried on it until translucent and golden brown.
  3. The meat is boiled in salted water until tender, after which it is chopped into strips or any other convenient pieces.
  4. The radish is squeezed out of excess liquid and placed in a salad bowl. The veal and cooled fried onions are also poured in there.
  5. The eggs are boiled to a hardened center, cooled, peeled and crushed into cubes.
  6. The prepared ingredients are thoroughly mixed, peppered to taste and seasoned with salt.

Radish is a vegetable that contains a lot of water and very little fat. The main benefit of radish is its high content of mineral salts, which help proper metabolism. Radish stimulates the secretion of gastric juice well and, thanks to its bitter taste, improves appetite! It happens different shapes(round, oblong, oval) and colors (black, green, gray, white). Salads are often prepared from it, the taste of which depends on the contrast of sweet and bitter. Today we will look at recipes for salads made from white radish.

Salad with radish and apple


  • radish – 200 g;
  • apples – 200 g;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • sugar - to taste.


Wash the radish, peel it and put it in cold water for 15 minutes to remove any excess bitterness. Then grate the peeled apple and radish on a coarse grater, add a little sugar to taste and season sunflower oil. Delicious salad the radish is ready!

Radish salad with cucumber


  • radish – 300 g;
  • fresh cucumbers – 100 g;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • green onions– 100 g;
  • dill greens - for decoration;
  • salt - to taste.


We clean the radish and grate it on a coarse grater. Add cucumbers cut into strips and finely chopped onions. Season the salad with vegetable oil, salt to taste and mix thoroughly. Before serving, garnish with dill.

Radish and beet salad


  • radish – 300 g;
  • young beets – 100 g;
  • Apple juice– 100 ml;
  • sugar, honey - to taste.


Wash the radish, peel and soak for 10 minutes in cold water. Then grate it on a coarse grater along with the peeled beets. Add apple juice, mix well and season with sugar or honey to taste. A simple radish salad is ready!

White radish salad with cheese


  • white radish – 1 pc.;
  • cheese durum varieties– 100 g;
  • garlic – 6 cloves;
  • mayonnaise – 100 ml;
  • greens – 100 g.


Wash and clean the radish thoroughly. Squeeze the garlic through the garlic press. Grate the radish and cheese on a coarse grater. Add garlic to them and mix well. Wash the greens, dry them and finely chop them. Add to the salad, season with mayonnaise, mix and serve.

Vegetable salad with radish


  • radish – 300 g;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • onion – 100 g;
  • potatoes – 100 g;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


Peel the onions and carrots and cut the onions into half rings and the carrots into strips. Fry them in vegetable oil until golden color in vegetable oil. Boil the potatoes in their skins, cool, peel and cut into cubes. In a salad bowl, mix grated radish, potatoes, onions and carrots. Mix everything well and season with spices. Season the radish and potato salad with vegetable oil and serve.

Radish and turnip salad with raisins


  • radish – 300 g;
  • turnip – 50 g;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • raisins – 50 g
  • onion – 50 g.


Peel the radish and grate it on a coarse grater. We also clean the turnips and chop them finely. Onion peel and cut into half rings. Wash the raisins and pour boiling water for 10 minutes. Mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl, pour over honey and season with vegetable oil.

Radish salad with corn
